TM :: Volume #41

#4070: Transformation

The Zhong Hao words, enabling He Holy Venerable to be startled. 重昊的话,使得何家圣尊吃了一惊。 He thinks that Zi Chen comes this to cause trouble. 他原以为紫宸就是来此闹事的。 " Demon World deliberated on very long plan, was destroyed by Zi Chen, he through the aura of opposite party, possibly coordinated the influence of Demon World action program the sensation to several. " "魔界酝酿了很久的计划,被紫宸破坏了,他通过对方的气息,感知到了几处可能配合魔界实施计划的势力。" Zhong Hao rapped several desktops with the finger gently, " here is Zi Chen thought that first possibly with the place that Demon World colludes with! " 重昊用手指轻轻敲击了几下桌面,"这里是紫宸觉得第一个可能与魔界勾结的地方!" " Sir, does not have this matter certainly! My He never has to do with the Saint demon territory, more impossible to collude with Demon World. " "大人,绝无此事!我何家从不与圣魔域打交道,更不可能跟魔界有勾结。" On He Holy Venerable forehead, has the cold sweat. 何家圣尊的额头上,已经有了冷汗。 This is the Holy Spirit World taboo, is the Holy Spirit World final bottom line, which influence if there is to dare to span, that must die without doubt. 这可是圣灵界的禁忌,算是圣灵界最后的底线,如果有哪个势力敢跨越过去,那将必死无疑。 At this matter, what Holy Spirit World adopts is the measure of zero tolerance, rather wrong kills does not let off. 在这件事情上,圣灵界采取的是零容忍的措施,宁可错杀也绝不放过。 Zhong Hao smiles, said: " Sits, does not use anxiously! " 重昊笑了笑,道:"坐,不用紧张!" Holy Venerable does not dare to sit, but actually scratched the cold sweat, relaxes slightly. 圣尊没敢坐,但却擦了擦冷汗,稍稍松了一口气。 Because he responded, if were not this main had concluded that He had nothing to do with this matter, he will not stand here. 因为他反应过来了,如果不是这位主已经断定何家与此事无关,他也不会站在这里了。 Since has proven the pureness of He, but this Holy Venerable is still not willing to leave, the meaning is very naturally clear. 既然已经证明了何家的清白,可这位圣尊依然不愿意离开,意思自然很明白。 Holy Venerable in heart had wiped the anger, actually not to Zhong Hao also or was Zi Chen, but to He Family Head. 圣尊心中有了一抹怒意,倒不是对重昊亦或者是紫宸的,而是对何家家主的。 Whom provoking is not good, provokes Zi Chen. 招惹谁不好,偏偏招惹紫宸 Present Holy Venerable has decided that when the matter, traded Family Head to be good. 现在的圣尊已经打定主意,待此间事了,就换一个家主好了。 At present this Family Head, is really stupid. 眼下这个家主,实在是太蠢。 Holy Venerable not present, Zi Chen may keep off no one. 圣尊不现,紫宸将无人可挡。 This moment Great Influence representatives, witnessed a person to endure compared with a side influence. 此刻各大势力的代表,亲眼目睹了一个人堪比一方势力。 He recent is well known, these Soul Weapon are various Great Influence covets. 何家的最近的名气不小,那些魂兵更是各大势力都眼热的。 But these things in front of Zi Chen, simply have not affected. 可是这些东西在紫宸面前,根本没有作用。 People? 人多是吗? Injures completely! 全部打伤! Soul Weapon? 魂兵多是吗? I destroy completely! 那我全部打碎! Family Head of He thorough despaired, because had such big matter, family Holy Venerable has not appeared unexpectedly. 何家的家主彻底绝望了,因为发生了这么大的事情,家族圣尊竟然没有出现。 What does this mean? 这意味着什么? The fight has continued to Zi Chen in front of again no one, actually before continuously some people to/clashes, did not display at this time, but when can also wait till? 战斗一直持续到紫宸面前再没有人,其实一直都有人前冲,在这个时候不表现,还要等到什么时候吧? But said in Zi Chen, kills after the amnesty, everyone stopped. 但就在紫宸说了一句,杀无赦后,所有人都停下来了。 Because of former these maintenance families, expressed heartfeltly, most was the severe wound, does not have one dead, this naturally was the Zi Chen not under killer. 因为之前那些维护家族,表示衷心的,最多就是重伤,至今还没有一个死去,这当然是紫宸没有下杀手。 May after Zi Chen moved Killing Intent, if some people dare to go forward again, that courted death purely. 可在紫宸动了杀念之后,如果有人再敢上前,那就是纯粹的找死了。 No one dares to provoke Zi Chen again, the entire He also becomes the incomparable peace, existences of these severe wounds, no longer wails. 无人再敢挑衅紫宸,整个何家也变得无比的安静,就连那些重伤的存在,也不再哀嚎。 " Zi Chen, this time I must go to Saint Thunder Clan to want justice, do not think that you are the person of Saint Clan, can act in a self-serving manner! " He Family Head clenches teeth saying: In this Holy Spirit World, but there is a custom, if like you, depends own status to bully, Holy Spirit World is chaotic!” "紫宸,此次我一定要前往圣雷族讨一个公道,别以为你是圣族之人,就可以为所欲为!"何家家主咬牙说道:“在这圣灵界,可是有规矩的,如果都像你一样,仗着自己的身份仗势欺人,圣灵界早就乱了!” " As you like what kind of, but I only pursue remnant today. " "随你怎样,但今天我只追余孽。" Zi Chen stamps the feet, the He highest floor collapses directly, surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) construction, one and collapsed. 紫宸跺了跺脚,何家最高的楼层直接坍塌,连带着方圆数十里的建筑,也一并倒塌了。 This is the Family Head place of residence, the important degree is next to the place of Holy Venerable cultivation. 这是家主的居住地,重要的程度仅次于圣尊修行之地。 At present this place was destroyed, obviously is hitting the face of entire He. 眼下这个地方被毁,显然是在打整个何家的脸面。 This is the shame! 这是耻辱! Suddenly, many people look to the Zi Chen look, became the hatred. 一时间,许多人看向紫宸的眼神,都变得怨毒了起来。 Zi Chen actually cares about nothing, said with a smile lightly: That that you previously said that I extremely do not approve, because I have not bullied, what I take advantage is only own strength.” 紫宸却丝毫不在乎,淡淡一笑道:“哦,你先前说的那句,我不是太过赞同,因为我并没有仗势欺人,我依仗的只是自己的力量。” Then , the building collapses. 说完,又有一片建筑坍塌。 At this moment, the distant place walks one person, he seems flustered, the time tooth of walking is trembling. 就在这时,远处走来一人,他显得慌慌张张,走路的时候牙齿都在打颤。 Previous time, he was hit to enjoy one to roll by Holy Venerable, was raised flew, but quick was entrained by a strength, then he then heard the order of Holy Venerable. 先前的时候,他被圣尊打赏了一声滚,然后就被掀飞了,但是很快又被一股力量拽了回来,然后他便是听到了圣尊的命令。 The among content, nearly scares to death him. 当中的内容,险些把他吓死。 Arrives, this One Star Saint Spirit has the courage saying: " Presents the order of Holy Venerable Old Ancestor, what Zhan is stupid, presently withdraws the position of family Patriarch! " 来到场中,这位一星圣灵鼓起勇气说道:"奉圣尊老祖的命令,何盏昏庸无能,现撤去家族族长之位!" Such remarks, everyone who was burning with anger, then looks to the person of that pass on message. 此话一出,原先怒火中烧的大家,则是纷纷看向那个传讯之人。 And a Holy Venerable anger shouted: " Is your bastard, actually saying what? " 其中一位圣尊怒喝道:"你这混蛋,究竟在说什么?" " Trivial One Star, but also dares in this boast shamelessly, to believe us to abandon you? " "区区一星,还敢在此大言不惭,信不信我们废了你?" Saint Spirit that felt alarmed and anxious very much, after encountering the threat, suddenly the angry sound said: " This is the meaning of Old Ancestor, if you have the opinion, looks for the Old Ancestor protest! " 原先很担惊受怕的圣灵,遭遇威胁之后,忽然怒声说道:"这可是老祖的意思,如果你们有意见,就去找老祖抗议!" Who dares to look for Holy Venerable Old Ancestor? 谁敢去找圣尊老祖 Suddenly, everyone looks to what Family Head. 一时间,大家又纷纷看向何盏家主 They are not clear, why Old Ancestor must at this time, be in front of everyone, remove the position of Family Head? 他们不明白,老祖为何要在这个时候,当着所有人的面,撤掉家主之位? Some people understand. 有人明白。 For example the viewers who these come this place discussion, Zi Chen had received the hand, if not that threat of Family Head, He is also insufficient to lose such big face. 比如那些前来此地商谈的看客们,本来紫宸已经收手,如果不是家主的那句威胁,何家也不至于丢这么大的脸。 That side Holy Venerable has not acted, obviously received the diversion, can't your Leader main even this look? 圣尊那边迟迟没有出面,显然是受到了牵制,你这个当家主的连这都看不出来? Now you threaten Zi Chen, wasn't lost face by oneself? 现在你威胁紫宸,不是让自己丢脸吗? Was lost face by oneself, doesn't let that side diverted Holy Venerable loses face? 让自己丢脸,不是让那边被牵制的圣尊丢脸吗? Toward is farther looked, if what Zhan does not make the monster from the beginning, prevents the Saint Thunder Clan person outside, even if not special treats, may want to be the same with others, Zi Chen that then comes to look for trouble, the opposite party can still help persuade 12. 再往远些看,如果一开始何盏不去作妖,把圣雷族的人阻挡在外,就算不特殊对待,可只要跟其他人一样,那么前来找麻烦的紫宸,对方也能帮着劝说一二。 But he embarrasses Saint Thunder Clan unexpectedly intentionally, meets Zi Chen to pursue Demon Clan remnant. 可他竟然故意让圣雷族难堪,又遇到紫宸追击魔族余孽而来。 This was too skillful. 这就太巧了。 Today this war, loss of He big. 今日这一战,何家的损失大了去了。 Who undertakes? 谁来承担? Definitely is not Zi Chen. 肯定不是紫宸 Possibly was not Saint Thunder Clan. 更不可能是圣雷族了。 That only had a person. 那就只有一个人了。 Suddenly, everyone looks to what Zhan, previous quarter he is power and influence dreadful Family Head. 一时间,所有人都看向何盏,前一刻他还是权势滔天的家主 But in the next quarter, he became that for the person of crime. 但在下一刻,他就成了那个替罪之人。 The rapidness of this transformation, let what Zhan as well as what Zhan the person, somewhat could not get back one's composure. 这先后的转变之快,让何盏以及何盏的人,都有些回不过神来。 As if in this moment, the face and hatred does not have the significance, they have started to plan the success and failure in the innermost feelings. 似乎在这一刻,脸面与仇恨已经没有意义,他们已经开始在内心算计得失。 Once because what Zhan did not have the Family Head position, family's interest naturally must redistribute. The meaning of Old Ancestor, my what naturally must comply with, but at this time, did not say this time, the foreign invasion, we jointly repel the enemy by rights ought. ” 因为一旦何盏没了家主的职位,家族的利益自然就要重新分配。老祖的意思,我何盏自然要遵从,但在这个时候,根本不是说这个的时候,外敌入侵,我们理当联合退敌。” What cold snort, in the spoken language is coercing the principle of righteousness. 何盏冷哼一声,言语之中裹挟着大义。 Zi Chen looks at what Zhan, foreign enemy who you said that is I?” 紫宸看着何盏,“你所说的外敌,是我?” You use Demon Clan to come, when gave a pretext, came my He Jia to cause trouble intentionally, you were not a foreign enemy, who was a foreign enemy!” “你用魔族来当借口,故意来我何家闹事,你不是外敌,谁是外敌!” What sound ice-cold, in the eye full is the hate, comes the person, first takes to me the archenemy.” 何盏声音冰冷,眼中满是怨恨,“来人,先把大敌给我拿下。” what Deng, you takes over the position of Family Head, this matter you process.” “何登,你来接任家主之位,此事你来处理。” Suddenly, is He Old Ancestor sound to resound. 忽然间,属于何家老祖的声音响起。 Yes, Old Ancestor!” “是,老祖!” The middle-aged person who why the name ascends, the eye neutrality inscribed wiped the happy expression. 名为何登的中年人,眼中立刻有了一抹喜色。 But was also ready to make trouble the preparation to Saint Spirit that Zi Chen acts, then receives the hand immediately. 而原先还蠢蠢欲动准备对紫宸出手的圣灵,则是立刻收手。 What thorough dumbfounded. 何盏彻底傻眼。 What ascends to the sky holds the fist in the other hand saying: May I ask Zi Chen, can have in this place discovers the Demon Clan trail?” 何登冲着天空抱拳说道:“敢问紫宸,可有在此地发现魔族的踪迹?” Zi Chen shakes the head saying: Temporarily had not discovered.” 紫宸摇头说道:“暂时还不曾发现。” what Deng also said: Can need us to coordinate?” 何登又道:“可需要我们配合?” Zi Chen looked at all around ruins, said: You had coordinated very much, this time many disturb, but also looks excuses me. Said goodbye, has another chance to meet.” 紫宸看了一眼四周的废墟,说道:“你们已经很配合了,此次多有打扰,还望诸位见谅。告辞,后会有期。” Family must reorganize, does not deliver below.” “家族还需整顿,在下就不送了。” Does not use.” “不用。” Zi Chen walked. 紫宸走了。 Others were shocked. 其他人惊呆了。 A fight, in short in a minute, evolved the so harmonious picture unexpectedly. 一场战斗,竟然在短短片刻间,演变成了如此和谐的画面。
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