TIWYCC :: Volume #4

#312: Bad! Did I become the biggest villain?

The maggot babies who resist can always increase a faint trace to the Li Hansheng arid life the happiness. 抗吧的蛆宝宝们总能给李汉升枯燥的生活增添一丝丝的欢乐。 Especially relations between some people of malicious brain special election, saw each time some people said with certainty analyzes between such and such players and such and such players has the contradiction, Li Hansheng always cannot bear want to smile. 尤其是有人恶意脑补选手之间的关系,每次看到有人言之凿凿的分析某某选手跟某某选手之间有矛盾,李汉升总是忍不住想笑。 As in electricity competition circle inside practitioner, he compared with the fans must be clear that the player relates in secret well. 作为在电竞圈里面的从业者,他比粉丝们要清楚选手私底下的关系有多好。 Those words. 还是那句话。 Everyone raised the head does not see to lower the head to see, almost 大家抬头不见低头见,几乎 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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