DNDB :: Volume #1

#31: Sees again Bulma (First Part)

On the remote track in school not far away, at this time a blue-haired young girl and a golden-haired young girl were being blocked the way by three youngster. 在学校不远处的偏僻小道上,此时一名蓝发少女和一名金发少女正被三名少年挡住了去路。 Hey, the smelly fatty, do you block us to do?” “喂,臭胖子,你拦住我们干什么?” Keeps off before the body of golden-haired young girl, the blue-haired young girl is Bulma, forks the small waist to keep off in front of his her ominously a young fatty said. 挡在金发少女的身前,蓝发少女即布尔玛,叉着小蛮腰凶巴巴地对着挡在他她前面的一个小胖子说道。 Bulma, you also called me the smelly fatty!” 布尔玛,你又叫我臭胖子!” Blames you, now everyone on class all call me, I must teach you!” “都怪你,现在班上的大家全都这么叫我,我要教训你!” A small fat face rises red, was called as the youngster breathless said/tunnel of smelly fatty by Bulma. 一张小胖脸涨得通红,被布尔玛称作臭胖子的少年气急败坏地道。 Smelly fatty! Smelly fatty!” “臭胖子!臭胖子!” You is a smelly fatty, how did I call?” “你本来就是个臭臭的胖子,我叫了又怎么样?” „............” “噜……噜……” ahhhhh......” 啊啊啊……” I must teach you! I must teach you today!” “我要教训你!我今天一定要教训你!” Bulma is sticking out one's tongue, but the young fatty was mad results in wā wā to yell, the eye quick was red. 布尔玛吐着舌頭,而小胖子则是被气得哇哇大叫,眼睛都快红了。 Bulma, do not quarrel with the schoolmate, we are quick.” 布尔玛,不要和同学吵架啦,我们还是快回去吧。” The following golden-haired young girl drew the Bulma's clothes, as if some appearances of fear. 后面的金发少女拉了拉布尔玛的衣服,似乎有些害怕的样子。 Is this smelly fatty must look for a job.” “是这个臭胖子要找事耶。” Relax, elder sister, I will protect you!” “放心吧,姐姐,我会保护好你的!” Was not needed to be worried by own elder sister, Bulma grasped own small fist, an eager appearance. 让自己的姐姐不用担心,布尔玛则是握了握自己的小拳头,一副跃跃欲试的样子。 Hey, the smelly fatty, do not teach me? That comes with my open and aboveboard duel.” “喂,臭胖子,你不是要教训我吗?那就来和我堂堂正正的决斗吧。” „Don't you want to make your two personal servants help? Copes with female students also to want others to help, are you also a man?” “你不会还想让你的两个跟班帮忙吧?对付一个女生都还要别人帮忙,你还是不是个男人?” Prods the young fatty, Bulma to say intentionally. 故意激将着小胖子,布尔玛说道。 Who, who said that can make them help? Taught your me enough!” “谁﹑谁说要让他们帮忙的?教训你我一个人就够了!” Hey, can't you two, meddle me and Bulma's duel know?” “喂,你们两个,不许插手我和布尔玛的决斗知道吗?” Fell into the Bulma's snare completely, the small fatty blushing neck is thick, is ordering to say to own two young personal servant. 完全落入了布尔玛的圈套,小胖子脸红脖粗,然后对着自己的两个小跟班命令道。 Yes, old boss!” “是,老大!” Attracted the nasal mucus, two young personal servants also return loudly said. 吸了吸鼻涕,两个小跟班也大声回道。 Come, Bulma, I must teach you today well, making you know my fierce!” “来吧,布尔玛,今天我一定要好好的教训你,让你知道我的厉害!” Before arriving at the Bulma's body, the young fatty flung own fat face. 走到布尔玛的身前,小胖子甩了甩自己的胖脸。 The corners of the mouth raised the small fox curve, Bulma criticized a fool together, heart where, if this young lady also led two personal servants also to be able with you rubbish, has made them punch pig you. 嘴角扬起一道小狐狸般的弧度,布尔玛暗骂了一声笨蛋,心道要是本小姐也带了两个跟班的话哪里还会和你废话,早就让他们把你揍成猪头了。 Although this young fatty is stupid, but the strength is very big, a oneself such delicate female student and his duel will definitely suffer a loss very much, but intelligent Bulma soon then had the idea. 虽然这个小胖子笨得很,不过力气还是很大的,自己这么一个嬌弱的女生和他决斗肯定会很吃亏,但聪明的布尔玛很快便有了主意。 Ahem, duel not by brute force on line, but must depend on the head! 哼哼,决斗可不是靠蛮力就行了啊,还得靠脑袋! „, Teacher!” “啊,老师!” Is pointing at the young fatty behind, Bulma loud say/way. 指着小胖子的身后,布尔玛大声道。 Old, teacher? I have not bullied the schoolmate, I have not bullied......” “老﹑老师?我没有欺负同学,我没有欺负……” The young fatty had a scare, hurries to look back, but threw to give him while this opportunity Bulma a fist. 小胖子被吓了一跳,赶紧回过头去看,而趁此机会布尔玛扑过去就给了他一拳。 „!!!” “啊!!!” Good pain, good pain!” “好痛,好痛!” Bulma, you play to cheat!” 布尔玛,你耍诈!” The pain results in wā wā to yell, the young fatty fell the ground, then exclaimed panting in indignation. 痛得哇哇大叫,小胖子摔到了地上,然后气呼呼地吼道。 Who makes you so stupid.” “谁让你自己这么笨的。” Suffers to death, the smelly fatty, makes you have a look at today young girl Bulma's to be fierce now!” “受死吧,臭胖子,现在就让你看看本天才少女布尔玛的厉害!” Suspended very cool Poss, then Bulma does not give the opportunity that the young fatty crawls, throws to he beating. 摆了一个酷酷的Poss,然后布尔玛不给小胖子爬起来的机会,又扑过去对着他一阵的拳打脚踢。 ahhhhh......” 啊啊啊……” Do not apply makeup, do not hit my face!” “不要打脸,不要打我的脸!” Oh!!!” “噢!!!” Is holding own head, the young fatty was punched wā wā to yell by Bulma. 抱着自己的脑袋,小胖子被布尔玛揍得哇哇大叫。 old boss is good to abdicate, even Bulma cannot be victorious.” 老大好逊啊,连布尔玛都打不过。” And Is, he buys the sugar and sugar to eat for me, I do not recognize him to work as, old boss old.” “就﹑就是,要不是他给我买糖﹑糖吃,我才不要认他当老﹑老大呢。” Two nasal mucus personal servants were beaten savagely indifferently by Bulma to oneself old boss, but also stands to express deep despising. 两个鼻涕跟班对自己的老大布尔玛暴打无动于衷,还站在旁边表示着深深的鄙视。 You two fools, help me quickly , helping me quickly!” “你们两个笨蛋,快来帮我,快来帮我啊!” Was mad half dead, was punched the young fatty who suffers extreme distress greatly to shout by Bulma. 被气了个半死,被布尔玛揍得死去活来的小胖子大喊道。 „, Yes!” “啊,是!” Old, old boss, we help you!” “老﹑老大,我们来帮你!” Since old boss ordered, two young personal servants also no longer worked as the audience, ran over then wants to help. 既然老大都命令了,两个小跟班也不再当观众了,跑过来便想帮忙。 Hey, you two.” “喂,你们两个。” A Bulma foot is stepping on the young fatty, then stopped by calling out the young personal servant who two flushed. 布尔玛一只脚踩着小胖子,然后叫住了两个冲过来的小跟班。 Bulma, do you want to do?” 布尔玛,你想干什么?” „, Even if you beg for mercy we not to let off your!” “就﹑就算你求饶我们也不会放过你的!” Stopped, two young personal servants said. 停了下来,两个小跟班说道。 Does not want, others are quite afraid.” “不要嘛,人家好害怕。” So long as you do not bully me, I can show my p-panties you.” “只要你们不欺负我,我可以给你们看看我的胖﹑胖次哦。” Is holding own both hands, a Bulma weak pitiful appearance, then also incomparably charming said/tunnel. 抱着自己的双手,布尔玛一副弱弱可怜的样子,然后还无比嬌羞地道。 The golden-haired young girl at the same time was shamed the cheek to be red , Bulma is really, how girl's panties can look to others casually. 一边的金发少女被羞得脸蛋儿通红,么,布尔玛真是的,女孩子的胖次怎么能随便给别人看啊。 Really and really?” “真﹑真的?” The eyes shine, two nasal mucus youngster scratched the saliva. 双眼放光,两个鼻涕少年擦了擦口水。 Actually they do not know that panties of female student has anything to be attractive, but the seniors of higher grades like lifting the skirt of female student to look at their panties, therefore they also want to look. 其实他们也不知道女生的胖次有什么好看的,不过高年级的前辈们都喜欢掀女生的裙子看她们的胖次,所以他们也想看一看。 Naturally real.” “当然是真的啦。” A Bulma face said shyly, but under the heart is actually sneering. 布尔玛一脸羞涩地说道,不过心下却是一阵的冷笑。 These two idiots! 这两个蠢货! „Do you two fools, the Bulma's words you also believe?” “你们两个笨蛋,布尔玛的话你们也相信?” Her previous time did not say that touches her leg to you? Finally you had not been deceived by her!” “她上次不是还说给你们摸她的腿吗?结果你们还不是被她骗了!” Was stepped on by Bulma in the small fatty loud say/way of ground, but two nasal mucus young personal servants also thought. 布尔玛踩在地上的小胖子大声道,而两个鼻涕小跟班也想了起来。 A short time ago they also after was on vacation from school look for Bulma's to be troublesome, but Bulma said at that time, so long as they punched one to make them their old boss trace her leg, after the result they really punched, Bulma to run old boss disappeared, finally also made them be scolded the rebel also to be taught by old boss ruthlessly. 前不久他们也像这样放学后找过布尔玛的麻烦,而布尔玛当时说只要他们把他们的老大揍一顿就可以让他们摸摸她的腿,结果等他们真的把老大揍了一顿后布尔玛早就跑得不见踪影了,最后还让他们被老大骂成叛徒也狠狠地被教训了一顿。 Right, Bulma is a swindler, cannot believe her!” “对,布尔玛是骗子,不能相信她!” I and I will not be deceived again!” “我﹑我也不会再被骗了!” Remembered these sad history, both nasal mucus young personal servants showed the angry facial expression, then walked then to shove open Bulma ruthlessly. 想起了那些伤心的历史,两个鼻涕小跟班都露出了愤怒的神情,然后走过去便狠狠地推开了布尔玛 „......” “啊……” Touches to guard, Bulma retrocedes several steps, then the whole person fell on the ground. 触不及防,布尔玛后退几步,然后整个人都摔在了地上。 Bulma, are you all right?” 布尔玛,你没事吧?” The golden-haired young girl at the same time hurried to run over Bulma to hold to sit, but Bulma was a shouting pain. 一边的金发少女赶紧跑过来将布尔玛扶坐了起来,而布尔玛则是一阵的呼痛。 That two hateful fellow , is so unexpectedly uncouthly to gentlewoman. 那两个可恶的家伙,竟然对淑女也如此粗鲁。 Meanwhile, two nasal mucus young personal servants also held their old boss. 与此同时,两个鼻涕小跟班也将他们的老大扶了起来。 The young fatty was punched by Bulma, black and blue, a fat face also became fatter. 小胖子被布尔玛揍了一顿,鼻青脸肿,一张胖脸也变得更胖了。 Bulma, this time I will not let off you absolutely again!” 布尔玛,这次我绝对不会再放过你了!” Hurts grimaces, the young fat people and two nasal mucus young personal servants encircle Bulma and golden-haired young girls. 疼得呲牙咧嘴,小胖子和两个鼻涕小跟班将布尔玛金发少女都团团围住。 You and you want to do, do not act unreasonably.” “你﹑你们想干什么,你们可别乱来。” In the final analysis is also the young girl who two 10 come the year, Bulma and golden-haired young girls somewhat were hurried. 说到底也不过是两个来岁的少女而已,布尔玛金发少女都有些慌了。 Hateful Bulma, dares to punch my face unexpectedly, I must punch your face, making you turn into the disfigured!” “可恶的布尔玛,竟然敢揍我的脸,我也要揍你的脸,让你变成丑八怪!” I must look at panties!” “我要看胖次!” I must touch and touch the leg!” “我要摸﹑摸腿!” The malicious full, young fat people and both nasal mucus young personal servants give a tongue-lashing the tooth to sneer, but Bulma and golden-haired young girls cannot help but cheek is pale. 恶意满满,小胖子和两个鼻涕小跟班都呲牙冷笑,而布尔玛金发少女都不由得脸蛋儿苍白。 Ended ended, this time really must end...... 完了完了,这次真的要完了…… However , in three young villain preparations begin 不过,也就在三个小恶棍准备动手时 Oh!” “唉哟!” Who is, is who throws me?!” “是谁,是谁扔我?!” The heads of three people are not known the gravel where flies pounds, immediately eats the pain, searches high and low is sneak attacking their enemies. 三个人的脑袋都被不知道从哪里飞来的石子砸中,顿时吃痛不已,四处寻找着偷袭他们的敌人。 In above, three hooligan young youngster.” “在上面,三个流氓小少年。” The sound that teased resounded, then several people in ground cannot help but looked to the sky, saw only airborne does not know when is floating two pieces of golden and black clouds, but also is standing two people in the clouds. 戏谑的声音响起,然后地面上的几人都不由得看向了天空,只见空中不知何时漂浮着两片金色黑色的云朵,而在云朵上还站着两个人。 Buku and Ye Chen! 正是舞空夜辰 old boss, they stand in the cloud.” 老大,他们站在云上耶。” Good and good fierce......” “好﹑好厉害……” Fool, do not praise the enemy!” “笨蛋,不要去夸奖敌人!” Different with others 's responses, when sees airborne Ye Chen, Bulma was actually the whole person dumbfounded 和其他人的反应不同,当看到空中的夜辰时,布尔玛却是整个人都呆住了 White, Prince Charming......” “白﹑白马王子……” Although has passed for a long time was very very long, the opposite party also changed, but Bulma actually recognized instantaneously. 虽然已经过去了很久很久,对方也变化了许多,但是布尔玛却是瞬间就认了出来。 Had rescued her Prince Charming initially! 是当初救过她的白马王子 Looked to Bulma in ground, Ye Chen also smiled is lifting the hand and she hits under greeted: 看向了地面上的布尔玛,夜辰也微笑着抬起手和她打了下招呼: Yo, Bulma, long time no see.” “哟,布尔玛,好久不见了。” To be continued...... 未完待续……
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