TEIBF :: Volume #7

#608: The breakthrough, melts the god boundary

The deification of Lu Xuan is Golden Dragon, emerges from the body faintly. 陆轩的神化为一条金龙,隐隐从身体之中脱颖而出。 Regarding with many people, this is very difficult, even is unable to span. 对于与许多人来说,这一步是非常困难的,甚至是无法跨越过去的。 The gods invisible do not have, does not seem like the vigor, does not have special cultivation technique, very difficulty to evolve the god, but if the god is not very powerful, is unable to evolve. 神无形无相,不像是精气神,没有专门的功法,很难将神演化出来,而神如果不够强大的话,也无法演化出来。 Not only god must be powerful enough, but also the will must very firm, the god to a certain extent, is the will obviously. 不仅仅本身的神要足够强大,而且意志要非常非常的坚定才可以,神某种程度上,就是自身意志的显化。 Can arrive at this, then in the ancient times, was Land Immortal, Bodhisattva arhat first-class, belonged truly had existence of Dao Fruit. 能够走到这一步的,那在古代,就是陆地神仙,菩萨罗汉一流,属于真正有了道果的存在。 This kind of person, if appears in the river of history, often can go down in history, demonstrates many inconceivable abilities. 这一类的人,如果出现在历史的长河之中,往往就能够名垂青史,显示出诸多的不可思议的能力。 In Daoism is the immortal first-class, in the Buddhist naturally is Bodhisattva Dao Fruit, in the Confucianist, is existence of philosophers level. 道家就是地仙一流,在佛家自然是菩萨道果,在儒家,就是诸子级别的存在。 Once went to this situation, the whole person will have tremendous changes. 一旦达到了这种地步,整个人就将会有一个翻天覆地的变化。 The god in Lu Xuan within the body, has actually taken shape, is only the scale is too small, at this time, innumerable spirit qi swamped into his body directly, flooded into this golden Divine Dragon. 陆轩体内的神,其实已经成型,只是规模还太小,这个时候,无数的灵气直接涌入了他的身体之中,涌入了这一条金色的神龙之中。 Golden Dragon gets bigger and bigger, finally in his behind, formed enough over about one foot golden color Divine Dragon, must all have, the scales are dense, seem like the incomparable reality, seems a true golden big dragon is ordinary. 金龙越长越大,终于在他的身后,形成了足足超过一尺左右的金色神龙,全须全有,鳞甲森森,看起来是无比的真实,仿佛是一条真正的金色巨龙一般。 This Golden Dragon looks about the fresh splendor, head high, chest out, seems not the Lu Xuan god, but is true Golden Dragon, haughty world. 这一条金龙顾盼生辉,昂首挺胸,仿佛并不是陆轩的神所化,而是真正的一条金龙,傲世天下。 Conversely, Golden Dragon that the Lu Xuan god evolves, even also wants in the power and prestige compared with true Golden Dragon several points. 相反的,陆轩的神所演化的金龙,甚至比起真正的金龙还要威风上几分呢。 Day day-by-day crossing, suddenly, had passed ten days. 日子一天一天的渡过,眨眼间,就已经足足过去了十天的时间。 Behind Lu Xuan that Golden Dragon also grows perceptibly to turn into three zhang (3.33 m) from one foot, the intensity of this god, is almost fearful. 陆轩背后的那一条金龙也从一尺见长变成三丈长,这种神的强度,几乎是可怕的。 Because common just strided in the expert of god boundary, god who can unify, many also one zhang (3.33 m) high, but Lu Xuan just condensed successfully, is enough three zhang (3.33 m), is three times of common god boundary is long. 因为寻常刚刚跨入化神境的高手,所能够凝聚出来的神,最多也就一丈高,而陆轩刚刚凝聚成功,就已经有足足三丈长,是寻常化神境的三倍长。 In which disparity can be imagined. 其中的差距就可想而知。 However on the face of Lu Xuan the slight pride, to him, this is not natural. 不过陆轩的脸上并没有丝毫的骄傲,对他来说,这本来就是理所当然的。 Condensed three zhang (3.33 m) Golden Dragon, the Lu Xuan god was as powerful as a degree that was inconceivable, its strength, was the expert of not common god boundary can compare. 凝聚出了三丈长的金龙,陆轩的神可谓是强大到了一种难以想象的程度,其战力,更是远非寻常化神境的高手能比的。 Three zhang (3.33 m) and disparity between one zhang (3.33 m), naturally is not only then differs three times is so simple, its strength will have tremendous changes. 三丈和一丈之间的差距,当然不是只有相差三倍这么简单,其战力会有一个翻天覆地的变化。 But the most important thing is, after unifying own god, Lu Xuan detected, entire are having tremendous changes. 而最重要的是,凝聚出了自己的神之后,陆轩才察觉到的,整个自身都在发生着一种翻天覆地的变化。 Condensation of god, not only means in the middle of the Lu Xuan vigor god to be the considerably large degree, what is more important, was away from a world sensibility, at this time is almost very easy development in the Lu Xuan front. 神的凝聚,不仅仅意味着陆轩精气神当中的神已经达到了相当大的程度,更重要的是,原本还隔着一层的天地感悟,此时几乎是很轻而易举的展现在陆轩的面前。 Through the god, Lu Xuan regards the angle of thing, naturally from original looks at the mountain is the mountain, looking at the water is the water, entered a brand-new level, looked at the mountain is not the mountain, looked at the water is not the water. 通过神,陆轩看待事物的角度,自然而然的就从原本的看山是山,看水是水,进入到了一个全新的层次,看山不是山,看水不是水。 Even he feels the great strength of own god, direct feedback in body sensation. 甚至他感觉自身神的强大,直接反馈在了身体感知之中。 He looked that the world was more accurate, as if in the world all in his sensation, is not the secret. 他看世界比原本更加准确,仿佛天地间所有的一切在他的感知之中,都不是秘密。 Even he closes the eye, does not affect his sensation world, the sensation that the god knows compared with wanted clear ten times. 甚至他闭上眼睛,都不影响他感知这个世界,神识的感知比起原本要清晰十倍。 That feeling, looks like the god in body, the condition of that disbanded soldiers got together, turned into the elite force. 那种感觉,就像是身体之中的神,那种散兵游勇的状态被聚合了起来,变成了精兵强将。 Even he can affect the world by the god, forms the world phenomenon, in the ancient times in these legends, many just like the gods common character, was so. 甚至他可以以神来影响天地,形成天地异象,古代那些神话传说中,诸多犹如神明一般的人物,便是如此。 Even coordinates exclusive Divine Ability, can trigger the world phenomenon, windy rain, is a cinch. 甚至配合上专有的神通,能够引发天地异象,刮风下雨,都是不在话下。 Has such character to assume a side, basically can guarantee this place good crop weather! 有这样的人物坐镇一方,基本上可以保证这个地方风调雨顺! In the ancient times had such character, often will be labeled as the country master, assumed a side country. 古代有这样的人物,往往都会被封为国师,坐镇一方国家。 Quiet, was almost nothing phenomenon Lu Xuan has completed remoulding of own god, then strided in entered the god boundary. 悄无声息,几乎是没有任何异象陆轩就已经完成了自身的神的重塑,进而跨入进入了化神境。 Naturally, without alarming, Lu Xuan all power services must depend upon these to seize from the Absolute Beginning Dao spirit stones. 当然,在不惊动外界的情况下,陆轩所有的能量供应都要依靠那些缴获自太初道的灵石。 Only is these spirit stones, had consumed more than ten million. 光是这些灵石,就已经足足消耗了上千万之多。 Also took by force the Absolute Beginning Dao treasure house, obtained over 50 million spirit stones, half kept Cloud Pavilion Villa, lets family member cultivation, other stays side Lu Xuan. 也就是打劫了太初道的宝库,获得了超过五千万的灵石,其中一半留在了云轩山庄,让家人修行,其他的都呆在陆轩身边。 This consumes about half all of a sudden, but to break through to god boundary. 这一下子就消耗近半,只是为了突破到化神境而已。 Went out!” “出关了!” The Lu Xuan station, walked outward. 陆轩站了起来,向外走去。 The news that Lu Xuan goes out reported quickly to Three Immortal Gate[Door] Sect Master Lu Xiu. 陆轩出关的消息很快就禀告给了三仙门门主陆修 Lu Xiu catches up to meet quickly, Lu Xiu looked at Lu Xuan, sees only Lu Xuan no appearance of change, even the fluctuation of True Yuan does not have, the muscle does not even seem like cultivator lax. 陆修很快赶来相见,陆修看了看陆轩,只见陆轩身上没有任何变化的样子,甚至连真元的波动都没有,肌肉松松垮垮甚至都不像是一个修行者 „Hasn't he broken through?” In the Lu Xiu heart somewhat has doubts, don’t know Lu Xuan broke through or has not broken through. “难道他没有突破?”陆修心中有几分疑惑,不知道陆轩到底是突破了还是没有突破。 If broke through, Lu Xuan True Yuan impossible fluctuation not to have, even Lu Xuan realm were higher than him, but that type just broke through the realm time really fluctuated, was almost the matter that was hard to avoid. 如果突破了的话,陆轩身上真元不可能一点波动都没有,即便陆轩境界比他更高,但是那种刚刚突破境界时候的真远波动,几乎是难以避免的事情。 However Lu Xiu thinks, is only ten days, regarding wanting to break through to the person of god boundary, was really difficult. 不过陆修想了想,才只是十天的时间,对于想要突破到化神境的人来说,实在是太难了。 Does not have the breakthrough is very normal! 没突破也很正常! Land Sect Master, I had a matter to want troublesome land Sect Master!” “陆掌门,我有一件事情想要麻烦陆掌门了!” Lu Xuan looks at Lu Xiu, immediately says. 陆轩看着陆修,随即开口说道。 don’t know Mr. Lu has anything to tell, although mentioned and that's the end!” Lu Xiu said hastily. 不知道卢先生有什么吩咐,尽管说来就是了!”陆修连忙说道。 Lu Xuan says: I want to draw support from land Sect Master here, is a meeting landlord, entertainment next three mahatma places Old Ancestor, Sect Master and the others, discussed together the world affair, arrived decides the world situation!” 陆轩开口说道:“我想借助陆掌门这里,做一会地主,招待一下三大圣地的老祖,掌门等人,共商天下大事,抵定天下局势!” Lu Xiu was startled, but he had not thought that has any strange, even wants to come in him, this is natural. 陆修怔了一下,不过他没有觉得有任何奇怪的,甚至在他想来,这本身就是理所应当的。 Behind Lu Xuan is standing the entire Earth Federation, cultivation base is also under three mahatma Old Ancestor the first person, although three mahatma places Old Ancestor compared with him, but cannot do to him, truly should also act to divide the world the situation. 陆轩背后站着整个地球联邦,一身修为也是三大圣地老祖之下第一人,三大圣地的老祖虽然比他强,但是也奈何不得他,确实也该出面划分天下的局势了。 Even many people have this guess, but when don’t know Lu Xuan will stand. 甚至许多人早就有此猜测,只是不知道陆轩什么时候会站出来罢了。 This nature does not have the issue!” “这个自然没问题!” Lu Xiu, said immediately. 陆修顿了顿,随即开口说道。 He knows, such a, in the eyes of all the people, he will naturally be included within in Lu Xuan this camp, stands with the Earth Federation. 他知道,这么一来,在天下人的眼中,他自然就会划入陆轩这一阵营之中,和地球联邦站到一起。 This regarding Three Immortal Gate[Door], is a challenge, however seems like in him, actually is also a brand-new opportunity. 这对于三仙门来说,是一个挑战,然而在他看起来,却也是一个全新的机会。 In the situation that is shuffling brand-new occupies the opportunity of advantage. 一个在全新洗牌的局势之中占据优势的机会。
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