TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#493: Race that repels one another

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Race that Chapter 493 repels one another 第493章相克的种族 What exactly had?” Mu You asked curiously. “到底发生了什么?”沐游好奇问。 In Fua will quickly play the experience to describe a moment ago. 芙娅急忙将刚才游戏里的经历描述了一遍。 The Mu You hear also knits the brows, future strange returned the variation unexpectedly, even the seductress/evil spirit attacked, moreover seemingly also had certain contagion probability, can also turn into strangely the normal seductress/evil spirit. 沐游听完也是皱眉,未来的怪异居然还变异了,连妖精都攻击,而且貌似还有了一定的传染能力,可以把正常妖精也变成怪异。 This is Fua had not met the strange reason in the future probably. Previous era strange does not have the aggressivity to the day empty city native place lifeform, instead will help them repel the outside world to come the person on own initiative, to seductresses/evil spirits, only then the advantage does not have the fault, ignores that therefore the seductresses/evil spirits intend strange barbaric growth. 这大概就是芙娅在未来一直没有遇到怪异的原因。上个纪元的怪异对天空城本土生物没有攻击性,反而会主动帮它们排斥外界来人,对妖精们来说只有好处没有坏处,于是妖精们有意的放任了怪异的野蛮生长。 But the present bitter and astringent garden, actually turned strangely truly harmful insect, the seductresses/evil spirits cannot certainly turn a blind eye again, every time presents one to eliminate immediately, this created not the strange false appearance. 而如今的苦涩花园,怪异却变成了真正的‘害虫’,妖精们当然不能再视若无睹,每出现一只都会立即消灭,这才造成了没有怪异的假象。 In brief, now the only information is this named dark hole place, right?” Mu You looks to Fua. “总之,现在唯一的情报就是这个名叫‘暗窟’的地方,对吧?”沐游看向芙娅 Was only possible...... that fake goods saying that the bitter and astringent garden did not have this place, always felt that to maintain life to speak thoughtlessly a name that arranged......” Fua to be helpless. “只是可能……那个冒牌货说苦涩花园没有这个地方,总感觉只是为了保命随口编出来的一个名字……”芙娅无奈。 Mu You nods, he does not have Fua is so pessimistic actually, compared with the past bitter and astringent garden and future, the lots changed, such as falls Huacheng and brilliance city is the same, in the future nothing, will not represent not to have. 沐游点了点头,他倒是没有芙娅那么悲观,过去的苦涩花园和未来相比,很多东西都发生了巨变,就如落花城和光辉城一样,未来没有的东西,不代表过去没有。 Thinks of here, he quickly returns to oneself game. 想到这里,他急忙回到自己的游戏。 You inquired the seductress/evil spirit young girl and Dina, do know named ‚a dark hole place?】 【你询问妖精少女和蒂娜,知不知道一个名叫‘暗窟’的地方?】 Two seductresses/evil spirits heard that the word complexion changes suddenly, simultaneously shows the surprised expression.】 【两只妖精闻言脸色骤变,同时露出惊讶的表情。】 Dark hole, the full name is to dark cavern, is the restricted area in bitter and astringent garden, under the legend dark hole is connecting the true hell, all will enter there seductress/evil spirit to contaminate on the terrifying curse, will be explicitly bans any seductress/evil spirit to approach, and even place of discussion......” seductress/evil spirit young girl careful will answer.】 【“暗窟,全名为‘至暗洞窟’,是苦涩花园内的禁地,传说暗窟之下连通着真正的地狱,所有进入那里的妖精都会沾染上恐怖的诅咒,是明令禁止任何妖精靠近,乃至讨论的地方……”妖精少女小心的解释道。】 Some Dina accidents/surprises looked at seductress/evil spirit young girl one eyes: You are only a nameless seductress/evil spirit, how to know these? This should be secret that only then the upper seductress/evil spirit some opportunities hear......” 【蒂娜有些意外的看了妖精少女一眼:“你只是一个无名妖精,怎么会知道这些?这应该是只有上层妖精才有机会听说的隐秘……”】 „......, because before me, is the upper layer......” seductress/evil spirit young girl embarrassed lowering the head of.】 【“啊……因为我以前也是上层……”妖精少女不好意思的低下头。】 So that's how it is, makes mistakes is eliminated the name......” Dina to understand instantaneously the situation of seductress/evil spirit young girl, floats in the midair, both hands holds the chest from the channel: Relax, now you become Dina's companion, if in the future Dina becomes the hierarch, met first revises this already the obsolete law, but also you status.” 【“原来如此,犯了错被剥夺了名字么……”蒂娜瞬间理解了妖精少女的处境,漂浮在半空,双手抱胸自信道:“放心,现在你成为了蒂娜的同伴,将来如果蒂娜成为了掌权者,会第一时间修正这条早就过时的法律,还伱身份。”】 Thanks......” seductress/evil spirit young girl grateful looks at Dina.】 【“谢谢……”妖精少女感激的看着蒂娜。】 Mu You reads in the text two people dialogue is actually one happy, but also really has this place! 沐游看着文本中两人的对话却是一喜,还真有这个地方! You quickly inquired dark hole exact location.】 【你急忙询问‘暗窟’的具体位置。】 Dark hole, central square situated in south of bitter and astringent garden, approximately inside and outside 130, in a stretch of infertile salt alkaloid open land.” Dina said.】 【“暗窟,位于苦涩花园的中心广场以南,约一百三十里外,一片寸草不生的盐碱荒地内。”蒂娜说。】 Well?” “咦?” Mu You looks is startled. 沐游看得一怔。 This position described, other person noticed that perhaps had not felt, but he actually associated to a place immediately: Underground city! 这个位置描述,别的人看到或许没感觉,但他却立即联想到了一个地方:地下城! Mu You takes the city lord, in all architectural compositions to the day empty city is very familiar, but the position that this moment Dina mentioned, corresponded in the daybreak city, happen to was the entry position of underground city! 沐游作为城主,对天空城上所有的建筑布局都无比熟悉,而此刻蒂娜提到的这个位置,对应在黎明城上,正好是地下城的入口位置! You inquired Dina, what the dark hole and were the underground city relate?】 【你询问蒂娜,暗窟和地下城是什么关系?】 Underground city?” Dina somewhat doubts looks at you, looked at each other one with the seductress/evil spirit young girl, is looks confusedly.】 【“地下城?”蒂娜有些疑惑的看着你,和妖精少女对视了一眼,都是面露迷茫。】 In bitter and astringent garden, nothing is called underground city place.” Dina said.】 【“苦涩花园内,没有任何名叫‘地下城’的地方。”蒂娜说。】 Without the underground city? 没有地下城? Doesn't the Mu You accident/surprise, as all the foundation pattern plates of Castle in the Sky, Castle in the Sky of this original have the underground city unexpectedly? Where does that here person usually go to practice the level? 沐游意外,作为所有天空之城的创建模版,这座原版的天空之城居然不存在地下城?那这里的人平时都去哪里练级? Wait...... 等等…… Speaking of the underground city, Mu You realized a more important issue suddenly: 提起地下城,沐游忽然意识到了一个更重要的问题: Their 12 day empty cities, all by burying come in the gods remains of underground city most deep place as the power drive. 他们的十二座天空城,全都是靠埋藏在地下城最深处的神明遗骸来作为动力驱动的。 That this initial day empty city, what is the power supply? 那这座最初的天空城,动力源又是什么? Must know this bitter and astringent garden, when the gods founded Astral Spirit Realm initially jointly, one and created. 要知道这座苦涩花园,可是在当初众神联手创建星灵界的时候,就被一并创造了出来。 At that time god clan in addition obviously in the prosperous period, the major gods all, always the not possible temporary blade some gods, to construct the city with the families remains again? 那时候神族显然尚且处于鼎盛时期,各大神明俱在,总不可能临时刀了某个神明,再拿人家遗体去建城吧? Human can do that is because the god clan has exterminated, without the restraint, they dares is so unscrupulous. 人类可以这么做,是因为神族早已灭绝,没有约束之下,他们才敢这么肆无忌惮。 But in the god clan prosperous period, the good and evil is also one by the civilization that the belief builds up, works as fuel matter with the remains of some leader, in their internal ethics cannot definitely be justified. 但在神族鼎盛时期,好歹也是一个靠信仰起家的文明,拿某位领袖的遗骨当燃料这种事,他们内部的伦理上肯定说不过去的。 The issue came, if not the god human bone, what that power supply can also be? 问题来了,如果不是神骸,那动力源还能是什么? Mu You quickly takes out the miracle magic lamp, asking the lamp god to come out to consult. 沐游急忙取出奇迹神灯,叫灯神出来咨询了一下。 „The power of bitter and astringent garden?” “苦涩花园的动力?” In the lamp god fond dream was awakened by noise was a little impatient, but hears the Mu You issue is also shocked quickly. 灯神美梦中被吵醒本来还有点不耐烦,但听到沐游的问题也很快愣住。 This I have not really paid attention......” “这我还真没注意过……” „? You did not say that you did participate in the foundation of Astral Spirit Realm?” Mu You accidental/surprised looks at the lamp god. “啊?你不是说你参与到了星灵界的创建中吗?”沐游意外的看着灯神。 I participated in Astral Spirit Realm creating the world, but only participated in very small part, exactly said, was only responsible for the design of the world lantern modeling, other did not turn over to I managed......” lamp god ask somewhat awkwardly, created the world that big project, where was one or several gods can handle, exactly said, besides a few special gods, actually overwhelming majority gods, only participated in the work of some corners. “我是参与了星灵界创世,不过只参与了很小的一部分,确切的说,是只负责了世界灯具造型的设计,其他的都不归我管啊……”灯神被问的有些尴尬,创世那么大的工程,哪里是一个或几个神明能搞定的,确切的说,除了少数几个特殊神明外,其实绝大部分的神明,都只参与了一些边边角角的工作。 Said that also is really, your day empty cities actuate by the god human bone, that bitter and astringent garden also needs the similar rank the thing to take the power supply normally, can be anything...... words saying that the bitter and astringent garden is who was responsible for...... not being good at that time , was unclear...... lamp god to mutter long ago was recalling diligently, what a pity to has not recalled any useful information finally. “不过说起来还真是,你们的天空城是靠神骸才驱动起来的,那苦涩花园按说也需要同样级别的东西作为动力源,会是什么呢……话说苦涩花园当时是谁负责来着……不行,太久远了,记不清了……”灯神喃喃自语着努力回想,可惜到最后也没回忆起什么有用的信息。 Mu You must give up, returns to play, since asks the lamp god not to ask the result, that might as well go to this dark hole to look simply personally. 沐游也只得作罢,回到游戏,既然找灯神没问出结果,那不如干脆亲自去这个‘暗窟’里看一看好了。 Moreover the future saint seemingly also disappeared here, the intuition told him, this place likely was solves this quest key to be. 而且未来的圣者貌似也消失在了这里,直觉告诉他,这地方很可能就是解决这次任务的关键所在。 However before embarking, he also prepares to see beforehand that shout that to them hits old woman who shouted "kill". 不过在出发之前,他还准备见一见之前那个对他们喊打喊杀的老女人。 This person saw through their Fool status a moment ago, but also excitement of that performance, knows anything obviously. 这人刚才一眼看穿了他们的愚者身份,还表现的那么激动,显然知道些什么。 Originally in the domain of enemy he should be a side of running away, but the action of Fua provided the inspiration to him a moment ago actually, sometimes actually does not need to obey the custom. 本来在敌人的地盘他应该是逃窜的一方,不过刚才芙娅的行动倒是给他提供了灵感,有些时候其实不需要那么守规矩。 After a half hour, in game of Mu You. 半小时后,沐游的游戏中。 Dina passed by from out of the door, fluttered several in the , after confirming unmanned track, this hurried beckoned toward behind darkness.】 【蒂娜从门外路过,在附近飘荡了几圈,确认无人跟踪后,这才急忙朝身后的黑暗中招了招手。】 【A female of Nightwatcher shoulder anti- stupor, goes out from the darkness, entered the building quickly, puts down the old age woman on shoulder.】 打更人肩抗一名昏迷的女性,从黑暗中走出,快步进入了楼房,将肩上的老年女人放下。】 „, My pacifist, this matter lacking virtue should give...... Nightwatcher that 2nd does to mumble obviously, woman who looks at the ground stupor, the guilt of whole face.】 【“唉,我可是和平主义者啊,这种缺德的事明明应该交给二号来做的……”打更人嘟嘟囔囔,看着地上昏迷的女人,满脸的愧疚。】 Wordy! How does a grown man return mother -in-law compared with the woman? Dina does not think oneself family member is an indecisive person!” Dina both hands fork waist, discontented staring to Nightwatcher.】 【“啰嗦!一个大男人怎么比女人还婆妈?蒂娜可不想自己的眷属是一个优柔寡断的人啊!”蒂娜双手叉腰,不满的瞪向打更人。】 Mu You looks that the prompt in game smiles. 沐游看着游戏中的提示笑了笑。 He arranged Nightwatcher to follow Dina to kidnap this woman a moment ago. 刚才他安排打更人跟随蒂娜去绑架这个女人。 Stirred up rebellion 25 young, moreover is powerful 25 young, kidnaps seductress/evil spirit country senior member originally almost impossible matter, instantaneously becomes extremely simple. 策反了一个二五仔,而且还是一个位高权重的二五仔,绑架妖精国高层人士这种原本几乎不可能的事情,瞬间变得极为简单。 At first Mu You was also worried Dina can not would rather do the matter of this seductress/evil spirit internal strife, finally showed that he considered thoroughly, when he proposed the kidnapping plan, this seductress/evil spirit saintess even displayed the anticipation faintly, first complied, brings Nightwatcher on own initiative. 起初沐游还担心蒂娜会不会不情愿做这种妖精内讧的事,结果证明他多虑了,当他提出绑架计划,这位妖精圣女甚至隐隐表现出了期待,第一时间答应下来,主动带着打更人出发。 Short a half hour, she then uses oneself saintess status, entered the mansion of old woman frankly and uprightly, after the person knocks down, kidnapped, the entire journey has not caused any suspicion. 短短半个小时,她便利用自己的圣女身份,光明正大的走进了老女人的府邸,把人打晕后绑架了出来,全程没有引起任何怀疑。 As for the status of this old woman, he has also listened to the seductress/evil spirit young girl to explain, named Olmedo, it is said is the contract family member of former seductress/evil spirit king, had survived for more than 3000 years in the bitter and astringent garden, is here oldest human, does not have one. 至于这个老女人的身份,他也已经听妖精少女解释过,名叫‘奥尔梅多’,据说是前任妖精王的契约眷属,在苦涩花园中已经生存了三千多年,是这里最年长的人类,没有之一。 Meanwhile, that Olmedo or the seductress/evil spirit home only save gardener, is responsible for safeguarding and cultivating bitter and astringent mother tree. 同时,奥尔梅多还是妖精国内仅存的一名‘园丁’,负责看管和培育‘苦涩母树’。 The bitter and astringent mother tree is a Saint tree of seductress/evil spirit clan, its position is as good as forest fairy the tree of the world, because this tree is the births of all seductresses/evil spirits is foundation-bed. 苦涩母树是妖精一族的圣树,其地位不亚于森林精灵的世界之树,因为这棵树是所有妖精的诞生基床。 The concept of seductresses/evil spirits marriage and having child, they have not depended on the female seductress/evil spirit to live, but knot from the tree comes out. 妖精们并没有结婚生子的概念,它们也并不是靠女性妖精生出来的,而是从树上‘结’出来的。 The bitter and astringent mother tree every several years, will have a number of calyxes, after these calyxes are completely mature, blossoming, will expose seductress/evil spirit cub of breeding. 苦涩母树每隔数年时间,都会结出一批花苞,待这些花苞完全成熟后,就会‘开花’,展露出其中孕育的妖精幼体。 But gardener function, then by the exquisite cultivation technology, guaranteed bitter and astringent mother tree throughout healthy growth, what thus stabilizes is the seductress/evil spirit family property has the population. 而‘园丁’的作用,则是凭借精湛的培植技术,保证苦涩母树始终健康的成长,从而稳定的为妖精族产出人口。 It is said before the seductress/evil spirit clan prosperous period, once had many famous gardeners simultaneously, in gardeners under protects together, mother tree growth fast, the seductress/evil spirit domestic population is also the explosive growth, what a pity with the lapse of time, grasps human of gardener technology to be getting fewer and fewer, is only left over Olmedo until the present. 据说以前妖精族繁盛时期,曾同时存在很多名园丁,在园丁们的共同呵护下,母树生长飞快,妖精国内的人口也是爆炸式增长,可惜随着时间的推移,掌握园丁技术的人类越来越少,直到如今仅剩下奥尔梅多一人。 In this situation her position was naturally needless saying that although had no formal position in name, but must discuss in the seductress/evil spirit domestic prestige, Olmedo even Dina this saintess must be one level above. 这种情况下她的地位自然不用说,虽然名义上没有任何正式的职位,但要论在妖精国内的声望,奥尔梅多甚至比蒂娜这个圣女还要高出一筹。 You put out a hand to release the sacred light technique toward stupor Olmedo.】 【你伸手朝昏迷的奥尔梅多释放了圣光术。】 Under the warmth of gentle sacred light, this facial features old human female eyelash moves slightly, opened the eye slowly.】 【在柔和圣光的温暖下,这位面容苍老的人类女性睫毛微动,缓缓睁开了眼。】 【After Olmedo wakes up, subconscious covers the head of swelling up to size up one, soon realized anything, hurried intense retreat, by near wall, vigilant is looking at you, is angry: Fool, is really you, actually do you want to make what?】 【奥尔梅多醒来后,下意识的捂着肿起的脑袋四下打量一眼,很快意识到了什么,急忙紧张的后退,靠在了墙边,警惕的望着你们,愤怒道:愚者,果然是你们,你们究竟想做什么?】 „The related Fool situation, what do you know?” You ask.】 【“有关愚者的情况,你都知道些什么?”你开口问。】 Olmedo has not actually paid attention to you, but has swept among you in turn, the vision stayed on Dina finally.】 【奥尔梅多却没有理会你,而是在你们之间依次扫过,目光最后停留在了蒂娜身上。】 Looks that in you stands Dina, Olmedo complexion sometimes red sometimes white, gets angry: „The Dina saintess, you know that what oneself is making? Why you will choose and these Fool collaborate, do you want to betray your race?” 【看着于你们站在一起的蒂娜,奥尔梅多脸色时红时白,怒道:“蒂娜圣女,你知道自己在做什么吗?为什么你会选择和这些愚者同流合污,难道你想要背叛你的种族?”】 Facing old person's interrogation, Dina is contemptuous smiles: Hehe, Dina is certainly loyal to the seductress/evil spirit clan, but the ideas of your antiques are obsolete, Dina saves the seductress/evil spirit clan in by oneself way.” 【面对老人的质问,蒂娜只是轻蔑一笑:“呵呵,蒂娜当然忠于妖精族,但你们这些老古董的想法早就过时了,蒂娜只是在以自己的方式拯救妖精族而已。”】 „The Dina saintess, you were certainly deceived by these foreign clan people, believes me, they will only bring the disaster to us!” The old person quickly expostulates.】 【“蒂娜圣女,你一定是被这几个外族人骗了,相信我,他们只会给我们带来灾难!”老人急忙劝诫。】 Foreign clan person? Olmedo, whether you had forgotten, yourself are also other families person!” Dina sneers.】 【“外族人?奥尔梅多,你是否已经忘记,你自己也是一名外族人!”蒂娜冷笑。】 Old person hears word gawked, gets hold of the fist, the complexion became flushed: I had worked entire in 3400 for the seductress/evil spirit clan! In these years I have never left bitter and astringent garden one step, had regarded the homeland here in me, had regarded itself of seductress/evil spirit clan! Saintess your highness, 3000 for many years, have I had any am unfair to the place of seductress/evil spirit clan?” 【老人闻言一愣,握紧了拳头,脸色涨红:“我已经为妖精族工作了整整三千四百年!这些年里我从未离开过苦涩花园一步,在我心里早已把这里当成了家园,也早已把自己当成了妖精族的一员!圣女殿下,三千多年来,我有任何对不起妖精族的地方吗?”】 Weep with loud noise complains facing the old person, Dina is only tranquil looks at her, after she said that cold sound said: 800 years ago, last seductress/evil spirit king Ao Lenz · well-wisher, is your contract seductress/evil spirit is missing for no reason.” 【面对老人声泪俱下的控诉,蒂娜只是平静的看着她,待她说完后,才冷声道:“八百年前,最后一任妖精王奥伦兹·祝福者,也就是你的契约妖精无故失踪。”】 „, but on the king vanishes for merely one month later, you then in the name of gardener, announced so-called cradle plan, said will then gather the seductresses/evil spirits of all new births, will conduct unified secret training, the reason cultivates the behavior for the future of seductress/evil spirit clan stockpiles.” 【“而王上消失仅仅一个月后,你便以园丁的名义,宣布了所谓的‘摇篮计划’,称接下来会将所有新出生的妖精集合起来,进行统一的秘密培养,理由是为了妖精族的未来做人才储备。”】 Stemming from your so many year of performing high service through hard work respect, no one suspected you at that time, everyone supported your decision silently. But so many years pass by now, your training result?” 【“出于对你这么多年劳苦功高的尊敬,那时没有人怀疑你,大家都默默支持了你的决定。可如今这么多年过去了,你的培养结果呢?”】 Why has no one seen these by the childhood seductress/evil spirit that you draw in? Where them did you hide? The kings were swindled beginning why vanishes? Actually is who in the betrayal seductress/evil spirit clan?” Dina said hard Mi well-organized, the spearhead that will suspect points to the old person.】 【“为何谁都没有见过那些被你收拢起来的幼年妖精?你将它们藏去了哪里?王上当初又是因何消失的?究竟是谁在背叛妖精族?”蒂娜条理清晰的说出了很多辛密,将怀疑的矛头直指老人。】 Mu You looks the text eyebrow that jumps out of unceasingly selects, as if caught up ate the melon scene. 沐游看着不断跳出的文本眉毛一挑,仿佛赶上了吃瓜现场。 He now is clear, why Dina that resolute choice will support them before, originally the seductress/evil spirit country before is very long starts to be at the condition of a group of people without a leader. 他现在才明白,为什么蒂娜之前会那么果决的选择支持他们,原来妖精国从很久以前开始就已经处于群龙无首的状态。 Moreover from Dina's question, this woman issue are truly many. 而且从蒂娜的质疑来看,这个女人身上的问题确实不少。 Old person hears word gawked dull for a long time, after the moment, suddenly revealed the extremely exhausted forced smile: Really must unable to conceal the truth......” 【老人闻言呆愣了许久,片刻后,忽然露出了极度疲惫的苦笑:“果然要瞒不住了么……”】 Conceals the truth?” Dina is staring the old person exhaltedly, cold -ly snorted and said: Olmedo, you are acknowledged are oneself lying? That draws on quickly truthfully, were the seductresses/evil spirits of these year of new births, actually hidden where by you?” 【“瞒?”蒂娜居高临下的瞪着老人,冷哼道:“奥尔梅多,你这是承认自己在说谎了吗?那就快如实招来,这些年新诞生的妖精,究竟都被你藏去了哪里?”】 Saintess your highness, I have not harbored anybody......” old person dejected sitting on the ground, sighed: Reason that no one has seen these new student/life seductresses/evil spirits , because...... they do not exist from the start......” 【“圣女殿下,我从没有私藏过任何人……”老人颓然的坐在地上,叹息道:“之所以从来没有人见过这些新生妖精,是因为……它们压根就不存在……”】 What do you mean?” Dina knits the brows.】 【“什么意思?”蒂娜皱眉。】 Bitter and astringent mother tree, 800 years ago starts, stopped the growth, henceforth has not had any seductress/evil spirit again......” old person bitter and astringent say/way.】 【“苦涩母树,从八百年前开始,就停止了生长,从此再也没有结出过任何一只妖精……”老人苦涩道。】 What?” Dina in great surprise. The seductress/evil spirit young girl in not far away also covered the mouth surprisedly.】 【“什么?”蒂娜大惊。不远处的妖精少女也是惊讶的捂住了嘴。】 Accident/Surprise that „Oh?” Mu You watches. “哦?”沐游看的意外。 The mother tree non- result of seductress/evil spirit clan, in other words, the population of seductress/evil spirit clan stopped the growth 800 years ago, simultaneously the seductresses/evil spirits are not the eternal life do not die, every day will have the seductress/evil spirit dead for various reasons, cannot only leave into , the population of seductress/evil spirit clan will be doomed to be only getting fewer and fewer. 妖精族的母树不结果,也就是说,妖精族的人口早在八百年前就停止了增长,同时妖精们也不是永生不死的,每天都会有妖精因为各种原因死亡,这么只出不入之下,妖精族的人口注定只会越来越少。 But this mother tree the seductresses/evil spirits only population originates, once it stops growing, was equivalent destroyed the reproduction ability of seductress/evil spirit clan fundamentally. Race that lost the multiplication ability, demise is the inevitable result. 这颗母树可是妖精们唯一的人口来源,一旦它停止生长,就相当于从根本上剥夺了妖精族的繁殖能力。一个失去了繁衍能力的种族,灭亡是必然的结果。 Why will stop growing suddenly?” Nightwatcher asked out of curiosity.】 【“为什么会忽然停止生长?”打更人出于好奇问了出来。】 【The result old person is actually sneers again and again looks to him: „Shouldn't this ask your Fool?” 【结果老人却是冷笑连连的看向他:“这不是应该问你们愚者吗?”】 „Ah?” Nightwatcher is shocked, flexure scratched the head, somewhat said awkwardly: Was sorry that I do not have to understand what is heard, can mother tree of your seductress/evil spirit clan, how be have the relations with our Fool?” “啊?”打更人愣住,挠了挠头,有些尴尬道:“抱歉我没太听明白,你们妖精族的母树,到底要怎么才能和我们愚者扯上关系?”】 „, because, 800 years ago, the time that day that the bitter and astringent mother tree stops growing, your first Fool was born...... in that moment that you were born, we just started demise, did you feel the relations?” Old person cold -ly snorted and said.】 【“因为,八百年前,苦涩母树停止生长的那一天,正是你们第一个愚者诞生的时间……在你们诞生的那一刻,我们刚好开始了灭亡,你觉得有没有关系?”老人冷哼道。】 „Can this...... be only the coincidence?” Nightwatcher said.】 【“啊这……会不会只是巧合呢?”打更人说。】 Coincidence? That 400 years ago, your Fool mounted the bitter and astringent garden for the first time, in instance that he lands, the bitter and astringent mother tree started to wither immediately fast, what regardless of I made unable to prevent, left until that Fool afterward, withered just now stops, was this coincidence?” The old person sneers to say.】 【“巧合?那四百年前,你们的一名愚者首次登上了苦涩花园,在他登陆的瞬间,苦涩母树立即开始了快速枯萎,我无论做什么都无法阻止,直到后来那名愚者离开,枯萎方才停止,这又算不算巧合?”老人冷笑道。】 This......” Nightwatcher is speechless.】 【“这……”打更人无话可说。】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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