TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#491 Part 2: The courtyard of pledge

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Fierce fighting sound attracted surrounding of lots of resident, the pedestrians on street are extremely surprise looks to you and Nightwatcher, seems unable to understand why will chase down you strangely specially......】 【剧烈的打斗声吸引了大量居民的围观,街道上的行人都是极为诧异的看向你和打更人,似乎无法理解为什么怪异会专门追杀你们……】 One team of fully-armed soldiers catch up hurriedly from distant place, they hear in city strange rebellion to come, looks chasing war that only two participate, for a while also in same place, does not know that should make a move to rescue......】 【一队全副武装的军人从远处急匆匆赶来,他们听闻城中怪异暴动而来,看着仅有两人参与的追逃战,一时也愣在了原地,不知该不该出手援救……】 Holds them quickly, they are Fool!” You hear some distant place direction to hear one to shout suddenly.】 【“快抓住他们,他们是愚者!”你忽然听到远处某个方向传来一声大喊。】 Fool?” Fool is these......” the pedestrian and soldier on street discusses spiritedly immediately, directs toward you and Nightwatcher.】 【“愚者?”“愚者是那些……”街道上的行人和军人顿时议论纷纷,朝你和打更人指指点点。】 Mu You looks stares, some can here also people recognize him unexpectedly are Fool? Shortly after this time, Fool seemingly is just now born...... 沐游看得一愣,这里居然也有人能认出他是愚者?在这个时代,愚者貌似才刚诞生不久吧…… Mu You remembered the beforehand several managers to tell his secret at this time suddenly: First batch of Fool were just born time, once won over others crazily, attempts more to become Fool. 沐游这时忽然想起了之前几个管理员告诉他的隐秘:第一批愚者刚诞生的时候,曾疯狂拉拢其他人,尝试让更多人成为愚者 Finally this behavior brought serious backlash, on entire Astral Spirit Realm started a wave of anti- Fool tide, innumerable did not understand that hidden own Fool to be delivered the stake frame to burn, until the plague discipline ends this era, just now comes to the end. 结果这个行为带来了严重的反噬,整个星灵界上掀起了一波反愚者浪潮,无数不懂得隐藏自己的愚者被送上火刑架烧死,直至大灾纪将这个纪元终结,方才告一段落。 Did not say exaggeratingly, Fool of this time is equivalent hunts for witch movement witch, its has is in itself a crime. 毫不夸张的说,这个时代的愚者就相当于‘猎巫运动’中的女巫,其存在本身就是一种罪过。 Really was transmits the most worst time......” “果然是传送到了一个最糟糕的时代啊……” Fool is the sources of all these disasters, must erase! Because of existence of Fool, will make the seductress/evil spirit clan trend perish! Everyone, spares nothing to eliminate them!” The shout resounds again.】 【“愚者是这一切的祸乱之源,必须抹除!都是因为愚者的存在,才会让妖精族走向灭亡!所有人,不惜一切代价消灭他们!”喊声再次响起。】 You turn head look, this time saw clearly the origin of shout finally: Is gray-haired, leads the human female of presbyopic glasses, is standing on the roof of distant place, anger flaming is pointing at you.】 【你回头看去,这次终于看清了喊声的来源:一个头发花白,带着老花镜的人类女性,正站在远处的屋顶上,怒意熊熊的指着你们。】 Takes quickly!” Writes off...... hysteric shouting to shout completely from her mouth, as if another you will be some type will only bring the great antiquity beast of prey of disaster.】 【“快拿下!”“全部抹杀……”一句句歇斯底里的大喊从她口中喊出,似乎另一头的你们是某种只会带来天灾的洪荒猛兽。】 Under this old man's order, the innumerable armies' various places from city emerges, shouts loudly to kill toward you......】 【在这名老者的命令下,无数的军队从城中各处涌现,高喊着朝你们杀来……】 My goodness......” “好家伙……” Mu You looks at the eyelid to jump, has planted did not hold carefully the hornet's nest regards the feeling. 沐游看得眼皮一跳,有种不小心捅了马蜂窝的既视感。 He was also counting on the army that these catch up with can help him keep off strangely, the result all joined chased down their teams, then good, the strangeness and army of whole city started to surround them, really thought highly of them. 他本来还指望着这些赶来的军队能帮他挡一挡怪异呢,结果全加入了追杀他们的队伍,这下好,满城的怪异和军队开始围堵他们两个,真看得起他们。 Thinks without enough time, Mu You quickly controls the character to escape, once for a while hits magic, drives back to pursue near enemy. 来不及多想,沐游急忙操控人物逃跑,时不时打一记魔法,逼退追近的敌人。 Is good is credible because of Nightwatcher, at this time had not given him to perform anything ‚, because too nicely refuses to attack the program, is carrying out his shield order honestly. 好在打更人还算靠谱,这时候没有给他上演什么‘因为太善良而拒绝攻击’的戏码,老老实实执行着他的掩护命令。 He oneself at the scene, by the game, many operations am not inferior that now only on the contrary Nightwatcher is convenient. 他现在本人不在现场,单靠游戏,很多操作反倒不如打更人顺手。 After ten minutes, under two people coordinate tacitly, has a bloody road finally, avoided the large unit reluctantly, circled in the piece of alley in urban fringe. 十分钟后,两人默契配合之下,总算是杀出了一条血路,勉强避开了大部队,绕进了城市边缘的一片小巷里。 Was not good the main body, the person were too many, we cannot run away like this!” Helpless Nightwatcher lets go: Probably can only the winding?” 【“不行啊本体,人太多了,我们这样逃不出去的!”打更人无奈摊手:“好像只能下线了?”】 Mu You also a little has a headache at this time, the winding can cut off immediately all troubled, but the issue is that old woman, since displays that profound hatred to Fool, even the winding, the opposite party still very likely continues to send people whole city to hunt down, even arranges the manpower to ambush in the place that they vanish is waiting. 沐游此时也有点头疼,下线是可以立即斩断一切纷扰,但问题是那个老女人既然对愚者表现出那么深刻的恨意,就算下线,对方也很可能继续派人满城搜捕,甚至安排人手埋伏在他们消失的地方等着。 The basic issue has not been solved, his following several days do not want to get online, this quest was also equivalent malingers. 根本问题没解决,他后续几天都别想上线了,这次任务也就相当于泡汤了。 Is difficult to be inadequate to operate the god skin to hit?” “难不成要开神皮打出去?” Mu You somewhat hesitates, the opening god skin can reverse the situation actually instantaneously, but the god skin is his final card in a hand, can the words, he does not want to expose in this bewildered situation. 沐游有些犹豫,开启神皮倒是能够瞬间逆转局势,但神皮可是他的最终底牌,可以的话,他并不想在这种莫名其妙的情况下暴露。 But does not operate the god skin at present, probably did not have other means...... 可眼下不开神皮,好像也没有了别的办法…… Mu You hesitates must operate the god skin, in the game springs together the text suddenly. 沐游正犹豫着要不要开神皮,游戏中忽然弹出一道文本。 In the dawn glimmer, a red form comes in your front corners suddenly, the red blushing wing, a magnificent and expensive evening dress, tracked your saintess Dina before.】 【晨曦的微光之中,一道红色的身影忽然在你们前方的拐角处现身,红发红翅,一身华贵的晚礼服,正是之前跟踪你们的圣女蒂娜。】 Went bad, forgetting also to have this fellow......” Mu You also to be big a point, makes such big noise, this hidden is tracing their saintesses to think that in secret did not discover they are difficult. “坏了,忘了还有这个家伙……”沐游头又大了一分,闹出这么大的动静,这个隐藏在暗中追踪他们的圣女想不发现他们都难。 Does not want to be grasped follows Dina!” After the red seductress/evil spirit comes, leaves behind one, then turning that turns around not to stay into another side lane. You choose......】 【“不想被抓就跟蒂娜走!”红色妖精现身后留下一句,便转身毫不停留的拐入了另一边的巷子。你选择……】 Believes her, in the past had a look, Maintains vigilance , to continue to escape. 【相信她,过去看看】、【保持警惕,继续逃跑】。 „Oh?” “哦?” The Mu You accident/surprise, he also thinks that this what saintess also discovered his status captures his, finally looks at the present meaning, seeming like can lead them to escape? Aren't the two sides one group? 沐游意外,他还以为这什么圣女也是发现了他身份来追捕他的,结果看现在的意思,似乎是要带他们逃跑?难道两边不是一伙的? Mu You does not have the time to hesitate, elected to believe her fast , had first had a look at the situation to say with the past in any case like this again. 沐游没时间犹豫,快速选了‘相信她’,反正已经这样了,先跟过去看看情况再说。 You chose followed the saintess seductress/evil spirit, turned into the lane in deep place.】 【你选择了跟随圣女妖精,拐入了更深处的巷子中。】 You hear indistinctly outside have the shouts of several seductresses/evil spirits to transmit: They ran toward here......” in this direction, comes with me......” 【你隐约听到外面有数个妖精的喊声传来:“他们往这边跑了……”“在这个方向,跟我来……”】 Several seductresses/evil spirits direct carelessly, directed the army to the nearby entirely, no pursued toward you, you were safe temporarily.】 【数个妖精胡乱指点,将军队统统引离了附近,没有一支朝你们追来,你们暂时安全了。】 【The red hair seductress/evil spirit turned finally into the Yijianlou room of some street, you and Nightwatcher also stepped into the building along with her, in discovery building completely empty, was only an abandoned private residence.】 【红发妖精最终拐入了某条街道的一间楼房中,你和打更人也随她踏入楼中,发现楼内空空如也,只是一件废弃的民房。】 Never expected that you unexpectedly are Fool!” The red hair seductress/evil spirit both arms hug in the chest front, the float from the sky visit you exhaltedly.】 【“没想到你们居然是愚者!”红发妖精双臂抱在胸前,漂浮在空中居高临下的看着你们。】 Said, who you are, why on you will have the dust of royal family seductress/evil spirit?” 【“说,你们到底是谁,为什么你们身上会有王族妖精的粉尘?”】 Dust?” “粉尘?” Mu You selected the eyebrow, doing for quite a while is only because the dust stares at them...... 沐游挑了挑眉,搞了半天原来只是因为粉尘盯上他们的…… However, royal family seductress/evil spirit? This word Mu You heard actually for the first time, before the seductress/evil spirit young girl had not mentioned. 不过,王族妖精?这个词沐游倒是第一次听说,之前妖精少女也从没提及过。 You inquired the opposite party, what was the royal family seductress/evil spirit?】 【你询问对方,什么是王族妖精?】 „Don't you know unexpectedly? Where does your dust come?” Red hair seductress/evil spirit surprise looks at you, knits the brows: As the name suggests, the royal family seductress/evil spirit naturally is the King in seductress/evil spirit, scaled height of burst and other seductress/evil spirit higher level of existences, since the ancient times is shouldering the heavy responsibility of commanding a seductress/evil spirit clan, but the bloodlines of royal family seductress/evil spirit, before is very long, had cut off, in the current seductress/evil spirit clan, the had nothing legitimate royal family, Dina knows, is because Dina's family once was also a royal family's branch vein.” 【“你居然不知道?那你的粉尘是哪来的?”红发妖精诧异的看着你,皱眉道:“顾名思义,王族妖精自然是妖精中的王者,比高等妖精更高级的存在,自古以来肩负着统领妖精一族的重任,不过王族妖精的血脉,自很久前就已经断绝了,目前的妖精族中,已经没有任何的正统王族,蒂娜之所以知道,是因为蒂娜的家族曾经也是王族的一个支脉。”】 „, therefore, where your dust do come?” Red hair seductress/evil spirit vision brilliant is staring at you: Dina smells your dust freshly as if, shortly after should just produce, you know one living royal family seductress/evil spirit?” 【“所以,你们的粉尘到底是哪里来的?”红发妖精目光灼灼的盯着你们:“蒂娜闻到你们的粉尘似乎还是新鲜的,应该刚出产不久,难道你们认识一个活着的王族妖精?”】 Royal family......” “王族么……” Mu You then understands, all the way all seductresses/evil spirits are why respectful to them, originally the seductress/evil spirit fairy position is so unexpectedly high. 沐游这才明白,为什么一路上所有妖精都对他们毕恭毕敬,原来妖精仙女的地位竟然这么高。 Thinks, Mu You does not have the direct reaction she, but asked other. 想了想,沐游没有直接回答她,而是问起了别的。 We are Fool, don't you plan to catch us?” You asked.】 【“我们可是愚者,你不打算抓我们?”你问。】 Mu You felt that this seductresses/evil spirits and other seductresses/evil spirits are not quite same, he prepares first to test the opposite party regarding the Fool attitude, if possible, 25 young who could develop a seductress/evil spirit. 沐游感觉这只妖精和其他妖精不太一样,他准备先试探一下对方对于愚者的态度,如果可以的话,说不定能发展成一个妖精的二五仔。 You asked, represents you really to know a royal family seductress/evil spirit?” Red hair seductress/evil spirit hears word is joyful, immediately guarantees saying: Relax, Dina has no hatred to Fool, Dina even can help you throw away all pursuing troops, but the premise is you must guarantee that from now on will lead Dina to see that royal family seductress/evil spirit!” 【“你这么问,就代表你真的认识一个王族妖精喽?”红发妖精闻言却欣喜起来,立即保证道:“放心,蒂娜对愚者没什么仇恨,蒂娜甚至可以帮你们甩脱所有追兵,但前提是你们必须保证过后带蒂娜去见那位王族妖精!”】 „? How do you prepare to throw away?” Nightwatcher closely examines.】 【“哦?你准备怎么甩脱?”打更人追问。】 Mu You also knows, they have not been out of danger now completely, because the text is still warning him at this time unceasingly, the nearby is having strangely gathers toward here, wants them to leave as soon as possible. 沐游也知道,他们现在还没完全脱险,因为此时文本依然在不断警告他,附近正有怪异朝这边聚集,要他们尽快离开。 Dina's person can only help you cast off the army, but strange pursues your Fool smell to come, they will never stand still chases down you, until writes off you. To get rid of them, the only means only have with the seductress/evil spirit signing contract, becomes the family member of some seductress/evil spirit, can cover your Fool aura temporarily, naturally, if to too nearly will be detected by them.” 【“蒂娜的人只能帮你们甩开军队,但怪异是追着你们愚者的气味来的,它们会永不停歇的追杀你们,直到将你们抹杀。想摆脱它们,唯一的办法唯有和妖精签订契约,成为某个妖精的眷属,可以暂时掩盖你们的愚者气息,当然,如果离得太近还是会被它们发觉。”】 How can these you know?” Nightwatcher also asked.】 【“可这些你是怎么知道的?”打更人又问。】 „, because Dina personally saw Fool in large numbers to be chased down strangely, he runs away with this method.” The red hair seductress/evil spirit said.】 【“因为蒂娜曾经亲眼见过一个愚者被大批怪异追杀,他就是用这种方法才逃走的。”红发妖精说。】 You were said that had Fool to come to here?” You asked.】 【“你是说曾经有愚者来过这里?”你问。】 Naturally, several hundred years ago, the fellow who says Fool, goes into the bitter and astringent garden, indulged in unbridled propaganda publicly your Fool that wrap/sets truth theory, attempts to mobilize the compatriot of seductress/evil spirit clan, follows you to become Fool together.” 【“当然,数百年前,有一个自称愚者的家伙,跑到苦涩花园上,公开大肆宣扬你们愚者的那套‘真相’理论,妄图发动妖精族的同胞,也跟随你们一起成为愚者。”】 Spirit clan, but idol habitat, does not know that was this person of opinion offended the will of gods, he just now goes to shortly after the bitter and astringent garden, in garden strange on collective rebellion , like your present situations.” 【“不过妖精族可是神像的产地,也不知是不是这人的言论触犯了神明的意志,他才刚来到苦涩花园不久,花园内的怪异就集体暴动了,就和你们现在的情况一样。”】 At that time he by innumerable strange surrounding in the cities, the critical moment, was closed right up against with a seductress/evil spirit signed the contract urgently, just now avoids a tribulation, finally he had that seductress/evil spirit to escape from a day of empty city, from now on will not have come back again.” Dina told an once secret to you.】 【“当时他被无数的怪异包围在了城市中间,关键时刻,靠着和一个妖精紧急签订了契约,方才躲过一劫,最后他带着那只妖精逃出了天空城,自此再没回来过。”蒂娜向你诉说了曾经的一段隐秘。】 Doing for quite a while was so simple?” “搞了半天原来这么简单?” Mu You shouted the tone, immediately sent out the contract application in the game to the seductress/evil spirit young girl. 沐游呼了口气,当即在游戏里向妖精少女发出了契约申请。 You had the request of contract to the seductress/evil spirit young girl.】 【你向妖精少女提出契约的请求。】 【The seductress/evil spirit young girl and Dina show the unbelievable expression simultaneously.】 【妖精少女和蒂娜同时露出难以置信的表情。】 I? Really? My I am only a nameless person, does not have any use, you really want...... and my such seductress/evil spirit signing contract......” seductress/evil spirit young girl amazed and in a terrified way visit you, in the look is actually glittering an inexplicable hope.】 【“我?真的可以吗?我我只是一个无名之人,没有任何用处,您真的愿意……和我这样的妖精签订契约吗……”妖精少女惊诧而惶恐的看着你,眼神中却闪烁着一丝莫名的期盼。】 Mu You has not replied, but sent a contract to apply again. 沐游没回复,而是再次发了一遍契约申请。 He now was unable to understand actually, actually the contract means anything regarding a seductress/evil spirit, but does not have the too big practical significance to him, because he can only stay very short time here, immediately must leave, when the time comes the contract estimated will be cut off automatically, now to put it bluntly collects temporarily, hides strangely. 他现在其实还无法理解,契约对于一个妖精来说究竟意味着什么,但对他来说没有太大的实际意义,因为他在这里只能停留很短的时间,马上就要离开,到时候契约估计就会自动断掉,现在说白了只是临时凑一下,躲一躲怪异罢了。 Your firm action made the seductress/evil spirit young girl with tears, nod the head gently, agreed with your application.】 【你坚决的举动令妖精少女眼含热泪,轻轻颔首,同意了你的申请。】 Together the marvelous invisible connection takes shape between you and seductress/evil spirit young girls.】 【一道奇妙的无形连接在你和妖精少女之间成型。】 Contract achieves! You become the family member of nameless seductress/evil spirit young girl, from now on the same potential surface, you can be at the sensation to each other position at any time. Before this/should contract relieves, you are unable again with other seductress/evil spirit contracts.】 【契约达成!你成为了无名妖精少女的眷属,今后在同一位面内,你们可以随时感知到彼此的位置所在。在该契约解除前,你无法再与其他妖精契约。】 Unbelievable, a Dina saintess stands before you, do you look for a nameless seductress/evil spirit contract unexpectedly?” Red hair seductress/evil spirit vision hidden bitterness is staring at you.】 【“难以置信,蒂娜一个圣女站在你面前,你居然去找一个无名妖精契约?”红发妖精目光幽怨的盯着你。】 Does not have the means that the beautiful saintess young lady, it seems like can only our two collect.” Nightwatcher helpless smiling, put out a hand to send out the contract invitation toward Dina.】 【“没办法,美丽的圣女小姐,看来只能咱们两个凑一凑了。”打更人无奈的笑了笑,伸手朝蒂娜发出了契约邀请。】 You?” Saintess Dina shuts out sized up Nightwatcher: Rank also lowered.” 【“你?”圣女蒂娜嫌弃的打量了一眼打更人:“等级也太低了些吧。”】 Lv. 10, like you such low rank, the inferior seductress/evil spirit will consider the contract generally, but Dina is the honored saintess, can be ridiculed by other saintesses with your contract?” Dina is sizing up Nightwatcher contemptuously, the eyeball actually at the racing: Who makes the Dina heart good, with your contract but is actually not, but the premise you must pledge, then can lead Dina to see the royal family seductress/evil spirit, moreover this life this life must when for a lifetime Dina's retinue, must achieve respectfully to Dina, is within call, wholehearted......” 【“才十级,像你这么低的等级,一般只有下等妖精才会考虑契约,而蒂娜可是尊贵的圣女呢,和你契约岂不是要被其他圣女嘲笑?”蒂娜嗤之以鼻的打量着打更人,眼珠却在急转:“不过谁让蒂娜心善呢,和你契约倒也不是不可以,但前提你必须发誓,接下来一定会带蒂娜去见王族妖精,而且今生今世还要一辈子当蒂娜的仆从,对蒂娜要做到毕恭毕敬,随叫随到,一心一意……”】 „? Such troublesome, that is considers as finished......” Nightwatcher to hear that the word took back the application decisively, turned the head also to hand in the contract application toward the seductress/evil spirit young girl: Beautiful young girl, you whether minded are many a promisor?” 【“啊?这么麻烦啊,那还是算了吧……”打更人闻言果断收回了申请,转头又朝妖精少女提出了契约申请:“美丽的少女,你是否介意再多一个契约者呢?”】 „, You two sufficed, but does Dina the saintess, what concept you understand saintess? Every day wants with human of Dina contract not to know that can discharge the long team! You disregard Dina unexpectedly, rather looks for a nameless seductress/evil spirit, where Dina was inferior that she......” red hair young girl lifts up high both hands, the stamping the feet foot of the sky air/Qi.】 【“啊啊啊,你们两个够了,蒂娜可是圣女,你们明白圣女什么概念吗?每天想和蒂娜契约的人类不知道能排出多长的队伍!你们居然无视蒂娜,宁愿都去找一个无名妖精,蒂娜到底哪里不如她……”红发少女高举双手,气的在空中跺脚脚。】 Sorry, a seductress/evil spirit can only simultaneously a contract human......” seductress/evil spirit young girl embarrassed turned down Nightwatcher.】 【“对不起,一个妖精只能同时契约一个人类……”妖精少女不好意思的婉拒了打更人。】 Really shaking the head that refuses......” Nightwatcher to be a pity, can only turn head look to the red hair seductress/evil spirit: This saintess young lady, or......” 【“果然被拒绝了啊……”打更人可惜的摇头,只能又回头看向红发妖精:“这位圣女小姐,要不还是……”】 Finishes barely the words, this time Dina first accepted the contract application, arrogant supine beginning, snort/hum was saying to Nightwatcher with the nostril: Dina shows mercy, accepts the pitiful creature who your no one wanted, but also displeasure Dyde?” 【话音未落,这次蒂娜第一时间接受了契约申请,高傲的仰起头,用鼻孔对着打更人哼道:“蒂娜可是大发慈悲,接受了你这个没人要的可怜虫,还不快感恩戴德?”】 The instance that contract completes, you felt outside world strange immediately restored gentle, no longer gathers toward here, starts aimless loafing.】 【契约完成的瞬间,你感觉到外界的怪异立即恢复了平和,不再朝这里聚集,又开始漫无目的的游荡。】 Thanked you, most honored beautiful, most knew the book to reach the principle, did habitually the good saintess young lady optimal, is willing to accept my personality incomplete person, really helps......” Nightwatcher feel the risk that the outside world is subsiding, long relaxing.】 【“感谢你,最尊贵美丽,最知书达理,最优雅善良的圣女小姐,愿意接受我这种性格残缺之人,真是帮了大忙了……”打更人感受着外界平息的风险,长长的松了口气。】 This also almost.” The red hair seductress/evil spirit corners of the mouth curl upwards asking that snort/hum, turned the head to anticipate immediately: Therefore, when leads Dina to see the royal family?” 【“这还差不多。”红发妖精嘴角微翘的哼了一声,随即转头期待的问:“所以,什么时候带蒂娜去见王族?”】 , Sees the royal family in this regard naturally, but you could slightly many that some time.” Nightwatcher said.】 【“哦,关于这一点,见王族当然可以,但您可能要稍微多等那么一段时间。”打更人说。】 How long?” 【“等多久?”】 Luck good words, probably more than 100 years...... luck bad words were quite troublesome, perhaps after needing 4000, can......” 【“运气好的话,大概一百多年吧……运气差的话就比较麻烦了,或许要四千年之后,才能……”】 „???” 【“???”】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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