Chapter 459God's favored one
第459章天之骄子InsomePacificdesertedisland, the emperorsits the giant stonepeakintogethercliffpeak, is looking into the wave lightclearsea level.
The sea under setting sun, ripplesgoldenripples, the setting sunafterglowis sprinkling the sea level, dyed the red-orangeSkyline, severalsea-birdshave flown the horizon, broughtintermittentwetsaltysea breeze.
The emperorssighed.
天子不由感叹。Hehow longdoes not havesuchearnestlyhas looked at the setting sun?
他已经多久没有这么认真的看过夕阳了?As ifaftergrown, hehas been bustling about, is busystudying the exploration, is busy the human relationstreating with courtesy, is busypondering that all kinds ofthings, a schedulerow of capacity, has always never hadtrulyowntime.
似乎从成年之后,他就一直在忙碌,忙着学习探索,忙着交际应酬,忙着思考各种各样的事情,日程表总是排的满满当当,从来没有过真正属于自己的时间。Looked athorizonthatround of red-orangesetting sun, the emperorsuddenlyhas a seemingly familiarfeeling.
望着天边那轮橘红色的夕阳,天子忽然有了一种似曾相识的感觉。Long ago, whenhimalsoyoung, onceinmonastery of studying, has seen the similarlybeautifulsetting sun.
很久之前,在他还年幼之时,曾经在求学的修道院中,也见到过同样美丽的夕阳。At that time, the seniorchief of monastery, inevery afternoonsetting sun, will always gather the childrenin the backyard, tothemtold that variouslegendsandhistorical figures, was mentionedmost, without doubtisin the BritishhistorymosthaslegendaryKing Arthur.
那个时候,修道院的老院长,总是会在每日下午落日时分,将孩子们聚集在后院中,给他们讲述各种传说和历史人物,其中被提及最多的,无疑是不列颠历史上最具传奇色彩的亚瑟王。„...... Arthurhasgolden hair of solarsparkleit is said that hascompared with a roamingreading poemspersonmore delightfulvoice and emeraldcommonblue eyes, hescrupulously follows the knightto be energetic, good, honest, humble, benevolence, courteous, simultaneouslyis good at the independent thinking, is a almostperfectknight......”
“……据说亚瑟拥有一头太阳般闪耀的金发,拥有比游吟诗人更加悦耳的声音和绿宝石一般的碧眼,他恪守骑士精神,善良,正直,谦逊,仁爱,有礼,同时又善于独立思考,是一个几乎完美的骑士……”„...... Finally, asArthur who accompaniesin the testimonies of Holy Seeandundermanyknight, drew outon behalf of the stone that in the monarchial powergodgives the sword, becomesHeaven’s Chosen Child, the newking in ancientBritain, andleads the round tableknight, overthrewancient Rome'smightrule......”
The seniorchiefstandsbefore the flower-bed, confidentwas tellinglegend of King Arthur, buton the underlawnsitseverywhereare the childrenhearwith great interest, unable to feelpassing of time.
老院长站在花坛前,不急不徐的讲述着亚瑟王的传说,而下方草地上坐的满地都是的孩子们则听得津津有味,丝毫感受不到时间的流逝。„During...... King Arthurreigns, holdsweakhelping the poor, whenhiswisesupernatural might, Britainwelcomedunprecedentedunified and power, established a prosperouscountry, King Arthur was also calledeternalkingfrom this‚’...... until now, the folkalsohadsuch a rumor, whenGreat Britainbeset with a crisis, the successor of King Arthurwill draw outSword in the Stoneagain, leading the peopleto move towardin the future......”
The seniorchiefstraightened up the presbyopic glasses, lookstobelowonegroup of full of vigor and vitalitychildren, the smilesaid: „Therefore, somepeopledo wantto tryto pull outSword in the Stone? Perhapssuccessor of King Arthurinyou!”
老院长扶正了老花镜,看向下方一群朝气蓬勃的孩子们,微笑道:“所以,有人想要试着拔一拔石中剑吗?或许亚瑟王的传人就在你们之中哦!”Childrenhearswordis excitedimmediately, chirpspeech, in the stone columntowardbackyardopen arearunslaterin abundance.
小孩们闻言顿时激动起来,叽叽喳喳的争相发言,随后纷纷朝后院空地上的石柱跑去。Abovethatstone column, is inserting a knightsword, in the sword bladethoroughstone, above the sword hiltis carving an engraved inscription: Everydraws outthissword, is the king of Britain!
“之后是我……”„Cannotjoin a production team, the person of joining a production teamdoes not have the qualificationsto draw outSword in the Stone......”
……Boyschirprunningbefore the stone column, very awareplatoon the team, one after anotherjumped upin turnstone platform, impatientpulls outthatknightsword.
男孩子们叽叽喳喳的奔跑到石柱前,很自觉的排好了队伍,一个个依次跳上石台,迫不及待的去拔那柄骑士剑。However, even ifboysone after anotheralwayssuppressed the complexionto be red, makes an effort the nursingvigor, the treasured sword in stonewas also entirely still.
The childrenare not angry, a timehas not drawn out, behind goesto line up, attemptedrepeatedly, onlyto hopeecstaticallysometimecanpullingSword in the Stone of miracle, since thenbecamein the childfrankly and uprightly‚king’.
孩子们却也不恼,一次没拔出,就去后面排队,乐此不疲的尝试了一遍又一遍,只盼着某一次能够奇迹的拔出石中剑,从此光明正大成为孩子中的‘王’。When the childrenplaydelighted, the seniorchiefactuallymoved toward the corner of flower-bed, a delicate-lookingboyalonesittingonherestair, is glancing throughplainbooks, is incompatiblewith the distant placehappyatmosphere.
在孩子们玩的不亦乐乎的时候,老院长却走向了花坛的角落,一个面容清秀的男孩正孤零零的坐在这边的台阶上,翻阅着一本古朴的书籍,和远处欢乐的气氛格格不入。„Doesn't Yiensi, howyoutry?”Seniorchiefbenign countenancesitting to the boyby, smiledto saytowardhim: „YouandKing Arthur are the same, hasattractivegolden hair and greenpupil, perhapsyoucandraw outSword in the Stone!”
“伊恩斯,你怎么不去试试?”老院长慈眉善目的坐到了男孩旁边,朝他微笑道:“你和亚瑟王一样,都有着一头漂亮的金发和绿色的瞳孔,说不定伱能够拔出石中剑呢!”Boyhearsword, butturned the headto look atseniorchiefoneeyesserious in speech and manner, saw the distant placeby‚Sword in the Stone that’ the childrensurrounded, opens the mouth of tonenofluctuation: „Was too false.”
男孩闻言,只是转头不苟言笑的看了老院长一眼,又看了看远处被孩子们包围的‘石中剑’,语气毫无波动的开口:“太假了。”„Whatwas too false?”
“什么太假了?”„King Arthuris also good, Sword in the Stoneis also good, is only the story of humanfabrication, has not existed.”
The boysare sayingraising the head, looksto the stone column of not far away: „As forthatsword, butis a pours into the ordinarylong sword in water penetrationmud, even ifsomepeoplecanpull out, is biggerbesides the proofstrengthcan the bare-handeddestructioncement, is not meaningful.”
The seniorchiefheard that the wordcomplexionawkward, the forced smilesaid: „Youlookactuallyunderstand......, but, sinceyourwhatunderstands, whytold the story of King Arthureach time, do youalwaysarriveon time?”
老院长闻言脸色尴尬了一下,苦笑道:“你倒是看得明白……不过,既然你什么都懂,为什么每次讲亚瑟王的故事,你总是准时到场?”Thisissuemade the boysilentfinally, after the moment, knit the brows: „Inconceivable, Iknowobviouslythisisfalse, in the charactertostorywill be crazy, time and time againlistens......”
这个问题终于让男孩沉默了一下,片刻后才皱眉道:“不可思议,我明明知道这是假的,还是会对故事中的人物着迷,一次一次的来听……”Seniorchiefgratifiedsmiling of: „Does child, youworshipKing Arthurvery much?”
老院长欣慰的笑了笑:“孩子,你很崇拜亚瑟王吗?”Boyspuzzledlooksto the old person: „Idid not determine whether thiscan be called the worship, becauseKing Arthurdoes not exist, the personalwayshas the selfish desire, no onecanlikehim, scrupulously follow the knightspiritconstantly, thatisoneonlyhas the perfectindividualinhumanimagination......, but, Iwantto tryto becometrueKing Arthur, becomesmostpowerhouse in human, andeliminates the might and oppression in the world, becomes acknowledgedbyeveryone, was respectedbyeveryone, absolutely the fairking, in the futuredrastic change, leadinghumanto takeownpath......”
男孩困惑的看向老人:“我不确定这能否叫做崇拜,因为亚瑟王并不存在,人总是有私欲的,没有人能像他那样,始终如一的恪守骑士精神,那是一个只存在于人类想象中的完美个体……不过,我想要试试成为真正的亚瑟王,成为人类中的最强者,并消除世上的强权和压迫,成为被所有人承认,被所有人尊敬的,绝对公正的王,在未来的剧变中,带领人类走出自己的道路……”Someseniorchiefsurpriselooks at the boyearnestexpression, after the moment, caresseshisheadsmile saying: „Verygreatdream......, but, aimed atthiswords, you can perhaps liveis very tired . Moreover, even ifyourhowgoing all outeffort, may be unable toachieveyourgoalagainfinally, becauseinthisworld, will never lack you are more outstanding, persondiligently......”
老院长有些诧异的看着男孩认真的表情,片刻后才抚着他的脑袋微笑道:“很伟大的梦想……不过,以此为目标的话,你恐怕会活的很累,而且,即使你再怎么拼命努力,最后也有可能无法达成你的目标,因为这个世界上,永远不缺少比你更优秀,更努力的人……”Boyhearswordknits the browsimmediately, wantsto refute, butcarefulthinks,actuallydiscovered unable to refute, ponderedfor a long time, opens the mouth that hesomedid not prefer: „Howthat...... should Ido?”
男孩闻言顿时皱眉,想要反驳,但仔细一想,却发现无从驳斥,沉思了许久,他才有些不情愿的开口:“那……我应该怎么做?”Saw the youngster who is always proudproudly, lowers the headfinallyon own initiativetohimconsults, the seniorchieffeelsis especially happy, the hurriedsmilesaid: „Becoming the king, is actually unimportant, humantrueneed, is notsitsin the throne‚person’, butis a stimulatingstory. So long asyouearnestcomposedownstoryto be OK.”
看到一向骄傲自负的少年,终于主动低头向他请教,老院长感觉格外开心,急忙微笑道:“是否成为王,其实并不重要,人类真正需要的,也并不是一个坐在王位上的‘人’,而是一个激励人心的故事。你只要认真的谱写好属于自己的故事就可以了。”„Ownstory? StorylikeSword in the Stone?” The youngsterasked.
“对。”Seniorchiefgratifiednod of: „Was looking forward tolikepresentyoustory of King Arthur, in the futurewill have millions ofchildren, was looking forward toyourstory, takesimitatingyouas the honor......”
The emperorssighed, suddenlywhole bodyonestiff, turned the headto lookto the sea levelbodysidekilometer away, the giant who thatthreecame toquietly, revealedwipes the forced smile: „Reallycomesquickly......”
天子叹息一声,忽然浑身一僵,转头看向身侧千米之外的海面上,那个三个悄然现身的巨人,不由露出一抹苦笑:“来得真快……”Hisstory, somewere whether short......
The emperorslook at the horizonbeautifulsetting sun, longbreathing a sigh of relief, in the mindis thinking, monasteryandseniorchief who actuallyoncewent to school: „Reallywantsto go backto look atoneagain......”
天子看着天边美丽的夕阳,长长的舒了口气,脑海里想着的,却是曾经就学的修道院和老院长:“真想再回去看一眼啊……”What a pity, the giantswill actually not givehisdisconsolateopportunity.
“吼……”Alsoisseveralroarstransmitsone after another.
又是接连几道吼声传来。Otherthreegiants, appearedin the otherdirections of emperorone after another, sixgiants, surroundedhimall round, alllikehungryinsanewolf, desiring stronglyis staring athim.
另外的三个巨人,也纷纷出现在了天子的其他方向上,六个巨人,将他团团包围了起来,全都像饿疯的狼一样,如饥似渴的盯着他。„Hands over the authoritystone!”
“交出权柄石!”In the brain of emperor, resounded a voice of womansuddenly, obviouslyis the language that hecannot understand, he can actually the naturalunderstandingmeaning.
天子的脑中,忽然响起了一个女人的声音,明明是他听不懂的语言,他却能够自然的理解其中意思。„So that's how it is, suchexchangemethod......”emperorshouted the tone, is controlling the labyrinthformationsilently.
“原来如此,还有这样的交流手段……”天子呼了口气,默默操控着迷宫成型。Since the storyis short, thenbeforebeing the end, finallyincreasesonsplendidone......
既然故事短暂,那么,便在画上句号之前,最后再来添加上精彩的一笔吧……„Lawful rightstonehere, the wantedwords, take.”
The emperorsthrew the transparentbox in hand, swept the eyesixgiantsrespectively: „But, the authoritystoneonly has the same place, do yoursixpeople, howwantto divide?”
His isverystraightforwardsowing dissension, authoritystonetype of thing, is equivalent to the lifetimebiggestpursueto the giant, without the giantcanresist the seduction of authoritystone, ifcanuse a stone, makingsixgiantskill one another, naturallyis the most idealresult.
他这算是很直白的挑拨离间,权柄石这种东西,对巨人来说相当于毕生最大的追求,没有巨人能抵抗权柄石的诱惑,如果能用一块石头,让六个巨人自相残杀,当然是最理想的结果。What a pity, the factproofis not easy.
After the emperors said that otherfivegiantsreallyin the boxtohishandrevealed the greedylook, haddirectly the impulsion that beginsto rob, however, the femalegiantfollowed close onwas then drinkingonegreatly, othergiantsreceived the greedimmediately, lowered the headto the femalegiantindicatesto submit.
天子说完后,其他五个巨人果然都对他手中的盒子露出了贪婪的眼神,产生了直接动手抢夺的冲动,然而,女巨人紧跟着便大喝了一声,一声之下,其他巨人顿时收起了贪心,纷纷低头对女巨人表示臣服。„Evidently, femalegiant, not onlyabilityingiantrare, position is extremely also high, dominatesaboveothergiants.” The emperorsturned oncommunicationsilently, tothought aloud: „All that will then haveallrecord, aftermymain bodydiedtransmits......”
“看样子,女巨人不只是能力在巨人中稀有,本身的地位也极高,凌驾于其他巨人之上。”天子默默打开了通讯器,对着其中自言自语:“将接下来发生的一切全都记录下来,在我本体死亡后发送出去……”„Receives the order.”In the earphoneresounds the AIsound.
“收到命令。”耳机中响起AI的声音。Meanwhile, the emperordetects the body unable to movesuddenly, beforeis been exactly the sameby the feeling that the femalegiantcontrols.
与此同时,天子忽然发觉身体动弹不得,和之前被女巨人控制的感觉一模一样。„Isthisdistance...... in other words, yourlimit controldistanceis onlyonekilometer, moreover...... controls others time, youare unable to move......”
The emperorsturn the headto look,stays in same placeexcept for the femalegiant, otherfivegiantssimultaneouslyhas flushedtowardhim.
天子转头看去,除了女巨人停留在原地,其他五名巨人已经齐齐朝他冲来。Woregiant'sfirstteleport of helmetto the emperorside, put out a handthenin the boxtowardhishandto take away.
头戴头盔的巨人第一个瞬移到了天子身旁,伸手便朝他手中的盒子夺去。Meanwhile, giant who thatcanmake the light ball, firststretches out a finger, stimulated a light corpuscletoward the emperor, the light corpuscleis difficultto distinguishby the naked eyefrom the emperorchestpenetrates.
同时,那名能制造光球的巨人,也第一时间伸出一根手指,朝着天子激发了一枚光粒,光粒以肉眼难辨从天子胸口穿透而过。However, the explosion in imaginationhas not actually taken place, becomesby the emperorfigure that the light corpusclehitsillusory, untilvanishing, the light corpusclepasses the bodydirectly, vanishedin the distant place.
然而,想象中的爆炸却没有发生,被光粒击中的天子身形变得虚幻,直至消失,光粒直接透体而过,消失在了远处。Butanother side, the helmetgiantseizesto the hand of box, sameonecomes up empty-handed.
而另一边,头盔巨人夺向盒子的手,也同样一把扑了个空。Thishas not ended, following close on, giantsin all directions, raised the innumerablesurfacegiantmirrors, overlapping, is closely packed, shinesjust like the kaleidoscopegenerallymutually, butineachmirror, is presentingtogether the person's shadow, orsixgiants, is lifting the emperor of authoritystone.
The giant who launched the light corpusclea moment agoangrily roared, toward‚emperor’imageprojected the light corpuscletoitsrecentoneagain.
The mirroris accordingly brokenunder the light corpuscleimpact, however, broke through the light corpuscle of mirror, the directionactuallyhad the deflection, extreme speedshoots towardsother aspectanother, following close on, continualcrashesto resound, shatter of eachmirror, will make the light corpuscle the directionhave a deflection.
镜子在光粒冲击下应声而碎,然而,突破了镜子的光粒,方向却发生了偏转,极速射向另一面镜子,紧跟着,连续的碎裂声响起,每一面镜子的破碎,都会让光粒的方向发生一次偏转。Finally, the light corpuscle after a windingpath, from a cunningangle, charged into the femalegiantunexpectedly.
The nextsecond, the demolitionsoundgets up.
下一秒,爆破声响起。Howevertheseactuallycannotinjureto the femalegiant, becauseprotects the shieldgiantat the final moment, temporarilyexertsto the femalegiantprotected the shield.
不过这一下却没能伤到女巨人,因为护盾巨人在最后时刻,临时给女巨人施加了护盾。„Welcomearrives, the labyrinth of lightgod......”
“欢迎来到,光神的迷宫……”„The futureis a guest, the followingtime, is entertainedbymealone......”
The voice of emperorresoundsin the mirrors of manypositions, overlapping, seems everywhere.
The femalegianthas actually been observing the surroundingallmirrorswith rapt attention, inthat moment that the emperormakes noise, sheaimssuddenly a mirror.
女巨人却一直在凝神观察着周围的所有镜子,在天子出声的那一刻,她忽然指向其中一面镜子。Woregiantteleportation of silverhelmetbeforethatmirror, a fistpounded.
The mirrordisruptsagain, the fist of thisgiantpastes the lower hem corner of emperorto touch and go, what a pityslowflickered, making the emperorescapeagain.
镜子再次碎裂,这次巨人的拳头贴着天子的衣角擦过,可惜还是慢了一瞬,让天子再次逃了出去。„Howteleport...... triesthis......”
The encirclementstereo sound of emperorresoundsagain.
The femalegiantaimed atanotherdirectionfast, the silverhelmetgiantwantedteleportimmediately, ininstantly, on the frontseveralmirrors that itacted, erupted a dazzlingglareimmediately.
女巨人飞快又指向了另一个方向,银盔巨人当即又要瞬移,不过在它行动的刹那,前方的数个镜子上,顿时爆发了一阵耀眼的强光。Under the glare, closing one's eyes of silverhelmetgiantinstinct, onlyteleporthad/left a smallsection of distancefinally, might as wellsteps a stepdistanceto be far.
强光之下,银盔巨人本能的闭眼,结果只瞬移出了一小截距离,还不如迈一步的距离远。„Really, yourteleportmustin‚line of sightinstituteand’ the positioncanstart, oncedisturbedyourline of sight, teleportwill expire......”
The voice of emperorresoundsagain, was played jokes uponcontinuously, making the giantscannot help butanxious.
天子的声音再次响起,连续被戏耍,让巨人们都不由自主的变得焦躁起来。„Does not needto be impatient, we have enoughtime, knowseach other......”
“不必心急,我们还有足够的时间,来认识彼此……”„That, thenpleasein the world of mirror, heartilyreveals the respectivesecret......”
……Blood Emperorstandsin the distanceemperoron an islandover ten thousandmeters away, through the telescope, looks into the frontsea levelfrom afar, thatjust likemiragegeneralillusorygiantpalace.血皇站在距离天子上万米外的一处海岛上,通过望远镜,远远眺望前方海面上,那座宛如海市蜃楼一般虚幻的巨型宫殿。Is strandedthatsixgiantsfrom the emperorin the labyrinth, had passed for a halfhour, during this, inthatlabyrinthdoes not have anysoundspreads, cannot surveyanysignal, in hedefinitelyis unable to imagineexactlyhadanything.
从天子将那六个巨人困在迷宫中,已经过去了半个小时,这期间那迷宫中没有任何声音传出,更探测不到任何信号,他完全无法想象里面到底发生了什么。In the surroundingsea level, more and more survivalplayerscatch upfrom the , slowlygatheredat the surroundings, similarlyallshocklooks at the giantpalace in distant place.
周围的海面上,越来越多的幸存玩家从附近赶来,慢慢聚集在了周围,同样全都震惊的看着远处的巨型宫殿。Theyhave known the generalsituation, heardchoice that the emperormakes, sighandadmirationat the same time, was actually also worryingfollowingdevelopment, can the emperoralsolive? How long can thislabyrinthsupport?
他们已经得知了大概的情况,也听说了天子做出的选择,叹息和敬佩的同时,却也都在担忧着接下来的局势发展,天子还能否活下来?这座迷宫又能支持多久?Untilsomemoment, presentseveryone'scell phone, thoseare operating the machine, simultaneouslyreceived a news that does not have the demonstrationto originate.
The peoplevacantpoint of the news, actually the discoveryisoneisa halfhour of sound recording.
众人茫然的点开消息,却发现是一条长达半小时的录音。„Lawful rightstonehere, the wantedwords, take......”
“权柄石在这里,想要的话,就来拿吧……”„Welcomearrives, the labyrinth of lightgod......”
“欢迎来到,光神的迷宫……”„The futureis a guest, the followingtime, is entertainedbymealone......”
After the peoplelistened toseveral, thisis clear, originallywasa moment agoallsounds of labyrinthinterior, was recordedby the emperorentire journey, transmittedtoeveryone.
众人听了几句之后,这才明白,原来是刚才迷宫内部发生的一切声音,被天子全程录了下来,发送给了所有人。Butthe one whomakes the peoplepleasantly surprisedis, inthesesound recordings, contains the abilityinformation of lots ofconcernedgiant!
而让众人惊喜的是,这些录音中,包含着大量有关巨人的能力情报!Beforealthough the giantshave displayed the respectiveabilityrepeatedly, becauseat that time a playersfrom beginning to endhunted and killedside, simplydid not have the actual situation that the opportunityturn headtested the giants.
之前巨人们虽然都多次展现过各自的能力,但因为那时候玩家们从头到尾都是被猎杀的一方,根本没机会回头试探巨人们的虚实。Until now, the emperoruses the shield of lightgodlabyrinth, finallyhad the sufficientopportunity, the abilities and weakness of thesegiants, the entireaspectsurveyed an insight.
The value of thisinformation, is above the imaginationsimply!
这一份情报的价值,简直超乎想象!Mostplayersecstaticallistens to the sound recordingwith a sense of urgency, collectsallusefulinformation.
大多数玩家都在欣喜若狂的抓紧听取录音,收集一切有用的情报。However, distant placeBlood Emperoractuallysilentlooks in the handon the measuring applianceto demonstrate the content that a heartsigh.
The measuring appliance in hishand, is connectingeveryone'shandlink, cannearby the vitality of everyone through the handlinkdirectmonitor.
他手中的仪表,连接着所有人的手环,可以通过手环直接监测附近每个人的生命力。Butinjust, frontregion, a thatonlylifesymptomnumber, quietlynulling operation.
而就在刚刚,前方区域中,那唯一的一道生命体征数字,悄然归零。Meanwhile, in the Foolgame, the onlineplayers in city of allrising sun, simultaneouslyreceives a systemto announce.
与此同时,在愚者游戏中,所有旭日之城的在线玩家,齐齐收到一条系统公告。【City of citylordrising sun‚emperor’, had died.】
【启动城主更替程序。】【Invitedallrising suncityresidents, intwovice-citylords‚smile’and‚devil’within, selected the newcitylord, sevenin the future, result intickethighto obtain the rising suncityLordpositionautomatically.】
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