TFWDH :: Volume #6 渡尽苦海心不移

#546: Without limits

„Is here......?” “这里是......?” Opened the eyes, Hao Tian somewhat looks at a loss to all around, in the memory, he should win, he suppressed Lu Xingzhou in the final moment success. 睁开双眼,昊天有些茫然地看向了四周,记忆里,他应该是赢了,他在最后关头成功压制住了陆行舟 Right. 没错。 Exposes the magic arts in Lu Xingzhou, gathers in all phenomena on earth precious raft by Will of Heaven Wheel ten thousand spatial various boundary/world all living things intention, and by this and contend, Hao Tian felt, oneself not possible such as to be expected such crushed the consciousness of Lu Xingzhou, let alone he also attained the Pangu streamer. 早在陆行舟展露自身道法,以天意轮聚拢万象宝筏内万空诸界的众生心意,并以此和自己抗衡的时候,昊天就觉得,自己不可能如预料中那样将陆行舟的意识粉碎掉了,何况他还拿到了盘古幡。 In other words: Hao Tian vacillated. 换而言之:昊天动摇了。 Indeed, he believes as before oneself can win, but he actually cannot affirm, oneself can win within limited time, after all his time are not much. 诚然,他依旧坚信自己可以获胜,但他却不敢肯定,自己能够在有限的时间内获胜,毕竟他的时间不多了。 Finally was It chose another path. 结果就是祂选择了另一条道路。 Suppression. 镇压。 Also does not extinguish kills the consciousness of Lu Xingzhou, but its oppression, suppresses forcefully in consciousness most deep place. Although will leave the enormous hidden troubles to oneself as the matter stands, but Hao Tian thinks, so long as can seize the opportunity, in advance is unique, then this hidden danger also nothing to be worried. 也就是不灭杀陆行舟的意识,而是强行将其压迫,镇压在意识的最深处。虽然这样一来会给自己埋下极大的隐患,但昊天认为只要自己能抓住机会,先行超脱,那么这点隐患也就不足为虑了。 But the fact showed, the choice of Hao Tian is very correct, is relying on own background, the help of Zixiaogong, Hao Tian suppressed Lu Xingzhou quickly. 而事实证明,昊天的抉择很正确,凭借着自身的底蕴,还有紫霄宫的帮助,昊天很快就镇压了陆行舟 ---- 紧接着---- Hao Tian then operates Lu Xingzhou and Zhen Yuan Zi combines, the body and fate body of outlier fuse in this moment, like the Yin-Yang rotation universe interactive. 昊天便操纵陆行舟镇元子合二为一,异数之躯和命数之躯在这一刻融合,如同阴阳轮转乾坤交互。 Vast divine will. 浩大神意。 Bright vitality. 煌煌气血。 Under both blend, the direct role on Hao Tian true spirit, had an incomparable mighty force, even if nearly cannot withstand by Hao Tian true spirit. 两者融汇之下,直接作用在了昊天真灵上,生出一股无匹伟力,哪怕以昊天真灵都险些承受不住。 Not is only the strength. 不仅仅是力量。 Knowledge. 还有知识。 From the Yuan to end law, stretches across the time river initially, Wan Fang various boundary/world, one should change, exhausts the human understanding the knowledge to swamp into the Hao Tian mind in this moment, changes to Its capital grain, Its stepping-stone, promoting It to climb to the infinite high place step by step, making Its body even more lithe. 从元初到末法,横跨时间长河,万方诸界,一应变化,穷尽人智的知识在这一刻全部涌入了昊天的脑海,化作祂的资粮,祂的踏脚石,推动着祂一步步向无穷高处攀登,让祂的身体愈发轻盈。 When It looks back again, then was just at that moment, observes the situation all around, can see, only then a piece empty lonesome, only has the under foot to flow a band of light. 等祂再回首的时候,便是刚刚那一刻,环视四周,能看到的只有一片虚寂,唯有脚下流淌着一条光带。 Is this .....? 这是.....? Hao Tian blinks, the band of light of under foot is this darkness void only colors, radiant bright to pinnacle, is quite similar to to become Shenglu, 昊天眨了眨眼,脚下的光带是这片黑暗虚空中唯一的色彩,璀璨明亮到了极致,和成圣路颇为相似, Is a road. 都是一条路。 Just, to become Shenglu goes nonstop to a Sage fruit, does this band of light lead to where? 只不过,成圣路直通圣人道果,这条光带又通往何处? „Is this unique?” “这就是超脱么?” At this moment, Hao Tian that pair of Will of Heaven ice indifferent pupil slightly turbulent, is hard to be depressing the own mood: „Was my unique?” 这一刻,昊天那双天意般的冰冷眼眸都微微动荡了起来,难以压抑自己的情绪:“我这是超脱了?” „Can this band of light make me be aloof?” “还是这条光带能让我超脱?” Oh no!” “糟糕!” The Hao Tian train of thought racing, responds immediately, regardless of here is where, oneself were previously by the fearsome position that various Saints besiege, perhaps when oneself present experience, breaks through the realm seeing things, but in the present world, the time is going forward as before incessantly! 昊天思绪急转,立刻反应了过来,无论这里是何处,自己此前可是处于被诸圣围攻的可怖境地,自己现在所见所闻,说不定只是突破境界时的幻视,而在现世中,时间可是依旧在不断前进的! If oneself do not make the best use of the time, if oneself were just aloof to half, the body was ground, oneself may really become the eternity to laugh. 如果自己不抓紧时间的话,万一自己这边刚超脱到一半,身躯就被碾碎,那自己可真成千古笑话了。 Walks!” “走!” In a twinkling, Hao Tian does not dare to delay the time again, figure one vertical, then along the under foot band of light, runs away toward the dark void deep place. 说时迟,那时快,昊天不敢再拖延时间,身形一纵,便沿着脚下光带,向着黑暗虚空的深处遁去。 But over time, 而随着时间流逝, The Hao Tian figure more surmounts high, the band of light of under foot is away from It is also getting more and more far, is getting more and more clear. Initial Hao Tian lowers the head the time of looking , can only see the innumerable multi-colored sunlight, but, this band of light starts to change gradually in his eyes gradually, presented the brand-new appearance. 昊天的身形越攀越高,脚下的光带距离祂也越来越远,同时也越来越清晰。最初昊天低头看去的时候,只能看到无数的霞光,但渐渐的,这条光带在祂眼中渐渐开始变化,呈现出了全新模样。 That is the---- present world. 那是----现世。 The time river, Wan Fang various boundary/world, the angel said, the Earth Immortal method, the Human Immortal technique, one on all living things member, all can see through that long band of light. 时间长河,万方诸界,天仙道,地仙法,人仙术,一应众生修士,全都可以通过那条长长的光带看到。 This is the present world. 这就是现世。 But now, 而现在, Hao Tian is located above the present world, It succeeded the bracelet , from Its angle downward, even if can reopen water wind fire Sage , was just the sea-monster in pond, in band of light innumerable multi-colored sunlight quite bright several, with It at all not in a level. 昊天正位于现世之上,祂成功跳脱了出来,从祂的角度往下看,哪怕是可以重开地水风火的圣人,也只不过是池塘中的游鱼,光带无数霞光中比较明亮的几根而已,和祂根本不在一个层面上。 Did I win? 我赢了? I won! 我赢了! After Hao Tian understood own condition, in Its heart excited almost must run out of the eyes. Plans eternally, the layout begins, finally It won! 昊天理解了自己的状态后,祂心中的激动几乎要冲出双眼。谋划万古,布局落子,最后还是祂赢了! Although the process is quite tortuous, 虽然过程比较曲折, But the victory is still It! 但胜利依旧属于祂! Read and here, in the Hao Tian heart the power sharp increase, the vision falls on the end of band of light, was difficult to cover excitedly: Is the end is it possible that this band of light a main road? 念及此处,昊天心中动力剧增,目光落在光带的尽头,更是难掩兴奋:莫非这光带的尽头就是大道? ............ ............ When a person leaves this world thoroughly, this world no longer has his trace, without his past, without his present, without his future, did not have because of fruitless, without beginning or end, not wants not to strive, without a trace, what such person and did the death have to distinguish? 当一个人彻底离开这个世界,这个世界不再存有他的痕迹,没有了他的过去,没有了他的现在,没有了他的未来,无因无果,无始无终,无欲无求,无影无踪,这样的人和死亡又有什么区别? The answer is very simple: 答案很简单: Has not distinguished. 没有区别。 In the boundless empty sea, Lu Xingzhou opens the eyes slowly, only thought that the hands and feet is heavy, huge strength in his within the body unceasingly circulation derivation. 无垠虚海之中,陆行舟缓缓睁开双眼,只觉得手脚沉重无比,庞大的力量在他的体内不断流转衍生。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? Bang!” “轰隆!” With a loud sound, Lu Xingzhou looks the distant place, actually sees the empty sea also to start to collapse unexpectedly, but also one and breaks up by rubbing with the time that it corresponds, world gauge foreword thorough disorder. Looking into the distance, the domain that only then he, and whole body six forms haunches maintained originally the appearance as before. 伴随着一声巨响,陆行舟回望远方,却见虚海竟然也开始坍缩,而与之对应的时间也被一并揉碎,天地规序彻底紊乱。放眼望去,只有他,以及周身六道身影撑起的界域依旧维持了原本模样。 …… 紧接着, Sees only that six air zones to diverge like the mist, appears form that six stances vary, the leader is a man and a woman, is nodding with a smile to him. 只见那六处空域如薄雾般散去,显出六道姿态各异的身影,为首者则是一男一女,正对着他颔首微笑。 Does not need Lu Xingzhou to inquire, a man and a woman then simultaneously opens the mouth: 不需要陆行舟询问,那一男一女便齐齐开口: This poor Daoist genesis.” “贫道元始。” My Nüwa.” “吾名女娲。” The male surname wears the Daoist robe, the body side is a white hair old man and a martial-looking youngster, holds to whisk with the long sword respectively, the three internal energy blends a air/Qi unified whole. 男姓身着道袍,身侧则是一白发老者和一英武少年,分别持拂尘和长剑,三者气机融汇一气浑然一体。 The female same attire is magnificent and expensive, is actually the appearance elegant, auspicious color lightly, the national beauty natural beauty, only one person stands there, then has aloof makings. 女性同样衣着华贵,却是容貌端丽,瑞彩翩跹,国色天姿,只一人站在那里,便自有一股超然的气质。 Nüwa. 女娲。 Genesis. 元始。 The former is the person clan makes the lord, the world's first Sage. The latter is the head of Taoist trinity, beginning ten thousand elements, even if in Sage feared is also an eminent. But in the body side of Nüwa, is one height zhang (3.33 m) six, the palm holds Mount Sumeru golden body Sage, Daoist who a back relies on the bodhi. 前者是人族造主,天地之间第一位圣人。后者是三清之首,万象元初,哪怕在圣人之中怕也是翘楚。而在女娲的身侧,则是一位身高丈六,掌托须弥山的金身圣者,还有一位背倚菩提的道人。 Bhagavān. 世尊 Bodhi. 菩提。 Antique six Sage, all appeared in the Lu Xingzhou front at this moment, but finally saw this, Lu Xingzhou when good luck comes the wits are sharpened responded: 太古六位圣人,此刻全部出现在了陆行舟的面前,而见得这一幕,陆行舟终于福至心灵般反应了过来: „Did I win?” “我赢了?” No.” The genesis said without hesitation: You lost.” “不。”元始毫不犹豫地说道:“你输了。” Good.” “不错。” Nüwa same opens the mouth, but allows to have the inexplicable smile smartly: Is only Hao Tian, although won, but actually and lost also no difference.” 女娲同样开口,但俏容上却带着莫名的微笑:“只是昊天虽然赢了,但其实和输了也没什么区别了。” Why?” Lu Xingzhou is somewhat puzzled. “为何?”陆行舟有些不解。 Because of you.” “因为你。” Nüwa gave the answer: Hao Tian, although in the mouth was saying does not die continuous, but fell on the tangible vacillates eventually. Therefore It does not have the choice and you at risk of life, but is the choice first your consciousness suppression, then controls your body forcefully, challenges together unique with Zhen Yuan Zi.” 女娲给出了答案:“昊天虽然口中说着不死不休,但落在实处终究还是动摇了。所以祂没有选择和你拼死,而是选择先将你的意识镇压,然后再强行驾驭你的躯体,和镇元子一同去挑战超脱。” At this point, Nüwa shakes the head: Is only Hao Tian is not the spiritual cultivation person, the say/way struggles the frontline eventually, everything is conservative, how can be aloof?” 说到这里,女娲不禁摇了摇头:“只是昊天终究不是修道人,道争一线,事事留有余地,如何能超脱?” So-called unique, is by own true spirit domination present world above.” “所谓超脱,乃是让自身真灵凌驾现世之上。” What need is whole-heartedly.” “需要的是全力以赴。” It consumes the strength to suppress you, when the result is unique true spirit pulled out to the present world completely, suppresses your seal to collapse of itself, radically is the futile effort.” “祂耗费力量将你镇压,结果超脱时全部真灵被抽离现世,镇压你的封印不攻自破,根本就是徒劳。” Not only so.” “非但如此。” Present It, true spirit no doubt dominates in the present world, but the mighty force actually got out of trouble, but you control, wait , if no wood water without a source.” “如今的祂,真灵固然凌驾于现世,但伟力却被脱困而出的你所掌控,等若是无根之木无源之水。” His result .....?” Lu Xingzhou suddenly. “那祂的结果.....?”陆行舟恍然。 It successfully made own realm achieve unique, true spirit forever domination present world. But the mighty force is detained, finally has realm not to have the strength spatially.” Nüwa shows a faint smile: Without the strength, is merit line of insufficient, merit line of insufficient, finally is seeks the gateway actually unable to come to the end point.” “祂成功让自己的境界达到了超脱,真灵永远凌驾现世。但伟力滞留,结果就是空有境界没有力量。”女娲微微一笑:“没有力量,就是功行不足,功行不足,结果就是寻到门户却走不到终点。” It should walk now on the unique road, but does not have the mighty force to support, It will perhaps be detained on the road forever, can never come to the end point of that road.” “祂现在应该正走在超脱的路上吧,但没有伟力支撑,祂恐怕会永远滞留路上,永远走不到那条路的终点。”
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