TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#451: bug again and again

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Chapter 451 bug again and again 第451章bug连连 Official version 2.0 renewal content details.” “正式版2.0更新内容详情。” 1, the belief system is open. All has joined Castle in the Sky, and rank > = the Lv. 10 player, can in this city idol place, choose to the idol consecrates at least 50 divine nature, to open to this/should gods' belief. “一,信仰系统开放。所有已加入天空之城,且等级大于等于10级的玩家,可以在本城神像处,选择对神像供奉至少50点神性,以开启对该神明的信仰。 Attention: The belief once were designated unable to change, if the belief designated, joins other day of empty cities, is unable to obtain blessing of other gods again, and operation of subsequent related belief system, before needs to return to this city idol , conducts. ” 注意:信仰一经选定无法更改,若信仰选定后加入其他天空城,无法再获得其他神明的庇佑,且后续有关信仰系统的操作,需要回到本城神像前进行。” 2, after belief opening, will become the follower of this/should gods automatically, and obtains some gods strengths the gracious gift. “二,信仰开启后,将自动成为该神明的信徒,并获得部分神明力量的恩赐。 After becoming the follower , to continue concentrates on enough divine nature to the idol, and when the rank meets the requirement, may raise the belief rank. The belief rank in turn is: The followers( need Lv. 10), the crazy follower( to need Lv. 15), priest( to need Lv. 20), esoteric buddhism( to need 2 Lv. 2), bishop( to need Lv. 25), tora( to need 2 Lv. 7), god to cause( to need 2 Lv. 8), the god officer( to need 2 Lv. 9), the holy spirit( to need 3 Lv. 0), corresponds 1 Star -9 respectively star. 成为信徒后,继续向神像投注足够的神性,且等级符合要求时,可提升信仰等级。信仰等级依次为:信徒(需10级)、狂信徒(需15级)、祭司(需20级)、密教(需二2级)、主教(需25级)、神谕者(需二7级)、神使(需二8级)、神官(需二9级)、圣灵(需三0级),分别对应一星-九星。 The same gods' belief, the member can not attack for no reason mutually, and among various belief levels the high and low is distinct, when high-rank facing low-rank has the powerful suppressed effect. ” 同一神明的信仰内部,成员不得无故互相攻击,且各信仰层级之间尊卑分明,上位者面对下位者时拥有强大的压制效果。” „When 3, the promotion belief rank is a follower, breaks through the Lv. 10 bottleneck automatically ; When the promotion belief rank is the crazy follower, breaks through the Lv. 15 bottleneck automatically ; When the promotion belief rank is priest, breaks through the Lv. 20 bottleneck automatically ; When the promotion belief rank is bishop, breaks through the Lv. 25 bottleneck automatically.” “三,提升信仰等级为信徒时,自动突破10级瓶颈;提升信仰等级为狂信徒时,自动突破15级瓶颈;提升信仰等级为‘祭司’时,自动突破20级瓶颈;提升信仰等级为‘主教’时,自动突破25级瓶颈。” 4, according to the divine nature repulsing principle, after the election decides some belief, subordinates in other non- neutral gods the relic and divine tool of system is unable to use.” “四,根据神性相斥原则,当选定某种信仰后,隶属于其他‘非中立神明’体系的遗物和神器将无法使用。” 5, the off-line pattern has opened, now may lands the Fool game( only to limit in the Land of Forgetting range) without networking......” “五,离线模式已开启,现在可在没有联网的情况下登陆愚者游戏(仅限遗忘之地范围内)……” The content of renewal are actually not many, mainly this new system launches regarding belief system. 更新的内容其实并不多,主要都是围绕‘信仰系统’这个新体系展开。 Renews the message to emit, quick was then reprinted at the forum, before also the spiritless forum, instantaneously changed was irritable. 更新消息一放出,很快便被转载到了论坛上,之前还死气沉沉的论坛,瞬间又变的火爆起来。 The magnanimous player discussed the brand-new game content, the heat degree once had even been covering in Pacific Ocean the current massacre. 海量玩家热议着全新的游戏内容,热度甚至一度盖过了太平洋上正在发生的惨案。 Naturally, most average people were actually not clear the special details in Pacific Ocean, do not know bites existence and harm of god beast. Especially bites the god beast, this thing is not possible to publicize to the general public temporarily, otherwise almost definitely will cause the social agitation. 当然,大部分普通人其实并不清楚太平洋上的具体情况,更不知道噬神兽的存在和危害。尤其是噬神兽,这东西暂时是不可能对普通民众公开的,否则几乎必然会引发社会动荡。 At this time the innumerable players flood into the Fool official site, downloaded the latest edition, and earliest possible time enters the game, starts to experience the new content. 此时无数玩家涌入愚者官网,下载了最新版本,并第一时间进入游戏,开始体验新内容。 Belief system, at present only to joining player opening of day of empty city. 信仰系统,目前只对加入天空城的玩家开放。 The however 11 day empty cities add, the current total population has also achieved 200 million +. 不过十一座天空城加起来,当下的总人口也已经达到了两亿+。 Under so huge population support, causing the discussion in forum is quite fiery, but the special details of related belief system, clearness that was also then dug up by the innumerable curiosity exuberant players in an instant. 如此庞大的人数支撑下,导致论坛上的讨论极为火热,而有关信仰系统的具体情况,也转眼便被无数好奇心旺盛的玩家们扒的明明白白。 The opening belief, is promoted to the condition of follower of god has two, one is the rank achieves Lv. 10, consecrates at least 50 divine nature to the god. 开启信仰,晋升为神之信徒的条件有两个,一个是等级达到10级,一个是向神供奉至少50神性。 The first point said that after the idol appeared, can join the player in day of empty city, now mostly surpasses Lv. 10, even if by the card in the Lv. 10 bottleneck, after to become the follower, will still be broken through the Lv. 10 bottleneck occasionally automatically, this was also the gods to the believer gracious gift one. 第一点好说,神像出现之后,能加入天空城的玩家,现在大多都超过了10级,就算偶尔一些被卡在10级瓶颈的,在成为信徒后,也会自动突破10级瓶颈,这也算是神明对信仰者的‘恩赐’之一。 Incessantly is Lv. 10, following 15 and 20, Lv. 25 bottlenecks, can use the belief, respectively when being promoted crazy follower and priest and bishop gracious gift, comes the free breakthrough. 不止是10级,后续15、20、25级的瓶颈,也都可以利用信仰,分别在晋级‘狂信徒’、‘祭司’、‘主教’时的恩赐,来免费突破。 This, then enough has only made the innumerable players jump for joy, can say, after the belief system gets online, existence of Evolution Potion has basically become the history, from now on the players will not need to worry that had a stranglehold by the bottleneck! 只这一条,便已经足够让无数玩家欢欣雀跃,可以说,信仰系统上线后,进化药剂的存在已经基本成为了历史,今后玩家们再也不用担心被瓶颈卡脖子了! Naturally, if player rank promotion compared with believing quickly, or wanting to pursue the perfect evolution effect, needs the Evolution Potion help. 当然,如果玩家等级提升的比信仰快,或者想要追求完美进化效果,还是需要进化药剂帮助的。 Therefore, from now on ordinary grade following Evolution Potion can foresee becomes almost will not be worth a red cent, simultaneously excellent above potion, becomes will fall short of demand. 因此,今后普通级以下的进化药剂可以预见将变得几乎一文不值,同时精良以上的药剂,又会变得供不应求。 To start the belief, what is truly difficult is the second point: 50 divine nature! 想开启信仰,真正困难的是第二点:50点神性! At present the divine nature of overwhelming majority average people originate, only then the passing through reward of tower of formidable, this means, wants to open believes that at least also needs to climb up formidable tower ten, and when receives the reward for the first time, the choice takes 50 divine nature. 目前绝大部分普通人的神性来源,只有勇者之塔的过关奖励,这就意味着,想要开启信仰,至少也需要爬上勇者塔十层,且在第一次领取奖励时,选择拿50点神性。 Is good because of capturing/raiding of tower of present formidable already very maturely, the fool who various handle gestures taught captured emerges one after another incessantly, goes through customs 50 perhaps also to need some item help, but ten, that was really has hand is enough. 好在如今勇者之塔的攻略已经十分成熟,各种手把手式教导的傻瓜攻略都层出不穷,通关50层或许还需要一些道具帮助,但十层,那真是‘有手就行’。 Therefore, almost 2/3 have joined the player in day of empty city, after the new system gets online the earliest possible time, started the belief impatiently! 于是,几乎有三分之二已加入天空城的玩家,都在新系统上线后的第一时间,迫不及待的开启了信仰! As for remaining that 1/3, pour does not lack the divine nature, but does not catch cold to the current city gods mostly, or has the players of other pleasing gods, after all believes that once designated that is unable to change, after many people want to join most suitable oneself day empty city, then opens the belief system, at this time can only first look at others to disclose the new content eagerly. 至于剩下那三分之一,倒也不是缺少神性,而大都是对当前所处城市的神明不感冒,或者有其他中意神明的玩家,毕竟信仰一旦选定就无法更改,很多人都希望加入最适合自己的天空城后,再去开启信仰系统,此时只能先眼巴巴的看着别人爆料新内容。 At the forum quick then presented the stream post of massive opening belief. 论坛上很快便出现了大量开启信仰的直播贴。 However, the first batch of posts are actually not the praise and exclamation in imagination, but is one piece scolds the sound. 然而,第一批贴子却不是想象中的赞美和惊叹,而是一片骂声。 I concentrated on the divine nature obviously, opening belief of reaching an agreement? What ghost does the demonstration concentrate is defeated?” “我明明投注了神性啊,说好的开启信仰呢?显示投注失败什么鬼?” With on, moreover concentrates the divine nature that is defeated I to discard not to return!” “同上,而且投注失败我丢掉的神性也没返还啊!” Originally continues my, I felt relieved!” “原来不止我一个人这样,那我就放心了!” „It is not, 100 divine nature that I throw down! That is my complete net worth, didn't have?” “不是,我丢下去的100神性呢!那可是我的全部身家啊,就这么没了?” Warning, everyone leaves anxiously concentration, this broken system has bug probably, will swallow the divine nature!” “警告,大家都别急着投注,这破系统好像有bug,会吞神性!” This special that not plans the game that plays good, did not test to put......” “这特么那个无良策划做的游戏,都不测试一下就放出来了……” ...... …… Railing and complaint of post big piece, making the waiting look the people who new content were scared. 大片的谩骂和抱怨贴,让等待看新内容的众人都傻眼了。 Unexpectedly has bug? 居然有bug? Must know that since the Fool game has gotten online, continuously is famous for the strong and immeasurably deep background strength, when public beta several billions people swamp into the game simultaneously, still has never had the situation of collapse, this places in normal mobile game Corporation cannot imagine simply, obviously the 《The Fool》 secret developer team strength is powerful. 要知道愚者游戏上线以来,一直以强大且深不可测的背景实力而著称,即便公测时数十亿人同时涌入游戏,也从未出现过崩溃的情况,这放在正常手游公司中简直是不可想象的,可见《愚者》幕后的开发者团队实力多么强大。 Many person subconscious thinking, the Fool game is not possible to present bug, at least will not be the procedure/program oversight in that programming significance. 很多人都下意识的以为,愚者游戏是不可能出现bug的,至少不会是那种编程意义上的程序疏漏。 Finally now, bug appeared, moreover appears is this large area of malignant bug. 结果现在,bug还是出现了,而且一出现就是这种大面积的恶性bug。 Currently the divine nature value is obvious to all, can say that also wants precious many compared with the life span, but such precious thing, has the situation that the wide scope lost because of system bug, this is equal, therefore is shearing the meat of player, the especially those did not have many divine nature players, a wave did not have to the card, changed anyone also to shout abuse. 目前神性的价值有目共睹,可以说比寿命还要珍贵的多,而这么珍贵的东西,却因为系统bug而出现了大范围丢失的情况,这等同于是在割玩家的肉,尤其是那些本来就没多少神性的玩家,一波全给卡没了,换了谁也得破口大骂。 In a piece scolded in the sound, in the Fool official site renewed a temporary explanation actually quickly. 在一片骂声之中,愚者官网上倒是很快更新了一条临时说明。 Note: Presently the divine nature system for has not completed the edition, according to statistics, all players when concentrating on divine nature and level up god technique, expires 10.25 probabilities, at present is restoring urgently...... “注:当前神性系统为未完成版本,根据统计,所有玩家在投注神性及升级神术时,都将有10.25的概率失效,目前正在紧急修复中…… In addition, lost divine nature after the complete version gets online in a month, as far as possible retrieves...... ” 另,丢失的神性将会在完整版本上线后的一个月内,尽可能的找回……” This showing also changed to at the forum by the player quickly. 这条说明也很快被玩家转到了论坛上。 However, does not look at the explanation to be good, immediately under this announcement, the players scolded was more ominous. 然而,不看说明还好,这一公告之下,玩家们顿时骂的更凶了。 No wonder there is bug, unexpectedly is the thing of half-finished product! 怪不得有bug,居然是半成品的东西! Not to mention the thing of half-finished product, why must anxiously online, the one who most makes the player get angry is the second explanation: Lost divine nature, in the future as far as possible retrieves...... 且不说半成品的东西,为什么要急着上线,最让玩家上火的是第二段的说明:丢失的神性,将在未来尽可能的找回…… Retrieves as far as possible, in other words, the discarded these divine nature, actually likely could not have looked...... ‘尽可能’找回,也就是说,丢掉的那些神性,其实很可能已经找不回来了…… Originally these divine nature player were quite been uncomfortable by the pit, looked again unexpectedly even compensates does not have, immediately exploded! 本来那些被坑了神性的玩家就极为不爽,再一看居然连补偿都没有,顿时都炸了! „Hasn't fuck, completed you not to say early?” ,未完成你不早说?” RNM, refunds!” “RNM,退钱!” Not plans good, but also my hard-earned money!” “无良策划,还我血汗钱!” „The pot of maker, why wants the player to carry......” “制作者的锅,凭什么要玩家来背……” ...... …… At the forum quarrelled thick fallingly, was sheared the players of meat to wish one could playing the ancestor 18 generations of back personnel greets. 论坛上吵得纷纷扬扬,被割了肉的玩家们都恨不得把游戏背后人员的祖宗十八代问候个遍。 Astral Spirit Realm, somewhere in mysterious space. 星灵界,某处神秘空间中。 In the darkness several sounds are also noisy. 黑暗中几个声音也正在吵吵闹闹。 Look, I said that should not get online hastily, really had an accident......” “看吧,我就说不该这么仓促上线,果然出事了……” What means can this have? Does not get online, Land of Forgetting must be destroyed, if the rear cannot even stand firm, our so many years efforts all were also in vain......” “这能有什么办法?再不上线,遗忘之地都要被毁了,如果连大后方都稳不住,我们这么多年的努力也就全白费了……” Yes, in such critical situation, we can control, only then 1/10 divine nature lose, has been at cost of the life, does not know that they are still complaining anything......” “是啊,这么危急的情况下,我们能控制到只有十分之一的神性损失,已经拼了老命了,不知道他们还在抱怨什么……” But, the belief system just got online had/left such big oversight, feared that following also has the major problem in we......” “不过,信仰系统刚上线就出了这么大的疏漏,就怕后续还有更大的问题在等我们啊……” Ok, let alone, had the time of complaint, might as well hurries to restore the issue!” “行了,都别说了,有抱怨的时间,还不如赶紧把问题修复!” And a sound said, others then stopped the quarrel gradually, after sighing, peaceful. 其中一个声音说完,其他人这才渐渐停止了争吵,叹息一声后,安静了下去。 The scene was quiet temporarily. 现场暂时沉寂了下来。 Until a moment later, the sound opened the mouth again. 直到片刻之后,刚才的声音才再次开口。 „The situation of that No. 2 manager how?” “那个二号管理员的情况怎么样了?” Seemingly still in fusing god bone, how?” “貌似还在融合神骨中,怎么?” Thinks the means to convey the Land of Forgetting situation to him, after we need him to regain consciousness, first understood that the condition and puts into the fight......” “想办法把遗忘之地的情况转达给他,我们需要他苏醒后,第一时间理解状况并投入战斗……” „? But can this disturb him to fuse?” “啊?但这会不会干扰他融合?” Person who relax, can inherit the order principle, I believe that will not be frail......” “放心吧,能继承秩序法则的人,我相信不会那么脆弱……” Is......” “是……” ...... …… Nearby Pacific black hole, in seabed waters somewhere. 太平洋黑洞附近,海底的某处水域中。 The emperors and Blood Emperor stand on the reef of seabed, two person weeks opened a five meters high transparent air bubble, package two people, exclude the surrounding sea water. 天子和血皇站在海底的一块礁石上,两人身周张开了一面五米多高的透明气泡,将两人包裹在内,同时也将周围的海水排除在外。 Belief system, come also calculates promptly......” “信仰系统啊,来的还算及时……” Blood Emperor looks at the content in cell phone, relaxes slightly. 血皇看着手机中的内容,略微松了口气。 Watches at the forum the people to disclose the content that he knows, the present situation could be saved! 看过论坛上众人爆料出的内容,他就知道,眼下的局势有救了! As for appearing swallows divine nature bug, he as the insider, is actually not accidental/surprised. 至于出现吞神性的bug,他作为知情者,倒是一点也不意外。 Obviously, the present situation had arrived critically, making the game makers have to secretly ahead of time the situation that the half-finished product loses. 显然,眼下的局势已经危急到了,让幕后的游戏制作者都不得不提前把半成品丢出来的地步。 Shakes the head, Blood Emperor enters the game, starts to start own belief. 摇了摇头,血皇进入游戏,也开始开启自己的信仰。 You appear in the city of hot sun.】 【你出现在烈日之城。】 【Before you arrived at ‚the god of fire idol .】 【你来到了‘火之神’神像前。】 Consecrates the divine nature to the idol, to obtain god's of getting a light from another light belief?】 【是否向神像供奉神性,以获得对火之神的信仰?】 Yes.” “是。” you concentrated on 1 divine nature to the idol! You obtained the belief of 1 ignition!】 【伱向神像投注了一点神性!你获得了一点火之信仰!】 You concentrated on 1 divine nature to the idol! Concentrates on the failure!】 【你向神像投注了一点神性!投注失败!】 You to idol......】 【你向神像……】 ...... …… Concentrates has 1/10 probability failure, must therefore avoid that one-off gambling concentrating as far as possible, once otherwise runs upon that 1/10, 50 great sum of money direct cards fall, cry not to have the place to cry. 投注有十分之一概率失败,所以要尽量避免那种一次性赌博式投注,不然一旦撞上那十分之一,五十点巨款直接卡掉,哭都没地方哭去。 But concentration bit by bit like him, can greatest avoid the extreme case now, finally is also equivalent to originally 50 points demands, turned into 55 points, the disparity is not big. 而像他现在这样一点一点的投注,可以最大程度的避免极端事件,最后也就相当于原本50点的需求,变成了55点而已,差距不大。 【...... You concentrated on 1 divine nature to the idol! The fire believes + 1.】 【……你向神像投注了一点神性!火之信仰。】 God's of your getting a light from another light belief reached 50 points!】 【你对火之神的信仰达到了50点!】 Congratulates, you have been promoted for the follower of fire! You obtained the fire god gracious gift: Strength of 1 points god, 1 of gods against points, real life 5 points.】 【恭喜,你已晋级为火之信徒!你获得了火神的恩赐:神之力一点,神之防一点,真实生命五点。】 You grasped god technique automatically ‚the heart of flame: When you create damage to the goal, lights this/should goal, every second of combustion goal 1 real life , to continue for two seconds, cannot superimpose.】 【你自动掌握了神术‘火焰之心’:每当你对目标造成伤害时,点燃该目标,每秒燃烧目标一点真实生命,持续两秒,不可叠加。】 Really is the heart of flame!” “果然是火焰之心!” Blood Emperor eye one bright. 血皇眼睛一亮。 He joins the hot sun city, because on him some Fire Discipline related relics, in the tower of formidable, by the status entry of formidable of fire, to various abilities and items of Fire Discipline belief already quite familiar. 他之所以加入烈日城,正是因为他身上有一些火系相关的遗物,之前在勇者之塔中,也是靠火之勇者的身份通关的,对火系信仰的各种能力和道具已经相当熟悉。 At this moment after being promoted, looks , in the reality the initial god technique of Fire Discipline belief, is consistent with the tower of formidable. 此刻晋级后一看,果然,现实中火系信仰的初始神术,和勇者之塔内是一致的。 The heart of flame, the passive god technique, the effect is the direct ignition goal, this god technique can be said as the foundations of following all Fire Discipline abilities, because of the Fire Discipline item and god technique, overwhelming majorities this effect makes an issue regarding ignition. 火焰之心,被动神术,效果是直接点燃目标,这个神术可以说是后续一切火系能力的基础,因为火系的道具和神术,绝大多数都是围绕‘点燃’这个效果来做文章。 But at this moment, even if no other god technique and item coordination, only this god technique, effect still out of the ordinary great strength, because after the ignition, is the real life of directly-burning goal! 而此刻,就算没有别的神术和道具配合,单这一个神术,效果也非同凡响的强大,因为点燃后,是直接燃烧目标的真实生命! This means that from now on, he goes to fighting the monster of giant world again, every strikes, can create over ten thousand points of damage! What concept is this? 这就意味着,从现在开始,他再去对战巨人世界的怪物,每一击下去,都能造成上万点伤害!这是什么概念? If only then he obtains this output efficiency, perhaps could not have seen the too tremendous impact, but now, all people who started the belief of fire, can obtain this ability automatically! 如果只有他一人获得这种输出效率,或许还看不出太大的影响,但现在,所有开启了火之信仰的人,都可以自动获得这个能力! Holds in in addition of this ability, the output of everyone was enlarged tens of thousands of times! This means that needed several hundred over a thousand people of besieging monsters, is very possible several people to crowd together can handle! 在这个能力的加持下,每个人的输出都被放大了成千上万倍!这意味着,原本一只需要几百上千人围攻的怪物,现在很可能几个人凑在一起就可以搞定! But the Fire Discipline god technique is so powerful, other series were naturally needless to say much! 火系的神术如此强大,其他系别自然也不用多说! The belief system helps a biggest point the present situation, lies in damage of has god technique, is the direct role in the real life. 信仰系统对眼下的情况帮助最大的一点,就在于所有神术的伤害,全都是直接作用于真实生命。 These monsters were enlarged 10,000 times of lives in Earth, facing the god technique by the striking back original form, killing naturally to be much easier. 这些怪物们在地球被放大了一万倍的生命,面对神术都会被打回原形,杀起来自然要容易得多。 As the matter stands, so long as other regions arrange to support, processes here over ten thousand unusual animals, is not impossible.” “这样一来,只要其他区域都安排一些支援过来,处理掉这里的上万只异兽,并非不可能。” Blood Emperor shouted the tone, looked that is also busy operating the emperor of game to side. 血皇呼了口气,看向旁边也在忙着操作游戏的天子。 That giant?” “那只巨人呢?” Still peeps screen above ‚’.” “还在上面‘窥屏’。” The emperors handed over nearby monitor conveniently, in the screen, above the black hole, the eyes of that giant in spy on toward below as before, look with great interest. 天子随手将一旁的显示器递了过来,屏幕之中,黑洞上方,那只巨人的眼睛依旧在朝下窥探,看得津津有味。 motherfucker, this fellow also really has the patience......” MD,这家伙还真有耐心……” Blood Emperor criticizes one: And other fathers later were developed, definitely above goes to wither this grandson......” 血皇暗骂一声:“等老子以后发达了,肯定去上面干死这个孙子……” Was so long, must begin.” Nearby emperor sighed, shakes the head, in all divine nature crystal that in the game currently obtains, altogether concentrated completely to the idol of light, immediately received the cell phone: At least needs first to expel it, otherwise our anything could not do.” “等不了那么久了,现在就得动手。”旁边天子却叹息一声,摇了摇头,在游戏中将目前得到的所有神性结晶,一股脑的全部投注给了光之神像,随即收起了手机:“至少要先把它赶走,不然我们什么都做不了。” Un?” “嗯?” Blood Emperor stares, frowning of instinct: What do you want to make?” 血皇一愣,本能的皱起眉头:“你想做什么?” Relax, gives me.” “放心,交给我吧。” The emperors said the sound, immediately suddenly leapt jumped out of the air bubble, like a flying fish, flew toward the sea level extreme speed. 天子说了声,随即忽然一跃跳出了气泡,如同一只飞鱼,朝海面极速飞去。 „It is not, a while, do not impulse!” The Blood Emperor eyelid jumped, quickly pursued, wants to prevent. “不是,你等会儿,别冲动啊!”血皇眼皮跳了一下,急忙追了上去,想要阻止。 What a pity, he in the underwater speed many that the emperor is slower. 可惜,他在水下的速度比天子慢的多。 Waits for Blood Emperor to drill in the sea level finally, discovered that the emperor has flown the upper air. 血皇终于钻出海面上,发现天子早已飞上了高空。 Above sea level at this moment, the innumerable firebees paste the water surface to dance in the air, heartily is emitting the flame. 此刻的海面之上,无数火蜂贴着水面飞舞,尽情的喷吐着火焰。 Roasts to roast in the high temperature of flame, on the water surface ascended rich white Qi, almost camouflaged nearby entire sea area, making the surroundings dim one piece, but it is precisely for this reason, provided the excellent shield to the action of emperor. 在火焰的高温炙烤下,水面上升腾起了一层浓郁的白汽,几乎遮蔽了附近的整个海域,让周围变得朦胧一片,但也正因如此,给天子的行动提供了绝佳的掩护。 The emperors taking advantage of covering up of white fog, skyrocket, flew to 15,000 kilometers upper air quickly. 天子借着白雾的遮掩,一路扶摇直上,很快飞至了一万五千米的高空。 Immediately, he hid the figure, from one side the direction of cautious being close black hole. 随即,他隐蔽了身形,从侧面小心翼翼的接近黑洞的方向。 The eyes of this moment giant also stay above the black hole, the line of sight wavers toward under unceasingly, is seeking for the objects in all activities. 此刻巨人的眼睛还停留在黑洞上方,视线不断朝下方游移,寻找着一切活动中的物体。 The emperors have fluttered quietly, before the black hole, he took out a circular mirror, hugs in the bosom, immediately the body week starts to shine one group of glimmer. 天子悄无声息的飘过,在接近黑洞之前,他取出了一面圆形镜子,抱在怀中,随即身周开始亮起一团微光。 The holy white light, his whole person package, hidden went to his figure, just like a meteor that has delimited the expansive sky. 圣洁的白光,将他整个人包裹在内,隐去了他的身形,宛如一颗划过长空的流星。 When will soon be close to the black hole, the emperor accelerates suddenly, shifted under the black hole instantaneously, under of that giant eyes. 直到即将接近黑洞时,天子骤然加速,瞬间转移到了黑洞之下,那只巨人眼睛的正下方。 Immediately, on the mirror in his hand, erupted the incomparably dazzling ray! 随即,他手中的镜子上,爆发出了无比耀眼的光芒! In the line of sight of giant, one group of slightly common meteors, erupted an incomparably dazzling Sun instantaneously. 在巨人的视线中,一团原本微不起眼的流星,瞬间爆发成了一颗无比耀眼的太阳。 Roar!” “吼!” The next second, in the picture lay to bend down in the giant of ground, the direct accelerated takeoff, falls down, is covering the eye stubbornly, on the ground crazy sways back and forth to struggle, in the mouth sends out wailing of pain. 下一秒,画面中原本趴伏在地上的巨人,直接弹射起飞,摔倒在地,死死捂着眼睛,在地上疯狂的打滚挣扎,口中发出痛苦的哀嚎。 After having struggled for dozens seconds, since the giant crawls from the ground, actually does not dare to look toward the black hole under again, but is covering the eye, being able choose the exact way because of flurry escapes toward the distant place, vanished in the picture edge quickly. 一直挣扎了数十秒后,巨人才从地上爬起,却没敢再朝黑洞下看,而是捂着眼睛,慌不择路的朝远处逃去,很快消失在了画面边缘。 In the upper air, emperor hand brilliant light of mirror eruption, continued merely for less than one second, then extinguished in invisible. 高空中,天子手中的镜子爆发的耀光,仅仅持续了一秒不到,便消弭于无形。 But after emperor, the complexion also instantaneously becomes pale, is unable to maintain the flight, falls toward the ground under. 而天子这一下过后,脸色也瞬间变得惨白,无法保持飞行,朝地面直坠而下。 When close to sea level, he then controlled the body, a parachute approach technique added the body, the speed gradually slowed down, finally hovering in sea level. 直到接近海面之时,他这才控制住了身体,一个缓落术加身,速度逐渐减缓,最后悬停在了海面上。 fuck, you were insane!” 卧槽,你疯了!” Blood Emperor catches up quickly from the distant place, emperor who looks at the look dispirited, dumbfounded. 血皇很快从远处赶来,看着神色萎靡的天子,目瞪口呆。 He has not really thought that emperor such sudden beginning. 他实在没想到,天子会这么突然的动手。 But what makes him not think, the emperor has this method unexpectedly, but also really on a move of severe wound that giant, ran away in fear it directly! 但更让他没想到的是,天子居然有这种手段,还真就一招重伤了那个巨人,把它直接吓跑了! The emperors beckon with the hand: Does not expel it, it will not give up, this point you should also be able to feel.” 天子摆了摆手:“不把它赶走,它是不会罢休的,这一点你应该也能感觉到。” I know, but was this...... too radical?” Blood Emperor knits the brows. “我知道,可这……是不是太激进了?”血皇皱眉。 Emperor weak shaking the head of: At least needs to it demonstration of authority, making it know, under this also has existence that can damage to its, making it not dare to continue to act unreasonably again.” 天子虚弱的摇了摇头:“至少要给它个下马威,让它知道,这下面也有能伤害到它的存在,让它不敢再继续乱来。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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