Peeping at Chapter 449giant
第449章巨人的窥视Lin Xuelooks that the paper on tablefell into the thinking.林雪看着桌上的纸张陷入了思索。Vivianjoinswizarding society, is about thousand years, butthatage, the smalldisasterdisciplinehad ended, moreoverafterwardwizarding societyhad also once chased downparasitedFoolancestorwantonly, thenblack clothesand the othersin the handgraspto bite the corpse of godbeast, evengraspslivingbitinggodbeastasexperimentmaterial, is not impossible.薇薇安加入巫师协会,是在近千年内,而那个年代,小灾纪早已结束,而且后来巫师协会还曾大肆追杀过被寄生的愚者先祖,那么黑衣者等人手中掌握有噬神兽的尸体,甚至掌握有活着的噬神兽作为实验材料,也并非不可能。
The guess of Vivian, may betheoretically.薇薇安的猜测,从理论上来说极有可能是真的。„Therefore, youplanned that looks for the black clothesproofpersonally?”Vivianlooked the facial expression that Lin Xueallthinks, has guessed correctlyherthoughts.
“所以,你打算亲自去找黑衣者求证?”薇薇安看林雪所有所思的神情,已经猜到了她的心思。„Yes, bites the godbeast to rollto extinguish the godclanandfirstgeneration of Fool, the biggestreasonis the informationdefect, at that timeeveryonedid not understandbites the situation of godbeast, is unable to talk about the issue that deals with.”Lin Xuenods: „Ifblack clothesreally conducts has bitten the godbeastto conduct the long-termresearch, material that hehas, might becomeusto pass the turning point of thisdisaster.”
“是的,噬神兽之所以能团灭神族和先代愚者,最大的原因就是情报的缺失,当时所有人都不了解噬神兽的情况,也就无从谈及应对的问题。”林雪点了点头:“如果黑衣者真的进行过噬神兽进行过长时间的研究,那他掌握的资料,很可能将成为我们度过这次灾难的一个契机。”Then, Lin Xuerememberedanything, embarrassedlooked that saidtoVivian: „Perhaps, thistimeneedsto useyourremainsagain.”
The wizarding societyheadquarters, have moved the Astral Spirit Realmempire that at present the Americascorresponded, inseveraldays of timeshe may be unable to go is so far, therefore can only firstlook fornearbywizarding societybranch, usessomeforce the methods, forcesblack clothesto transmitforcefully.巫师协会的总部,目前已经搬迁到了美洲对应的星灵界帝国,几天时间内她可去不了那么远,所以只能是先找附近的巫师协会分部,动用一些武力的手段,强行逼迫黑衣者自己传送过来。But the attribute that becauseLin Xuenowburnshas not restored, the main bodystrengthis at the weakcondition, forsimultaneouslyto the giantpossiblearrivalpreservationbattle efficiency, the godskin must save the userecentlyas far as possible.
而林雪现在因为燃烧的属性还未恢复,本体实力正处于虚弱状态,同时为了对巨人可能的降临保存战斗力,最近神皮也要尽可能的节省使用。Then, strongeststrength that shecanusenow, onlyhad the paternal grandmotherto leavehercorpsecontrollaw. Butpaternal grandmother'sremainsingaining the process of god of deathinheritancevanish, she can only borrow the Vivianremainsnow.
如此一来,她现在能动用的最强力量,也唯有奶奶留给她的尸体操控法了。而奶奶的遗体已经在获取死神传承的过程中消失,她如今只能借用薇薇安的遗体。„Doesn't matter, youusealthoughthen, originallyalsoleavesyourthings.”Shaking the head of Viviandoes not care about, sneers saying: „As forwizarding societythatgroup of old fogies, ifcancompelthemto play a roleinthiscrucial phase, istheymaking reparations of variousevil conducttotheseyears, does not need whatpsychological burden.”
“没关系,你尽管用即可,本来也是留给你们的东西。”薇薇安不在意的摇了摇头,冷笑道:“至于巫师协会那群老家伙,如果能逼着他们在这种关键时期发挥一点作用,也算是他们对这些年来各种恶行的赎罪,无需有什么心理负担。”Lin Xuenods, has not wasted the time, immediatelylanded the game, transmitted the vampiretomb, took outfrom the icecoffin the Vivianremains.林雪点了点头,也没浪费时间,当即登陆了游戏,传送去了吸血鬼墓穴,将薇薇安的遗体从冰棺中取出。Luckilybeforetoprepareemergency requirement, shehas also establishedteleportation arrayin the tomb.
幸好之前为了备不时之需,她也在墓穴里设置过传送阵。Attains the remains, Lin Xuehas not worriedto act, butfirstcontactedSecret Spell Society several other people, informsmatter that peoplethenshepreparedto do, mustcontrol the remains, but alsoneedstheirenergysupport.
拿到遗体,林雪没有着急行动,而是先联络了秘术协会的其他几人,告知了众人接下来她准备去做的事,要操控遗体,还需要他们的能量支援。Regarding this peoplenaturallydo not have the objection, full mouthcomplies. Thisdisasternowalreadyand everyone is closely linked, ifreallyhad the opportunityto findto bite the weakness of godbeast, payouts of somelives, reallycould not be regardedanything.
对此众人自然没有异议,满口答应。这场灾难如今已经和每个人息息相关,如果真有机会找到噬神兽的弱点,些许寿命的付出,实在算不得什么。„Onlysupportenough? Needsusalsowith, keeps up appearancesto the youbrace?”Libraasked.
“光支援就够了吗?需不需要我们也跟去,给伱撑撑场面?”天秤问。„No need, thistimegoalis not to make war . Moreover, underthissituation, the opposite partyshouldhave no reasonto rejectnow.”
“不必,这次的目的也并不是为了开战,况且,现在这种形势下,对方应该没有理由拒绝。”Lin Xueturned down the good intentions of others, latertransmitted the imperial capitalalone.林雪婉拒了其他人的好意,随后独自传送去了帝都。Nowon the city southruins of imperial capital, has established the wizarding societybranch, naturally, the branchpopulationare not many, currentlydoes not have the elderto guardinthis, the influence on the imperial capitalhas been not as before.
如今帝都的城南废墟上,已经重新建立起了巫师协会的分部,当然,分部人数不多,目前也没有长老在此镇守,对帝都的影响力已经大不如前。Lin Xuelooked for a safepositionin the game, controlledcharacterto conduct the souldivision, andshifted the soulto the Vivianremains, immediatelycontrolled the Vivianremains that resurrected, killeddirectlyto the wizarding societybranch.林雪在游戏中找了个安全的位置,操控角色进行了灵魂分割,并将灵魂转移至薇薇安遗体内,随即控制复活的薇薇安遗体,直接杀向了巫师协会分部。
……At the same time, South Pacific Ocean, named‚batisland’insmall-scaleislands.
The emperorsjumphigh, fly to the giant beast of taking the form ofgoat.
“吼!”This time‚goat’placesinsurrounding of lots ofplayer, the whole bodyis bathed in blood, even before , the solehas brokenunderbesieging of people, but, even ifitslifehas been not much left, has not retreated the plan that andhas escapedslightly, insteadwas stimulated the courage and uprightness, the angry roaringsoundagain and again.
此时的‘山羊’身处在大量玩家的包围间,浑身浴血,甚至一只前脚掌都已经在众人的围攻下断裂,不过,哪怕它生命已经所剩无几,也丝毫没有退却和逃跑的打算,反而被激发出了血性,怒吼声连连。Looks that the fronton own initiativetoward‚villain who’hejumps, the goatis angrier, lowers the head the sheep's horn that revealsto coil, a hind legtread, the emperortowardmidairflushes awayrapidly, as to pierce his corner/horndirectly.
The emperortinyfigure to the giantgoat, howthesesaw that fights a hopeless battle.
天子渺小的身形相对于巨大的山羊来说,这一下怎么看都是以卵击石。However, flash that both sidesbump intotruly, the peoplesaw the emperorto lift the hand, in the mouthreadanything, the goat the resembleshitimmediatelyon an invisiblewallgeneral, was rebounded, felllayer on layer/heavilyon the ground.
然而,双方真正相撞的一刹那,众人就见天子一抬手,口中念出了什么,山羊顿时像撞在了一面无形墙壁上一般,被反弹了回去,重重摔在地上。Goatmiserablehowling, quicklywantsto jump, the resultlifts the footactuallyto fall downagain, lowers the headlooked,thisdiscovered before itsanother , the solealsotwisted not a normalangle.
山羊惨嚎一声,急忙想要跳起,结果一抬脚却再次坠地,低头一看,这才发现它另一只前脚掌也歪曲成了一个不正常的角度。Twoprolegsare all waste, cause the condition that the goatenteredthoroughlyis unable to move.
两只前脚全废,导致山羊彻底进入了无法移动的状态。Underresoundscheers of playerimmediately.
下方顿时响起一阵玩家的欢呼声。Another side, seems like that struckto cause heavy losses to the emperor of goatnot to feel better, itstheserelied on the wordspiritabilityto hit the strengthwith the strengthpurely, letthisfourstars‚insanegoat’sprained.
另一边,看似一击重创了山羊的天子也不好受,它这一下纯粹是凭借着言灵能力借力打力,才让这只四星的‘疯山羊’自己扭伤。What a pityhesomewhatunderestimated the impulse of giant beast, onlythis, thennearlyexhaustedmana of hiswithin the bodyfulldirectly.
可惜他还是有些小看了巨兽的冲击力,只这一下,便直接将他体内原本充盈的魔力近乎耗尽。„Begins!” After the emperorsfall to the ground, quicklyissued the attack ordertoward the people.
The surroundingshave waited for a long timemonarchial powergodto give the members, immediatelycloses, startstolosing the goat of resistanceabilityoutputsheartily.
周围早就等待已久的君权神授成员们,顿时一拥而上,开始对失去反抗能力的山羊尽情输出。Especiallyrankalsoin the Lv. 15followingplayer, going all out of especiallyoutput, lifeform that becausethesegiantworldcome, so long asattackshas the realexperience to take.
The two daysresearch, humanhas graspedrule that gained the realexperience: So long ascreatesten thousandpoints of damageto the randommonster, thencanobtain1to experience , is also 1reallife, corresponds1to experience.
这两天的研究下来,人类已经掌握了获取真实经验的规律:只要对任意一只怪物造成一万点伤害,便能获得一点真实经验,也即是一点真实生命,对应一点真实经验。Thisefficiencycompared withdaybreak the citybrushed the shadowgodinitially the timemustdrawmany of hip, butinitially the god of shadoweachpoints of damagecanobtain the realexperience, comparedto miss10,000timeswith the present.
这个效率比起当初黎明城刷影神的时候要拉胯的多,当初影之神可是每点伤害都能获得真实经验,和现在相比差了一万倍之多。Whyas forwill presentsuchday of badlyotherexperienceefficiency, difference that somepeopleanalyzepossiblybecause of the godclan and wild animal , some people of guessesarebecause the qualitative change in star classcauses, somepeoplethought that bothfactorshave......
至于为什么会出现这样天差地别的经验效率,有人分析可能是因为神族和野兽的差异,也有人猜测是因为星级上的质变导致,也有人觉得两种因素都有……Howas, anyoneis unable to draw the conclusionspecificallyat present, after allhumannowonlytofightinggod of realgodsshadow.
至于具体如何,目前谁也无法得出结论,毕竟人类现在只对战过影之神这一个真实神明。Even ifno matter how, ten thousanddamagetradeexperiences, stillmakesmanypeoplego after like duckssufficiently, after all the realexperiencedoes not needto be many, 1pointhelpsthembreak through the bottleneckperiodsufficiently.
The peopleare busyoutputsto snatch the experience the time, the emperorfalls back on the reartaking medicinetraining, simultaneouslyis paying attention to the war in distant placesilently.
众人忙着输出抢经验的时候,天子则退到后方嗑药修养,同时默默关注着远处的战局。Hesoondiscoveredincrowd that in the frontbesieges, together the formseemsexceptionallyactive.
他很快发现在前方围攻的人群之中,其中一道身影显得异常活跃。Thispersonis a male who is dressing the skin, the bodyweekis floatingtensuper revolvingblood-colortomoe, cuts open the external skin of goatunceasingly, swamps intogoatwithin the bodyoneto stirrandomly.
这人是一个穿戴着皮肤的男性,身周漂浮着十枚高速旋转的血色勾玉,不断切开山羊的表皮,涌入山羊体内一通乱搅。Whooshingsound that raisesfrom the goatunceasingly, cansee that thesetomoecaused the bigpain.
从山羊不断抬高的嘶吼声,就可以看出这些勾玉对它造成了多大的痛苦。Withthisperson of help, the peoplestudy these cut openwound, the output efficiencycanpromotesharply, short after dozen minutes, then‚insanegoat’surplusliveswill emptythoroughly.
The fightended, peoplein high spiritsandstartsto segment the giantgoatcorpse, received the backpackto depositin turn, butcontrolled the tomoepersona moment ago, is actually not interestedintheseprobablygeneral, was separated from the crowd, walkstoward the emperor.
战斗结束,众人兴高采烈的又开始切分巨大的山羊尸体,依次收入背包中存放起来,而刚才操控勾玉的人,却像是对这些不感兴趣一般,脱离了人群,朝天子走来。„It seems likeyourgood of heresituationcontrol.”Came the personto sweeponall aroundsea areafewlowstarmonsters, eachmonsterarranged the manpowerto step upto exterminate.
The wholelooks,has not presentedin the imaginationonegroup of chaoticaspects.
The emperorsshake the head, set outandcome the personto graspstarting: „Is onlyhas not thought,youwill be arrangedhereunexpectedly.”
The emperorslook atfrontsolemnman.
天子看着面前的冷峻男子。Blood Emperor, one of the Heavenly Dynastymost well-knownexperts, isinDragon Team one of the most powerfulmembers, is equivalent toninequietleft and right arms.血皇,天朝最知名的高手之一,同时也是龙组中最强大的成员之一,相当于九幽的左膀右臂。
Such importantexpert, shouldanother side ofEarth, under the Dragon Teamresponsiblethatblack holegive full playat this moment, has not actually thought that hewill suddenly appearinPacific Ocean.
这么重要的高手,此刻本来应该在地球另一边,龙组负责的那处黑洞下大展身手的,却没想到他会突然出现在太平洋上。„That sidepressureis not big, havingmedoes not havemeto be the same. On the contraryguild leaderis interestedinyourheresituationactually.”Blood Emperorspoke thoughtlesslyto say with a smile.
The emperorsselected the eyebrow, immediatelyunderstoodanything: „Therefore, isninesendsyouto monitorquietmy?”
天子挑了挑眉,立即明白了什么:“所以,是九幽派你来监视我的?”„Is.”Blood Emperorhearsis revealed that is also disinclinedto conceal, looked that saidto the emperordirectly: „After alldoes not have unable to benefit the earlypersonlikeyou, puts the European theaterwellnot to defend, leads the personto rush tothisremoteplacespecially, thistoounusual...... actuallyincessantlyiswe, manyinfluenceswere suspecting,youdeliberatelyrunto come tohere, has any secretivegoal to achieve......”
“算是吧。”血皇听到被揭穿,也懒得掩饰,看向天子直接道:“毕竟像你这样无利不起早的人,放着好好的欧洲战场不去守,专门带人跑到这种偏远的地方来,这太反常了……其实不止是我们,很多势力都在怀疑,你刻意跑来这里,是不是有什么不可告人的目的要达成……”Beforemetto assignnineblack holeresponsible peopletime, the emperorwas actually assignedfrom the beginningunderthatblack holesituated inEurope, after allhein the fameandprestigiousno one in Europe can , there is an enoughinfluencefoundation, fromvariousperspectives, was under the charge ofthatblack holetohim, was the rightestchoice.
之前开会分配九个黑洞责任人的时候,天子一开始其实是被指定在了位于欧洲的那道黑洞下,毕竟他在欧洲的名气和威望无人能及,也有足够的势力基础,从各方面来说,由他负责那道黑洞,都是最为合适的选择。Finally, finallywasemperorgave up the black holesituated inoneselfentranceon the contrary, choseguardedPacificthisdoing a thankless jobcave entrance.
结果,最后反倒是天子自己放弃了位于自家门口的黑洞,选择了来守卫太平洋这个吃力不讨好的洞口。„Aboutthismatter, I have certainly the selfishness.” The emperorssaid.
“关于这件事,我当然是有私心的。”天子说。„Is selfishness?”Blood Emperorasked.
The emperorsput out a hand, aims on the surroundingsea areadistantlythesescatteredgiant beasts: „Thesethings, do not looknoware the disasters, so long as under thiseventin the past, theyleft behind the spoils of war, will immediately becomeunderhumanin the 1st Ordersectionadvancement the most valuablewealth.”
天子伸出手,遥遥指向周围海域上那些零散的巨兽:“这些东西,别看现在是灾难,但只要这场事件过去,它们遗留下的战利品,就将立即成为人类下一阶段进程中最宝贵的财富。”„Nowespeciallyto an influence, the giant beastcorpse that graspsare more, in the futurewill have a biggeropportunityto be ablefromnumeroustop influences on emerge, topsin the futurefiercecontention resolution.”
“尤其对一个势力而言,现在掌握的巨兽尸体越多,未来就有越大的机会能够从众多顶尖势力中脱颖而出,在未来残酷的资源竞争中拔得头筹。”„Howeverthat sideEuropeanblack hole, the defensivepressureis smallright, easy and comfortablewaseasy and comfortable, but the issuelay innot enough to go around, does not know that manyinfluenceswaited to slice, the resources that even ifIasmanager, wecanobtainfrom now onwill not be many.”
“而欧洲那边的黑洞,防守压力小没错,安逸是安逸了,但问题在于狼多肉少,不知道多少势力等着想要分一杯羹,就算我作为负责人,过后我们所能分得的资源也不会太多。”„Notlikehere, sparsely inhabited, other powersis beyond control, fewandwecompetes, from now on the resources of thisblack holewill have90% to fall intoourmonarchial powergodto givein the handdirectly.”
The emperorslooktoBlood Emperor, said with a smilepale: „Previousopportunity, Icannotholdtime, butthistime, Iwill not be backwardinanybody.”
The Blood Emperorhearemperor'sexplanation, the complexionis stranger: „Merelybecause ofresources?”血皇听完天子的解释,脸色却更加古怪:“仅仅是因为资源?”„Yes.”
“是的。”„Reallydoesn't haveotherreason?”
“真没别的原因?”„Whatreason can also have?” The emperorsshrugged.
“……”Blood Emperordoubtis staring at the emperor, hehas not truly expected, the emperorrunsto come tohereto work as the cooliespecially, unexpectedlyforsuch‚proper’reason.血皇狐疑的盯着天子,他确实没料到,天子专门跑来这里当苦力,居然是为了这么‘正经’的理由。However, whydoes not know, healwaysfelt that the emperoralsoconcealedanythingtohim......
After staring the emperorwas looking at the moment, Blood Emperorsighs, shakes the head: „Ok, in briefsome time, Iwill then keepherehelper, withoutissue?”
盯着天子看了片刻后,血皇叹息一声,摇了摇头:“算了,总之接下来一段时间,我都会留在这边帮手,没问题吧?”„Naturally, wishes for earnestly.”Emperorsmile.
“啧。”Blood Emperorlooks that smilesome of emperorare not comfortable, hemostdoes not like andtheseplayed the tactichad to do, alwaysfelt that thesepeopleare planninganythingto resembleto result infrequently.血皇看着天子的笑容有些不自在,他最不喜欢的就是和这些玩战术的打交道了,总感觉这些人时时刻刻都在算计着什么似得。Blood Emperoropens mouth, but alsopreparedto sayanything, suddenlyheardscreams that the distant placeresounded.血皇张了张嘴,还准备说什么,忽然听到远处响起的一阵惊呼声。Two peopleturn the headto looksubconsciously,seesanother side of the island, the peopleare looking at the skyinneatraising the head.
两人下意识转头看去,就见小岛另一边,众人都在齐刷刷的抬头望着天空。„guild leader, that there......”incommunication of emperor, broadcast an hand/subordinatetensesound.
“会长,那,那里……”天子的通讯器中,传来了一个手下紧张的声音。Two peoplealsosubconsciousraising the headlooks, the resultpleasantscenealsomakestheirbothpupilshrinkfiercely.
两人也下意识的抬头看去,结果入眼的场景也让他们双双瞳孔猛缩。Sees onlyat this timeintheirabovesky, pictureedge that black holeis , a giantform that grasps the longstick, goes outfrom the dense fogquietly.
只见此时在他们正上方的天空中,那道黑洞所在的画面边缘,一个手持长棍的巨人身影,悄然从迷雾中走出。„fuck, but alsoreallyfeared that anythingcomesanything!”Blood Emperorcriticizesoneimmediately, quicklytakes out the cell phone, reported the newstoninequietthat sides.
“艹,还真是怕什么来什么!”血皇顿时暗骂一声,急忙取出手机,给九幽那边发了消息。‚The Pacificblack hole, discovered that the giantapproaches!’
‘太平洋黑洞,发现巨人靠近!’Ninesawquietthisnewsalsohas a scare, confirmedsimply after a situation, quicklyretransmittedin the globalself-helpgroup, simultaneouslyrequestedallplacesto enter the silent statusfast.
This newsemergence, stirred the great unrestin the groupimmediately, does not needninequietreminders, peoplealreadyearliest possible timespontaneoustorespectiveresponsible the country and regiontransmittedas far as possible the silentinstruction.
这消息一出现,顿时在群里引发了轩然大波,不需要九幽提醒,众人已经第一时间自发的对各自负责的国家和区域传达了尽可能静默的指令。Suddenly, allcurrentfightsuspensions, allfactoriesstop the revolutions, allresidentshidein the respectivefamily/home, evensubconsciousholding the breathwith rapt attention.
The entireEarth, in a short time, thenfell into an unprecedentedquietcondition.
整个地球,在极短的时间内,便陷入了一种前所未有的沉寂状态。„Everyone, stopsfighting, respectivehiding!”
The emperorsalsofirstissued the orderin the intercom.
The personnel in personnel and surroundingsea area on island, are the earliest possible timedrops outmonsteron hand, found the placeto hiderespectively.
小岛上的人员和周围海域中的人员,都是第一时间抛下手边的怪物,各自找地方躲藏了起来。EmperorsandBlood Emperor, hidafter the reef of islandfront, and earliest possible timeresorted to the stealthmethod.
天子和血皇,也隐藏在了小岛前方的一处礁石后,并第一时间动用了隐身手段。„Hopes that itpassed by......”Blood Emperorto look in the skyalsoin the giant of rapid traverse, aspiratessecretly, the right handgraspedon the sword hilt of waist.
“希望它只是路过吧……”血皇看着天空中还在快速移动的巨人,暗暗吐了口气,右手握在了腰间的剑柄上。„In fact, fromitspresenttrend, thisgiantseemed likedirectly soars...... emperor who cave entrancecame”to say.
“事实上,从它现在的走向来看,这巨人似乎是直奔洞口而来的……”天子说。Blood Emperoris very speechless, wantedcrowmouthoneat this time?血皇很无语,都这种时候了非要乌鸦嘴一下么?Hequicklyis fixing the eyes on the giant in backdrop, observed for severalseconds, hesoondiscovered, thisgiantas if before themthesegiantbuild that photographsare smaller , the figure is also quite slim, seeming like the child in giantis seem like ordinary.
他急忙紧盯着天幕中的巨人,观察了数秒,他很快发现,这只巨人似乎比他们之前拍摄的那些巨人体型偏小一些,身材也比较瘦弱,看上去倒像是巨人之中的小孩子一般。This momentthischildhoodgiant, is waving the wooden stick, dials the thorn that leads the wayunceasingly, faces forwardto explore, butdirection that walks, veryunfortunate, just like the emperorsaid,istoward the black hole.
此刻这名幼年巨人,正挥舞着木棒,不断拨开路上的荆棘,朝前探索着,而行走的方向,很不幸的正如天子所说,是直朝着黑洞而来。„......”Blood Emperorwill not knit the brows, not wonderfulfeeling in heartis even more intense.
“不会吧……”血皇皱眉,心中的不妙感越发强烈。Until after severalminutes, in the picture, the giantstopsfinally.
直到数分钟后,画面之中,那巨人终于停下。However, was actually the stay of nodeviationin the above of black hole.
The undereveryone'sheartwas mentioning the throatat this momentas if by prior agreement.
The dark cloudblocking in form of giantby the black holeandsky, could not seetemporarilyitis makinganything.
The peopleheld the breathto wait forafter for dozensseconds, oneabouthundredmeters‚wooden club’, found outfrom the black holesuddenly, penetrated the dark cloudlevel of belowartificialmanufacture.
众人屏息等待了数十秒过后,一支近百米长的‘木棍’,忽然从黑洞中探出,一路穿透了下方人工制造的乌云层。Then, the peoplesaw that wooden clubstarted the agitation.
接着,众人眼看着那根木棍开始了搅动。Thatseeminglyheavy/thickdark cloud, under the agitation of wooden clubsuch as the paperingeneral that sticks, the shortmore than tenseconds, were then stirred the powderthoroughly.
那一层看似厚重的乌云,在木棍的搅动下如纸糊的一般,短短十几秒,便被彻底搅散。But the nextsecond, is on the rise the person who looks at the day, saw an eye!
而下一秒,所有正在抬头望天的人,都看到了一只眼睛!Eyes of giant, are lyingto bend downinblackcave entrance, rolls the eyesto spy ontowardbelowworld.
一只巨人的眼睛,正趴伏在黑洞口,转动着眼球朝下方的世界窥探着。At this moment, an indescribableconstriction and disgustingfeeling, coveredeveryoneinstantaneously.
这一刻,一股难以言喻的压迫感和恶心感,瞬间笼罩了所有人。Peopleallinstinctkeepsstatic, presses the heart that is soon jumpingstubbornly, the atmospheredoes not dareto breathe. The monster that fallsfrom the upper air, as ifalsofeltthisstrongoppressionstrength, in abundanceremainedsilent, peacefulhidinginvariouswaters, does not dareto appear.
众人全都本能的保持静止,死死按着快要跳出来的心脏,大气都不敢喘一下。就连那些从高空掉落的怪物,仿佛也感受到了这股强大的压迫力,纷纷保持静默,安静的潜藏在了各处水域中,不敢露头。In the entireocean, suddenlybecomessilence reigns.
( This chapterends)
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