TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#420 Part 1: No. 2 server

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Chapter 420 No. 2 server 第420章二号服务器 You fearless facing directly fiendish person, grasps the lunar eclipse scepter, started day dog food moon/month.】 【你毫无畏惧的直面魔王,手持月食权杖,发动了‘天狗食月’。】 With together distant in backdrop that the whining noise, the bright moonlight hangs, the illusory unusual animals form foot steps on the dark cloud but together swiftly, opens the huge mouth, ate the food in the full moon.】 【伴随着一道悠远的呜鸣声,明月高悬的天幕中,一道虚幻的异兽身影脚踩乌云倏忽而至,张开巨口,啃食在了满月上。】 In sky the cloud layer surges, the thunderclap is billowing, in the ground the strong winds howl, originally by the land that the moonlight illuminates, is rapidly dim.】 【天空中云层涌动,雷声滚滚,地面上狂风呼啸,原本被月光照亮的大地,迅速黯淡下来。】 You look up, the full moon was being nibbled by the tian gou at the visible speed, you who this command believes in the Queen of night, various phase of the moon increases of whole body vanish, becomes incomparably weak.】 【你抬头望去,圆月正以肉眼可见的速度被天狗蚕食,这令信奉月神的你,浑身的各种月相增幅均消失一空,变得无比虚弱。】 Fiendish person roared, as if also from the unusual animals of upper air, felt the oppression, anxious flushed toward you. You choose......】 【魔王咆哮一声,似乎也从高空的异兽身上,感受到了压迫,焦躁的朝伱冲来。你选择……】 You choose to escape!】 【你选择逃跑!】 You started the refined appearance step, the speed increased, you turned around to start to flee the fiendish person.】 【你发动了风神步,速度大增,你转身开始逃离魔王。】 You offended the lazy crime! Your whole body attribute rapidly is dropping, but under the protection of refined appearance boots, your speed has not weakened the slightest.】 【你触犯了怠惰之罪!你的全身属性都在快速下降,但在风神靴的保护下,你的速度并未减弱分毫。】 Discovered that you evade not to fight, the fiendish person is angrier, full speed pursues toward you.】 【发现你避而不战,魔王更加愤怒,全速朝你追来。】 Your speed is not as good in fiendish person, pursues escapes, the distance of you and fiendish person is gradually reducing......】 【你的速度略逊于魔王,一追一逃之间,你与魔王的距离正在逐渐缩短……】 Mu You looks reluctantly. The refined appearance boots can lock the speed not to drop, the speed of but locking depends on Mu You refined appearance rank. 沐游看得无奈。风神靴能锁定速度不下降,但锁定的速度取决于沐游本身的风神等级。 In some attempt before Mu You has tested, if he promotes refined appearance and rank of refined appearance step to 10 stars, the equipment of regulating delivering to the fiendish person, can guarantee that again the entire journey slides the fiendish person to run. 沐游之前的某次尝试中已经实验过,如果他将风神和风神步的等级均提升到十星,再将限速的装备‘送’给魔王,是可以保证全程溜着魔王跑的。 What a pity, his time entry flow, although has compared the limit, but has not been in the thorough perfect situation eventually, causing the belief to be insufficient, the refined appearance rank and god technique slightly were weak, can be caught up by the fiendish person at this moment. 可惜,他这次的通关流程虽然已经比较极限,但终究还是没到彻底完美的地步,导致信仰不够,风神的等级和神术都稍弱了一些,此刻还是能被魔王追上。 Is good because, this probability expiration that’ having the incantation resentful baby provides, even if he were caught up with by the fiendish person, still still has the opportunity to evade the attack. 好在,这把有咒怨娃娃提供的‘概率失效’,就算他被魔王追上,也依然有机会躲过攻击。 Fiendish person caught up with you finally! The fiendish people raised hand to start god technique toward you fiendish person's claw......】 【魔王终于追上了你!魔王扬手朝你发动了神术‘魔王之爪’……】 Incantation resentful baby excited, is trying to curse the fiendish person, presently effective probability: 11.3.】 【咒怨娃娃兴奋中,正在试图诅咒魔王,当前生效概率:11.3。】 Curse failure! You by a fiendish person claw racket , the terrifying strength, being enabled your courage to crack, within the body five main internal organs (entrails) shifts, is seriously injured instantaneously! Presently life: 55027 / 83027 【诅咒失败!你被魔王一爪拍中,恐怖的力量,使你肝胆崩裂,体内五脏六腑移位,瞬间身受重伤!当前生命:55027/83027】 【The life percentage disparity of you and fiendish person surpasses 30, you offended the crime of envy! ‚The fire of envy flaming combustion in your heart, your life is being passed continually......】 【你与魔王的生命百分比差距超过30,你触犯了嫉妒之罪!‘嫉妒之火’在你心中熊熊燃烧,你的生命正在持续流逝中……】 Recollection!” “回溯!” This gadget claw can pat him to be close to 1/3 lives, is really odd! 这玩意儿一爪能拍掉他接近三分之一的生命,着实离谱! Mu You quickly comes according to the table again. 沐游急忙按表重来。 The effective probability of incantation resentful baby, depends on the entire attribute differential value of both sides, presently the probability Gundam/reaches as high as 11, is not too actually difficult to trigger. 咒怨娃娃的生效概率,取决于双方的全属性差值,当前概率高达11,倒是不算太难触发。 What Mu You true worry is, what to do should behind? Because the lazy crime in sustained combustion his attribute, later this probability will inevitably be getting more and more low, to may reduce to one finally makes the head/number of people bare situation sufficiently. 沐游真正担心的是,后面该怎么办?因为怠惰之罪在持续燃烧他的属性,之后这个概率势必会越来越低,到最后可能会降低到一个足以令人头秃的地步。 Without the means that at present also can only first insist...... 没办法,目前也只能先这么坚持着…… Cursed successfully! The incantation resentful baby comes, climbed up behind the fiendish person, brings the fierce laughing wildly sound, the incarnation trouble maker, acted unruly on the fiendish person crazily. Under its obstruction, the attack of fiendish person hits, a claw rumbled in your nearby land.】 【诅咒成功!咒怨娃娃现身而出,攀爬在了魔王背后,带着狰狞的狂笑声,化身捣蛋鬼,在魔王身上疯狂撒野。在它的阻挠下,魔王的攻击打偏,一爪轰进了你一旁的土地中。】 You return safe and sound, and seized the chance to spread out!】 【你毫发无伤,并趁机拉开了距离!】 ...... …… Good, is this!” “好,就是这样!” Mu You breathes a sigh of relief, so long as can maintain this rhythm to get down, had insisted ten minutes ended. 沐游舒了口气,只要能保持这个节奏下去,坚持过十分钟就结束了。 Mu You sweeps nearby the eye in the table was putting the stopwatch. In the stopwatch is 600 seconds of countdown, is activating the lunar eclipse that moment to press down on time, now also remains for 583 seconds. 沐游扫了眼一旁桌上放着的秒表。秒表中是六百秒的倒计时,在激活月食的那一刻准时按下的,如今还剩583秒。 In other words, the present fiendish person can catch up with his one time about every 15 seconds. 也就是说,现在的魔王大概每15秒就能追上他一次。 However this number steals the deceleration item of his careful preparation with later fiendish person, but can also enlarge some. 不过这个数字随着之后魔王偷取他精心准备的减速道具,还能放大一些。 Mu You looks at steadily is staring at the text. 沐游目不转睛的盯着文本。 The countdown arrived quickly for 540 seconds, one minute of cooldown in the past, the fiendish person really started again greedily. 倒计时很快来到了540秒,一分钟的冷却过去,魔王果然再次发动了‘贪婪’。 Mu You will decelerate to install roll decisively the past. 沐游果断将减速装roll了过去。 Fiendish person offended the greedy crime, your heavy strong armor was seized by force by the fiendish person.】 【魔王触犯了贪婪之罪,你的‘沉重坚甲’被魔王强取豪夺。】 Heavy carapace made the speed of fiendish person reduce, but still in pursued slowly near toward you......】 【沉重的甲壳让魔王的速度降低了一些,但依然在慢慢朝你追近……】 ...... …… Mu You this time special counted, now the fiendish person caught up with his time to lengthen for nearly 19 seconds, the increase was obvious, moreover later also had other deceleration items, later the fiendish person will pursue him becomes more and more difficult! 沐游这次专门统计了一下,现在魔王追上他的时间延长到了近十九秒,增幅明显,况且之后还有其他减速道具,之后魔王追击他会变得越来越难! 【...... The fiendish person detection rate becomes slow, immediately the incarnation beautiful young girl, throws the look that bewitches to absorb the mortal form to you, then made your mind surge, the footsteps were impractical. You offended the crime of lust, the entire attribute reduces......】 【……魔王发现速度变缓,顿时化身绝美的妙龄少女,对你投来勾魂摄魄的眼神,一眼便令你心神激荡,脚步虚浮。你触犯了色欲之罪,全属性降低……】 The fiendish people in entire lived, but are not related, has the refined appearance boots , will the attribute fall will not affect his speed. 魔王又在整活了,不过没关系,有风神靴在,属性降不降都不会影响他的速度。 When showing of refined appearance boots is in fight the speed drops for the first time, fixed current speed.’ In the explanation has not mentioned the effective time, then should be able to maintain one entire normally. 风神靴的说明是‘战斗中速度首次下降时,锁定当前速度。’说明中并没有提到生效时间,那么按说应该是可以保持一整场的。 Cursed successfully! The incantation resentful baby comes, but...... under its obstruction, the attack of fiendish person expires again.】 【诅咒成功!咒怨娃娃现身而出……在它的阻挠下,魔王的攻击再次失效。】 You return safe and sound, once again seized the chance to spread out!】 【你毫发无伤,又一次趁机拉开了距离!】 ...... …… Fiendish person offended the greedy crime, your limping sheep's head stick was seized by force by the fiendish person. The center of gravity of sheep's head stick vacillates, making the fiendish person be hard to maintain the balance, the speed reduces again......】 【魔王触犯了贪婪之罪,你的‘蹒跚羊头杖’被魔王强取豪夺。羊头杖的重心左右摇摆,令魔王难以保持平衡,速度再度降低……】 ...... …… Flow of following commencing of action in according to Mu You estimate conducts, his entire journey kite fiendish person, withstand/top this not to calculate that in the tower in the big region non-stop going around, simultaneously avoids the fiendish person with the pocket watch occasionally an attack, then every minute, delivering its negative item. 接下来的战斗开始按沐游预想中的流程来进行,他全程风筝魔王,在塔顶这不算大的区域内不停绕圈,同时用怀表躲避魔王偶尔一次的攻击,然后每隔一分钟,‘送’它一件负面道具。 Makes Mu You compare to worry that only, is his attribute under the continuing of lazy crime and lust crime of weakens, has reduced not the situation that endures to look straight ahead. 唯一让沐游比较担忧的,是他的属性在怠惰之罪和色欲之罪的持续削弱下,已经降低到了不忍直视的地步。 But attribute reduction, brought immediate influence, is the triggering probability of incantation resentful baby continues to reduce, Mu You dodges the fiendish person to attack becomes more and more difficult. 而属性的降低,带来的直接影响,就是咒怨娃娃的触发概率持续降低,沐游闪躲魔王攻击变得越来越困难。 【...... Your escaping gap looks to the sky, witnessed the curved hook of last moonlight by the process that the tian gou embezzles, the entire wheel full moon was embezzled by the shadow thoroughly, only leaves behind a dark-red ring, in the entire land becomes jet black one piece. The moonlight vanishes thoroughly, your weak also arrived at the extreme......】 【……你逃生间隙看向天空,目睹了最后一丝月光的弯钩被天狗吞没的过程,整轮满月彻底被黑影吞没,只留下一个暗红色的圆环,整个大地上变得漆黑一片。月光彻底消失,你的虚弱也到达了极点……】 Mu You swept the eye, the countdown passed finally for five minutes, the lunar eclipse was halfway, moon was all black, was the tian gou puts out the process of moon. 沐游扫了眼,倒计时终于过去了五分钟,月食进行到了一半,月亮全黑,接下来就是天狗吐出月亮的过程。 Mu You continues to fight steadily, slides the fiendish person full house to run. 沐游继续稳扎稳打,溜着魔王满场跑。 Fiendish person caught up with you again! The fiendish people raised hand to launch the attack toward you......】 【魔王再次追上了你!魔王扬手朝你发动了攻击……】 Incantation resentful baby excited...... current effective probability: 0.1.】 【咒怨娃娃兴奋中……当前生效概率:0.1。】 Cursed successfully! The attack expiration of fiendish person, you seized the chance to spread out......】 【诅咒成功!魔王的攻击失效,你趁机拉开了距离……】 ...... …… Once again evades the attack, the Mu You complexion somewhat is dignified, because of this attack, he recalled more than 1000 talents to trigger a moment ago finally. 又一次躲过攻击,沐游脸色却有些凝重,因为刚才这一次攻击,他回溯了一千多次才终于触发。 The key then just started, over time, this probability will definitely also continue to drop, according to this speed gets down, the following probability much will be low, he is inconceivable. 关键这才刚开始,随着时间推移,这个概率肯定还会继续下降,照这个速度下去,后面的概率会多低,他难以想象。 ...... …… Facts showed Mu You guesses right. 事实证明沐游猜的没错。 In the following two minutes, facing the attack of five times fiendish person, Mu You according to tabular difference according to spitting. 接下来的两分钟内,面对魔王的先后五次攻击,沐游按表差点按吐。 Especially finally twice, the incantation resentful baby triggering probability reduced below 0.01, was he needs to recall on average more than 10,000 times, will succeed one time! 尤其是最后两次,咒怨娃娃触发概率降低到了0.01以下,也就是他平均需要回溯一万多次,才会成功一次! But what makes his desperate is, now over the past seven minutes, his attribute will also continue to drop, over the following three minutes, basically all will be this essence dirty pattern, moreover recollection will also continue to increase! 而更让他绝望的是,现在才过去七分钟,他的属性还会继续下降,接下来的三分钟,基本全是这种精污模式,而且回溯次数还会持续增多! Mu You thinks already some scalp tingles. 沐游想想就已经有些头皮发麻了。 【...... The fiendish person attacks the failure again, annoying bellows, puts out a hand imp that laughs wildly to grasp toward the nape on, what a pity the incantation resentful baby avoided seizing of fiendish person flexibly, retracted fast in the item.】 【……魔王再次攻击失败,懊恼的大吼一声,伸手朝后颈上正在狂笑的小鬼抓去,可惜咒怨娃娃灵活的躲避了魔王的抓捕,快速缩回了道具中。】 【The bright moonlight of this moment upper air was being put out by the tian gou slowly, the land becomes bright, the fiendish person as if realized the crisis finally!】 【此刻高空的明月正在被天狗缓缓吐出,大地重新变得明亮起来,魔王似乎终于意识到了危机!】 Fiendish person looked runs away to the front crazily you, this time has not actually chosen to continue toward you to pursue, but raises fiendish person's claw suddenly, the heart of towards oneself grasped!】 【魔王看向前方疯狂逃窜的你,这次却没有选择继续朝你追来,而是忽然扬起魔王之爪,朝自己的心脏抓了下去!】 In green blood spout, the life of fiendish person starts to reduce fast......】 【绿色的鲜血喷涌中,魔王的生命开始快速降低……】 Well?” “咦?” Mu You looks stares. 沐游看得一愣。 How his is having a headache should pass over the following three minutes, the fiendish person does not pursue suddenly, moreover started the autonomy? 他这正头疼接下来三分钟该怎么度过呢,魔王怎么忽然就不追了,而且还开始了自残? 【...... Fiendish person disregarded you thoroughly, decides same place, fiendish person's claw time after time jabs into the heart, life value falls at visible speed......】 【……魔王彻底无视了你,立定原地,魔王之爪一次次的刺进自己心头,生命值以肉眼可见的速度滑落……】 What ghost, the fiendish person was deliberately bad? 什么鬼,魔王自暴自弃了? Mu You knits the brows, this strange, making him always feel oneself neglected anything. 沐游皱眉,这怪异的一幕,让他总感觉自己忽略了什么。 Until after a half minute,...... 直到半分钟后…… 【The life value of fiendish person broke 70!】 【魔王的生命值跌破了70!】 Fiendish person and your life percentage disparity are bigger than 30, the fiendish person offended the crime of envy, fiendish person the fire of envy ignites in your mind, violent burning down, your life starts to fall fast!】 【魔王与你的生命百分比差距大于30,魔王触犯了嫉妒之罪,魔王的嫉妒之火在你的心中燃起,猛烈焚烧,你的生命开始快速滑落!】 Wait......” “等等……” Mu You stares suddenly, finally understands the fiendish person wants to do! 沐游忽然一瞪眼睛,终于明白了魔王想要干什么! The crime of envy, before this, continuously by the ability that Mu You neglects, the effect is so long as the both sides life percentage difference opens 30, no matter the fiendish person are more than he more than the fiendish person him, finally is he falls the blood, returns to 30 until the life disparity again! 嫉妒之罪,这个之前一直被沐游忽略的能力,效果是只要双方生命百分比差开30,不管是魔王比他多还是他比魔王多,结果都是他掉血,直到生命差距再次回到30以内! If merely is this even if , the fiendish person wants to make him burn the blood with this means that first wants to fall the blood, widens the volume of blood gap to 30 on own initiative, therefore this means not possible to kill Mu You, because the fiendish person autonomy to only remains 0.1 life even if, the Mu You life strip should still maintain at 30, will not fall again downward. 如果仅仅是这样也就算了,魔王想用这种办法让他烧血,首先就要自己掉血,主动把血量差距拉大到30,所以这办法不可能把沐游杀死,因为哪怕魔王自残到只剩0.1的生命,沐游的生命条也会保持在30,不会再往下掉。 The issue is, the fiendish person can return to the blood through ‚the crime of guzzling fast, but simultaneously under the suppression of crime of guzzling, the enemies of all fiendish people are unable to bring back to the life with any method! 问题在于,魔王是可以通过‘暴食之罪’快速回血的,而同时在暴食之罪的压制下,所有魔王的敌人都无法用任何手段恢复生命! This means, in this fight the Mu You blood strip is falls, is not little able to restore forever, but the fiendish person can actually after drags down him, oneself return to full blood through guzzling again. 这就意味着,这场战斗中沐游的血条是掉一点少一点,永远无法恢复,而魔王却可以在把他拉下水后,自己再通过暴食回到满血。 But at this time, because the both sides life disparity is bigger than 30 again, the crime of envy will become effective again , to continue to burn down the Mu You life, until him was burnt by the fire of envy thoroughly! 而这个时候,由于双方生命差距再次大于30,嫉妒之罪又会再一次生效,继续焚烧沐游的生命,直至他被嫉妒之火彻底烧死! fuck, this also too brazen!” 尼玛,这也太赖皮了!” Recovers, Mu You criticizes one immediately. 回过神来,沐游顿时暗骂一声。 He is also realizes now, oneself seems like non-solution lunar eclipse in fighting method, unexpectedly is also hiding such a loophole! 他也是现在才意识到,自己看似无解的‘月食’打法中,居然还藏着这么一条漏洞! However what makes his surprised is —— this fiendish person should not be virtual character that the tower of formidable simulates? Like this virtual does character, understand the judgment risk and card bug unexpectedly? 不过更让他惊讶的是——这魔王不应该是勇者之塔模拟出来的虚拟角色吗?这样的虚拟角色,居然还懂得判断风险和卡bug? The fiendish person obviously realized a moment ago Mu You had to let the ability that the incantation resentful baby forced to trigger, then it continued to chase down also uselessly, therefore changed the tactic urgently. 刚才魔王明显是意识到了沐游有让咒怨娃娃强制触发的能力,接下来它继续追杀也没用,所以才紧急改变了战术。 Fiendish person looks that your life finally started to fall, shows cruel smile, on towards oneself that evil clutches went all out punctured......】 【魔王看着你的生命终于开始滑落,露出了残忍的笑容,魔爪更加卖力的朝自己身上刺去……】 【The life of fiendish person broke 50, your life broke 80......】 【魔王的生命跌破了50,你的生命跌破了80……】 【The life of fiendish person broke 30, your life broke 60......】 【魔王的生命跌破了30,你的生命跌破了60……】 【The life of fiendish person broke 10, your life broke 40......】 【魔王的生命跌破了十,你的生命跌破了40……】 Fiendish person stopped the act of self-injury, after sneering was looking at your one eyes, before quickly rushes to the tower to withstand/top a central table . Takes a seat along with the fiendish person, on the table presented the innumerable delicacies of every kind immediately......】 【魔王停止了自残行为,冷笑着看了你一眼后,快步冲到了塔顶中央的一张餐桌前。伴随着魔王就坐,餐桌上顿时出现了无数的山珍海味……】 Fiendish person disregarded you thoroughly, starts to eat to the heart's content, in life value fast reply......】 【魔王彻底无视了你,开始大快朵颐,生命值快速回复中……】 ...... …… Really, then the matter starts to illuminate his forecast development. 果然,接下来事情开始照他的预测发展。 Mu You anything cannot do now, his attribute has reduced the situation that is incapable of launching any attack, can only look at the fiendish person to eat food helplessly the blood. 沐游现在什么也做不了,他的属性已经降低到了无力发动任何攻击的地步,只能眼睁睁的看着魔王进食回血。 The present issue is, does the time also enough fiendish person complete its plan? 现在的问题是,时间还够不够魔王完成它的计划? At present the time also remains for about 100 seconds, Mu You in estimated at heart fast. 眼下时间还剩100秒左右,沐游在心里快速估算了一下。 The reply speed of fiendish person that side guzzling, is every second 1, it only need restore to over 70, was one's turn Mu You to fall the blood, as life disparity of both sides was bigger, the more exuberance that the fire of envy can also burn, Mu You will fall the speed of blood to be quicker...... 魔王那边暴食的回复速度,是每秒一,它只需恢复到70以上,就轮到了沐游掉血,而且随着双方的生命差距越大,嫉妒之火也会燃烧的越旺盛,沐游掉血的速度就会越快…… The Mu You quick discovery computation is useless, because he does not know that the speed of fire of combustion life subsequent envy, can only wait at this moment. 沐游很快发现计算无用,因为他根本不知道后续嫉妒之火燃烧生命的速度,此刻只能等着。 Quick, 60 seconds pass by. 很快,六十秒过去。 The time arrives at the countdown final 42 seconds, the life of fiendish person restored over 70, the Mu You life started to burn again. 时间来到倒计时最后42秒,魔王的生命恢复到了70以上,沐游的生命再次开始燃烧。 But the fiendish person still stops at this moment on the table overeats and overdrinks , to continue to bring back to the life, wants to pick up the fever blood speed of fire of envy as far as possible. 而魔王此刻依然停在餐桌上暴饮暴食,继续恢复生命,想要尽可能加快嫉妒之火的烧血速度。 Mu You quickly was recalling to the stopwatch continuously dozens times, simultaneously takes down this period of time the concrete value of volume of blood falling, finally found out the rule of burning down of blood envy. 沐游急忙对着秒表连续回溯了几十次,同时记下这段时间血量滑落的具体数值,终于摸清楚了嫉妒之火烧血的规律。 But the one who makes him relax, even if the fiendish person continues to guzzle, to restoring full blood, the final time insufficiently still has outburnt his life directly, finally he also meets the surplus about 3 lives probably! 而让他松了口气的是,就算魔王继续暴食下去,一直到恢复满血,最后的这点时间也已经不够将他的生命直接烧完,最后他大概还会剩余三左右的生命! Like this, should cross even......” “这样,应该就算过了吧……” Mu You grew the tone, now the countdown is only left over the final 30 seconds, so long as the fiendish person no longer does what trick, that...... 沐游长出了口气,如今倒计时只剩下最后的三十秒,只要魔王不再搞什么幺蛾子的话,那么…… „Fuck!” “靠!” Mu You just thinks that half scolded to make noise, because the text suddenly also had the change. 沐游刚想到一半就骂出声来,因为文本忽然又有了变化。 【The fiendish person in guzzling again is suddenly anxious!】 【暴食中的魔王忽然再度焦躁起来!】 Fiendish person during feed, in has paid attention to bright moonlight in your life and sky changes. As the situation is gradually clear, it as if realized finally, continues to eat is unable to strike to kill you, because it before you, one step will first be swallowed by the tian gou!】 【魔王在进食之中,也在一直关注你的生命和天空中的明月变化。而随着形势逐渐清晰,它似乎终于意识到,继续吃下去也无法将你击杀,因为它会在你之前,先一步被天狗吞噬!】 Fiendish person bellows suddenly, threw off the table, immediately oversteps food everywhere, to/clashes rapidly toward you!】 【魔王忽然大吼一声,一把掀翻了餐桌,随即踏过满地的食物,飞速朝你冲来!】 Gan!” “淦!” The Mu You corner of the eye jumps, quickly makes the character escape again. 沐游眼角直跳,急忙让人物再次逃跑。 However, the tower withstand/top is so big, he runs is also going around with the fiendish person again, according to the fiendish person beforehand speed, only takes more than 20 seconds, can catch up with him. 然而,塔顶就这么大,他跑的再远也只是在和魔王绕圈,按照魔王之前的速度,只需二十多秒,就能追上他。 In other words, before the lunar eclipse finished, he surely must again by the fiendish person be attacked one time! 也就是说,在月食结束前,他必定还要再被魔王攻击一次! Thinks of here, Mu You quickly clicked on the above text incantation resentful baby, wants to confirm a next present curse triggering probability is many. 想到这里,沐游急忙点击了上面文本中的‘咒怨娃娃’,想要确认一下眼下的诅咒触发概率是多少。 Finally...... 结果…… Incantation resentful baby excited, presently curse triggering probability: 0.】 【咒怨娃娃兴奋中,当前诅咒触发概率:0。】 ??? ??? Mu You almost thinks oneself misread, how 0? Can this probability also turn into 0 directly? 沐游差点以为自己看错了,怎么就0了?这概率还能直接变成0的? However a thinking, he responded slightly actually quickly: Is because he was burnt the blood! 不过稍一思索,他倒是很快反应过来:是因为他被烧血了! The life is in the Mu You panel a only quite complete attribute, finally now is operated to burn the remnant blood by a fiendish person show, naturally enlarged the disparity of him and fiendish person again, finally the quantitative change caused the qualitative change, this causes the incantation resentful probability to enull directly...... 生命本来是沐游面板中唯一一项比较完好的属性,结果现在被魔王一通骚操作烧到了残血,自然再次放大了他和魔王的差距,最终量变引起了质变,这才导致咒怨的概率直接归零…… Thinks of here, Mu You hurried time recall, can support the attribute item fully to equip the body, wants to pull back the probability again. 想到这里,沐游急忙回溯时间,将身上能撑属性的道具全部装备了上去,想要再将概率拉回来。 What a pity, adds the attribute item to be few directly, Mu You took turns all high-level equipment, the probability is still 0. 可惜,直接加属性的道具很少,沐游将所有高级装备轮换了一遍,概率依然是0。 Until during Mu You attempts, accidentally lucky dice will replace one to equip, the text of incantation resentful baby had the change finally. 直到沐游尝试之中,偶然将‘幸运骰子’替换了一件装备上去,咒怨娃娃的文本才终于有了变化。 The lucky dice, must assemble in the tower of formidable in the item column can become effective, Mu You rarely wears generally, because the effect is too weak, was far less than that a divine tool or Hidden Relic are useful. 幸运骰子,在勇者之塔内必须装配在道具栏里才能生效,沐游一般很少佩戴,因为效果太弱,远不如一件神器或隐藏遗物有用。 Has not actually thought, in present this nearly desperate time, this common item played the role! 却没想到,在眼下这个近乎绝望的时刻,这件不起眼的道具发挥了作用! Incantation resentful baby excited, presently curse triggering probability: 0.0001( bottoming probability)】 【咒怨娃娃兴奋中,当前诅咒触发概率:0.0001(触底概率)】 Bottoming probability! 触底概率! In other words, did not add this dice to enlarge 0.0001 the probability directly, because, this is the smallest number that the probability can demonstrate! 也就是说,并不是加这一个骰子就直接将概率放大了0.0001,而是因为,这已经是概率可以显示的最小数字! Mu You remembered the heart of dense/woods spirit immediately, the percentage value of dense/woods spirit core demonstration, to decimal point latter four, evidently this is the Astral Spirit Realm rule, all statistical values can only arrive at decimal/small number latter four. 沐游顿时想起了森灵之心,森灵核心显示的百分比数值,也是到小数点后四位,看样子这就是星灵界的规则,所有统计数值只能到小数后四位。 However Mu You actually happy, because, 0.0001, this is equivalent to 1/1000000...... 然而沐游却高兴不起来,因为,0.0001,这相当于百万分之一…… Ten. seconds a recollection, 1/1000000, were equal to that average triggering takes 2777 hours, 115 days, close to 4 months! Close to four months watching according to the table, could not have on the way any is distracted...... 十秒一次的回溯,百万分之一,等于平均一次触发需要2777个小时,115天,接近四个月!接近四个月不眠不休的按表,途中还不能有任何走神…… Mu You recalled immediately initially by the fear that the witch door lock controlled! 沐游顿时回忆起了当初被女巫家门锁支配的恐惧! Moreover, at present the difficulty of this matter, compared with opens witch door lock also wanting difficult 20 times initially...... 而且,眼下这件事的难度,比当初开女巫门锁还要难二十倍…… Mu You does not know for a while said what good, moreover he does not have the time to hesitate, at this time the attack of fiendish person has arrived. 沐游一时不知道说什么好,而且他也没时间犹豫,此时魔王的攻击已经到来。 Fiendish person caught up with you! The fiendish people raised hand to launch the attack toward you......】 【魔王追上了你!魔王扬手朝你发动了攻击……】 Incantation resentful baby excited...... current effective probability: 0.0001.】 【咒怨娃娃兴奋中……当前生效概率:0.0001。】
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