TM :: Volume #43

#4228: Stage 2

refine demon Ancient Jade suffers the crisis, Zi Chen has not intended to break through, the sword of thunder continues to glitter, under the Zi Chen Palace pressure, he can cope with half step Holy Venerable with ease, the present main energy kills people. 炼魔古玉遭遇危机,紫宸并未出手解围,雷之剑继续闪烁着,在紫宸殿的威压之下,他可以轻松的对付半步圣尊,眼下的主要精力就是杀人。 Sees blade edge to fall, the refine demon Ancient Jade surface had the demon light to appear, formed the protection, started to defend unexpectedly independently. 眼看着刀锋落下,炼魔古玉表面有魔光出现,形成了防护,竟然开始自主防御。 blade edge was stopped, when advancement slowly, the strength is also consuming. 刀锋受到阻拦,在缓缓的推进之时,力量也在消耗着。 About hundred tentacles depart, twined close half Holy Venerable, is swallowing the energy of opposite party. 近百道触手飞出,把近在咫尺的半步圣尊缠绕住了,吞噬着对方的能量。 blade light dances in the air, after half Holy Venerable cuts off the tentacle backs up, at this moment the sword of thunder arrived, pierced the body of opposite party. 刀光飞舞,半步圣尊斩断触手后倒退,就在这时雷之剑到来,洞穿了对方的身体。 It is not able to dodge. 根本无法闪避。 refine demon Ancient Jade that attack two times, carried off life Demon Force of opposite party. 二次攻击的炼魔古玉,带走了对方的生命魔力 32 -and-a-half Holy Venerable, among short moments, was killed five, others do not have to injure the Zi Chen slightest. 三十二位半步圣尊,短短的片刻之间,则是被杀了五个,其他人却连紫宸的分毫都没有伤到。 How does this also hit? 这还怎么打? But under, all Demon Clan still in the forest, had the black ant to press hitting by these strange lives. 而在下方,所有魔族都还在森林里,被那些奇异的生灵还有黑色的蚂蚁压着打。 Many places of this world were chaotic, shouted that hits to shout "kill" resounds unceasingly, but most should be threaten in these cities, actually seems very peaceful. 这个世界的很多地方都乱了,喊打喊杀不断响起,可是最该受到威胁的那些城市里,却显得十分安静。 On the chilly street, several stores are doing business, in the big or small tavern also sits the person at this moment, these people have not left, or does not have the ability to leave, can only accompany the Sky Martial world altogether life or death. 清冷的街道上,还有几家商铺营业着,大小酒馆里此刻也坐着人,这些人都是没有离开的,或者说没有能力离开的,只能陪着天武世界共存亡。 Here is the Zi Chen Sky Martial world, but never isn't their hometown? 这里是紫宸天武世界,可何尝又不是他们的家乡? For this reason, they then can talk and laugh merrily in the tavern, sits looked that half Holy Venerable died. 正因如此,他们这才一个个的能够在酒馆谈笑风生,坐看半步圣尊死亡。 Today this, makes them boast sufficiently for a lifetime. 今天这一幕,足以让他们吹嘘一辈子。 Because they sit in the tavern watch the Demon Clan million army rout, saw Legacy of Sky Martial world, a sense of pride arises spontaneously. 因为他们坐在酒馆看着魔族百万大军溃败,看到了天武世界的底蕴,一股自豪感油然而生。 In the sky, -and-a-half Holy Venerable put out one to revere the soldier, was the Demon Venerable aura to emerge, was only under this Zi Chen Palace suppress, the might that this revered the soldier, will fall short greatly. 天空之中,一位半步圣尊拿出了一件尊兵,属于魔尊的气息涌现而出,只是在这紫宸殿压制之下,这件尊兵的威力,将大打折扣。 Zi Chen has the picture scroll guard, does not fear. 紫宸有画卷护身,根本不惧。 The sword of thunder is still glittering the ray, pierced the body of half Holy Venerable time and time again, half Holy Venerable quantity, gradually is reducing. 雷之剑还在闪烁着光芒,一次又一次洞穿了半步圣尊的身体,半步圣尊的数量,正在逐渐减少着。 Does this make them be scared, is supposed to do? 这让他们慌了神,如何是好? Retreats? 撤退? Where nowadays doesn't know Mo Lunke, how to retrocede? 现如今也不知道魔纶克在哪里,如何后退? At this moment, side Mo Lunke half Holy Venerable has not protected, but he is actually very safe, no matter because the life or the black ant, deliberately avoided him, does not fight with him. 此时此刻,魔纶克身旁没有半步圣尊保护,但他却是很安全的,因为不管是生灵还是黑蚁,都刻意的避开了他,根本不跟他战斗。 He at this moment, actually seems somewhat no use, what to do does not know should. 此刻的他,倒是显得有些无助,不知道该怎么办。 All around big tree, was emptied part by him, but quick will grow again, looks like one forever the place without limits. 四周的大树,被他清空了一部分,可是很快就会再次生长而出,就像是一个永无止境的地方。 He lost the contacts with others, how does not know this battlefield. 他失去了跟其他人的联系,不知道这场战场到底如何。 Half Holy Venerable that besieges Zi Chen, resorted to various powerful methods, finally wounded Zi Chen. 那位围攻紫宸的半步圣尊们,动用了各种强大的手段,终于击伤了紫宸 Zi Chen coughs again and again three big blood, but is also injured, missed from the death was very far, in this period carried off -and-a-half Holy Venerable lives. 紫宸连连咳出三大口血来,但也只是受伤,距离死亡还差了很远,期间又带走了一位半步圣尊的命。 This moment half Holy Venerable buckle about half , to continue again, everyone feared that will die here. 此刻半步圣尊折损近半,再持续下去,所有人怕是都会死在这里。 Zi Chen is pale, seeming like the consumption is too big, could not insist that was too long, but the homicide's tenth person of time, was this, at present is still this, this made them not be fully correct, actually Zi Chen was real or installed. 紫宸的脸色苍白,看起来像是消耗太大,坚持不了太久,可他杀第十人的时候,就是这样的,眼下依然是这样,这让他们猜不透,紫宸究竟是真实的还是装出来的。 Finally, the unceasing death is threatening them, in addition the million army seems like the clay ox entering the sea, these half Holy Venerable could not bear again, chose fleeing. 终于,不断的死亡威胁着他们,再加上百万大军像是泥牛入海,这些半步圣尊再也忍不住,选择了逃离。 Half Holy Venerable wants to walk, Zi Chen cannot block, can only , whatever they break open the barrier of the world, then rapid fleeing. 半步圣尊想走,紫宸是挡不住的,只能任由他们破开世界的屏障,然后飞速的逃离。 After half Holy Venerable leave, Zi Chen also Mo Lunke letting out. 在半步圣尊们离开之后,紫宸也把魔纶克给放了出去。 Space passage suddenly appeared in the Mo Lunke field of vision, he almost flew without hesitation, then discovered oneself arrived outside the Sky Martial world. 一个空间通道突然出现在了魔纶克的视野之中,他几乎是毫不犹豫的飞了出去,然后发现自己到了天武世界之外。 Not far away is half Holy Venerable, but only 17 people. 不远处就是半步圣尊们,但只有十七个人。 Has an accident?” “出了什么事?” Mo Lunke bewildered asking, he does not know from beginning to end had anything. 魔纶克一脸茫然的问道,从头到尾他都不知道发生了什么。 First went back to say again.” “先回去再说。” And -and-a-half Holy Venerable said. 其中一位半步圣尊说道。 From commencing of action now, several double-hour nothing more. 从战斗开始到现在,也不过几个时辰而已 With departures of these people, two clans that has observed, called out in alarm. 随着这些人的离开,一直观战的两族们,都是惊呼了起来。 Accident sentiment, why only then little does such person leave? Others?” “出了什么事情,为何只有这么一点点人离开?其他人呢?” Mo Lunke million big khaki cloth?” 魔纶克百万大军呢?” Lei Zheng Hongtian face look changes, he guessed correctly some possibility, feels extremely unbelievable. 雷正弘天的脸色变了,他猜到了某个可能,感到极其难以置信。 Not is only he, everyone cannot believe. 不仅仅是他,所有人都不敢相信。 This also includes these Demon Clan. 这也包括那些魔族 Perhaps is only calm, was Mo Yichan, he rejoiced very much, oneself proposed initially that condition, took as to draw back intentionally, chose treated in two, not directly and Zi Chen fought, otherwise also really troubled. 恐怕唯一心情平静的,就属魔忆颤了,他还是很庆幸的,当初自己提出了那个条件,故意以进为退,选择了待在二线,没有正面与紫宸战斗,要不然还真就麻烦了。 This time, Zi Chen puts Mo Lunke to come out intentionally, the million army stayed in inside, obviously is more unfortunate than fortunate. 这一次,紫宸故意放魔纶克出来,百万大军留在了里面,显然是凶多吉少。 Mo Lunke can live departure, but can live finally, is an issue. 魔纶克能够活着离开,但最后能不能活着,还是一个问题。 Because arrives at this world, the invincible Demon Clan army, unexpectedly in his hands on the buckle 1 million, this loss regarding entire Demon World, perhaps was not anything, but made Mo Lunke one man-made end, must shoulder the responsibility. 因为来到这个世界,攻无不克的魔族大军,竟然在他手里就折损了一百万,这个损失对于整个魔界来说,或许不算什么,但让魔纶克一人造完,还是要承担责任的。 Mo Di and Mo Yan Shan Zuo are stare the big eye to look at Mo Yichan, this moment two people of in heart only has admiring, naturally grateful. 魔迪魔严单佐都是瞪大眼睛看着魔忆颤,此刻二人的心中唯有钦佩,当然还有感激。 If were not Mo Yichan withdrew, this time is unable to explain may be they. 如果不是魔忆颤退后了,这一次无法交待的可就是他们了。 Asks what situation.” “上去问问什么情况。” Mo Yichan looks at the front saying: You two go individually, sends one casually, Mo Lunke in the fit of temper, so as to avoid being scolded.” 魔忆颤看着前方说道:“你们两个别去,随便派上一个,魔纶克正在气头上,免得挨骂。” Really, the person who they send, was scolded a stream of abuse. 果然,他们派出去的人,被骂了一个狗血淋头。 But after Mo Lunke goes back, is shouts the Leizheng family pit I. 魔纶克回去之后,则是大喊雷正家族坑我。 For oneself little shoulder some responsibility, possibility that are many some lives, he pushed the responsibility completely on the body of Leizheng family. 为了自己少承担一些责任,多一些活命的可能性,他把责任全部推在了雷正家族的身上。 At present no one has paid attention to Mo Lunke again, everyone wants to know, actually Zi Chen how wins. 只是眼下已经没有人再关注魔纶克,所有人都想知道,紫宸究竟是怎么获胜的。 Why after the million army goes , the little mighty waves do not have continually. 为何百万大军进去之后,连一点点的波澜都没有起。 That fight has not been the secret, therefore quick everyone knew the reason. 那场战斗早已不是秘密,所以很快所有人都知晓了原因。 Unexpectedly is that forest, usually these lives and black ants in trial field, these three types of things they are not strange, who can think in the Zi Chen world, unexpectedly so many existences, moreover all hidden in ground. 竟然是那片森林,还有平时试炼场上的那些生灵与黑蚁,这三样东西他们并不陌生,可是谁能想到紫宸的世界里,竟然会有那么多的存在,而且全都隐藏在地底 This Demon Clan million army, loss does not owe. 这一次魔族百万大军,损失的一点都不亏。 But after this afterward, everyone also understood a truth, even if Zi Chen, only then a Sky Martial world, but his world protection rank is actually highest, is called as impregnably is not overrated. 而经过这件事后,所有人也都明白了一个的道理,哪怕紫宸只有一个天武世界,但他的世界防护级别却是最高的,便是称作固若金汤也不为过。 This Demon Clan million armies defeated, that next time? 这一次魔族百万大军都败了,那下一次呢? Will Demon Clan send out the ten million army? 魔族会派出千万大军吗? Obviously is impossible. 显然是不可能的。 Demon Clan not military waste in this place. 魔族不会把兵力浪费在这个地方的。 Many people saw this point, therefore decides to go to the Zi Chen world immediately, then permanent housing there. 许多人都看出了这一点,于是决定立刻前往紫宸的世界,然后永久性的居住在那里。 Because only has the Zi Chen world, is safest. 因为唯有紫宸的世界,才是最为安全的。 Store master who these left, because the part has not broken a lease, therefore everyone came back. 原先那些离开的商铺主人,因为有一部分没有退租,所以大家又都回来了。 popularity that the Sky Martial world passed, in a short time then supplemented, many non- rich expensive/noble existence, is threatened that must live permanently here. 天武世界原先流逝的人气,在很短的时间里便是补充了回来,不少非富即贵的存在,更是扬言要永久居住在这里。 This they want to join time again, but had some difficulties, the most main point, being is the Sky Martial world fights. 只是这一次他们想要再次加入,可就有了一些难度,其中最为主要的一点,就是要为天武世界而战。 Especially these live permanently here, wants everyone to sign a going to battle agreement. 特别是那些永久居住在这里的,更是要每个人签署一份出战的协议。 Then, the Sky Martial world in a short time, was many one can the army that was used to fight. 如此一来,天武世界在极短的时间里,便是又多了一支可以用来战斗的军队。 Moreover some people with high aspirations discovered, after this war, each city among trial field has not switched off, still in opening to the outside world, no matter obviously the life or the black ant, Zi Chen some are still more. 而且一些有心人发现,经过此战之后,各个城市当中试炼场并没有关掉,依然在对外开放着,可见不管是生灵还是黑蚁,紫宸这边依然还有很多很多。 Three fights, Demon Clan rout three times, what the Sky Martial world loses is biggest is the second fight, on the contrary is the third fight, individual loss is very small. 三次战斗,魔族溃败了三次,天武世界这边损失最大的是第二次战斗,反倒是第三次的战斗,个人损失很小。 Main force that because fights, is Zi Chen these subsequent hands. 因为战斗的主力,是紫宸的那些后手。 That side Demon Clan thorough was chaotic, this unfavorable situation made their morale come under the influence, the short time was not suitable fights again, only if Holy Venerable acted. 魔族那边彻底乱了,此次的失利使得他们的士气受到了影响,短时间不宜再战,除非圣尊出手。 But this obviously is impossible, although Holy Venerable arrived at this world, but was unable to act at present, especially Zi Chen there, that means that must make war with Saint Thunder Clan comprehensively. 但这显然是不可能的,圣尊虽然来到了这个世界,但目前还无法出手,特别是紫宸那里,那意味着要跟圣雷族全面开战。 They after hearing Mo Yichan that excuse, can give to push alone Zi Chen, but this absolutely is not the excuse that Holy Venerable acts, once Demon Clan here Holy Venerable acts, that side Saint Thunder Clan definitely will act. 他们在听到魔忆颤的那番说辞之后,可以把紫宸单独给推出来,但这绝对不是圣尊出手的借口,一旦魔族这边的圣尊出手,圣雷族那边必然会出手。 This is equivalent makes war comprehensively, is disadvantageous to Demon Clan from the present. 这相当于全面开战,从眼下来看对魔族是不利的。 Before that withdraws the Mo Yichan qualifications Holy Venerable, once again looks for Mo Yichan, wanting the opposite party to lead the person to exterminate Zi Chen, but Mo Yichan rejection. 那位之前撤去魔忆颤资格的圣尊,又一次来找魔忆颤,想要对方带人剿灭紫宸,但魔忆颤拒绝了。 Three losses, Demon Clan in Zi Chen here morale, has minimized, at present continues to go to battle again, can only court death. 三战皆败,魔族紫宸这边的士气,早已降到最低,眼下再继续出战,只会是找死。 Mo Yichan said: Nowadays, the world that the development we hit well, first stabilizes the situation, before we walked was too quick, this to us, was very disadvantageous.” 魔忆颤说道:“现如今,还是好好的发展我们打下来的世界,先稳定一下局势,之前我们走的太快了,这对于我们来说,可是很不利的。” Mo Yichan does not go to battle, others are not willing to accept this mess, therefore attacks the Zi Chen matter, postponed. 魔忆颤不出战,其他人也都不愿意接受这个烂摊子,于是攻打紫宸的事情,就这么暂缓了下来。 In a while, Mo Yichan is leads troops to retreat, returns to that region that attacked and occupied. 没过多久,魔忆颤便是带兵退走,回到了原先攻占的那片区域。 The fights of other places, but also is continuing, only had this place to appear tranquilly, but as we all know, the present tranquility is only temporary. 其他地方的战斗,还在持续着,唯有此地出现了平静,但是所有人都知道,眼下的平静只是暂时的。 However everyone did not worry, because wants to attack Saint Thunder Clan, that must first face the Zi Chen world, at present the world defense of Zi Chen, rank is extremely high, can say that no one dares to move. 不过大家也都不担心,因为想要攻打圣雷族,那就要先面对紫宸的世界,眼下紫宸的世界防御,等级极高,可以说无人敢动。 This tranquility, continued for a year. 这种平静,持续了一年的时间。 Felt at ease in everyone, felt after Demon Clan does not dare to encroach, the Mo Yichan team, appeared in the Saint Thunder Clan region suddenly, they have not gone to attack the Zi Chen world, but deliberately went round the Zi Chen Sky Martial world, went to the Saint Thunder Clan surrounding. 就在所有人都安心了,觉得魔族再不敢来侵犯之后,魔忆颤的队伍,忽然出现在了圣雷族的区域之中,他们没有去攻打紫宸的世界,而是刻意的绕开了紫宸天武世界,去了圣雷族的外围。 The unnecessary idle talk, has not made war directly. 没有多余的废话,直接开战。 This is also Demon Clan makes war to Great Influence for the first time. 这也是魔族首次对大势力开战。 With eruption of fight, indicates that the god and demon the war of invasion, entered again one step, to the second stage. 随着战斗的爆发,也预示着神、魔的入侵之战,再次进了一步,到了第二个阶段。 Hears the news Zi Chen, was more urgent, because he has not broken through Holy Venerable. 听到消息的紫宸,更加急迫了,因为他还未突破到圣尊
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