TFWDH :: Volume #6 渡尽苦海心不移

#540: Genuine concealed chess

This stretches across for trillion years, the big chess of several time, arrive now finally received the officer stage, the fruit of victory is obviously close at hand, waits for him to pick. But at this moment, looks that should not have the strength of resistance, being doomed by chive Lu Xingzhou that he harvests, Hao Tian somewhat is flurried. 这场横跨亿万年,数个时代的大棋,如今终于到了收官阶段,明明胜利的果实已经近在眼前,等着他去采摘。但这一刻,看着本应毫无反抗之力,注定要被他收割的韭菜陆行舟,昊天却有些慌乱。 Where having is not right! 有什么地方不对劲! Where had makes a mistake! 有什么地方出错了! However---- 但是---- What's the matter!?” “怎么回事!?” The intuition told Zhen Yuan Zi to make the mistake, but point of no return has to send, what under his arrange/cloth was the sure-kill, the entire chessgame to the numerous Saints, to Lu Xingzhou, should checkmate be right. If because at this time a police trillion gave up, that was equal to denial of Hao Tian to own ability. 直觉告诉镇元子出了差错,但箭在弦上不得不发,他布下的是绝杀,整个棋局对众圣,对陆行舟而言,应该已经将死了才对。如果这个时候因为一点警兆就放弃,那等于是昊天对自己能力的否定。 But this is Hao Tian is without doubt impossible to acknowledge that he must have a look but actually, this must die chessgame without doubt, Lu Xingzhou and numerous Saints can reverse with what method! 而这无疑是昊天不可能承认的,他倒要看看,这必死无疑的棋局,陆行舟和众圣能用什么方法逆转过来! Death!” “死!” Zhen Yuan Zi continues to direct. 镇元子继续一指点出。 With this finger/refers, Lu Xingzhou within the body, Hao Tian the I consciousness am also extinguishing as before am killing Lu Xingzhou, if compares with the battlefield Lu Xingzhou this body, 随着这一指,陆行舟体内,昊天的本我意识也依旧在灭杀着陆行舟,如果将陆行舟这具身躯比作战场的话, Hao Tian occupies 2/3. 昊天已经占据了三分之二。 Has victory in the hand! 胜券在握! However at this moment, under the gaze of Zhen Yuan Zi, in Hao Tian mirror situated in Lu Xingzhou forehead Dharma Eye finally turbulent, a wisp of miraculous glow seeps out. 然而就在这时,在镇元子的注视下,位于陆行舟眉心法眼中的昊天镜终于动荡了起来,一缕灵光从中渗出。 Finally ..... in miraculous glow spread feeling relieved sighed lightly. “终于.....”灵光内传出了如释重负的轻叹。 At this moment, 这一刻, Always hides to reveal spirit finally in the mirror of Hao Tian mirror the true colors, this once made Lu Xingzhou go to Yaochi, inquired about that so-called truth mirror spirit, with Hao Tian is not a passer-by, to avoid being perceived merely by Hao Tian, therefore deliberately camouflages. 始终潜藏在昊天镜的镜灵终于显露出了真面目,这个曾经让陆行舟前往瑶池,探寻所谓真相的镜灵,和昊天原本就不是一路人,仅仅只是为了避免被昊天觉察到,所以才刻意伪装。 Must know that Sage spirit response was keen, Lu Xingzhou is its essential board game piece, therefore wants under his eye hides the hidden is not an easy matter. 要知道圣人灵感本就非常敏锐,陆行舟又是其关键棋子,所以想在其眼皮子底下隐藏绝非易事。 How does it achieve? 它怎么做到的? Very simple. 很简单。 Until now, the mirror comes spirit truly, exposes the explicit consciousness, is spatial in mind/square inch mountain, but at that time Sage acted. 迄今为止,镜灵真正现身,展露出明确的意识,是在方寸山界空,而那个时候有一位圣人出手了。 Genesis!!!” “元始!!!” Right! 没错! Genesis Heavenly Venerate! Square inch mountain empties that time, spirits facing the Hao Tian mirror mirror of awakens, genesis Heavenly Venerate acted! But that genesis Heavenly Venerate primary purpose does not cope with the mirror spirit, is just rather opposite, to hide it! What genesis Heavenly Venerate aims is the Hao Tian mirror. 元始天尊!方寸山界空那次,面对苏醒的昊天镜镜灵,元始天尊出手了!而那次元始天尊的根本目的就不是对付镜灵,不如说刚好相反,是为了隐藏它!元始天尊针对的是昊天镜。 It is not the mirror spirit! 不是镜灵! The Hao Tian mirror is Hao Tian builds, but the mirror spirit is actually the external thing, its back mirror spirit to Lu Xingzhou many words, is actually reminding him! 昊天镜是昊天打造,但镜灵却是外来之物,其后镜灵对陆行舟的诸多话语,其实都是在提醒他! What did the mirror say spirit? 镜灵说了什么? I have said that you and master are existence of body both sides, perhaps various Saint wants to use you, but the master can never.” “我说过,你和主人是一体两面的存在,诸圣或许想利用你,但主人永远不会。” You think that the master is thinks body possession you? Made a mistake, the master wants to make you know the truth of so-called quantity tribulation.” “你以为主人是想夺舍你么?错了,主人只是想让你知道所谓量劫的真相。” Hao Tian is not a person, It is only the code name.” 昊天不是一个人,祂只是代号。” My master is Hao Tian.” “我的主人是昊天。” You.” “你也可以。” In the---- words seems like is Hao Tian speaks, but in fact, actually exposed a very simple fact: Hao Tian and Lu Xingzhou are similar. ----话语中看上去是在为昊天说话,但实际上,却揭露了一个非常朴素的事实:昊天陆行舟非常相似。 outlier two-faceds. 异数的阴阳两面。 Existence of body both sides. 一体两面的存在。 From the beginning, the mirror told him this essential clue spirit, reason that the mirror spirit has not put down white Zhishu, perhaps was also worried to alarm Zhen Yuan Zi. 从一开始,镜灵就将这个关键的线索告诉他了,镜灵之所以没有平白直述,恐怕也是担心惊动到镇元子 Therefore can only the side rap. 所以只能旁侧敲击。 The mirror spirit words technique is also exquisite, prejudice of then Lu Xingzhou to the Hao Tian mirror was quite deep, therefore he deliberately used to favor the Hao Tian speech way completely, but before that it actually first made body possession the Lu Xingzhou action, in this foundation, it jumped over for Hao Tian speaks, 镜灵的话术也非常精妙,当时的陆行舟昊天镜本就成见颇深,所以他刻意用了完全倾向昊天的说话方式,但在那之前,它却是先做出了“夺舍陆行舟的举动,在这个基础上,它越为昊天说话, Trust of Lu Xingzhou Hao Tian is lower, will more abandon these, then the clue in ponder mirror spirit words, then notices the true prompt. 陆行舟昊天的信任就越低,就越会抛弃这些,转而思考镜灵话语中的线索,然后注意到真正的提示。 As for going to the prompt of Yaochi, 至于前往瑶池的提示, Then true Hao Tian keeps the prompt in Hao Tian mirror, for is to make the Hao Tian mirror combine, then as opening on Saint road key of Zixiaogong, 则是真正昊天留在昊天镜内的提示,为的就是让昊天镜合二为一,然后作为开启成圣路上紫霄宫的钥匙, The mirror spirit said it, 镜灵将其说出, Also to let Zhen Yuan Zi thinks, the Hao Tian mirror is maintaining the proper operation as before, does not make him suspect it. 也只是为了让镇元子以为,昊天镜依旧在维持正常运作,不让其怀疑到它。 Finally is---- 结果就是---- I have guessed correctly you.” “我早就猜到你了。” Hao Tian.” 昊天。” Lu Xingzhou at this moment one and opens the eyes, looks to a Hao Tian eye of band of light several points of happy expression: Antique for trillion years complete Human Immortal, only then you and I, take a good photo again the spirit prompt, is actually not difficult to guess, let alone I had suspected that some people have been pushing me to go forward.” 此刻的陆行舟连双眼都一并睁开,看向昊天的目光带着几分久违的笑意:“太古亿万年来的无缺人仙,只有你和我,再加上镜灵的提示,其实并不难猜,何况我早就怀疑有人一直在推着我前进。” Although I truly am the talent, but the boundless empty sea is how broad. Talent not just my, contrasts others, my talent rather some went too far.” “虽然我确实是天才,但无垠虚海何其广阔。天才并非只有我一个,对比其他人,我天才的未免有些太过分了。” Others realm that uses for trillion years to achieve.” “别人用了亿万年才达到的境界。” My several years achieved.” “我几年就做到了。” This, is not without a doubt normal.” At this point Lu Xingzhou: Naturally, I most start such as you to want such to start to suspect Sage.” “这毫无疑问,不正常。”说到这里陆行舟顿了顿:“当然,我最开始如你所想那样开始怀疑诸位圣人。” This is also your camouflage.” “这也是你的障眼法。” Using the Zhen Yuan Zi this Sage status, various Taoist trinity characteristics, making the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator who I will promote myself unceasingly to progress place antique various Saint body, excises the own suspicion.” “利用镇元子这个圣人的身份,还有各种三清特征,让我将推动自己不断进步的幕后黑手放在太古诸圣身上,摘除自己的嫌疑。” But!” “但是!” Lu Xingzhou cracks into a smile: Your chess misses one move eventually, has not understood that the mystery of concealed chess, the so-called concealed chess, not necessarily lays aside the essential board game piece.” 陆行舟咧嘴一笑:“你终究还是棋差一招,没有明白藏棋的奥妙,所谓藏棋,未必是藏起关键的棋子。” Every so often, common, is often fatal!” “很多时候,不起眼的,往往才是致命的!” Bang!” “轰隆!” Lu Xingzhou finishes speaking, the Hao Tian mirror of forehead erupts truly, that wisp of miraculous glow spreads rapidly, finally outlined a calm and composed person's shadow. 陆行舟话音刚落,眉心的昊天镜就真正爆发,那一缕灵光迅速扩散,最后勾勒出了一道羽扇纶巾的人影。 Who is he? 他是谁? Is you!!!” “是你!!!” At this moment, Hao Tian of Lu Xingzhou within the body, Zhen Yuan Zi, revealed the heartfelt shock completely, nearby Chong sovereign are being the pupil shrink suddenly. 这一刻,陆行舟体内的昊天,还有镇元子,全部流露出了由衷的震惊,连带着旁边的崇皇都是瞳孔骤缩。 The reason is very simple: 原因很简单: Before Lu Xingzhou, after this is immemorial, natural talent highest member, its talent talent, even made then many Yang God dread. 陆行舟之前,这位才是太古以后天资最高的修士,其天赋才情,甚至让当时的诸多阳神都为之忌惮。 Highest sage. 至圣。 Zhong Qiu! 仲丘 When does the--- Hao Tian mirror present the transformation? When gives birth intelligence? Actually is very good to guess, reviews to discover slightly. ---昊天镜是什么时候出现蜕变的?什么时候生出灵性的?其实很好猜,稍微回顾一下就能够发现。 Imperial College! Is Imperial College!” 国子监!是国子监!” The highest sage Zhong Qiu town/subdues kills accumulated demon Heavenly Venerate Qin Wansheng, turning the noble spirit river into Heavenly Fate, then met with Lu Xingzhou in the time, opened a light to the Hao Tian mirror. 至圣仲丘镇杀蕴魔天尊秦万生,化浩气长河为天数,而后在时光中会见陆行舟,给昊天镜开了一次光。 You damn!” “你该死!” The Hao Tian startled anger happened simultaneously, has not thought, this should fall from the sky, even Yang God is not the member, will appear in the final moment in this place! This looked like in the battlefield of giant to mix in an ant simply, but this ant actually turned around the situation sufficiently! 昊天惊怒交加,万万没想到,这一位早就应该陨落的,甚至连阳神都不是的修士,会在最后关头出现在这个地方!这简直就像是巨人的战场中混入了一只蚂蚁,可偏偏这只蚂蚁却足以扭转战局! Yes. 是了。 If Zhong Qiu, if this having great ambitions, to suppress the Demonic Path was willing to make the sacrifice, simultaneously the senior of Roaming Immortal Guest kind teacher, 如果是仲丘的话,如果是这个志存高远,为了镇压魔道而心甘情愿做出牺牲,同时还是游仙客恩师的前辈, Can convince Lu Xingzhou. 是能够说服陆行舟的。 Because Lu Xingzhou trusts him. 因为陆行舟信任他。 In the past I established Righteous Sovereign Heaven, once went to lose antique, went to Yaochi, and left behind a wisp of true spirit mark on there Hao Tian mirror fragment.” “当年我立下正皇天,也曾去过太古遗界,去过瑶池,并在那里的昊天镜残片上留下了一缕真灵印记。” Therefore when sees land young friend.” “所以在看到陆小友的时候。” I understand.” “我就明白。” Was the graciousness of time repayment past asking.” “是时候偿还昔日的问道之恩了。” The mirror spirit is not Zhong Qiu, in particular, true Zhong Qiu has unravelled, keeps in the Hao Tian mirror, a wisp of knowledge that but Zhong Qiu leaves behind. 镜灵不是仲丘,确切地说,真正的仲丘已经灰飞烟灭了,留在昊天镜内的,只是仲丘留下的一缕分识。 It saves the world time is not long. 其存世时间不长。 But can actually at the most essential time point, the matter of primary importance, 但却能在最关键的时间点,将最重要的事情, Told Lu Xingzhou. 告诉陆行舟 However---- 但是---- Is impossible!” Hao Tian is unable to believe: Is the Hao Tian mirror that I build, you how possibly in I don't know in the situation the concealed spirit in the Hao Tian mirror?” “不可能!”昊天无法相信:“是我打造的昊天镜,你怎么可能在我不知道情况下藏灵于昊天镜?” Nothing is impossible.” “没什么不可能的。” Forgot?” “忘了么?” I once asked in a senior, this repays the benevolence.” “我曾问道于某位前辈,这不过是偿还恩情罢了。” Asked? 问道? Highest sage did Zhong Qiu once ask in people? 至圣仲丘曾问道于人? Is who? 是谁? The Zhen Yuan Zi revolution divine will, at the present calamity, in secret completely situation obviously, this is not difficult to calculate. The next second he then turns around suddenly: 镇元子运转神意,在如今天塌地陷,天机尽显的情况下,这并不难推算。下一秒他便陡然转身: Morals!!!” “道德!!!” Is moral Heavenly Venerate! 是道德天尊 A gasified Taoist trinity! 一气化三清! Damn, moral does Heavenly Venerate have the means unexpectedly in secret and Zhong Qiu exchange? Where? Not in Ashen Mystery Boundary, otherwise cannot escape the informer, Zhong Qiu flies upwards to come from the world of mortals, therefore ..... not closely is also paying attention to the boundless empty sea in the world of mortals, finally unexpectedly was taken advantage of loopholes by it actually!? 该死,道德天尊居然有办法暗中和仲丘交流?在哪里?不是在蓬玄界,否则逃不过自己耳目,仲丘是从下界飞升而来,所以是在下界.....自己也并非始终关注着无垠虚海,结果居然硬是被其钻了空子!? Has the shield of moral Heavenly Venerate, Zhong Qiu can conceals on the Hao Tian mirror spirit, who will care about the member who Yang God has not arrived at? 正是有道德天尊的掩护,仲丘才能够在昊天镜上藏灵,谁又会去在意一个阳神都没到的修士呢? This is the concealed chess! 这才是藏棋! Genuine concealed chess! 真正的藏棋!
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