„What, aren't yousaying? Thatdoes not know when this/shouldmuststop.”
“不、你在说啥啊?那就不知道该要在什么时候停了啊。”„, Wordy! Icanstop! Ido not wantto makeyouseemyface.”
“啰、啰嗦啦!我会自己停的!我才不想让你看到我的脸。”Katou Yusukerevealsonein a big waysuch as the expression of cow, finallyaccept fatecloses the eyes.加藤悠介露出一副头大如牛的表情,最后认命般闭上双眼。„......, Iknew, askingyouto exercise sound judgmentwell, do not makethattypeto letoursocialitydeath.”
“……啊啊,我知道了,拜托你好好掌握分寸,别闹出那种会让我们社会性死亡的局面。”„Youspokewhatidle talk, opens the moutha bit faster!”
A Katou Yusukefacehumiliationopens the mouthunwillingly, just likewarrior who will soon go to one's deathgenerously.加藤悠介一脸屈辱又不甘地张开嘴巴,宛如即将慷慨赴义的勇士。Eririlooks atonetowardsidesecretly, whatheaving in sightisUtahais full of the eyepupil of profound meaning- " do not forgetouragreement " .英梨梨往旁边偷瞄一眼,映入眼帘的是诗羽饱含深意的眼眸-「别忘了我们的约定」。„......-”
“……呜-”Sherushesto restrain the mind, in the stopperto the Katou Yusukemouth a chocolatestick, oneselfbitanotherend.
她赶忙收敛心神,给加藤悠介嘴巴里面塞了一根巧克力棒,自己则是咬住了另一端。„Wantsand to start......”
The youngstersaidunclearlyaccordingly, the aura that blowsmakes the will of the peopletremble.
( Did not haverelationsnot to haverelations...... counter-, to kissin any casenot...... certainly, withoutissue.)
(没关系没关系……反、反正早就亲过了不是嘛……一定,没问题的。)Eririsocomforts itself, is suppressing the shyness of innermost feelings, steels one's heart-英梨梨如此安慰自己,强忍着内心的羞涩,把心一横-Zīincites, incitesincites, incitesincites.
啪滋啪滋,啪滋啪滋,啪滋啪滋。Withtwo peopleat the same timefeeds, includinghavingtheirchocolatesticksstartsgraduallyto reduce.
The weakstrength of the mouthtransmittingmakes the personfawnproceed along no particular course, Eriricloses the eyesunrestrainedly, feels the temperature of bit by bitapproachingcarefully.
“噢噢噢-!?”„Deceived people, andsoonkissed? Hasn't stopped?”
The surroundingstransmitcalling out in alarm of partners, soundsinexplicableremote.
周围传来伙伴们的惊呼,听起来莫名遥远。In the Eririsensation, oppositeyoungsteras ifbecame the onlyfocus of the world center, attractsherto forwardunceasinglyforward, forwardandagain......
The softtouchraidsfrom the lip, abovealsohas the elegantly simpledeodar cedarhand lotionflavor.
“呜诶……?”„Good, stops, continued my empress'palace to be angryagain.”
The eye of Eririnarrows a smallseam, thensaw that twoslenderfingersare pinchingamong the chocolatesticks, forms the reliablebarrier.英梨梨的眼睛眯开一条小缝,然后就见到两根纤细的手指正捏着巧克力棒中间,形成牢固的壁垒。„...... Reallycannot bear.”
“……真受不了。”Utahaalmostdoes not havehalfknucklelongchocolatestickto throw into the mouththatsection, a facesaiduncomfortable:诗羽把那截几乎没有半个指节长的巧克力棒丢进嘴巴,一脸不爽地说道:„Said,you twoshut the eye, is difficultto be inadequatealsoreallyto planto be in front ofmyto kissinadequately?”
“是说,你们两个都把眼睛闭起来,难不成还真打算当着我的面亲下去不成?”Katou YusukeandEririlook at each otherone, puts aside the lookawkwardlysimultaneously.加藤悠介和英梨梨对视一眼,尴尬地同时移开眼神。
The audience who watched the funsaw that the situationconcludespromptly, implored the one breathas if by prior agreement.
原本看热闹的观众见到事态及时收尾,不约而同地吁出一口气。„Hū~was goodpreventedin the finalmomentbecause ofrosy cloudpoemchildteacher, Iwas quite anxious.”
“呼~好在霞诗子老师在最后关头阻止了,我好紧张。”„IandI are also, mya littleheartbeataccelerates.”
“我、我也是,我有点心跳加速耶。”Happyreallybyelaboratedwith the celeryZeeveningin order, was the appearance that had a lingering fear.
The Tarogod in balconyis drinking the beerin the place, is content with one's lot.
The benefitis pressed the brow, looks atUtahaandEririlooking pensivetwo people, the unconsciouspursing the lipslip, thentook up a chocolatestickto eatconveniently.
The lotusseesgoodischildobservesthiscalmly, smiles.
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