TM :: Volume #46

#4501: Assimilation

! 噗! Remnant sword such as electricity, but, pierced outside a law the head of Heavenly Demon, disappeared the vitality of opposite party. 残剑如电而至,洞穿了一位法外天魔的脑袋,泯灭了对方的生机。 Outside law Heavenly Demon falls to the ground, wears Zi Chen of cape to fly from the rear area, takes away the spoils of war. 法外天魔落地,身披斗篷的紫宸从后方飞来,收走战利品。 Leads the way alone already several days, in the evening refining up beyond the reduction the energy, during the daytime goes out to hunt, Zi Chen battle strength has promoted. 独自前行已经数日,晚上炼化法外能量,白天外出狩猎,紫宸战力又有所提升。 accumulated points on token, again to 18. 令牌上的积分,重新到了十八。 Watched a weather, he decides to stop temporarily thoroughly, stopped on a mountain peak. 看了一眼天色,他决定暂时停止深入,在一座山峰上停了下来。 The soul strength release, is investigating the crisis of surrounding area thousand li (500 km). 魂力释放,探查着方圆千里的危机。 The snow clothes can also refine beyond the reduction the energy, Zi Chen apportion its part. 雪裳也可以炼化法外能量,紫宸分给它一部分。 Except that previous Zi Chen faces chases down, nearly made the snow clothes be killed beside, the following snow clothes have not come, Zi Chen here has outside law that almost refine the energy. 除了上次紫宸面临追杀,险些让雪裳丧命之外,接下来的雪裳就不曾现身过,紫宸这边有着几乎炼化不完的法外能量。 Several days later, Zi Chen entered the deep place, in his perception area, presented an extremely huge city. 数天之后,紫宸进入了深处,在他的感知范围内,出现了一座极其庞大的城市。 When sees that city, his expression changed. 在看到那座城市的时候,他的表情不禁变了变。 This city was bigger than the Venerable King devil city, the city wall stands tall and erect grandly, looks to look like a terrifying giant beast to crawl very from afar. 这座城市比尊王恶魔城大了很多,城墙高耸十分宏伟,远远望去就像是一只恐怖的巨兽匍匐。 In the soul sensation falls when above, Zi Chen then feels feeling of the intense crisis. 在灵魂感知落在上面之时,紫宸便是感觉到了一股强烈的危机之感。 He takes back the sensation immediately, then draws back by far. 他立刻收回感知,然后远远退开。 Places oneself the city here, inevitably is outside law the Heavenly Demon housing place, such big city, outside how many law can inside have Heavenly Demon? 置身在这里的城市,必然是法外天魔居住的地方,这么大一座城市,里面得有多少法外天魔 Here should be Mr. white robe says the deep place, outside law can Heavenly Demon break through the trial soldier? 这里应该就是白袍老人说得深处,法外天魔能不能攻破试炼兵? Zi Chen does not dare to impulse, nowadays have room for growth in any case, therefore he planned that arrived at the bottleneck, comes to here to search again. 紫宸没敢冲动,反正现如今的自己还有成长的空间,所以他打算等自身到达瓶颈,再来这里探探。 He starts to retrocede , to continue to return to relatively the outside region, starts outside law that hunts and kills to fail Heavenly Demon, then expands itself. 他开始后退,继续回到相对较靠外的区域,开始猎杀落空的法外天魔,然后壮大自身。 And what the progress is biggest is the spirit of slaughtering is born from Controlling Thunder technique among, every kills outside law one time Heavenly Demon, Zi Chen can feel its strength. 其中进步最大的是从驭雷术当中诞生的杀戮之灵,每一次杀死法外天魔,紫宸都能感受到它的壮大。 And part of lives, by spirit of absorption slaughtering. 其中有一部分生命,被杀戮之灵吸收了。 In this period Zi Chen was also paying attention to the surrounding, looked that others came, for example Venerable King person. 期间紫宸也在留意外围,看有没有其他人过来,比如尊王的人。 No...... 没有…… Does not have. 一个都没有。 The time passes, day-by-day in the past, still growth space Zi Chen, in this period three times close to that city. 时间流逝,一天又一天过去,依然还有成长空间的紫宸,期间三次靠近那座城市。 Except for the first time, other he does not dare to find out the energy twice, but is looking from afar, has never had careful and discretion. 除了第一次,其他两次他都没敢探出能量,只是远远望着,从未有过的小心与谨慎。 In this period he had seen outside two law Heavenly Demon went air-splitting, had not seen that some people fought, outside potential mood Heavenly Demon to be together was very harmonious. 期间他看到过两位法外天魔破空而去,不曾看到有人战斗,可能法外天魔们相处的很和睦。 Is estimating the time, should have more than half a year, Zi Chen is still progressing, the snow clothes are also so. 估算着时间,应该有大半年了,紫宸还在进步着,雪裳也是如此。 His accumulated points has reached as high as 300, actually never goes to that space to exchange. 他的积分已经累计高达三百个,却从未去那片空间兑换过。 The time in a flash is a half year, Zi Chen in half year approached five times, does not dare to walk toward inside again. 时间一晃又是半年,在这半年中紫宸靠近了五次,还是没敢再往里面走。 In more than one year, he had not noticed that others come, as if he is only one is thorough. 在这一年多里,他也没有看到其他人来,似乎他是唯一一个深入的。 When one time, Zi Chen cautious looks at the city of distant place, a person departs from city among suddenly, turns toward Zi Chen this direction directly. 就在有一次,紫宸小心翼翼的看着远处的城市之时,一人忽然从城市当中飞出,直接向着紫宸这个方向而来。 The Zi Chen complexion changes, the rapid retreat, own hid in the following cave, simultaneously the stone of cautious control cave entrance, conducted cover. 紫宸脸色一变,迅速后退,把自己藏在了后面的山洞之中,同时小心翼翼的控制洞口的石头,进行了掩盖。 He did not determine that outside that law Heavenly Demon, saw itself. 他不确定那个法外天魔,是不是看到了自己。 Should not have, I have been very careful, even/including Hunli have not released, is alerting all around, has not discovered other soul strength. 应该没有,我一直都很小心,连魂力都不曾释放,也在戒备着四周,不曾发现其他魂力。 Zi Chen is comforting itself in in heart, definitely passed by, perhaps the opportunity tags along after kills him. 紫宸心中宽慰着自己,肯定是路过,说不定还有机会尾随干掉他。 Comes out, do not hide!” “出来,别躲了!” The together/one path sound resounds from outside suddenly, saw you early!” 一道声音忽然从外面响起,“早都看到你了!” Zi Chen turned very quiet, the opposite party is not necessarily speaking to oneself, or was intentionally such a saying, actually what hadn't discovered? 紫宸屏住了呼吸,对方未必在跟自己说话,或者是故意这么一说,其实什么都没有发现? Repeatedly close, careful, you is also rare and beautiful flowers.” “多次靠近,次次小心谨慎,你也算是一个奇葩。” That sound said again: Doesn't come out? I catch you!” 那道声音再次说道:“不出来是吧?那我就把你抓出来!” Blocks the stone of cave entrance to explode loudly broken, palm finding out like lightning, Zi Chen carrying. 挡住洞口的石头轰然爆碎,一个手掌闪电般的探出,把紫宸给拎了出来。 A Zi Chen boxing leaves, the around the body strength shakes. 紫宸一拳击出,周身力量震荡。 ! 啪! The opposite party extend another hand to block with ease, little guy, but also wants to revolt.” 对方伸出另外一只手轻松挡住,“小样,还想反抗。” This is a middle-aged person, on the face has the happy expression, but the opposite party clearly is outside a law that has the human(ity) appearance Heavenly Demon. 这是一个中年人,脸上带着笑意,但对方分明就是一个拥有人类模样的法外天魔 The Zi Chen around the body ray shines again, white jade bowl that exchanged initially, formed the strength of counter- shaking, must the opposite party shaking. 紫宸周身光芒再度亮起,是当初兑换来的白玉碗,形成了反震之力,就要把对方给震开。 This fellow battle strength is very strong. 这个家伙战力很强。 In this moment, Zi Chen in heart is very hurried, unexpectedly outside Heavenly Demon near body by a law. 在这一刻,紫宸心中很慌,竟然被一个法外天魔近身了。 Trivial trial soldier nothing more.” “区区试炼而已。” Outside law Heavenly Demon smiles lightly, is carrying Zi Chen single-handedly, another makes a fist, then a boxing leaves. 法外天魔淡淡一笑,一手拎着紫宸,另外一手握拳,然后一拳击出。 The fist falls in the white jade bowl, above are many immediately several cracks. 拳头落在白玉碗上,上面立刻多了几道裂缝。 Zi Chen stared in a big way the eye, did a fist broken guard? 紫宸瞪大了眼睛,一拳破防? Bang! 嘭! The white jade bowl was shattered, the invincible defenses of value more than 30 accumulated points, were broken! 白玉碗破碎,价值三十多个积分的无敌防御,就这么被一打破! Zi Chen in heart vibrates, this met the hard stubble. 紫宸心中震动,这是遇到了硬茬。 Brat, what thing but also there is, although with shows off?” Outside law Heavenly Demon carried Zi Chen to look, seemed like carrying a chicken. 小子,还有什么东西,尽管拿出来显摆显摆?”法外天魔拎起紫宸看了看,就像是在拎一只小鸡。 Zi Chen behind cape curls up suddenly, such as a blood river launches, outside Heavenly Demon law covered. 紫宸身后的斗篷忽然卷起,如一片血河展开,把法外天魔笼罩了起来。 Does not want!” “不要!” Zi Chen quickly shouted, the defense of snow clothes is strong, how can compare with the white jade bowl? 紫宸急忙大喊,雪裳的防御再强,如何能跟白玉碗相比? An opposite party fist falls, the snow clothes will decide however will die! 对方一拳落下,雪裳定然会死! Some meanings.” “有些意思。” Outside law Heavenly Demon smiles lightly, knocks out a fist again, everywhere blood river vanishes, the cape returns Zi Chen behind. 法外天魔淡淡一笑,再出一拳,漫天血河消失,斗篷重新回到紫宸的身后。 ! 唰! The snow clothes have not died, but aura already very weak, the Zi Chen shoulders shake, the cape was separated from the back, flies toward the distant place. 雪裳没死,但气息已经十分虚弱,紫宸双肩一抖,斗篷脱离了后背,向着远处飞去。 „To escape?” “想逃?” Outside law Heavenly Demon puts out a hand to grasp the cape, at this moment, in the Zi Chen eye flashes through wipes crazily. 法外天魔伸手去抓斗篷,就在这时,紫宸眼中闪过一抹疯狂。 The remnant sword attacks. 残剑出击。 Under the short distance, coordinates to slaughter the spirit again, the might of remnant sword already terrifying to the extreme. 近距离之下,再配合杀戮之灵,残剑的威力已经恐怖到了极点。 Well!” “咦!” Outside law Heavenly Demon puts out a hand to grasp, the remnant sword pierced his palm directly, simultaneously directly soars Sea of Consciousness to go. 法外天魔伸手去抓,残剑直接洞穿了他的手掌,同时直奔识海而去。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, outside law the Heavenly Demon around the body energy is wild, wreaks havoc like the hurricane, changed the remnant sword close path. 下一刻,法外天魔周身能量狂暴,如同飓风肆虐,生生的改变了残剑近在咫尺的轨迹。 Your Brat, but also is really ruthless.” “你小子,还真狠呀。” Does not attend to the palm blood, outside law a Heavenly Demon palm of the hand clapped on the head of Zi Chen, almost your say/way! Brat, your too chicken thief! ” 不顾手心的鲜血,法外天魔一巴掌拍在了紫宸的脑袋上,差点就着了你的道!小子,你太鸡贼了!” Outside law Heavenly Demon, the gentleman may not kill the shame!” “法外天魔,士可杀不可辱!” Zi Chen loudly shouted, tries to struggle, but a strength by completely suppress. 紫宸大喝一声,试图挣扎,但一身力量被完全压制 The snow clothes flutter in side, has not left while the valuable time that Zi Chen wins. 雪裳飘在旁边,并没有趁着紫宸争取的宝贵时间离开。 Outside law Heavenly Demon?” “法外天魔?” As soon as the opposite party listened to smile, you had a look at you yourself, not also a welldoing?” 对方一听笑了,“你看看你自己,不也一个德行?” Zi Chen gawked, but oneself human(ity), is Spirit Clan, how can outside Heavenly Demon with law be the same? 紫宸愣了,自己可是人类,是灵族,怎么能跟法外天魔一样? But after Zi Chen uses the aura, this clear sensation, nowadays, had changed greatly. 但在紫宸动用自身气息之后,这才清晰的感知到,原来现如今的自己,早已大变样。 Once several powerful energies, all changed, becomes outside law the strength. 曾经的几种强大能量,全都发生了变化,成为了法外之力。 Oneself, were assimilated, becomes outside law Heavenly Demon? 难道,自己不知不觉间,被同化了,也成为了法外天魔 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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