Chapter 474lovebrain
Not deadSichuanbuilding.
不死川大楼。Lightnoveleditorial department, the secondconference room.
轻小说编辑部,第二会议室。Almostisnonstop, ateYusuke after lunchto bringUtahato come here.
几乎是马不停蹄的,吃过午餐后的悠介带着诗羽来到了这里。Wears the subeditor of dark bluesuitjumper- Machidaparkis sittingin the opposite, is staring atthemfalse smile, orstares atowntreasureauthor, the lookis wishing one couldseems likemustgouge a meat.
身穿深蓝色西装套裙的副主编-町田苑子正坐在对面,就这么皮笑肉不笑地盯着他们,或者说盯着自己的宝贝作者,眼神恨不得像是要剜下来一块肉。Utahaappearsbears with equanimityactually, howwas casualyouto sayexpression that Idid not matter.诗羽对此倒是显得安之若素,一副随便你怎么说我都无所谓的表情。Basically, if nothisYu-chanmustdrawherto come, here shewill not cometo have a joke backfire, after all the both sidesrecentrelations of quitehave been intense, reallydoes not need the walking insuspectto clash.
基本上,如果不是他的悠酱非要拉着她来,她也不会来这边自讨没趣,毕竟双方最近的关系一直比较紧张,实在没必要找上门犯冲。HoweversinceYu-chanopened the mouth, thenthesethenno longerimportant, thereforeshecame.
不过既然悠酱开口了,那么这些便不再重要,所以她来了。„Is small~ ~ ~poem~ ~ ~ ~ ~”
“小~~~诗~~~~~”Resembles the malicious ghostgeneralvoiceto send outfrom the Machidaparkspigot, a being afraiddeep impression.
似恶鬼一般的声音从町田苑子口中发出,给人一种不寒而栗的深刻印象。„Reallyhad the gutsto dareatthis timeto look formethanks to you~ ~ ~words that did not remember incorrectly, yourprevioustimehad not saidwords that did not seeand so on~?”
“真亏你有胆量敢在这个时候来找我呢~~~没记错的话,你上次不是还说过再也不见之类的话吗~?”„...... Iam notwantto come tohere.”
“……我也不是自己想来这边的。”At the same timeboth hands of Utahadanglingeyelidhold the chest, the both feetroutinelyturn upwardsone leg on the other, probablyas far as possibleis keepingcalm.诗羽垂下眼皮的同时双手抱胸,双脚习惯性地翘起二郎腿,像是在尽量保持从容。Ifentire not deadSichuanonlymakesherhaveto dread that slightly, thenexcept forat presentthisunmarried, with the femaleeditor of heralsomasteralsofriendbeside, thendid not have others again.
如果说整个不死川唯一一个让她稍有忌惮的,那么除了眼前这个大龄未婚的、与她亦师亦友的女编辑之外,便再没有其他人了。Even iftwo peopleusuallyrelate is not harmoniously, becauseinsteadfrequently the evil heart of opposite partyplays with causeboth sidesoftento quarrel.
即使两人平时的关系算不上和睦,反而经常因为对方的坏心作弄导致双方常常吵嘴。Howeverhas taken care ofher, to instructherfacingthis , helping persona great dealher, herinnermost feelingshad also regarded asfamily memberexistenceit.
然而面对这个一直照顾她、指导她,对她帮助良多的人,她的内心也早已将其视为了家人般的存在。Alsobecause of this, Utahaat this timeactuallylikenot displayingis so calm, is quite actually disturbed.
也正因为如此,诗羽此时其实并不像表现出来的那么淡定,实则极为忐忑。„yousaid that said~, buttoday, sincewill appearhere, representedyouto retrieve the reason?”
“伱说是那么说~但是今天既然会出现在这里,就代表你找回理智了吧?”„Excuse me, the intelligence quotientemotional quotient, Iconfessedinmost peoplecompared withsociety, therefore " retrievedreason " thisview, essentiallyonexisting problem!”
“不好意思,不论是智商还是情商,我自认要比社会上的大多数人强,因此「找回理智」这种说法,从本质上就存在问题!”„Such being the case, thatcantroubleyou saying that lookedwhat did oneselfmakecouple days ago? Un~? Verset.”
„...... Imade the correctlifechoice, that is all. „
“……我只是做出了正确的人生选择,仅此而已。“„Reallycansaythanks to youexits~, thenyouexplainedactually, evenapproach that wantedin the load the highpenaltynot to hesitate to terminate an agreement, correctlywherehad~?”
“……”Facingflying into a rageMachidapark, Utaha the faceto the one side, be not whisperingsilentlylow voice.
面对大动肝火的町田苑子,诗羽默默把脸别向一旁,小声嘀咕着。„Specificsituationyouhave explained that Iam also clear, does not needto sayagainthatseriously the situation.”
“具体的情况你已经解释过了,我也非常清楚,没必要再把情况说得那么严重了。”„Isn't serious? Isaid that the verset, have youreally knownaboutyoursituation?”
The Machidaparkshort of breathinsteadsmiles, by the corner of the eye of twitchingappears a wellcharacter, continued:
町田苑子不禁气急反笑,抽搐的眼角旁边浮现出一个井字,继续说:„Mustknow that youfollow not deadSichuan Pressto signmakesspecially? When the workhas not terminatedproposedterminates an agreement, for the time beingregardless of the payment for published piece, yourpreviousroyalty incomealsohas the bigprobabilityto be recovered, clear?”
“要知道你跟不死川出版社签的可是专约喔?在作品尚未完结的时候提出解约,姑且不论稿费,就连你先前的版税收入也有大概率会被追回的,明白吗?”Utahais vibratinggently the both feet, spoke frankly: „Even ifyou said that butIam not interestedinmoney, can therefore do not intertwineagainthistopic?”诗羽轻轻抖动着双脚,直言道:“就算你这么说,但我对钱也不是那么感兴趣,所以可以不要再纠结这个话题了吗?”„Oh......”
The deepsighresounds.
深深的叹息声响起。Machidaparkholds the forehead, similarlyhas no meanstooneselfthissmalltreasure.
町田苑子扶着额头,同样对自家这个小宝贝没什么办法。Althoughsheis truly angry, howeverreallyshethereforemakesto castigate, actuallycannot endure the heart.
虽然她确实非常生气,然而真叫她因此而做出苛责,却又忍不下心。Ifpureis the problem that writesto have, canachieveasher of rosy cloudpoemexclusiveeditionanyoneis severer, inspects the mistake in workby the lineby the sentenceplace, andurgesitscorrection.
若是单纯是写作上所出现的问题,作为霞诗子专属编辑的她可以做到比谁都严厉,逐行逐句地去检查作品里的错误,并督促其改正。But the essence of thisissueis not on this, howeven ifsheworrieswithnot to approve ofagain, is unable to gesticulateto the life of authorhand/subordinate.
可是这次问题的本质却根本不在这上面,她就算再怎么着急和不赞同,也无法对手下作者的人生指手画脚。Onlycandoalsoonlygivesfromside suggested that if the opposite partyinsists onnot listening, thendid not have the means.
唯一能做的也仅是从旁给出一些建议,若是对方执意不听,便也没了办法。Utahaisone as stubbornas the extremeperson, thiscan be the meritwhensomeaspect, ifencounters the peculiar circumstance, will become very difficultissue.
The terminating an agreementdisturbance of thistime periodmakes the entire not deadChuanduask for advice.
这阵子的解约风波让整个不死川都有所领教。Those who made one feel quite to be helpless, when the Utahairon coremadethisdecision, hisfamily member was also as if incapable ofpreventing.
令人颇感无奈的是,当诗羽铁心做下这一决定时,就连其家人似乎也无力阻止。Whenshehas a headachefor this reason, was auditing the Katou Yusukeopens the mouth of a while.
在她为此头痛不已时,在一旁听了一会儿的加藤悠介开口了。„Is sorryto breakyou, can Machidayoung lady, allowmeto say?”
The opposite partyhave not spoken, butspreads out a palmoutward, expressed " doing as you please " .
对方没说话,只是向外摊开一只手掌,表示「请便」。„In brief was extremely sorry,Ithink the responsibility of thismatterinme, thereforesorry.”
“嚯~?”„Under, whyYu-chanmustapologize, Ihave said......”
“等下、为什么悠酱要道歉,我说过了……”Utahatold only half,Katou Yusukethenshook the headto breakher.诗羽说到一半,加藤悠介便摇头打断了她。„This is not worth the negativeplace, ifIhad not deliveredthesewordstoyoubefore, youwill not havesuchidea. In brief, can heregiveme? Utaha-senpai.”
“好……”„That, Machidayoung lady.”Katou Yusukecatches the eyeto lookto the opposite, „because ofthis, thereforebeforeUtaha-senpai can the terminating an agreementincident that proposed, cancel?”
The Machidaparkchildsupports the chinbackhandedly, does not makeanythingto appraise, butsaidlightly:
町田苑子反手支起下巴,不做什么评价,只是淡淡道:„Yes...... beforeanswering your issue, Ineedto determine, BrotherKatou can youmake the decisionon behalf of the verset?”
“是呢……在回答你这个问题之前,我需要确定一下,加藤小弟你可以代表小诗做出决定吗?”„Iwill not say that makes the decisionforstudy the elder sister, Iwantto expressmyidea, finallymustsuchbeordepend onUtaha-senpai, thereforesorry.”
“我不会说替学姐做出决定,我只是希望表达自己的想法,最后要不要那样去做还是取决于诗羽学姐自己,所以抱歉。”„Sorry......, even ifyou said that ifcannotdetermine that the meaning of litigant, whatsignificancedoes do thatalsohas?......”
“抱歉么……唉,就算你这么说,如果不能确定当事人的意思,这么做还有什么意义吗?况且……”Perhapswas the realangeris very big, tradesone breathMachidaparkto sayincessantly.
The influence that „ with all due respect, thismatterhasto be honestis not small, youthought that onlydepends on an apologyto be useful?
“恕我直言吧,老实说这件事情造成的影响不算小,你觉得仅凭一句道歉就有用吗?Ido not know that youthought ofmany, thedecision that but the versetmakesaffectsincessantlyisshe, will unable to do wellevenmeto receive the abovepunishmentfinally.
我不知道你想到了多少,不过小诗所做的这一决定影响的远不止是她一个人,搞不好最后连我都会受到上面的处分。Even ifshereallyneverdeadSichuanterminated an agreement, herliterary occupationstillstopped.
就算她真的从不死川解约了,她的写作生涯也就到此为止了。Evenlateralsowantsto developonthispath, rosy cloudpoemstillalldestroyedinindustryinreputation and prestige, had tradedto trustinsufficiently.
即使以后还想在这条道路上发展,霞诗子在业内的口碑与声誉也全毁了,已经不足以换来信任了。On this basis, even ifyourpresentcartoonresultis good, but ifreally the occurrenceabovetheseissues, youcanshoulderthisresponsibility? ”
在此基础上,哪怕你现在的漫画成绩还不错,但是如果真的发生以上这些问题,你能负起这份责任吗?”Speaking, Machidaparkis the whole faceis finally serious, usuallyalwaysonthatfacewith a smileraredoes not have the tiny bithappy expression, onlycloselystares athimnot to put, is transmittingthis matter'sgravityclearly.
The depressingatmospherespreadsin the conference room.
压抑的气氛在会议室里蔓延。Utahadoes not grasp the armvoluntarily, the fingeris involved, the scope that the both feetvibratesis getting bigger and bigger, the whole personfilledanxiously.诗羽不自觉地抓紧胳膊,手指深陷其中,双脚抖动的幅度越来越大,整个人充满了焦躁。Allshe who the Machidaparkchildsaidis clear, thedecision that alsoinknowingallsituationsmakes, butthisdoes not needto knowtheseon behalf ofKatou Yusuke.
町田苑子所说的一切她都非常清楚,也是在了解所有的情况下做出的这一决定,但这并不代表加藤悠介也需要知道这些。Likesuch that she said that whatshewanted the certificatewas the purenature of sentiment, rather thancoercedanythingtaking advantage ofthis, does not thinkKatou Yusuke, becauseaffectedorguiltywithherin the same place, suchkeptherfromaccepting.
In shecannot bearwantedto sayanything, fromsideextends a hand that suddenlyto pressonherleg.
" Remembers that wereach an agreement, heregivesme. " - In the look of youngstertransmitssuch a meaning.
「记得我们说好的,这里交给我。」-少年的眼神里传来这样一层意思。Utahais startled, after crossing for twoseconds, slowlyrelaxes the shoulder.诗羽不禁为之一怔,过了两秒钟以后,又慢慢放松肩膀。Hersomedo not close the liphappily, andtakes awaytohishand in histenfingers a handstopper, spitefulasdoes not look atoppositeMachidaparkintentionally.
她有些不开心地闭上嘴唇,并把一只手塞到他手中与他十指相扣,赌气似的故意不去看对面的町田苑子。Katou Yusukealsogripsherhandbackhandedly, andstrokes gentlyareahersmoothfingers/tiger mouthwith the thumbgently, comfortingwhiletakes a fresh lookto the opposite.加藤悠介也反手握住她的手,并用大拇指轻轻摩挲她光滑的虎口一带,一边安抚一边重新看向对面。Doesto hesitateslightly, thensaid.
稍作沉吟,然后说了起来。„Informingandexplanationthank you, Machidayoung lady, matter I have understood. In fact, Iherebesides the necessaryapology, actuallyalsocompletestodaypreparation that shoulders the correspondingresponsibility.”
The Machidaparkchildsuspicionselects the brow tip, spoke frankly: „Since the wordshave spoken in thisshare, Ialsoaskeddirectly. Did youreallycompleteto shoulder the versetfrom now on the consciousness of life? BrotherKatou.”
町田苑子怀疑地一挑眉梢,直言不讳道:“既然话已经说到这个份上了,我也就单刀直入地问了。你真的做好肩负起小诗今后人生的觉悟了吗?加藤小弟。”„- Machidayoung lady!”HearshereUtaha unable to bearshoutto make noise, does not wantto makehersayagain.
“-町田小姐!”听到这里的诗羽忍不住喊出声来,不想让她再说下去。Howeverhas not waited forMachidaparkto expressanything, Katou Yusukethendefinitelyanswered.
然而还不等町田苑子表示什么,加藤悠介便肯定地做出了回答。„Yes, so long asUtahatreatsinmyoneday, Ihave taken care ofher, untilforever.”
“是的,只要诗羽待在我身边一天,我就会一直照顾她,直到永远。”Although the soundis light, actuallyspread to other two'searclearly.
声音虽轻,却清晰地传入了另外两人的耳中。Originally the peacefulconference roomimmediatelybecomesmore silent.
本就安静的会议室顿时变得更加寂静。„Hey~yousaidforever? However can thismatterreallyachieve? Regardless ofyoucanmaketo abandon the verset the behavior, ifversetwhichday felt sickaboutyou, what to dodoesn't wantto keepsideyou?”
“嘿诶~你・说・永・远?但是这种事情真的能做到吗?姑且不论你会不会做出抛弃小诗的行为,如果小诗哪一天对你感到厌烦了,不想留在你身边了怎么办?”„In that case.”Katou Yusukesmilestemperately, „Iwill leadher, ifUtaha-senpaireallydecides to leave, Iwill also fulfill the commitment, has taken care ofher.”
“那样的话。”加藤悠介温和地笑了笑,“我会把她带回来的,如果诗羽学姐真的决定要离开,我也会把承诺履行下去,一直照顾她。”„...... Long-drawn-out...... the sauce......”Utahais muttering, pours down the expression that wantsto sobas ifsoonto cry.
“……悠……酱……”诗羽喃喃自语着,泫然欲泣的表情仿佛又快要哭出来。„Oh~? Has the imposing mannermanifestovery much, finallya littlemalespirit? BrotherKatou.”
“喔~?是很有气势的宣言呢,终于有点男子气概了吗?加藤小弟。”Machidaparkdoes not know why smiles, subsequentlyelbowon the desk, placesto intersect the chinon the togetherboth handsback of the hand.
町田苑子不知为何地一笑,继而把手肘支在办公桌上,将下巴放在交叉在一起的双手手背上面。„Alsogood, thatmakesmelisten, how do youplanto do? Beforehandreaches an agreement, thismatterdoes not only have the imposing mannerline?”
“我明白的。”Welcomed a bigsmalltwoopposite sexline of sight, Katou Yusukewas saying: „Firstis the penaltyissue that Machidayoung ladymentioned, Iam willing to undertake.”
迎着一大一小两名异性的视线,加藤悠介如此说道:“首先是町田小姐提到的违约金问题,我愿意悉数承担下来。”„Yousaid that youare willingto undertake...... me saying that you who BrotherKatou, Ijustsaidshouldalsohear, does the amount that ifreallyoccurrencethatsituation, needsto compensatehave the eight-digit numberwith ease?”
“你说你愿意承担……我说啊,加藤小弟,我刚刚说的你应该也听到了,如果真的发生那种情况的话,需要赔偿的数额轻轻松松就有八位数哦?”„So long asinsuiting the situation of laws and regulations, regardless of the amounthasmany, Iwill compensate.”
“只要在符合法律法规的情况下,无论数额有多少,我都会赔的。”„Even ifyousaid......”
" Youthought that you can repay? "
「你觉得自己能赔得起吗?」Althoughhas not stated clearly, butMachidaparkimplied meaning, expressedsuch a meaning.
虽然没有明说,但町田苑子的言下之意,还是表达出了这样一层意思。Katou Yusukeis well aware, understands that the suspicion of opposite partyis.加藤悠介对此心知肚明,也明白对方的怀疑所在。If before ishe, ifreallymustbear such a great sum of money, can only doalsochanged moneywith the systemoverall.
如果是以前的他,倘若真要背上这么一笔巨款,唯一能做的也只是用系统积分换钱了。Howeverat this timeis differentin those days, sincesignssincethat moment of contractwithredbanvermilionsound, hehas the abilityaloneloadthispenalty.
然而今时不同往日,自与红坂朱音签订合同的那一刻起,他已经有能力独自担起这一笔违约金了。Even ifthat may makehimpoor and blank, butatthismatterdoes not have anyis actually worth, cannotplaceon the balanceto weigh.
即使那可能会让他变得一穷二白,可这件事情上却没有什么值不值得,亦不能放在天秤上衡量。At leastfacingUtahapayoutuntil now, heconfessed that has the dutyalsoto have the responsibilityto respond.
至少面对诗羽一直以来的付出,他自认有义务也有责任做出回应。From now on, shouldtradeto doisheprotectsUtaha.
从今往后,该换做是他来保护诗羽了。Machidaparkdoes not know that hisconfidence and energycomefrom where, meaning that butKatou Yusukehas not explained that butcontinued.
„ In briefIwill shoulder the correspondingpunishment and responsibility, is willingto apologyforthismatterto not deadSichuan.
“总之我会承担相应的处罚和责任,也愿意为这一事情向不死川作出道歉。Ifyoursocietythinks that is unable to cooperatenot to relatewithUtaha-senpaiagain, so long asstudies the elder sisteralso to create, Iwill also create a more freeplatformforher, enablingherto let loose the hands and feetcreation, talents.
如果贵社认为无法再与诗羽学姐合作下去也没关系,只要学姐还想创作下去,我也会为她创造出更自由的平台,让她可以放开手脚创作,一展才华。At least, not deadSichuan Press«LoveMetronome», or the writers of 1 millionvolume of sales volumesare also good, thesewill not be the rosy cloudpoemend points, butonlywill be a beginning.
至少,不论是不死川出版社还是《恋爱节拍器》,亦或是百万册销量的作家也好,这些都不会是霞诗子的终点,而仅是一个起点。PerhapsMachidayoung ladywill feelmeto be extremely arrogant, butIwill makestudy the elder sisterthistimemostdazzlingplatinumwriter, Iwill provethis pointinlater. ”
或许町田小姐会觉得我狂妄,但我会让学姐成为这个时代最耀眼的白金作家,我会在之后证明这一点。”„......, The words saying that thisis not the issue that is extremely arrogant.”
The Machidaparkchildpuzzlepoints at the templeswith the hand, the looksizes uponhisfacefreely, does not understandcompletely his fangeneral is actually self-confidentisfrom where.
町田苑子困扰地用手抵住太阳穴,眼神不住地在他脸上打量,完全不明白他这迷一般的自信究竟是从何而来。Observationa whileafter the Katou Yusukefaceis fruitless, shecould not bearlook atanother side.
在加藤悠介脸上观察一会儿无果后,她忍不住把视线转向了另外一边。SeesUtahato be in high spiritsis looking atKatou Yusuke, not only the whole piecefaceshone, in the mouthalsofollowsis seemingly grufflaughing foolishly of gruffair/Qi, a facesillyfufugrufftype, makingoneis unable to look straight ahead.
就见诗羽正神采飞扬地望着加藤悠介,不仅整张脸都亮了起来,嘴边还伴随着看上去憨里憨气的傻笑,一脸傻fufu的憨样,令人无法直视。Really is the lovebrain......!
真是个恋爱脑……!InMachidaparkchildheartunstated criticism, casts the visiontoKatou Yusukeonagain, longaspiratesdepressed.
町田苑子心中腹诽不已,又重新把目光投至加藤悠介身上,略带郁闷地长长吐了一口气。„Evidently, has not neededto continueto installagain......”
“看样子,已经没有必要再继续装下去了呢……”„„ Installs?” ”
““装下去?””YusukeandUtahaare unconsciousaskwith one voice.悠介和诗羽不自觉异口同声地问道。„Right, Ijumped over the processto say the conclusiondirectly.”
“没错,我就直接跳过过程说结论吧。”Is welcomingtwo peoplevision, shenods saying: „Above the terminating an agreementapplication that in brief, the versetsubmits here, Ihad not handed over.”
迎着两人的目光,她点了点头说:“简而言之,小诗提交的解约申请一直在我这里,我没交到上面去。”Was sayingMachidaparkdoes not wait forthemto open the mouth, spoke the wordswithout consulting anybody.
„ Be that as it may, because the verset the noisysound was too recently big, the rumor of terminating an agreementalsoindeedspreadin the company, harmedme to look for the personhelpto process.
“话虽如此,不过因为小诗最近闹的动静太大,解约的传言也的确在公司内部流传开来了呢,害得我不得不找人帮忙处理。Although after does not know, how, butso far the disturbanceshouldnot continueto expand, got it? ”
虽然不知道以后会怎么样,不过目前为止风波应该不会继续扩大下去了,明白了吗?”„...... I.e .”Katou Yusukeasked: „Can Itreat as not deadSichuan Pressnot to terminate an agreementwithUtaha-senpai?”
“……也就是说。”加藤悠介问道:“我可以当作不死川出版社不会同诗羽学姐解约了吗?”„Premiseis the words that the versetno longerdeliberately creates trouble, but should yoube ableto controlher? BrotherKatou.”
The Machidaparkchildfaint smile, on the faceshows the expression that harbors evil intentions, teased:
„ Raiseswhile convenient, doesn't hereaccept " YES " and " OK " outsidereply? Ifon the mouth the incorrectwordsyoupersonally set an example.
“顺带一提,我这里不接受「YES」和「OK」以外的回答哦?如果嘴上不行的话你就身体力行。Mustknow the versethe, butmostliked the malehigh-school studentin full vigour, Ithink that the beautifulmaleideashouldhave no need formeteachingyou? Interjection indicating surprisehehe~ ”
要知道小诗他啊,可是最喜欢精力旺盛的男子高中生了,我想美男计应该用不着我教你吧?哦呵呵呵呵~”Katou Yusukeaccepts good advice readily, returnssaid: „Althoughdoes not know to achieve, butIwill completeas far as possiblediligently.”加藤悠介对此从善如流,回道:“虽然不知道能不能做到,但我会尽量努力做好。”Hasgoodthata while, in the conference roomis reverberatingthroughout the Machidaparkself-satisfiedlaughter.
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