TEIBF :: Volume #6

#546: The sword of steamroll pill Chen child

Many people think that finds it hard to believe that trades to be them, that will be is impossible to choose in the battlefield breaks through, the difficulty was too big, will not be careful possibly accidentally discharges Bedevilment, caused heavy losses. 许多人想到都觉得不可思议,换做他们,那是根本不可能会选择在战场上突破的,难度太大了,甚至一个不小心就可能走火入魔,被重创。 Originally, this is your genuine card in a hand!” “原来,这才是你真正的底牌!” pill Chen child facial expression solemn looks at Lu Xuan, even more thought that the Lu Xuan threat was too big. 丹辰子神情冷峻的看着陆轩,愈发的觉得陆轩威胁太大了。 The common person breaks through to the Half-step god boundary, he will only think that is an accident/surprise, but Lu Xuan breaks through to the Half-step god boundary, gives his feeling is actually, is very assured. 寻常人突破到半步化神境,他只会觉得那是一种意外而已,但是陆轩突破到半步化神境,给他的感觉却是,很笃定。 That type were being attacked even, during fierce fight, so long as he thinks that can certainly break through to the Half-step god boundary. 那种即便是在被攻击,在激烈的战斗之中,只要他想,那就一定能够突破到半步化神境。 Although this is very absurd, as if Lu Xuan early in 1800 is this realm was the same. 虽然这很荒谬,就仿佛陆轩早一千八百年就已经是这个境界了一样。 Thinks to find it hard to believe. 想想都觉得不可思议。 However seems like in him, this is the only possibility! 但是在他看起来,这是唯一的可能性! Even this possibility is inconceivable, but pill Chen child chooses to trust own intuition. 即便这个可能性再不可思议,但是丹辰子选择相信自己的直觉。 Associates to must cut to kill Yan Han that again he kept on proclaiming, he understood suddenly all of a sudden, perhaps before Lu Xuan, said that must cope with Yan Han, not only said. 再联想到他口口声声的要斩杀燕寒,他陡然一下子明白了,恐怕陆轩之前说要对付燕寒,并不只是说说而已。 Even cannot be the slogan, because this is the matter that he must handle. 甚至都不能算是口号,因为这是他必然要去做的事情。 Even gives him a feeling, so long as Lu Xuan wants to kill Yan Han, then Yan Han must die without doubt. 甚至给他一种感觉,只要陆轩想要杀死燕寒,那么燕寒就必死无疑。 Regardless where hides to go, simply has not possibly escaped. 无论躲到什么地方去,都根本没有可能逃脱。 This is a very strange feeling, but he believes that Lu Xuan may achieve. 这是一种很奇怪的感觉,但是他相信陆轩有可能做到。 But this is he to cut to kill the card in a hand that Yan Han leaves behind specially, before drew the bow and not discharged the arrow, but so-called incarnation, but was only one laughs uproariously. 而这就是他专门为斩杀燕寒而留下的底牌,之前引而不发,而所谓的化身,不过只是一个噱头而已。 If Yan Han really arrived on Earth, perhaps in a principle seal of strength on by Earth in the most situation, really had possibility in the sewers to capsize. 如果燕寒真的降临在了地球上,在一身实力被地球上的法则封印了大半的情况下,恐怕真的有可能阴沟里翻船。 Thinks of here, pill Chen child facial expression finally complete changed, before did not have again, can control all, rules the world assured. 想到这里,丹辰子神情终于完完全全的变了,再也没有了之前能够掌控一切,君临天下的笃定。 Lu Xuan looks at pill Chen child, said: Is the Half-step god boundary, is very strange?” 陆轩看着丹辰子,说道:“不过是半步化神境而已,很奇怪么?” With not the slightest difference that pill Chen child thinks, this truly is Lu Xuan specially the card in a hand of preparation, is used to aim at Yan Han, what a pity Yan Han has not arrived. 和丹辰子想的一般无二,这确实是陆轩所专门准备的底牌,用来针对燕寒,可惜燕寒没有降临。 This white reckless. 这就白瞎了。 Played a moment ago was so long, the present is the time, ended this farce!” “刚才玩了那么久,现在是时候,结束这一场闹剧了!” Lu Xuan light saying. 陆轩淡淡的说道。 The people with amazement, will regard as a farce with Half-step god boundary a fight of expert, this is the great heart. 众人骇然,将和一个半步化神境的高手的战斗视作一场闹剧,这是何等宏大的心胸。 After Lu Xuan strided in the Half-step god boundary system, the people have to acknowledge, Lu Xuan or really has the qualifications of saying. 但是在陆轩跨入了半步化神境制后,众人也不得不承认,陆轩或者真的有这么说的资格。 Favored!” “看好了!” Lu Xuan drinks greatly, in an instant, a sword cuts, True Yuan transformed the mighty waves of deep blue water. 陆轩一声大喝,刹那间,一剑斩出,真元转化成了湛蓝色的水之波涛。 In an instant, world again inexhaustible must camouflage. 刹那间,天地再度被无穷无尽的还要所遮蔽。 That sword glow flies high to change to the innumerable great shark, the great shark plunders rapidly in the direction of pill Chen child. 那剑芒凌空化作无数巨鲨,巨鲨纷纷朝着丹辰子的方向急速掠去。 How is this possible?” “这怎么可能?” pill Chen child is dumbfounded, this is not his becoming famous swordsmanship, is his pride is. 丹辰子目瞪口呆,这不是他的成名剑道么,也是他的骄傲所在。 He has not thought that coming out that Lu Xuan can display unexpectedly. 他从来没想到,陆轩居然能够施展的出来。 Through fight, saw the purity that his swordsmanship touched merely unexpectedly, this was not of having externals without substance, the sword intent that conversely, Lu Xuan displayed, unclearly also above him. 仅仅只是通过刚才的交手,居然就见他的剑道摸的一清二楚,这不是徒有其表的那种,相反的,陆轩施展出来的这剑意,隐隐然还在他之上。 In an instant, the endless mighty waves have swept across his front. 刹那间,无尽的波涛已经席卷到了他的面前。 Damn!” “该死!” pill Chen child considers without enough time, is almost the flash, same cut astonishing sword intent, similarly changed to everywhere the mighty waves, melted the innumerable great shark, contended with Lu Xuan. 丹辰子来不及多做考虑,几乎是一瞬间,同样的斩出了惊人的剑意,同样化作漫天的波涛,化出无数的巨鲨,与陆轩相抗衡。 Bang!” “轰隆!” both sides collided, innumerable sword intent flew high the collision, each sword intent just like a great shark to delimit the expansive sky, crushed all, swallowed all. 双方碰撞到了一起,无数的剑意凌空碰撞,每一道剑意都犹如一条巨鲨划过长空,粉碎一切,吞噬一切。 Dāng!” “当!” The sword glow collided, pill Chen child retroceded again and again several steps, only thought that the whole body is shivering, he clearly felt, own fingers/tiger mouth during collisions, was cracked, blood crossflow, incarnadine body. 剑芒碰撞到了一起,丹辰子连连后退了好几步,只觉得浑身都在颤抖,他分明感受到了,自身的虎口都在一次次的碰撞之中,被崩裂开来,鲜血横流,染红了身躯。 pill Chen child shows the inconceivable facial expression, this opponent was too strong, almost penetrated own sword intent, projects on his front. 丹辰子露出不可思议的神情,这个对手太强了,差点击穿了自己的剑意,打到他的面前。 Kills!” “杀!” Calls out transmits, pill Chen child angrily roars, his double pupil seems two ** the day was ordinary, astonishing pupil light that sprayed, can shoot through entire void. 一声暴喝传来,丹辰子怒吼一声,他的双眸好似两**日一般,喷射出的惊人的眸光,能够射穿整个虚空。 This is inconceivable Divine Ability, the Half-step god boundary, has the certain prestige energies of god boundary, developed part that god conceals in body. 这是不可思议的神通,半步化神境,已经拥有化神境的某些威能,将身体之中的那神藏开发出了一部分。 This time pill Chen child appears the incomparable divine object, the whole body sent the silk to flutter about, lifted the arm, a sword like chopping into pieces the mountains and rivers was common, swept across toward Lu Xuan. 此时的丹辰子显得无比的神物,浑身发丝纷飞,抬起了手臂,一剑如同劈碎山河一般,朝着陆轩席卷了下去。 pill Chen child launched the counter-attack, his these sword glow formed Sword Formation, strangled to death toward Lu Xuan. 丹辰子展开了反击,他的这些剑芒形成了剑阵,朝着陆轩绞杀了过去。 insignificant talent!” 雕虫小技!” Lu Xuan lifts the hand, moves forward to meet somebody with a simple sword, the people only heard a gold/metal iron junction to call the common collision sound , they only noticed that the Lu Xuan sword glow tore the vault of heaven, crushes Sword Formation that pill Chen child that shook out. 陆轩抬手,以简单的一剑迎了上去,紧接着众人就只听到了一阵金铁交鸣一般的碰撞声,紧接着,他们就只看到陆轩的剑芒撕裂开了天穹,粉碎了丹辰子那一个扑落下来的剑阵 Bang!” “轰!” A giant bellow, the Lu Xuan sword glow pierced Sword Formation of pill Chen child, rumbled directly the body of pill Chen child. 一声巨大的轰鸣声,陆轩的剑芒洞穿了丹辰子的剑阵,直接轰到了丹辰子的身上。 Bang!” “嘭!” pill Chen child was rumbled to fly to go out several kilometers distance, stood firm the figure reluctantly, unceasing coughing up blood in midair. 丹辰子被轰飞了出去数千米的距离,才勉强稳住了身形,在半空之中不断的咳血。 „!” “哇!” A pill Chen child blood spurted, only felt the five main internal organs (entrails) collided shifting during such collision. 丹辰子一口鲜血喷了出来,只感觉五脏六腑都在那样的碰撞之中生生被碰撞的移位了。 On his body, in armor of hidden inch by inch cracks, the next flash, changed to everywhere radiance to scatter in all directions. 在他的身上,一件隐藏的内甲一寸一寸的崩裂开来,下一瞬间,就化作了漫天的光华四散开来。 In this armor blocked the Lu Xuan fatal sword a moment ago at crucial moment, although caused heavy losses to him as before, but the good and evil has not passed through him. 刚才正是这一件内甲在关键时候挡住了陆轩的致命一剑,虽然依旧重创了他,但是好歹没有将他贯穿。 Otherwise, he was hard. 否则的话,他硬死了。 „A good terrifying sword!” “好恐怖的一剑!” pill Chen child hit did not have the temperament, on oneself in this armor, even facing the attack of common Half-step god boundary, can still be safe and sound, this was also one of the he vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered world cards in a hand, did not fear to besiege. 丹辰子被打的没脾气了,自己身上这一件内甲,即便是面对寻常半步化神境的攻击,也可以安然无恙,这也是他纵横天下的底牌之一,并不惧怕围攻。 The attacks of these people fall, on armor by him will be reduced and solved. 那些人的攻击落到身上,都会被他身上的内甲所化解。 Therefore he has many years is not under the threat truly. 所以他已经有很多年都没有真正面临威胁了。 Let alone was crushed in oneself this by a Lu Xuan so sword armor! 更别说被陆轩这般一剑粉碎了自己这一件内甲! Then by a sword of Lu Xuan locking, almost disintegration his Spiritual Word. 那被陆轩锁定的一剑,差点崩碎了他的精神世界 That sword intent is terrifying, only then he clearest, a that seemingly simple sword extinguishes the sword of the world. 那剑意有多么恐怖,只有他自己最清楚,那看似简简单单的一剑才是灭世之剑。 Now his does not dare to recall that sword, will otherwise feel that own Spiritual Word will be broken instantaneously. 现在他的不敢去回想那一剑,否则就会感觉自己的精神世界都会被瞬间破开。 The influence of that sword such overbearing. 那一剑的影响就是这么的霸道。 Originally this is the genuine swordsmanship!” “原来这才是真正的剑道!” He felt that oneself has traced the genuine swordsmanship, from the body of own enemy. 他感觉自己已经摸到了真正的剑道,从自己的敌人的身上。 So long as he can run away the birth day, gives him again several years closes up, he even had confidence that can break through to the god boundary, to become sect in Heavenly Paradise is the ancestor. 只要他能够逃出生天,再给他几年的时间闭关,他甚至有把握能够突破到化神境,在洞天福地之中成宗做祖。 The premise is, he can escape from chasing down of Lu Xuan! 前提是,他能够逃脱陆轩的追杀!
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