Chapter 415strengthfastdoubleAwoman
第415章力速双A弱女子„Boss, how?”
“老板,怎么了?”Is busyLittle Ya of crawlingtowergameraising the headin the onstage, strangelooks liketowardMu You.
正在前台忙着爬塔游戏的小雅抬头,奇怪的朝沐游看来。„, It‘s nothing......”
“咳,没什么……”Mu Youquicklyputs down the teacup, before arriving at the television, preparesto have a lookcarefully. Thatflashed the young girl who in picturepasseda moment ago, becausealthough the distancetoocould not see clearly the appearance, buthewasonerecognized, becausethatclothes were too familiar, was the uniform/subdue of redwild roseschool.沐游急忙放下茶杯,走到电视前准备仔细看看。刚才那一闪而逝的画面中的少女,虽然因为距离太远看不清容貌,但他还是一眼就认了出来,因为那身衣服实在太熟悉了,正是红蔷薇学院的制服。In additionresponse of Cola, thisperson of statusalsoonvivid the ——Colamaster, Kris Phoa!
Before the Mu Youhalf steparrives at the television, what a pity, disseminating news in this momenttelevisionjustfinished, has cutothernews.沐游快步来到电视前,可惜,此刻电视中的播报刚好结束,已经切换成了别的新闻。Mu Youhasto take out the cell phone, searched a local newswebsite.沐游只好取出手机,搜索了一下当地新闻网站。Thissearched forreallyuncovered the correspondingcontent . Moreover the titleblasted openvery: The «delicateyoung girlviolentpunches the robust manvendor!»
这一搜果然搜出了对应内容,而且标题十分炸裂:《柔弱少女暴揍壮汉摊主!》„8 : 00 am about, northern suburbs ofmycityhas a violentwounding case, surprisingly, the abuserunexpectedlyis a youngemaciatedgirl, buthitisheightonemeter85maturitymaleLiu.”
“今日早晨八点十分左右,我市北郊发生一起暴力伤人案件,让人惊讶的是,施暴者竟然是一名年轻瘦弱的女孩,而被打的则是一名身高一米八五壮年男性刘某。”„It is reported that Liuis operating a breakfastshop, todayin the normalbusiness hour, an appearancemannerstrangeyoung girlpassed by the breakfastshop. Liulooks at the young girlto be big and hungry, wantsto bestow her breakfaststemming from the good intention, the resultwas instead intendedto beat savagelyby the young girl......”
“据悉,刘某经营着一家早点铺,今日正常营业时间内,一名打扮举止怪异的少女路过早点铺。刘某看少女饥肠辘辘,出于好心想要赠送她一份早点,结果反遭少女出手暴打……”Undernews, but alsomatched a picture of man, althoughwas hit the code, but can still see the black and blueappearance, the bags that the headswells upalreadylikely the pighead that the facial featuresserve as contrast, the person who obviouslyactsstartsruthlessly.
新闻下方,还配了一张男子的图片,虽然被打了码,但依然能看出鼻青脸肿的模样,头上肿起的大包小包已经将脸型衬托的像个猪头,可见出手的人下手有多狠。„At present the policetoinvolve, is investigating the further information...... slightlyto arrangeinthis appealed that even ifhad the superpowerquantity, cannotabusein the daily life, according toour countryawakeningpolice regulationslaw, withoutallowingto use the superpowerquantityat will, creates others persondamage and person of property losses, will impose the highfine, andacceptsdetentionand otherpenaltiesaccording to the circumstanceserious degree......”
“目前警方以介入,正在调查详细情况……小编在此呼吁,即便拥有了超能力量,也不能在日常生活中滥用,根据我国觉醒者治安条例法,未经允许随意使用超能力量,造成他人人身伤害和财产损失的人,将处以高额罚金,并根据情节严重程度接受拘留等刑罚……”Mu Youis glancing through the newsdownward, finallylooked atfew, suddenlyjumps out ofone‚pagealreadyvanishes’ the prompt.沐游正往下翻阅着新闻,结果看了没几眼,忽然跳出一个‘页面已消失’的提示。WhenMu Youwantsto renovateagain, thispage of newshad turned into the blankdirectly.
当沐游再想刷新的时候,这一页新闻已经直接变成了空白。Mu Youunderstandsimmediately,thiswas the officialpersondiscoveredobviouslywas not right, thiswas not a commonstrengthabuses the event, thereforeletdelete the newsurgently.沐游当即明白,这显然是官方的人发现了不对,这并不是一场寻常的力量滥用事件,所以紧急让删除了新闻。Thinks ofhere, Mu Youtakes out the satellitecell phone, made the phone calltoZhang Yang.
想到这里,沐游取出卫星手机,给张扬打去了电话。„Onegroup, goesquickly, firstextinguished that sidepouring...... fed, Mu You? Happen, Iam just aboutto look foryou!” The telephoneconnection, Zhang Yangthat sidesoundis somewhat noisy, is flooding the sound of footstepsandshout, as well as...... fluentsound.
“一组,快去,先把那边浇灭了……喂,沐游?正好,我正要找你呢!”电话接通,张扬那边的声音有些嘈杂,充斥着脚步声、呼喊声,以及……水流声。„Are youdoing?”Mu Youasked.
“你在干嘛?”沐游问。„Did Idirect the fire fighting...... justnewsto see?” The Zhang Yangsoundis somewhat rapid.
“看到了……”„Thatis good...... thistroublemaker, does not seem like the ordinaryplayer, butiswizard that Astral Spirit Realmcomes, is specifically unidentified, if by any chance the levelis very high, moreoveris skilled inFire Disciplinemagic, the manpowerwhole staff who nowoursub-bureauis on dutysends out, has stopped up the opposite partyin a factory, butIestimated that perhapsdepends onour these peoplenot to handleonly, needsyouto come......”Zhang Yangto sayfast.
“那就好……这个肇事者,似乎不是普通玩家,而是一个星灵界过来的巫师,具体身份不明,但等级很高,而且精通火系魔法,现在咱们分局这边值班的人手全员出动,已经将对方堵在了一个工厂里,不过我估计单靠我们这些人恐怕搞不定,还是需要你过来……”张扬快速说道。„Sweat, thisperson of yougather roundwas enough, remembers that firstdo not begin......”Mu Youonehear of both sidessoonto exchange fire, quicklyexhortedone.
“汗,这人伱们围着就行了,记得先别动手……”沐游一听双方已经快要交火了,急忙嘱咐了一句。„Wú? What's wrong?”Zhang Yanglistened to the profound meaning in Mu Youwordsimmediately: „Do youknowthisperson?”
“唔?怎么?”张扬立马听出了沐游话中的深意:“你认识这人?”„Understanding, butis not familiar, concretebeing a long story, youfirstsend an addresstome, Iovertakeimmediately! Remembers,firstdo not begin, the words that shemustruncanfirstputherto run, pursuetonot losingis enough......”Mu Yousaid.
After the telephonehangs up, on the Mu Youcell phonereceives the localization that Zhang Yangsent inquickly.
电话挂断后,沐游手机上很快收到了张扬发来的定位。Mu Youopenedlooked atone , the placewas located the northern suburbs, was not farfrom his dry well of previousdiscovery.沐游打开看了一眼,果然,地点位于北郊,距离他上次发现的那口枯井不算多远。Mu Youreceives the cell phoneimmediately, takes out the flyingbroompreparation.沐游当即收起手机,取出飞天扫把准备出发。„Mu You, do youwantto savemymaster?” The Colasoundconveys.
“沐游,你是要去救我主人吗?”身后可乐的声音传来。„Yes.”Mu Youturn headlooks.
“是。”沐游回头看向它。„Yourefuelmeow, mustsavemymaster...... other, let alonesawme...... Colato sayten million/countless”,thenclamped the tailfastto escapein the direction of basement.
“你加油喵,一定要把我主人救出来……另外,千万别说见过我……”可乐说完,便夹着尾巴快速朝地下室的方向逃去。What a pityhas not runtwostepsthento be raised the napeto graspbyMu You.
“你跟我一起去。”„Does not want......”
“不要啊……”In the Colawailingsound, Mu Youholdsitto go out, steps up to the broom, soars.
在可乐的哀嚎声中,沐游抱着它出了门,跨上扫把,一飞冲天。Underhigh-speed of broom, hurries to the northern suburbsalsoon a dozen minutes of matter.
在扫把的高速之下,赶去北郊也就十几分钟的事情。HoweverMu Youhas not gone to the scenedirectly, but before firstdetoured the dry well.
不过沐游没直接去现场,而是先绕道去了趟之前的枯井。Whenheflies into the barren mountains and wild hillsto look, beforebythatdry well that heburied, at this time the entrancehas opened wide, the giant stone in wellallbroke to pieces the dregs.
等他飞进荒山野岭里一看,果然,之前被他掩埋起来的那口枯井,此时入口已经敞开,井上的巨石全都碎成了渣。Mu Youtakes outwand, transportedseveralbiggerstonesto comewith the floatincantation, blockedhereagain, laterrode the broomto hurry to the scene.沐游取出魔杖,用漂浮咒运送了几块更大的石头过来,将这里再次封死,随后才又骑上扫把赶去了现场。
The spotis not farfromhere, after two or threeminute, Mu Youthenarrived at the scene.
After falling to the ground, Mu Youdiscovered that hereseems like a mine, in the groundeverywhereis the traces after combustion, all aroundpulled out a warning line, onegroup of firemenin the circleare busyputting off the open fireeverywhere, onoriginalworkeras forwork site, thenhad been dispersed.
落地之后,沐游发现这里似乎是一座矿场,地面上到处都是燃烧后的痕迹,四周被拉出了一圈警戒线,一群消防队员正在圈内忙着四处扑灭明火,至于工地上原本的工人,则都已经被疏散。Mu Youexplained the situationto the police officer of entrancesecurity, laterunder a direction of police officer, arrived at the minedeep place, before abandons the building .沐游向门口警戒的警员说明了情况,随后在一个警员的指引下,来到了矿场深处,一栋废弃大楼前。Nearbythis momentbuildinghas assembledlots ofpolice, is surrounding the middlebuildingfully-armed, remainingalsohas more than tenAIBpersonnel.
此刻大楼附近已经围聚起了大量的警察,荷枪实弹包围着中间的大楼,剩下还有十多名异调局的人员。„Mu You, youmaycalculate!”
“沐游,你可算来了!”Zhang Yang that the distant placeis directing, after seeingMu Youcomes, in a hurrytowardhimruns over.
远处正在指挥的张扬,看到沐游现身后,匆匆朝他跑了过来。Howeverjustapproached, seesinhishandis holding the thingto stare: „Howalsoto bringcatonlyto come?”
不过刚刚靠近,看到他手里抱着的东西就是一愣:“怎么还带只猫过来?”„Theperson who actuallyyousurround, was the owner of thiscat......”Mu Yousaid.
“其实你们包围的这个人,就是这只猫的主人……”沐游说。„What's the matter?”Zhang Yangcomplexionstrangeasking.
“到底是怎么回事?”张扬脸色奇怪的问。Mu Youhasas well astheyexplained the Fuastatusin the process that the schoolknowsbriefly.沐游只好将芙娅的身份以及他们在学院认识的过程简短说明了一下。Thismatterhas nothingto concealactually, butMu Youslightlycrossedexistence of thatwell.
这件事本身倒是没什么可隐瞒的,不过沐游还是略过了那口井的存在。„Originallyisthis......” the Zhang Yanghearrelaxesslightly. Listens, the issue is not too as if big, is only an ordinarydifferentpersonnel, because the spacecrackastrays the event of Earth, does not involvewhatconspiracy and influenceconflictand so onissue.
“原来是这样……”张扬听完略微松了口气。这么听下来,问题似乎不算太大,就只是一个普通的异界人员因为空间裂缝误入地球的事件,并不涉及什么阴谋和势力争端之类的问题。Thiseventactually happened in the whole countryevery day, butgenerallythroughspacecrackissmall-scalemagical creature, as well asthesedo not have the average person of threat, thereforeaffects is very small, being able to achievelets the situation that the personpays attention.
这种事件其实每天都在全国各地发生,只不过一般通过空间裂缝的都是小型魔法生物,以及那些没有威胁的普通人,所以影响都很小,达不到让人关注的地步。Directhad a high-gradewizardsituationlikethistime, is very rare.
像这次直接出现了一名高等级巫师的情况,十分少见。„Thereforethengivesme, Igoto discusswith her making others withdraw.”Mu Yousaid.
“所以接下来交给我吧,我去跟她谈,让其他人都退后。”沐游说。„Thatgaveyou, butwas more careful, Fire Disciplinemagic of thismisswas quite terrifying, obstinatelyourso manypeoplewere poundedbyheris unable to approach......”
“那交给你了,不过小心些,这姑娘的火系魔法相当恐怖,我们这么多人愣是被她一个人砸的无法靠近……”Zhang Yangpatted the Mu Youshoulderurgingto say.张扬拍了拍沐游肩膀叮嘱道。
The event of thishigh-gradedifferentcharacteris very difficultto process, becausethesepeopleare often grasping the terrifyingstrength, processes not the goodwords, is very easyto trigger the mass fatality.
Before Zhang Yang, what to dois having a headacheshould, ifnowMu Youhas the meanspeaceto solve, thatwas good.张扬之前也正头疼着该怎么办,现在如果沐游有办法和平解决,那就再好不过了。
……Another side, inabandonedcementbuilding, Fuais pastingnearsomewhere the wall, probe headquietly, by without window of glasslooks aroundoutward.
The encirclement ringcompared with seemed to be far awaya moment ago, butFuadoes not dareto be negligent.
外界的包围圈似乎比刚才远离了一些,不过芙娅也没敢大意。As the topoutstanding student of magicschool, she theoretical levelor the actual combat capabilityarefirst-class, self-confidentwill be as goodoutsideanybody, butshealsounderstands that the doublefistwill not beatfourtruth, nowto/clashescasually, certainlywill be held.
作为魔法学院的顶尖高材生,她不论是理论水平还是实战能力都是一流,自信不会逊于外面的任何人,但她也明白双拳不敌四手的道理,现在随便冲出去,一定会被抓住。Has not contacted the person of Land of Forgettingcultureasonecompletely, sheis unable to place hopes in the security forces in thesedifferentworldbyfriendlyapproachshe, after being grasped, bestresultalsobyhouse arrest, worstnot to mention, thereforeshe can only choose the resistanceat this time, thenfinds the opportunityto break through.
作为一个完全没接触过遗忘之地文化的人,她无法寄希望于这些异世界的治安人员会以友善的态度对待她,被抓后最好的结果也是被幽禁,最差的就更不用说了,所以她此时只能选择反抗,然后找机会突围出去。„Dádá dá......”
“哒哒哒……”Somemoment, soundin broken bitsresoundsfrom the distant placetogether.
The Fuaearmoves, outstretch that in the handwandbrushes, the fire lancerapidformation, hitin a directiontogether.芙娅耳朵动了动,手中魔杖刷的伸出,一道火矛飞速成型,朝一个方向打了出去。„Bang!”
“喵!!”fire lanceblasts openin the ground in somedistant placecorner, butalong with the blasting, resounds is actually onesomewhatfamiliarmeow said.火矛在远处某个拐角的地面上炸裂,不过伴随着炸裂声,响起的却是一声有些熟悉的喵叫。Fuastares, quicklylooks up.芙娅一愣,急忙抬头看去。
After seeing the distant placeflamediverges, a whole bodyburned blackcatafter the wallleaps up, before , the clawlifts, puts in great inconvenienceanxiouslytowardherruns, simultaneously the mouthexudes the clipcatcryunceasingly.
就见远处火光散去后,一只浑身焦黑的猫从墙后蹿出,一只前爪抬起,委屈巴巴的朝她跑来,同时嘴里不断发出夹子般的猫叫声。„Sphinx!”Fuais very surprised, even ifwere fired the blackcoal, she can also recognizethisissheraisedsevenyears of cat.
“斯芬克斯!”芙娅很惊讶,哪怕被烧成黑炭,她也能认出来这就是她养了七年的猫。„Meow, isI, the master, Iwants dead you......”
The Colathreeleghalf stepsjumptoFua, skilledfalling to the groundlies down, startsto act like a spoiled brat.可乐三条腿快步蹦跳到芙娅跟前,熟练的倒地一躺,就开始撒娇。Fuawas busy atgivingitto inspect, was good because of being hitbyfire lancedirectly, the bodydid not have the wound, but the hairwas scorched.芙娅忙给它检查了一下,好在没有被火矛正面击中,身上没有伤口,只是毛发被烧焦了一些。Fuaused the curetechnique, makesColarestorequicklysuch asbeginning.芙娅用了个治愈术,很快让可乐恢复如初。„Sphinx, how can youhere?”Recovers, Fuaquicklyasked.
“斯芬克斯,你怎么会在这里?”回过神来,芙娅急忙问。„Meow, the masteryoucome outfromthatwell? Ialsocomefromthere, on that dayIplayedin the backyard, was not carefulin the well......”
“喵,主人你是从那口井里出来的吧?我也是从那里过来的,那天我在后院玩耍,不小心掉到了井里……”ColahurriedBalla Ballaexplainedone, coremeaningone: Itdoes not leave homeintentionally, butis‚is not careful’to fall.可乐急忙巴拉巴拉说明了一通,核心意思就一个:它不是故意离家出走,而是‘不小心’掉进去的。„How did youfindhere?”Fuadoes not have the matter that the timeintertwinesitto leave home , to continue to ask.
“那你又是怎么找到这里的?”芙娅没时间纠结它离家出走的事,继续问道。„I...... am, ammeow......, but here I who Mu Youleadsmeto comedid not cometo look forMu You, Iroamed about‚was not for a long time carefulam been somewhat afraid’by...... Cola that hepicked”, the explanationtimelookflutteredrandomly, for fear that the masterthinks that itdid not havecatvirtue, was fickle.
“我……是,是沐游带我来的喵……但我可不是一过来这边就去找沐游了,我是流浪了好久才‘不小心’被他捡到的……”可乐有些心虚,解释的时候眼神乱飘,生怕主人认为它没有猫德,喜新厌旧。„Mu You? Youweresaid before , has fed your Fool?”Fuaasked.
“沐游?你是说之前喂养过你的那个愚者?”芙娅问。„Yes, the masteryousurrenders, youcannot be victorioustheir, theirpeoplewere too many!”Colaalsosaid.
“是啊,还有主人你投降吧,你打不过他们的,他们人太多了!”可乐又说。„Thereforeyouaretheysendto induce somebody to capitulate?”Fuaknits the browsimmediately.
“所以你是他们派进来劝降的?”芙娅顿时皱眉。„It is not meow......”
“不是喵……”Colashakes the headhastily, is preparingto explaintime, the Fuasurfaceis vigilantsuddenlypresently,shouted‚who’, immediatelymadeonegroup of fireballsinanotherdirection.可乐连忙摇头,正准备解释的时候,芙娅忽然面现警惕,喊了一声‘谁’,随即朝另一个方向打出了一团火球。„Bang!”
The fireballhas delimitedrapidly, finallyblasts outon an icewall, dissipation.
The nextsecond, ices the wallto vanish, reveals the rearperson's shadow.
下一秒,冰墙消失,露出后方的人影。„Stopsstops from time to time, isI!”
“停停停,是我!”Saw that Fua is also maintaining the movement that liftsstick, Mu YouquicklyshoutedwithAstral Spirit Language.
“是你……”FuarecognizedMu Youquickly, relaxesslightly, roamed about for twodaysindifferent, presented the person of understandingfinally......, althoughis notveryripe.芙娅很快认出了沐游,微微松了口气,在异界流浪了两天,总算出现了个认识的人……虽然不是很熟。
The Mu Youhalf stepapproached, carefullylooked atFuaone.沐游快步靠近了过来,仔细看了芙娅一眼。Onthis timeFuafaceupper bodysomewhatis dirty, althoughis also maintaining the thousand gold (daughter)young lady'smakingswith every effort, butthatshare of meeting misfortunearistocratembarrassedwhocanlook, wantsto cometo suffermanyhardshipsonEarth.
此时的芙娅脸上身上都有些脏兮兮的,虽然还尽力保持着千金大小姐的气质,但那股落难贵族的窘迫谁都能看得出来,想来在地球上已经吃了不少苦头。Thisis not difficultto understand,Mu YousweepsonFua, whatbaggagedoes not have the belt/bring, on a waistpacket, it is estimated thatbringsalongfromAstral Spirit Realm, however the backpack arrived here meeting unable to open, therefore after arriving atEarth, sheshouldbe the condition of penniless, in additionlanguage barrier, does not dareto expose the statuscasually, will turn intonowthis is too normal.
这也不难理解,沐游一扫芙娅身上,什么行李都没带,就腰间一个随身小包,估计是从星灵界带过来的,然而背包来到这边会无法开启,所以来到地球后她应该一直是身无分文的状态,再加上语言不通,又不敢随便暴露自己身份,会变成现在这样太正常了。HoweversomeMu Youdoubts: „What's the matter? How will youfight a shop owner of roadsideyoungstall keeper?”Fuacomesafter allgood, highly educated, even without comingEarth, should stillknowbeginningdifferentneedsto be careful that the low-keytruth, howwill have the conflictwith the nativedirectly?
不过沐游还是有些疑惑:“怎么回事?你怎么会跟路边一个小摊贩的店主打起来?”芙娅毕竟出身良好,受过高等教育,就算没来过地球,也应该知道初来异界需要小心低调的道理,怎么会直接和当地人起冲突?„Youngstall keeper? Whatstall keeper, thatobviouslyis a hooligan!” A Fuasayinggot upthismatterindignantly.
“小摊贩?什么摊贩,那明明是个流氓!”芙娅一说起来这件事就气愤不已。Mu Youhear of shecomplained, ravelledfinally the cause and effect.沐游听她抱怨了一通,总算弄明白了前因后果。Fuatwodays ago after comingEarth, because ofbeing unfamiliar with the people and place, the backpackwas lockedsimultaneously, does not have anycommodity, hungryentiretwodays.芙娅两天前过来地球后,因为人生地不熟,同时背包被锁,没有任何物资,饿了整整两天。Reallytodaycannot shoulder, takes downownfamilybadge, wantsto find the personto buy on credit something to eat. With the familybadgeobtain on creditgoodsin the Astral Spirit Realmthat sideis very normalaction, representswas pledgingby the familyhonor,from now onwill certainly come backto complete the transaction.
今天实在扛不住,将自己的家族徽章取下,想要去找人赊些东西来吃。用家族徽章赊取物品在星灵界那边是很正常的举动,代表着以家族荣誉发誓,过后一定会回来完成交易。Shelooksthatbreakfastshopboss, what a pity, thisbossdoes not eatthisset, declininghertransactionto request, ifwere onlythisalsoeven, keythatbossperhapssawembarrassed and urgency of Fua, therefore the mouthflower‚did not havemoney the meatto recompense’.
她找上的正是那个早点铺老板,可惜,这个老板并不吃这一套,拒绝了她的交易请求,如果只是这样也就算了,关键那个老板或许是看出了芙娅的窘迫和急切,所以口花花了一句‘没钱可以肉偿’。AlthoughFuacannot understandherelanguage, butopposite partythatfrivoloustone and facial expressionwere watchedbyher, understoodhismeaninginstantaneously.芙娅虽然听不懂这里的语言,但对方那轻佻的语气和神情还是被她看在了眼里,瞬间也明白了他的意思。ThenFuaacted crazyimmediately, since childhoodacceptsher who the aristocratculturegrows up, wherereceivesthisinsult? Let aloneis in front offamilybadge! ThereforeangryFuabeat savagelyoneto leavethatbossat the scene.
这下芙娅顿时发飙了,从小接受贵族文化长大的她,哪里受过这种侮辱?更何况还是当着家族徽章的面!于是愤怒的芙娅当场把那老板暴打了一顿离开。Againlater, is the breakfast shopbossreports to the police, the policesearch to know the situation, Fuanoticednumerouspolice vehicles and policearrive, thinks that isgraspsher, the natural selectiontravelling, got bigger and biggerfinally, untilevolving the presentsituation.
再之后,就是早餐店老板报警,警察找过来想了解情况,芙娅一看到众多警车和警察到来,以为是来抓她的,自然选择了跑路,结果就是越闹越大,直到演变成了眼下的情况。„Heinsultedme, Ihithis, wasn't thisverynormal? Whyto catchmenot to catchhim?” After Fua said that still a faceindignantappearance.
“他侮辱我,我打他一顿,这不是很正常吗?凭什么抓我不抓他?”芙娅说完后仍然一脸气愤的样子。„Ok, the whole story of thismatterturned headIto be ablewiththemto explainclearly, now, youfirstgo outwithme.”Mu Youfunnyshaking the head, casualties that no matter how, shehas not createdwhatessenceluckily, moderateleeway.
“行了,这事情的原委回头我会和他们解释清楚的,现在,你先跟我出去。”沐游好笑的摇了摇头,不管如何,幸好她还没有造成什么实质的伤亡,还有缓和的余地。Looks on the Fuafacestill the vigilantappearance, Mu Yousaidcomfortably: „Relax, I ensure theywill not feel embarrassedyou, butyou must guarantee,goes out the laterallhear of myarrangements, moreovercannotbeginto others again, do not forgethere, butLand of Forgetting, died the opportunity of herenot having reactivated, thereforeuses the strengthto offend somebodyhereis very seriousevent, youcontinueto act willfully, will only makeyoursituationmore and moretroublesome.”
看着芙娅脸上仍然警惕的样子,沐游宽慰道:“放心,我保证他们不会为难你,不过你也得保证,出去之后一切听我的安排,另外绝不能再向其他人动手,别忘了这里可是遗忘之地,在这里死亡没有复活的机会,所以在这里动用力量伤人是非常严重的事件,你继续一意孤行,只会让你的处境越来越麻烦。”Fuahearswordhesitant, nods.芙娅闻言犹豫了一下,还是点了点头。Sheactuallyalsoclear, at presentinthisbeing unfamiliar with the people and placeplace, except forattaching toMu Youthis‚acquaintance’, does not haveothermeans.
( This chapterends)
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