Chapter 468newandoldmeeting
The thing that will buyputson the bus.
将买来的东西放到大巴上。Katou Yusukejust about togoes down the car(riage), Eririactuallyransuddenly.加藤悠介刚要走下车,英梨梨却忽然跑了回来。Inlook that heinquired.
Before a litigantfaceruns up tohisbodyflustered, search of visionon the aboveluggage rack, afterseeingsomegoodsjust nowrelaxesslightly.
当事人一脸慌张地跑到他身前,目光在上方的行李架上一阵搜寻,直到看到某个物品后方才微微松了口气。„What's wrong, forgot the thing?”
“怎么,是忘记东西了吗?”„Un, mywalletstillin the backpack, forgotwitha moment ago.”
The Eririnodwas explainingandstands on tiptoes the tip of the toe, triesto put out a handto takeownbackpack.英梨梨点头解释着并踮起脚尖,试图伸手去取自己的背包。Howeverhowregardless ofherdiligently, the backpacks of fingertipandbetweenaboveactuallymissed such a section of distancethroughout, howenough.
目睹这一幕。Katou Yusukethenput out a handon own initiative, helpinghertake downthatmovementbackpackfromabove.加藤悠介便是主动伸出手,帮她从上面取下了那个运动背包。„Givesyou.”
“给你。”„Thanks, why will the wordssayyouon the vehicle?”
“谢谢,话说你为什么会在车上?”„Puts the thing that buys, the resulthappen toruns intoyou.”
“放一下买来的东西,结果正好遇到你。”„Yes, has youbought the thing? Quitequick.”
“是喔,伱都已经买好东西了啊?好快。”HearsthissayingEririto aim atbehindthumbto lookfollowinghim,along withevensawthatpileon the spatialseat- bigpile of commodities.
慢一拍的。„- Youboughtso manyunexpectedly!?”
她不由因此叫出声来。„Alsogood, the person who after all must deliverare quite many.”
Are the person who „mustdeliverquite many?? Butyourparentsare not......, sorry.”
“要送的人比较多??但你的双亲不是……啊,对不起。”Probablyperceived that oneselfmade an indiscreet remark, Eririsaysimmediately a apology, andis somewhat looking up tohimdisturbedly.
像是觉察到自己失言的,英梨梨立刻道了一声歉,并有些忐忑地仰望着他。„It‘s nothing, does not needto care.”
“没什么,不用在意。”Katou Yusukesaidlightly: „Theseareto others , hastoyourparents.”加藤悠介淡淡解释说:“那些是给其他人的,其中也有给你父母的。”„Oh............! Why??”
“什么为什么?”„Why can youbuy the giftformy father and mother?”
“为什么你要给我爸爸和妈妈买礼物啊?”„AuntSayuri they have taken care ofmevery much, Isaid that incorrectwhatthanksdo have?”
“小百合阿姨他们一直很照顾我,我表示感谢有什么不对的吗?”„You are really earnest, does not neednot to relateobviouslypolitely?”Eririis mutteringlow voice.
“你还真是较真耶,明明不用那么客气也没关系的吧?”英梨梨小声咕哝着。„...... In any case, the parentshave also regardedyourhead of household.”
“……反正,爸爸妈妈也一直把你当家人看待的。”„Oh, probably an eldest sonkind of role?”
“噢,像是长子一类的角色吗?”„How do Iknow? However......”
The watery blueeyepupillooked, insidehassometype of thingto dragprobably.
“嗯?”Katou Yusukelookspuzzled, slightly the head, awaits calmlyherexplanation.加藤悠介对此面露不解,稍稍偏着头,静待她的解释。Eririsips the lipgently, both handsis not grabbingowntextilesskirt-widthvoluntarily, the forciblydeep breathone breath, thenraised the headandstaresby the viciouslooktohim.英梨梨轻轻抿着嘴唇,双手不自觉抓着自己的针织衫下摆,用力深呼吸一口气,然后抬起头并以凶狠的眼神瞪向他。„Evenfamily member! I am also the bigthatside, thereforeyoumustcallmyelder sister! OtherwiseIwill not acknowledge, slightly~ ~”
The smalltonguespatfrom the cherrypinklip, shrinksimmediately.
The young girlhalf step of thissayingran.
说完这话的少女快步跑了出去。Katou Yusukeis looking atherback, smiles.加藤悠介望着她的背影,不禁莞尔一笑。
Can the younger sisterbethisfeeling?
有一个妹妹会是这种感觉吗?Hissome are not too thinkingdefinite, is actually not ableto draw the conclusion, after all the previous generationorthis life, hissidedoes not haveyounger sisterrole, therefore the propositionis unable to establish.
他有些不太确定地想着,却无法得出结论,毕竟不论是前世还是今生,他身边都没有妹妹这一角色,所以命题无法成立。Howeverat least, he not repugnantpresentfeeling.
不过至少,他并不讨厌现在的感觉。Is thinking deeply aboutthese, whilelifts the footto go down the bus.
一边思索着这些,一边抬脚走下大巴。Thisthinks that departedEriri is actually both handsholds the chestto stand in same place, seems waiting forhimto get out.
本以为已经离去的英梨梨却是双手抱胸站在原地,仿佛在等着他下车。„Sincebought the thing, thenyouwere then all right?”
“既然买完东西了,那么你接下来没事了吧?”„Shouldsay that is all right, Iamplanned that buysbutterpotatoto meetwithyouagain, don't youlook for the benefitthey?”
“该说是没事吗,我是打算去买一份黄油土豆再跟你们会合的,你不去找惠她们吗?”„We are about goodto seethat side the store, butI was a little also hungry, wantsto eat the butterpotato, thereforeyoumustleadmetogether.”
“我们约好会在商店那边见,不过我也有点饿了,想吃黄油土豆,所以你要带我一起。”„Ihave no opinion, but do youwantto treat?”
“我没什么意见,不过你要请客吗?”„Ha? Why?”
“哈?为什么?”„Generally speaking, if elder sister'srole, will bewill pay moneyatthis kind of time?”
“一般来说,如果是姐姐的角色,是会在这种时候付钱的吧?”„You, you! Makes the girlpay moneyunexpectedly, whatsituation can youtobe disappointingly satisfied? Waste, cheapskate, abnormal!”
“你啊,你喔!竟然让女孩子付钱,你到底要差劲到什么地步才满意呀?人渣,小气鬼,变态!”Saying, the foot that is wrapping the blacksmallleather shoesthenkickedmoderatelyonhiscalf.
说着,一只套着黑色小皮鞋的脚便不轻不重地踢在了他小腿上。„Iunderstood, in briefherewas invitedbyme, thereforeyouwere needlessto sayagain, Eriri.”
“我明白了,总之这里就由我来请吧,所以你不用再说下去了,英梨梨。”Katou Yusukedoes intentionallyshakes the headreluctantly, takes the leadto face forwardto walk.加藤悠介故作无奈地摇摇头,率先朝前走去。Eririslightlyhashappilyonegroup of ponytail, lifted the heel.英梨梨略有得意地一拨马尾,也抬脚跟了上去。Two peoplearrive at the entrance of snack bartogether, andafterarranging a smalllittle whileteambought the butterpotatosmoothly.
两人一同来到小吃店的门口,并在排了一小会儿队后顺利买到黄油土豆。Katou Yusukeis responsible forpaying money, Eririis responsible foreating.加藤悠介负责付钱,英梨梨负责吃。
Then mustgo to the storethat sideand others canwith.
接下来便要去商店那边与其他人会和。„Butterpotato, eatsonetome.”
“黄油土豆,也给我吃一个。”„Does not want.”
“不要。”„Should not relate? After all is money that Ipay.”
“一个应该没关系吧?毕竟是我付的钱。”„You are really also calculating.”
“你还真是斤斤计较。”„Iwantto know why but actuallyyoudo conflict?”
“我倒想知道你为什么这么抵触?”„Because- ~ ~delicious!”
A Eririfaceis chewing the food in mouthsatisfiedly, andgives the replyunclearly.英梨梨一脸满足地嘴嚼着嘴巴里的食物,并含糊不清地给出回答。„...... Whoaskedyounot to buytwo, moreoverthispegwoodIhave used.”
“那样有什么问题吗?”„Ha? Haswhatissue............”
“就?”„Within, indirect......”
“间、间接……”Katou Yusukeshoulders the brow tipslightly, saidunderhalf a wordwordsforher, „you want to say that kissesindirectly?”加藤悠介微微挑起眉梢,替她说出了下半句话,“你想说间接接吻?”
唰!„-! Knows the words that andknowsnot to ask!!”
“-!知、知道的话就别问!!”Eririis brandishing the pegwood in handup and down, youagainmay I ask, looked that Ido gripyoufinished up the feeling.英梨梨上下挥舞着手中的木签,一副你再敢问下去,看我扎不扎你就完事了的感觉。
Is thiswet nurseappearance/allow who wherecomes?
这是哪来的容嬷嬷?Katou Yusukesomewhattouched the back of the headspeechless, althoughthought that with another head of pegwood, orstressesoneto eatwith the handdirectlydoes not have the issue.加藤悠介有些无语地摸了摸后脑,虽然觉得用木签的另一头,或者直接用手抓一个吃也没问题。Howeverlooked that the opposite partyresists, hisalsobreaththisthoughts.
不过看对方这么抗拒,他也息了这一心思。Actually do thisbutterpotatoeathave not related, after all under is the idea of being moved by the scenery to recollect old feelings and emotionsis prompted by a sudden impulse, thereforeis not important.
The surroundingperson seemed to be getting more and more, quarrelled the mixedsounds of people from resoundeverywhere.
周围的人似乎越来越多了,吵杂的人声从四处响起。Perhapsis the consciencediscovery, Eriristeps outto run up to front ofhimsuddenly, thenhas transferred the body, is unwillinghopenot to grippotato, said:
或许是良心发现的,英梨梨忽然加快脚步跑到他前面,然后转过身体,不甘不愿地扎起一颗土豆,说道:„...... Ateoneto be goodtoyou, ifdaresto bump intowith the lip, butcheredyou.”
“喏……还是给你吃一个好了,不过如果敢用嘴唇碰到的话,就宰了你。”„Does not need, yourselfto eat.”
“不必了,你自己吃吧。”„What, were you vitality/angry?”
“什么嘛,难道你是生气了?”„No, butdid not havethat to eatsuddenly, thereforedoesn't matter.”Katou Yusukeshakes the head, answeredcalmly.
“不,只是突然没那么想吃了,所以没关系。”加藤悠介摇了摇头,平静地解释道。Eriristared athimto look ata while, sawhisexpressionnot to fake, poursalsono longerinsisted,fed in the butterpotato on pegwoodoneselfmouthjoyfully.英梨梨盯着他看了一会儿,见他的表情不似作伪,倒也不再坚持,欣然将木签上的黄油土豆送进了自己嘴巴里。
The toothmakes an effortto nipslightly, soft the potatomeltin the mouth, and has richbutterfragrance.
牙齿稍微用力一咬,软乎乎的土豆就在嘴巴里化开,并带有十分浓郁的黄油香味。Eatsis eating, feelssomewhatthirstily.
吃着吃着,就不禁感到有些干渴。Shewaited and sawaroundonesubconsciously, the visionfallson the vending machine of not far away, just about tostartstalking-
身后突然传来不轻不重的撞击。„„!” ”
““呀啊!””Someperson and sheexudesoneto call out in alarmsimultaneously.
有人和她同时发出一声惊呼。Eririunder foot of noprotectionstaggers, the bodyproceedsto gounder the inertiafunctionbut actually.
The kneeloses the strength the floatfeelingto makeherheartonetight.
膝盖失去力气的漂浮感让她心脏一紧。Does not want!
A pair of solidarmthengraspedhershoulderpromptly.
一双结实的手臂便及时地抱住了她的肩膀。„All right?”
The abovebroadcasts the Katou Yusukesound.
上方传来加藤悠介的声音。Fromgrasping the palm of hershoulder, withbysheis leaning on the cheston, Eririfeltto want the highbody temperatures.
The quitewarm, chaoticmindis incompatibleis thinking.
好温暖,混乱的头脑格格不入地想着。Sheinspiresgently, in the freshpeppermintflavorbrings the littleperspirationtaste, butis not repugnant, smells the smell of verycomfortableboy.
她轻轻吸了口气,清新的薄荷味道中带着一点点汗味,但并不讨厌,是闻起来很舒服的男孩子的气味。„...... Wú, Yusuke!?”
“……唔,悠介!?”Eririawakensimmediately, is too busysways from side to sideis leavinghisbody, panic-strickenlydanglinghead.英梨梨顿时惊醒过来,忙不迭地扭动着离开他的身体,心慌意乱地垂下头。Alsodoes not know that isluckyorunfortunate, butterpotato in boxhas not scatteredunexpectedly.
也不知是幸运还是不幸的,盒子里的黄油土豆竟然一个也没撒出去。At this time, ate the painfulvoicetogethersuddenlyafter the Fangxiang.
“好痛。”Looks backto look, the female student who has the blacklong hairis lowering the headto siton the ground, andis rubbingownbuttockswith the hand, obviouslywas inferior that some of shesuchluckypeoplemeet.
回首看去,一名留着黑色长发的女生正低头坐在地上,并用手揉着自己的臀部,显然不如她这么幸运的有人去接。Also the female studentran, and stoopingbody of holdsthatblack hairfemale student.
紧接着,又有一名女生跑了上来,并弯下身体去扶那名黑发的女生。„, Really is, askedyoudo not walkbut actually! Seed.”
“啊啊,真是的,都叫你不要倒着走路了嘛!结子。”Was saying the female studentleaves leeway a dark brownlong hair, seems likefriend who previouslyhit her female student.
这么说着的女生留有一头茶色长发,看起来像是先前撞到她的那名女生的朋友。Fromtwopeople of putting onuniforms/subdue, seems like the studentfromsomehigh school.
从两人身上穿的制服来看,似乎是来自某所高中的学生。Althoughfeelsaboutthisunexpected disastersomewhatdepressed, butEririwalked, andopens the mouthto ask: „Excuse me, do be all right?”
虽然对于这一飞来横祸感到有些郁闷,不过英梨梨还是走了上去,并开口问道:“请问,你们没事吗?”„...... Sorry, is I am not good, justdid not hityoucarefully.”
The black hairfemale studentwas too busyis saying, andcaught the eyeto look, along withevendull in same place, did not blurt outvoluntarily.
Affected by the friend, the female student who the teasendsalsolooked, in the amber browndoublepupilappearsto be astonishedsimilarlyhowever.
A goldenlong hair of brightemit light, two sidesdoubleponytailpullgentlywith the blackribbon.
The fineappearanceskinlightwins the snow, both eyesjust like the sapphirebrightlygenerallymoving.
精致的容貌肤光胜雪,双目犹如蓝宝石一般明亮动人。In the deep greentextileswears an ironingneatwhite shirt, the neckbandis wearing a yellowtie.
The blackshortsadd the combination of kneesockto decorateveryexquisitely the line of lower part, isthattype of loftyEnglandwind.
黑色短裤加过膝袜的组合将下半身的线条修饰得十分优美,是那种高雅的英伦风。In addition the appearance of thatJapanese, the wholedoes not makepeoplethinkverygracefully.
再加上那不似日本人的长相,整体都让人觉得十分优雅。Cannot help but, the facial featurescuteteasends the female studentalsoto exclaim in surpriseinherbeautiful appearance.
不由自主的,面容可爱的茶发女生也惊叹于她的美貌。Eririis unalarmed by strange sights, onlylooks atthemby the inquirylook.英梨梨对此见怪不怪,仅是以询问的眼神看着她们。In the passinglife, shehas been used tosuchvision, so long asis notthatuncomfortingobscenelook, will not provokeherresponse.
在过往的人生中,她早已习惯了这样的目光,只要不是那种让人不舒服的下流眼神,都不会引起她的反应。Footsteps sound of boy.
The nextsecond, the Katou Yusukevoicepassed from the back.
下一秒,加藤悠介的嗓音从背后传了过来。„What's wrong, Eriri, somepeoplewere injured-”
The sounddoes not have the originsuddenstatic, just likeis blocked the throat.
“悠介?”Eririhas transferred the headstrangely, reflectspleasantstifflywhydoes not know in same placetallform.英梨梨奇怪地转过脑袋,映入眼中的是不知为何僵在原地的颀长身影。
The youngsterjet blackpupil is contractingfiercely, seemed undersomeimpact.
少年漆黑的瞳孔剧烈收缩着,仿佛受到了某种冲击。Bit by bit, the shadow of cloud layerclimbed upthatsharpfacegradually.
一点一点的,云层的阴影渐渐爬上了那张锐利的脸庞。Eririseesthisto knit the browslightly, puzzledcrookedexcessive, calledone: „...... Yusuke?”英梨梨见此轻皱起眉,不解地歪过头,又唤了一声:“……悠介?”
The litigantswere still unresponsive,felllost the focal distanceonlooksomewhereprobably.
当事人依旧毫无反应,落在某处的眼神像是失去了焦距。Twofemale studentsas if awakening from a dreamslowgod, lookssubconsciouslytobehindfollowingherline of sight.
“是你-!”Whensees clearlythatperson of flash, the eyes of Masakaseedopen the circlefiercely, immediatelystrugglesis standing upfrom the ground, keeps offSayu after behind, anddrinksto askwithout hesitation:
待看清那人的一霎那,真坂结子的双眼就猛地睁圆,随即挣扎着从地上站起,将沙优挡在身后,并不假思索地喝问道:„Howyoucanhere!? Alsowantsto harass the Sayusauceagain! Pleaseleaveimmediately, otherwiseImustask the teacherto comenow-!”
The Katou Yusukedanglingcorner of the eye, insertsinboth hands the trouserspocketslightly, silent.加藤悠介微微垂下眼角,将双手插进长裤口袋里面,缄默不语。At this moment, the timeas ifsolidifiessuddenly.
这一刻,时间仿佛突然凝固。World some opportunities of meeting by chance, making fun of destinyalso is always very roughshod.
世间总有些不期而遇的机遇,命运的捉弄亦十分残酷无情。Under the floodwhitesunlight, in the Katou Yusukeabsent-mindedvision, thatyoung girlis standingthere.
泛白的日光下,在加藤悠介恍惚的目光中,那名少女正站在那里。Probablydeeplyburiesin the picture of memorydeep placeis opened, the recollectionallwelled upall of a sudden.
像是深深埋藏在记忆深处的画面被人打开,回忆一下子全涌了出来。PresentSayuas beforesuch asinmemory, butis different.
眼前的沙优依旧如记忆中的一样,但又有所不同。Herlookis still gentle, actuallydoes not needto rely on others 'sthat.
她的眼神依然柔和,却不是需要依赖他人的那种。Thencontains the self-confidentbackground and gentlenessto the amber brownpupil , the bodysends outonetypeto makepeoplefeel the relievedcalmmakings.
那对琥珀色的眸子里面蕴藏着自信的底蕴与温柔,身上散发出一种让人感到安心沉稳的气质。As ifwas grasped firmly the heartby an invisiblepalm, the face of Katou Yusukecollapsedclosely, does not clench the teethvoluntarily, the muscle of cheekswas affectedshiversslightly.
仿佛被一只无形的手掌攥住了心脏,加藤悠介的脸崩得紧紧的,不自觉咬紧牙关,脸颊的肌肉被牵动地微微颤抖。Hewantsto turn aroundto leave, both feetactuallylikepassing outdoes not run errands, takes rooton the spot.
他想转身离开,双脚却像失去知觉一样的不听使唤,就这么扎根在原地。StandslooksinmiddleEririalternatelyto the two sides, the doubtsasked: „Under, is this matter? Yusuke.”
站在中间的英梨梨交替看向两边,不由疑惑地问道:“等下,这到底是怎么一回事啊?悠介。”„That sidefemale student, byyouthatpersonis very dangerous! Youleavehima bit faster!”
“那边的女生,你旁边那个人很危险!你快点离开他!”Replied that heris notKatou Yusuke, butisMasakaseed.
回答她的并非加藤悠介,而是真坂结子。„Ha? Danger?”
“哈?危险?”„No mistake! Heis very dangerousanomaly! Pleasecomeus, the teacher in ourschoolin the , canprotectyour!”
“没有错!他是很危险的变态!请你来我们这边,我们学校的老师就在附近,可以保护你的!”„...... Did yousay the anomaly?”
“……你说变态?”Erirideeplylocks the forehead, the visionthrowsonherface, at once the deep breathone breath, makes an effortto stare.英梨梨深锁眉心,目光投在她脸上,旋即深呼吸一口气,用力瞪了过去。„Quarrelled, becausecanaskyouto shut upbothersomely?”
“……咦?”„Not onlyhitbeforearbitrarily, nowslandersothers'friendhere! Alsois called the anomaly, youwantto makeanything!”
“不仅之前擅自撞上来,现在又在这里污蔑别人的朋友!还把人叫做变态,你到底想要做什么!”Masakaseedfirststares, thenrushes saying:
真坂结子先是一愣,接着赶忙说道:„WhatIsaidisreal! Withoutis deceivingyou, justhityourmatter I am not intends, but before thatperson, has really harassed the friend of mine, moreovernowalsopursuestohere, what isn't thisabnormalis?”
“我说的是真的!没有在骗你,刚刚撞到你的事情我不是有意的,但是那个人之前真的骚扰过我的朋友,而且现在还追到这里了,这不是变态是什么?”Hears this sayingEririangryindexto soar, in the eyeappearsrarely the puredislike, subsequentlyarrives in front ofKatou Yusukequickly, keeps offhim after behind, the smallbodystopsshiversfreely.
听到这话的英梨梨愤怒指数直线飙升,眼中罕见地浮现出纯粹的厌恶,继而快步走到加藤悠介面前,将他挡在身后,小小的身体止不住地颤抖。„...... Abnormalabnormalabnormal, actuallyyoumustcallto be when satisfied-! Nowslanderedothersto belong to the crime, wantedmeto ask the policeto come?”
“……变态变态变态的,你究竟要叫到什么时候才满意-!现在诽谤别人已经属于犯罪了,要我叫警察来吗?”Does not wait forMasakaseedto react, shecontinues saying:
不等真坂结子做出反应,她又继续说道:„Althoughdoes not know where youcome, is any at sixes and sevensperson! HoweverYusukeinmeisbest-!!”
“虽然不知道你们是从哪里来的,又是什么乱七八糟的人!但是悠介在我心里是最好的-!!”Feweffeminacyarriveshiver, is unquestionable.
……Thank【HuaWeiProprimordial chaos】Hittingenjoys.
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