DNDB :: Volume #2

#126: section Qi and superpower

For own ambition, Ye Chen not only needs to strengthen own strength, but also needs lots of subordinates and talents. 为了自己的野心,夜辰不仅需要增强自己的力量,还需要大量的部下和人才。 Violet colonel on by ordinary human without doubt is very good, the ability good intention nature also good is also worth training. 就以普通的人类而言紫罗兰上校无疑还是非常不错的,无论是能力也好心性也好都值得培养。 Naturally, the opposite party is beautiful woman aspect also awards marks much, has the ability and skill like Tao Paipai that uncle again also can only be the security team leader is Ye Chen has a look at the front door and so on. 当然了,对方是个美女这方面也加分不少,像桃白白那种大叔再有能力和本事也只能做个保安队长为夜辰看看大门之类的。 Violet colonel, Red Ribbon Army these properties......” 紫罗兰上校,红缎带军团的这些财物……” All gives you!” “全都给你!” The Ye Chen's vision fell in the Violet colonel package, but Violet colonel was hurries to say. 夜辰的目光落到了紫罗兰上校的包上,而紫罗兰上校则是赶紧道。 Although loves dearly awfully, but compares the trivial a little property with own poor life is anything, although Violet colonel is greedy for money, but actually knows which is the lighter and which is the heavier. 虽然心疼得要命,但是和自己的小命比起来区区一点儿财物又算什么啊,紫罗兰上校虽然贪财但却还是知道孰轻孰重。 Money did not have to make again, but the life did not have to be possible only to bye-bye! 钱没有了可以再挣,但是命没了可就只能拜拜了! Secret funny, actually these properties of Ye Chen to Red Ribbon Army has no interest. 暗暗好笑,其实夜辰红缎带军团的这些财物并没有兴趣。 Although Seven Dragon Ball Corporation organized more than one year of time, however the wealth of accumulation describe with may the enemy richly is not overrated, even if all rewards these properties to Violet colonel still does not have any, but the opposite party can so know the limitation or make Ye Chen very satisfied. 七龍珠公司虽然才创办一年多的时间,但是累积的财富用富可敌国来形容也不为过,就算将这些财物全都奖赏给紫罗兰上校也没有什么,不过对方能够如此识相还是让夜辰非常满意。 Moreover, looks that Violet colonel that face loves dearly the appearance that but actually has to compromise for the general interest, Ye Chen also feels ultra interesting! 而且啊,看着紫罗兰上校那一脸心疼但却又不得不委屈求全的样子,夜辰也感觉超有趣呢! Originally also plans to give Violet colonel these properties, but you must actually offer to me that I them disrespectful.” “本来还打算将这些财物都让给紫罗兰上校的,不过你非要将它们敬献给我那我就却之不恭吧。” „, This is “诺,这是我的一点回礼,请无需客气的收下吧,紫罗兰上校。” Gave back to her to own one pack of bills Violet colonel a moment ago, Ye Chen smiling said/tunnel. 紫罗兰上校刚才给自己的一叠钞票又还给了她,夜辰笑眯眯地道。 The whole person is one dull, then Violet colonel heart and liver shivers all over has almost the impulsion of spitting blood. 整个人都是一呆,然后紫罗兰上校心肝儿乱颤几乎有吐血的冲动。 Her valuables and money!!!!! 她的财宝啊!!!!! What issue has, Violet colonel?” “有什么问题吗,紫罗兰上校?” Appreciates opposite party that splendid lovable expression, Ye Chen is also asking. 欣赏着对方那精彩可爱的表情,夜辰又问道。 „, Has not had, to thank the boss.” “没﹑没有,谢谢老板。” Covers own chest, Violet colonel is living not to have appearance that may the love. 捂着自己的胸口,紫罗兰上校一副生无可恋的样子。 Before Violet colonel also felt oneself were smart, otherwise she impossible to mix in Red Ribbon Army as a woman enjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water, however this Violet colonel was actually experiences anything to be called intelligently is instead harmed intelligently. 以前紫罗兰上校都还觉得自己蛮机灵的,不然作为一个女人她也不可能在红缎带军团中混得风生水起,然而这一次紫罗兰上校却是体验到了什么叫做聪明反被聪明误。 Thinks that the extremely easy to obtain valuables and money was made not to have her by oneself to hurt obviously, hurting the heart was quick broken. 想到明明唾手可得的财宝就这么被自己弄没了她就疼啊,疼得心都快碎了。 However what Violet colonel does not know, can become these valuables and money 1000x 10,000x that the Ye Chen's subordinate she can obtain in the future are more than at present! 然而紫罗兰上校不知道的是,能够成为夜辰的部下将来她所能得到的却是比眼前这些财宝千倍万倍还要多! However these did not need to tell her temporarily, made her continue to love dearly. 不过这些暂时就不用告诉她了,还是让她继续心疼去吧。 Walks, we also almost should leave.” “走吧,我们也差不多该离开了。” Small made fun of Violet colonel, the Ye Chen mood is also joyful, then brings Violet colonel and Snake-hime princess then went out of the treasury, prepares to go out with Buku and Chi-Chi they converges. 小小的捉弄了一下紫罗兰上校,夜辰也心情愉悦,然后带着紫罗兰上校蛇姬公主便走出了金库,准备出去与舞空琪琪她们汇合。 However Ye Chen they had not just gone out far, is actually one team of Red Ribbon Army soldier comes to them, but after seeing is the man of head, Ye Chen nearby Violet colonel is the look changes: 然而夜辰他们才刚刚没有走出多远,却是又有一队红缎带军团的士兵向他们迎面而来,而在看到为首的一名男子后,夜辰旁边的紫罗兰上校更是神色一变: Arrange/Cloth and Blue general!” “布﹑布鲁将军!” Blue general is one of the Red Ribbon Army cadres, the method is cruel, is powerful, is the Violet colonel immediate superior. 布鲁将军红缎带军团的干部之一,手段残忍,实力强大,正是紫罗兰上校的顶头上司。 Ye Chen to this fellow slightly also a little impression, not only because of him can unusual superpower, what is more important is 夜辰对这家伙稍微也有点印象,不仅是因为他会一种奇特的超能力,更重要的是 This fellow is mother artillery! 这家伙是个娘炮! Violet colonel, you dare to betray Red Ribbon Army unexpectedly, but also wants to steal the army property!” 紫罗兰上校,你竟然敢背叛红缎带军团,还想盗走军团的财物!” Ice-cold of Blue general face, but Violet also cannot help but complexion one white. 布鲁将军一脸的冰冷,而紫罗兰也不由得脸色一白。 Blue general, I......” 布鲁将军,我……” Ok, you do not need to explain, now please die!” “好了,你无需解释了,现在就请去死吧!” Violet also wants to say anything, but Blue general actually broke her directly, digs out the trigger then to prepare the result to fall Violet this rebel. 紫罗兰还想说些什么,不过布鲁将军却是直接打断了她,抠动板机便准备结果掉紫罗兰这个叛徒。 With a pēng lóng gunshot, but Violet has not dropped down accordingly, because Ye Chen held the bullet that flies to shoot for her. 随着砰隆一声枪响,不过紫罗兰并没有应声倒下,因为夜辰替她抓住了飞射过来的子弹。 Violet colonel is my subordinate, do you want to kill her to undergo my agreement?” 紫罗兰上校已经是我的部下了,你想杀她经过我的同意了吗?” Narrowed the eyes, in the Ye Chen's vision exudes faint trace cold intent, but the Violet colonel also cannot help but fear of recovering, the anger under heart was leaps to brave. 眯起双眼,夜辰的目光中泛起了丝丝冷意,而回过神来的紫罗兰上校也不由得一阵的后怕,心下的怒火更是腾地就冒了起来。 Good your Blue general, I to do so many assignments not to have the merit also to have the efforts for you, you must open unexpectedly without hesitation gun down me! 好你个布鲁将军,我为你干了那么多差事没有功劳也有苦劳,你竟然毫不犹豫地就要开枪杀我! Has not naturally gone to pay attention to Violet that angry vision, Blue general also looks at this time to Ye Chen. 自然没去理会紫罗兰那愤怒的目光,布鲁将军此时亦是看向了夜辰. ...... …… This fellow can actually catch the bullet with the hand, speech solid Blue general also has a scare. 这家伙竟然能够用手接住子弹,说话实布鲁将军也被吓了一跳。 How however even if you can catch a round of bullet, I shoot your thousand rounds of ten thousand rounds to look that you also meet cannot catch! 不过就算你能接住一发子弹又如何,我射你千发万发看你还接不接得住! Opened fire, killed them!” “开枪,杀了他们!” Rubbish, Blue general is ordering to say to behind soldier directly. 毫不废话,布鲁将军直接对着自己身后的士兵命令道。 Yes, Blue general!” “是,布鲁将军!” The bloodthirsty sneers, all soldiers go into action, with a dā dā dā sound, the muzzle torching innumerable bullets shoots immediately toward the Ye Chen three people. 嗜血冷笑,所有的士兵都行动起来,随着一阵嗒嗒嗒的声音,顿时枪口喷火无数的子弹向着夜辰三人射去。 Ended!” “完了!” Violet colonel looks deathly pale, was almost the subconscious closed the eye, however crossed the body not to transmit the feeling of ache some little time, Violet colonel then opened the eye. 紫罗兰上校脸色惨白,几乎是潜意识地闭上了眼睛,然而过了好一会儿身体都没有传来疼痛的感觉,紫罗兰上校这才又睁开了眼来。 Before seeing only three people of bodies, does not know when presented one to seem light cover one thing, all bullets struck to shoot in the light coat, but is actually not able to break through the defense of light cover. 只见自己三人的身前不知何时出现了一道好似光罩一样的东西,所有的子弹都击射在光罩上但是却无法突破光罩的防御。 „Is he also superpower?!” “他难道也是超能力者?!” Knows that this light/only covers definitely is the thing that Lane Ye Chen comes out, Violet colonel immediately cannot help but astonished. 知道这光罩肯定是夜辰出来的东西,紫罗兰上校顿时不由得惊愕。 Not is only Violet colonel, the Red Ribbon Army soldier and Blue general is also same idea 不仅是紫罗兰上校,红缎带军团的士兵以及布鲁将军也是同样的想法 „Do you also meet superpower?” “你也会超能力?” The look is ugly, Blue general made the soldier stop the useless attack. 神色难看,布鲁将军让士兵停止了无用的攻击。 You thought that is.” “你觉得是就是吧。” Reveals the smiling face that disdained lightly, night 1.4 Chen is also disinclined to explain. 露出了一丝淡淡不屑的笑容,夜1.4辰也懒得解释。 Dragon Ball world is world that has many force systems, has superpower these to exist besides the conventional air/Qi, can let person whole body superpower paralysis like Blue general one type probably. 龍珠世界是一个有着多种力量体系的世界,除了常规的气之外还有超能力这些存在,就像布鲁将军好像就会一种能够让人全身麻痹的超能力 However is not the Ye Chen discrimination, these so-called superpower he also really somewhat looks down upon. 然而不是夜辰歧视,这些所谓的超能力他还真有些瞧不上眼。 The air/Qi is a very mysterious strength, the matter that these superpower can achieve only needs to develop the air/Qi also similarly to achieve well. 气是一种非常神奇的力量,那些超能力可以做到的事情只需要好好开发气也同样可以做到。 Moreover does not affect like superpower solely, only then extremely some people will awaken, so long as the exercise practices each lifeform to control the air/Qi theoretically. 而且不像超能力那么作用单一,只有极个别的人才会觉醒,只要锻炼修行理论上每一个生物都可以掌控气。 In this Dragon Ball The world air/Qi is a kingly way, so long as you have the enough powerful air/Qi, God that even if keeps aloof can write off! 在这个【龍珠】的世界气才是王道,只要你拥有足够强大的气,就算是高高在上的神明都可以抹杀! To be continued...... 未完待续……
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