TEIBF :: Volume #11

#1068: Confrontation

I looked that Zhang Family changes a person to train, getting up how the waste trains? The trash forever is the trash!” “我看张家还是换一个人培养吧,废物怎么培养的起来?垃圾永远都是垃圾!” Lu Xuan grins said with a smile. 陆轩咧嘴笑着说道。 This saying to be actually so angry Zhang Tao, his half a lifetime is haughty, is proud outstandingly, who once thinks, bumped into one compared with he also crazy Lu Xuan, he is incapable of refuting, because his really no defeat of strength to hit back in the hand of Lu Xuan. 这话却把张涛气得半死,他半生狂傲,自负卓绝,谁曾想,碰到了一个比他还狂的陆轩,偏偏他无力反驳,因为他真的毫无还手之力的败在了陆轩的手上。 Good, good very!” Opens Yuzhou revering air/Qi instead to smile extremely. „The disciple of tooth point mouth advantage!” “好,好的很!”张玉洲尊者气极反笑。“牙尖嘴利之徒!” Opened on Yuzhou revering to erupt the terrifying aura, the innumerable world principles melted obviously, changed to appearance one after another, interwove the terrifying Great Principle Golden Immortal domain, toward the Lu Xuan direct steamroll. 张玉洲尊者身上爆发出了恐怖的气息,无数的天地法则显化出来,化作一根一根的模样,紧接着就交织成了恐怖的大罗金仙的领域,朝着陆轩直接碾压了下来。 Calamity! 天塌地陷! In that flash, what Lu Xuan as if felt the calamity, a terrifying pressure steamroll to his body! 在那一瞬间,陆轩就仿佛感受到了什么叫天塌地陷,一种恐怖的威压碾压到了他的身上! Although Lu Xuan this, the first time is not bumped into Great Principle Golden Immortal, however before by Zhao Jing who compared with Lu Xuan cuts, opens strength of Yuzhou revering obviously to be stronger several times. 虽然陆轩这一世,并非是第一次碰到大罗金仙,然而和之前被陆轩斩掉的赵靖相比,张玉洲尊者的实力明显要强过数倍之多。 After Zhao Jing even Bedevilment, the strength still compared with opening Yuzhou is far, after all Zhao Jing enters Great Principle Golden Immortal realm initially, but opens Yuzhou is actually peak Great Principle Golden Immortal, is one of the entire universe pavilion big shots. 赵靖即便是入魔之后,实力也比张玉洲相差甚远,毕竟赵靖不过是初入大罗金仙境界,而张玉洲却是巅峰大罗金仙,是整个太虚阁的头面人物之一。 Universe pavilion Great Principle Golden Immortal has many, but peak Great Principle Golden Immortal actually only then two, one is Han Linzun, another is this Zhang Family Old Ancestor Yuzhou revering. 太虚阁大罗金仙有不少,但是巅峰大罗金仙却只有两位,一个就是韩林尊者,另外一个就是这张家老祖张玉洲尊者。 Therefore the faction that they form is universe pavilion Great Sect is in the strongest two small factions. 所以他们两人所形成的派系才是太虚阁这个大派系之中最强的两个小派系。 Other factions attach in these two factions either, either neutral stand focusing on self-preservation. 其他派系要么就是依附于这两个派系,要么就是以自保为主的中立立场。 Each principle seems a Divine Mountain to press on the body of Lu Xuan, after the Great Principle Golden Immortal domain forms, is almost immediately the potential of steamroll forming, shelled toward Lu Xuan. 每一根法则都好似一座神山压在陆轩的身上,当大罗金仙领域形成之后,几乎是立刻的就形成的碾压之势,朝着陆轩轰击了下来。 The Great Principle Golden Immortal domain and coil in domain radically are two matters, completely not in same scale. 大罗金仙领域和进线领域根本就是两回事,完全不在同一个档次上。 Even the peak Golden Immortal domain absolutely does not have the means and Great Principle Golden Immortal places on a par. 即便是巅峰金仙的领域也完全没有办法和大罗金仙相提并论。 At all not in same scale! 根本不在同一个档次上! Like that except that Lu Xuan deliberately plans Yin Zhao Jing such new promote Great Principle Golden Immortal, normal peak Golden Immortal cannot block the Great Principle Golden Immortal domain strikes at will. 除了陆轩那般处心积虑的阴了一把赵靖那样的新晋大罗金仙,正常的巅峰金仙都挡不住大罗金仙的领域的随意一击。 Lu Xuan almost does not have the means to control including own breath, the surrounding world is repelling him, in the world all strengths are shelling him. 陆轩几乎连自己的呼吸都没有办法掌控,周围的天地都在排斥他,天地间所有的力量都在轰击他。 In the Lu Xuan look flashed through several points of solemnness immediately, this Yuzhou revering this is the plan kills him directly, does not have any opportunity of hitting back to him. 陆轩眼神之中顿时闪过了几分冷峻,这个张玉洲尊者这是打算直接打死他,根本不给他有任何还手的机会。 Lu Xuan has been able to hear oneself skeleton in creak to make noise, bore the extremely terrifying pressure, even passes through the chaos god thunder to temper like this ten years later mortal bodies by him, felt the terrifying pressure, even the mortal body may cause heavy losses. 陆轩已经能够听到自己身上的骨骼在咯吱咯吱作响,承受了极度恐怖的压力,即便以他这样经过混沌神雷锤炼十年之后的肉身,都感觉到了恐怖的压力,甚至肉身可能会被重创。 Trades to make common Golden Immortal, only feared that only this, sufficiently is broken his mortal body bang. 换做寻常的金仙,只怕只这一下,就足以将他的肉身轰碎。 „It is not good, cannot continue to sit waiting for death like this!” “不行,不能继续这样子坐以待毙!” In the Lu Xuan look is glittering the ray of danger, sitting waiting for death absolutely is not his style, wants to make him be without a fight obediently, that is absolutely impossible. 陆轩的眼神之中闪烁着危险的光芒,坐以待毙绝对不是他的风格,想让他乖乖束手就擒,那绝对不可能。 Today even if anti- under Heavenly Court, counter- the universe pavilion must spell, does not have the odds of success! 今天哪怕反下天庭,反出太虚阁也得拼一把,并非毫无胜算! In his palm had presented chaos thunder ball quietly, by the strength of chaos thunder ball, the heavy losses has no Yuzhou revering of protection sufficiently. 他的手心中已经悄无声息的出现了混沌雷球,以混沌雷球之力,足以重创没有任何防备的张玉洲尊者。 Opening Yuzhou revering was really extremely negligent, has not thought probably, in the Lu Xuan hand also had treasure that unexpectedly unexpectedly can pose the fatal threat to him. 张玉洲尊者实在是太过大意了,大概没有想到,陆轩居然手中居然还有能够对他构成致命威胁的宝贝。 After all peak Golden Immortal in any event, possibly is not the Great Principle Golden Immortal opponent, let alone opens Yuzhou revering peak Great Principle Golden Immortal. 毕竟巅峰金仙无论如何,都不可能是大罗金仙的对手,何况张玉洲尊者还是巅峰大罗金仙 You think that you do cut to kill Zhao Jing to disregard all big Luo?” Opens Yuzhou revering coldly said. “你以为你斩杀赵靖就可以无视所有的大罗么?”张玉洲尊者冷冷的说道 In his look killed intent almost to boil, in a flash, has set firm resolve, since has had no consideration for face thoroughly, that cannot make Lu Xuan live absolutely, otherwise, in the future how can there be their Zhang Family the place of taking shelter? 他的眼神之中杀意几乎已经沸腾了,一瞬间,就已经下定了决心,既然已经彻底撕破脸,那就绝对不能让陆轩活下来,否则的话,未来岂有他们张家的容身之地? Once Lu Xuan grows, absolute Han Linzun fearful ten times, even 100 times. 陆轩一旦成长起来,绝对比韩林尊者可怕十倍,甚至一百倍。 If not careful, Lu Xuan strided in Immortal King realm, then regarding Zhang Family, is the total destruction. 如果一个不小心,陆轩跨入了仙王境界,那对于张家来说,更是灭顶之灾。 Such person, cannot remain absolutely. 这样的人,绝对不能留。 Everyone was shocked by this sudden accident, both sides confrontation of the beginning, acts directly. 所有人都被这突如其来的变故震惊了,双方从一开始的对峙,直接出手。 influential figure that any, to them, needs to look up. 无论是哪一个,对于他们来说,都是需要仰望的大人物 Opened Yuzhou revering not saying that in universe pavilion one of the two big peak Great Principle Golden Immortal, but even if Lu Xuan has not opened Yuzhou revering is so fearful, but actually was still influential figure that they are unable to follow, in the future is ironclad Great Principle Golden Immortal. 张玉洲尊者就不说了,太虚阁内两大巅峰大罗金仙之一,而陆轩即便没有张玉洲尊者这般可怕,但是却也是他们无法望其项背的大人物,未来更是铁定的大罗金仙 Insane! 疯了疯了! Today the universe pavilion wanted the internal strife, moreover involved such important two big experts! 今天太虚阁要内讧了,而且还牵扯到如此重要的两大高手! Thinks of here, many people could not repress immediately, but kills them not to think, in they felt when this matter is so overdone, two people saved must kill the thoughts of opposite party. 想到这里,许多人顿时都按捺不住了,只是打死他们也没想到,就在他们都觉得此事已经如此过火之时,两人都存了要弄死对方的心思。 Continually seems like is completely not Lu Xuan of opponent, has arranged the last trick up sleeve, must rumble to kill Yuzhou revering thoroughly. 连看起来完全不是对手的陆轩,都已经备好撒手锏,要彻底轰杀张玉洲尊者。 Otherwise they will perhaps think that the whole world was insane. 否则他们恐怕会更加觉得整个世界都疯掉了。 In this is at a crucial moment, the form broke open together void, appeared among two people instantaneously, that Yuzhou revering originally steamroll on Lu Xuan, like the Great Principle Golden Immortal domains of myriad Divine Mountain also in disappear without trace that the flash vanished. 就在这千钧一发之际,一道身影破开了虚空,瞬间就出现在了两人之间,那张玉洲尊者原本碾压在陆轩身上,如同万千座神山的大罗金仙领域也在一瞬间消失的无影无踪 The people saw him, immediately showed the pleasantly surprised facial expression. 众人看到了他,顿时纷纷露出了惊喜的神情。 Han Linzun came!” “韩林尊者来了!” Good!” “太好了!” Pitifully, Han Linzun one, anything lively could not see!” “可惜了,韩林尊者一来,就什么热闹都看不到了!” The people saw this person, in the heart wants completely to be different, looks at one another lively cannot help but greatly disappointed, but these do not want an accident, the universe pavilion has Golden Immortal of internal strife to relax. 众人看到了这个人,心中所想就完全不同,相看热闹的不由得大失所望,但是那些并不希望出事,太虚阁发生内讧的金仙们则是纷纷松了一口气。 As we all know, when this person appears, these conflicts will also end. 所有人都知道,当这个人出现,这些冲突也将终结。 Lu Xuan looks up, that is one wears the purple robe, the facial features handsome middle-aged man. 陆轩抬头一看,那是一个身穿紫袍,面容俊朗的中年男子。 Really, is leadership Great Principle Golden Immortal of present universe pavilion, Han Linzun. 果然,是现在太虚阁的领导大罗金仙,韩林尊者。 Such lively?” On the Han forest revering face reveals wipes the smiling face. Opens revering to have the interest, can direct the later generation?” “这么热闹的么?”韩林尊者脸上露出一抹笑容。“张尊者这么有兴致,要指点后辈?” Opens looks at Han Linzun who Yuzhou revering coldly, Han Linzun this comes up to define conflict of both sides to open Yuzhou revering is directing the young man younger generation. 张玉洲尊者冷冷的看着韩林尊者,韩林尊者这一上来就将双方的冲突定义为张玉洲尊者在指点后生晚辈。 Direction? I do not dare!” Opens Yuzhou revering coldly said. Han Linzun, this person can so disregard the custom in the universe pavilion, starts to own fellow officer, is the brain lives the protruding bones in the occipital region absolutely, being very suspicious!” “指点?我可不敢!”张玉洲尊者冷冷的说道。“韩林尊者,此人在太虚阁内都能如此无视规矩,对自己的同袍下手,绝对是脑生反骨,狼顾之相!” „It is not at all, that also compares opens revering to come up under the extreme methods to the later generation ruthless spicy!” “不敢当,那也比不过张尊者上来就对后辈下死手的狠辣!” Lu Xuan saying unrestrained/no trace of politeness, in his pair of pupil is glittering immediately extremely astonishing killing intent. 陆轩当即毫不客气的说道,他的一双眸子之中闪烁着极为惊人的杀意。
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