Chapter 499flamehas the clamdesolate
第499章炎具蜃荒„What kind of, found? Whatunderis sealing?” The lampgodsinceheard after having the spear/gun of seal, has not returned to the oil lampagain, has been defendingbyMu You, at this timelooked that hedid not speak, inquiredon own initiative.
“怎么样,找到了没有?底下到底封存着什么?”灯神自从听说有封印之枪后,就没有再回到油灯,一直在沐游旁边守着,此时看他迟迟不说话,不由主动询问。„Asked, belowsealcalling‚hassnake’thing.”Mu Youalsojustgainedthisnewsfrom the game.
“问到了,下面封印着一种叫‘具蛇’的东西。”沐游这边也是刚从游戏中获取到这个消息。„Has the snake?”Lampgodhearswordimmediatelyin great surprise.
“具蛇?”灯神闻言顿时大惊。Mu Youevenfeltobvioustremblingfromhim, was more curious, wasanything, canmakeoncegodsbe afraidbecomesthis.沐游甚至从他身上感受到了一阵明显的战栗,不由更为好奇,到底是什么,能够让一个曾经的神明害怕成这样。„What is thisthing?”Mu Youis busy atasking.
“这东西是什么?”沐游忙问。„Has the snake, is a disaster......”lampgodsighs: „Needsto use the spear/gun of sealno wonder......”
“天灾?”„Yes, hasfourdisastersin the real world, the distinctionnamedflame, has, clamanddesolate, somepeopleact according totheirexternalbeastscharacteristics, said that they, have the snake, the clamtapiranddesolateblackfor the flamecow. When any disasterappears, caneasilyextinguishkills the innumerablegodclans, andcauses the destruction that is inconceivableto the local environment.”
„ Four the appearances of disasterbeastspresent the seasonal characteristics, eachdisasterbeastonlycomesandenlivensin the respectiveseason, othertimewill findunmannedplaceto be quietto restore the strength.
“四种天灾兽的出现呈现季节性,每种天灾兽都只在各自的季节现身并活跃,其他时间则会找无人的地方沉寂起来恢复力量。Howeverhere‚season’, does not refer toAstral Spirit RealmandLand of Forgettingthisspring, summer, autumn, winterfour seasons, the disasterseason that butcomesby the appearancetimedivision of disasterbeast, is called the flamedisasterseason, the frightenedseason, the mirageseason and desolatedseasonrespectively. ”
不过这里的‘季节’,可不是指星灵界和遗忘之地这种春夏秋冬四季,而是以天灾兽的出现时代划分而来的天灾季,分别叫做炎灾季、恐惧季、蜃气季和荒芜季。”„The flamedisasterseason and mirageseasonare slightly short, the frightenedseason and desolatedseasonare long, but the average, canstretch across in 5000 each seasonabout! But a samsara of entirefour seasons, is just 20,000years!”
“两万年?”Mu Youhearsstaresthis time, immediatelyrememberson the steletheseto defend the person, just a timeis20,000yearshitscard. Butin the god's of ordermessagealsoemphasizedspecially, every 20000 years, no matter the spear/gun of sealbecomes less crowded, mustreinforceseal a time.沐游听到这个时间一愣,立即想起石碑上那些守界人,也刚好是两万年打一次卡。而秩序之神的留言中也特意强调了,每隔20000年,不管封印之枪有没有松动,都一定要来加固一次封印。Nowlooks like, should thistodeal with the periodicity of thisdisasterbeastis active?
现在看来,这应该是为了应对这只天灾兽的周期性活跃?„Has not thought that the initialcreationworld, playedunexpectedlysuchin a big way......”
The lampgodcomplexionis strange, heinitiallywas only an ordinaryyounggod, could not participate in the discussion of thisgrade of paramount interest, did not know the circumstances of the mattertothismattercompletely.
灯神脸色古怪,他当初只是一个普通的小神,根本参与不到这等核心利益的商讨中,对这种事完全不知情。Alsocreatedstarting from the worldfromAstral Spirit Realmno wonderinitially, the laterfrightenedseasondid not haveagainwitnessinginformation that has the snake, indeedhad the snaketo be suppressedunexpectedlydirectlyinAstral Spirit Realm!
也难怪当初从星灵界创世开始,之后的恐惧季就再没有了具蛇的目击情报,敢情具蛇竟是直接被镇压在了星灵界内!„Butthis was also too adventurous, the words that ifescapedbyit......”lampgodmumbledin a low voice.
“但这也太冒险了,万一被它逃出来的话……”灯神低声嘟囔。Althoughon the mouthwas complaininghas the risk, butheactuallyunderstands,thiswas the rightestchoiceat that time, gets up the disasterbeastseal, so long ascanmake the godclanlittlepass a disasterseason, is worth, had the snakelet alonecontinuouslyby the sealso manyyears , from the resultis the bloodgains.
虽然嘴上抱怨着有风险,不过他其实明白,这是当时最合适的选择,将灾兽封印起来,只要能让神族少度过一个天灾季,都是值得的,更何况具蛇一直被封印了这么多年,从结果上看已经是血赚。As forrisk...... in any caseinAstral Spirit Realm, even ifreallyescapedbyit, mostisAstral Spirit Realmis still destroyedonetime, the frightenedseasonrestores the normal state, afterwardreconstructsAstral Spirit Realmis, after all is only a virtual world.
The issueis, now the godclanhas exterminated the clan, the entirereal worldbittengodbeastswrest away, Astral Spirit Realmhad turned into his survivalgods the place of barely managing to maintain a feeble existence, finallynowtellshimAstral Spirit Realmto seal a disasterbeast, moreovercanget out of troubleanytime?
问题在于,如今神族已经灭族,整个真实世界都被噬神兽们霸占,星灵界已经变成了他这种幸存神明的苟延残喘之地,结果现在告诉他星灵界封存着一只天灾兽,而且随时有可能脱困?„Whatseason is thatpresentreal world?”Mu Youasked.
The lampgodknit the browsto pondera while, somedid not determine saying: „According to the time reckoning, shouldbe in the frightenedseasonnow the last act, to the beginning of mirageseasonthese days......”
灯神皱眉沉思了一会儿,有些不确定道:“按时间推算,现在应该处于恐惧季的尾声,到蜃气季的开端这一段时间内……”„The frightenedseason'slast act...... yousaida moment ago,eachseasonlengthin5000above, in other words, before 4000time, justsituated inhaving the snakedoes enter the active phase the stage?”Mu Youknits the browsto ask.
“恐惧季的尾声……你刚才说,每个季节长度都在五千年以上,也就是说,四千年前的时代,刚好位于具蛇进入活跃期的阶段?”沐游皱眉问。„Is......”lampgodsmiles bitterly saying: „Thisestimateis the reason that to have the snakeregains consciousness, in addition the godextermination of entire extended familyis never recurring, Astral Spirit Realmhaslasted liuqiwan yearsno oneto handle, perhaps the seal of spear/gun of sealshouldbecome less crowdedearly......”
The lampgodjustsaid,immediatelyrememberedanything, the doubtssaid: „But, yousaidbefore,hasend of snakeis the so-calledseductress/evil spiritmother tree, thismother treestops the growthat the same time that yourFoolwas born, how the timecansuchcoincidence?”
灯神刚说完,随即又想起了什么,疑惑道:“不过,你之前说,具蛇的尾端就是所谓的妖精母树,这母树在你们愚者诞生的同一时间停止了生长,时间怎么会这么巧合?”„Moreoverlater when hasFoolgoesto the bitter and astringentgarden, has the tail of snakealsoto present the response...... suchlooked like, hasawakensandbetweenyou of Foolsnakeshouldhave the direct link......”
“而且之后有愚者去到苦涩花园时,具蛇的尾巴也都出现了反应……这么看来,具蛇的苏醒和伱们愚者之间应该有直接联系……”„? Yourefer to......”Mu Youknitting the brows.
The lampgodsaidseriously: „Iestimated,thisissomepeoplespeciallydesigns, so long asAstral Spirit RealmhasFool born, will have the snaketo regain consciousness, andwill gradually bring back the strength, untilshaking off the fetter of spear/gun of sealwill be born, byhaving the strength of snakewill destroyAstral Spirit Realm, will thus destroyyourFoolindirectly.”
灯神严肃道:“我估计,这是有人专门设计好的,只要星灵界有愚者诞生,具蛇就会苏醒,并且逐渐取回力量,直到挣脱封印之枪的束缚出世,靠具蛇的力量毁灭掉星灵界,从而间接毁灭掉你们愚者。”„In other words, in the godssomepeopledo not wantto see that hasself-awarenessNPCto appear?”Mu Yousighed.
“也就是说,神明之中有人不想看到拥有自我意识的NPC出现?”沐游叹息一声。This can actually understand,was just likehumanto graspAI and the robot technologyinnovationlevelnow, butin the futureunceasingiteration, someday of robotawakeningself-awareness, humannaturally will also possibly have the risk that was overthrownandreplacedat the appointed time.
这其实可以理解,就好比现在人类掌握了革新级的AI和机器人技术,但在将来不断的迭代中,某一天机器人可能会觉醒自我意识,到时人类自然也就有了被推翻和取代的风险。To avoid this, ahead of timeestablished a procedure/program that prevented the robotdisorderto expandto need very much.
为了避免这种情况,提前设置好一个防止机器人无序扩张的程序就很有必要了。Buthas the snake, obviouslywas broughtto immobilize the Fooltoolby the gods: So long asexaminesAstral Spirit Realmto have the Foolbirth, and godclanis incapable ofregulatingtime, will have the snaketo regain consciousness, andwill gradually bring back the strength, tobeing born, againtoextinguishingworld, will thus completetostrangling to death of Fool.
The price of althoughdoing thatisAstral Spirit Realmmustfollowto be buried along with the dead, alwayscompared withgrewbyFool, replaces the godclanto be better.
尽管这么做的代价是星灵界要跟着陪葬,也总比被愚者们成长起来,取代神族要好。„Is the god of orderdoes?”Mu Youindefinitelooksto the lampgod.
“是秩序之神做的?”沐游不确定的看向灯神。Fromby the Qilinarm of sealin the orders, the god of orderparticipated in the sealhavinginsnakematterobviously, moreoveractedimportantcharacter.
从被封印在秩序之间中的麒麟臂来看,秩序之神显然参与到了封印具蛇这件事中,而且扮演了重要角色。However, whatMu Youis strange, if the god of orderdoes not wantto seeFool born, why before initiallyat the point of death, but can also make the lampgodhelphimlook for the followingsuccessor?
不过,沐游奇怪的是,如果秩序之神不想看到愚者诞生,为什么当初临死前,还要让灯神帮他物色后续继承者?„No, the god of orderwill not dothismatter! On the contrary, hehas been gladto see the birth of low-ranklifevery much.” The lampgodsaiddecisively.
“不,秩序之神绝不会做这种事!相反,他一直很乐意见到下位生命的诞生。”灯神断然道。„Who can thatbe?”Mu Youlets go.
“那会是谁?”沐游摊手。„Ithink that...... shouldbe‚the god of confusion’does.” The lampgodhesitatesto say.
“混乱……”„Yes, listening to the nameto know, the god of confusion is the god of relativegods of order, if the god of orderisallleaders who defend the seriesgods, then the chaoticgodis the godsleaders of allchaoticdepartments. Their twoare the inbornopposites, saidaccurately,entiredefends the seriesandchaoticisbetweenis the inbornenemies.”
“是的,听名字就知道,混乱之神是和秩序之神相对的神明,如果说秩序之神是所有守序系神明的头领,那么混乱之神就是一切混乱系的神明领袖。他们两个是天生的对立面,更准确的说,整个守序系和混乱系之间都是天生的敌人。”„It is saidin the pasthaddrawing back of snaketo governfor the last time, is the god of confusionleadsgods of numerouschaoticdepartmentto initiate, finallyas ifsuccessfullyrepelledhad the snake, but looking back now, theymayat that time, not onlyrepelled, evenalsocaptured alivehad the snake!”
“据说当年最后一次具蛇的退治,就是混乱之神带领一众混乱系的神明发起的,最后似乎成功击退了具蛇,但现在看来,他们当时可不只是击退,甚至还活捉了具蛇!”„If the chaoticthisfellowhides the truth fromothergodsto establishthisextinguishingworldsubsequent hand, Iwill not be completely accidental!”
The lampgodsaidto shake the head, saidearnestly: „In brief, youmust have the questions suggest of snakenowas soon as possible.”
„ Infourbigdisasterbeasts, having the snakeishardest to deal withone, becauseotherthreedisasterbeastsare strong, mostalsocauses the destruction in physics, buthas the snake is actually by the monster of moodincarnation, is grasping the strength of playing with the will of the people.
“在四大天灾兽中,具蛇是最难缠的一个,因为其他三只灾兽再强,最多也只是造成物理上的破坏,但具蛇却是由情绪化身的怪兽,掌握着玩弄人心的力量。Place that anysnakepasses through, brought, not onlydisaster, man-made disaster, is the war! Having the snakecanprovoke the beliefwar between godswith ease, the frightenedseason, in the landalways the waris each time unceasing, duringgodclaneachround of disasterseason, most likely (80%)casualty rateswere the bucklein the frightenedseason. Therefore, the frightenedseasonis a disasterseason that the godclansmostare not willingto face! ”
凡是具蛇经过的地方,带来的不只是天灾,还有人祸,也就是战争!具蛇可以轻松的挑动起神明之间的信仰战争,每次恐惧季,大地上总是战争不断,神族每一轮灾季之中,有八成的伤亡率都是折损在了恐惧季中。因此,恐惧季一直是神族们最不愿面对的一个灾季!”„Whatmeanshas to killthisthingthoroughly?”Mu Youasked.
“有什么办法能彻底杀死这东西吗?”沐游问。„Kills the disasterbeast? Youalsowanttoomany......”lampgodquiteto say with a smile: „Disasterbeastis unable to striketo kill, becausetheyare the incarnations of disaster, can only ordraws backby the sealgoverns, even if the timepassed the currentdisasterseason, theydo not vanish, butis only the strengthdeclines, toavoidclashingwithotherdisasterbeasts, found the placeto hide the training.”
“杀死灾兽?你也想太多了……”灯神好笑道:“天灾兽是无法击杀的,因为他们本来就是灾难的化身,只能被封印或者退治,就算时间度过当前灾季,它们也不是消失,而只是力量衰退,为了避免和其他灾兽发生冲突,找地方躲起来修养了而已。”„As fordrawing backgoverns, evenin the godclanheyday, stillneedsover a hundredgodsto collaborate, has the opportunityto repel the disasterbeast, presentAstral Spirit Realm, does not exist to resistitsthing!”
“至于退治,即便在神族全盛时期,也需要上百位神明联手,才有机会击退灾兽,现在的星灵界,根本不存在能对抗它的东西!”„Therefore, youbestgo tothisthingsealto get upas soon as possibleagain, oncedoes not makeitruncarefully, Astral Spirit Realmwill really be finished!” The lampgodurged.
“好吧。”Mu Younods, understands the gravity of matter, quicklyreturnsto play.沐游点了点头,也明白了事情的严重性,急忙回到游戏中。
……„How haven't youwalked?”
The bottom of darkhole, seductress/evil spiritkingAoLenzknits the browsto look atseveralpeople outside barrier.
暗窟之底,妖精王奥伦兹皱眉看着结界外的几个人。Initstated clearlyafterseveralpeople the situation of having the snake, thesepeoplenot onlyhave not left, insteadgathered roundbarrierto sit, discussesanythingwith the language that hecould not understandin a low voice.
在它对几人明说了具蛇的情况后,这几人非但没离开,反而围着结界坐了下来,用他听不懂的语言低声商量起了什么。„No rush, Uncle, isn't thismanyissueshas not doneto understand?”Nightwatchersaid with a smile: „You said that if the bitter and astringentmother treeis the tail of thissnakestate-of-art, your the seductress/evil spirit that hasfrom the tree, is the child of thissnake?”
“别急啊,大叔,这不是还有好些问题没搞明白吗?”打更人笑道:“你说如果苦涩母树是这条蛇的尾巴尖端所化,那你们这些从树上结出的妖精,岂不是都是这条蛇的孩子?”„Child'sviewis inaccurate, shouldsay,wehave the incarnation of snakestrength.”SpiritWang Pingjingsaid: „Creates the worldgodto stripwithsomemethodfixed time the strength of havingsnakewithin the body, creates a seductress/evil spiritclanbytheseenergiesagain. Alsotherefore, the seductresses/evil spiritsdo not have the concept of life span, whenenergy the division of strong and weak, birth the luckyminute/sharetoenergymanyseductresses/evil spirits, will become the higherseductress/evil spirit, the energylittleis the lowseductress/evil spirit.”
“孩子的说法并不准确,应该说,我们是具蛇力量的化身。”妖精王平静道:“创世神用某种方法定时剥离着具蛇体内的力量,再借由这些能量创造出妖精一族。也因此,妖精们并没有寿命的概念,只有能量的强弱之分,出生时幸运分到能量多的妖精,就会成为高等妖精,能量少就是低等妖精。”„Butalsobecausejust the energy of seductresses/evil spiritsandhas the snaketo be connected, at the same timewere many, another sidewill be few. Ifsomeseductress/evil spiritdied, incarnationforstrange, thisseductress/evil spiritwithin the bodyoriginalenergywill returntohavingon the snake, when once the seductress/evil spiritlarge surface areadeath, the surplusseductress/evil spiritquantitiesreducedtocertainsituation, has the energy of snakewithin the bodyto break through the critical point, thusmadeitobtainto work loose the ability of seal!”
„ Simply speaking, the seductress/evil spiritclanandhasbetween the snakescompletelyto oppose, the seductress/evil spiritclanis more prosperous, the ethnic grouppopulationare more, having the snakewill be weaker, whenotherwise the seductress/evil spiritclanstartsfeebly, when population decline, having the snake will also be getting stronger and stronger.
“简单来说,妖精族和具蛇之间是完全对立的,妖精族越繁盛,族群人口越多,具蛇就会越虚弱,反之当妖精族开始衰弱,人口下降之时,具蛇也会越来越强势。Why after thisalsohadinitially the snakeregains consciousness, the bitter and astringentmother treemeets first reason that stopsgrowing: Only thenfirstinterrupts the way that the seductress/evil spiritwas born, the population of seductress/evil spiritclanwill drainunceasingly, has the snakealsoto have the opportunityto save the strengthslowly! ”
这也是为什么当初具蛇苏醒后,苦涩母树会第一时间停止生长的原因:只有先截断了妖精诞生的途径,妖精族的人口才会不断流失,具蛇也才有机会慢慢积蓄力量!”„The quantity of seductress/evil spiritis so important......”
“妖精的数量这么重要啊……”Nightwatcherstrangelooks at the seductress/evil spiritking: „Butplaguedisciplinetimeyouwhat to do? Won't the plaguedisciplinefirst wipeto disappearAstral Spirit Realmallraces? At the appointed timehas the snaketo obtain the complete strengthdirectly?”打更人奇怪的看着妖精王:“可大灾纪的时候你们怎么办?大灾纪不是会先抹消星灵界所有种族吗?到时具蛇岂不是会直接获得全部力量?”„Do youknow the plaguedisciplineunexpectedly?”SpiritkingYiwailooked atNightwatcherone, butremembershimisFool, felt relaxed, shakes the head saying: „Spiritclanwill not destroyin the plaguediscipline, because the bitter and astringentgardenhadabove the help the lifeformto evade the plaguediscipline the function, butin the process of plaguediscipline, the memories of allseductresses/evil spiritsbyreset, afterplaguediscipline, allwill start......”
“你们居然知道大灾纪?”妖精王意外的看了打更人一眼,不过想起他是愚者,也就释然了,摇头道:“妖精族并不会在大灾纪中毁灭,因为苦涩花园本来就有帮助其上生物避过大灾纪的功能,只不过大灾纪的过程中,所有妖精的记忆都会被重置,大灾纪过后,一切又会重新开始……”„Even are youalso rememberedby the reset?”
“没错……”Spiritkingsighed, quicklyreturned tonormal, lookedtofourpeople: „Therefore, youleaveas soon as possible, Iwill continueto persevere the eraherefinallyend, butlater...... goes backto tellOlmedo, does not needto worry aboutmeagain, everyone is only left over for more than hundredyears, everyonetreasures the timerespectively, liveswell the finaltime......”
The seductress/evil spiritkinghave a strong sense of righteousnesssaid,thenclosed eyesentersagaincontemplated the condition, no longerpaid attention toseveralpeople.
妖精王大义凛然的说完,便闭目再次进入了冥想状态,不再理会几人。Afterseveralminutes, itopens the eyeagain, lookssitsinnearbyfourpeopleas before, knits the brows: „Mywords haven't youunderstood what is heard? How long must wastehere!”
一直到数分钟后,它才再次睁开眼睛,看着依旧坐在附近的四人,不由皱眉:“我刚才的话你们没听明白?还要在这里浪费多长时间!”Saying, the abovegiant beastheard the respitesound.
说着,上方的巨兽又传来了喘息声。„, Uncle, calms down, calms down!”
“咳,大叔,消消气,消消气!”Nightwatcherquicklybeckons with the handsays with a smiledry/does: „Mainlyiswealsohas a personnot to come, whenunderhimcomes to seeone, confirmed that wecanwalk, wewalkimmediately!”打更人急忙摆手干笑道:“主要是我们还有个人没来,等他下来看一眼,确认我们能走了,我们立即就走!”„Whatperson?” The seductress/evil spiritkingknits the brows.
“什么人?”妖精王皱眉。„Our, big brother...... . Moreover the uncle you do not usesuchpessimistically, mybig brotheris very fierce, makinghimcome to see, perhapsfavorable turn!”Nightwatchersaid.
The seductress/evil spiritkingbrowwrinklesis deeper, justwantsto sayanything, actuallyseesoppositethreepeople of simultaneouslyto stare, looksto a direction.
……【Youride the broom, the wearing outdarkness, arrived at the luminousplace, finallycloneto convergewiththree.】
【你骑乘扫把,穿破黑暗,到达了光亮处,终于与三个分身汇合。】【„Main bodyyoumaycalculate! Alsothinks that the timedid miss......? How the main body can youfly?”Nightwatchersees the broom under yourbody, surprisedopens the mouth.】
【“本体你可算来了!还以为时间赶不及了呢……咦?本体你怎么能飞?”打更人看到你身下的扫把,惊奇的开口。】Mu Youlooked up a clock and watch, rushed to the bottomto spenda lot oftime, at this momentis4 : 00 am, was only left overfromfivedays of questtime limitsis less thantwohours, butcaught upluckily.沐游抬头看了眼钟表,赶到地底又花去了不少时间,此刻已经是凌晨 4 点,距离五天的任务时限只剩下不到两个小时,不过幸好是赶上了。Went to the place, Mu Youwithout delay, firstcontrols the charactersandthreecloneto synchronizeto remember.
来到地方,沐游二话不说,先操控人物和三个分身同步了一下记忆。【„Depends? Qilinarm! Showsmequickly!” After memorysynchronization, Nightwatcherexaggeratingcalled, quicklyjumpstoyouside, liftsyoursleeves, the appreciation that tchtchexpressed admiration the epiphyticcircuit on yourright arm.】
【“哇靠?麒麟臂!快给我看看!”记忆同步之后,打更人夸张的叫了出来,急忙跳到你身边,掀开你的衣袖,啧啧称奇的欣赏着你右臂上的附生回路。】【The seductress/evil spiritkingsaw the circuit on yourarm, immediatelystares the bigeyeball, inconceivablelookstoyou: „Defendsperson'ssymbol! Youarenewdefends the person?!”】
【妖精王看到了你手臂上的回路,顿时瞪大眼珠,不可思议的看向你:“守界人的标志!你是新的守界人?!”】【Becoming with the seductress/evil spiritkingmoodexcited, above youhearhear the loudbreathing, looks up, a pair of giantsnakepupilopensfrom the darkness, staredtoyou!】
【随着妖精王情绪变得激动,你听到上方传来粗重的呼吸声,抬头看去,一对巨大的蛇瞳从黑暗中张开,直直瞪向了你!】【An indescribablealarmed and afraidfeelingraisesfromyourheart.】
【一股难以言喻的惊惧感从你心底升起。】【Yourbody surfacegod'sskinappearsautomatically, helpedyoudepressthisfear that quicklydid not have the origin.】
【你体表神之皮肤自动浮现,很快帮你压下了这股没由来的恐惧。】【„Thisis the strength of gods! Really are you actingperson of god?”Spiritkingunparalleledlooks atyourbodyweekexcitedly the energycoat, on the face the tears: „Good, the godshad not abandonedus......”】
【“这是神明的力量!你真是神的代行人?”妖精王无比激动的看着你身周的能量外衣,脸上老泪纵横:“太好了,神明还没有抛弃我们……”】【„Uncleyou...... calm......”Nightwatcherweakinplace, difficultopens the mouth.】
【“大叔你……冷静啊……”打更人瘫软在地,艰难的开口。】【This time three fear that on the sceneclonealreadyagain the clothingsnakecompels, the one after anotherwhole bodyshivers, young ladywitchGengfell to the groundat the scene, fainted.】
【此时在场三个分身已经再次被具蛇的恐惧所迫,一个个浑身颤抖,格格巫更是当场倒地,昏死了过去。】【The seductress/evil spiritkingalsorealizedownloss of self-control, quicklycloses eyesto hold the breathwith rapt attention, after adjusting the moment, itscomplexionreturns tonormal, abovesnakepupilalsofinallyclosed, the surroundingsare restorednormally.】
【妖精王也意识到了自己的失态,急忙闭目屏息凝神,调整了片刻后,它的面色恢复平静,上空的蛇瞳也终于闭合,周围得以恢复正常。】【Youinquired the seductress/evil spiritking, the position of spear/gun of seal.】
【你询问妖精王,封印之枪的位置。】【„...... Spiritkingpoints at the rearward there”somewhere. Withitsmovement, projectedtogetherluminouslyautomatically, illuminated the space of distant place.】
【“在那里……”妖精王手指向后方某处。伴随着它的动作,一道光亮自动投出,照亮了远处的一片空间。】【Youlook up, seesin the frontground, a dozensmetersthickcoilingsnakebodyexposesunder the ray, butabove the snakebody, inserts a giantgoldenlong spear/gunsomewhere, the lance pointis passing through the snakebody, digs inunderground, actuallynotsolid, undersnakebodyyear and year outcreeping motion, shouldpenetrate the long spear/gun of ground, at this momenthas becomecreakies, maycollapseanytime.】
( This chapterends)
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