TEIBF :: Volume #11

#1041: Heaven with amazement

After all the Zhao Family enemy are also many, if can hit a person when he is down, they will certainly not mind. 毕竟赵家仇家也不少,如果可以落井下石的话,他们一定不会介意的。 The issue that this diary can make was really many, made Zhao Family ruthlessly sufficiently put out a mouthful of blood. 这一本日记本可以做的文章真是太多了,足以让赵家狠狠的吐出一口老血来。 Obtained diary later Kou Yuande to depart in a hurry. 得到了日记本之后的寇元德匆匆离去。 Lu Xuan continues since the day sea mystical place, inventories this harvest. 陆轩继续进入天海秘境之中,盘点这一次的收获。 Except for these rare book personally written letters and so on beside the thing, Lu Xuan also discovered lots of immortal Yuan pill, has over a thousand immortal Yuan pill. 除了这些秘籍手札之类的东西之外,陆轩还发现了大量的仙元丹,足足有上千枚仙元丹。 Obviously, this should be makes Zhao Jing cultivation use, regarding Great Principle Golden Immortal, directly compared with absorbing the fairyism in immortal stone wants the effectiveness with immortal Yuan pill many. 显然,这原本应该都是让赵靖自己修行用的,对于大罗金仙来说,直接用仙元丹远比吸收仙石之内的仙气要有效率的多。 Over a thousand immortal Yuan pill values not poor, but regarding Golden Immortal, immortal Yuan pill, that is unattainable. 上千枚仙元丹价值不菲,而对于金仙来说,仙元丹,那就更是可望而不可及的了。 To obtain immortal Yuan pill, that one after another accumulates. 想要获得仙元丹,那得是一枚一枚的攒下来。 But over a thousand immortal Yuan pill are many! 上千枚的仙元丹可是不少呢! In addition, some heavenly materials earthly treasures, various types of raw materials for medicine and so on thing, in addition also value over a million spirit stones. 除此之外,还有一些天材地宝,各种药材之类的东西,加起来也价值上百万灵石。 Sent, sent!” “发了,发了!” Lu Xuan laughs, is really the person does not have the unexpected wealth is not rich, the horse does not have a night of grass is not fat! 陆轩哈哈大笑,真是人无横财不富,马无夜草不肥! Zhao Jing tumbles, Lu Xuan eats to the full! 赵靖跌倒,陆轩吃饱! Only is these resources, enough supports Lu Xuan to go a step further. 光是这些资源,就足够支撑陆轩更进一步。 Just, several days of times, enough I went a step further!” Lu Xuan shows a faint smile, as the old monster rebirth, he has others' no advantage. “刚好,还有几天的功夫,足够我更进一步了!”陆轩微微一笑,身为老怪物重生,他有一个别人没有的优势。 Many having god-given wisdom rare talent cultivation base were once caught, often because of the resources, behind them does not depend on a colossus, they often stagnated regarding the comprehension of Grand Dao, caused them the stagnation on cultivation base. 许多天纵奇才修为一度被卡住,往往都不是因为资源,他们背后都靠着一个庞然大物,他们往往是对于大道的领悟停滞了,导致了他们在修为上的停滞。 However Lu Xuan is different, he in the comprehension of Grand Dao, has not hindered, what even if now cultivation is his previous life does not have cultivation the space principle, but stands in the angle again cultivation space principle of operating from a strategically advantageous position, the comprehension of Lu Xuan is far far surpass realm. 但是陆轩不同,他在大道的领悟上,是没有阻碍的,哪怕现在修行的是他前世没有修行过的空间法则,但是站在高屋建瓴的角度再修行空间法则,陆轩的领悟是远远超过本身的境界的。 But his deficient is the sufficient resources, so long as there is sufficient resources, Lu Xuan can in a short time cultivation base go a step further. 而他缺乏的就是足够的资源,只要有足够的资源,陆轩就可以在很短的时间内修为更进一步。 Now had over a thousand immortal Yuan pill, over a million immortal stones, enough Lu Xuan has gone a step further again in addition. 现在有了上千枚仙元丹,再加上上百万仙石,已经足够陆轩更进一步了。 When Lu Xuan closes up, this matter, just started the ripples in Heaven time. 而在陆轩闭关之际,这一次的事情,在天界才刚刚掀起涟漪。 Great Principle Golden Immortal falls from the sky, this is not the matter at the worst, although Great Principle Golden Immortal could be called a side big shot in Heaven, however Great Principle Golden Immortal of Heaven is not infrequent, when falls from the sky is not what important matter. 一尊大罗金仙陨落,这本来不是什么大不了的事情,虽然大罗金仙在天界已经可以称为一方大佬,然而天界的大罗金仙不在少数,什么时候陨落一尊也不算什么大事。 However this matter actually directly involved Lu Xuan, having god-given wisdom rare talent who this everyone paid attention to recently very much. 然而此事却直接牵连到了陆轩,这个最近所有人都很关注的天纵奇才。 Zhao Family Great Principle Golden Immortal Zhao Jing unexpectedly before Heavenly Court discussed the grand ceremony played in the finals must kill Lu Xuan. 赵家大罗金仙赵靖竟然在天庭论才大典决赛之前要袭杀陆轩 Suddenly, in an uproar! 一时间,一片哗然! Zhao Jing is simply bold, this Heavenly Court will discuss the grand ceremony to have the Emperor to arrive time, is equal to under the eyes of Emperor will hide play the pattern, is courting death simply. 赵靖简直胆大包天,这一次的天庭论才大典可是会有帝君亲临,等于就是在帝君的眼皮子底下玩花样,简直是在找死。 Simply crazed, breaks the rule, damn!” “简直丧心病狂,破坏规矩,该死!” The Great Principle Golden Immortal evaluation also became the consensus of many people, is truly bringing about own destruction. 有一尊大罗金仙的评语也成了许多人的共识,确实是在自寻死路。 Because no one did not fear that occurrence of this situation, he does train generation of Heaven's Chosen to be certainly easy laboriously? 因为没有人不怕这种情况的发生的,自家辛辛苦苦培养一个绝代天骄容易么? Great Principle Golden Immortal as a side big shot, actually begins to the young man younger generation, this simply is crazed. 大罗金仙作为一方大佬,却对后生晚辈动手,这简直是丧心病狂。 Even many people still have had such thought that even has also begun, however they had not been caught the handle. 即便很多人也动过这样的念头,甚至也动手过,然而他们都没有被人抓到把柄。 This time, Zhao Family was caught the handle. 这一次,赵家被人抓到了把柄。 This also lets innumerable Great Principle Golden Immortal with amazement, Zhao Jing simply is a waste, killed Golden Immortal very to lose face in the posture of Great Principle Golden Immortal, unexpectedly has not succeeded. 这也让无数大罗金仙骇然,赵靖简直是个废物,以大罗金仙之姿去袭杀一个金仙就已经很跌份了,居然还没成功。 Has not succeeded also even, unexpectedly instead was also killed, the corpse was controlled in the hand, in a more hopeful semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate the testimony of countless person, Zhao Jinglian washes does not have the means white/in vain. 没成功也就算了,居然还被人反杀,尸首都被人掌控在手中,更有望月城之中无数人的证词,赵靖连洗白都没有办法。 The completeness is the thousand li (500 km) delivers the head/number of people, but also makes Zhao Family is the target of public criticism. 完完全全是千里送人头,还让赵家成为了众矢之的。 Not only an profound state numerous Great Principle Golden Immortal big shot very discontented Zhao Family tyrant cultivation diameter, in the earliest possible time that the matter presents, has the rumor to spread, the universe pavilion current leader, Han Linzun entered in Zhao Family personally. 不仅仅玄州一众大罗金仙大佬十分不满赵家的霸道行径,在事情出现的第一时间,就有传言传出,太虚阁目前的领袖,韩林尊者亲自杀入了赵家之中。 It is said had several conflicts with Zhao Family Great Principle Golden Immortal Old Ancestor, Zhao Family several Great Principle Golden Immortal disastrous defeats in the subordinate of Han forest revering, almost cannot raise the head by Zhao Family that one's effort suppresses. 据说与赵家大罗金仙老祖发生了好几次冲突,赵家好几尊大罗金仙惨败在韩林尊者的手下,几乎以一己之力压制的赵家抬不起头来。 Let entire Zhao Family high and low in an uproar, particularly Zhao Family did not have too to care the universe pavilion, after all everyone knows that the universe pavilion leaves to be kicked the first-class influence is not far. 让整个赵家上下一片哗然,尤其是赵家原本没有太将太虚阁放在心上,毕竟所有人都知道太虚阁离被踢出一流势力已经不远了。 It seems like in many people, the universe pavilion is a second-class faction. 在许多人看起来,太虚阁就是一个二流派系。 Who once thinks, is such Zhao Family person eyes the leader of second-class faction, unexpectedly can unable to raise the head by them who one's effort suppresses. 谁曾想,就是这么一个赵家人眼中的二流派系的领袖,居然能以一己之力压制的他们抬不起头来。 A Han forest revering fearful strength, at this time, the incisiveness that manifested. 韩林尊者一身可怕的实力,在这个时候,体现的淋漓尽致。 Suddenly, Han Linzun reputation big chirp. 一时间,韩林尊者名声大噪。 But at this time, many talents understand, by the mastery, the universe pavilion is not bad, their only difference does not have Immortal King to assume personal command. 而此时,很多人才明白,以底蕴来说,太虚阁是不差的,他们唯一差的就是没有一尊仙王坐镇罢了。 Had Han Linzun to take the lead, numerous Great Principle Golden Immortal of profound state also requested Zhao Family to give a reasonable confession one after another. 有了韩林尊者带头,玄州的一众大罗金仙也纷纷要求赵家给出一个合理的交代。 Matter evolves hence, no longer is Zhao Jing kills Lu Xuan this grade of minor matter, had turned into collision among each influences. 事情演变至此,已经不再是赵靖袭杀陆轩这等小事,已经变成了各个势力之间的碰撞。 Even also triggered the Heavenly Court high-level attention, gambling between high-level factions. 甚至还引发了天庭高层的关注,高层派系之间的博弈。 But Lu Xuan became the catalyst in Zhao Jing's the diary in Universe Ring, makes Zhao Family degenerate into the multitude of people to refer to instantaneously. 陆轩在赵靖的乾坤戒之中的日记更是成了催化剂,瞬间让赵家沦为千夫所指。 Zhao Family can also strong resisting all parties' pressure, but with this diary one, matter has been turned by the simple revenged kill must investigate the hell demon clan to place in the spy of Heaven, concerns the security of entire Heaven. 原本赵家还可以强硬的抵挡住各方的压力,但是随着这个日记一出,事情就已经由简单的仇杀变成了要排查地狱魔族安插在天界的间谍,关乎到整个天界的安全。 Even Heavenly Court Immortal King descends to earth personally, enters Zhao Family. 甚至天庭有一尊仙王亲自下凡,进入赵家 Hence, faction complete rout that Zhao Family and Zhao Family are, in a front of Immortal King powerhouse, naturally does not have any lord who can hide. 至此,赵家赵家所在的派系全部溃败,在一尊仙王强者的面前,自然没有什么能够隐藏的主。 These ancients who in the diary mentioned, one was one, was inspected, within the body or had the demon to plant, or already Bedevilment, but hid oneself Bedevilment matter, but Zhao Family high and low also tacit covered up for them. 日记本上提到的那些宿老,有一个算一个,统统都被检查出来,体内或者有魔种,或者已经入魔,只是隐藏了自己入魔的事情,而赵家上下也默契的为他们遮掩而已。 Alarmed, is simply alarmed, never expected that Zhao Family high and low unexpectedly erosion hence!” “触目惊心,简直触目惊心,没想到赵家上下竟然糜烂至此!” That Immortal King sees the achievement of inspecting, feels simply shocking. 那一尊仙王看到检查出来的成果,简直感觉触目惊心。 Zhao Family assumes the prison state many years, even sheared part of territories to compose Zhaozhou, this thinks that was a vanguard of Heavenly Court suppression hell devil clan. 赵家坐镇狱州多年,甚至从中割走了一部分的领土组成了赵州,本以为是天庭镇压地狱恶魔一族的急先锋。 Actually without thinking had been corroded such depth, had not been corroded by a hell devil clan on the difference completely degenerates. 却没想到已经被腐蚀了如此之深,就差没被地狱恶魔一族完全腐蚀堕落了。 If a hell devil clan must counter-attack, almost can say, will definitely hit Heavenly Court one to be caught off guard. 如果地狱恶魔一族要反攻的话,几乎可以说,肯定会打天庭一个措手不及。 With the exposure of findings, world in an uproar, these even also involved another Zhao Family Great Principle Golden Immortal Old Ancestor, got down the demon to plant unexpectedly, becomes the spy of devil clan. 随着调查结果的曝光,天下一片哗然,这其中甚至还牵扯到了另外一尊赵家大罗金仙老祖,竟然也被人下了魔种,成为了恶魔族的奸细。
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