TMA :: Volume #10

#52: I met you

A log cabin is situated in the remote mountain, surroundings strange tree surrounds, the quarry stone forest, by the ear the beast, the song of the birds is howlingly unceasing. 一座木屋坐落于深山之中,周围奇树环绕,乱石成林,耳旁兽嚎不息,鸟鸣不断。 The Fernando calm face, paces in the hut back and forth, was pondering and other when association president first-level character who sees confused dance organization how should organize the language, how to avoid itself satirizing ridicules the opposite party, if possible, best pay a visit again „the eye of curse Atelante, although he in name is not the leader of this organization, but who knows, he is the secret true manipulator. 费尔南多沉着一张脸,在小屋内来回踱步,思考着等一下见到“迷乱之舞”组织的会长一级人物时该怎么组织语言,怎么避免自己讽刺嘲笑对方,如果有可能,最好再拜见一下“诅咒之眼”阿特兰特,虽然他名义上不是这个组织的首领,但谁都知道,他是幕后的真正操纵者。 Suddenly, in the Fernando heart moves, during the energetic force field induces, dozens over a hundred Sorcerers flew. 忽然,费尔南多心中一动,精神力场感应之中,几十上百个魔法师飞了过来。 Those images and scenes, frightened him to jump, the side presented the translucent force field wall immediately, eradicated the magic arts of space blockade to be ready. 此情此景,吓了他一跳,身边顿时出现了半透明的力场墙,破除空间封锁的法术蓄势待发。 Do they want to do? Do so many people besiege me? Why may make enormously and powerful, making me have the opportunity to run away? 他们要干什么?这么多人围攻我?可为什么弄得浩浩荡荡,让我有机会逃走? Such question reverberates in the Fernando heart, until he sees several acquaintances- had seen high rank Sorcerers mixes in inside, the whole face anxious rather than hostile, puts down the heart to worry, only doubts. 这样的疑问在费尔南多心中回荡,直到他看见几位熟人-曾经见过的高阶魔法师混在里面,满脸的急切而不是仇视,才放下心头担忧,只余疑惑。 Fernando, heard that you do excel at the calculus?” 费尔南多,听说你非常擅长微积分?” How to me can speak this to process?” “能给我讲讲这个该怎么处理吗?” What view do you have to the attraction?” “你对引力有什么看法?” Issues jumped out from the Sorcerers mouth, weave also to want the exaggerating noise compared with the song of the birds beast howlingly, made that the Fernando ear buzzed, irritation that the innermost feelings could not say. 一个个问题从魔法师们口中窜出,编织成了比鸟鸣兽嚎还要夸张的噪音,弄得费尔南多耳朵嗡嗡作响,内心说不出的烦躁。 Sufficed!” Erupts just like the roaring sound of startling thunderclap, one suppresses all noises thoroughly. “够了!”宛如惊雷的咆哮声爆发,一下将所有的噪音彻底压住。 Fernando not like Erica gentle good, sympathizes others, roaring is his big special skill. 费尔南多可不像艾丽卡那样温柔善良,体贴他人,咆哮是他的一大特长。 Scene suddenly peaceful, Fernando pulls the face saying: How like this quarrelled to explain the calculus? Moreover how do I know your present progress?” 场面突地安静了下来,费尔南多扳着脸道:“这样吵下去怎么讲解微积分?而且我怎么知道你们现在的进度?” He may, no matter this is others family/home, opposite many high rank Sorcerers, even there is a strength the wizard who he is stronger, exhibits an appearance of severe person of high moral character forcefully. 他可不管这是别人家,对面不少高阶魔法师,甚至有实力比他强的大法师,硬生生摆出一副严厉师表的模样。 To him, above Arcane, only then understands with the difference that does not understand. Without the respective the halo of status and strength! 对他来说,奥术之上,只有懂与不懂的区别。没有各自身份和实力的光环! After shaking this group of Sorcerers, Fernando serious said/tunnel: I comes to here is looks for you confused dance association president mister discuss some issues, waited for the matter to end, I kept several days in accordance with the situation, combed and explains the foundation of calculus from the beginning, as for the thing in attraction, when you first digested to say front again.” 震住了这帮魔法师后,费尔南多严肃地道:“我来这里是找你们‘迷乱之舞’的会长先生讨论一些问题,等事情结束,我视情况留下来几天,从头将微积分的基础梳理和讲解一遍,至于引力方面的东西,等你们先把前面消化完再说。” As senior Sorcerers. He has the qualifications to show that «Magic Philosophy Math principle» to be actually precious, is profound to the description of the world, is intense to shock of Sorcerers, therefore had expected to similar response. 作为一名资深魔法师。他有资格证明《魔法哲学的数学原理》究竟有多么宝贵,对世界的描述有多么深刻,对魔法师的震撼有多么强烈,因此对类似的反应有所预料。 Just, what he has not thought that will be this degree! 只不过,他没想到的是,会达到这种程度! It seems like own expectation is insufficiently bold! 看来自己的预料还是不够大胆啊! His these words let confused dance Sorcerers one recovers. Each one exceptionally surprised, oneself consult boldly is a matter, but he so prepares to explain honestly is a different matter, the knowledge of calculus and attraction rank should not be their top secrets, what does such also non- important place teach to us? 他这番话让“迷乱之舞”的魔法师们一下回过神来。个个异常惊讶,自己大胆请教是一回事,可他如此坦诚地准备讲解又是另外一回事,微积分和引力这种等级的知识不应该是他们的最高机密吗,就这么什么也不要地传授给我们? Doubtful, some Sorcerers reminded Fernando one: „The eye of curse your excellency confused dance will change to form sorcerer's family/home, the meaning is the unions of many organization.” 半信半疑之中,某位魔法师提醒了费尔南多一句:“诅咒之眼阁下将‘迷乱之舞’改组成了‘巫师之家’,意为众多组织的联合。” „Is association president?” The Fernando direct examination said. “会长是?”费尔南多直接询问道。 Finishing speaking. The distant place flies Sorcerers, his high sound said: Mr. Fernando, ‚the eye of curse your excellency asked you to see him.” 话音刚落。远处又飞来一位魔法师,他高声道:“费尔南多先生,‘诅咒之眼’阁下请你去见他。” Fernando gawked, nods: Good.” 费尔南多愣了一下,点了点头:“好。” This is also good, so as to avoid convinced the association president, but must again after Atelante. 这样也好,免得说服了会长,还得再经过阿特兰特这一关。 The meeting place has not been in Atelante Demiplane, but is in the valley land a garden that filled the assorted fresh flower. 见面的地点没有在阿特兰特的半位面内,而是谷地里一处种满了各色鲜花的花园。 Said honestly, I have thought before detained you. Obtains the detail annotation of complete knowledge as well as attraction of calculus from your mouth directly.” Atelante shuts tightly the eyes, the smiling face is making one bathe in fresh air said. “坦白地讲,我之前想过把你扣押下来。直接从你口中得到微积分的完整知识以及引力的细节诠释。”阿特兰特紧闭着双眼,笑容让人如沐春风地说道。 Fernando curls the lip close to, no point sees Legendary your excellency jerkiness: They truly are worth doing that but, this can with all the knowledge of Sorcerers share.” 费尔南多撇了撇嘴巴,没有一点见传奇阁下的生涩:“它们确实值得你这么做,不过,这本来就是会与所有魔法师分享的知识。” All Sorcerers?” Atelante smiles to ask back, as if all are completely grasping. “所有魔法师?”阿特兰特微笑反问,似乎一切尽在掌握。 Fernando hey: Yes, Douglas thinks. Understanding about the world, to the assurance of rule, to the dialysis of principle, joining of need more person. Many exchanges, can obtain a better development, therefore, he some knowledge definitions is Arcane, can with other thing of Sorcerers share, but about magic arts model and other detail magic knowledge, is individual secret, only depending on individual wish share.” 费尔南多嘿了一声:“是的,道格拉斯认为。对世界的认识,对规律的把握,对原理的透析,需要更多人的加入。更多的交流,才能得到更好的发展,所以,他将这部分知识定义为奥术,也就是可以与别的魔法师分享的东西,而关于法术模型等细节性的魔法知识,则是个人的秘密,仅凭个人意愿分享。” Arcane?” Atelante does not have the smiling face for the first time, reveals the thinking the expression, sounds Douglas to establish a pure Arcane exchange organization? Is his definition and classification?” 奥术?”阿特兰特第一次没有笑容,露出思索的表情,“听起来道格拉斯想要建立一个纯粹奥术交流型的组织?这就是他的定义和分类?” Temporarily is not thorough, how for example to encourage the researcher, but this truly is Douglas and our wishes, and hopes that above the organization of this Arcane exchange constructs one again stably magic construction, they are generally called mainland Sorcerers to unite Congress, resists the church by this together.” Fernando has not concealed own goal, does not have skillfully to draw out the topic, but the direct elaboration said. “暂时还没有那么深入,比如怎么激励研究者,但这确实是道格拉斯和我们的心愿,并且希望在这个奥术交流的组织之上再修建一个稳固的‘魔法建筑’,它们统称为‘全大陆魔法师联合议会’,以此共同抵抗教会。”费尔南多没有隐瞒自己的目的,也没有技巧性地引出话题,而是直接阐述道。 Atelante nods gently: I am interested in the Arcane exchange organization purely very much, following magic construction, but also needs a look again.” 阿特兰特轻轻颔首:“我对纯粹奥术交流型的组织很感兴趣,后面的‘魔法建筑’嘛,还需要再看看。” Has in «the Math principle this magic history of Magic Philosophy» one of the most important books before, which won't Sorcerers be interested in the Arcane exchange organization purely? Naturally, which when the time comes they will definitely also measure themselves to take the knowledge of share according to the situation are. 有《魔法哲学的数学原理》这本魔法史上最重要的书籍之一在前,哪个魔法师不会对纯粹奥术交流型的组织感兴趣?当然,到时候他们肯定也会根据情况权衡自己拿出来分享的知识是哪些。 I am not accidental your reply .” Fernando taunted said, is only willing to take the advantage, is not willing to take on the responsibility, this was initial period of the magic empire one of the important reasons collapsing, my goal also you blurred dance , sorcerer's family/home dragged into this exchange organization, as for the future matter, believes that you will choose the correct direction.” Our convention shows only to lead to the bright hope path! “我不意外你的回答,真的。”费尔南多略带嘲讽地说道,只愿意拿好处,不愿意担责任,这就是魔法帝国初期崩溃的重要原因之一,“我的目的也只是将你们‘迷离之舞’,呃,‘巫师之家’拉入这个交流组织,至于将来的事情嘛,相信你们会选择正确的方向。”我们会展示出唯一通向光明的希望道路! Also, Arcane exchanged for a long time, this academic body naturally had the cohesive force, some people are naturally willing consciously to maintain, later the integration, will be easier, this was the Douglas open intrigue, Fernando is clear, Atelante was also clear, but is unable to resist this seduction. 再说,奥术交流久了,这个学术组织自然就有了凝聚力,自然有人愿意自觉维护,之后再统合,就会容易很多,这是道格拉斯的阳谋,费尔南多清楚,阿特兰特也清楚,但无法抗拒这个诱惑。 Atelante opened the eyes suddenly profoundly, the pupil just like the starry sky: I am waiting.” 阿特兰特忽然睁开了双眼,瞳孔深邃宛如星空:“我等着。” „Should Douglas promote Legendary?” 道格拉斯应该已经晋升传奇了吧?” Yes, magic voter.” Fernando makes itself resist Atelante eyes diligently. “是的,‘魔法选民’。”费尔南多努力让自己抗拒着阿特兰特的双眼。 Two people exchanges are simple, quick achieved consistently, Fernando when leaving garden, in the heart is a little suddenly disappointed, but initially the old fox untold hardships, won over the Legendary cooperation with great difficulty, but own convincing was so dexterous, besides enormous influence that «Magic Philosophy Math principle» brought, but also lay in the change of situation, lay in own back has Legendary Sorcerer as the strong shield, but the old fox did not have. 两人的交流简单迅速,很快就达成了一致,费尔南多在离开花园时,心中忽地有点怅然,当初老狐狸可是千辛万苦,好不容易才拉拢到了传奇合作,而自己的说服却如此轻巧,除了《魔法哲学的数学原理》带来的巨大影响外,还在于局势的变化,更在于自己的背后有一位传奇魔法师作为坚实后盾,而老狐狸没有。 ............ ………… A year later, circled Fernando of great-circle to return to that place Hoole manor that Hathaway provided the storm channel, saw Douglas. 一年后,在暴风海峡这边绕了一大圈的费尔南多返回了海瑟薇提供的那处“胡尔”庄园,重新见到了道格拉斯 Hell what attitude is that side?” Fernando has not exchanged greetings to give regards, directly soars the subject. “‘地狱’那边是什么态度?”费尔南多没有寒暄问好,直奔主题。 Reason that perhaps extremely works hard, the hair of Douglas were many several white, his expression serious said/tunnel: Istayed for a half year in combustion metropolis, was invited the hell, not only has not seen ‚ the lord of hell Mar Demos, cannot visit successfully including several hell dukes.” 或许是太过操劳的缘故,道格拉斯的头发多了几根白色,他表情郑重地道:“我在‘燃烧都市’待了半年,然后被请出了地狱,不仅没有见到‘地狱之主’马尔迪莫斯,连几位地狱公爵也未能拜访成功。” Mar Demos this is indicated that isn't willing to meddle the attitude of main world matter?” Fernando frowns, is all right by him must orchestrate the plot, raises the storm for no reason the character, how possibly to let off this big change in situation, was the matter of non- supervisor world, taught by the Pope completely secretly? What is It concealing?” “马尔迪莫斯这是表明不愿意插手主世界事情的态度?”费尔南多皱起了眉头,“以他没事也要策划阴谋,无端掀起风浪的性格,怎么可能放过这个大变局,完全不管主世界的事情,难道是被教皇秘密教训了一顿?或者祂在掩饰什么?” If Malti Moss needs to conceal anything, by his intelligence, will definitely be perfunctory my, agrees without thinking anything, sends me by this, but his anything has not done, direct is doubtable It to conceal something, this absolutely is not his style, perhaps therefore, such attitude contained It to tell our information truly, for example, through such attitude, It told me, It is planning one unable to have the big plot of any leak and description . Moreover the distance did not succeed far, was ready by us, when the time comes responded It.” “如果马尔迪莫斯需要掩饰什么,以祂的聪明,肯定会敷衍我一下,随口答应点什么,以此打发我,但祂什么也没做,直接让人怀疑起祂在掩饰某件事情,这绝对不是祂的行事风格,所以,这样的态度或许才包含了祂真正想要告诉我们的信息,比如,通过这样的态度,祂告诉我,祂在谋划一个不能有任何外泄和描述的大阴谋,而且距离成功不远,让我们做好准备,到时候响应祂。” Douglas hesitated, told Fernando own analysis from beginning to end. 道格拉斯沉吟了一下,将自己的分析原原本本告诉了费尔南多 Fernando thinks carefully: This possibility conforms to Mar Demos's style.” 费尔南多仔细想了想:“这个可能最符合马尔迪莫斯的行事风格。” Therefore, we cannot be lax, the short 10-20 years, the long about hundred years, matter may have the sweeping change.” Douglas urged Fernando one. “所以,我们不能松懈,短则10-20年,长则百年左右,事情可能会有大变化。”道格拉斯叮嘱了费尔南多一句。 ............ ………… More than 20 years later, god Shengli Year 398, in Calais duchy in biggest swamp. 二十多年后,神圣历398年,加莱公国境内最大的沼泽里。 The man who wears the blue black magic long gown is strolling above the silt, his cape has not pulled up, revealed the skinny cheeks, is much thinner, is much paler, cannot see the age size. 一位穿着深黑色魔法长袍的男子正漫步于淤泥之上,他的斗篷没有拉起,露出了皮包骨头的脸颊,瘦得可怕,苍白得可怕,看不出年纪大小。 His left hand lost the lusters of all lives, was pale and dim, is winding around the light death aura, a swamp earthworm of seven head was pressed by it gently, was rotten on the flesh, flows out the wealth, becomes not the dead lifeform. 他的左手失去了所有生命的色泽,苍白而黯淡,缭绕着淡淡的死亡气息,一条七个脑袋的沼泽蚯蚓被它轻轻一按,就血肉腐烂,流出脓水,成为了不死生物。 This man lifts is only better than a point head the skeleton, looks at the horizon, the sound is talking to oneself crabbedly hoarsely: Xueli, I met you.” 这男子抬起只比骷髅好一点的头部,望着天边,声音艰涩沙哑地自语道:“雪莉,我来接你了。” Sorry, I was late.” “对不起,我迟到了。” Then, takes a step to forward, the boiling water that in the swamp the blue black silt sudden resembles boils braved the air bubble, rumble. 说完,迈步向前,沼泽之中深黑色的淤泥突然像煮沸的开水般冒起了气泡,咕噜咕噜。 Then, the silt was raised, flies to the midair, dances in the air all over the sky, the monster that a leader or the white bones will corrupt stood! 然后,淤泥被掀起,飞向了半空,满天飞舞,一头头或白骨会腐烂的怪物站了起来!
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