TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#479: Again near giant state

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Chapter 479 again being near giant state 第479章再临巨人国度 You arrive direct under the soul lamp.】 【你来到引魂灯下。】 Your resurrecting stone has restored such as beginning, clean that the surface crack vanishes.】 【你的复活石已经恢复如初,表面裂痕消失的一干二净。】 Now, you have opened the belief system, there is a god's skin approaching body, takes the resurrecting stone, fearless goes to the real world wanderers!】 【如今,你已开启信仰体系,也有了神之皮肤傍身,带上复活石,无畏的去真实世界闯荡吧!】 Immediately?】 【是否立即出发?】 No.” “否。” Mu You has not worried, 2000 divine nature that but just will first assign from the spoils of war conference, spent. 沐游没着急过去,而是先将刚从战利品会议那边分配过来的两千神性,消费了一下。 you spent 1210 divine nature, your order guard by LV1 level up to LV6, the order guards the duration to lengthen to 60 minutes, and obtains extra ability growth: Every time strikes to kill the goal of violating the rule, the + 1 strength and god god against.】 【伱花费了1210神性,你的‘秩序守卫’由LV1升级至LV6,秩序守卫持续时间延长至60分钟,并获得额外能力‘成长’:每击杀一个违反规则的目标,神之力和神之防。】 The divine nature besides being used to consecrate to obtain the belief, the most important use is to promote the god technique. 神性除了用来供奉获得信仰之外,最重要的用途就是提升神术。 The ten ranks of god technique, each level of effect is improved evenly, but consumes actually starts from the LV1 rise Lv. 2 10 points, each level of demand three times of increases, in other words, Lv. 9 rise Lv. 10 this time, will need 65000 + divine nature upward merely! 神术的十个等级,每级效果均匀提升,但消耗却是从LV1升LV2的十点开始,往上每级需求三倍增长,也就是说,仅仅9级10级这一次,就将需要65000+的神性! This refers to a star god technique, tall Xing the god technique consumes are more. 这还是指一星神术,高星的神术消耗更多。 In addition, when each god technique arrives at LV6 and LV10, respectively will present a time qualitative change, such as the present order guard, Lv. 6 obtained quite practical growth ability, in time that it has, can intend it raising, to cope a these harder to deal with monster slowly. 此外,在每个神术到达LV6和LV10时,会分别出现一次质变,就如眼前的秩序守卫,6级获得了相当实用的成长能力,在它存在的时间里,可以有意的将它慢慢‘养大’,以对付那些更难缠的怪物。 Therefore, the earlier god technique is best is takes to rise Lv. 6 one time, the performance-to-price ratio is highest, do not think as for Lv. 10, do not look only missed four ranks, first Lv. 6 adds altogether also only to need more than 1200 point, then Lv. 4 actually needs to be close to 100,000 divine nature! This at all is not the digit that the earlier period can accumulate! 因此,前期的神术最好是拿到手就一次性升到六级,性价比最高,至于十级就别想了,别看只差了四个等级,前六级加起来总共也只需要1200多点,而后四级却需要接近十万点神性!这根本不是前期能攒起来的数字! In addition the limit of energy, the god technique does not have the energy to use again much is also useless, god technique thing, in principle is the expensive/noble essence inexpensive many. One breath study 180 first-level god techniques, solid that but also really not necessarily compared with promoting several full Jishen technique comes. 再加上能量的限制,神术再多没能量用也是白搭,神术这东西,原则上是贵精不贵多。一口气学百八十个一级神术,还真不一定比提升几个满级神术来的实在。 Promotes the order guard, the remaining divine nature have been not enough to draw Lv. 6 again, Mu You first saved simply. 提升完秩序守卫,剩下的神性已经不足以再拉一个六级,沐游索性先存了起来。 You the invisible light membrane that covers across cave entrance, drills from the narrow exit|to speak.】 【你穿过洞口覆盖的无形光膜,从狭窄的出口中钻出。】 You appear in a giant tree forest of cover, the surroundings water vapor is dense, Heavy Fog, cannot see clearly anything 30 meters away.】 【你出现在一片茂密的巨木林中,周围水汽氤氲,迷雾重重,看不清30米外的任何事物。】 Enters the giant world, is before familiar ant cave entrance, surrounding scene also and previous exactly the same. 进入巨人世界,还是在熟悉的‘蚂蚁’洞口前,周围的景象也和上次一模一样。 However this time text had the subtle change: May observe the distance, was promoted 30 meters from 20 meters! 不过这次的文本却出现了细微变化:可观测距离,由二十米提升到了三十米! This should be the promotion that the divine nature system gets online brings, what a pity only ten meters promotion, to the big giant world really minimal. 这应该就是神性系统上线带来的提升了,可惜只有区区十米的提升,对偌大的巨人世界来说实在微乎其微。 You noticed that in the ground is presenting an alley that is trod by the compatriot footprint, barrier along the road had been cleaned up cleanly.】 【你看到地面上呈现着一条由同胞脚印踏出的小路,沿路的障碍已经被清理干净。】 Along the path vanguard, after overstepping muddy the wetland, you smoothly passed through the jungle, arrived in the cliff quickly.】 【沿着道路前行,踏过一段泥泞的湿地后,你顺利的穿越了丛林,很快抵达了悬崖边。】 You look toward below, on this moment cliff wall had been fixed several solid rope ladders, under each direction to cliff.】 【你朝下看去,此刻崖壁上已经被固定好了数段结实的绳梯,通往崖下的各个方向。】 In , before No. 2 rope ladder, is standing erect a conspicuous signboard, writes with the Astral Spirit Realm writing: Under this ladder ambushes six star wetland seductive women, must be careful......” 【其中,二号绳梯前竖立着一块显眼的招牌,用星灵界文字书写着:“此梯下埋伏有一只六星湿地妖姬,务必小心……”】 You choose......】 【你选择……】 Under springs the options of several rope ladders. 下方弹出数个绳梯的选项。 Mu You looks nods, really the human unity and cooperation the efficiency greatly will be raised. 沐游看得点了点头,果然人类团结协作起来效率才会大大提升。 Several days do not see, nearby this entrance is the path is the rope ladder is the slogan, is been decent, decreased the risk for the successor who the players developed greatly. 几天不见,这入口附近就又是道路又是绳梯又是标语的,已经被玩家们开发的有模有样了,为后来者大大减低了风险。 You chose climbed down No. 2 rope ladder.】 【你选择了爬下二号绳梯。】 Along rope ladder downward, you are stopping from a cliff bottom hundred meters altitude, leaps jumps to nearby stair on, arrived in the cliff bottom from side safely.】 【沿着绳梯一路向下,你在距离崖底百米的高度停下,一跃跳至旁边的台阶上,从旁安全抵达了崖底。】 Just fell to the ground, you then hear in the front dense fog to have the low roar of fighting sound and wild animal faintly transmit. Goes forward to nose?】 【刚刚落地,你便听到前方迷雾中隐隐有打斗声和野兽的低吼声传来。是否上前查探?】 You touch quietly go forward, see on the front wetland, dozens formidables from surrounded among that giant food person plant in all directions.】 【你悄悄摸上前,看到前方的湿地上,数十名勇者从四面八方包围了中间那株巨大的食人植物。】 Under besieging of people, the wetland seductive woman non-stop sending out angry shouting, the elongated nape of the neck, swallowed according to its recent formidable. Simultaneously a lot of whiskers stretch out from the surrounding ground, the volume to the surrounding formidable, the whisker mouth still in sprays the toxic gas unceasingly outward......】 【在众人的围攻下,湿地妖姬不停发出愤怒的嘶吼,伸长脖颈,一口吞下了据它最近的一名勇者。同时大量触须从周围的地面下伸出,卷向周围的勇者,触须口还在不断朝外喷射毒气……】 Shazam results in poisonous fog to disseminate very much, the fight of this team of formidables is obviously in imminent danger, but in you also fell into poisonous fog to cover, life value continued to fall, you chose......】 【现场很快变得毒雾弥散,这一队勇者的战斗显然已经岌岌可危,而你也陷入了毒雾笼罩内,生命值持续滑落中,你选择……】 Lends a hand in emergency, Retreat, the opportunity of waiting when the snipe and clam grapple , the fisherman profits, Has no immediate concern to oneself, as soon as possible far away from place is apt to get into trouble. 【拔刀相助】、【后退,等待鹬蚌相争渔翁得利的机会】、【事不关己,尽快远离是非之地】。 This gadget is really also living! 这玩意儿果然还活着! Mu You looks to relax. He gets down specially, to confirm this man-eating flower condition. 沐游看完松了口气。他特意下来,就是为了确认一下这朵食人花的状态。 As expected, even if believes the system to get online, the players want to solve this thing is not easy, because here is not Earth, the star class suppresses in the effective situation, the human wave attack is very difficult to become effective. 不出所料,哪怕信仰系统上了线,玩家们想解决掉这东西也没那么容易,因为这里可不是地球,星级压制有效的情况下,人海战术很难生效。 Before has not reached enough belief rank, these ordinary players want to capture/raid the gadget of this six star only to be the fantasies. 没有达到足够的信仰等级之前,这些普通玩家想攻略这只六星的玩意儿只会是幻想。 Naturally, at present Mu You also takes it not to have the means that after all the attribute is also at the horrible to look at condition, temporarily is unable to use the god skin to fight. 当然,眼下沐游也拿它没办法,毕竟属性还处于惨不忍睹的状态,暂时无法使用神皮战斗。 However waits for next him to restore completely, to ask some helpers time to come, to capture/raid this big mouth flower again should not be a problem. 不过等下一次他恢复完全,再叫一些帮手来,攻略掉这大嘴花应该不成问题。 You choose leave this place is apt to get into trouble silently......】 【你选择默默离开这个是非之地……】 Mu You continues to start off, simultaneously is glancing over the forum with another cell phone, searches for this period of time the giant world opens up wasteland the progress. 沐游继续上路,同时用另一个手机浏览着论坛,在其中搜寻这段时间来的巨人世界开荒进展。 This seductive woman seems like can the steamroll player, but after all is the plant, is unable to move, even cannot be victorious, goes round then, at all is not what issue. 这株妖姬看似能碾压玩家,但毕竟是植物,无法移动,就算打不过,绕开即可,根本不算什么问题。 Now the players faced with the true difficult position, a time are every hour tsunami, as well as peripheral that only living giant! 如今玩家们面临真正的困境,是每小时一次的海啸,以及外围那只活着的巨人! The tsunami is good, now had god's skin, he can launch the god skin to pass at any time, but Lin Xue had done that before, a result proof god's skin appearance, will attract peripheral that giant immediately. 海啸还好,现在有了神之皮肤,他本可以随时展开神皮度过,但之前林雪就已经这么做过,结果证明神之皮肤一出现,会立即将外围那只巨人引来。 That giant minimum eight stars! Even if the Mu You god skin immediately regains the full condition now, not necessarily can be victorious, without the means that the star class suppressed is too high. 那只巨人起码八星!哪怕现在沐游的神皮立即恢复满状态,都不一定能打得过,没办法,星级压制实在太高了。 In brief, these two factors add, caused the players thoroughly by dire straits near the exit|to speak, wants to explore again outward, either was flushed by the tsunami, either was run over and died by the giant, until now no one can go outside this region. 总之,这两个因素加起来,就导致玩家们彻底被困死在了出口附近,再想往外探索,要么被海啸冲死,要么被巨人碾死,至今没有人能走出这片区域。 At present it seems like wants to leave new village, the only means at least first solve one of them. 眼下看来想要离开‘新手村’,唯一的办法就是至少先解决其中之一。 Giant Mu You cannot stir up, therefore his goal, is to explore now as far as possible outward, looks whether to discover the tsunami the origin. 那巨人沐游惹不起,所以现在他的目标,是尽量往外探索,看能否找出海啸的成因。 【When via a stretch of wormwood lawn, a roaming spider( 2 stars) leap up suddenly from your top of the head, then puts out an energy spider web in the midair toward you.】 【途经一片蒿草地时,一只漫游蜘蛛(二星)忽然从你头顶蹿来,在半空便朝你吐出一口能量蛛网。】 You dodge, was covered by the spider web, because is weak, is incapable of working loose radically, the spider web more ties up you are tighter.】 【你闪躲不及,被蛛网笼罩,因为身体虚弱,根本无力挣脱,蛛网将你越缚越紧。】 Roaming spider great happiness, held in the mouth you then to prepare to crawl to return to nest to eat to the heart's content......】 【漫游蜘蛛大喜,叼了你便准备爬回窝去大快朵颐……】 Recollection.” “回溯。” Mu You quickly according to the table, before returning for ten seconds, simultaneously makes the character stop the footsteps, released the order to guard with the song of peace. 沐游急忙按表,回到十秒之前,同时让人物停下脚步,释放了秩序守卫和和平之歌。 You used the strength of order! Symbol peace the halo in your top of the head formation, covered the regions within your surrounding several hundred meters.】 【你动用了秩序的力量!象征‘和平’的光环在你头顶成型,笼罩了你周围数百米内的区域。】 【The order guardian huge form of takes shape before you, grasps the great axe, the upper body human form, the lower part of the body smog, wanders in the midair, the broad back brought enough security sense to you.】 【秩序守卫者巨大的身影在你面前成型,手持巨斧,上身人形,下身烟雾,游荡在半空中,宽阔的背影给你带来了足够的安全感。】 Order guards( 3 stars): The strength of god 15, 19 god against, real life: 700. Ability: Growth.】 【秩序守卫(三星):神之力15,神之防19,真实生命:700。能力:成长。】 The order guards Mu You is also first using, the presented writing description makes Mu You somewhat accidental/surprised actually: Unexpectedly is smog beast similar modeling! 秩序守卫沐游也是第一次用,呈现的文字描述倒是让沐游有些意外:居然是和烟雾兽类似的造型! The LV Lv. 6 order guard, the star class achieved 3 stars, copes with 2 star following monster to have more than enough to spare. LV6级的秩序守卫,星级达到了三星,对付二星以下的怪物都绰绰有余。 Naturally, even if rises to full level, the order that summoned will guard not over 5 stars, after all was only the low level god technique, 1 star god technique can summon 5 star lifeform, has calculated the supermodel. 当然,即便升到满级,召唤出的秩序守卫也不会超过五星,毕竟只是低级神术,一星神术能召唤出五星生物,已经算很超模了。 【The order guard flutters in your body week, the nearby any will violate the goal of order to enrage it.】 【秩序守卫飘荡在你身周,附近任何违反秩序的目标都会触怒它。】 You hide after behind march forward, approached the wormwood lawn that the order guards quickly once again.】 【你躲藏在秩序守卫的身后继续向前,很快又一次靠近了刚才的蒿草地。】 Has ambushed in this's roaming spider, raids suddenly from, puts out an energy spider web in the midair toward the order guard.】 【早已埋伏在此的漫游蜘蛛,骤然从上空袭来,在半空朝秩序守卫吐出一口能量蛛网。】 【The halo of your top of the head after is suddenly sparking disrupts, the energy spider web that flies will change into the fragment powder shortly, simultaneously a golden chains entangled to bind on the roaming spider.】 【你头顶的光环在一阵骤然闪亮后碎裂,飞来的能量蛛网顷刻间化为齑粉,同时一层金色锁链缠裹在了漫游蜘蛛身上。】 With the emergence of lock of order, the order guards is angry immediately, fluttered fast to the roaming spider, lifted the axe to cut on the spider. Two giant beast dogfights get up......】 【伴随着秩序之锁的出现,秩序守卫顿时大怒,飞快飘向了漫游蜘蛛,举斧斩在了蜘蛛身上。两只巨兽就此缠斗起来……】 After a fierce combat, the order guarded cuts to kill the roaming spider with ease, life Value -18. Growth triggering, the order guards the strength of god + 1, + 1 god against.】 【一番激战过后,秩序守卫轻松斩杀了漫游蜘蛛,生命值-18。‘成长’触发,秩序守卫神之力,神之防。】 You concise the corpse of roaming spider, obtained 3 divine nature crystal, roaming gland * 1.】 【你凝练了漫游蜘蛛的尸体,获得了三颗神性结晶,漫游腺体。】 Really strikes to kill smoothly! Moreover he also not by any damage! 果然顺利击杀!而且他本人还没有受任何伤害 Mu You hung up the song of peace immediately again, has saying that this god technique and order guard match simply certainly, particularly facing monster time. 沐游当即再次挂上了和平之歌,不得不说,这神术和秩序守卫简直是绝配,尤其是面对怪物的时候。 If facing human opponent, opposite party definitely not stupidly to initiative attack order guard, but where wild monster can manage so many, so long as some people invaded their territory, they will attack immediately, but generally the attack of wild monster offensive is the god technique, the song of peace almost stabilizes triggering. 如果面对人类对手,对方肯定不会傻到主动攻击秩序守卫,但野怪哪会管那么多,只要有人侵入了它们的领地,它们就会立即攻击,而一般野怪的攻击先手又都是神术,和平之歌几乎是稳定触发。 This is neutral stand the order guard, will degenerate into the goon who fulfills duty to fulfill responsibility, copes with wild monster automatically, the life of loss can also adopt the song of self-recovery next peace, thus forms single brushes the strange circulation without the wound, may be called hits the wild god to combine. 这样原本是‘中立立场’的秩序守卫,就会沦为尽职尽责的打手,自动对付野怪,损耗的生命也可以通过下一次和平之歌自动恢复,从而形成单人无伤刷怪的循环,堪称打野神组合。 Naturally, the premise is the monster cannot be too strong, really meets six star above high star monsters, a palm of the hand can guard the second the order. 当然,前提是怪物不能太强,真遇到六星以上的高星怪物,一巴掌就能把秩序守卫秒了。 【...... The order guard defeated mini conch( 1 star)......】 【……秩序守卫击败了‘迷你海螺’(一星)……】 You in the spiral shell of mini conch, discovered two information fruit.】 【你在迷你海螺的螺壳中,发现了两颗‘风信果’。】 Information fruit: A special belt/bring poisonous plant, its fruit has the effect of restoring the energy, but in the fruit of information fruit, be only half are the real fruit, after eating up, restores 3 energies. 【风信果:一种特殊的带毒植物,其果实拥有恢复能量的效果,但在风信果的果实中,只有一半是真果实,吃下后恢复三点能量。 The other half is the implication false fruit that hidden the toxin, after clothing/taking next, will enable you to be poisoned. No differentiation method of two types of fruits in attribute, before edible, please must consider clearly. 】 另一半则是蕴含隐藏毒素的假果实,服下后会使你中毒。两种果实在表征上没有任何区分方法,食用前请务必考虑清楚。】 Takes?】 【是否服用?】 This good......” “这个不错……” Mu You sees this effect brightly at present one. 沐游看到这个效果眼前一亮。 Information fruit, before this thing him, had also seen at the forum the post complained, many players have started, was one of the giant the world's most common fruits and vegetables. 风信果,这东西他之前在论坛上也看到过贴子吐槽,很多玩家都入手过,算是巨人世界最常见的蔬果之一。 But perhaps to protect the fruit was not swallowed by here animal recklessly, this plant evolved the toxin, the genuine and fake fruit half and half, before letting other species swallowed, worry, eating right is the tonic, eating is takes poison to commit suicide mistakenly. 但或许是为了保护自身果实不被这里的动物肆意吞噬,这种植物进化出了毒素,真假果实一半一半,让其他物种吞噬前有所顾虑,吃对了是补药,吃错了就是服毒自尽。 Before planted the player in this fruit to be many, at the forum the post of related information fruit basically complained. 之前栽在这果子手里的玩家就不少,论坛上有关风信果的贴子基本都是抱怨。 However was one's turn Mu You not to have so many to worry, he most did not fear was this option confusing. 不过轮到沐游就没那么多顾虑了,他最不怕的就是这种迷惑性选项。 You took the first information fruit.】 【你服下了第一颗风信果。】 You were poisoned! Real Life -50 point, you had died......】 【你中毒了!真实生命-50点,你已死亡……】 False......” “假的么……” Mu You has not cared, according to the table tries second. 沐游也没在意,按表又试了试第二颗。 【Under the time recollection, you take another information fruit.】 【时光回溯,你服下另一颗风信果。】 【The sweet fruit juice flows in your mouth, you feel refreshing, energy + 5.】 【甘甜的果汁在你口中流淌,你感觉神清气爽,能量。】 A real false, Ok. 一真一假,还可以。 Moreover false does not need to discard, remains can then also work as the toxicant to use. 而且假的也不用扔掉,留着回头还可以当毒药用。 Mu You receives the fruit, well satisfied , to continue to start off. 沐游收起果子,心满意足,继续上路。 Then brushes as usual strangely, slowly accumulation divine nature. 接下来一路照常刷怪,慢慢积累神性。 Quick, one hour passes by, the tsunami on time arrives. 很快,一个小时过去,海啸准时来到。 The time regular players of tsunami have found out, even at the forum also has special reporting time to paste the reminder, generally the player comes to the giant world, will catch up specially when a tsunami just ended, this can as far as possible searches the map. 海啸的时间规律玩家们早已摸清,甚至论坛上还有专门的报时贴提醒,一般玩家来巨人世界,都会特意赶在一次海啸刚刚结束之时,这样才能尽可能的多探地图。 Mu You is also the same, and approaches most recent several minutes in the tsunami, he also transferred specially in the , found one to perch the slippery shell beetle on nearby leaf blade, prepares to duplicate previous time the method of passing the tsunami. 沐游也一样,并且在海啸来临前几分钟,他还专门在附近转了一圈,找到了一只栖息在附近叶片上的滑壳甲虫,准备复制上一次度过海啸的方法。 Mu You has not acted, is defending in not far away, has waited till the tsunami most recent several seconds, this beetle had the movement finally. 沐游没有出手,就在不远处守着,一直等到海啸前几秒钟,这甲虫终于有了动作。 You noticed that rests the slippery shell beetle to wake up suddenly, flies to stop in the front open area, eight claws wriggle fast, dug a pothole at the visible speed on the ground.】 【你看到休憩中的滑壳甲虫骤然醒来,飞停在前方的空地上,八爪快速蠕动,以肉眼可见的速度在地上刨出了一个坑洞。】 At the same time, you had heard the billowing startled roaring of distant place, a megatsunami in rapid close to you, you best leave the scene as soon as possible......】 【与此同时,你已经听到了远处的滚滚惊涛声,一场大海啸正在飞速靠近你,你最好尽快离开现场……】 Mu You does not worry, the time of these native lifeform grasp definitely are much better than their these foreign family. 沐游不着急,这些本土生物的时间把握肯定比他们这些外来户好得多。 Waiting beetle Jiangkeng has dug was similar, Mu You then begins. 一直等待甲虫将坑挖的差不多了,沐游这才动手。 【...... The pothole under slippery shell beetle body will soon take shape shortly, you run out from side suddenly, a foot kicks it, oneself worm one's way into. But at this time, the front billowing great waves have raided......】 【……眼看着滑壳甲虫身下的坑洞即将成型,你忽然从旁冲出,一脚将其踢飞,自己钻了进去。而此时,前方滚滚浪涛已然袭来……】 【The slippery shell beetle is angry, swoops to come, eight claws tie down you like the pincers, towed from the pit you. the next instant, the turbulent great waves sweep across, you and slippery shell beetle were whirled away by the ocean waves together......】 【滑壳甲虫大怒,飞扑而来,八爪如铁钳般缠住你,将你也从坑中拖了出来。下一瞬,汹涌浪涛席卷而过,你和滑壳甲虫一同被海浪卷走了……】 Sweat, early......” “汗,早了……” Mu You is awkward, quickly according to table. 沐游尴尬,急忙按表。 This gadget really also has the success ratio, morning one 1 : 00 pm is not good, late will be patted by the ocean waves, the beetle will ask him to perish together early. 这玩意儿果然也是有成功率的,早一点晚 1 点都不行,晚了会被海浪拍死,早了甲虫会找他同归于尽。 Recalled continually five times, Mu You successfully grasped a perfect time point finally, first sent off the beetle taking advantage of the tsunami. 一连回溯了五次,沐游才终于成功抓住一个完美的时间点,借着海啸将甲虫第一时间送走。 【...... You are supporting against clean and smooth-looking shell, listening to the above tsunami sound to go far away gradually.】 【……你撑着防水滑壳,听着上方海啸声渐渐远去。】 Is thoroughly peaceful after the surroundings, you from the pit go out. Raises eyes to look, all around already by sea water washout spotless......】 【直至周围彻底安静下来后,你方才从坑中走出。举目望去,四周已被海水冲刷的一尘不染……】 Passed the tsunami smoothly, then enters cleaned up trash the time. 顺利度过海啸,接下来便进入了‘捡垃圾’的时间。 You in the morass of front not far away, discovered divine nature crystal * 3.】 【你在前方不远处的泥坑中,发现了神性结晶。】 You found divine nature crystal * 1.】 【你找到了神性结晶。】 ...... …… Mu You summons a new order guard, the divine nature and material that at the same time the collection ground scatters along the road, side has the control character of consciousness to move in the direction that the tsunami transmits. Must prevent the tsunami, must first find the source. 沐游召出一个新的秩序守卫,一边沿路收集地上散落的神性和材料,一边有意识的操控人物往海啸传来的方向移动。要阻止海啸,总得先找到源头。 Forwards, you felt suddenly the front wind power increases suddenly. Looks up, you discovered you arrived at a shore. The front is one storm billowing sea levels, the distant place hidden in the dense fog as before, making you unable to see clearly the actual situation.】 【一路向前,你忽然感觉前方风力骤增。抬头看去,你发现你来到了一处岸边。前方是一片风浪滚滚的海面,更远方则依旧隐藏在迷雾之中,令你看不清虚实。】 Launches to nose? Attention: The waters in real world are often more dangerous than the land, before launching, must be ready.】 【是否下水查探?注意:真实世界的水域往往比陆地更加危险,下水前务必做好准备。】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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