TBSIABC :: Volume #4 翻云覆雨

#574 Part 2: Mysterious Star imperial capital

In the Mysterious Star Emperor throat, makes the sharp sound suddenly, just like the strange laughter, his eye is profound, the pupil swiftly occupied the entire eyeball, right. Empire in the future cannot hand over on any manpower, only has me to assume Empire, can push to another peak Mysterious Star Empire......” 星奥皇帝喉咙里,突然发出尖锐的声音,犹如诡异的笑声,他的眼睛幽深起来,瞳孔迅速占据了整个眼球,“没错。帝国的未来不能交到任何人手上,唯有我坐镇帝国,才能将星奥帝国推向另一个顶峰……” In the magnificent clothes old population, tosses about to mutter these words, its facial expression is gradually demented, the elongated shadow gradually returns to the original condition. 华服老人口中,翻来覆去咕哝着这几句话,其神情逐渐癫狂起来,拉长的影子逐渐恢复原状。 Whiz...... 嗖…… Mysterious Star Emperor sets out suddenly, is ordinary like the ghosts and demons, leaves from secret passage of main hall, goes to the Imperial Palace west side. 星奥皇帝忽然起身,如同鬼魅一般,从大殿的一条密道离开,前往皇宫的西边。
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