TEIBF :: Volume #6

#545: Breakthrough, Half-step god boundary

Above the sky on Wudang Mountains, two forms, showed the astonishing prestige energy. 在武当山上的天空之上,两道身影,展现出了惊人的威能。 Each collision, can collide the bright spark, two people forms pass the lightning simply quickly. 每一次的碰撞,都能碰撞出灿烂的火花,两人的身影简直快逾闪电。 The average people have not seen clearly thoroughly exactly had anything, even the fast camera cannot pat, only after can slow down dozens times, can see clearly reluctantly, actually to have anything. 普通人已经彻底看不清楚到底发生了什么,即便是快速摄像机也拍不到,只能放慢几十倍之后,才能够勉强看清楚,究竟发生了什么。 Really terrifyingly to pinnacle. 着实恐怖到了极致。 Even the Divine Storehouse Realm on the scene expert, must cover above the eyes by complete True Yuan, can see clearly reluctantly, actually to have anything. 即便是在场的神藏境的高手,都必须要以全部的真元覆盖到双眼之上,才能够勉强看清楚,究竟发生了什么。 But presents dumbfoundedness that the experts of many kendoists look, also feels full, competions between two big swordsmanship experts, are the competions of both sides swordsmanship idea. 而在场许多剑道的高手看的目瞪口呆,同时也觉得酣畅淋漓,两大剑道高手之间的比拼,同时也是双方剑道理念的比拼。 Let them broaden the outlook. 让他们大开眼界。 pill Chen child can become in Heavenly Paradise the famous swordsmanship Grandmaster, the big sword is bold. 丹辰子能够成为洞天福地之中有名的剑道大师,大剑豪。 It the comprehension on swordsmanship is also naturally without a doubt. 其在剑道上的领悟自然也是毋庸置疑的。 Strength that however Lu Xuan shows, is more astonishing. 但是陆轩所展现出来的实力,则更加惊人。 His each move is the antelope hangs the corner/horn, this is not realm that the so-called no move wins to incur. 他的每一招都是羚羊挂角,这已经不是所谓的无招胜有招的境界 Because not incurs realm that wins to incur is only the sword incurs on no move, in fact in sword intent this level, not incurred the idea that won to incur that not to. 因为无招胜有招的境界只是剑招上的无招而已,实际上在剑意这个层次,无招胜有招的理念就已经没有那么总要了。 What competion is the great strength of sword intent. 比拼的是剑意的强大。 However Lu Xuan changed this viewpoint forcefully, the sword air/Qi that cuts conveniently, can break open sword intent of pill Chen child, accurate, the double pupil of Lu Xuan looks like the supercomputer to be the same simply, almost looked at a sword intent of pill Chen child, can see through his weakness of sword China , Italy. 但是陆轩硬生生改变了这种观点,随手斩出的剑气,都能破开丹辰子的剑意,准确的来说,陆轩的双眸简直就像是超级计算机一样,几乎是看了一眼丹辰子的剑意,就能够看穿他的剑意中的弱点。 Each move can break open the weakness in his sword intent with ease, can therefore contend with pill Chen child with ease. 每一招都能够轻松的破开他剑意之中的弱点,所以才能够轻松抗衡丹辰子。 This keen seeing clearly ability, lets praising to the heavens that many people look at simply. 这种敏锐的洞察能力,让许多人简直看的叹为观止。 During the battles of two big experts, the difference of insight, will invariably cause the difference of final victory or defeat. 在两大高手的交战之中,洞察力的差别,往往会导致最后的胜败的差别。 Damn, damn, damn!” “该死,该死,该死!” pill Chen child unceasing angry roaring, unceasing roaring, he is the expert of Half-step god boundary rank, facing Lu Xuan time, unexpectedly was unable to win. 丹辰子不断的怒吼,不断的咆哮,他已经是半步化神境级别的高手,面对陆轩的时候,居然还不能胜利。 Lu Xuan incurs with the sword purely can break open own sword intent, can protect oneself, this to him, simply is a shame. 陆轩纯粹以剑招就可以破开自己的剑意,可以自保,这对他来说,简直就是一种羞辱。 Dies to me!” “给我死!” pill Chen child, has made the decision in an instant, deep blue sword glow soars, against the wind however rises, gets bigger and bigger, in the sword blade, erupted the astonishing Divine Ability ray. 丹辰子,刹那间已经做出了决定,湛蓝色的剑芒腾空而起,迎风而涨,越长越大,在剑身之中,爆发出了惊人的神通的光芒。 This is swordsmanship Divine Ability of seal in his sword blade. 这是封印在他的剑身之中的一道剑道神通 Lu Xuan Thunder Dragon who is similar to is born general, the seal goes in ahead of time, at crucial moment, can use on. 就如同的陆轩的雷龙降世一般,都是提前封印进去的,在关键的时候,就能够用的上。 Bang!” “轰!” Sword intent sweeps across, instantaneous hiding the sky and covering the earth. 剑意席卷开来,瞬间铺天盖地 The people as if saw in the flash, the world changed into boundless endless sea directly. 众人仿佛在一瞬间就看到,天地直接化为了一片无边无尽的海洋。 But they are in the sea center. 而他们就身在海洋中央。 This is sword intent, sword intent can affect our nerves unexpectedly, was too fearful!” “这是剑意,剑意居然能够影响到我们的神经,太可怕了!” Some people call out in alarm one, at present they see is the scenes that sword intent evolves, was fearful. 有人惊呼一声,他们眼前所看到的都是剑意演化的场景,可怕极了。 Even it is said that sword intent of some people cultivated the pinnacle, not only formed the illusion, but was truly the thing projection in sword intent to the real world. 甚至据说,有人的剑意修炼到了极致,不仅仅只是形成幻象,而是真正将剑意之中的东西投影到现实世界来。 However that is only a legend, they have not seen some people able to achieve in any case this degree. 不过那只是一种传说,反正他们没有见过有人能够做到这种程度的。 The next flash, in the sword glow, the sword gasifications of innumerable say/way made great shark, each great shark is dozens meters, hiding the sky and covering the earth, killed in the Lu Xuan direction. 下一瞬间,剑芒之中,无数道的剑气化作了一条条的巨鲨,每一条巨鲨都有数十米长,铺天盖地,朝着陆轩的方向扑杀了过来。 The common person saw this terrifying scene to directly by the scared out of one's wits, where also dares to contend with such strength. 寻常人看到这种恐怖的场景就要直接被吓破胆了,哪里还敢与这样的力量相抗衡。 Lu Xuan moves also motionless, whatever that innumerable great shark killed in his direction. 陆轩动也不动,任凭那无数条巨鲨朝着他的方向扑杀了过来。 On pill Chen child face showed several points of ice-cold smiling face, under this move, even the expert of Half-step god boundary rank, is still difficult to run away the caused heavy losses destiny. 丹辰子脸上露出了几分冰冷的笑容,这一招之下,即便是半步化神境级别的高手,也难逃被重创的命运。 Lu Xuan died! 陆轩死定了! However the next second, the mutation lives suddenly. 然而下一秒钟,异变突生。 On Lu Xuan had increased the pinnacle vitality to erupt suddenly all of a sudden, exploded to split the scary ray. 陆轩身上原本已经攀升到了极致的气血突然一下子爆发了,爆绽出了骇人的光芒。 The next flash, endless radiance erupted from the body of Lu Xuan, changed to a golden big dragon. 紧接着,下一瞬间,无尽的光华从陆轩的身上爆发了出来,化作了一条金色的巨龙。 The big dragon broke in that inexhaustible great shark, huge pair of claws toward peripheral tears, in an instant, directly that endless great shark to the smashing that rips entirely. 巨龙冲入了那无穷无尽的巨鲨之中,巨大的双爪朝着周边撕裂开来,刹那间,就直接将那无尽的巨鲨给统统撕的粉碎。 Lu Xuan aura unceasing increasing, even he gripped also to start the unceasing float after the brain black hair. 陆轩身上的气息不断的攀升,甚至连他扎在了脑后的青丝也开始不断的漂浮起来。 The black hair flies upwards! 青丝飞扬! That lunar white long gown, the firm and resolute delicate and pretty face is looking at pill Chen child. 那月白色的长袍,坚毅俊美的脸庞正看着丹辰子。 Half-step god boundary, you strided in the Half-step god boundary unexpectedly!” 半步化神境,你竟然跨入了半步化神境!” pill Chen child dumbfounded looks at this time Lu Xuan. 丹辰子目瞪口呆的看着此时的陆轩 This time Lu Xuan aura has subsided, in just strided in that flash of Half-step god boundary, Lu Xuan had restrained oneself all aura, as if had grasped all sorts in Half-step god boundary realm thoroughly. 此时的陆轩身上的气息已经平息了下去,在刚刚跨入了半步化神境的那一瞬间,陆轩就已经收敛了自身所有的气息,仿佛已经彻底掌握了半步化神境这个境界之中的种种。 He remembers oneself spent initially for a month adapted to this realm thoroughly, in this world, he has been closing up, does not dare to begin. 他记得自己当初足足花了一个多月的时间才彻底适应了这个境界,在这个世界之中,他一直在闭关,不敢和人动手。 Once for fear that makes an effort excessively fiercely, realm drops directly. 生怕一旦用力过猛,境界就直接跌落下去。 However Lu Xuan as if no worry of tiny bit this aspect. 但是陆轩却似乎没有一丝一毫这方面的担忧。 Almost is easy controlled this realm strength, as if has trained a lot of times is the same. 几乎是轻而易举的就掌控了这个境界的力量,仿佛已经演练过了千百次一样。 Those who make him shock, Lu Xuan looks from the material, over 40 years old, cultivation world, this age or young man stage. 更让他震惊的是,陆轩从资料上看,才四十多岁,在修行界来说,这个年纪还是少年郎的阶段。 However he has actually achieved realm that 99% cultivator this whole life could not achieve. 但是他却已经做到了90%九的修行者这辈子都达不到的境界 Cannot make him live absolutely!” “绝对不能让他活下来!” pill Chen child's feeling even more Lu Xuan astonishing threat, such existence, before then, he has not thought can meet. 丹辰子愈发的感觉到了陆轩的惊人威胁力,这样的存在,在此之前,他从来就没有想过能够遇上。 Own disciple, that was known as having god-given wisdom rare talent Yan Han that the millenniums are difficult to meet, in Lu Xuan this age, this realm time, cannot be the Lu Xuan degree. 就连自己的弟子,那个号称千年难遇的天纵奇才燕寒,在陆轩这个年纪,这个境界的时候,也根本达不到陆轩的程度。 Average person cultivation needs to accumulate, otherwise cultivation base promotes even, does not have the lord of means control. 一般人修行都需要积累,否则即便修为提升上去,也没有办法掌控的主。 Only has Lu Xuan, as if immunity this rule. 唯有陆轩,似乎免疫了这一条规则。 More is thinks that Lu Xuan in the future possible fearful degree, killing intent in pill Chen child heart is the ebullition, cannot make Lu Xuan survive absolutely. 越是想到陆轩未来可能的可怕的程度,丹辰子心中的杀意就越是沸腾,绝对不能让陆轩存活下来。 Otherwise, their constant disorder and unrest. 否则的话,他们永无宁日。 In battlefield breaks through, he is the heart is too big, is the luck is good?” “战场上突破,他到底是心太大,还是运气太好?” More people are Lu Xuan break through in the battlefield unexpectedly, is the Half-step god boundary, only thought that the Lu Xuan luck was also too good a point. 更多的人还是为陆轩居然在战场上突破,还是半步化神境,只觉得陆轩的运气也太好了一点。 Originally wants to break through to the Half-step god boundary, its difficulty is very big, the idle talk must break through in the battlefield. 本来想要突破到半步化神境,其难度恐怕就已经很大了,更遑论还要在战场上突破。 This is not the difficulty is big, but from the start is impossible. 这已经不是难度大,而是压根不可能的。 However Lu Xuan achieved, this is the real reason that makes everyone cannot help but look askance. 然而陆轩还是做到了,这才是让所有人都不由得侧目的真正原因。 This was also too abnormal! 这也太变态了!
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