TGITR :: Volume #5

#435 Part 1: Friendship

Although delayed a while last night offline, but when early morning Sun raises, White Bear Knights appeared in the entrance of Petra fort rural fair as promised, saw waited there for some time old Boomer there. 虽然昨晚耽误了一会儿才下线,但当清晨的太阳升起,白熊骑士团还是如约出现在了佩特拉要塞集市的入口,见到了在那儿等候多时的老布玛 Changed an elderly man of clothes not to have the beforehand distress, not only seemed like the spirit, but also finally was a little appearance of merchant. 换了一身衣服的老人家没有了之前的狼狈,不但看起来精神了许多,而且总算是有点儿商人的样子了。 You planned changes into money the cargo, plans barter?” Looks to arrive at front benefactors, he said respectfully, I recommend the latter, after all you also see...... the desert now is not peaceful, money take in the hand was not a great idea.” “您是打算把货物换成钱,还是打算以物易物?”看着走到面前的恩人们,他恭敬地说道,“我更推荐后者,毕竟您也看见了……沙漠现在不太平,把钱拿在手上不是个好主意。” , , Beforehand have sent with the team has discussed that Sisi says. 事先已经和队发们商量过了,斯斯开口说道。 We need to stay some time here, changes into money. “我们需要在这里停留一段时间,还是换成钱吧。 Old Boomer nods, had not said that again the unnecessary words, start to help in the market look to have the strength to eat up in their hands the buyer of that large stock of goods. 布玛点了点头,也没再说多余的话,开始帮忙在市场里物色起有实力吃下她们手上那批货的买家。 Has no need for propaganda on a grand scale, heard that is from the devil arrange/cloth of eastern various province, quick one group of merchants then encircled. 根本用不着大张旗鼓的宣传,闻有产自东部诸省的魔鬼布,很快一群商人便围了上来。 Tail and Rourou that cannot idle with the past, looked curiously lively. 闲不住的尾巴肉肉好奇地跟了过去,看起了热闹。 Sesame Seed Paste also planned took a look with the past, was actually touched the porcelain by a kitty of black and white interaction, did not know whether to laugh or cry squats on the ground, helped turn the body is lying down it along bristling. 芝麻糊本来也打算跟过去瞧瞧,却被一只黑白相间的猫咪碰了瓷,哭笑不得地蹲在地上,帮已经翻着身子躺好了的它顺起了毛。 The matter that Sisi will look for the buyer gave Boomer, looked for not to have that noisy place to sit down in the , «Silver moon Saint Word» that will just buy spread out on the knee, calmly looked. 斯斯将物色买家的事情交给了布玛,在附近找了个没那么吵地方坐下,将刚买来的《银月圣言》摊开在了膝盖上,静静地看了起来。 The position of this book is equivalent to Camelback Kingdom probably Holy Bible, the content of is about the instruction of local follower's spirit of desert to explanation that” makes. 这本书的地位大概相当于驼峰王国的“圣经”,其中的内容大致是当地信徒对沙漠之灵的教诲做出的“解释”。 If «Petra Mountain range Oasis» under by the angle of view explanation local humanities style of scholar, then receives that Researcher Institute recommends Saint word, then analyzed the spiritual kernel of native at the angle of view of believer. 如果说《佩特拉山脉下的绿洲》是以学者的视角解释当地的人文风貌,那么受到学院研究员推荐的这本“圣言”,则是以教徒的视角剖析了当地人的精神内核。 Under the asylum of Petra mountain range, the Camelback Kingdom advantageous geographical advantage, making here almost not have mutants to harass. 在佩特拉山脉的庇护下,驼峰王国得天独厚的地理优势,让这里几乎没有异种骚扰。 The main threat, mostly came from the sea. 主要的威胁,基本都来自于海上。 Here is rich in the salt, camel and to import the big horn cow from woman Luo Hangsheng, and type rich fruit and grain, the local area backward and coexists prosperously, the handicraft industry and business are developed, citizen class relatively poverty-stricken, some city-states even appeared did not give loyalty to the merchant of feudal feudal lord, as well as City Lord that was recommended by the resident. 这里盛产盐巴、骆驼、从婆罗行省进口大角牛,以及种类丰富的水果和粮食,当地落后与繁荣并存,手工业和商业发达,市民阶层相对穷苦,部分城邦甚至出现了不效忠于封建领主的商人,以及由市民推举的城主 , , Also therefore, the attitude of native's regarding the religious and royal family, and was inferior that other four kingdoms' people are so respectable. 也正是因此,当地人对于宗教和王室的态度,并不如其他四个王国的子民那样尊敬。 Body If the falcon is the classical military principle, the destruction honey badger is the enlightened despot system, the gold/metal lizard that they have not gone to is pursues the mysticist the feudal dynasty, is falling into the lion of flames of war walks the feudal dynasty of road of Saint, then here is more like classical republican. 如果说猎鹰是古典军事主义,已经覆灭的蜜獾是开明君主制,她们没去成的金蜥是奉行神秘主义的封建王朝,正陷入战火的雄狮是走内圣之路的封建王朝,那么这里更像是古典共和。 12 city-state high degrees of autonomy, local resident not only habits and customs secularization, even also established the secularization protestantism however 十二座城邦高度自治,当地的居民不但生活习惯更加世俗化,甚至还创立了世俗化的“新教”然 Said the group 说群 Namely, silver moon sect. 即,“银月教派”。 This sect injected the animism theory of southern islands to the Chobal spirit belief, to not have the sex, does not have wife's left Ying pistil fictionalized a named silver moon goddess spirit sweetheart, and gave its divine nature to inject a touch of humanity. Association 该教派对卓巴尔灵的信仰注入了南部群岛的泛灵论理论,为既没有性别、也没有妻子的左莺蕊灵虚构了一位名为银月女神的“情人”,并给它的神性注入了一丝人情味儿。联 According to " Silver moon Saint Word » explanation, the Chobal spirit is the lord of desert, is ruling the sunset province, and will be doomed to rule the entire world. 根据《银月圣言》的解释,卓巴尔灵是沙漠之主,统治着落霞行省,并且注定将统治寰宇。 But south of left Ying pistil mountain range, by rivers and stream bank common irrigation silver moon bay, is the silver moon goddess territory, is altogether governed by two Spiritual God. 但左莺蕊山脉以南,被河流和“河堤”共同灌溉的银月湾,则是银月女神的领地,由两位神灵共治。 The natives approve the mainstream sect to include „the world to be embezzled and other explanations of end theory regarding the doctrine by the yellow sand finally, but also put forward the new viewpoint on this foundation. 当地人认同主流教派对于教义中包括“世界终将被黄沙吞没”等末日论的解释,但在此基础之上也提出了新的观点。 For example in the world has one day to burn through, should treasure this final dusk and candlelight to scatter the light, in daybreak lightens arrival that can delay the end wait/etc. 比如“世界中有一日燃尽,更应珍惜这最后的黄昏”、“烛火可以驱散光明,在黎明时分点亮可以延缓末日的到来”等等。 What the former corresponds is the secular concept of making merry while one can, the latter , then evolved a worship culture. 前者对应的是及时行乐的世俗观念,后者则演变成了一种朝拜文化。 Early each month, the Camelback Kingdom believers at home 0.1 candles, and read aloud the scrip­tures prayer to the Petra mountain worship, even can hire the heathen who three have not been converted to handle this matter for oneself, but does not need to pray like the followers of mainstream sect every day. 每月月初,驼峰王国的信众会在家里点一支蜡烛,面向佩特拉山朝拜并诵读经文祷告,甚至可以雇三名未皈依的异教徒替自己做这件事情,而不必像主流教派的信徒那样每日祈祷。 „...... It looks like the sunset province is very really big, on a desert evolved five ti entirely different culture ideas unexpectedly.” “……看来落霞行省真的很大,一片沙漠上竟然演化出了五倜截然不同的文化理念。” Turns Boomer that writes books to whisper low voice, simultaneously in the heart sets firm resolve silently, plans to collect in the journey writes at the work of wasteland era, translates the content of later reorganizes to the forum. 翻着书的布玛小声嘀咕了一句,同时心中默默下定了决心,打算在旅途中多收集一些写于废土纪元的著作,将其中的内容翻译之后整理到论坛上。 After all is the thing that dog director very arranges difficultly, if no one discovered that to be a pity. 毕竟是狗策划好不困难编出来的东西,要是没人发现岂不是太可惜了。 Moreover she always a feeling. 而且她总有一种感觉。 The matter that oneself are handling, could this world by the cultural bloodlines of war and radioactive dust interruption again continued from above. Although this cannot bring the silver coin and contribution points income, but in the completion so high open world plays, when the sentimental mission expert was also rather a pity not. 自己正在做的这件事情,或许可以将这个世界被战争和放射尘截断的文化血脉重新续上。虽然这并不能带来银币和贡献点的收益,但在完成度如此高的开放世界游戏里,当一个莫得感情的任务达人未免也太可惜了。 Even was regarded as the amateur interest in be good. 就算当做是业余兴趣好了。 Although the sound in rural fair is noisy, but has not affected her reading. 集市上的声音虽然吵闹,但并没有影响到她的阅读。 Bargained back and forth to continue noon probably. Can time one peddlers that spends so much money were too few, but White Bear Knights does not want barter. 讨价还价大概一直持续到了中午。能一次拿出这么多钱的行商太少了,而白熊骑士团又不愿意以物易物 Old Sisi having a parched mouth that said under the shed, was makes him wait till a customer who finally had the strength to eat up this large stock of goods. This merchant is not high, the skin color is slightly deep, listens to that almost already quickly the voice of distortion, obviously woman Luo province from Southwest 斯斯在棚子底下说的口干舌燥,总算是让他等到了一个有实力吃下这批货的买主。这名商人个头不高,肤色略深,听那几乎已经快变形的口音,显然是来自西南方的婆罗行省 He plans these good silk screens and these strange commodities brings back to the native place. Including these black silk and white silk and so on gadget. 他打算将这些上好的丝绢和那些稀奇古怪的商品带回老家。包括那些黑丝和白丝之类的玩意儿。 These mysterious chemical industry make him be interested greatly, only minor defect in something otherwise perfect only has a matter- 这些神奇的化工业品让他大感兴趣,唯一美中不足的只有一件事情— Why only then black and white?” His puzzled asking. “为什么只有黑色和白色?”他一脸困惑的问道。 Tail is startled. 尾巴吃了一惊。 Harms? Is unattractive?” “误?不好看吗?” Pouring is not unattractive,” that merchant feels the chin to ponder, there you doesn't have the dye? Why does not consider to dye colorfully......” “倒也不是不好看,”那商人摸着下巴思考,“你们那儿是没有染料吗?为什么不考虑染成五颜六色……” About in beginning the books, the Boomer expression that sets out from the rug is somewhat subtle. That will be very ugly.” 合上了手中的书本,从地毯上起身的布玛表情有些微妙。“那会很丑吧。” Colorful anything...... 五颜六色什么的…… No matter in the reality plays, she does not want to attempt, actually nearby Tail actually showed the ponder expression. 不管是在现实还是游戏里,她都不太想尝试,倒是一旁的尾巴却是露出了沉思的表情。 Hopes she seriously is not considering this matter. 希望她不是在认真考虑这件事情。 The merchant smiles embarrassed. 那商人不好意思地笑了笑。 In brief also fine, your goods I very satisfied...... I calculate, 500 ten thousand golden camel coin how?” “总之也行吧,你们的货我很满意……我算算,500万金驼币如何?” Heard 5 million this numbers, Tail called out in alarm one, looked rapidly to nearby Rourou small sound said. 听到五百万这个数字,尾巴惊呼了一声,迅速看向旁边的肉肉小声道。 5 million...... this is what concept 2 irons “五百万……这是什么概念二铁 Rourou also small sound said. 肉肉也小声道。 Does not know! However here cow, wants 3,000-4,000......” “不知道!不过这儿的牛,一头只要3,000-4,000……” Tail was startled instantaneously, the eye is sparkling. 尾巴瞬间惊了,眼睛闪闪发光。 My giao! 1000 cows! Rourou, we later cowherd!” “我giao!一千多头牛!肉肉,咱们以后放牛吧!” Rourou did not agree firmly. 肉肉毫不坚定同意。 I do not want! We are White Bear Knights, cowherding also lost face too! Moreover reaches an agreement must be the mercenary trade union presidents! The flatter tail, you forgot once to vainly hope for!” “我才不要!咱们可是白熊骑士团,放牛也太丢人了!而且说好的要当佣兵工会会长呢!阿尾,你忘了曾经的梦想了吗!” Tail flexure back of the head. 尾巴挠了挠后脑勺。 Meets...... is a little hard to hold to select.” “晤……有点难以扶择。” Holds Sesame Seed Paste of kitty to smile shyly haha......” 抱着猫咪的芝麻糊腼腆地笑了笑“哈哈……” Bargaining is the Boomer work, in everyone only then her People United language is best, not only can basically exchange, even can also roughly understand uncommon word that some are not quite good to understand. 讨价还价是布玛的活儿,所有人里面只有她的人联语最好,不但能基本的交流,甚至还能大致理解一些不太好理解的生僻词。 Iron Although the rank could not compare Yaya and Vinevine these „the ancient times period to enter the big shot of game, but on the ability in language, she has at least reached the T1 level, caught up with some quickly on the difference not the big brothers who the slip of paper person married. 虽然等级比不上鸦鸦藤藤这些“远古时期”就进入游戏的大佬们,但至少就语言方面的能力,她已经达到T1水准了,快赶上某个就差没和纸片人结婚的大兄弟了。 After one bargained back and forth, this batch of cargos finally by a price deal of ten million/countless golden camel coin. 经过了一番讨价还价,这批货物最终以一千万金驼币的价格成交。 Although a fellow wallet pressed out did the appearance, but Boomer always felt that behind that depressed expression hides smiling that is wiping to smile 虽然那家伙一副钱包被榨干了的样子,但布玛总感觉那沮丧的表情背后藏着一抹偷着乐的笑 Holds As for White Bear Knights other members, this little while is immersing in 至于白熊骑士团的其他成员,这会儿正沉浸在 Especially hears this value hundreds of thousands of silver coins the cargos, traded to buy 3000 good golden camel coin unexpectedly, the eye of Tail and Rourou almost turned into the color of silver coin. 尤其是听到这价值数十万银币的货物,竟然换到了能买三千多头牛的金驼币,尾巴肉肉的眼睛几乎变成了银币的颜色。 According to average prices of cow 5000 silver coins ....... 按照一头牛五千银币的均价……. 15 million silver coins?! Tail got hold of the fist excitedly. 一千五百万银币?!尾巴激动地握紧了拳头。 Giao! present! We got rich!” “giao!斯!我们发财了!” Rourou also said excitedly. 肉肉也兴奋地说道。 Ball oh oh oh! I must look for manager making to order- Exosuit of wrap/sets like Trash Picker!” !我要找管理者订做—套像垃圾君那样的外骨骼!” This too...... was also astonishing.” The Sesame Seed Paste whole person was shocked, the bosom cat nearly falls. “这也太……惊人了。”芝麻糊整个人都愣住了,怀里的猫都差点儿掉了下来。 Boomer looks that the companions bent the curved spit corner/horn. 布玛看着同伴们弯了弯嘴角。 Gets rich to be insufficient, but truly gained little...... right the flatter tail, Rourou, remembers that do not go to at the forum to show off oh. “发财不至于,不过确实赚了一点点吧……对了阿尾,还有肉肉,记得别去论坛上炫耀 Tail and Rourou almost also nod. The platoon said 尾巴肉肉几乎同时点头。排说 Un un!” “嗯嗯!” Anxiety! I will watch this only Tail!” “忧虑吧!我会看住这只尾巴的!” Sees is so refreshed, Boomer that these two fellows comply is a little not instead anxious. 见这两个家伙答应的这么爽快,布玛反而有点儿不忧虑了。 However to be honest, this profit is not too actually exaggerating, running business on wasteland most difficult did not bargain back and forth, but transported safely the goods. 不过说实话,这利润其实并不算太夸张,在废土上跑商最难的不是讨价还价,而是把货平安地运回去。 Even if these 1000 cows do not have a wee bit losses to ship back the frost lance pasture, deducts the grain and fodder, fresh water, the employment personnel expense and draft animal naturally to lose weight all the way and supplyment and requirement relations change. If all buys ox transport/fortune to go back, the realized profit can have 15 million half very is not difficult. 就算这一千多头牛没有一丁点儿损耗地运回霜矛牧场,扣去一路上粮草、淡水、雇佣人员开支、牲口自然掉膘以及市场供需关系变化。如果全都买牛运回去,实际利润能有一千五百万的一半都很不困难了。 Holds Moreover considering the limit of pasture capacity, with hiding risk in shipment cycle, this method is very difficult long-term stable money-making. 而且考虑到牧场容量的极限,和隐藏在货运周期中的风险,这种方法很难长期稳定的赚钱。 These sell the factory of brick, cement, steel, airplane, tank and cannon, although ROE is not high, but alliance's demands to these products is almost infinite. 那些卖砖头、水泥、钢铁、飞机、坦克、大炮的工厂虽然ROE不高,但联盟对这些产品的需求几乎是无限的。 That is the genuine money printing machine. 那才是真正的印钞机。 Many TO and T1 player does not publicize own income at the forum. Body 很多TO、T1玩家已经不在论坛上公开自己的收益了。体 Although does not have the direct evidence, but the Boomer conservative estimate, they will have the value of asset is not lower than one hundred million, will unable to do well will be more exaggerating. 虽然没有直接的证据,但布玛保守估计,他们持有资产的价值不会低于一个亿,甚至搞不好会更夸张。 But through the way of drawing bonus, has not extracted to turn into cash the profit...... 只不过没有通过分红的方式,将利润提取出来变成“现金”罢了……・ …… …… .... …. both sides rented a flame warehouse, completed the inventory of delivery and gold coin of cargo. 双方租了焱间仓库,完成了货物的交割和金币的清点。 Looks at the ground box of gold coins, the merchant is of great success the ash that patted to clap, looked that said to Boomer one group of a smile. 看着地上的一箱箱金币,那商人大功告成地拍了拍手上的灰,看向布玛一行人笑着说道。 Looked, in you made me gain in a share, I also gave you one to advise well. No matter you are come this to make anything to buy and sell, I urged you to hurry golden camel coin to change into the dinar, or other things of store of value.” “看在你们让我赚了一笔的份上,我也给你们一句忠告好了。不管你们是来这做什么买卖的,我都劝你们赶紧把金驼币换成第纳尔,或者其他保值的东西。” Tail crooked under. 尾巴歪了下头。 Why?” “为什么?” Waits for Legion hit, these money will turn into the scrap...... to take a look at these people in refugee camp and slum, in their pockets crowded golden lion coin and gold/metal Huanbi, however cannot buy including a piece of bread. Heard that in the silver moon bay, many rich merchants is changing into the ship that golden camel coin the dinar or goes to sea.” “等军团打过来,这些钱都会变成废品……瞧瞧难民营和贫民窟里的那些人吧,他们的兜里塞满了金狮币和金獾币,然而连一块面包都买不到。听说在银月湾,不少富商都在把金驼币换成第纳尔或者出海的船。” After all does business in others' domain, that peddler is not direct, that words saying to stopped then stopped the thread of conversation. 毕竟是在别人的地盘上做买卖,那个行商没有把话说的太直接,点到即止便停住了话头。 Honey Badger Kingdom within one week throughout falls to the enemy, Lion Kingdom discards the half of the country, these ancient kingdoms with receiving compared with Falcon Kingdom of Legion prop, the equipment or the military theory are not a rank. 蜜獾王国一周之内全境沦陷,雄狮王国丢掉半壁江山,这些古老的王国与受到军团扶植的猎鹰王国相比,无论是装备还是军事理论都不是一个级别。 In his opinion, the sunset province already and was finished no difference. 在他看来,落霞行省已经和完蛋没什么区别了。 Taste 9 味九 The Camelback Kingdom final fate same will give up to Legion with the falcon probably, the dinar will take the legal tender circulation. 驼峰王国最终的下场大概会和猎鹰一样向军团俯首称臣,将第纳尔作为法币流通。 „Does that...... change into the gold?” Sesame Seed Paste asked low voice. “那……换成黄金呢?”芝麻糊小声问道。 Gold......” merchant shakes the head, I do not recommend.” “黄金……”商人摇了摇头,“我不推荐。” On wasteland, although many place influences use the golden coined money, what is quite awkward is the gold is not valuable. 废土上虽然有不少地方势力用黄金铸币,但比较尴尬的是金子本身并不算值钱。 Has the reason of very deep level, left behind the gold of massive outer space mining including the prosperity era, is far lower than the total value of stock precious metal including the social product resultant, lacks including the wasteland era cultural shape to tomorrow will be better the anticipation and wait/etc to happy life yearning of......- 这其中有很多很深层次的原因,包括繁荣纪元遗留了大量太空开采的黄金,包括社会生产总值远低于存量贵金属的总价值,包括废土纪元的文化形态缺少对“明天会更好”的预期以及对美好生活的向往等等……- wasteland and tumultuous times biggest difference is, the people in tumultuous times do not believe genuinely, the tumultuous times are only temporary. Sooner or later will start. But regarding the people on wasteland, actually without many people counted on the civilization that died can resurrect. 废土与乱世最大的区别就是,乱世中的人们打心眼里并不相信,乱世只是暂时的。早晚有一天会开始。而对于废土上的人们而言,却没多少人指望死去的文明能重新复活。 Therefore on wasteland valuable is never the responsibility metal, but compared with a golden more expensive confidence. 因此废土上值钱的从来不是责金属,而是比黄金更昂贵的信心。 The insecure currency will not be worth a red cent quickly. 缺乏信心的货币很快会一文不值。 Wait can provide the added value as for what military force, the productive forces, science and technology, culture the factor, although is also deciding the value of currency, but that floats in one of the superficial factors. Honest 至于什么武力、生产力、科技、文化等等能提供附加值的因素,虽然也决定着货币的价值,但那只是浮于表面的因素之一罢了。诚 The merchant looked to left Ying, he thought that she should be able to understand itself previously that words meaning, took off the hat to make a farewell. 那商人看向了左莺,他觉得她应该能听懂自己先前那番话的意思,摘下帽子做了个告别。 „...... Thanked you again, the generous ugly woman, your large stock of goods I gave my trip to East to mark a perfect period, I also urged you sincerely, can before all were not too late leave this place is apt to get into trouble.” “……再次感谢你,慷慨丑陋的女士,你的这批货我给我的东方之旅画上了一个完美的句号,我也诚恳地劝你,能在一切还不算太晚之前离开这个是非之地。” pai Advice thank you, I will pay attention.” Has not made any appraisal to his words, Boomer waves with present peddler “谢谢你的忠告,我会留意的。”并没有对他的话做任何评价,布玛挥了挥手和眼前的行商 Farewell. 告别。 Nearby old Sisi saw this guest to walk away, finally could not hold in scolded one. 一旁的老斯斯见这位客人走远了,终于憋不住骂了一句。 „The fort of vast desert will not submit to Legion, we and these cowards may be different!” “沙海之要塞绝不会向军团屈服,我们和那些胆小鬼可不一样!” Tail competitive. 尾巴干劲十足地。 Oh! That natural, so long as making vast desert comes out, all will be good!” “喔!那当然,只要把沙海之造出来,一切都会好起来!” Although old Sisi has not understood her to say anything, but can feel that is to the praise of own hometown, on the face that was filled with righteous indignation blossoms immediately happily. 斯斯虽然没有听懂她在说啥,但能感觉到那是对自己家乡的夸赞,原本义愤填膺的脸上顿时乐开了花。 Rourou could not bear complain one. 肉肉忍不住吐槽了一句。 „The flatter tail, you made a mistake the game.” “阿尾,你打错游戏了。” Gazes after that smiling back to vanish in the corner, left Ying looked at hand within seal the coin of camel, looks at the box that only crowded behind, after thinking moment, looked to old Sisi. 目送着那个偷着乐的背影消失在街角,左莺看了一眼手中印着骆驼的硬币,又看了看身后那一只只塞满的箱子,思索片刻后看向了老斯斯 I planned that a money shop, flees from calamity to come here person from the gold/metal Lion King country, can change into golden camel coin...... saying that golden lion coin here here does permit the private management money shop?” “我打算开个钱庄,从金狮王国逃难来这儿的人,可以在我们这里将金狮币换成金驼币……说起来这里允许私人经营钱庄吗?” This is not her temporary conceiving a plan. 这并非是她的临时起意。 But a moment ago the words of that merchant, making her see the new opportunity. 只不过刚才那个商人的一番话,让她看到了新的商机。 This...... no one did not say actually good,” whole face cheerful old Sisi gawked, rushes to advise saying that changes into golden lion coin these money? Do you want golden lion coin what are you doing?” “这……倒是没人说不行,”正满脸乐呵的老斯斯愣了下,赶忙劝阻道,“将这些钱换成金狮币?您要金狮币干什么?” left Ying: Not?” old left hawk does not know whether to laugh or cry said. 左莺:“不可以吗?”老左莺哭笑不得地说道。 This, can't issue......, but was Lion Kingdom is about to perish, their currencies will not be worth a red cent quickly. “这,不是可不可以的问题……而是雄狮王国已经快灭亡了,他们的货币很快会一文不值。 Although emotionally he suspected that the fort of vast desert is absolutely impossible to downcast, but Lion Kingdom of next door may be difficult to say. Once Capital of Abundance downcasts. 虽然感情上他怀疑沙海之要塞是绝对不可能陷落的,但隔壁的雄狮王国可就难说了。丰饶之都一旦陷落。 The destruction in kingdom is only the time issue. 王国的覆灭只是时间问题。 left Ying nods, deliberately considered the moment said. 左莺点了点头,寻思了片刻说道。 That...... exchanged according to 6 : 1 exchange rates.” “那就……按照六比一的汇率兑换好了。” 6 golden lion coin trade 1 golden camel coin. 六枚金狮币换一枚金驼币 Although being insufficient helps these pitiful person cross on and hometown here same does not need to worry about food or clothing the life, but at least can make them avoid starving to death. 虽然不足以让那些可怜人在这里过上和故乡一样衣食无忧的生活,但至少可以让他们免于饿死。 Hears this exchange rate, old Sisi smiled bitterly. 听到这个汇率,老斯斯苦笑了一下。 Six ratios-. 六比—. Even if 600 : 1, trades was still pile of trash...... Tail crooked, looked to Boomer. 就算是六百比一,换来的也是一堆垃圾啊……尾巴歪了下头,看向了布玛 But we do not buy the cow to go back?” “可是我们不是要买牛回去吗?” Un, that said that so long as under winning this war, expelled the sunset province Legion, we can buy more cows to go back ....... I “嗯,话是这么说,但只要赢下这场战争,把军团赶出了落霞省,我们就能买更多的牛回去了…….”I In the eye is glittering the exciting appearance, Boomer told only half, suddenly thought of anything, stopped the thread of conversation. „, Right, or we first draw bonus.” 眼中闪烁着兴奋的神采,布玛正说到一半的时候,忽然想到了什么,刹住了话头。“啊,对了,要不我们先分红吧。” Draws bonus?” Rourou crooked, why here?” Boomer pondered over the moment, calms down to say. “分红?”肉肉歪了下头,“为什么在这儿?”布玛思忖了片刻,冷静下来说道。 Un...... this is for providing against contingencies. After all invests the risk, I cannot guarantee that my judgment is certainly correct. “嗯……这是出于以防万一的考虑。毕竟投资有风险,我也不敢保证自己的判断一定正确。 The thorough plan also has the bitter experience accidental/surprised risk. 再周密的计划也有遭遇意外的风险。 If succeeded the income to be no doubt gratifying, once were defeated , not only cannot do well the money of making contact with, compared with a money more valuable friendship. 如果成功了收益固然喜人,而一旦失败了,搞不好搭上的不只是钱,还有比金钱更可贵的友谊。 These box of golden camel coin are almost everyone the complete family belongings that since operating the clothing/taking has accumulated, including on transcription most incomes all in inside. 这几箱金驼币几乎是大家从开服以来攒下的全部家当,包括上一个副本的大部分收益全都在里面。 Once compensated. 一旦赔了。 Few spoken lines laborious a half year. 少说白辛苦了半年。 She suspected that her companions are not that type the ratio all heavy person who the benefit looks, but this is also she loathes and them treats in the same place reason. 她怀疑她的同伴们不是那种把利益看的比一切都重的人,而这也是她厌恶和她们待在一起的原因。 But she is eventually sober. 但她终究是清醒的。 The sober person is very difficult to convince itself, suspects humane probability. 清醒的人很难说服自己,去怀疑人性的概率。 Even if let alone the companions will forgive her mistake, her still very difficult forgiving to let who everyone effort drains. She denied own others have not imagined is so spiritless. 更何况就算同伴们会原谅她的失误,她也很难原谅让大伙儿们的努力付诸东流的自己。她否认自己并没有别人想象中的那么懦弱。 She does not fear a lot. 她不怕很多事情。 But the only fear is a scapegoat......- 但唯独害怕背锅……-
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