TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#464: One the prestige of striking

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The prestige of Chapter 464 striking 第464章一击之威 Good excessively......” “好过分……” Periphery Fua looks full is various types of floating matter and bloodstain sea level, shocking. 芙娅看着周围满是各种漂浮物和血迹的海面,触目惊心。 Before that side K City came, she first detected, when the surrounding landform and previous time arrived at Land of Forgetting initially had the enormous change, probably experienced a disaster to be the same, looked everywhere is completely the ruins and building wreckage. 之前在K市那边现身的时候,她就第一时间察觉到,周围的地貌和上次初到遗忘之地时发生了极大的改变,像是经历了一场天灾一般,满目望去尽是废墟和建筑物残骸。 However, there good and evil is a wilderness, the surroundings almost do not have human to live, how therefore has not felt, until at this moment, follows Mu You to go to the battlefield center in this Pacific Ocean, looks at the sea level of surrounding sores all over the eye, she then realized the gravity of matter. 不过,那里好歹是荒郊,周围几乎没有人类居住,所以还没觉得怎么样,直到此刻,跟随沐游来到这片太平洋上的战场中心,看着周围满目疮痍的海面,她这才认识到了事情的严重性。 These giants, do not have slight being forgiving, completely to destroying Land of Forgetting comes! 这些巨人,没有丝毫的留情,完全是冲着毁灭遗忘之地来的! Thump...... thump......” “咚……咚……” The distant place fierce impact noise is still continuing, maze entrance nearby crack, is proliferating toward the surroundings at the frightening speed, even if the next second of labyrinth on entire crashes, the people will not be accidental. 远处剧烈的撞击声还在持续,迷宫入口附近的裂纹,正以让人胆战心惊的速度朝周围扩散着,哪怕下一秒迷宫就整个崩塌,众人也毫不会意外。 However this moment people attention shifts temporarily from the labyrinth, looks to a man and a woman on front island. 不过此刻众人注意力都暂时从迷宫上转移开来,看向前方小岛上的一男一女。 A moment ago after ghost ship long return, without soliciting anybody's suggestions, then crashed in a red sickle young girl ten meters range directly, even had the direct body contact with her. 刚才幽灵船长回归后,没有征求任何人的意见,便直接冲进了红镰少女十米范围内,甚至和她有了直接的身体接触。 This makes Blood Emperor and the others worry, must know that the red sickle young girl had determined was parasited, ghost ship long such crude nearness, did not fear that was parasited to shift? 这让血皇等人都捏了一把汗,要知道红镰少女可是已经确定被寄生了啊,幽灵船长这么鲁莽的靠近,就不怕被寄生转移吗? ghost ship is long, but they now only hope, if he were also parasited, the people may really probably grasp blindly. 幽灵船长可是他们现在唯一的希望,如果他也被寄生,众人可真要抓瞎了。 This moment Blood Emperor and the others can only pray, ghost ship long knows fairly well, has to avoid the parasited method. 此刻血皇等人只能祈祷,幽灵船长心中有数,拥有避免被寄生的手段。 Helps me......” “帮我……” Lin Xue lies down in the Mu You bosom, said after him final information, trembling the dagger in the hand delivered to his hand. 林雪躺倒在沐游怀中,和他说完最后的情报后,颤颤巍巍的将手中匕首送到了他手上。 Mu You understands her meaning. The Lin Xue character is unable to tolerate another thought to occupy her consciousness obviously, at this moment the only thought mediates, she but who has started the parasitic process is unable to commit suicide, can only help her extricate by others. 沐游明白她的意思。林雪的性格显然无法容忍另一个思想占据她的意识,此刻唯一的念头就是自我了断,只不过已经开始寄生过程的她无法自杀,只能靠别人来帮她解脱。 Mu You looks that the whole body trembles lightly, in suppressing painful Lin Xue, sighed, gripped her to take the hand of dagger single-handed, another took out the pen of order, changed several order rune/symbol writing on her, eliminated her sensation of pain. 沐游看着浑身轻颤,在强忍痛苦的林雪,叹了口气,单手握住她拿匕首的手,另一手则取出了秩序之笔,在她身上更改了几个秩序符文,消除了她的痛觉。 Lin Xue felt immediately a whole body relaxedness, spirit also peaceful, as if gentle energies in within the body circulation, making her produce intense being stranded intent. 林雪顿时感觉浑身一阵轻松,精神也安宁了下来,似乎有一股柔和的能量在她体内流转,让她不由产生了强烈的困意。 Relax, quickly you can resurrect......” “放心,你很快会复活的……” Mu You is saying at the same time, grasps hand that she is arming with knife, moved her chest, immediately punctured slowly. 沐游一边说着,握着她持刀的手,挪动到了她的心口,随即缓缓刺了下去。 Now, first rests, you do were many enough, the remaining things give me......” “不过现在,先休息吧,你做的够多了,剩下的事情交给我……” Lin Xue heard the Mu You gentle sound, the last anxiety on face also to transfer feeling relaxed, the corners of the mouth has the relaxed curve, finally closed the eye with a sense of relief. 林雪听着沐游轻柔的声音,脸上的最后一丝忧虑也转为了释然,嘴角带着轻松的弧度,终于如释重负的闭上了眼睛。 The Lin Xue attribute had burnt the bottom, was wounded to continue to lose blood a moment ago, the life was not much left, therefore this seemingly light blade, still carried off her final vitality at this moment with ease. 林雪的属性本就已经燃烧到了底,刚才又负了伤持续失血,生命本就所剩无几,所以此刻这看似轻飘飘的一刀,依然轻松带走了她最后的生命力。 After Lin Xue death, square shape crystal floats from her within the body, is Pisces Secret Spell Crystal. 林雪死亡之后,一颗方形结晶从她体内漂浮而出,正是双鱼秘术结晶 Mu You wields the pen of order, covered an invisible energy in the crystal surface, entire wrapped crystal, will immediately seal good crystal, sent in the backpack to preserve. 沐游挥动秩序之笔,在结晶表面覆盖了一层无形的能量,将结晶整个包裹了起来,随即将封存好的结晶,送入了背包中保存好。 The people in surrounding silent looks at this, has not thought that the red sickle young girl died finally, moreover by ghost ship senior clan member's automatic hand...... 外围的众人都是默然的看着这一幕,没想到红镰少女最终还是死了,而且还是由幽灵船长亲自动的手…… This lets the people thump, realized instantaneously seemingly ghost ship long does not even have a better solution to bite the means of god beast, once confirmed that was parasited, the death seemed their only homes to return to...... 这让众人心里咯噔一下,瞬间意识到貌似连幽灵船长也没有更好的解决噬神兽的办法,一旦确认被寄生的话,死亡似乎就是他们唯一的归宿…… However meanwhile, there is a few leaves near person, heard the ghost ship long final words indistinctly: You will resurrect...... 不过同时,也有少数离得近的人,隐约听到了幽灵船长最后的话:你会复活的…… Resurrecting? 复活? This made some smart will of the people bottoms raise hopes, is it possible that ghost ship was long, the ability of person resurrecting died? 这让一些机灵的人心底又升起了一些希望,莫非幽灵船长,还有复活死去的人的能力? In the instance of Lin Xue death, in the angle of view that the people are unable to see, a transparent cotton wool shape lifeform, lives in caves from her Sun shows quietly, just like without weight is ordinary, floats in the air, after taking a fast look around one, locked instantaneously in nearby Mu You, immediately toward the Mu You fast float. 林雪死亡的瞬间,众人无法看到的视角中,一只透明的絮状生物,从她太阳穴处悄然透出,宛若没有重量一般,漂浮在空气中,扫视一圈后,瞬间锁定了就在旁边的沐游,当即朝着沐游快速漂浮而来。 However, saw the cotton wool shape lifeform must drill into the Mu You body surface time, it was actually blocked by a slim quiet blue energy level. 不过,眼看着絮状生物就要钻入沐游体表的时候,它却被一层纤薄的幽蓝色能量层拦了下来。 The cotton wool shape lifeform was rebounded by the energy level, after shaking the head, hurried again toward Mu You, to/clashes at a quicker speed. 絮状生物被能量层反弹了出去,晃了晃脑袋后,急忙再次朝着沐游,以更快的速度冲来。 What a pity is finally same, this energy is similar to a solid armor, the cotton wool shape lifeform hit in the energy level surface, by impediment firmly outside, how to can not again diligently the little advance. 可惜结果还是一样,这层能量就如同一层坚实的铠甲,絮状生物撞击在能量层表面,被牢牢的阻隔在外,任凭再怎么努力也不得寸进。 The arm that the next second, the gloomily blue energy forms together passed over gently and swiftly, stressed the cotton wool shape lifeform in hand. 下一秒,一道幽蓝能量形成的手臂掠过,一把将絮状生物抓在了‘手’中。 Cotton wool shape lifeform by hand of package energy, immediately intense struggles, actually does not help matters, because instead long time exposes in the air, the transparent body gradually starts to present a pale red color, finally exposed in all person eyes. 絮状生物被能量之手包裹,顿时激烈的挣扎起来,却根本无济于事,反而因为长时间暴露在空气中,透明的身体逐渐开始呈现一种淡红的颜色,终于是暴露在了所有人眼中。 The surroundings resound a series of screams immediately, people dumbfounded before looking at the Mu You body, one group of red cotton fibers that float, soon realized anything. 周围顿时响起一连串的惊呼声,众人目瞪口呆的看着沐游身前漂浮的一团红色棉絮,很快都意识到了什么。 This bites the god beast?” Blood Emperor knits the brows to look red cotton fiber that group is struggling desperately, but also relaxes, ghost ship long really has the method of evidently preventing the parasitic, even also captured alive one to bite the god beast directly. “这就是噬神兽?”血皇皱眉看着那团正在拼命挣扎的红色棉絮,不过同时也松了口气,看样子幽灵船长果然有着防止寄生的手段,甚至还直接活捉了一只噬神兽。 However, does not know that bit the god beast to be grasped triggered any chain-reaction. Bites instance that the god beast comes , the impact noise of distant place is suddenly stormy. 然而,也不知是不是噬神兽被抓引发了什么连锁反应。噬神兽现身的瞬间,远处的撞击声骤然密集起来。 After continual collision, until some moment, the depressed impact noise turned into ping suddenly a resounding, some as if innumerable mirrors in this flickered simultaneously to disrupt generally. 连续的碰撞过后,直到某一刻,沉闷的撞击声忽然变成了‘呯’的一道脆响,仿佛有无数镜子在这一瞬齐齐碎裂了一般。 The people quickly look up. 众人急忙抬头看去。 Really, the maze entrance of distant place has collapsed thoroughly. 果然,远处的迷宫入口已经彻底坍塌。 Six huge forms, from the broken labyrinth, floated in the sea level of distant place. 六道巨大的身影,从残破的迷宫中走了出来,漂浮在远处的海面上。 Saw six giants appear, people instinct is anxious, quickly holds up the respective weapon, is ready in full battle array. 一看到六个巨人出现,众人本能的紧张起来,急忙举起各自武器,严阵以待。 The giants are separated from this moment of labyrinth, came eventually. 巨人脱离迷宫的这一刻,终究还是来了。 The present issue is, had ghost ship long joining, can they deal with six giants one time? 现在的问题是,有了幽灵船长的加入,他们就能一次对付得了六个巨人吗? When giant who when others are coming to for the distant place anxiously, Mu You actually looks but not see the enemy in distant place, but attention centralized on the present cotton wool shape lifeform. 当其他人都在为远处现身的巨人紧张不已时,沐游却对远处的敌人视而不见,而是将注意力都集中在眼前的絮状生物身上。 This cotton wool shape lifeform seems like one group of cotton fibers, but actually has the nose to be perforated, Mu You even can from its vision, feel one type panic-stricken and meaning of entreaty. 这絮状生物看似一团棉絮,但其实有鼻子有眼,沐游甚至可以从它的目光中,感受到一种惊恐和哀求的意味。 So that's how it is, the main body unexpectedly is such frail thing......” “原来如此,本体居然是这么脆弱的东西啊……” Mu You shouted the tone, controls the palm of energy to make an effort, the cotton wool shape lifeform was pinched to explode instantaneously, the cotton fiber peripheral blows out faint trace light red material, itself did not have the sound thoroughly. 沐游呼了口气,操控着能量的手掌一用力,絮状生物瞬间被捏爆,棉絮周边爆出一丝丝淡红色的物质,本身则彻底没了声息。 The instance of cotton wool shape lifeform death, six giant simultaneously of distant place sent out heavenshaking roaring, was full of the angry pressure on caress the face to press toward the people immediately. 絮状生物死亡的瞬间,远处的六个巨人齐齐发出一声震天的咆哮,一股饱含愤怒的威压顿时朝众人扑面压来。 Boss!” “老板!” Little Ya and Fua appeared in Mu You at this time behind. 小雅芙娅这时出现在了沐游身后。 you enraged them probably!” Fua knits the brows to look at distant place several giant violent angers the appearances. “伱好像激怒它们了!”芙娅皱眉看着远处几个巨人暴怒的模样。 It doesn't matter, has a war in any case sooner or later.” “无所谓,反正迟早都有一战的。” Mu You shakes the head, turns the head the biting god beast that will pinch to give Fua. 沐游摇了摇头,转头将捏死的噬神兽交给了芙娅 Belt goes back to study,...... brings Little Xue to leave the , then this sea area can turn into the battlefield, will stay is curled in neighbor goes.” “带回去研究一下,还有……带小雪离开附近,接下来这片海域都会变成战场,呆在附近会被卷进去。” Boss, I remain to help you!” Little Ya lifted raised hand Evolution Sceptre: Big Sister Xue has said that my scepter could restrain an ability of giant, therefore makes me keep the light of today's evolution not to use.” “老板,我留下来帮你!”小雅举了举手中的进化权杖:“雪姐说过,我的权杖或许能够克制其中一个巨人的能力,所以让我一直留着今天的进化之光没有动用。” Good.” “好。” Mu You looked at Little Ya one, nods, without rejection. 沐游看了小雅一眼,点了点头,没有拒绝。 You careful......” “你们俩自己小心……” Fua has not shown off power actually, received to bite the god beast, immediately held the ground Lin Xue remains, said after two people, then quickly flew away same place. 芙娅倒是没有逞强,接过噬神兽,随即抱起了地上林雪的遗体,朝两人说了一声后,便急忙飞离了原地。 Three people talked, the surroundings crowd erupted one to call out in alarm suddenly, is looking at the direction of giant in simultaneously, looked panic-stricken, as if to see what extremely terrifying thing. 三人对话间,周围人群忽然爆发出一阵惊呼,都在齐齐望着巨人的方向,面露惊恐,似乎看到了什么极为恐怖的东西。 Mu You also turn head looks, sees in the six giants in distant place, a giant opened the mouth in the Mu You direction suddenly. 沐游也回头看去,就见远处的六个巨人中,其中一个巨人忽然朝着沐游的方向张开了嘴。 Wipes the luminous spot to condense before its body at the visible speed, and rises fast in a big way, for several seconds, then condenses for diameter ten several meters huge light balls! 一抹光点以肉眼可见的速度在它身前凝聚,并且快速涨大,短短几秒内,便凝聚为了一颗直径十数米的巨大光球! Meow!!” “喵!!” Near the Mu You foot orange cat sent out a low roar, the whole body cat hair root root exploded, obviously it can also feel the terrifying energy in that light ball containing, even made it feel the fatal threat. 沐游脚边的橘猫发出了一声低吼,浑身猫毛根根炸起,显然它也能感受到那光球中蕴含的恐怖能量,甚至让它都感受到了致命的威胁。 Be careful, that is......” “小心,那个是……” Rear Blood Emperor looks at the eyelid to jump, quickly shouted loudly makes noise, wants to remind. 后方血皇看得眼皮一跳,急忙高呼出声,想要提醒。 What a pity, before him, half a word just exported, that light ball has then stimulated, passes through the sea level at the speed like lightning, directly rumbles toward Mu You and Little Ya position. 可惜,他前半句才刚刚出口,那光球便已激发,以闪电般的速度穿越海面,径直朝着沐游小雅的位置轰来。 tch tch, these fellows do not know restraining, just came up to breakneck......” the empty shadow of roaming reading poems person to reappear side Mu You, looks at the light ball that the front surface flies, passes on the sound said toward Mu You: This energy exceeded the upper limit absolutely, without the means that used up that move......” ,这些家伙还是这么不知收敛啊,刚上来就玩命……”游吟诗人的虚影在沐游身旁浮现,看着迎面飞来的光球,朝沐游传音道:“这个能量绝对超过上限了,没办法,用掉那一招吧……” Un.” “嗯。” Mu You nods, in the hand the writing brush wields fast, outlined several rune/symbol writing in the air before body. 沐游点了点头,手中毛笔快速挥动,在身前的空气中勾勒出了数个符文。 With his movement, the energy level of Mu You body week the extreme speed rises suddenly immediately, suddenly became a dozens meters high giant empty shadow, is the god of skin order. 伴随着他的动作,沐游身周的能量层顿时极速暴涨,眨眼变为了一道几十米高的巨人虚影,正是秩序之神皮肤。 Meanwhile in the giant empty shadow top of the head, appeared a flickering halo. 同时在巨人虚影的头顶,浮现了一圈忽明忽暗的光环。 the next instant, the light ball raids, hit in the giant empty shadow. 下一瞬,光球袭来,撞击在了巨人虚影上。 Behind, experienced the people of this light ball might to close the eye subconsciously. 后方,见识过这光球威力的众人都是下意识的闭上了眼睛。 However, the large explosion in imagination has not actually happened. 然而,想象中的大爆炸却并没有发生。 When the people responded, opened eyes to look, this discovered, that light ball hovering in ghost ship long god skin front, actually a fist pounded probably on the cotton, not only has not caused any destruction, started to reduce at the visible speed on the contrary. 待众人反应过来,睁眼看去,这才发现,那道光球悬停在幽灵船长的神皮前方,却像是一拳砸在了棉花上,不但没有造成任何破坏,反倒以肉眼可见的速度开始缩小。 Meanwhile, the halo of giant empty shadow top of the head actually starts the rapid congealing reality, until the light ball vanishes thoroughly, in that halo formed a luminous spot, starts to keep revolving along the halo path, in a star/celestial body just like revolution. 与此同时,巨人虚影头顶的光环却开始飞速凝实,直至光球彻底消失的时候,那道光环上形成了一颗光点,沿着光环的轨迹开始不停旋转,宛如一颗公转中的星体。 This has not ended, does not wait for the people to respond what's the matter, the Mu You god skin face upwards to exude one to roar suddenly. 这还没完,不等众人反应过来是怎么回事,沐游的神皮忽然仰天发出一声咆哮。 You offended, the crime of anger!” “你触犯了,愤怒之罪!” Follows this sound, the giant top of the head of distant place that launch light ball, a giant fist appears quietly, and responded in everyone instance that a fist pounds down. 伴随这道声音,远处那名发射光球的巨人头顶,一只巨型拳头悄然浮现,并在所有人反应不及的瞬间,一拳砸下。 The next second, the turbulent energy erupts in the giant top of the head, the white light covered nearby sea level. 下一秒,汹涌的能量在巨人头顶爆发,白光笼罩了附近的海面。 The surrounding hurried giant is hurried rebounds toward side. 周围的急忙巨人都是急忙朝旁跳开。 Until after several seconds, the white light dissipates. 直到数秒后,白光消散。 The people look up, this discovered, that giant has lain down unexpectedly in the sea level, the five senses twist, whole body covered with blood, motionless, as if absolutely did not have the sound. 众人抬头看去,这才发现,那名巨人居然已经躺倒在海面上,五官扭曲,浑身血肉模糊,一动不动,似乎完全没了声息。 The people open the mouth, dumbfounded looks at this, some cannot believe oneself eye. 众人都是张大嘴巴,目瞪口呆的看着这一幕,有些不敢相信自己的眼睛。 A giant, living giant, really such superficial was solved? 一个巨人,活生生的巨人啊,真的就这么轻描淡写的被解决了? Very good!” “很好!” The roaming reading poems person looks at this, is the great happiness grasped under the fist: This fellow looks like bites god beast specially training war fort, is the attack and defense serious imbalance type, therefore was instead solved one time by a might of oneself artillery, we were also left over it completely, as soon as sends the energy of shell, haha, the blood that this card in a hand hands over gains!” 游吟诗人看着这一幕,也是大喜的握了下拳头:“这家伙看来是噬神兽专门培养的‘战争炮台’,属于攻防严重失衡的类型,所以反而被自己一炮的威力给一次性解决掉了,咱们还完整存下了它一发炮弹的能量,哈哈,这底牌交的血赚!” Mu You also somewhat looked at the halo of top of the head surprisedly, at once also shows the smile: Has the words of this might, perhaps can also get rid of one again!” 沐游也是有些惊讶的看了眼头顶的光环,旋即也露出了微笑:“有这种威力的话,或许还可以再干掉一只!” Pitifully only has opportunity a time, otherwise......” roaming reading poems person somewhat greedy shaking the head. “可惜只有一次机会,不然……”游吟诗人有些贪心的摇了摇头。 Two people dialogue others naturally cannot understand, but does not hinder them to understand the present result: The second kills! 两人的对话其他人自然是听不懂的,但不妨碍他们看懂眼下的结果:秒杀! They before were more than 20,000 people, the in addition four giant beast taking responsibility strength, besieged full power for one hour, in situation that almost the card in a hand completely had/left, finally killed a giant. 要知道,他们之前可是两万多人,外加四只巨兽做主力,全力围攻了一个多小时,几乎底牌尽出的情况下,才终于杀死一个巨人。 But now, ghost ship long only used to strike, then returned safe and sound got rid of a giant! 而现在,幽灵船长仅用了一击,便毫发无损的干掉了一个巨人! What concept is this? 这是什么概念? The above directing group, several people looks the giant life detection reading that on the panel demonstrates, the mouth opens can the stopper next egg. 上空的指挥小组,几人看着面板上显示的巨人生命侦测读数,嘴巴张的可以塞下一个鸡蛋。 In a moment ago flash of counter-attack, the life reading of that giant, then by 160 million, direct nulling operation! 就在刚才反击的一瞬间,那个巨人的生命读数,便由1.6亿,直接归零! Only then they can determine completely, this giant was really killed by one move of second! 只有他们能够完全确定,这个巨人是真的被一招秒杀了! Several people looked at each other one, the expression by the suspicion, to shock, again to wild with joy! 几人对视了一眼,表情由怀疑,到震惊,再到狂喜! Incessantly is they, the player under sea level, similarly after responding, burst into heavenshaking cheers, got rid of a giant obviously, as if has actually killed all giant seconds is completely same. 不止是他们,下方海面上的玩家,同样在反应过来后,爆发出了一阵震天的欢呼声,明明才干掉了一个巨人,却仿佛已经将所有巨人全部秒杀了一样。 Naturally, this cannot be unfair to the anticipations of our so many victims......” devil long expiration, saying with a smile of feeling relieved. “理所当然的,不这样可对不起我们这么多牺牲者的期待……”恶魔长长的吐了口气,如释重负的笑道。 Do not be negligent, listens to the meaning in ghost ship long-distance telephone, that strength, a card in a hand, uses up the card in a hand a moment ago probably now ahead of time, then so will not be definitely relaxed......” Blood Emperor to shake the head to say. “不要大意,听幽灵船长话中的意思,刚才那种力量,好像是一种底牌,现在提前用掉了底牌,接下来肯定不会这么轻松了……”血皇摇头道。 However, although is saying, his corners of the mouth showed the smile unquenchable. 不过,虽然这么说着,他的嘴角还是难以抑制的露出了笑容。 No matter because following how, this full striking killed was too prompt, will present everyone who came for serveral days the fear to the giant, as well as to the ghost ship long suspicion, all swept away! 因为不管后续如何,这一次酣畅淋漓的击杀都来的太及时了,将在场所有人这些天来对巨人的恐惧,以及对幽灵船长的怀疑,全都一扫而空! This way, perhaps really can beat all giants, ended this disaster! 这样下去,或许真的可以击败所有巨人,结束这场灾难! When human cheers, the distant place, several giants actually gathered side the giant of dying, the language that one after another or the anger or the nuisance, are using unable to understand chirp oh is saying anything. 在人类这边欢呼雀跃的时候,远处,几名巨人却是重新聚集在了死去的巨人身旁,一个个或是愤怒或是懊恼,都在用听不懂的语言叽哩哇啦的说着什么。 What are they saying?” Mu You looks to nearby roaming reading poems person. “它们在说什么?”沐游看向一旁的游吟诗人。 In that several fellows has to judge the quality of goods actually, a moment ago what they have seen through you to use is the authority of demon god...... also because of so, they probably the successor who you worked as the demon god!” roaming Yinshi the face color said strangely. What these bite the god beast exchange use is the internal language of god clan, he can understand. “那几个家伙里倒是有识货的,它们已经看穿了你刚才使用的是魔神的权柄……不过也正因如此,它们好像把你当魔神的继承人了!”游吟诗人脸色古怪的说。这些噬神兽交流使用的是神族的内部语言,他是能听懂的。 Yes...... that makes them misunderstand, happen, then delivers them a pleasant surprise, making them experience the forms of combat of order!” “是么……那就让它们误会着吧,正好,接下来再送它们一个惊喜,让它们见识一下秩序的战斗方式!” Mu You said, turns the head to look to behind crowd: Then I will launch order barrier here, everyone, withdraws from the battlefield temporarily, as far as possible far away from nearby!” 沐游说完,转头看向身后的人群:“接下来我将在这里展开秩序结界,所有人,暂时退出战场,尽量远离附近!” „Ah?” “啊?” People hears word stare. 众人闻言都是一愣。 They are just now brought back by the ghost ship long performance fought intent, is preparing to follow he to go all out one, finally, wanted them to leave the field at this time suddenly? 他们才刚被幽灵船长的表现勾起了战意,正准备跟着他大干一场呢,结果,这时候忽然要他们离场? The people look at each other in blank dismay. 众人不由面面相觑。 Listens to this meaning, ghost ship long as if also really to prepare to select these giants only...... 听这意思,幽灵船长似乎还真准备单挑这些巨人啊…… I knew, but at least takes this communication......” “我知道了,不过至少带上这个通讯器……” Blood Emperor acted at this time, complied on behalf of the people, simultaneously throws ear wheat and an instrumental equipment toward Mu You. 血皇这时出面,代表众人应了下来,同时将一个耳麦和一个仪表设备朝沐游扔来。 In the beforehand fight, we summarized the information and weakness of these giants, will then inform through communication to you......” “之前的战斗中,我们总结出了这几个巨人的情报和弱点,接下来将通过通讯器告知给您……” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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