TEIBF :: Volume #11

#1067: Hitting was small, comes out old

Zhang Tao is defeated again! 张涛再度落败! Moreover was defeat of no suspense! 而且是毫无悬念的战败了! This time, is really the leeway that nothing can quibble! 这一次,真的是毫无任何可以狡辩的余地! Everyone looked, the Lu Xuan strength terrifying in this way, hanging from beginning to end hit Zhang Tao, even Zhang Tao made Lu Xuan have full strength to be unqualified continually. 所有人都看出来了,陆轩实力恐怖如斯,从头到尾的吊打了张涛,甚至张涛连让陆轩全力都不够资格。 After defeating first time, gave back to the Zhang Tao's second opportunity, however the result has nothing to change for the better, the second time, Zhang Tao was the disastrous defeat gave Lu Xuan as before. 在战败了第一次之后,还给了张涛第二次机会,然而结果并没有任何好转,第二次,张涛依旧是惨败给了陆轩 Nothing lucky, is the strength is inferior to others completely. 没有任何侥幸,就是实力完完全全不如别人。 By defeating of Lu Xuan no suspense! 陆轩毫无悬念的击败了! How everyone entire city witnessed Zhang Tao to be hung to hit, at all was not the opponent! 所有人全城见证了张涛是如何被吊打的,根本不是对手! Does not have the means to prevent town/subdues prison blade that Lu Xuan displays depending on self-preservation protection Talisman continually, was cut the collapse by a blade blade. 连赖以自保的守护符箓都没有办法阻挡得住陆轩施展的摩柯镇狱刀,被生生一刀一刀斩到崩溃。 Even that type of swift and fierce blade light, making one think the powerhouse of Luo rank, each blade was similar trillion Divine Mountain steamroll to get down greatly, just like nine days of thunder to crush all. 甚至那种凌厉的刀光,让人想到了大罗级别的强者,每一刀都仿佛有亿万神山碾压下来,又犹如九天雷霆粉碎一切。 Has so powerful, terrifying blade intent, the people hold in high esteem. 拥有这般强大,恐怖的刀意,众人纷纷刮目相看。 Many people are unable to believe that how also don’t know Lu Xuan cultivates, self-torture Inner Strength, is cultivation Martial Art, Divine Ability, unusual consumption time. 许多人都无法置信,也不知道陆轩是怎么修炼上来的,无论是苦修内功,还是修行武学,神通,都非常消耗时间。 But in the Lu Xuan short time in realm, Martial Art, Divine Ability, Spell and other domains has the astonishing attainments, rule limits in these time, as if are unable to have the influence of tiny bit general to Lu Xuan. 陆轩短短时间内就在境界,武学,神通,法术等诸多领域都有着惊人造诣,那些时间上的规律限制,仿佛根本无法对陆轩造成一星半点的影响一般。 Lu Xuan static looks that Zhang Tao goes all out to be combined by the cleaving in two mortal body, although was cut two halves not dead, after all Zhang Tao is also peak Golden Immortal. 陆轩静静的看着张涛拼命将被劈成两半的肉身重新组合起来,虽然被斩成两半还没死去,毕竟张涛也是一个巅峰金仙 The vitality is tenacious! 生命力非常顽强! However this also consumed the great quantity life vitality, making his vitality damage severely, at this time looks deathly pale, can only look wickedly to Lu Xuan. 然而这也消耗了巨量的生命元气,让他元气大伤,此时脸色惨白,只能恶狠狠的看向陆轩 He does not dare to believe to the present, unexpectedly was defeated by Lu Xuan, under glare of the public eye, is in front of everyone, was defeated like that. 一直到现在他都不敢置信,居然就这么被陆轩击败了,在众目睽睽之下,当着所有人的面,就那般被击败了。 Before then, even if kills him, is unable to believe that Lu Xuan can have the so astonishing strength. 在此之前,哪怕是打死他,也无法相信陆轩能够拥有这般惊人的实力。 After all according to his estimate, Lu Xuan can in own front protect oneself, but was not easily taught by him, is Lu Xuan very outstanding. 毕竟按照他的估算,陆轩能够在自己的面前自保而不被他轻易教训,就已经是陆轩十分了得了。 After all the Lu Xuan cultivation years his odd change are many. 毕竟陆轩修行岁月还不到他一个零头多。 However regarding Lu Xuan many hearsay, he has not cared, in this time, certainly for Heaven's Chosen is aptitude extremely, but he is certainly generation of Heaven's Chosen. 但是对于陆轩的诸多传闻,他也没有放在心上,在这个时代,绝代天骄已经是绝顶的资质,而他自己就是绝代天骄。 He in Li since the heart does not believe Lu Xuan and Nangong can boundlessly fierce. 他打从心底里李就不相信陆轩和南宫无垠能够有多厉害。 Also is at most fiercer than him! 顶多也就是比他厉害一些而已! Moreover the so-called progress also is only restricted under Golden Immortal amazingly quick, he when under Golden Immortal is also the progress is also amazingly quick, was over 200 years old 300 years old cultivates Golden Immortal. 而且所谓的进步神速也是仅限于金仙之下,他在金仙之下的时候也同样是进步神速,也不过是两百多岁三百岁就修炼成了金仙 However later spent fully nearly millenniums to be among the peak Golden Immortal ranks finally. 但是之后又花费了整整近千年才终于跨入了巅峰金仙的行列。 Even his such generation of Heaven's Chosen was so certainly difficult in Golden Immortal realm cultivation, where that Lu Xuan can good to go. 连他这样的绝代天骄在金仙境界修行都如此困难了,那陆轩又能好到哪儿去呢。 Who knows that Lu Xuan only spent for ten years, looks for the tooth that oneself hit everywhere! 谁知道陆轩只花费了十年时间,就把自己打的满地找牙! He experiences today finally, what is the evildoer/monstrous talent! 他今天终于见识到了,什么叫妖孽! No, this even is not the evildoer/monstrous talent, this is inborn sacred. 不,这甚至都不是什么妖孽,这就是个天生神圣。 That character, he has not seen, has only heard! 那种人物,他没见过,也只听说过而已! At this time he understands finally why the Great Principle Golden Immortal big shot of other Han Linzun even tickets want full strength to win over Lu Xuan, even did not hesitate to pledge all kinds of excellent conditions. 此时他终于明白为什么韩林尊者甚至其他一票的大罗金仙大佬要全力拉拢陆轩,甚至不惜开出各种各样的优越条件了。 He also thought was Han Linzun was blind, don’t know who really clear(ly) jade. 原本他还觉得是韩林尊者瞎了眼了,不知道谁才是真的明玉。 Now he is clear, who was blind! 现在他才明白,到底是谁瞎了眼了! Clothing? Can hit third?” Lu Xuan both hands hold the shoulder, looks at Zhang Tao dao. “服了么?要打第三场么?”陆轩双手抱肩,看着张涛道。 His facial expression is indifferent, both eyes light like water, has not paid attention to Zhang Tao. 他的神情淡然,双目平淡如水,根本不曾将张涛放在眼里。 Zhang Tao did not come out to hit in his hand also even, since now hit in his hand that naturally to by him be used to kill the monkey unavoidably to startle the chicken. 张涛不出来撞在他的手上也就算了,现在既然撞到了他的手上那自然就难免要被他用来杀猴骇鸡了。 Zhang Tao qi gnashing one's teeth, this elder teaches the stance of younger generation what's the matter. 张涛气的咬牙切齿,这种长辈教训晚辈的姿态是怎么回事。 Although he does not prefer in every possible way, but was killed the monkey to startle the chicken, solemn one generation of Heaven's Chosen, reduce to this situation now unexpectedly. 他虽然百般不情愿,但是还是被人杀猴骇鸡了,堂堂一代天骄,现在竟然沦落到这个地步。 The Lu Xuan vision watches intently Zhang Tao, forcing him to reply, Lu Xuan wants complete(ly) Gong in a service, a time thorough solves Zhang Tao, after letting Zhang Tao, remembers to with oppose, does not understand the thought. 陆轩目光逼视张涛,逼迫他不得不回答,陆轩就要毕功于一役,一次彻底解决张涛,让张涛以后想起要和自己作对,连念头都不通达。 Big power and prestige!” “好大的威风啊!” In the meantime, an old sound conveys, the people the spirit shakes immediately, many fine hair stand upside down, because they recognized the origin of this sound. 就在此时,一声苍老的声音传来,众人顿时精神一震,许多人汗毛倒立起来,因为他们都认出了这个声音的来历。 Opens Yuzhou revering, is Zhang Family so far the biggest backer, one of the Zhang Tao's back Great Principle Golden Immortal. 张玉洲尊者,也是张家目前为止最大的靠山,张涛背后的大罗金仙之一。 Such influential figure, even in the universe pavilion still few people can see him, is Golden Immortal cannot see frequently. 那样的大人物,即便是太虚阁中也很少有人能见到他,便是金仙也不是能经常见到。 It is said that he closed up in Zhang Family for sometime, to strive to break through the Immortal King opportunity. 据说他在张家闭关有一段时间了,为了争取能够突破仙王的机会。 Never expected that now on unexpectedly Heavenly Court, but also appeared here. 没想到现在竟然上天庭了,还出现在了这里。 Does not need to think, definitely comes for Zhang Tao. 无需多想,肯定是为了张涛而来。 The Lu Xuan vision sweeps to the midair, actually sees that is a stature thin old man, young-looking elderly, is only in a pair of pupil incomparable sharp, obviously is also one murders decisively, keeping promises influential figure. 陆轩目光扫向半空中,却见那是一个身材清瘦的老者,鹤发童颜,只是一双眸子之中无比的犀利,显然也是一个杀伐果断,说一不二的大人物 Lu Xuan grins to smile saying: Opening revering is courteous!” 陆轩只是咧嘴笑笑说道:“张尊者有礼!” You come to the universe pavilion, injures the colleague, very big power and prestige!” Opens looks at Lu Xuan that Yuzhou revering coldly, says. “你才来太虚阁,就打伤同僚,很大的威风嘛!”张玉洲尊者冷冷的看着陆轩,开口说道。 Is during the competition, the fists and feet does not have the eye, I believe that revering can understand!” The smiling face on Lu Xuan face is not loose, will not just like have opened Yuzhou to care. “不过是比试之间,拳脚无眼,我相信尊者是能够理解的!”陆轩脸上的笑容不散,俨然没有将张玉洲放在心上。 Just right that he acts bashful, Zhang Tao challenges him, now hit is pitifully intimate must blame Lu Xuan being inadequate? 他拿捏的恰到好处,张涛向他挑战,现在被打的凄凄惨惨戚戚难道还要怪陆轩不成? Compares notes also under such heavy hand? Is it possible that you think that the old man quite does deceive inadequately?” Opens on Yuzhou revering face to reveal several points of scowl, the smiling face on Lu Xuan face seems like even more makes people think repugnant. “切磋还下这么重的手?你莫非以为老夫好骗不成?”张玉洲尊者脸上露出几分怒容,陆轩脸上的笑容看起来越发的让人觉得讨厌。 This cannot blame me, I have not thought that dares so to be unexpectedly useless Zhang Tao who I challenge, was turned by my palm of the hand racket in the place, if we had known he is so useless, I under handled gently to select!” Lu Xuan grins to smile saying that facing coming accountability that opening Yuzhou threatens, he does not let. “这也不能怪我,我也没想到胆敢向我挑战的张涛居然这么没用,被我一巴掌拍翻在地,早知道他这么没用,我就下手轻点好了!”陆轩咧嘴笑笑说道,面对张玉洲气势汹汹的前来问责,他更是丝毫不让。 Has had no consideration for face in any case thoroughly, Zhang Family must bully on him, he also has what necessity to give precedence out of courtesy. 反正已经彻底撕破脸,张家都要欺负到他头上了,他还有什么必要礼让。 If Lu Xuan cultivation base is weaker today, really must be ridden on explodes to the end hit, even possibly an influence heart, affects later cultivation. 如果今天陆轩修为弱一些,就真的要被骑到头上爆打了,甚至可能影响道心,影响以后的修行 Also is Lu Xuan this extremely evildoer/monstrous talent, can the counterattack be successful, no one has thought, is about ten years, he cultivated to hang the dozen of peak Golden Immortal situation from Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage casually. 也就是陆轩这一世太过妖孽,才能逆袭成功,谁也没想到,不过十年,他就从金仙中期修炼到了可以随便吊打巅峰金仙的地步。 Otherwise if, suffering a loss is. 如若不然,吃亏的就是自己了。 But opens Yuzhou revering to appear promptly here, the original plan feared that must hit Lu Xuan Zhang Tao to settle, who knows sees was actually hung Zhang Tao who hits by Lu Xuan. 而张玉洲尊者能及时出现在这里,本来的打算怕是要给打了陆轩的张涛善后吧,谁知道看到的却是被陆轩吊打的张涛。
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