TM :: Volume #43

#4229: Strategy

Sudden that extremely this fight erupts, everyone cannot believe. 这场战斗爆发的太过突然,以至于所有人都不敢相信。 After this is also Demon Clan invades, for the first time to Great Influence begins, moreover Saint Thunder Clan such Huge Power that chooses. 这也是魔族入侵之后,首次对大势力动手,而且挑选的还是圣雷族这样的庞大势力 Because is sudden, enabling outside protection Lei Zheng Hongtian to respond promptly, without preparing for will lose shortly in a big way, the world of most surrounding was attacked and occupied quickly. 因为过于突然,使得在外守护的雷正弘天没能及时反应过来,在没有做好准备的情况下顷刻间损失就大了起来,最外围的世界很快就被攻占。 Under the leadership of Lei Zheng Hongtian, all soldiers retreated, gave Demon Clan this world on own initiative. 雷正弘天的带领下,所有士兵都退走了,主动把这个世界让给了魔族 In this world, did everyone feel unbelievable, powerful Saint Thunder Clan defeats? 这个世界里,所有人都感到难以置信,强大的圣雷族就这么败了? Everyone is listening, the resister kills without the amnesty!” “所有人听着,反抗者杀无赦!” The together/one path indifferent sound resounds from the sky, is reverberating under each city. 一道冷漠的声音从天空响起,在下方各个城市中回荡着。 The Mo Yichan three people arrived here simultaneously, they start to take over control of this world, then dispatches troops to guard. 魔忆颤三人同时来到了这里,他们开始接管这个世界,然后派兵驻守。 In saying of his nearby Mo Di some worries: We so attack suddenly, definitely will enrage Demon Clan, does this place need protection?” 在他旁边的魔迪有些担心的说道:“我们如此突然袭击,必然会激怒魔族,这个地方有必要守护吗?” Mo Yichan smiles lightly, said: Naturally is necessary, if we can defend over three days, this world was our.” 魔忆颤淡淡一笑,道:“当然有必要,如果我们能够守住三天以上的时间,这个世界就是我们的了。” „?” “哦?” Mo Di looks at each other with Mo Yan Shan Zuo, some cannot believe, so will be relaxed? 魔迪魔严单佐相视一眼,都有些不敢相信,会这么轻松吗? Mo Yichan looks at the distant place, sighed: This Saint Thunder Clan, is far from you imagining among is so powerful, or at present also has no way to be powerful.” 魔忆颤看着远处,感叹道:“这圣雷族呀,远没有你们想象当中的那么强大,或者说目前还没法强大起来。” Lei Zheng Hongtian brought the team of failure to withdraw a world, then formed the new protection, the dirty his complexion was very ugly. 雷正弘天带着失败的队伍退后了一个世界,然后形成了新的防护,灰头土脸的他脸色很难看。 The previous Zi Chen world makes Demon Clan lose seriously, he thinks that the Demon Clan courage did not have, without thinking came such a unexpectedly suddenly. 上次紫宸的世界使得魔族损失惨重,他以为魔族胆子都没了,没想到竟然突然就来了这么一手。 What is main, he lost face, with Zi Chen is not a rank. 最主要的是,他丢脸了,跟紫宸根本就不是一个级别。 Immediately passes on a message the important person, we must kill, the damn thing, is really gives their faces is not concerned about face, this that three leaders, I must strike to kill completely!” “立刻传讯回去要人,我们要杀回去,该死的东西,真的是给他们脸一个个都不要脸,这一次那三个首领,我要全部击杀!” Lei Zheng Hongtian angry saying. 雷正弘天愤怒的说道。 Immediately some people go back to notify this matter, news enables Saint Thunder Clan to be furious directly. 立刻有人回去通报此事,消息一出直接使得圣雷族震怒。 But after is furious? 但震怒过后呢? How should dispatch troops to attack? 该如何派兵攻打? This is an issue. 这是一个问题。 Therefore, Town Lord of core city calls each family to discuss official business, must discuss matter that dispatches troops to attack. 于是,核心城的城主召集各个家族议事,显然是要商议派兵攻打的事情。 On the seat, there is qualifications to come this's family to come, has hundred family chancellor people to sit in the both sides. 座位上,有资格来此的家族全都来了,上上下下有着过百位的家族主事人坐在两侧。 Town Lord sits in first, the both sides are vice- Town Lord as well as two commander, Holy Venerable are one have not appeared. 城主坐在首位,两侧是副城主以及两位统领,圣尊则是一个都没有出现。 Town Lord looked at Gentlemen Family Head, said: „, The latest news should you hear?” 城主看了一眼众位家主,说道:“诸位,最新的消息你们应该听到了吧?” The voice falls, the imprecations then resound unceasingly, having to scold Demon Clan to be shameless, there are...... various types that scolded does not keep one's word to have. 话音一落,咒骂声便是不断响起,有骂魔族无耻,也有骂不讲信用的……各种都有。 Town Lord beckons with the hand, said: Today calls everyone to come, is to ask everyone, has what opinion respectively.” 城主摆了摆手,道:“今天召集大家过来,就是想要问问大家,都各自有什么意见。” Hits!” “打!” Family Head angry saying of Hu: Does not hit, everyone thinks that our Saint Thunder Clan feared them.” 胡家的家主愤怒的说道:“不打回去,人人都以为我们圣雷族怕了他们。” Right, hits, must hit!” “对,打,必须得打!” Not only need hit, but must kill them thoroughly, a person cannot let off!” “不仅要打,还要彻底杀死他们,一个人都不能放过!” A together/one path angry sound resounds, in the eyes of all Family Head brings intense killing intent. 一道道愤怒的声音响起,所有家主的眼中都带着强烈的杀意 Regarding the mood of people, Town Lord is very satisfied , to continue saying: Good, then we said that said the matter of soldier, having a look at a family to send out many warrior is good, hopes that everyone can coordinate.” 对于众人的情绪,城主很满意,继续说道:“那好,接下来我们说说出兵的事情,看看一个家族派出多少战士是好,希望大家能够配合一下。” Dispatches troops?” “出兵?” Hu Family Head hears sound is startled, why can dispatch troops?” 胡家的家主闻声一怔,“为何要出兵?” These words make Town Lord stare actually, how doesn't dispatch troops to repel Demon Clan? Everyone wants to defend the Saint Thunder Clan dignity, naturally is the important person hits.” 这句话倒是让城主一愣,“不出兵如何把魔族击退?大家都想维护圣雷族的尊严,自然是要人打回去的。” What person also wants? Orders Zi Chen to turn back directly, can extinguish all Demon Clan at one fell swoop kills.” “还要什么人?直接命令紫宸折返回来,就能把所有的魔族一举灭杀。” Hu Family Head said: Like this under collaborating from outside with the inside, no Demon Clan can live fleeing.” 胡家家主说道:“这样在里应外合之下,没有一个魔族能够活着逃离。” Town Lord coughs lightly, said: Reminded everyone, in some time ago, you agreed with Zi Chen expel, present Zi Chen already not in our Saint Thunder Clan protection region.” 城主轻咳一声,说道:“提醒一下各位,就在不久前,你们才同意把紫宸驱逐,眼下的紫宸已经不在我们圣雷族的守护地域了。” Hu Family Head said: Town Lord does not need to remind, we naturally know, but before that is not us, on strategy of reaching an agreement? Moreover we have not cut off the Zi Chen road, puts in dangerous place him, even if there is a danger to happen, Zi Chen can also leave with the aid of transmission, in any event he cannot die. Facts showed, initial we are right, prepares for today, while the Demon Clan general idea/careless, the converging attack destroys completely the opposite party.” 胡家家主说道:“城主不用如此提醒,我们自然知晓,但那不是我们之前就商量好的计策嘛?而且我们并没有断绝紫宸的路,把他置于险地,即便有危险发生,紫宸还能借助传送阵离开,无论如何他都是死不了的。事实证明,当初的我们是对的,就是为了今天而准备,趁着魔族大意,前后夹击灭掉对方。” Town Lord looks that others asked: „Do you also think?” 城主看着其他人问道:“你们也都是这么认为的?” The people nod again and again, expressed that is this. 众人连连的点头,表示就是这样。 Family Head of declares family/home said: Town Lord, this we did not reach an agreement initially, how does Town Lord also forget now?” 宣家的家主说道:“城主,这不是当初我们说好的吗,现在城主怎么还忘了吗?” Town Lord is very awkward, because he is concerned about face eventually, cannot say words that is not concerned about face. 城主很尴尬,因为他终究还是要脸的,说不出这么不要脸的话。 Hehe, really takes a long-range approach.” “呵呵,诸位还真是高瞻远瞩啊。” At this moment, the together/one path laughter resounds, this arrival Demon Clan, but 100,000 armies, Zi Chen previous destruction, but million Demon Clan, has not known collaborating from outside with the inside that you said that can be too pettier.” 就在这时,一道笑声响起,“此次到来的魔族,不过十万大军,紫宸上次覆灭的可是过百万魔族,不知你们所说的里应外合,会不会太小家子气了些。” The chancellor of laughter from Gela family, only 100,000 Demon Clan, you wants to make Zi Chen dispatch troops, doesn't feel the waste? Why not to wait again, when the million army came, makes Zi Chen dispatch troops again, coming to collaborate from outside with the inside?” 笑声来自格拉家族的主事,“区区十万的魔族,你们就想让紫宸出兵,不觉得浪费吗?何不再等等,等到百万大军来了,再让紫宸出兵,来个里应外合?” Snort!” “哼!” Hu Family Head said indifferently: And other million armies come, what the life of our Saint Thunder Clan person did you regard? You may know how many million army can bring to lose to the innocent person?” 胡家家主漠然说道:“等百万大军过来,你把我们圣雷族人的生命当成什么了?你可知道,百万大军得给无辜的人带来多少损失?” Gela Family Head said: reckless Family Head is really righteous, but I want to ask, the Zi Chen world bitter experience million army invades, may think, that inside lives is also our people? But has thought they are innocent, can die?” 格拉家主说道:“胡家主果然深明大义,只是我想问问,紫宸的世界遭遇百万大军入侵的时候,诸位可有想过,那里面生活的也是我们的人?可有想过他们是不是无辜的,会不会死?” You quibbled, we know early Zi Chen was capable of protecting them, this had initial haggling over, you think that our each didn't consider for the general situation?” “你这是强词夺理,我们早知道紫宸有能力守护他们,这才有了当初的计较,你以为我们各个都不为大局考虑吗?” Hu Family Head said: At present makes Zi Chen dispatch troops, not only need collaborate from outside with the inside, must shock Demon Clan, making them not dare to have the idea of our Saint Thunder Clan.” 胡家家主说道:“眼下让紫宸出兵,不仅仅是要里应外合,更是要震慑魔族,让他们再不敢打我们圣雷族的主意。” Others are also silent, without statement. 其他人也都沉默着,没有表态。 Gela Family Head shakes the head saying: reckless Family Head is excited, I also approve this viewpoint, but Zi Chen is not necessarily able to agree, but my better suggestions, do you want to listen?” 格拉家主摇头说道:“胡家主无需激动,我也认同这个观点,但是紫宸未必会同意,不过我有一个更好的建议,你要不要听一听?” What suggested?” reckless Family Head asked. “什么建议?”胡家主问道。 In any case outside these people are not our clansmen, after they are only that accident, collects, is uninterested with us, why can we protect them? Stripped is not good them directly?” The Gela Family Head suggestion said. “反正外面那些人也不是我们的族人,他们只是那次变故后凑过来的,跟我们毫无关系,我们何必要保护他们?把他们直接剥离出去不就好了?”格拉家主建议道。 reckless Family Head one hear, eye immediately one bright. 家主一听,眼睛顿时一亮。 This issue he has to think, but raises embarrassed, since at present some people open the mouth, that...... 这个问题他不是没有想过,只是不好意思提出来,眼下既然有人开口,那…… Is quick he not to feel right, because Gela Family Head looks to his eye, filled despised and taunted. 只是很快他就觉得不对劲,因为格拉家主看向他的眼中,充满了鄙夷与嘲讽。 Gela Family Head said: What's wrong, did you move? Your previous no talent said, they are our clansmen are coming?” 格拉家主说道:“怎么,你这是动心了?你先前不才说,他们是我们的族人来着?” Turns around, Gela Family Head holds the fist in the other hand to say to Town Lord: This matter is actually very simple, first governs the crime of Lei Zheng Hongtian falling into enemy hands, then sends the army to go out, in one vigorous effort annihilates Demon Clan. Otherwise if, our Saint Thunder Clan, what reputation will have in this Spirit World from now on?” 转过身来,格拉家主冲着城主抱拳说道:“此事其实很简单,先治雷正弘天失守之罪,再派大军出去,一鼓作气的把魔族歼灭。如若不然,今后我们圣雷族,在这灵界还有什么威信?” First is Zi Chen there, we have chosen to retrocede one time, the backbone are punctured quickly, if these shrinks time again, asked our fame big Thunder Clan, what but also there is? The battle efficiency of our solemn clan, cannot compare including a Sky Martial world, this is not the joke.” “先是紫宸那里,我们已经选择后退了一次,脊梁骨都快被戳破了,如果这一次再畏畏缩缩,试问我们这个名气大的雷族,还有什么?我们堂堂一族的战斗力,连一个天武世界都比不上,这不是笑话吗。” The Gela Family Head sinking sound said: This fight, my Gela family is willing to have part of military, the combat teamwork!” 格拉家主沉声说道:“此次战斗,我格拉家族愿意出一部分兵力,协同作战!” Has part of military such big tones, the person who does not know also thinks that you must drive out Demon Clan depending on one's effort.” “出一部分兵力就这么大口气,不知道的人还以为你要凭一己之力把魔族赶出去呢。” Most people are silent, without expressing any opinion, if there is a method that does not need them to dispatch troops to be able to solve, they are naturally glad, has not arrived at the dangerous the time, can not deploy own military, not use to wonderfully. 大多数人都沉默着,没有发表任何言论,如果有不需要他们出兵就能解决的方法,他们自然是乐意的,还没到危险的时刻,能不动用自己的兵力,还是不用为妙。 Town Lord also is very at this moment sad, he actually has this jurisdiction to make them dispatch troops respectively, but above that has not given the response, what to do making him not be sure this matter should. 城主此刻也很忧愁,他其实是有这个权限让他们各自出兵的,只是上面那位迟迟没有给出回应,让他吃不准这件事该怎么办。 In view of Zi Chen is also previous time so, above has not taken a stand, he also with the opinion of people line. 上一次针对紫宸也是如此,上面没有表态,他也就随着众人的意见而行。 These has not taken a stand time, he somewhat ascertained the meaning of airtight Sirs. 这一次也没表态,他都有些捉摸不透大人们的意思了。 Holy Venerable that usually these pry, these does not appear time, this makes Town Lord somewhat awkward. 平日间那些爱管闲事的圣尊,这一次也不出现了,这让城主有些为难。 Does not have the means actually not, is only the worry are too really many. 倒不是没有办法,只是顾虑实在太多。 Suddenly, Town Lord thinks means that said: This did not say beforehand whose mistake is big, Lei Zheng Hongtian falls into enemy hands is the responsibility, then recaptures the duty of lost territory, gave Leizheng family, Lei Zheng Family Head took the commander in chief, other things you discussed then, ok, this.” 忽然间,城主想到了一个办法,说道:“此事先不说谁的过错大,雷正弘天失守便是责任,那么接下来夺回失地的任务,就交给雷正家族了,雷正家主作为主帅,其他的事情你们商议即可,好了,就这样。” The voice falls, the Town Lord body advantage of terrain vanishes does not see, directly this mess losing. 话音落下,城主身形便是消失不见,直接把这个烂摊子给丢了出去。 Leizheng family that had not opened the mouth, heard that the sound stares slightly, when he looked upwards, has disappeared Town Lord. 一直没有开口的雷正家族,闻声微微一愣,只是等他看向上方时,已经不见了城主 Others visit him eagerly, waits for him to give a plan. 其他人则是眼巴巴的看着他,等待着他给出一个方案。 After in heart scolded an old fox, the Leizheng family sinking sound said: Previous time is not possibly clear about Zi Chen matter most people, that is only our strategy nothing more, the fact showed that all in our estimate among, Demon Clan cannot tread the previous step.” 心中骂了一声老狐狸之后,雷正家族沉声说道:“上次关于紫宸的事情可能大多数人都不清楚,那只是我们的一个计策而已,事实证明一切都在我们的预计当中,魔族没能踏前一步。” He, then said: A long and well-maintained army is for a decisive strik, reckless Family Head goes to transmit orders now immediately, making Zi Chen dispatch troops immediately, assistance around us converging attack, a Demon Clan net attack.” 他顿了顿,接着说道:“养兵千日用兵一时,现在胡家主立刻前去传令,让紫宸马上出兵,协助我们前后夹击,把魔族一网打击。” Many people look at each other in blank dismay, is this also good? 不少人都是面面相觑,这也行? This is not too concerned about face. 这也太不要脸了吧。 Hu Family Head holds the fist in the other hand saying: Hu receives an order!” 胡家家主抱拳说道:“胡家领命!” The conference ended, sees only Hu Family Head to turn toward the Zi Chen Sky Martial world to go immediately. 会议就此结束,只见胡家家主立刻向着紫宸天武世界而去。 He actually not embarrassed. 他倒是没有不好意思。 Arrives at the Sky Martial world, he is shouting loudly the Zi Chen name directly, but Zi Chen has not appeared. 来到天武世界,他直接高呼着紫宸的名字,只是紫宸没有出现。 Zi Chen, your big courage, Saint Thunder Clan transmitted orders you not to meet?” 紫宸,你好大的胆子,圣雷族的传令你也不接?” Hu Family Head angry saying. 胡家家主愤怒的说道。 Does not know that what matter this Sir does have?” Jolina appeared, she looks at Family Head of Hu. “不知这位大人有什么事情?”乔丽娜出现了,她看着胡家的家主 What thing are you? Also dares to appear before me? Zi Chen, making him roll to see me!” “你算什么东西?也敢出现在我面前?紫宸呢,让他滚出来见我!” Hu saying of Family Head coldly. 胡家的家主冷冷的说道。 My Family Head person was sad, recently always had the impulsion of murder, if the Sir were determined to see, I then called, if naturally the Sir were killed, that could not complain about us.” “我家主人心情不好,最近老有杀人的冲动,如果大人执意要见,我便去叫过来,当然如果大人被打杀了,那就怨不得我们了。” The Jolina smile said. 乔丽娜微笑说道。
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