TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#448: 2-3 matters of not dead Sichuan

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2-3 matters of Chapter 448 not dead Sichuan 第448章不死川的2-3事 Saturday in the morning. 周六这天上午。 Not dead Sichuan building in Jinbouchou, cartoon section. 神保町的不死川大楼,漫画部。 In order to submit the original manuscript, Katou Yusuke arrived here, receives his is senior editor-in-chief Suzuki. 为了提交原稿,加藤悠介来到了这里,接待他的是老主编铃木。 Under opposite party's warm invitation, two people come to the office of editor-in-chief together, makes tea while to exchange greetings. 在对方的热情邀请下,两人一同来到主编的办公室,一边泡茶一边寒暄起来。 Excuse me, the liana sets up the teacher. Had the family/home to have a small condition with the bookstore that side we cooperated, Tamura he is sent to solve this matter, this period of time was accompanied you to chat a meeting obsolete, hopes that do not shut out.” “不好意思,藤本树老师。有家与我们合作的书店那边出了点小状况,小木村他被派去解决这件事了,这段时间就由老朽陪你聊一会吧,希望你不要嫌弃。” You were polite, Suzuki edits, I am only hand in a writing today, if you have the matter to be not necessary to care about me.” “您客气了,铃木主编,我今天只是来交稿的,如果您有事的话可以不必在意我。” Might as well, might as well.” The senior editor-in-chief beckons with the hand with a smile, matter has the young people done, here idles on the contrary very much, can have a person to chat wishes for earnestly to me.” “无妨,无妨。”老主编笑着摆摆手,“事情都有年轻人去做,我这里反倒闲得很,能有个人聊天对我来说求之不得。” That disturbed.” The Katou Yusuke politeness returned to one. “那就打扰了。”加藤悠介礼貌回了一句。 Has no need to care, does the liana set up the teacher to drink the bitter buckwheat tea?” “用不着在意,藤本树老师喝苦荞茶可以吗?” Good, troubled you.” “好,麻烦您了。” Not ~ is only the thick tea, the teacher also is really polite.” “不会~只是一点粗茶,老师还真是客气。” After the teapot swells the tea leaves, the senior editor-in-chief toward the disposable paper glass in pours out one cup of tea, in receiving callers with on the small sofa sat. 在茶壶里冲泡好茶叶以后,老主编往一次性纸杯中斟上一杯茶,在会客用的小沙发上坐了下来。 Please have tea.” “请用茶。” Thank you.” “谢谢您。” Katou Yusuke puts out a hand to take up the paper glass, delivers to the mouth, was blowing gently several to the rim, wheat fragrance then heads on. 加藤悠介伸手拿起纸杯,送到嘴边,对着杯口轻轻吹了几下,一股麦香味便扑面而来。 The color of tea soup golden yellow, the quality of material is limpid, the bottom is precipitating several grains such as small-scale black pearl bitter buckwheat. 茶汤的颜色金黄,质地清澈,底部沉淀着几粒如小型黑珍珠似的苦荞。 After drinking one, rich bitter taste inundates in the mouth, the hot tea overflows in the mouth, basically does not have other flavors except for the bitter taste. 喝了一口以后,一股浓郁的苦味就在嘴里漫来,热腾腾的茶水在口腔中四溢,除了苦味基本没有其他味道。 Bitter buckwheat that the senior editor-in-chief adds should the component be many, must come full compared with the conventional degree by the bitter taste. 老主编加的苦荞应该份量很多,是以苦味比常规程度要来得更足。 Katou Yusuke drank two coolly, then puts down the cup, felt like drank two traditional Chinese medicines. 加藤悠介面不改色地喝了两口,然后放下杯子,感觉像是喝了两口中药。 Flavor how?” “味道怎么样?” Un, feels is very healthy, bitter buckwheat quality of material excellent, has not cooked up the situation of sticking, is very good.” “嗯,感觉很健康,苦荞的质地上乘,也没有炒糊的情况,很不错。” The senior editor-in-chief, sat the straight body surprisedly slightly, looks like teacher age, usually will also drink the bitter buckwheat tea?” 老主编惊讶地哦了一声,略微坐直身体,“像老师这个年龄,平时也会喝苦荞茶吗?” Katou Yusuke shakes the head, said: 加藤悠介对此摇摇头,解释说: That actually not, I usually drink the Oolong tea many, but before , drinks with my grandfather after a period of time, he said that this type of bitter taste is the pure cream taste of life, can recall past suffering.” “那倒不是,我平时喝乌龙茶多一点,只是以前跟我爷爷喝过一段时间,他说这种苦味是人生的醍醐味,能让人忆苦思甜。” „The pure cream taste of life......” “人生的醍醐味……” The senior editor-in-chief is muttering, deep is so nods, the expression on face a little finds the feeling of intimate friend suddenly, then gave him in the cup to add some tea, sighed with emotion: 老主编喃喃着,深以为然地点点头,脸上的表情忽有一点觅得知音的感觉,遂又给他杯子里添了一些茶水,感慨道: This saying said really well, the present young people drink this very few, the liana set up the family tradition of teacher to be very positive, no wonder can train you such outstanding child to come.” “这话说得真不错,现在的年轻人喝这个的少之又少,藤本树老师的家风很正,难怪能培养出您这样优秀的孩子来。” You overpraised, I rephrased in own words, but also without that high consciousness, if outside, will buy the Oolong tea of convenience store to drink now.” “您过奖了,我只是转述而已,还没有那么高的觉悟,如果现在是在外面,就会买便利店的乌龙茶喝了。” Haha, the light can have this attitude free from arrogance and rashness, the teacher you are very unusual in the contemporaries, has no need to improperly belittle oneself.” “哈哈,光是能有这份不骄不躁的态度,老师您在同龄人里已经很与众不同了,用不着这么妄自菲薄。” Katou Yusuke had not said again, takes up the tea to sip. 加藤悠介没再多说,又拿起茶水啜饮。 The senior editor-in-chief is also carrying own insulated cup, the vision falls, in he places the kraft paper sack on tea table, asked one: „The liana sets up the original manuscript that the teacher must hand over today, is ten words......?” 老主编同样端着自己的保温杯,目光落在他放在茶几上的牛皮纸袋,问了一句:“说起来,藤本树老师今天要交的原稿,还是十话吗……?” No, this time is five words. Sorry, the recent matter are quite many.” “不,这次是五话。抱歉,最近的事情比较多。” Not not ~ I am not that meaning, rather can five words be very surprising, after all you and deeds of rosy cloud poem child teacher, in industry in is still even few.” “不不~我不是那个意思,不如说能有五话已经很让人惊讶了,毕竟您和霞诗子老师的事迹,就算在业内也是屈指可数的。” „, Do not glance to have a look?” “不会,您要过目看看吗?” This...... you and others my.” “这样的话……你等我一下。” Facing the proposition of Katou Yusuke, the senior editor-in-chief first nods, then after setting out to arrive at the desk, brings a magazine. 面对加藤悠介的提议,老主编先是点点头,然后起身走到办公桌后,取来一本杂志。 This is the type publication that Monday is going to distribute, quite does not make the liana set up the teacher to idle, the words that does not mind take away to look.” “这是周一将要发行的样刊,也不好让藤本树老师一直闲着,不介意的话就拿去看吧。” Had the work.” “有劳了。” After waiting for Katou Yusuke put out a hand to receive a type of publication, Suzuki edits also to start to observe his sending original manuscript. 加藤悠介伸手接过样刊以后,铃木主编也开始察看起他本次送来的原稿。 The original manuscript takes out after the kraft paper sack, first reflects pleasant is that familiar sketch style. 将原稿从牛皮纸袋中取出后,首先映入眼中的便是那熟悉的速写画风。 From 14 ~ 18 words, the original manuscripts of five words use the circular needle respectively don't, on the cartoon paper paints very neatly, rarely has the trace of revision, making one look like very pleasing to the eyes. 从14~18话,五话的原稿分别用圆形针别起,漫画纸上作画十分工整,鲜有修改的痕迹,让人看来十分顺眼。 The senior editor-in-chief backs on the sofa, the right hand takes the original manuscript, turns the page with the thumb and index finger of left hand. 老主编背靠沙发,右手拿着原稿,用左手的大拇指与食指翻页。 Regarding the plot, he did not worry very much, " Power saw Person » front performance has proven own brain hole, therefore mainly must look has to paint the collapse place. 对于剧情,他不是很担心,《电锯人》前面的表现已经证明了自己的脑洞,因此主要要看的是有没有作画崩坏的地方。 After all this liana sets up the painting speed of teacher to be really out of the ordinary, even if there is situation that the assistant helps, can so massive hands in a writing regularly is still a matter that made one be flabbergasted. 毕竟这位藤本树老师的作画速度实在非比寻常,即使是有着助手帮忙的情况,能如此大量的定期交稿也是一件令人咂舌的事情。 In «Power saw Person» momentum excellent situation. 在《电锯人》势头大好的情况下。 Because if excessively the importance that pays great attention to the speed to neglect the quality, thus causes the work the popularity and reputation slides, that was no different is one type picks the sesame seed to lose the behavior of watermelon, he did not want to see this situation. 如果因为过分注重速度而忽略质量的重要性,从而导致作品的人气与口碑下滑,那无异于是一种捡了芝麻丢了西瓜的行为,他绝不希望见到这种情况。 The senior editor-in-chief also holds the earnest hope to this work not to mention, hopes that can realizes the counterattack by «Power saw Person», reverses immediately the comic magazine governing three patterns at one stoke. 更别提老主编还对这部作品抱有殷切的希望,希望能靠《电锯人》实现逆袭,一举扭转当下漫画杂志御三家的格局。 Relations of both sides can say a Rong Jurong, suffers if either one suffers. 双方的关系可以说一荣俱荣,一损俱损。 By, if really discovers similar symptom, then he promptly will stop the follow-up supplement arrangement, making the opposite party place the ensure quality in the time safely the aspect. 是以倘若真的发现类似苗头,那么他会当机立断地叫停后续的增刊安排,让对方安安心心地把功夫放在保证质量的方面上。 Held such idea, Suzuki is editing in the hand total 96 pages of the main text content complete inspections, finally sent out sigh, secretly thought respects the young a generously. 抱着这样的想法,铃木主编将手上共计96页的正文内容完整检查了一遍,最后发出一声慨然般的叹息,暗道一声后生可畏。 , The style of cartoon is very as always stable, has not manufactured in a rough way to deal with the meaning of assignment slightly. The part of play of civil history or play of military history displays stably, constant. 一如既往的,漫画的画风十分稳定,丝毫没有粗制滥造应付差事的意思。不论是文戏还是武戏的部分都发挥稳定,始终如一。 Suzuki edits somewhat admires, subsequently raised the head, says: I looked, the liana set up the teacher.” 铃木主编对此不禁有些佩服,继而抬起头,开口说道:“我看完了,藤本树老师。” How do you feel?” Before Katou Yusuke puts down in the hand that this/Ben, thick many magazine type publication, looked the past. “您觉得怎么样?”加藤悠介放下手中那本比之前厚了不少的杂志样刊,回望过去。 Un, impeccable.” The opposite party nod the head slightly, subsequently said. “嗯,无可挑剔。”对方微微颔首,继而笑着说了起来。 Also made me determine, the teacher you were earnest regarding the attitude of work supplement, moreover had the strength to achieve this point, this was really very extraordinary.” “同时也让我确定了,老师您对于作品增刊的态度是认真的,而且也有实力做到这一点,这真是非常的了不起。” „, You cannot satisfy good.” “不会,您能满意就好。” The senior editor-in-chief takes back the dispatch case the original manuscript, takes up the insulated cup, sipped hot tea, is radiant with smiles. 老主编将原稿收回文件袋,重新拿起保温杯,呷了一口热茶,笑容可掬。 Is satisfaction good? That satisfied certainly! 满意就好?那当然满意了! After all under guaranteeing the premise of quality can also be so high-yield, regarding this diligent as that anything's treasure author, he may very satisfy, trades to make any publishing house, will not reject such a buried treasure. 毕竟在确保质量的前提下还能如此高产,对于这种勤勤恳恳似那啥的宝贝作者,他可别提多满意了,换做任何一家出版社,都不会拒绝这么一个宝藏。 Mood excellent, he also cracks a joke. 心情大好之下,他也不禁开起了玩笑。 To be honest, I do not believe you can have this will, but now looks like, perhaps perhaps the old man I can expect this time magazine sales volume ~ “说句实话,我原本是不太相信您能有这种毅力的,不过现在看来,也许老头子我或许又能期待一下这次的杂志销量喽~” Katou Yusuke shakes the head, you chatted, Suzuki edits, you now are the hale and hearty period, such name is incompatible with you.” 加藤悠介摇摇头,“您说笑了,铃木主编,您现在还是老当益壮的时期,这样的称呼与您不符。” Liana sets up teacher anything to be good, is the person is quite modest. The sales volume and questionnaire survey of magazine will not deceive people, 30% readers who we come out now are you bring, you can definitely proudly! “藤本树老师什么都好,就是人比较谦虚。杂志的销量和问卷调查可不会骗人,我们现在多出来的30%读者就是您带来的,您完全可以更自豪一点! If rather, can have your such author again, I can also retire safely. ” 不如说,要是能再出一个您这样的作者,我也可以安安心心退休了。” The senior editor-in-chief stopped at this point, in the brain remembers the previous industry seminar time, some that as well as had at that time are not happy, the complexion slightly becomes gloomy. 老主编说到这里停了下来,脑中不由想起上一次的行业研讨会,以及当时所发生的一些不愉快,脸色微微变得阴沉。 Katou Yusuke sees change on his face, was asks one: What incorrect place has? Suzuki edits.” 加藤悠介看出他脸上的变化,便是开口问了一句:“有什么不对的地方吗?铃木主编。” No, but thinks suddenly several old continuous, making the teacher you be laughed.” “不,只是突然想到了几个老不休,让老师您见笑了。” The senior editor-in-chief considered, said with him the matter in previous industry seminar. 老主编斟酌了一下,还是把上次行业研讨会上的事情与他说了一遍。 Matter mentioned also simply, was actually Suzuki edits wants taking advantage of " Power saw Person » recent heat degree, ran a seminar upper garment wave to compel, moreover most started indeed is also successful. 事情说来也简单,其实就是铃木主编本想借着《电锯人》最近的热度,跑去研讨会上装一波逼,而且最开始也的确成功了。 Even does not use his driving opens the mouth, the representatives in some publishing houses will exaggerate the magazine recent sales volume for him, and flattered to him very much envied. 甚至都不用他主动开口,就有一些出版社的代表替他渲染起了杂志近期的销量,并对他很是吹捧羡慕了一番。 A senior editor-in-chief surface face is modest, the innermost feelings are actually lightly, satisfy, finally some people did not make him achieve wishes. 老主编对此表面一脸谦虚,内心却是十分翩然,大为满足,结果却偏偏有人不让他如愿。 Has not waited for him to immerse in this mood multi- a while, headed by the cartoon governing three that three old enemies, is speaks to run on to him. 还不等他沉浸在这种情绪多一会儿,以漫画御三家为首的那三个老对头,便是对他出言挤兑起来。 Although on is indicates to congratulate to the result of their editorial department outwardly, but that damn arrogant attitude makes people very uncomfortable, put in order seems to hit dog shit transporting completely, can sign «Power saw Person» this work. 虽然明面上是对他们编辑部的成绩表示恭贺,但那份该死的高傲态度却让人十分不舒服,整得就好像自家完全是撞了狗屎运,才能签下《电锯人》这一作品。 Although indeed is a little this meaning...... that again is own matter! Our one of us said are own words, where one's turn you these bystanders to direct the landscape? 虽说的确是有点这个意思……不过那再怎么也是自家的事情!我们自家人说自家话可以,哪轮到伱们这些个外人来指点江山? Originally the happy senior editor-in-chief had not been feeling well immediately, immediately then with that three mystifying old thing, launches a violent debate. 本来还高高兴兴的老主编当即就不爽了,立刻便与那三个阴阳怪气的老东西,展开了一番唇枪舌剑。 Pitifully he of all alone eventually is only weak, cooperating with three attendees, ate not too big nor too small shrivelled. 只可惜孤身一人的他终究势单力薄,在三家参会代表的配合之下,还是吃了一个不大不小的瘪。 Although this matter and has no substantive harm, but does being popular sentiment to be depressed, originally by the joyfulness that these other magazine companies flattered, was nothing left. 虽然这事儿并没有什么实质性的损害,但还是搞得人心情发堵,连带着原本被那些其他杂志社所吹捧的愉悦,也是荡然无存。 The senior editor-in-chief more said more air/Qi, getting flushed in the face with anger of face. 老主编越说越气,一脸的脸红脖子粗。 Katou Yusuke listens tranquilly, pondered a while slightly, then said: I understood your meaning probably, but did " Youngster Undead » recent sales volume fall?” 加藤悠介平静地听完,稍微沉思了一会儿,然后如此说道:“我大概懂您的意思了,不过《少年Undead》最近的销量难道下跌了吗?” No, thanks to your, the present sales volume basically placed about 600,000 volume, was only the growth slow a point.” “没有,托您的福,现在的销量基本维持在六十万册左右,只是增长缓慢了一点。” Slow, is still rising?” “缓慢,也就是还在上升中吧?” Is this right!” “是这样没错!” Then other family/home magazine recent sales volumes how?” “那么其他家杂志最近的销量怎么样?” Kodansha and Shogakukan these two head works, this issue of plot reached the high tide, although has not counted completely, but sales volume estimate almost about 1 million volume.” “讲谈社和小学馆这两家的头部作品,这期的剧情进入高潮了,虽然还没有完全统计出来,不过销量预计差不多会在一百万册左右。” As for Shueisha «Youngster Jump», because disparity of both sides is oversized, therefore the senior editor-in-chief had not said. 至于集英社的《少年Jump》,因为双方的差距过大,所以老主编没说。 Katou Yusuke thinks, says: I felt, Suzuki did edit you to will worry? Actually so long as the sales volume of magazine were good because of the growth.” 加藤悠介想了一下,开口说道:“我觉得,铃木主编您会不会太着急了?其实只要杂志的销量还在增长就好了吧。” This I also know.” “这点我也知道。” The senior editor-in-chief is smiling bitterly shaking the head. 老主编苦笑着摇了摇头。 If before place, I pour do not care about these, but currently......, has the teacher probably your joining, making me many a hope, hopes that a day of not dead Sichuan can become the governing four homes of comic magazine.” “如果放在以前,我倒也不在意这些,不过现在……唉,大概是有了老师您的加入,让我多了点希望吧,希望有天不死川可以成为漫画杂志的御四家。” The true feelings true feelings of probably to conceal at this moment revealing, he starts to take up the insulated cup to drink tea. 像是为了掩饰此刻流露出的真情实感,他开始拿起保温杯喝茶。 „-, if you care about this matter very much.” “-如果您很在意这件事的话。” Katou Yusuke hesitated the moment. 加藤悠介沉吟了片刻。 Although I am unable to guarantee anything, but «Power saw Person» is actually the work that catches up later, the concealed wiring and world outlook of work have not launched now completely. “虽然我无法保证什么,不过《电锯人》其实是一部后期发力的作品,作品的暗线与世界观现在还未完全展开。 From this perspective, I think that the then echo will at least not compare must miss now. ” 从这方面来说,我认为届时的反响至少不会比现在要差。” Comfort thank you, the liana sets up the teacher.” “谢谢您的安慰,藤本树老师。” The senior editor-in-chief said by the somewhat apologetic tone: Sorry, I increased the unnecessary pressure on you probably, hopes that do not care.” 老主编以有些歉然的口吻说:“抱歉,我好像给您增加了不必要的压力,希望您别在意。” Katou Yusuke first said that will not then continue. 加藤悠介先是道了一声不会,然后又继续说了下去。 You are not necessary to care about the appraisals of others excessively, the cartoon must speak with the content finally, today can be in the lead does not represent has been able to be in the lead.” “您大可不必过分在意其他人的评价,漫画最终还是要拿内容来说话,今天能领先不代表一直能领先。” Has such a few words in my hometown, is called thirty years the river goes east thirty years the river goes west, bullies the youngster to be poor not, perhaps you can go to think like this.” “在我的家乡有这样一句话,叫做三十年河东三十年河西,莫欺少年穷,或许您可以这样去想。” The senior editor-in-chief who hears this saying to be startled, the eyes shine immediately. 听到这话的老主编不由为之一怔,紧接着双眼立刻亮了起来。 This saying said well! The liana sets up the teacher!” He so claps saying that the whole person buoys up instantaneously, the feeling of quite a little quickly awakening. “这话说得好啊!藤本树老师!”他如此拍手称赞道,整个人瞬间振作起来,颇有点幡然醒悟的感觉。 " Thirty years the river goes east thirty years the river goes west, bullies the youngster to be poor not! " 「三十年河东三十年河西,莫欺少年穷!」 Probably has deep feeling, the senior editor-in-chief is repeating these words silently, the thoughts gradually warm feelings. 像是深有感触的,老主编默默重复着这一句话,心思渐渐热络了起来。 Then, two people also chatted some time, Katou Yusuke that cannot wait for Tamura to come back does not have to treat again, sets out to say goodbye simply. 就这样,两人又闲聊了一段时间,迟迟等不到木村回来的加藤悠介也没再多待,干脆地起身告辞。 But after delivering him leaves, those words still reverberated in the mind of senior editor-in-chief. 而直到送他离开以后,那句话仍旧回响在老主编的脑海里。 For did not forget by oneself, returning to him after desk to take out a black memorandum from the drawer, those words with writing down on the blank page of home page. 为了不让自己忘记,回到办公桌后的他从抽屉里取出一本黑色的记事本,将那句话用笔记在了首页的空白页上面。 Looks the gold/metal sentence that in the book records, the senior editor-in-chief felt one 's blood bubbles up to the brim feeling, pounds on the table layer on layer/heavily, recited forcefully loudly. 看着本子上所记录的金句,老主编久违地感到了一种热血沸腾的感觉,不由重重地一拍桌子,铿锵有力地大声吟诵起来。 „- Thirty years the river goes east thirty years the river goes west, bullies the youngster to be poor not!” “-三十年河东三十年河西,莫欺少年穷!” In that moment that " poor " character has not dropped completely...... 就在「穷」字还未完全落下的那一刻…… „- Excuse me, Suzuki lord......” “-不好意思,铃木主……” The door of office was opened suddenly, wears Tamura of eyeglasses to lift the foot to walk, and instantaneously in same place. 办公室的门突然被人吱呀一声推开,戴着眼镜的木村抬脚走了进来,并瞬间愣在了原地。 Senior editor-in-chief immediately syllabic final. 老主编顿时收声。 Two people each other look at each other speechless. 二人彼此相顾无言。 Familiar awkward spreads in the room. 熟悉的尴尬在房间里蔓延。 Long time, Suzuki edited will be opening the mouth to shut, gets angry to ask: How...... comes not to knock on a door?” 良久,铃木主编将张着的嘴巴闭了起来,黑着脸问道:“……进来怎么不敲门?” Travel-worn Tamura gawked staring, then swallows saliva, in that the throat " has knocked, you have not heard " one and swallow, then lowers the head to bow. 风尘仆仆的木村对此愣了愣,接着咽下一口口水,将嗓子里那句「敲过了,您没听到」一并咽下,然后低头鞠了一躬。 Yes! Really was extremely sorry-!” “是!实在是非常抱歉-!” „......” “……” The senior editor-in-chief is casting a sidelong glance silent slantingly he, such behavior feels some doubt to it intentionally, then received own memorandum silently. 老主编沉默不语地斜睨着他,对其是不是故意如此的行为不免感到有些狐疑,然后默默把自己的记事本收了起来。 Becoming dignified full. 重新变得威严满满。 ...... ……
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