TM :: Volume #40

#3977: General situation

In the secret room does not have the sound to send out, as if even the breathing stopped. 密室里没有声音发出,似乎连呼吸声都停止了。 Everyone is shocking Zi Chen powerful battle strength, the train of thought is not being able to restore for a very long time. 所有人都在震惊着紫宸的强大战力,思绪久久无法恢复。 But complexion ugly Yue Buhuai, already unmanned attention, he exempted much the awkwardness that hit the face the scene. 而脸色难看的月步怀,已经无人关注,以至于他免去了不少惨遭现场打脸的尴尬。 " This battle strength was too strong! " "这份战力太强了!" Yue Butian heartfelt sigh: " Can extinguish with ease kills three heads Yi Clan, its real battle strength should not weak human form Yi Clan. Worthily is the Saint Thunder Clan core pinnacle, solely the strength of this stick, shows disdain for the outstanding heroes sufficiently. Perhaps, we can consider that forms an alliance with him. " 月步天由衷的感叹道:"能够轻松灭杀三头遗族,其真实的战力应该不弱人形遗族。不愧是圣雷族的核心极致,单单这一棍之力,就足以傲视群雄。或许,我们可以考虑与他结盟。" Middle-aged person hears sound, shakes the head to say decisively: " His battle strength is not weak, but wants to form an alliance with us, but also is unqualified. Moreover, the opposite party came from Saint Thunder Clan, who can guarantee that Saint Thunder Clan won't go to enter? " 一位中年人闻声,果断摇头道:"他的战力是不弱,但想要跟我们结盟,还不够资格。而且,对方来自圣雷族,谁敢保证圣雷族不会趁虚而入?" " Right, this child is not the best candidate of forming an alliance. Nowadays, our Saint moon/month clan has controlled all accesses, firmly is dominating the Heavenly Crystal mineral lode, so long as the resources of this world have not been depleting, we have the continuous Immortal Stone income. " "没错,此子并非是结盟的最好人选。现如今,我们圣月族已经控制了所有的出入口,牢牢的把天晶矿脉把持着,只要这个世界的资源没有枯竭,那我们就有源源不断的仙石收入。" One obviously is old man saying of proudly chancellor person: " Does not calculate the Immortal Stone all-in cost that other chances, solely this time we gather, will surpass various previous races' harvests in the immortal territory by far. If not the Soul Gathering Crystal mineral lode of Saint Thunder Clan discovery, our harvests will also surpass them by far. " 一位明显是主事人的老者傲然的说道:"不算其他的机缘,单单此次我们收取的仙石总费用,就会远远的超过上一次各族在仙域的收获。如果不算圣雷族发现的聚魂晶矿脉,我们的收获也会远远的超过他们。" A Soul Gathering Crystal mineral lode, that is the truly priceless thing, therefore nothing more is unable to convert the value. 一个聚魂晶矿脉,那是真正无价的东西,故而已经无法换算价值。 But other things, can actually convert with the resources, previous time immortal territory one line, obvious Saint Thunder Clan harvests in a big way. 可是其他的东西,却可以用资源来换算,上次的仙域一行,明显圣雷族收获最大。 The transmission fee that but this time, the Saint moon/month clan charges merely, will surpass Saint Thunder Clan by far. 可是这一次,圣月族仅仅收取的传送费用,就会远远的超过圣雷族 When over the past 20 days, second wave of people arrived at this world, when is a Saint moon/month clan gains greatly gains especially. 一旦过去20天,第二波人来到这个世界时,就是圣月一族大赚特赚之时。 Knows the value of this world, various Great Influence only continuous sends for toward inside, comes to want Heavenly Crystal, leaves similarly also needs. 知道了这个世界的价值,各大势力只会源源不断的往里面派人,进来要天晶,离开的时候同样也需要。 Therefore , regardless of various Great Influence discover what resources, final benefit, will be their Saint moon/month clan! 所以说,无论各大势力发现什么资源,最终的获益者,都将是他们圣月族! Zi Chen can fly, here has not banned the spatial domain, but for safety, he is cautious in ground vanguard. 紫宸本来是可以飞的,这里并没有禁空领域,但为了安全起见,他还是小心翼翼的在地面前行。 This mountain peak is the region that a piece has not excavated, then can also say, place that then Zi Chen passes through, is the place of Saint moon/month clan not visit. 这座山峰就是一片未发掘的区域,那么也可以说,接下来紫宸走过的地方,都是圣月族不曾踏足之地。 That means can meet the big chance? 那是不是意味着能够遇见大机缘? Actually this is also Zi Chen decides the thorough reason. 其实这也是紫宸决定深入的原因。 Since arrived here, naturally must make anything, even not for Saint Thunder Clan, still this/should, for spell. 既然来到了这里,自然要做些什么,就算不为了圣雷族,也该为了自己拼一下。 Perhaps harvests one in a big way, the little elf does not need to keep thinking about own Soul Mansion, can draw support from here resources, opens World in the World to come out in Sky Martial Continent. 说不定收获一大,小精灵不需要惦记自己的魂府,就能借助这里的资源,在天武大陆开辟出一个界中界出来。 Yi Clan has become the routed troop, starts to flee in all directions, these people of influence have not pursued are too long, then turned back. 遗族已经成了溃兵,开始四处逃窜,那些势力的人并没有追击太久,便是折返了回去。 Then, they must carve up the chance on that mountain peak. 接下来,他们要瓜分那座山峰上的机缘。 Zi Chen walks in the forest, no one notices him. 紫宸走在林中,没有人注意到他。 His soul strength sensation release, is investigating all around unusuality, as well as possible chance. 他的魂力感知释放而出,探查着四周的异常,以及可能出现的机缘。 However quick, Zi Chen then discovered the issue, this place still has the trace that the fight leaves, but was covered very much carefully, even also made covered up. 但是很快,紫宸便是发现了问题,此地依然有着战斗留下来的痕迹,只是被很小心的掩盖了,甚至还做出了一些遮掩。 If not the strength of his soul is extremely special, will not discover some details the differences. 如果不是他的灵魂之力极其特殊,也不会发现一些细节的不同。 Had the fight obviously, why can cover?” “明明发生了战斗,为何要掩盖起来?” The Zi Chen vision four sweep, wants to see many unusualities. 紫宸的目光四扫,想要看到更多的异常。 With the advance, the trace of fight became paler, but after led the way dozens li (0.5 km), Zi Chen discovered the trace of fight again. 随着前进,战斗的痕迹变得更淡了些,但又前行了数十里之后,紫宸再度发现了战斗的痕迹。 Yi Clan of this world, should not have no time to chat that covers the fight. 这个世界的遗族,应该没有那么无聊的去掩盖战斗。 Then the answer only has one. 那么答案只有一个。 Saint moon/month clan. 圣月族。 But why can the Saint moon/month clan cover the trace of fight? 可圣月族为何要把战斗的痕迹掩盖起来? Is this wants to create they not thorough false appearance? 这是想要造成他们不曾深入的假象吗? But significance where? 但意义又何在? After all here they excavated for several hundred years, has harvested is also very normal? 毕竟这里他们发掘了数百年,有所收获也很正常吧? In a while, Zi Chen discovered the place of second resources, actually inside has anything, Zi Chen is not clear, but actually remembered this place silently. 没过多久,紫宸发现了第二个资源之地,里面究竟有什么,紫宸并不清楚,但却默默的记住了这个地方。 But in not far away, there is a trace of fight to stay behind, still has deliberately covered. 而在不远处,又有战斗的痕迹留下,依然是刻意掩盖过的。 The Zi Chen vision took a fast look around one toward all around, frowns slightly. 紫宸的目光向着四周扫视了一眼,微微皱起了眉头。 The resources of this place, had not been excavated, may have the trace of fight to stay behind. 此地的资源,并没有被发掘出来,可却有战斗的痕迹留下。 If not cover desirably, Zi Chen will also be mistaken, this is the civil war that among Yi Clan erupts. 如果不是刻意的掩盖,紫宸也会误以为,这是遗族之间爆发的内战。 But such, he definitely is deliberately certain, this is the Saint moon/month clan behavior. 但如此的刻意,他完全可以肯定,这是圣月族所为。 Moreover after the Saint moon/month clan wins, behavior. 而且还是圣月族获得胜利后所为。 What is the goal of Saint moon/month clan? 但圣月族的目的又是什么? When the Zi Chen in heart doubts, suddenly has an unusual feeling the sensation to the body side, seemed peeping by a mysterious strength. 就在紫宸心中疑惑的时候,忽然感知到身侧有种异常的感觉,似乎被一股神秘的力量窥视着。 Zi Chen turns head immediately, looks to somewhere. 紫宸立刻扭头,看向某处。 There space, aroused the together/one path ripples. 那里的空间,激起了一道涟漪。 Who!” “谁!” Zi Chen loudly shouted, a stick sweeps away to go toward the front. 紫宸大喝一声,一棍向着前方横扫而去。 The together/one path stick shadow went air-splitting, routed that ripples. 一道棍影破空而去,击溃了那道涟漪。 When the ripples dissipate, the together/one path extremely pale shadow, goes toward the front. 在涟漪消散之时,一道极淡的影子,向着前方而去。 After the dozen zhang (3.33 m), that shadow vanishes probably once again. 大概在十几丈之后,那道影子又一次消失。 Good strange concealment method.” “好诡异的隐匿手段。” The Zi Chen vision, gazes at the form of opposite party to vanish, the heart is somewhat surprised. 紫宸的目光,注视着对方的身影消失,心头有些吃惊。 He does not know how long the opposite party followed oneself, feeling that oneself actually had no. 他不知道对方跟着自己多久了,自己竟然没有任何的感觉。 ray of light glow appears from the eye of Zi Chen, that is Pupil of Destruction that does not use for a long time, can look through world all fabrication. 道光芒从紫宸的眼中出现,那是许久不用的破坏之瞳,可以看破世间所有的虚妄。 In Zi Chen uses Pupil of Destruction, in that secret room among, everyone felt the enormous pressure. 就在紫宸动用破坏之瞳时,在那个密室当中,所有人都感觉到了极大的压力。 He used Pupil Technique.” “他用了瞳术。” Yue Butian deeply inspires, the sinking sound said. 月步天深吸一口气,沉声说道。 The expressions of others become incomparably dignified. 其他人的表情都变得无比凝重。 All around atmosphere, as if oppressive, making Yue Buhuai feel very ill, he pretends to say careless: What's the big deal? His Pupil Technique even again uncommon, can completely understand that we do use restriction that the strength of day moon/month supposes? The day moon/month banned certainly has melted with this world for a body, no one can the sensation, Pupil Technique that even if world was in sole possession was not good.” 四周的气氛,似乎过于压抑了些,让月步怀感到很是不适,他装作漫不经心说道:“那又如何?他的瞳术就算再不凡,难道能够看透我们动用天月之力设下的禁制?天月绝禁早就与这个世界融为了一体,没有人能够感知到,就算是世间独有的瞳术也不行。” Be that as it may, is Yue Buhuai still is very at this moment anxious. 话虽如此,可是月步怀此刻依然很紧张。 Because this concerns the great plan of Saint moon/month clan. 因为这关乎圣月族的伟大计划。 In fact solely is not Zi Chen, others when use Pupil Technique, they will also be anxious. 实际上不单单是紫宸,其他人在动用瞳术的时候,他们也会紧张一下。 Compares, the Zi Chen approach makes them care, because of previous immortal territory one line, Zi Chen harvests in a big way, everyone guessed that Zi Chen has extraordinary Pupil Technique. 只是相比起来,紫宸的做法更让他们在意,因为上次仙域一行,紫宸收获最大,所有人都猜测紫宸拥有着非凡的瞳术 Since golden light is bright from the eye, the Zi Chen vision sweeps off toward all around, in the eye seems the ray to flash. 金光从眼中亮起,紫宸的目光向着四周扫去,眼中似有光芒在闪动着。 Does not know that is gloss that Pupil Technique is in sole possession, Zi Chen saw anything. 不知是瞳术独有的光泽,还是紫宸看到了什么。 He looked at all around, looked at the sky, the line of sight falls the place that finally vanishes on distant place that shadow. 他看了看四周,又看了看天空,视线最终落在远处那道影子消失的地方。 Is human form Yi Clan?” “是人形遗族吗?” The ray in eye diverges, Zi Chen shakes the head, said: Does not know that he sees anything not to have. However even if saw, he should not care about these resources, after all for these years, has not mined, these Yi Clan do not know that in the mountain has the resources.” 眼中的光芒散去,紫宸摇了摇头,道:“也不知他看到什么没有。不过就算看到,他应该也不会在意那些资源吧,毕竟这么多年来,都没有开采过,想必这些遗族也不知道山中有资源。” He continues to turn toward the front to walk. 他继续向着前方走去。 Should not discover exceptionally. 应该是没有发现异常。 In that secret room among, everyone relaxes. 在那密室当中,所有人都松了一口气。 Even Zi Chen Pupil Technique is unable to detect, believes no one can discover the Saint moon/month clan again the general situation of step. 紫宸瞳术都无法察觉,相信再无人能够发现圣月族所步的大局。 ( https://) (https://) «Thunder Martial» only dismounts the sincere viewpoint on behalf of the author, such as discovered that its content is contrary to the content that the state law conflicts, please make deletion processing, the standpoint of https:// only devotes to providing the healthy green reading platform. 【】, Thank you! 雷武》仅代表作者中下马笃的观点,如发现其内容有违国家法律相抵触的内容,请作删除处理,https://的立场仅致力于提供健康绿色的阅读平台。【】,谢谢大家!
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