TBSIABC :: Volume #4 翻云覆雨

#571: Transformation plans

We must found a Elf Race leadership the world......” “我们要开创一个精灵族主导的世界……” Puts down all opponents, grinds the hashed meat them, in Five Seas these Sea Beasts, exterminate completely, exterminates......” “扫平一切反对者,将他们碾成碎肉,还有五海中那些海兽们,全部灭绝,灭绝……” Dragon Race, dwarf and gnome, Eagleman, Human Race......, turns into the inferior ethnic group them completely, only has Elf Race is legitimate......” 龙族矮人地精,鹰头人,人族……,将他们全部变成下等族群,唯有精灵族才是正统……” ...... …… Before the crystal sarcophagus, a figure is big, holds High Elf of antler stick, appears each time quietly, in twittering, is instilling into a low voice to the thought that a brand-new life distortion, is shattered. 水晶棺前,一个身形高大,持着鹿角杖的高等精灵,每次都悄悄出现,在低声呢喃着,灌输给全新生灵一种扭曲、破灭的思维。 The eyes of that big Elf, are flooding the strange ray, just like jet black pond water, has to absorb the will of the people impossible strength. 那个高大精灵的双眼,充斥着诡异的光芒,犹如漆黑的潭水,有着摄人心叵的力量。 The life that in the crystal sarcophagus, has not taken shape is listening respectfully to such sound, when it is born truly, formed such will. 水晶棺中,尚未成型的生灵聆听着这样的声音,在其真正诞生时,形成了这样的意志。 This will, directly caused berserk of Elf Race treasure, because that treasure also has the thought of instinct, detected that is not right, wants the evil different life that wrote off this to be just born. 这种意志,直接导致了精灵族重器的暴走,因为那件重器也有本能的意念,察觉到不对,想要抹杀这个刚诞生的邪异生灵。 That result, directly caused the Elf Territory destruction, the decline of entire Elf civilization...... 那一结果,直接导致了精灵领地的覆灭,整个精灵文明的没落…… Snort......” “哼……” Lin Chuan cold snort/hum, Pupil of Wisdom revolves in secret, the will of evil different life surviving will rout thoroughly. 林川暗中冷哼,智之瞳运转,将邪异生灵残存的意志彻底击溃。 Regarding this evil different life, Lin Chuan not many malice, after all, even this fellow regarding this world is the huge threat, but, and no substantive enmity with him. 对于这个邪异生灵,林川并没有多少恶感,毕竟,即便这家伙对于这个世界是巨大的威胁,但是,与他之间并没有什么实质的仇怨。 And what is more, from the beginning, the evil different life encountered Lin Chuan all sorts to plan, the latter will not have what malice. 更有甚者,从一开始,邪异生灵就遭到了林川的种种算计,后者自是不会有什么恶感。 All sorts of traces that like this evil different life has, must erase cleanly, this point Lin Chuan is not Tai Gu, will not have any being forgiving. 只是,这样的邪异生灵存在的种种痕迹,是必须抹除干净的,这一点林川可不是苔骨,不会有任何留情。 If initially, without that High Elf obstructed, perhaps the plan successes of these High Elf, will really create a brand-new life......” “如果当初,没有那个高等精灵作梗,或许那些高等精灵的计划真的成功了,会创造出一个全新的生灵……” Perhaps entire continent, the history of the whole world, will rewrite in Dark Age, now perhaps will not have so many chaos caused by war......” “整个大陆,整个世界的历史,说不定会在黑暗时代改写,如今或许就不会有那么多战乱了……” In the Lin Chuan heart whispered, from the rationality, by continent of Elves leadership, may welcome the long-time peace. 林川心中嘀咕,从理性上来讲,由精灵们主导的大陆,或许会迎来长久的和平。 This point can foresee, in ethnic group that after all, this world has, Elves regarding the peace, the tranquil life most pursues. 这一点是可以预见的,毕竟,这个世界存在的族群中,精灵们对于和平,宁静的生活是最为追求的。 Other ethnic groups, often will always emit these careerists, these warlords......, unceasing launch riot, politics changes, generations of dynasties alternate from this...... 其他族群,总是会不时冒出那些野心家,那些军阀……,不断的发动暴乱,政・变,一代代的王朝由此更迭…… The plan of High Elf failed eventually, because that mysterious evil High Elf plays tricks in secret...... 只是,高等精灵们的计划终究是失败了,因为那个神秘邪恶的高等精灵暗中捣鬼…… This High Elf is really strange!” In the Lin Chuan heart talked to oneself. “这个高等精灵着实诡异啊!”林川心中自语。 Pupil of Wisdom ability continues to start, images are even more clear, these pictures like can scale are the same, Lin Chuan attempts, sees clearly that antler stick Elf true colors. 智之瞳能力持续发动,一段段影像越发清晰,那些画面如同能够缩放一样,林川试图从中,看清那个鹿角杖精灵的真面目。 But regardless of, how he investigates, is unable to see clearly this Elf true colors, like Smoke and mirrors general, does not look clearly. 可是,无论他如何探查,都无法看清这个精灵的真面目,如同雾里看花一般,始终看不真切。 Is Polluted Tree Spirit......, this should unable......” “难道是污染树灵……,这应该不会……” Pure Tree Spirit has also said that Elf Race regarding Polluted Tree Spirit, is keenest, most has the guard method......” 纯净树灵也说过,精灵族对于污染树灵,是最为敏锐的,也是最有防范手段的……” As images vanish, Lin Chuan has not seen clearly that Elf true colors, can only give up. 随着一段段影像消失,林川也没有看清那精灵的真面目,只能放弃。 Meow......” “喵……” Suddenly, in the consciousness, meow wins applause, the physique of little fellow appears. 突然,在意识中,一声喵叫响起,小家伙的身板出现。 No, at this moment cannot call the little fellow, this is a hill blue cat giant beast, even if in the consciousness of Lin Chuan, can still feel that huge blood qi. 不,此刻已经不能称呼小家伙了,这是一头小山般的蓝猫巨兽,哪怕在林川的意识中,依然能感受到那股庞大的血气 Without a doubt, this is the higher beasts! 毫无疑问,这是高等兽类! By the Big Mouse words, is the King in higher beasts! 鼠大的话来说,是高等兽类中的王者! Your this little fellow, seem to be able to work as a splendid mount......” Lin Chuan to open the mouth to say. “你这小家伙,看起来能当一头出色的坐骑了啊……”林川开口道。 Meow......” “喵……” Kitty Lan had a fit of bad temper immediately, the master also has really been talking over this, is all right wants to ride it. 蓝小喵当即炸毛了,主人果然一直还念叨着这个,没事就想骑它。 Meow......, meow......, meow......” “喵……,喵……,喵……” Kitty Lan crying out, the complaint master maltreats the Kitty ni, it is worried to/clashes the savior, ends up this appearance. 蓝小喵一个劲的叫唤,控诉主人虐待小喵咪,它可是担心的冲过来救主,才落得这个样子。 „Isn't this appearance good? This is a beast of prey proper appearance......” Lin Chuan said. “这个样子不好么?这才是一头猛兽应有的样子啊……”林川啧啧道。 Meow......” “喵……” Kitty Lan puts on a long face, that gigantic meow the face filled aggrieved, this is not the appearance that it wants. 蓝小喵哭丧着脸,那硕大的喵脸充满了哀怨,这才不是它想要的样子。 Strange......, you should transform completely, was unable to speak......” some Lin Chuan surprise. “奇怪……,你应该完全蜕变了,难道还不能说话么……”林川有些诧异。 Meow......” “喵……” Kitty Lan blinks to focus on the bead, is puzzled, it has not truly been able to speak. 蓝小喵眨巴着眼珠子,也是不解,它确实还不能说话。 Even if now, it is realizing with Lin Chuan, still could not speak, was only among one person and one kitty, can achieve the intention to be interlinked. 哪怕现在,它与林川是在意识中,依然说不出话来,只是一人一喵之间,能够做到心意相通。 This felt strange......” “这就奇怪了……” Lin Chuan somewhat wonders, in this time, he is feeling that swamps into the strength in within the body continuously, had the sign of decline, understands that is similar. 林川有些纳闷,正在这时,他感到源源不断涌入体内的力量,出现了衰退的迹象,明白已经差不多了。 Goes out......” “出去吧……” In the consciousness of Lin Chuan, he and Kitty Lan disappeared, recovers again, he still float in midair, is grasping that Redbud Sword. 林川的意识中,他和蓝小喵消失了,再回过神来,他依然悬浮在半空中,握着那把【紫荆之剑】。 Surroundings, the counter chaotic energy has vanished most, other energies of escape cannot pose the threat, in the midair that mausoleum city stopper also changed, is pasting a solemn silence aura. 周围,逆乱的能量已经消失大半,其他逸散的能量已经构不成威胁,半空中那座陵墓城塞也变了,流转着一种庄严肃穆的气息。 That tranquility, the mysterious fluctuation, is the Elf Mausoleum original appearance...... 那种宁静,神秘的波动,才是精灵陵墓原有的样子…… You are all right......” Tai Gu to ask. “你没事吧……”苔骨问道。 Lin Chuan this time appearance, like not being all right, the body huge one time, the flesh presented the crack trace, the entire body as if must explode to be the same momentarily. 林川此时的样子,可不像没事,身体庞大了一倍,肌肤呈现龟裂的痕迹,整个身躯似乎随时都要爆开一样。 By his body of being repeatedly tempered, still has this situation, obviously the energy of Lin Chuan absorption is huge. 以其千锤百炼的身体,依然出现这一情况,可见林川吸收的能量有多么庞大。 Deeply inspires, on the chest the clock design appears, Clock of Time ability revolves unceasingly, the strength absorption that will be rapidly many, and overflows a faint trace brand-new strength, nourishes its body. 深吸口气,胸膛上时钟图案浮现,时之钟能力不断运转,迅速将多出的力量吸收,并溢出一丝丝全新的力量,滋养其身躯。 Suddenly, Lin Chuan swiftly reduces, recovers the original condition, the flesh texture of muscle also restores such as beginning, his skin looks brighter and cleaner. 骤然间,林川的身体迅速缩小,恢复成原状,肌肤腠理也恢复如初,其皮肤看起来更加光洁。 Is all right......” the Lin Chuan response to say. “没事……”林川回应道。 Nearby, Kitty Lan looks fierce, it is controlling the body that increases strongly, suddenly saw the master to look, in complexion somewhat inexplicable mood. 一旁,蓝小喵龇牙咧嘴,它在竭力掌控变大的身体,突然看到主人看了过来,脸色中有些莫名的情绪。 Immediately, the little fellow frightens one to tremble, the body swiftly reduced, turned into originally the mini shape. 当即,小家伙吓得一阵哆嗦,身体迅速缩小,变成了原本迷你的形态。 Just, compared with before, the wool of little fellow shone slightly, is passing a dim brilliance. 只不过,与之前相比,小家伙的毛微微发光,透着一种朦胧的光彩。 Meow......, shouted......” “喵……,呼……” Kitty Lan relaxes, luckily it can control the shape freely, otherwise the thoughts of master worked. 蓝小喵松了口气,幸亏它能自如控制形态,要不然主人的心思就得逞了。 In any case, the master inquired, it is said that had no way to increase, reluctantly it. 反正,主人问询起来,它就说没法变大了,也勉强不了它。 Looks at the facial expression of little fellow, Lin Chuan shakes the head secretly, how he does not understand that the idea of Kitty Lan, this little thing turns completes the shape is not careful, once must return to the original condition, careful to is not good. 看着小家伙的神情,林川暗自摇头,他如何不明白蓝小喵的想法,这小东西变成完成形态不上心,一旦要恢复原状了,就上心到不行。 Nearby, Tai Gu somewhat is also in a daze, this one person and one cat absorbed that huge energy, actually a matter does not have. 一旁,苔骨也有些发呆,这一人一猫吸收了那么庞大的能量,竟然一点事都没有。 Conversion is he, perhaps by the incomparably strong body, must lie down, without one year or so, do not want to act freely. 换成是他,以其无比强壮的身体,恐怕也要躺下,没有一年半载,别想行动自如。 These two anomaly......” Tai Gu shakes the head secretly. “这两个变·态啊……”苔骨暗自摇头。 At this time, one group of companions have steered the mini submarine, caught up fast. 此时,一行同伴已经驾驶微型潜艇,飞快赶了过来。 The people are not clear, Tai Gu and Lin Chuan used what method, the evil different life, the Elf Mausoleum danger will eliminate, in brief the goal, it seems like achieved. 众人并不清楚,苔骨林川到底用了什么手段,将邪异生灵,还有精灵陵墓的危险消除了,总之此行的目的,看来是达成了。 Leader. We Redbud Regiment It seems like can reappear world......” 首领。咱们【紫荆军团】看来能再现世间了……” Leader. After going back, announced this news like the outside world......” 首领。回去之后,就像外界宣布这一消息吧……” Lowden and Howya were very excited, front status, but first-generation Redbud Regiment is long! 老艾丹海乌亚别提多兴奋了,面前这位的身份,可是第一代的紫荆军团长啊! Perhaps the present world, does not know Redbud Regiment First-generation experts is fearful, but, as descendant's they, but hears all sorts of legendary facts of older generations from infancy to maturity. 如今的世人,或许不知道【紫荆军团】第一代的强者们有多么可怕,但是,身为后裔的他们,可是从小到大都听闻先辈们的种种传奇事迹。 Especially first-generation Regiment Commander, it is said in then continent, was the strongest talent, most peak expert. 尤其是第一代军团长,据说在当时的大陆,是最强的天才,最巅峰的强者 In military force level, if puts the Hundred Years' War period, perhaps only then Continent Madman can with it pulling the wrist/skill...... 在武力层面上,若是放到百年战争时期,恐怕只有大陆狂人才能与之扳扳手腕…… Such Regiment Commander again world, Redbud Regiment Will welcome another peak surely...... 这样的军团长再世,【紫荆军团】必定会迎来又一个巅峰…… Do not consider these anxiously, the advanced mausoleum, many things must process......” Tai Gu to beckon with the hand to say. “别急着想这些,先进陵墓,还有许多东西要处理……”苔骨摆手说道。 What?! 什么?! Also can enter Elf Mausoleum?! 还要进精灵陵墓?! One group of companions had a big shock, witness the fearfulness of that evil different life, the people filled regarding Elf Mausoleum dreaded. 一行同伴大惊失色,目睹了那邪异生灵的可怕,众人对于精灵陵墓可是充满了忌惮。 Who knows in the mausoleum, but also there are other strange things...... 谁知道陵墓中,还有没有其他诡异的东西…… Lin Chuan said: Inside trouble had vanished, many Elf Race rare treasures still in inside, for example break through boundary secret medicine, restores the treasure of body......” 林川说道:“里面的麻烦已经消失了,许多精灵族的秘宝还在里面,比如突破境界的秘药,修复身体的宝物……” hearing this, the eyes of people on the scene sparkle to shine, among them many boundary stagnation many year of expert, if there are to break through boundary secret medicine, the strength will progress by leaps and bounds. 闻言,在场众人的眼睛闪闪放光,他们当中不乏境界停滞很多年的强者,若有突破境界的秘药,岂不是实力会突飞猛进。 Fowler is most excited, he looks at the body of Tai Gu greedily, was fantasizing can also obtain such a body, that was the true new student|life. 福勒则是最激动的,他贪婪的看着苔骨的身体,幻想着也能获得这样一副身体,那就是真正的新生了。 Immediately, the group are impatient, crashed in the mausoleum city stopper in abundance, a search of mausoleum mausoleum treasure. 随即,一行人迫不及待,纷纷冲进了陵墓城塞,一个陵墓一个陵墓的搜寻着宝物。 Lin Chuan and the others go, that main hall in most deep place, returned there. 林川等人则是前往,最深处的那座大殿,重新回到了那里。 ...... 滋滋…… In the main hall, these Elf skeletons start to putrefy, some corpses change into the flying ash rapidly, dissipates does not see. 大殿中,那些精灵的尸骨开始腐化,有的尸体迅速化为飞灰,消散不见。 The team of accompanying collects the equipment and weapon of Elf soldier, Lin Chuan and Tai Gu, Fowler and the others is being continues thoroughly, is searching for a more special thing. 随行的队伍搜集着精灵战士的装备、武器,林川苔骨,福勒等人则是继续深入,搜寻着更为特殊的东西。 You are looking for the Janlin whereabouts......” Lin Chuan to look to Tai Gu. “你在寻找迦娜琳的下落……”林川看向苔骨 His very clear Tai Gu manner, regarding these rare treasures and wealth, no interest, wants to look for once female friend. 他很清楚苔骨的为人,对于那些秘宝、财富,都没有什么兴趣,是想寻找曾经的红颜知己。 Tai Gu has not spoken, the response that is depressed, grasping Redbud Sword, As if found with this thing that divine sword echoes mutually. 苔骨没有说话,闷闷的回应了一声,握着【紫荆之剑】,似乎找到与这把神剑相互呼应的东西。 However, actually has achieved nothing, is worth rejoicing that only, here does not have the Janlin skeleton. 然而,却是一无所获,唯一值得庆幸的,这里并没有迦娜琳的尸骸。 But Lin Chuan from these memory fragments, has not seen many Janlin trails, this also lets the place that the person rejoices. 林川从那些记忆片段中,也没有见到多少迦娜琳的踪迹,这也是让人庆幸的地方。 Can the certain/affirm two points, first, when Elf Territory encounters the great change, Janlin not here. 可以肯定的两点,第一,在精灵领地遭遇巨变时,迦娜琳并不在这里。 Second , Janlin should return to here for a long time, has not had the upfront conflict with the evil different life. 其二,在许久之后,迦娜琳应该又回到过这里,却并没有与邪异生灵有过正面冲突。 By this strength that protects tomb Elf, so long as is not evil different life such fearful existence, can pose the threat to it are not many. 以这位护陵精灵的实力,只要不是邪异生灵这样可怕的存在,能对其造成威胁的并不多。 I will certainly find her whereabouts......” Tai Gu sinking sound said. “我一定会找到她的下落……”苔骨沉声道。 Then......, I have means...... Lin Chuan to hesitate to say actually. “那么……,我倒是有那么点办法……”林川沉吟道。 Immediately, following the memory fragment that before saw, Lin Chuan leads one group, came to another secret room in main hall. 随即,循着之前看到的记忆片段,林川带着一行人,来到大殿的另一个密室。 This was past, secret room that these High Elf built, they made the transformation to this mausoleum city stopper. 这是昔日,那些高等精灵们建立的密室,他们对这座陵墓城塞进行了改造。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… In the secret room, has a sphere object, above is the hole, is connecting the one by one branch pipe, another end is connecting that crystal sarcophagus. 密室中,有着一个圆球物体,上面都是孔洞,连接着一个个树枝般的管子,另一端则是连接着那具水晶棺。 This is the core of city stops up mausoleum, is created by High Elf, after the preparation the evil different life recovers, lets the entire mausoleum city stopper as its fortress. 这是城塞陵墓的核心,由高等精灵们创造的,准备等到邪异生灵复苏后,让整座陵墓城塞作为其堡垒。 Transforms this core, the reduction power, so long as regains part of functions , the airborne navigation, contacts the function, the defense function, other storage locations can give up......” “将这核心改造一下,缩小功率,只要恢复一部分的功能,空中航行,联络功能,还有防御功能,其他的存储场所都可以放弃……” Catching Moon Core, Making it transform this core. 接住【月核】,让其对这核心进行改造。 Regarding this war Smartbrain, this is the right work, it regarding transforming such core, is glad. 对于这战争智脑来说,这是再合适不过的工作,它对于改造这样的核心,也非常乐意。 So long as transforms successfully, leads this place, is it Moon Core. 只要改造成功,主导这个地方的,就是它【月核】了。 Machine Lord, please wait a bit, is searching the structure of this core......” 机主,请稍等,正在搜索这核心的构造……” Really is an entirely new structure, the Elf Race technique in that time, was really was in the lead......” “真是一个别开生面的构造,精灵族的技艺在那个时代,真是太领先了……” Machine Lord, I approximately can reduce 3/5 the power, and restores to act and go into hiding, defends, contact, as well as some armament systems......” 机主,我大约能够将功率缩小五分之三,并恢复行动、隐匿,防御,联络,以及部分武器系统……” Moon Core Unceasingly reporting, in the ice-cold electronic combination tone, is familiar its to listen, it is very excited, wallows in such transformation. 月核】不断汇报着,冰冷的电子合成音中,熟悉它的都能听出来,它很兴奋,沉迷在这样的改造中。 Nearby, Fowler inquired on the quiet, has place that transforms the body? My brain transplant in the past, best was a body of Elf......” 一旁,福勒悄悄询问,“有改造身体的地方么?把我脑子移植过去,最好是一具精灵的身体……” Lin Chuan and Tai Gu look to this fellow, is somewhat speechless, this fellow wants to become Elf, long-lived, that dissolute life? 林川苔骨看向这家伙,都是有些无语,这家伙是想成为精灵,长久生存下去,过那浪荡的生活么? Actually the technique that some......, trade a brain, in this core also really has......” Moon Core Response. “这倒是有的……,换个脑子的技艺,这核心中还真有……”【月核】回应。 Fowler is happy, inquired hastily, results in excitedly cannot self-restrain. 福勒喜形于色,连忙询问,激动得不能自抑。 Rumbling...... 轰轰轰…… The entire mausoleum city Cyprus , China spread thunder, the one after another brilliance regarding this sphere core, unceasingly circling, this spheroid was shining rapidly. 整个陵墓城塞中传出轰鸣,一道道光辉围绕着这圆球核心,不断盘旋着,这球体迅速亮了起来。 Suddenly, the mausoleum city stops up surrounding, many mausoleums start to separate, crashes from the midair, forever buries in this space. 一时间,陵墓城塞外围,许多陵墓开始分离,从半空中坠落,永远埋葬在这个空间中。 Lin Chuan is observing this process, when sighing the Elf Race technique, with Tai Gu, Pure Tree Spirit and other discussions, some following things. 林川观察着这一过程,在感叹精灵族的技艺之余,也在和苔骨纯净树灵等讨论,一些后续的事情。 Action of this time, no doubt is successful, the body recovery of Tai Gu, one's own side had expert of absolute level. 这一次的行动,固然非常成功,苔骨的身体复苏,己方这边有了一位绝对级的强者 But, the Lin Chuan indistinct premonition, the situation is not optimistic, in these memory fragments, High Elf of that antler stick makes him anxious. 可是,林川隐约预感,情况没有那么乐观,那些记忆片段中,那个鹿角杖的高等精灵让他不安。 Plays tricks in secret, making the plan of High Elf move toward the wrong road......” “暗中捣鬼,让高等精灵的计划走向歧途……” And Polluted Tree Spirit equally strange High Elf......” “与污染树灵一样诡异的高等精灵……” Cannot see clearly the appearance......” “看不清面目么……” Tai Gu listened also to vibrate very much, then said a series of High Elf names, the characteristics, that was in Dark Age, Elf Race strongest High Elf, actually no to number. 苔骨听了也很震动,而后说出一连串高等精灵的名字,特征,那是在黑暗时代,精灵族最强高等精灵,却没有一个对得上号。 Pure Tree Spirit is a silence, then said a fearful truth...... 纯净树灵则是一阵沉默,而后道出了一个可怕的真相…… This High Elf, looked like with that group of fellows very much, led that group of mysterious fellows who corroded the Life Tree plan......” “这个高等精灵,和那群家伙很像,主导了侵蚀生命树计划的那群神秘的家伙……” Past, corroded action of Life Tree, although is several ethnic group that multiplied the ambition jointly conducted, but, the instigator was actually one group of mysterious fellows. 昔日,生命树的侵蚀行动,虽是几个滋生野心的族群联合进行的,但是,始作俑者却是一群神秘的家伙。 No one knows that the status of that crowd of mysterious lives, hidden in the shadow, is leading that all...... 谁也不知那群神秘生灵的身份,隐藏在阴影中,主导着那一切…… The plan of High Elf causes trouble, is very similar to the conduct way of that crowd of mysterious lives...... 高等精灵们的计划生变,与那群神秘生灵的行事方式很相似…… These fellows look like also hide...... the Lin Chuan brow wrinkle in the hidden place, muttered. “这些家伙看来还隐藏在暗处……”林川眉头皱起,喃喃道。 wait/etc. was discussing in Lin Chuan, these suspicious local times, mausoleum city Cyprus , China spread a happy shouting of Big Mouse, this gigantic Flame Mouse flees everywhere. 就在林川等在讨论,这些可疑的地方时,陵墓城塞中传出鼠大的一声欢乐的叫嚷,这硕大的焰鼠四处窜动。 In rushing to line, the gigantic body starts shrink, within the body spreads unceasingly makes the person grind the teeth/argue skeleton extrusion sound, the body surface also seeps out the blood crazily, that appearance looks infiltrates the person very much. 在奔行之中,硕大的身躯开始缩·小,体内不断传出令人磨牙的骨骼挤压声,体表还疯狂渗出鲜血,那模样看起来很渗人。 However, Big Mouse actually jumps is very lively, it that reaches is changing is small, this is to the indication that the higher beasts transform. 但是,鼠大却蹦达的很欢实,它在变・小,这是向高等兽类蜕变的征兆。 Master Kitty, you look at me, my body started changes small, secret medicine who Elf Race left behind, really mysterious......” 喵主人,你看我,我身体开始变小了,精灵族遗留的秘药,真的神奇啊……” Big Mouse is shouting, a cat claw racket is flown by the front surface trampled. 鼠大一个劲的叫嚷着,被迎面踹了的一记猫爪拍飞了。 Meow......” “喵……” Kitty Lan is staring, it was quarrelled quickly by Big Mouse this fellow, is away from can hear crying out of this Flame Mouse far away, mainly the little fellow just transformed, the hearing was good, wants to isolate the sense of hearing to have no way to achieve. 蓝小喵瞪着眼,它快被鼠大这家伙吵死了,隔着老远都能听到这焰鼠的叫唤,主要还是小家伙刚进行蜕变,听力太好了,想要隔绝听觉也没法做到。
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