TBSIABC :: Volume #4 翻云覆雨

#580 Part 1: Fights finally

Bang!!? 轰!!? Before the huge black constructs, the golden sword, rock lance and grayish white Treeman collide, jump project the destruction strength to fluctuate...... 巨大黑色建筑前,黄金剑、岩之长矛与灰白树人碰撞,迸射出毁灭般的力量波动…… The middle-aged people hold the golden sword, the sword potential are opening greatly gather greatly, is Mysterious Star imperial family purest sovereign Sword Skill, might, making one have the awe of worshipping on bended knees. 中年人持着黄金剑,剑势大开大合,乃是星奥皇室最纯正的皇者剑技,威力之强,令人有着跪拜的敬畏。 The Man Hua lance is crazy revolving, spreads buzz cry that resounds through the skies, Heart-Origin Equipment that his body puts on, is not Earth King Equipment, But compares Centaur Clan Head equipment that it inferior plans. 蛮华的长矛则是疯狂旋转,传出响彻云霄的嗡鸣,他身上穿着的心元武装,并不是【地王武装】,而是比之逊色一筹的人马族长武装 Bountiful so, wears this equipment Man Hua, individual strength also reached the ninth boundary peak. 饶是如此,身着这一身武装蛮华,个人实力也达到了九境巅峰。 Two big expert collaborate, actually can only with grayish white Treeman games to the power balance. 两大强者联手,却只能与灰白树人至均势。 Naturally, this is not the grayish white Treeman strength, must dominate above both completely, but is in the black construction projects strange fluctuations unceasingly, is disturbing the middle-aged person and Man Hua offensive. 当然,这并不是灰白树人的实力,要完全凌驾在两者之上,而是黑色建筑中不断射出一股股诡异的波动,干扰着中年人、蛮华的攻势。 In addition, the antler stick in grayish white Treeman hand, black construction peak the disturbance of black Energy Crystal, making this fighting fall into the protracted war. 再加上,灰白树人手中的鹿角杖,黑色建筑顶端的黑色能量结晶的干扰,使得这场战斗陷入了持久战。 This way, we very passive......” Man Hua said in a low voice. “这样下去,咱们很被动……”蛮华低声道。 The middle-aged people did not answer, he was knows the situation was very troublesome, here was the grayish white Treeman supreme headquarters, fighting, if cannot fight a battle to force a quick decision, that was the absolute disadvantage. 中年人不答,他自是知道处境很麻烦,这里是灰白树人的大本营,战斗如果不能速战速决,那就是绝对的劣势。 The present situation, has been unable to back down, even if one's own side can retreat calmly, after a period of time, is perhaps more difficult to strike to kill this grayish white Treeman. 只是,现在的情况,已是骑虎难下,己方就算能从容退走,再过一段时间,恐怕就更难击杀这个灰白树人 Bang...... 轰隆…… Grayish white Treeman lifts the antler stick fiercely, the terrifying fluctuation blasts out, entire sky was exploded put on, the middle-aged person and Man Hua were blown off. 灰白树人猛地抬起鹿角杖,恐怖的波动炸开,整个天空似是被炸穿了,中年人、蛮华被炸飞了出去。 Two people figure revolves in the midair unceasingly, in avoidance tread, toward the human form monster attack of midair emitting energy column...... 两人身形在半空中不断旋转,躲避着地面上,朝着半空喷吐能量柱的人形怪物攻击…… Was troublesome!?” “麻烦了!?” Man Hua lowers roars, he notices grayish white Treeman behind, exudes the black vortex, has the fearful fluctuation of energy to sweep across, this is must start the sure-kill strikes. 蛮华低吼一声,他注意到灰白树人身后,泛起黑色漩涡,其中有着可怕的能量波动席卷而出,这是要发动绝杀的一击。 But target that this strikes, is not the middle-aged person and Man Hua, aimed at ground Centaur/troops soldier, Lowden and the others. 而这一击的目标,并不是中年人、蛮华,是对准了地上的人马战士、老艾丹等人。 Such distance, Man Hua meets hardly, these people who can save one's own side...... 这样的距离,蛮华只有硬接,才能够救下己方的这些人…… Bang! 轰隆! In the black vortex, the terrifying black light beam runs out together, like the Nine Stars Level heavy artillery, charged into ground one line of expert all of a sudden. 黑色漩涡中,一道恐怖的黑色光柱冲出,如同九星级重炮,一下子冲向了地上的一行强者 Lowden and the others the complexion disastrous incident, facing the offensive of Nine Stars Level heavy artillery level, ninth boundary expert do not dare to meet even hardly...... 老艾丹等人脸色惨变,面对九星级重炮级的攻势,就算是九境强者也不敢硬接…… Suddenly, in one crowd of expert field of vision, is only left over everywhere black light...... 一时间,在一群强者的视野中,只剩下漫天的黑光…… Fowler loudly calls out, in the mouth overflows the blood, full play Mental Energy, tries to resist this terrifying offensive. 福勒大叫一声,口中溢出鲜血,全力运转精神能量,试图抵挡这一记恐怖的攻势。 Mister Chuan said right, if I many diligently, perhaps will not fall into this and that dangerous situation......” 川先生说得对,我如果多努力一点,或许就不会陷入这样那样的险境……” In the heart of this wave vagabond, cannot help but has regret. 这个浪荡子的心中,不由得生出一股悔意。 At this moment —— 就在这时—— The form appeared together suddenly, blocks in front of numerous expert, both arms overlapping, welcomed to the black light beam. 一道身影骤然出现,拦在了众强者面前,双臂交叉,迎向了黑色光柱。 Bang...... 轰…… The black light beam bang in that form, is actually not able to be neglected it, fluctuations spread, that form opens the both arms fiercely, a wild airing blowout, is loose the black light beam bang. 黑色光柱轰在那道身影上,却是无法将之湮没,一圈圈波动扩散,那身影猛地撑开双臂,一股狂暴的气爆喷出,生生将黑色光柱轰散。 You are......” “你是……” Your this fellow is also living......” “你这家伙还活着……” The middle-aged people, Man Hua call out in alarm, sees a golden hair man, the whole body is dressing up the platinum mail-armor and helmet, stands and waits for a long time there, with the arm, drove out the black light beam. 中年人,蛮华一阵惊呼,就见一个金发男子,全身披挂着白金甲胄,伫立在那里,凭着手臂,生生轰开了黑色光柱。 experts on the scene is also dumbfounded, the appearance of this golden hair man, is in the legend, that Mysterious Star Emperor Shimoen. 在场的强者们也是目瞪口呆,这金发男子的模样,才是传说中,那位星奥皇帝西姆奥纳 Shimoen did not say a word, opened mouth to roar, its such as the metal collided alternately, the four limbs and forehead appeared the marks of golden gateways, golden ripple also proliferated. 西姆奥纳一言不发,张嘴吼了一声,其声如金属交互碰撞,四肢、额头浮现一块块金色门户的印记,一圈圈金色波纹随之扩散开来。 Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… The golden sword in middle-aged person hand cannot act bashful, lets go to depart, falls in the Shimoen hand. 中年人手中的黄金剑拿捏不住,脱手飞出,落在西姆奥纳手中。 next moment, grasps the Shimoen lasing of golden sword, the sword blade delimits together ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) sword glow, drops from the clouds, cuts to grayish white Treeman. 下一刻,手持黄金剑的西姆奥纳激射而出,剑身划出一道万丈剑芒,从天而降,斩向灰白树人 Shimoen......, your fellow......” 西姆奥纳……,你这个家伙……” Grayish white Treeman is roaring, holds up the antler stick, welcomed to this sword. 灰白树人怒吼着,举起鹿角杖,迎向了这一剑。 The golden sword and antler stick separate clash spatially, has not bumped into the tangible, actually bursts out the sharp shake, that black construction rocks unceasingly, in such collision was the vacillation. 黄金剑、鹿角杖隔空对撞,并未碰到实处,却迸发出剧烈的震荡,那座黑色建筑不断晃动,在这样的碰撞中似是动摇了。 Sees this scene, the middle-aged person takes out two heavy hand grenades immediately, to grayish white Treeman is being two artillery. 见此情景,中年人立时取出两门重型手炮,对着灰白树人就是两炮。 Man Hua in the lance the hand throws, separates the spatial control, continuously launches the long-distance attack to grayish white Treeman...... 蛮华则是将手中长矛投掷出去,隔空操控,不断对灰白树人进行远程攻击…… Immediately, the tactical situation changes suddenly, grayish white Treeman fell into the disadvantage, under besieging of three big expert, unceasing retreats in the black construction direction. 顿时,战况突变,灰白树人陷入了劣势,在三大强者的围攻下,不断的朝着黑色建筑方向退却。 Do not let it go in......” middle-aged person to bellow. “别让它进去……”中年人大吼一声。 Shimoen is glassy-eyed, in the eye is a grayish white Treeman enemy, but, middle-aged person's reminder, he understood. 西姆奥纳目光呆滞,眼中似是只有灰白树人一个敌人,但是,中年人的提醒,他还是听懂了。 The golden sword wields unceasingly cuts, its speed is getting more and more fast, forms the overlapping sword net, wraps in which grayish white Treeman, broke its escape route. 黄金剑不断挥砍,其速度越来越快,形成层层叠叠的剑网,将灰白树人包裹其中,断了其退路。 „Really is this Emperor Shimoen?” “这真是西姆奥纳皇帝么?” Can play the true might of golden sword, naturally is Shimoen, worthily was past Eastern Continent invincible expert......” “能够发挥黄金剑的真正威力,自然是西姆奥纳,不愧是昔日东大陆的无敌强者……” ...... …… Lowden and the others whispered in a low voice, Fowler raised head, looks to besiege grayish white Treeman three big expert, the vision stays on the middle-aged person, the complexion was somewhat complex. 老艾丹等人低声嘀咕,福勒仰头,看着围攻灰白树人的三大强者,目光停留在中年人身上,面色有些复杂。 Bang...... 轰隆…… At this moment, in the golden sword net, fierce explosive sound transmits, grayish white Treeman fled, then looks to besieging its three big expert, the evil different eye pupil set upright. 就在这时,黄金剑网中,一处剧烈的爆炸声传来,灰白树人从中窜了出来,回头看向围攻它的三大强者,邪异的眼瞳竖了起来。 Really......, millenniums ago I forecast, even if I am this level, is still not necessarily able to resist your three to collaborate, this expects with me same......” “果然……,千年前我就预测,就算我达到这一层次,也未必能抵挡你们三个联手,这与我预料的一样……” Grayish white Treeman is very distressed at this time, the bark facial features present the one after another fissure, the silk threads black air/Qi sends out, the whole piece face as if must split is the same. 灰白树人此时很狼狈,树皮般的面容呈现一道道裂痕,丝丝缕缕的黑气从中散发出来,整张脸似乎要裂开一样。 However, its aura is actually more and more powerfully, the figure blurs fiercely. 但是,它身上的气息却是越来越强盛,猛地身形模糊起来。 Meanwhile, the black building strenuous vibration, the one after another black timbo projected, pierced the body of grayish white Treeman, terrifying energy transfers in the past. 与此同时,黑色建筑剧烈震动,一道道黑色树藤射出,洞穿了灰白树人的身体,一股股恐怖的能量传输过去。 next moment, in grayish white Treeman behind, the one after another black timbo forms a giant spheroid, like a giant black burl, unceasingly pulsating, just like the heart the same as beat. 下一刻,在灰白树人身后,一道道黑色树藤形成一个巨大的球体,如同一个巨大的黑色树瘤,不断搏动着,犹如心脏一样跳动。 Grayish white Treeman scar, recovered all of a sudden, its figure big a section, lifts the antler stick, the face upwarding rave is getting up. 灰白树人身上的伤痕,一下子痊愈了,它的身形高大了一截,举着鹿角杖,仰天狂吼起来。 Come......, lets fighting for a long time, delimits the next end point today, you can defeat me, can end all these......” “来吧……,就让长久以来的战斗,在今日划下一个终点,你们能够战胜我,就能终结这一切……” A grating resounding, the body of grayish white Treeman inflates unceasingly, gradually turns into hundred meters high huge Treeman, antler stick also Gigantification. 一阵刺耳的脆响,灰白树人的身体不断膨胀,逐渐变成一个百米高的巨大树人,鹿角杖也随之巨大化 Bang...... 嘭得一声…… The antler stick pounded, a black vortex in Shimoen three big expert central blasting open, the fearful energy turbulent flow splashes all of a sudden recklessly, makes a long-range raid to the four directions. 鹿角杖砸了下来,一股黑色漩涡一下子在西姆奥纳三大强者中央炸裂,可怕的能量乱流肆意飞溅,奔袭向四方。 Sees this scene, three big expert raise immediately gathers the strength, the grayish white Treeman battle with Gigantification, disappears the entire Imperial Palace qi energy to splash full power sufficiently unceasingly, because of covering of black fog, has not actually affected the outside world. 见此情景,三大强者立时提聚力量,全力与巨大化的灰白树人交战,足以泯灭整个皇宫的气劲不断飞溅出去,却因为黑雾的笼罩,并未波及到外界。 The bonus is so, numerous expert that not far away observes flees like a scared rat, the expert fighting complementary waves of this rank, as long as is stains 1 points, possibly bursts oneself dead again. 饶是如此,不远处观战的众强者则是抱头鼠窜,这种级别的强者战斗余波,但凡是沾上一点,都可能重伤身死。 Squeak squeak squeak...... 吱吱吱…… Big Mouse appears the huge body, at the rapid quick incomparable speed, made a hole on the ground, worms one's way into with numerous expert together. 鼠大显出庞大身体,以迅快无比的速度,在地上打了一个洞,与众强者一起钻了进去。 Looks from cave entrance to the midair, Lowden and the others relaxed, even if the grayish white Treeman strength rises suddenly, Man Hua and other big expert do not drop the wind, even also has the advantage. 从洞口看向半空,老艾丹等人松了口气,哪怕灰白树人力量暴涨,蛮华等三大强者也丝毫不落下风,甚至还占据优势。 The people exclaimed in surprise, worthily is the millenniums ago, shocks continent peak expert, such strength really shocks everybody. 众人都是惊叹,不愧是千年前,震慑大陆的巅峰强者,这样的战力真是惊世骇俗。 Such three big expert collaborates, really can sweep away all...... 这样的三大强者联手,真的能够横扫一切了…… „Not right......” “不对劲……” Suddenly, Fowler is narrowing the eye, is staring at grayish white Treeman behind, black burl that beats unceasingly, with fighting conducts, the fluctuation that huge burl spreads, making him even more fearful and apprehensive. 突然,福勒眯着眼睛,盯着灰白树人身后,那个不断跳动的黑色树瘤,随着战斗的进行,那巨大的树瘤子传出的波动,让他越发的心惊肉跳。 Bad......” “糟了……” Is steep, Fowler responded, in his Elf body, has some memories, that was Elf Race one secret skill, with the aid of the strength of enemy, catalyzes some type of terrible thing. 陡得,福勒反应过来,他这具精灵身体里,有着一些记忆,那是精灵族的一种秘技,借助敌人的力量,来催化某种可怕的东西。 Cannot fighting get down, otherwise, that burl must be hatched......” “不能战斗下去,否则,那树瘤子要被孵化出来了……” Fowler flushed, by Mental Energy of whole body, sends out such fluctuation. 福勒冲了出去,以全身的精神能量,发出这样的波动。 What?! 什么?! Fierce combat luxurious three big expert, the middle-aged person and Man Hua responded, immediately noticed the change of that burl. 激战正酣的三大强者,中年人、蛮华反应过来,立时注意到那树瘤子的变化。 However, Shimoen no matter actually these, hold the golden sword, all by the fighting method that the life fights tooth and nail, attacks crazily to grayish white Treeman. 然而,西姆奥纳却不管这些,持着黄金剑,皆是以命搏命的打法,疯狂攻向灰白树人 Ha haha......, Shimoen, millenniums ago, you have been guarding, actually does not know, I am also planning you......” “哈哈哈……,西姆奥纳,千年前,你一直在防备,却不知道,我也在算计你……” You now, are Battle Puppet of human form, come! Spells to go all-out to attack, as the matter stands, your strength, can facilitate the broken shell of egg of this disassimilation......” “你现在,就是一个人形的战斗傀儡,来啊!拼尽全力攻击吧,这样一来,你的力量,才能促成这个异化之卵的破壳……” Grayish white Treeman launches the both arms, whatever Shimoen holds the golden sword, pricks its body. 灰白树人展开双臂,任凭西姆奥纳持着黄金剑,刺入它的身体。 Rumble, rumble and rumble...... 咕噜、咕噜、咕噜…… Fearful sword glow flees in all directions on grayish white Treeman, then, with his evil different strength together, the back-streaming returns to that black burl child, resounds along with one, inside had anything to regain consciousness, set up the tumor surface to start the reappearing fissure, resembled to break the shell. 可怕的剑芒在灰白树人身上流窜,而后,与其自身的邪异力量一起,返流回那个黑色树瘤子里,伴随着一阵鸣响,里面有什么东西苏醒了,树瘤子表面开始浮现裂痕,似是要破壳而出。 Sees this scene, the middle-aged person and Man Hua complexion big change, raises in abundance gathers the strength, wants to destroy that strange burl, is actually a fearful tree egg. 见此情景,中年人、蛮华脸色大变,纷纷提聚力量,想要破坏那诡异的树瘤子,实则是一个可怕的树卵。 However, two big expert just took an action, actually stopped, they look angrily at grayish white Treeman, knows that the latter is waiting for such development. 然而,两大强者刚有所行动,却又停了下来,他们怒视灰白树人,知道后者就等着这样的发展。 If the middle-aged person and Man Hua make a move again, will only intensify this terrifying egg hatching...... 如果中年人、蛮华再出手,只会加剧这个恐怖的卵孵化…… Why did you call a halt? Actually, by this time, called a halt, is unable to change this result......” “你们为何停手了?其实,到了这时候,停不停手,都无法改变这一结果了……” On grayish white Treeman covers entirely the sword mark, actually does not care at all, is pointing at that giant tree egg, laughs loudly, these similar is thinking the strength of absorbing other lives, expands itself, finally through swallows mutually, transforms brand-new Life Tree......” 灰白树人身上布满剑痕,却是毫不在意,指着那个巨大的树卵,放声大笑,“那些同类就想着吸收其他生灵的力量,来壮大自身,最后通过相互吞噬,来重新蜕变成全新的生命树……” But, for a long time before, in my hungry companion by you, after Shimoen absorption, I suddenly had the idea, can I create a seed, an egg, hatches Life Tree to come out......” “但是,许久之前,在我饿同伴被你,西姆奥纳吸收后,我就忽然有了想法,我能不能创造一颗种子,一颗卵,孵化一棵生命树出来……” You look......, with the aid of the achievements of these life research, I served this purpose for a long time......” “你看……,借助那些生灵长久以来研究的成果,我达到了这一目的……” However you, millennium ago three invincible expert, are final facilitation, is the final witness......” “而你们,千年前的三位无敌强者,将会是最后的促成者,也是最后的见证者……” With such laughing wildly, the middle-aged person, the Man Hua complexion is extremely ugly, particularly the former, is annoyed to the extreme, if he can a morning point return to the land, can perhaps have the countermeasure. 伴随着这样的狂笑,中年人,蛮华脸色极其难看,尤其是前者,更是懊恼到极点,如果他能早一点返回陆地,或许就能有对策。 But, the present sudden outbreak, making the middle-aged person be also at a loss...... 可是,现在的突发状况,让中年人也束手无策…… kacha...... 咔嚓…… Crashes, that black tree egg splits an opening, one after another exudes the hand of grey timbo to find out, above covered entirely the strange trace, toward Shimoen and middle-aged person, Man Hua raided. 一阵碎裂声,那个黑色的树卵从中裂开一个口子,一只只泛着灰色的树藤之手探出,上面布满了诡异的纹路,朝着西姆奥纳、中年人,蛮华袭了过来。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… Three forms flew, this is a collision of pure brute force, three big ninth boundary peaks expert, is unable to resist Haifuji's the hit of hand. 三道身影飞了出去,这是一种纯粹蛮力的碰撞,三大九境巅峰的强者,也无法抵挡灰藤之手的撞击。 Man Hua, you lead them to escape...... middle-aged person to exclaim quickly lowly. 蛮华,你带着他们快逃……”中年人低吼道。 You......” Man Hua asked back. “那你呢……”蛮华反问。 I must Shimoen destroying, otherwise, he was absorbed, really had no way to cope with this monster......” middle-aged person to shout. “我要把西姆奥纳给破坏掉,不然,他被吸收了,就真的没法对付这个怪物了……”中年人喊道。 From such collision, the middle-aged person judges immediately, the egg of tree just hatched has not formed completely, if it absorbed Shimoen, that was out of control. 从这样的碰撞中,中年人立时判断出,刚孵化的树之卵还没完全成形,如果等其吸收了西姆奥纳,那就一发不可收拾了。 The secret of middle-aged person clear Shimoen within the body, latter's within the body, remains massive Polluted Tree Spirit strengths, was suppressed by his bloodlines, once were absorbed, will only make the egg of this tree again difficult to contain. 中年人清楚西姆奥纳体内的秘密,后者的体内,残留着大量的污染树灵的力量,被其血脉压制下来,一旦被吸收,只会让这个树之卵再难遏制。 Your this fellow......” Man Hua grins, actually also can only nod. “你这家伙……”蛮华龇牙,却也只能点头。 The middle-aged people deeply inspire, the body inflates suddenly, the one after another strange pattern appears, this is one blood-color texture, is passing one share evil. 中年人深吸口气,身体骤然膨胀起来,一道道奇异的花纹浮现,这是一种血色纹理,透着一股子妖异 That is Blood Spirit World Lock!?” Fowler is whispering, the facial expression is extremely complex. “那是【血灵世界锁】!?”福勒嘀咕着,神情极是复杂。 Bang...... 砰…… The middle-aged people flushed, actually just ran out not far, the around the body one after another tree mark appears, its imprisonment. 中年人冲了出去,却是刚冲出不远,身周一道道树纹浮现,将其禁锢其中。 You are treating at the same time, when I swallowed Shimoen, copes with you again......” “你还是一边待着,等我吞噬了西姆奥纳,再来对付你吧……” Grayish white Treeman is lifting the antler stick, to the middle-aged person, it has been arranging this illusory trap distantly, waits for it to lose for a while, walks into a trap. 灰白树人举着鹿角杖,遥遥对着中年人,它早就布置了这个虚幻的陷阱,等着其在一时失查中,自投罗网。 This dies......” a middle-aged person low roar, is passing reluctantly. “该・死的……”中年人一声低吼,透着无奈。 Man Hua sees that wants to go forward to rescue, represses eventually under impulses, turns around to graze to the Centaur/troops soldier. 蛮华见状,想要上前救援,终究还是按捺下冲动,转身飞掠向人马战士。 „Is this in first batch of Polluted Tree Spirit strongest one?” “这就是第一批污染树灵最强的一个么?” Suddenly, a sound resounds from the distant place, falls near the Man Hua ear, making it immediately happy. 猛然间,一个声音从远处响起,落在蛮华耳边,让其立时喜形于色。 Mister Gu......” Man Hua muttered. 骨先生……”蛮华喃喃道。 At this time, another youngster sound resounds, it also made a tree egg, wants from this, to make existence of similar Tree of Death? Splendid conception......” 此时,又一个年轻人的声音响起,“它还制造了一个树卵,是想由此,制造一个类似死亡之树的存在么?精彩的构想呀……” Rips...... 撕拉…… The front space, splits a slit all of a sudden, purple sword light punctured together, just like circling great dragon, dives, solid bang in that black burl fissure. 前方的空间,一下子裂开一条缝隙,一道紫色剑光刺了出来,宛如盘旋的巨龙,俯冲下来,结结实实轰在那个黑色树瘤子的裂痕中。 ......, sets up the egg surface, appears unceasingly the one by one hole, must this wild purple sword light absorption, not be actually able to achieve. 滋滋滋……,树卵表面,不断浮现一个个孔洞,要将这股狂暴的紫色剑光吸收,却是无法做到。 Under the attack of purple sword light, the one after another fissure appears, the hand of one after another timbo was cut, the strange juice splash, setting up the egg spreads an intermittent sad and shrill pitiful yell. 在紫色剑光的侵袭下,一道道裂痕浮现,一条条树藤之手被斩开,诡异的汁液飞溅,树卵更是传出一阵阵凄厉的惨叫。 What's the matter? „ “怎么回事?“ Grayish white Treeman has a big shock, then the steep smug look changes, „is this Tomb Guarding Elf divine sword?!” 灰白树人大惊失色,而后陡得色变,“这是护陵精灵神剑?!” „......, The antler stick, you are destroy High Elf that fellow......” “呵……,鹿角杖,你就是破坏高等精灵的那个家伙喽……” In the space fissure, Tai Gu sneers wear a look, pushed from the space fissure, his pupil stares at that the antler stick, in the eye is beating wild killing intent. 空间裂痕中,苔骨面带冷笑,从空间裂痕中挤了出来,他的眸子盯着那把鹿角杖,眼中跳动着狂暴的杀意 Elf Race final Tomb Guarding Elf, where went , your bastard said quickly......” 精灵族最后的护陵精灵,去了哪里,你这混蛋快说……” Bang...... 轰隆…… In the black fog, the dazzling light shadow flashes together, Tai Gu moved, before the figure to, the body inflates unceasingly, raised 45 times all of a sudden, ten Dumo/meters heights, the body surface actually presents an ossification, wields Redbud Sword, Cuts ruthlessly to also grayish white Treeman in shock. 黑雾之中,一道刺目的光影闪动,苔骨动了,在身形前冲之中,身体不断膨胀,一下子拔高了四五倍,十多米的身高,身体表面却呈现一种骨化,挥动【紫荆之剑】,狠狠斩向还在震惊中的灰白树人 This sword was too quick, cut off the arm of grayish white Treeman all of a sudden, then drops with the arm from the midair the antler stick...... 这一剑太快了,一下子斩断了灰白树人的手臂,那把鹿角杖随着手臂从半空跌落…… The sad and shrill pitiful yell sound gets up, the grayish white Treeman illness/quick draws back, its resiliency is no doubt astonishing, but, has the difficult adversary, Tomb Guarding Elf divine sword is one of them. 凄厉的惨叫声响起,灰白树人疾退,它的恢复力固然惊人,但是,却也有克星,护陵精灵神剑就是其中之一。 ...... 滋滋…… The purple sword light trend continued, cut off the arm of grayish white Treeman, but also took advantage of opportunity to fly, pared the crown of black construction. 紫色剑光趋势不止,斩断了灰白树人的手臂,还顺势飞了出去,将黑色建筑的顶部削去了一块。 In an instant, that gap of black construction, the blowout bunch of black mist, spout the ink liquid, the pitiful yell sound continuously...... 刹那间,黑色建筑的那处缺口,喷出一团团黑色雾气,喷涌出墨汁般的液体,惨叫声此起彼伏…… The distant place, the middle-aged person and Man Hua float in empty/sky, stopped the respective action, dull looks at Tai Gu. 远处,中年人、蛮华悬浮于空,都停止了各自的举动,呆呆的看着苔骨 In the middle-aged person brain a confusion, the purple sword that has from Tai Gu, he knows that this was Lowden previously said that Redbud Organization Leader. 中年人脑子里一片混乱,从苔骨持有的紫剑,他知道这是老艾丹此前说的,【紫荆组织】的首领 However, knows is a matter, true experience its strength, is a different matter. 但是,知道是一回事,真正见识其实力,则又是另一回事。 The strength that Tai Gu shows, said compared with Lowden that is not on the strong 1 least bit, was are too many. 苔骨展现的实力,比老艾丹所说,那可不是强上一点半点,是强太多了。 Man Hua in dumbstruck, he is knows that the Mister Gu strength, has not actually thought that the short time has not seen, its strength progresses by leaps and bounds to this situation unexpectedly. 蛮华则是在发懵,他是知道骨先生实力的,却是没想到,短短时间没见,其实力竟然突飞猛进到这种地步。 Naturally, how Tai Gu grows stronger, this is unimportant, more importantly, Tai Gu with Redbud Sword, Suppressed grayish white Treeman firmly. 当然,苔骨是如何变强的,这并不重要,重要的是,苔骨凭着【紫荆之剑】,牢牢压制了灰白树人 Roar...... 吼…… The distant place, grayish white Treeman roared, it thorough was angry, the arm cut off, the antler stick fell down, this has never had the matter, has never experienced shame. 远处,灰白树人一阵咆哮,它彻底愤怒了,手臂被斩断,鹿角杖坠地,这是从未有过的事情,也是从未经历过的耻辱。 Killed you......” “杀了你……” The grayish white Treeman eye socket beat different light, the left arm elongates unceasingly, changes into dozens vine dragons, from strangles to death in all directions to Tai Gu. 灰白树人的眼眶跳动异光,左臂不断伸长,化为数十条藤龙,从四面八方绞杀向苔骨 Meanwhile, in that tree egg, the hand of one after another timbo also flushed, flying shoots at this archenemy who holds purple divine sword. 同时,那颗树卵中,一只只树藤之手也冲了出来,飞射向这个持着紫色神剑的大敌。 However, in this round fiercely attacks just got up, the middle-aged person suddenly discovered, on the ground, by breaking arm of grayish white Treeman, had/left a form. 但是,就在这轮猛攻刚起时,中年人忽然发现,在地上,灰白树人的断臂旁边,多出了一个身影。 That form is youngster, wears the Mechanic long gown, seems like One Star Level Mechanic. 那身影是一个年轻人,穿着机械师长袍,看起来还是一星级机械师 Looks at this young Mechanic, the middle-aged person thought of oneself young inexplicably the time, just like this youngster, is interested in any novel thing. 看着这个年轻机械师,中年人莫名想到了自己年轻的时候,也和这个年轻人一样,对任何新奇的事物感兴趣。 Now, this young Mechanic squats by that timbo arm, is looking at carefully that arm, the antler stick, resembles is estimating its structure. 现在,这个年轻机械师就蹲在那树藤手臂旁,端详着那手臂,还有鹿角杖,似是在揣摩其构造。 Stunned in middle-aged person heart flashes past, he will certainly not remind this young Mechanic to be careful, can in such place, the silent appearance, itself explain the uncommonness of this youngster. 中年人心中的愕然一闪而过,他当然不会提醒这年轻机械师小心,能在这样的地方,无声无息的出现,本身就说明这年轻人的不凡。 Immediately, the middle-aged person sees, behind that youngster, finds out Mechanical Arm, Mechanical Arm that seems like looks familiar very much. 随即,中年人就看到,那年轻人背后,探出一只机械臂,一只看起来很眼熟的机械臂 That is......, Cracked Scale Arm......” “那是……,【裂鳞之臂】……” The middle-aged people recognized, memories well up, when about young, to the focus of this legendary Mechanical Arm. 中年人认了出来,一段段记忆涌上心头,关于年轻时,对这只传奇机械臂的执着。 Immediately, sees this only Mechanical Arm to switch over a long needle, pricks in the timbo arm, passes a strange fluctuation of energy. 随即,就见这只机械臂切换成一根长针,刺入树藤手臂中,流转出一种陌生的能量波动。 Inciting...... 滋…… A brand-new strength, pours into the timbo arm like this, the Lin Chuan complexion moves slightly, what it seems like he estimates is right, even if this Polluted Tree Spirit, the brand-new strength of also just like that evil different life, regarding him congealing, is unable to contend. 一丝全新的力量,就这样注入树藤手臂中,林川面色微动,看来他预计的是对的,哪怕是这个污染树灵,也和那邪异生灵一样,对于他凝成的这种全新力量,都是无法抗衡的。 ...... 呼…… next moment, this arm burns, the flaming flame soars, following the palm, spreads to the antler stick on, withered tar smells fill the air. 下一刻,这只手臂燃烧起来,熊熊火焰飞腾起来,顺着手掌,蔓延至鹿角杖上,一股股焦枯的臭油气味弥漫开来。 Not......, what's the matter......” “不……,怎么回事……” In the midair, grayish white Treeman sends out the sad and shrill pitiful yell, its body also starts to burn, in any event kicks, is unable to fight fire. 半空中,灰白树人发出凄厉的惨叫,它的身躯也开始燃烧,无论如何扑腾,也无法灭火。 Lin Chuan sets out, catches the eye to look at grayish white Treeman, said lightly: This is actually very simple, so long as there is a strength, surpasses your strength attribute in the corrosiveness, naturally can conduct the counter- corrosion. This and toxicant, bumps into more poisonous potion, is a truth......” 林川起身,抬眼看着灰白树人,淡淡道:“这其实很简单,只要有一种力量,在侵蚀性上超过你的力量属性,自然就能进行反侵蚀。这和毒药,碰上更毒的药剂,是一个道理……” ...... 呼啦…… The grayish white Treeman whole body covers in the flame, is actually wants to speak, could not say a few words. 灰白树人全身笼罩在火焰中,却是想要说话,也说不出一句话来。 Buzz! 嗡! At this time, Shimoen shook off the fetter of hand of timbo, wields the golden sword, with Tai Gu together, cut to grayish white Treeman, the body of combustion will cut the fragment. 此时,西姆奥纳挣脱了树藤之手的束缚,挥动黄金剑,与苔骨一起,斩向了灰白树人,将之燃烧的躯体斩成碎块。 this scene, causes the ground numerous experts to cheer, grayish white Treeman was cut this appearance, it seems like that this terrifying crisis must pass. 这一幕,引得地上的众强者们欢呼雀跃,灰白树人被斩成这个样子,看来这场恐怖的危机要过去了。 Lin Chuan knits the brows, is shouting to Shimoen: Cuts broken the head of that fellow!” 林川则是皱眉,对着西姆奥纳喊道:“把那家伙的头颅斩碎!” Head that in the midair, grayish white Treeman was cut, is recent with Shimoen, but, this legendary Emperor actually turns a deaf ear , the golden sword dangles sword blade, resembling is because completed the goal, aura is declining rapidly. 半空中,灰白树人被斩掉的头颅,与西姆奥纳最近,但是,这位传奇皇帝却是充耳不闻,黄金剑垂下剑锋,似是因为完成了目的,身上的气息正在迅速衰退。 „......” “嗬嗬嗬……” In the Treeman head of combustion, exudes sad and shrill laughter. 燃烧的树人头颅中,发出一阵凄厉的笑声。 In the crack tree egg, springs the one after another rattan suddenly, the Treeman head that will burn absorbs, then, the flame spread, wraps in which the entire tree egg. 龟裂的树卵中,忽然弹出一道道藤条,将燃烧的树人头颅吸纳其中,而后,火焰蔓延开来,将整个树卵都包裹其中。 This scene, makes Lin Chuan and the others the complexion not relax, dignified, because set up the aura of egg to be even more powerful. 这一情景,却让林川等人脸色没有放松,都更加的凝重,因为树卵的气息越发强大了。 Mister Chuan, Shimoen is only human form Battle Puppet......” Man Hua shouts. 川先生,西姆奥纳只是一具人形战斗傀儡……”蛮华喊道。 Lin Chuan complexion one black, he is knows that the Shimoen condition has the issue, has not actually thought that really the independent consciousness doesn't have? 林川脸色一黑,他是知道西姆奥纳的状态有问题,却没想到真的一点自主意识都没有么? However, now said these, all late...... 不过,现在说这些,一切都晚了…… Buzz! 嗡! Tai Gu holds the purple sword, the around the body wild strength is condensing, all pours into sword, cuts to that tree egg. 苔骨持着紫剑,身周狂暴的力量凝聚,悉数注入佩剑之中,斩向那颗树卵。 A grating collision sound, tree egg of that combustion in front of purple sword light, again without the beforehand frailty, but this sword light disintegration. 一阵刺耳的碰撞声,那颗燃烧的树卵在紫色剑光面前,再没有之前的脆弱,而是将这道剑光崩碎了。 Troubled......” “麻烦了……” The Tai Gu figure flashes, arrives at side Lin Chuan, this is his full power sword, is unable to cut the tree egg, knows that by own strength, is hard to cause the damage. 苔骨身形一闪,来到林川身边,这是他全力一剑,都无法斩开树卵,就知道凭自身的力量,难以对其造成伤害。
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