TMA :: Volume #10

#51: Scratches the shoulder

Oliver is also experienced several life and death dangerous situations soldier, the critical moment has not frightened the lenient leg hemp, no resistance ability, subconscious toward side is dodging, simultaneously brandishes the short-sword, tries to escape . 奥利弗也算是经历了好几次生死险境的“战士”,关键时刻并没有吓得手软腿麻,毫无反抗能力,下意识就往着旁边闪躲,同时挥舞起短剑,试图夺路而逃。. But, his strength misses much compared with team leader Grygla, effectively was used the length of long sword by Grygla, conducted a series of wielding to cut, keeping him from approaching, is unable to display the advantage of short-sword, can only lift the sword to resist passively hardly. 可是,他的实力比队长格里格拉差得太多,被格里格拉有效地利用了长剑的长度,进行了一连串的挥砍,让他无法靠近,无法发挥短剑的优势,只能被动地举剑硬抗。 When ding-dong, after several resounding, short-sword, when fell the ground, the Oliver right hand fingers/tiger mouth split, the blood seeped out. 当当当,几声脆响之后,短剑哐当一声落到了地上,奥利弗右手虎口裂开,鲜血渗出。 Grygla is grinning fiendishly, the stride goes forward, the long sword cuts horizontally, reduces the range that Oliver dodges step by step. 格里格拉狞笑着,跨步上前,长剑横砍,一步步将奥利弗躲闪的范围缩小。 Among short several, Oliver discovered oneself were forced into the corner, no matter proceeds toward left toward right, has to face the long sword of none twinkle. 短短几下之间,奥利弗发现自己被逼入了角落,不管是往左往右还是往前,都不得不面对精光闪烁的长剑。 Is dying? 要死了吗? The long sword falls, Oliver scalp tingles, within the body as if has anything to burst open, stimulates his eye blood red, unconsciousness both hands grips tightly in the hand the only thing, welcomed to the long sword. 长剑落下,奥利弗头皮发麻,体内似乎有什么东西迸开,刺激得他眼睛一片血红,无意识地双手紧握自己手中唯一的事物,迎向了长剑。 A dull thumping sound transmits, Oliver steps back again, abutted the ice-cold wall, the blood of right hand fingers/tiger mouth overflowed are more, the clear deep blue law stick will catch wiped the blood-color. 啪,一声闷响传来,奥利弗再次退后一步,紧靠住了冰冷的墙壁,右手虎口的鲜血溢出更多,将晶莹的蔚蓝法杖染上了一抹血色。 Snort!” Grygla thinks little, has the short-sword the time, Oliver cannot be victorious oneself, now took a nondescript swagger stick that not to think. “哼!”格里格拉不以为意,有短剑的时候,奥利弗都打不过自己,现在拿着一根不伦不类的短杖那就更别想了。 Only those who let his spirit a little vacillation is, this glittering and translucent carving swagger stick is quite as if precious, if cut badly, oneself will be definitely grieved. 唯一让他精神有点动摇的是,这根晶莹剔透的短杖似乎颇为珍贵,要是砍坏了,自己肯定会心痛。 However, he changed mind to think the magic object that the gem of that full room and possibly had, the vacillation vanished rapidly, so many valuable things, this swagger stick lost in any case loses, must make the best use of the time to massacre Oliver, found the mechanism/organization to close the entrance, prevents other person and robs the buried treasure! 不过,他转念想到了那满房间的宝石和可能存在的魔法物品,动摇迅速消失,反正还有那么多值钱的事物,这根短杖损失就损失吧,必须抓紧时间杀掉奥利弗,找到机关将入口关闭,防止其他人与自己抢夺宝藏! Decision at heart just, his long sword a standard, the rough movement has become careful, opens the swagger stick, the chest of straight thrust Oliver. 心里的决定刚下,他长剑已经一格,粗犷的动作变得细致,挑开短杖,直刺奥利弗的胸口。 Looks the sword point that this bright light shakes, the Oliver frightened eruption, only thinks the whole world becomes exceptionally slow, the sword sharp snail punctures toward own chest, but only have the thought so to be quick, the body is the same slowly to Grygla's long sword, can only look helplessly the long sword little punctures toward oneself, is unable to react. 看着这明光晃晃的剑尖,奥利弗恐惧爆发,只觉整个世界都变得异常缓慢,剑尖蜗牛般向着自己胸膛刺来,可自己唯有思维才如此快,身体与格里格拉的长剑一样“迟缓”,只能眼睁睁地看着长剑一点点向着自身刺来,根本无法做出反应。 Is dying? 要死了吗? I do not want dead! 我不想死! The short instance, Oliver fell into an unusual elusive condition, then his mind had a string to be cut off probably was the same, makes the sound, then he felt in own soul to have anything surging forward to flow rapidly, flows deep blue swagger stick that both hands gripped tightly. 短短的瞬间,奥利弗陷入了一种奇特的空灵状态,接着他脑海像是有根弦断掉了一样,发出啪的声音,然后他觉得自己灵魂内有什么东西汹涌澎湃地奔流了出来,流向了双手紧握的蔚蓝短杖。 Above the swagger stick sends out unusually crashing, Oliver only thinks oneself broke a leaf of front door, the whole person is surrounded by the sea that the tiny silver white electric light composed. 喀嚓,短杖之上发出奇特的“碎裂声”,奥利弗只觉自己冲开了一扇大门,整个人被细小银白电光组成的海洋包围住了。 ! 啪啪啪! Above the swagger stick emitted silver white electric arcs, hit Grygla's several strategic points without any hindrances. 短杖之上冒出了一道道银白的电弧,毫无阻碍地击中了格里格拉的几处要害。 Grygla's face and chest rapid burned black, the long sword stabbed the body of Oliver actually only to be incapable of falling, made the wound merely. 格里格拉的脸庞、胸口迅速焦黑,长剑刺中了奥利弗的身体却只能无力滑落,仅仅制造出了浅浅的伤口。 How I will die...... he to look startled at a loss front still braves the swagger stick of electric spark, the body to fall to the ground softly. 我怎么会死……他愕然茫然地看着面前犹自冒着电火花的短杖,身体软软倒地。 He had confirmed, Oliver is not the magic apprentice, even if the swagger stick is the unusual goods, he still affirmed that did not use! 他早就确认,奥利弗不是魔法学徒,即使短杖是超凡物品,他也肯定使用不了! How can be able like this? The Grygla both eyes circle opens the eyes, dies with injustice unredressed. 可怎么会这样?格里格拉双目圆睁,死不瞑目。 Oliver double grasps to grasp the swagger stick, the lower back bow like the sun-dried shelled shrimp, the big mouth place is gasping for breath, the head pulls out the pain to crack, wishes one could to kill on the wall. 奥利弗双手持握着短杖,腰背弓如虾米,大口地喘着气,脑袋抽痛欲裂,恨不得撞死在墙上。 Crossed some little time, he slow, slowly lifted the head, the corner of the eye, nostril and corners of the mouth has the light bloodstain. 过了好一会儿,他才缓了过来,慢慢抬起了头,眼角、鼻孔、嘴角有着淡淡的血迹。 Is I contemplates the breakthrough, when became the apprentice psychic force impact on stimulate the swagger stick?” His head is a little thinking blurry, can the swagger stick not have the core mark? Had been erased......” “是我冥想突破,成为学徒时的精神力冲击激发了短杖?”他脑袋有点迷糊地想着,“可短杖不是应该有核心印记吗?难道早就被人抹掉了……” He shakes the head, both hands grip tightly the swagger stick to look to Grygla, sees only this usually to lie down by the fierce team leader who oneself dread vapidly here, the complexion becomes dark, the eye circle opened the eyes, dies again cannot die. 他摇了摇头,双手紧握短杖地看向格里格拉,只见这位平时让自己畏惧的厉害队长正毫无生气地躺在这里,脸色发黑,眼睛圆睁,死得不能再死了。 Oliver did not feel relieved, squats down specially, inspected Grygla's body carefully, after confirming is unmistakable, he with astonishment confusedly and joyfully is shocked looks to the swagger stick: 奥利弗并不放心,专门蹲下,仔细检查了格里格拉的尸体,确认无误之后,他惊愕迷茫又欣喜震动地望向短杖: „Is this strength of magic?” “这就是魔法的力量?” Later, he rapid calm, closed the entrance, discovered other secret exit|to speak, then installs the books, goods and gem reorganization in the storage bag that the master leaves behind, left here. 之后,他迅速冷静了下来,关闭了入口,找出了另外的秘密出口,然后将书籍、物品和宝石整理装在法师遗留的储物袋里,离开了这里。 It is not he does not want to settle down here temporarily, first enhances the strength, is really because here does not have food, could not take several days, he must starve to death here, but the lifeform above wilderness, over 90% compared with him, but they liked killing one another. 不是他不想暂时定居此处,将实力先提升上去,实在是因为这里没有食物,要不了几天,他就得饿死在这里,而荒原之上的生物们,百分之九十以上都比他强,只不过它们更喜欢自相残杀。 ............ ………… Two days later, Fernando arrived here wilderness, plans seeks to retreat to here ** dance organization, as far as he knows, „the eye of curse Atelante although these days cannot hide, but is unwilling, conformed with many small organizations, is making up ** dance loss in previous event. 两天后,费尔南多来到了此处荒原,打算寻找撤退到这里的“**之舞”组织,据他所知,“诅咒之眼”阿特兰特这段时间虽然躲藏不出,但并不甘心,整合了许多小组织,弥补着“**之舞”在上次事件里的损失。 If this is not the case, he cannot obtain the news, could not find here. 若非如此,他根本得不到消息,找不到这里来。 Naturally, he is not clear ** dance exact place, only then the , adopted in secret surveillance the test of Sorcerers, can be brought to go. 当然,他并不清楚“**之舞”的具体地点,只有到了附近,通过了暗中监视的魔法师的考验,才能被带进去。 Well, here has the trace that the magic mechanism/organization opens.” Recently Night Watch made Fernando choose the careful vanguard crazily, does not dare to soar boldly, therefore, when the psychic force induction range, he suddenly discovered a quite obvious trace, looked was the rookies left has not conducted effective processing the trace. “咦,这里有魔法机关打开的痕迹。”最近守夜人的疯狂让费尔南多选择小心前行,不敢大胆飞翔,所以,在精神力感应范围内,他突然发现了一处较为明显的痕迹,一看就是菜鸟离开时没有进行有效处理的痕迹。 Here conceals which Sorcerers vestige?” The Fernando mood one improves, is not he is greedy for money, but starts at present did not have mainland Sorcerers that many people know to unite Congress really to lack the mastery, not only lacks the material, but also lacks money- initially Cooks changed, was damaged most seriously was the Sorcerers union trade union, the two vice-chairmen of death had not carved up the heritage of organization, at present does not know where hid to go, left Douglas and Fernando, only then ruins condition Castle in the Sky Allyn hardship, if not Hathaway supported the money, Fernando this time and exchange of other organization will not know much poor. “难道这里藏着哪位魔法师的遗迹?”费尔南多情绪一下变好,不是他贪财,而是目前草创还没多少人知晓的“全大陆魔法师联合议会”实在缺乏底蕴,不仅缺材料,而且缺金钱-当初库克斯之变,受损最严重的就是魔法师联合工会,未死的两位副会长瓜分了组织的遗产,目前不知道躲到哪里去了,留给道格拉斯费尔南多的只有废墟状态的“天空之城”阿林厄,若非海瑟薇赞助了一大笔钱,费尔南多这次与其他组织的交流不知道会多寒酸。 Therefore he suspended the vanguard, uses the magic arts, makes „the secret discernment and other things, investigates the surroundings carefully, confirmed after the security, started effort that decodes the magic mechanism/organization. 于是他暂停了前行,施展法术,制造出“秘法眼”等事物,仔仔细细地侦查起周围,确认安全后才开始了破解魔法机关的努力。 Probably a half hour , above the hillock caved in a front door. 大概半个小时,喀嚓一声,小丘之上塌陷出了一道大门。 After Fernando inspected one, the action such as flew hot, finally discovered that overwhelming majority gems, materials and goods do not see, the disciple keeps the little corner things. 费尔南多检查了一遍后,行动如火地飞了进去,结果发现绝大部分宝石、材料和物品都已经不见,徒留少许边角事物。 Yeah, late, if runs into the beforehand that rookies, can definitely deceive him , introduced in Congress.” Fernando quite grasped the wrists sighed one. “哎,迟了点,要是遇到之前那菜鸟,完全可以把他骗,呃,介绍到议会里。”费尔南多颇为扼腕地感叹了一声。 Carried off from the magic books, as well as residual fight trace, through the prediction class magic arts initial judgment what he takes away the buried treasure is the rookies of apprentice level. 从魔法书籍被带走,以及残留的战斗痕迹,他通过预言类法术初步判断拿走宝藏的是位学徒级的菜鸟。 ............ ………… The dense fog that in the valley land the vegetation develops, covers light, change is keeping. 谷地里草木滋长,笼罩着淡淡的、变化不停的迷雾。 Erica is holding the thick books of that black seal, is reading the above content as if deluded, and often is calculating anything. 艾丽卡抱着那本黑色封皮的厚厚书籍,如痴如醉地读着上面的内容,并且不时地演算着什么。 What originally we are is the star......” “原来我们所在的是星球……” „Is attraction the essence of land strength?” “引力就是大地力量的本质?” Element whether is the origin of attraction?” “地元素是否就是引力的来源?” Star unexpectedly is such revolution......” “星球竟然是那样运转……” „After no wonder we jump, will fall to the ground......” “难怪我们跳起来之后会落地……” The careful sigh sound and discussion reverberate around Erica, Sorcerers or excited excited or knit the brows the thinking to discuss «Magic Philosophy Math principle». 细细的感叹声、议论声在艾丽卡周围回响,一位位魔法师或兴奋激动或皱眉思索地讨论着《魔法哲学的数学原理》。 This books subverted them the understanding about the world, making them have an original world is such vanishing awakening feeling. 这本书籍颠覆了他们对世界的认识,让他们有一种原来世界是这样的幻灭醒悟感。 If not this does not have the foundation surname content of precedent, in them many people meet the cognitive world to vacillate absolutely, or the collapse or the solidification, even so, they also had three view renovated feelings. 若非这是没有先例的开创姓内容,他们之中绝对有不少人会认知世界动摇,或崩溃或凝固,即使如此,他们也有了三观被刷新的感觉。 Is this world unexpectedly this? 这个世界竟然是这样的? This world unexpectedly is this! 这个世界竟然是这样的! Looks up point stars that in the dense fog is showing, they as if saw the mysterious mysterious stars path, all no longer do that not have the rule, but is performs in grasping! 抬头望着迷雾上透出的点点繁星,他们似乎看到了玄奥神秘的星辰轨迹,一切不再是那样毫无规律,而是“尽在掌握”! Erica looked at a while, put down the book, rubbed the head, an appearance of aneuria, looked that this book was too painful, particularly reads this book in the situation that the knowledge was insufficient! 艾丽卡看了一会儿,将书放下,揉了揉脑袋,一副精力衰竭的模样,看这本书实在太痛苦了,尤其是在知识不足的情况下看这本书! She had been taught the knowledge of calculus by Douglas, but built a foundation at that time, dim, therefore studies «Magic Philosophy Math principle» incomparably difficult, wants to write a letter to consult Douglas, the discovery is actually not able to contact him temporarily. 她曾经被道格拉斯教过微积分的知识,但当时只是打了个基础,很多都还朦朦胧胧,因此学习《魔法哲学的数学原理》无比困难,想要写信请教道格拉斯,却发现暂时无法联络到他了。 Sees Erica to start to rub the head, surrounding Sorcerers quick such as the crafty rabbit rushed, the vision condenses on her face, the mouth asked to be willing saying: 艾丽卡开始揉脑袋,周围的魔法师们一个个快如狡兔地奔了过来,目光凝聚在她脸上,嘴里求肯道: Erica, should teach us the calculus!” 艾丽卡,该教我们微积分了!” How should this overall do?” “这个积分该怎么做?” „Does magic arts model process with the calculus like this?” “法术模型用微积分这样处理?” Fly encirclement that issues dance in the air probably near the Erica ear, made that her brain is even more chaotic, the mood is more agitated. 一个个问题像是飞舞的苍蝇环绕在艾丽卡耳边,弄得她大脑愈发混乱,心情更加烦躁。 May look at that eager expressions young and old , male and female, her heart was also soft, yes, oneself good and evil has the foundation of calculus, can looks while studies independently, their actually anything does not understand, can only have a look at the attraction related description reluctantly. 可看着那不分男女老少的眼巴巴表情,她的心又软了下来,是啊,自己好歹有微积分的基础,能够边看边自学,他们却什么都不懂,只能勉强看看引力相关的描述。 Meanwhile, she raised the intense sense of pride, this inside may many high rank Sorcerers, usually appear strong middle rank master many, they actually must consult to themselves, even Atelante was approaching itself to inquire that some time ago the knowledge of calculus, the calculus worthily are the epoch-making progress of mathematical domain! 同时,她升起了强烈的自豪感,这里面可不乏高阶魔法师,不乏平时显得比自己强的中阶法师,他们却都要向自己请教,甚至不久前阿特兰特阁下都在向自己询问微积分的知识,微积分不愧是数理领域的划时代进步! Erica observed the situation expression one eyes of people, in the heart suddenly had to the beyond control joy fiercely, after Aalto fell to the enemy, own these companions numb desperate, like not dead lifeform, but «the Math principle this book of Magic Philosophy» like the nighttime lighthouse, illuminated jet black, scattered desperately, making them brim with the small hope, was not the magic is weak, before because us, did not do well enough! The understanding about this world also misses too! 艾丽卡环视了众人的表情一眼,心中忽然有了剧烈到无法控制的喜悦,阿尔托沦陷之后,自己的这些同伴们一个个麻木绝望,如同不死生物,可《魔法哲学的数学原理》这本书就像黑夜里的灯塔,照亮了漆黑,驱散了绝望,让他们又都洋溢起了小小的希望,不是魔法不够强,只是因为我们以前做得还不够!对这个世界的认识还差得太远! Hopes does not extinguish, the inheritance of magic will never cut off! 希望不灭,魔法的传承就永不断绝! The corners of the mouth of Erica cancelled quietly, started the happy worry, explained the calculus for the companions. 艾丽卡的嘴角悄悄地勾了起来,开始了幸福的烦恼,为同伴们讲解起微积分。 At this time, had Sorcerers to fly, to mixing in consulting crowd ** the master asked: Vice-chairman mister, has high rank Sorcerers named Fernando to seek an interview in the remote mountain hut, through the inspection, has let him come in?” 这时,有魔法师飞了进来,向混在请教人群里的**师问道:“副会长先生,有位叫做费尔南多的高阶魔法师在深山小屋求见,已经通过考察,让不让他进来?” The vice-chairman had not replied with enough time, Erica stood suddenly: Mr. Fernando? He excels at the calculus!” 副会长还未来得及回答,艾丽卡就猛然站了起来:“费尔南多先生?他非常擅长微积分!” This was Mr. Douglas says! 这可是道格拉斯先生说的! Most Sorcerers have not known that Douglas has promoted Legendary. 绝大多数魔法师都还不知道道格拉斯已经晋升传奇了。 What? Excels at the calculus?” Finishes barely the words, valley land Sorcerers vanished cleanly, all flushed, only left behind that notifying master bewildered to look at Erica.( To be continued.) “什么?非常擅长微积分?”话音未落,谷地的魔法师们就消失得一干二净,全部冲了出去,只留下那个报信的法师一脸茫然地看着艾丽卡。(未完待续。)
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