TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#442: Kato Megumi self- training

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Chapter 442 Kato Megumi self- training 第442章加藤惠的自我修养 After dozen minutes . 十几分钟以后。 From the benefit of washroom going out returns the living room. 从洗手间走出的惠重新回到起居室。 Katou Yusuke is sitting before the desk alone, grasps several pens, writes to draw to several screens. 加藤悠介正独自坐在办公桌前,手持数位笔,对着数位屏写写画画。 The black cat lies before his foot, both hands hold the chest, the vision stares is staring at her. 黑猫卧在其脚边,双手揣胸,目光直勾勾地盯着她。 Saw this benefit lip slightly stretch/open He, subsequently turned the head to look to the short table, sees only the above ice piece the water more to melt are more, puts the words that is not managing to flow to the rug on quickly. 看见这一幕的惠嘴唇微微张阖了一下,继而又转头看向矮桌,只见上面冰块的积水已经越化越多,放着不管的话很快就会流到地毯上。 Therefore she starts to begin to tidy up. 于是她开始动手收拾起来。 The character makes it so, to give time of ponder. 既是性格使然,也是为了给自己一段思考的时间。 Brings a clean cleaning rag from the kitchen familiar and easy, wipes the ice bag surface moisture carefully, admits the refrigerator to freeze it, then wipes the water on desktop again. 轻车熟路地从厨房取来一块干净的抹布,小心擦去冰袋表面的水份,将其放进冰箱冷冻,接着再擦去桌面上的积水。 Afterward packs the thing on table, brings back to the kitchen. 随后再将桌上的东西收拾一空,带回厨房。 Takes in the cabinet between -meal snack, with many cups of surface puts together. 把零食收进柜子,与诸多杯面放在一起。 That two bottles of whiskeys were placed by the water trough by her. 那两瓶威士忌被她放在了水槽旁边。 Looked at one to sit that form before desk, Hui Qingqing sipped a lip tightly, the chest slightly one. 看了一眼坐在办公桌前的那道身影,惠轻轻抿了一下嘴唇,胸口不禁微微一紧。 The right hand palm as if still also remains the touch, the imaginary pain of slightly hemp is clear. 右手手心仿佛依然还残留着刚才的触感,微麻的幻痛清晰。 In the tranquil show pupil the cold cream draws back completely, then appears several points of regret and remorse. 宁静的秀眸里冷霜退尽,转而浮现出几分后悔与自责。 Afterward she takes out one bottle of Oolong tea from the refrigerator silently, pours into it slowly is loaded in the drinking glass of ice piece. 随后她默默从冰箱里取出一瓶乌龙茶,将其缓缓倒入装有冰块的玻璃杯中。 Hesitant, then takes the cup to walk toward the desk, and places on the cup the table. 犹豫了一下,然后拿着杯子向办公桌走去,并将杯子放在桌上。 Oolong tea, please with.” “乌龙茶,请用。” The Katou Yusuke movement, the nod said: Thanked.” 加藤悠介动作顿了顿,点头道:“谢了。” Said that then puts down the pen, took up the cup to drink one. 说完便放下笔,拿起杯子喝了一口。 Stands in nearby benefit at the back of both hands, the vision falls on left face that in he blushes slightly, grasped left wrist with the right hand. 站在一旁的惠背着双手,目光落在他微微发红的左脸上面,不由用右手抓紧了左腕。 In the air is filling the air awkwardly some. 空气里弥漫着些许尴尬。 Flavor how?” “味道怎么样?” Un.” “嗯。” Yusuke you, suits has this type of drink is quite good?” 悠介你啊,还是适合喝这种东西比较好哦?” Knows.” “知道。” Therefore, that two bottles of liquor I dumped.” “所以,那两瓶酒我就倒掉了哦。” Katou Yusuke stopped the moment, without speech. 加藤悠介停顿了片刻,没说话。 I do not like you drinking.” “我不喜欢你喝酒。” Hui Qingsheng said: If Yusuke must drink in any event, I will accompany you to drink one cup, although I had not drunk before completely . Moreover the father knows will also certainly be angry very much and that's the end......” 惠轻声说了起来:“如果悠介无论如何都非喝不可的话,我会陪你喝一杯,虽然我以前完全没有喝过,而且爸爸知道了也一定会很生气就是了……” Dumps.” Katou Yusuke interrupted her words, said: Therefore let alone.” “倒掉吧。”加藤悠介打断了她的话,说道:“所以别说了。” „......” “……” Hui Ding he was looking at a while, the nod, then turns around to move toward the kitchen gently, twists off two bottles of whiskeys, to water trough incline bottle mouth. 惠盯着他看了一会儿,轻轻点头,然后转身走向厨房,将两瓶威士忌拧开,对着水槽倾斜瓶口。 Gurgle gurgle and gurgle gurgle. 咕嘟咕嘟、咕嘟咕嘟。 And. 啪唰啪唰、啪唰啪唰。 The sound and air that the liquid flows mix in together, makes noise in the quiet room. 液体流淌的声音与空气夹杂在一起,在静谧的房间作响。 The time as if suddenly becomes long. 时间仿佛突然变得漫长。 Processes after the matters concerned of kitchen, the benefit took some ice pieces to place in a maintaining freshness bag from the refrigerator , the bread a towel, then returned to by the desk outside. 将厨房的事宜处理完毕后,惠从冰箱里取了一些冰块放在一个保鲜袋里,又在外面包了一条毛巾,然后才返回办公桌旁。 ei, can Yusuke, ask you to shift to here?” “欸,悠介,可以请伱转向这边吗?” Katou Yusuke looked at ice bag in her hand, said: I come.” 加藤悠介看了一眼她手中的冰袋,说道:“我自己来吧。” The benefit actually shakes the head tenaciously, said was being disrespectful, while one step stood side him forward, pasted the ice bag in hand on his left cheek. 惠却固执地摇了摇头,一边说着失礼了,一边向前一步站在他身边,将手中的冰袋贴在他左颊上面。 The fragrance of oriental cherry greets the nostrils. 樱花的香味扑鼻而来。 The slightly cool touch seeps out by the towel, spreads on the cheeks, the faint trace cool feeling seeps the skin, abated hot intent of face. 微凉的触感透过毛巾渗出,敷在脸颊上,丝丝凉意沁入皮肤,将脸部的热意消退了一些。 Sorry, is very certainly painful......?” The young girls said low voice, the tone somewhat rebukes oneself. “对不起,一定很痛吧……?”少女小声说道,语气有些自责。 It‘s nothing, has no need to care.” Katou Yusuke shakes the head , indicating to deny. “没什么,用不着在意。”加藤悠介摇了摇头,表示否认。 „...... Your always this.” Was saying the benefit dangling shoulder, the expression on face somewhat starts to speak but hesitates. “……你总是这样。”这么说着的惠垂下肩膀,脸上的表情有些欲言又止。 Katou Yusuke saw her disturbed, after the ponder moment, says: You have what words to speak frankly.” 加藤悠介看出了她的心绪不宁,沉思片刻后开口说道:“你有什么话可以直说。” Heard this saying the benefit to hesitate, asked: Although is this right, if Yusuke you do not want to reply, even if I asked doesn't have the significance?” 听到这话的惠迟疑了一下,问道:“虽然是这样没错,可是如果悠介你不想回答的话,我就算问了也没有意义吧?” Such words I will tell you.” “那样的话我会告诉你。” Really?” “真的?” Katou Yusuke looks at one side, returns in a low voice said: „...... I will not lie to you.” 加藤悠介将目光转向一旁,低声回道:“……我不会对你说谎。” The air peaceful such a flickered suddenly. 空气突然安静了那么一瞬。 The benefit look fluctuated slightly, in the pupil flashed through wipes the different kind brilliance, the innermost feelings feels somewhat special suddenly, but in the surface did not reveal actually. 惠的眼神微微波动了一下,眸子里闪过一抹别样的光彩,内心忽然觉得有些特别,不过面上倒是不显。 „...... That, I want to know, the Kasumigaoka study elder sister's matter is also good, is Gaoban young lady's matter is also good, the present all are Yusuke you want sincerely?” “……那么,我想知道,不论是霞之丘学姐的事情也好,还是高坂小姐的事情也好,现在的一切是悠介你真心想要的吗?” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke silent long time, in jet black double pupil obscure unclear, in the benefit thinks when he will not reply, actually listens to him heavy to implore the one breath: „...... I do not know.” 加藤悠介沉默了半晌,漆黑的双眸中一阵晦涩不明,就在惠以为他不会回答时,却听他沉沉地吁出一口气:“……我不知道。” The voice somewhat is slightly hoarse, made one listen to a confusedness. 嗓音微微有些沙哑,却让人听出了一丝迷茫。 The benefit looks at him earnestly, the expression becomes looking pensive. 惠认真地看着他,表情变得若有所思。 She starts to ponder, was speculating he hidden the idea after words, since is guessing him in the near future all sorts of changes. 她不禁开始思考,推测着他隐藏在话语后的想法,推想着他近期以来的种种变化。 Thereupon, after summer vacation finished the issue that two weeks of long vacation became could not circle. 于是乎,暑假结束后的那两周长假就成了绕不过去的问题。 Actually to go to where about then Katou Yusuke, has no intention in revealed few words before Eriri, she understood that he seemed like Hokkaidou, but Eriri learned from Kasumigaoka study elder sister there. 关于当时的加藤悠介究竟去了哪里,从英梨梨之前无意所吐露的只言片语中,她了解到他似乎去了北海道,而英梨梨又是从霞之丘学姐那里得知的。 As for more details, no one knows. 至于更多的细节,无人知晓。 Although everyone knows that is unties certainly the riddle topic the key, but the litigant always said nothing, they naturally also started on nowhere. 虽然所有人都知道那一定是解开谜题的关键,但当事人却始终闭口不谈,她们自然也就无处下手。 The benefit stared at him to look at a while, thought over, if asked that probability that he can reply big, the answer of ultimately getting was almost zero, therefore dropped this idea secretly. 惠就这么盯着他看了一会儿,掂量了一下自己若是开口询问,他会回答的概率有多大,最终得到的答案几乎为零,于是暗暗打消了这一想法。 Be that as it may, but she at least confirmed a matter, that was the present youngster should not want like this, actually to choose showed with this frivolous appearance. 虽说如此,但她至少确认了一件事情,那便是眼前的少年应该自己也不想这样,却又选择了用这种轻浮的面目示人。 If asked that compared at that time self- close condition, as well as current condition which type is quite good, the benefit thought that both are not good. 若要问比起当时自我封闭的状态,以及目前的状态哪一种比较好的话,惠觉得两者都不好。 Present he is extremely heavy, is not only harming others, is also harming itself. 现在的他太过沉重,不仅在伤害着别人,同时也在伤害着自己。 Feels looks like one to drift away in the place that no one can touch, licks to lick the wound alone wolf silently. 给人的感觉就像是一只游离在无人可以触及到的地方,默默舔舐着伤口的独狼。 Her vision nature downward, the line of sight from his cheeks shift places the left hand on thigh to him, the mind is attracted by the above that say/way fierce scabs. 她的目光自然向下,视线从他的脸颊转移至他放在大腿上的左手,心神又被上面那道狰狞的伤疤所吸引。 To be honest, is receiving the Eriri call and seeks help that moment of help, the benefit innermost feelings are very actually puzzled, even intends to reject. 老实说,在接到英梨梨的电话并被求助帮忙的那一刻,惠的内心其实十分纠结,甚至有意想要拒绝。 Since knew after the matter that Katou Yusuke and Kasumigaoka study elder sister associates, she had decided that must give up. 自从得知加藤悠介霞之丘学姐交往的事情以后,她就已经决定要放弃了。 Although is insufficient to breaking ties even to delete the contact way that step, but pays attention to maintain the distance, making each other relations maintain between the friend or the friend, she felt matter that must handle. 虽然不至于要到绝交甚至删除联络方式的那一步,但注意保持距离,让彼此的关系维系在知己或者朋友之间,她觉得是必须要做的事情。 Said to Huilai, if a male student cannot be completely her, how even if she likes that person again, still rather the choice gives up. 对惠来说,如果一个男生不能完全属于她,就算是她再怎么喜欢那个人,也宁愿选择放弃。 After all the reality is not the light novel, without the girl meeting is willing to accept own lover to be of two minds, or shares with others. 毕竟现实又不是轻小说,没有女孩子会愿意接受自己的恋人三心两意,或是与其他人分享。 Therefore she will make the farewell after being on vacation from school of that day. 所以她才会在那天的放学以后做出告别。 After has listened to Eriri completely told, facing opposite party's request, she came after hesitant the period of time, therefore saw a half hour ago. 然而在完整听过英梨梨的诉说之后,面对对方的请求,她在犹豫了一阵子后还是来了,于是就见到了半小时前的一幕。 Hui Shaoshao silent a while, then lifts the line of sight, let me tell you Yusuke, I thought that present you have the issue very much, is this incorrect?” 惠稍稍沉默了一会儿,然后重新抬起视线,“我跟你说哦悠介,我觉得现在的你很有问题,这样是不对的喔?” Katou Yusuke was pulled back the attention by her sound, the eye restores some pure brightness, to have nothing to say in reply for a while. 加藤悠介被她的声音拉回注意力,眼睛恢复了些许清明,一时无言以对。 But the benefit was continues: At least Kasumigaoka study elder sister or Eriri, they not wrong, should not be treated like this, therefore I can ask you to chat with them earnestly? Yusuke.” 而惠则是继续说了起来:“至少不论是霞之丘学姐还是英梨梨,她们都没有错,也不该被这样子对待,所以我可以拜托你认真地和她们聊一下吗?悠介。” „......” “……” Opposite person had not replied, was only the breath slow, was pondering slightly probably. 对面的人没有回答,只是呼吸微微缓了一些,像是在思考。 After a long waiting, he slow place under one, returned said: „...... Knew, I will consider carefully.” 一阵漫长的等待以后,他才迟钝地点了一下头,回道:“……知道了,我会仔细考虑。” The benefit look shone, was actually fleeting, places below left hand unconsciousness to hold the clothes skirt-width, in the heart exuded the slight ripples. 惠的眼神又亮了一下,却又稍纵即逝,放在下方的左手无意识地抓住了衣服下摆,心中不由泛起些微涟漪。 Also is this type specially. 又是这种特别。 He is very indeed special to her attitude, she repeatedly confirmed this point. 他对她的态度的确很特别,她再次确认了这一点。 Light that although the present youngster says, but she knows that the opposite party really has is listening to her to speak earnestly, and seriously was pondering. 虽然眼前的少年说的平淡,但她知道对方确实有在认真听她说话,并且在认真思考。 Regarding always decides Katou Yusuke that all and clash forward, realized oneself can become affects to other party this matter, actually makes the benefit somewhat happy. 对于总是自己决定一切并向前冲的加藤悠介来说,意识到自己能对他造成影响这件事,其实让惠有些开心。 She does not know how the Kasumigaoka study elder sister and Eriri are facing him in secret are, but at least, she seems like can affect his person at present only. 她不知道霞之丘学姐和英梨梨在私下里面对他是怎样的,但至少,她似乎是目前唯一能影响到他的人。 It looks like has one piece to block to everyone, actually only presents to her open inner world at present, can make her step into. 就像是有一片对所有人都封锁的,却唯独对她开放的内心世界呈现在眼前,得以让她踏入其中。 Like this special amenities make her feel very different, because that is compared with other person nearer positions...... 这样的特殊待遇让她觉得十分不同,因为那是比其他人更近的位置…… Holds a subtle mood, the benefit is saying again: Un, thank you are willing to listen to me to speak, then, I as before, will also continue to keep the side to look after your.” 抱着一种微妙的心情,惠再次开口说道:“嗯,谢谢你愿意听我讲话,那么,我也会像以前一样,继续留在身边照看你的。” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke knits the brows to look slightly to her, asking of confirmation: Looks after?” 加藤悠介不禁微微皱眉看向她,确认似的问道:“照看?” Sees the young girl to sigh gently, said by somewhat helpless tone response: Right, looks, after all present Yusuke really makes one have no way to put, no matter.” 就见少女轻轻叹了一口气,以有些无奈的语气回应说:“对哦,照看,毕竟现在的悠介实在让人没法放着不管啊。” „...... You do not need to do this matter, I do not need the person to look.” “……你没必要做这种事,我也不需要人照看。” That, you say now like this absolutely absolutely doesn't have the persuasive power? Therefore I will judge this point.” “那个,你现在这样说根本完全没有说服力喔?所以我会自行判断这一点。” Benefit is saying while moves away the ice towel, observed his face, then continued. 惠一边说着一边拿开冰毛巾,观察了一下他的脸,然后又继续说了下去。 In brief is this, I will observe and urge Yusuke well, other after you did not have the issue said that, but I very severe?” “总之就是这样,我会好好观察和督促悠介的,其他的就等你没问题以后再说吧,啊,不过我会很严厉的哦?” Katou Yusuke is wriggling the lip, actually does not know how should respond, finally was only the ambiguous place under one , indicating that knew. 加藤悠介蠕动着嘴唇,却不知该如何回应,最后仅是模棱两可地点了一下头,表示知道了。 „, You think now I am very troublesome?” “啊,你现在是不是觉得我很麻烦?” He does not have to shake the head hesitant. 他没有犹豫地摇摇头。 That is good.” The benefit ignites the head gently, shifted the topic superficially. “那就好。”惠轻轻点着脑袋,轻描淡写地转移了话题。 Therefore, waits for again the gym suit taking advantage of me, before I come out, said with the family member will go to the Eriri home about night/lodge, is not good.” “所以,等下再把运动服借我吧,我出来前和家人说了会去英梨梨家合宿,已经不好回去了。” The brow of Katou Yusuke wrinkled was also loose, finally what words had not said, accepted. 加藤悠介的眉头皱了又松,最终什么话也没说,接受了下来。 The topic as if stopped. 话题似乎到此为止了。 After that he discovered the clean gym suit and towel from the wardrobe, the young girl then takes these things to go to the bathroom. 那之后,他从衣橱里找出了干净的运动服和毛巾,少女便拿着这些东西前往浴室。 ...... …… After entering the bathroom . 进入浴室以后。 The benefit slips off the clothing that wore quickly, then stands under spraying seed case of lotus flower of warm water current, starts to flush the body. 惠很快褪下了身上所穿的衣物,然后站在喷洒出温热水流的莲蓬头下,开始冲洗身体。 The limpid water current flows off along the happy body, describes the exquisite moving curve. 清澈的水流沿着美好的身体流下,描绘出优美动人的曲线。 Arrives at this apartment for the second time , and use bathroom, the mood compared with previous time also somewhat seems to be different. 第二次来到这间公寓并且使用浴室,心情比起上次似乎又有些不同。 Although in the reality only over the past month, however actually as if compared it in the body feeling time long several times. 虽然现实中仅才过去一个月,然而在体感时间上却仿佛比之漫长了数倍。 Smudges the peppermint odor type shampoo on the short hair of dripping wet, while is recalling the Eriri matter, the innermost feelings had a shadow suddenly. 一边将薄荷香型的洗发水涂抹在淋湿的短发上,一边回想着英梨梨的事情,内心忽然产生了一片阴影。 Once starts to think to have first to come here goal, a negative idea then arises spontaneously. 一旦开始思索起自己最先来到这里的目的,一种负面的想法便油然而生。 Originally, she holds the mentality that gives a try to come with Katou Yusuke to chat today, later planned that looks for Eriri or Yoshiko, does not plan to remain. 本来,她今天只是抱着试试看的心态来与加藤悠介聊一下的,之后就打算去找英梨梨或者佳子,并不打算多留。 In her estimate, this line is listens attentively to him and Kasumigaoka probably studies elder sister's love worry. 在她的预想中,这一行大概就是倾听他与霞之丘学姐的恋爱烦恼。 Probably two people are together the intravenous drip, experience, issue and ebb tide, and difficulty, a series of thing that she does not want to listen. 像是两人相处中的点滴、经历、问题、低潮、以及困难等,一系列她并不想听的东西。 Although does not want to listen, but under asking of friend, she will come, even if goes through the motions. 虽然并不想听,但在朋友的拜托下,她还是会来,即使只是走个过场。 However the actual situation is actually completely in her unexpected. 然而实际的情况却是完全在她的意料之外。 When understanding Katou Yusuke and Kasumigaoka study elder sister's inside story, saw he is deliberately harming person, that moment benefit felt earnestly all at once indignant, disappointedly. 在了解到加藤悠介霞之丘学姐的内情后,看到他在刻意地伤害身边的人时,那一刻的惠切实感受到了一股气愤,同时也失望不已。 Thus under the mood surges makes that slap in the face. 从而才会在情绪激荡之下打出那一下耳光。 That moment of although hitting she regrets immediately, therefore guilty to even brain blank, has to give a pretext goes to the washroom moderate mood. 虽然在打下去的那一刻她就立刻后悔了,并因此愧疚到甚至大脑空白,不得不借口去洗手间缓和情绪。 May in the following development, her complex mood be also brought another side. 可在接下来的发展中,她复杂的心情又被带到了另外一边。 Because of him to her specialness, making her feel that oneself can change him. 因为他对她的特别,让她觉得自己可以改变他。 " I to Yusuke am the special person. " 「我对悠介来说是特别的人。」 In the corner in heart deep place, she slightly somewhat is self-satisfied, and unrestrained real estate gives birth wants to approach a step idea again. 在内心深处的一隅中,她对此微微有些得意,并情不自禁地产生出想要再靠近一步的想法。 In order to let him has transformed, therefore had " observation " and " urging " two excuses. 为了让他有所转变,所以才有了「观察」与「督促」两个借口。 How however the concrete innermost feelings think that at this moment she is also very clear. 然而具体内心又是如何想的,此刻她自己也很清楚。 When the benefit understood when this mood, suddenly then a self- dislike feeling beyond description welled up. 当惠理解到这股情绪时,突然便有一种难以形容的自我厌恶感涌了上来。 Sorry, I really am a repugnant woman.” “抱歉哦,我真是一个讨厌的女人。” Somewhat deserted muttering fuses in crash-bang the sound of water together, is making a sound in the bathroom quietly. 有些空寂的喃喃自语与哗啦啦的水声融合在一起,静谧地在浴室中响着。 With fluctuating of surging emotions, the innermost feelings of contamination are unable to become limpid. 伴随着心潮的起伏,污秽的内心始终无法变得清澈。 Hui Qingqing is nipping the lip, probably felt somewhat cold grasps itself. 惠轻轻咬着下嘴唇,像是感到有些冷的抱住自己。 Does this is too much, she is so thinking, however in the heart is actually hiding another emotions somewhere. 这样做真的有点过分,她如此想着,然而心中某处却又隐藏着另一种情绪。 If before is comes to here, she will choose to give up. 如果是来这里之前,她会选择放弃。 The friend is sad with its evil, gives up competing, but keeps watch in the one side, is not such a completely unacceptable matter. 与其害得朋友难过,放弃竞争而在一旁守望,也不是那么一件完全不能接受的事。 However intention type of thing, actually because the little turning point has the change. 然而心意这种东西,却会因为一点点的契机出现变化。 At least now, she thought that she also needs to observe again for a long time. 至少现在,她觉得自己还需要再观察久一点。 Such idea is not noble and pure, even is somewhat despicable and sly. 这样的想法并不高洁,甚至是有些卑鄙和狡猾。 Her clearly cognition to oneself innermost feelings gloomy selfishness, but accepted this point confidently. 她清楚地认知到了自己内心阴暗的私心,但是又坦然地接受了这一点。 Thinks that here Hui Qingqing implored the tone, finally restored the original mood. 想到这里的惠轻轻吁了口气,终于恢复了原本的情绪。 Is reorganizing the train of thought in mind, while pushes again the two-in-one gel of peppermint taste in the hand, its smudges evenly on the body. 一边整理着脑海中的思绪,一边再次在手上挤上薄荷味的二合一沐浴露,将其均匀地在身体上涂抹开来。 The young girls wrinkle the delicate eyebrows slightly, mumbled: ~ is good to be difficult to use, really later changes a sign.” 少女不由微微皱起秀眉,嘟哝道:“唔~好难用,果然之后还是换一个牌子吧。” And ~ 啪唰、啪唰~ ...... …… ( Kato Megumi psychological concrete contrast original works Girlsside3.5, with the dialogue of Eriri.) (加藤惠的心理具体对比原著Girlsside3.5,和英梨梨的对话。)
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