TBSIABC :: Volume #4 翻云覆雨

#533: Extreme North's Swamp

DDD...... 滴滴滴…… On Light Screen of submarine cab, appears unceasingly lines of writing, some photos, material about Extreme Northern Land. 潜艇驾驶室的光屏上,不断浮现一行行文字,还有一些配图,都是关于极北之地的资料。 Big Mouse acts as the Master Kitty support, while focuses slantingly, carefully read the material on Light Screen, often revealed the worried color, because of the writing of these materials, it had the larger part not to know. 鼠大一边充当喵主人的支架,一边斜着眼,仔细阅读光屏上的资料,不时露出苦恼之色,因为这些资料的文字,它有一大半都不认识。 Comes out from Illusory Flame Mine, Big Mouse as if opened the front door of new world, all things to it, are that fresh, waits for it to explore...... 幻焰矿山出来,鼠大仿佛打开了新世界的大门,外界一切的事物对它来说,都是那么新鲜,等待它去探索…… The Human Race good food and civilization, these constructions, the knowledge wait/etc, making Big Mouse feel deep is crazy...... 人族的美食、文明,还有那些建筑,知识等等,让鼠大感到深深的着迷…… Naturally, more importantly, it must complete the beforehand pledge, must Flame Mouse this ethnic group, open a loose leaf, becomes the big population of beasts. 当然,更为重要的,它要完成出来之前的誓言,要将焰鼠这一族群,开枝散叶,重新成为兽类的一大族群。 However, is ideally happy like a few words —— that Master Kitty makes, the reality is skinny...... 但是,如同喵主人打出的一句话——理想是美好的,现实是骨感的…… Wandered in Shihai Mountain City, Big Mouse understood that a fearful fact, this mouse, can be its spouse, probably was very difficult to find. 施海山城转悠了一圈,鼠大才了解到一个可怕的事实,这外界的老鼠,能够做它的配偶的,好像很难找到。 After all, the female mouse is biggest, one meter length, its section of tail...... 毕竟,外界的母鼠最大的,也不过一米长短,连它的一截尾巴都不到…… Such female mouse, with its mate, this size quite also was too how far, will kill the delicate female mouse. 那样的母鼠,如何和它交PEI,这尺寸相当也太远了,会把柔弱的母鼠弄死的。 Suddenly, Big Mouse very despairs, it heard actually, other method, can through the two natures/sexes reproduction, not breed the descendant. 一时间,鼠大很绝望,它倒是听说,还有别的方法,能够不通过两性的繁殖,就孕育后代。 Indeed, this perhaps is also solution, but, Big Mouse is unwilling! 诚然,这或许也是一个解决的办法,但是,鼠大不甘心啊! Can arrive at the outside world with great difficulty, enjoys the happy mouse to live, joyful isn't even able to realize unexpectedly like this? 好不容易能到外界,享受美好的鼠生,竟然连这样的快乐都无法体会么? Naturally, Mister Fowler has also raised, can attempt to reproduce with other species, for example these build huge Grey Rock Wolf King, or look for Dragon Beast...... 当然,福勒先生还提过,可以尝试与别的物种进行繁殖,比如那些体型庞大的灰岩狼王啊,或者找一头龙兽…… Such proposition, Big Mouse is uninteresting, it is Flame Mouse, what pursue is the purity of mouse clan bloodlines, how can with other species hybridize? 这样的提议,鼠大毫无兴趣,它可是焰鼠,追求的是鼠族血脉的纯净,怎么能和别的物种ZA交呢? If this by the father mother, uncle aunt, grandparents' soul is known, it can become the big crime mouse of Flame Mouse ethnic group? 这如果被父亲母亲,还有叔叔阿姨,爷爷奶奶们的灵魂知道,它岂不是要成为焰鼠族群的大罪鼠? After is in every possible way worried, looked at master Mister Chuan of master, a few words makes Big Mouse sprout the hope. 在百般苦恼后,瞄主人的主人川先生,一句话让鼠大萌生了希望。 That goes to Sealed Territory to have a look, such ancient region, could find the female mouse that the build was similar......” “那就去封域看看,那样古老的地域,说不定能找到体型相仿的母鼠……” Hears Mister Chuan such raising, Big Mouse suddenly sees the light, worthily is the master who looks at the master, such wisdom, easily can grasp to the essence of issue. 听到川先生这样的提点,鼠大豁然开朗,不愧是瞄主人的主人,如此的睿智,轻易就能把握到问题的本质。 Therefore, is smoother for the action of Extreme Northern Land, can give on a strength, Big Mouse for these days, goes all out to learn the continent commonly used language, for serveral days, had known many characters. 于是,为了极北之地的行动更为顺利,能够出上一份力,鼠大这几天,拼命学习大陆的通用语,这些天来,已经认识了不少字。 Ding...... 叮叮叮…… Kitty Lan is controlling the submarine, takes a look to look distressed to read the material Big Mouse, the little fellow shakes the head, the intelligence quotient of this Flame Mouse pet, real not too good! 蓝小喵操控着潜艇,瞅了瞅愁眉苦脸看资料的鼠大,小家伙摇了摇头,这头焰鼠宠物的智商,真的不太行啊! Such writing, spent obstinately for a long time, knew less than 1000...... 这么点文字,愣是花了这么长时间,也才认识了不到一千个…… Whiz! 嗖! The Little Blue Cat claw lifts, from the seat, takes out at the same time Light Screen, lost to Big Mouse, above had the simple material, belongs that this Flame Mouse can easily understand. 小蓝猫爪子一抬,从座位一侧,取出一面光屏,丢给了鼠大,上面有简易的资料,属于这头焰鼠能够轻易看懂的那种。 Squeak squeak squeak......, thanks Master Kitty, you to servant I, really good!” “吱吱吱……,谢谢喵主人,您对仆人我,实在太好了!” Big Mouse as if one had found a treasure, expressed gratitude again and again, lifted the gigantic mouse head, a face respect looks at Master Kitty, in the meantime, looks at master that mini figure, filled envied and awed. 鼠大如获至宝,连连道谢,抬起硕大的鼠头,一脸敬仰的看着喵主人,同时,看着主人那迷你的身形,更是充满了羡慕和敬畏。 This is the higher beasts! 这就是高等兽类啊! Can at will the fluctuation shape, not only can confuse the bystander, but can also conduct mate with any pleasing similar. 能够随意变幻形态,不仅能迷惑外人,还能和任何中意的同类进行交PEI Big Mouse fantasized, if it can have such ability, that should good, for serveral days, enough let on one crowd of female mouse bosoms the bastard. 鼠大不禁幻想,如果它能拥有这样的能力,那该有多好,这些天来,足够让一群母鼠怀上崽子了。 What a pity, such matter , can only fantasize, wants to advance into the higher beasts, was too difficult, compared with from seventh boundary to eighth boundary, but also wants difficult many. 可惜,这样的事情,也只能幻想一下,想要跻身高等兽类,实在太难了,远比从七境八境,还要困难的多。 That is a transformation of species...... 那是一次物种的蜕变…… Twists this Light Screen with the mouse claw, Big Mouse carefully is reading the Extreme Northern Land material, often exudes the cry of exclamation, Master Kitty is Master Kitty, this simple material it, as soon as looked understands. 用鼠爪拧着这光屏,鼠大仔细阅读极北之地的资料,不时发出惊叹的叫声,喵主人就是喵主人,这简易的资料它一看就明白了。 „The wisdom of higher beasts, is goes far beyond me......” Big Mouse deep gasping in admiration. “高等兽类的智慧,也是远远超过我啊……”鼠大深深的叹服。 Kitty Lan no longer manages this servant mouse, is steering the submarine, while is reading Extreme Northern Land related local conditions and social customs, it wants to look, where has delicious, fun place, if not need it, that looks for a place nest, when the master they act to complete, looks for it again. 蓝小喵不再管这个仆鼠,一边驾驶着潜艇,一边翻看着极北之地的相关风土人情,它想找一找,哪里有好吃的,好玩的地方,如果不需要它,那就找一个地方窝着,等到主人他们行动完成,再来找它。 After all, really must say the strength, it is quite not actually powerful, only completes half to present Gigantification. 毕竟,真要说实力,它其实相当不给力的,到现在巨大化也只完成一半。 As for the remaining half, Kitty Lan has actually thought that completion, the discovery, as if the strength in within the body, will actually be fettered diligently afterward by anything, how regardless of diligently, is unable to release it. 至于剩下的一半,蓝小喵其实有想过,努力将之完成,后来却发现,似乎体内的力量,被什么东西束缚住了,无论怎么努力,都无法将之释放出来。 Understood this point, the little fellow does not want to try hard, it is young, arrives in this world two years, is a baby, should not enjoy kitty life...... 明白了这一点,小家伙就不想努力了,它还小嘛,来到这个世上才两年而已,还是一个宝宝,难道不应该多享受一下喵生嘛…… a cat and a mouse this to the master and servant, has the thoughts in the submarine respectively...... 一猫一鼠这对主仆,在潜艇里各有心思…… Less than two days, this mini-submarine team has arrived in the Extreme Northern Land range, this is deliberately slows the tempo. 不到两天的时间,这支小型潜艇队已经抵达极北之地的范围,这还是刻意放慢了速度。 If to not hang the Zhong Family fleet, actually wants day of much time, the submarine of full speed navigation can arrive in Extreme Northern Land. 如果不是为了吊住钟家的船队,其实只要一天多的时间,全速航行的潜艇就能抵达极北之地 Meow......” “喵……” Looks to monitor the area map on screen, Kitty Lan cried out, relaxing, but was, driving that for successive two days not slept nor rested, this was the extremely driver fatigue! 看着监控屏幕上的区域地图,蓝小喵叫唤了一声,松了口气,可算是到了,连续两天不眠不休的驾驶,这可是极度疲劳驾驶啊! Suddenly, the Kitty Lan small physique trembles, within the body has a powerful strength to surge, just like breaking through some shackles in body, will soon erupt. 突然,蓝小喵小身板一哆嗦,体内有一股强大的力量涌动,宛如冲破了身体内的某一个枷锁,即将喷发出来。 Bang! 砰! It short round tail, flees to three meters all of a sudden long, passed through a hole the following alloy gate. 它短短圆圆的尾巴,一下子窜长到三米长,将后面的合金门贯穿了一个孔洞。 Master Kitty, you how......” 喵主人,你怎么了……” Big Mouse has a scare, actually thinks from Master Kitty, releases fearful aura that one share is moving restlessly, just like a volcano, must erupt immediately. 鼠大吓了一跳,却觉从喵主人身上,释放着一股子躁动的可怕气息,宛如一座火山,马上就要喷发出来。 This aura, compared with it in Illusory Flame Mine, meets Kitty Lan for the first time, comes terrifying, the high-rank aura of that higher beasts, exposed incisiveness. 这股气息,比之在幻焰矿山,第一次遇到蓝小喵,来得更加的恐怖,那种高等兽类的上位气息,展露的淋漓尽致。 Big Mouse lies on the ground, trembles, moves unable, this is the level between beasts suppresses, even revolts radically is unable to achieve. 鼠大趴在地上,瑟瑟发抖,连动弹一下也不能,这就是兽类之间的位阶压制,根本连反抗也无法做到。 Meow meow meow......” “喵喵喵……” Kitty Lan is also very nervous, this type felt that its first meeting, as if within the body were many one share wild and powerful strength, but on it occurrence unpredictable change. 蓝小喵也是很慌,这种感觉它还是第一次遇到,似乎体内多了一股子狂暴而强大的力量,而它身上会发生难以预料的变化。 Meow......, is not good! 喵……,不行! Cannot change, this is on the submarine, if the sound were big, the ship sank, will go bad the plan of master...... 不能变化,这是在潜艇上,要是动静大了,艇沉了,会坏了主人的计划…… Also, this kitty does not want to become that greatly...... 还有,本喵可不想变得那么大…… Kitty Lan anxious is crying out, finally that strength in within the body subsides, lengthens suddenly, just like iron whip same tail, little restoration original condition. 蓝小喵焦急的叫唤着,终于体内的那股力量平息下来,骤然变长,宛如铁鞭一样的尾巴,一点点的恢复了原状。 Master Kitty, you are all right......” Big Mouse squeak squeak to cry out. 喵主人,您没事吧……”鼠大吱吱的叫唤着。 Kitty Lan sits well there, the small physique frightened, then resembled to induce, looks to the screen, Extreme Northern Land area map. 蓝小喵端坐在那里,小身板吓出了一身冷汗,而后似有所感应,看向屏幕上,极北之地的区域地图。 It feels in Extreme Northern Land, some position, as if has anything, produced marvelous echoing with it. 它感受到在极北之地,某一个方位,似乎有什么东西,与它产生了一种奇妙的呼应。 Meow......, this is very right......” “喵……,这好不对劲啊……” Some Kitty Lan lingering fear, it recognizes the temper of instigating very much, truth that also with a Lin Chuan such master, deep prevented accidents before they happen clearly. 蓝小喵有些后怕,它是很认怂的性子,又跟了林川这么一个主人,深深明白防患未然的道理。 Immediately, it this accident, transmitted to Lin Chuan rapidly. 当即,它将这一变故,迅速发送给了林川 On another mini-submarine, Lin Chuan receives the news that Kitty Lan sends , is some surprise, regarding this he did not understand very much. 另一艘小型潜艇上,林川收到蓝小喵发来的消息,则是有些诧异,对此他也不是很了解。 This not strange......, like the Mister Kitty such rare and precious higher beasts, has in Sealed Territory surely to it grows the beneficial thing......” Moon Core So responded. “这不奇怪……,如同喵先生这样珍稀的高等兽类,在封域中必定有对它成长有益的东西……”【月核】这般回应。 Tai Gu also approves of very much, the growth of higher beasts, needs to absorb the enough huge energy, why this was also, afterward the higher beasts more and more scarce reason. 苔骨也很赞同,高等兽类的成长,需要吸收足够庞大的能量,这也是为何,后来高等兽类越来越稀少的原因。 Because, the ancient Sealed Territory resources, one by one mining completely, the growth of higher beasts is also getting more and more difficult...... 因为,古老的封域资源,一个个开采殆尽,高等兽类的成长也越来越困难…… Lin Chuan nods, thinks when Kitty Lan was just born, to raise this little thing, he almost went bankrupt. 林川点了点头,想到蓝小喵刚出生时,为了养这小东西,他可是差点破产了。 Was born from this little thing now, the light was the thing that ate, the amount of consumption lets the struggles of average person several lifetime sufficiently. 从这小东西出生到现在,光是吃掉的东西,耗费的金额都足以让普通人几辈子的奋斗了。 Even so, since White Dwarf Kingdom, after absorbing the energy that Energy Crystal mineral lode opens, kid's change was very small. 即便如此,自从在白矮人王国,吸收那条能量结晶矿脉开启的能量后,小家伙的变化就很小了。 Now, suddenly had the change, perhaps, in that Sealed Territory, Little Blue Cat can grow further. 现在,突然有了变化,或许,在那处封域中,小蓝猫能得到进一步的成长。 Was quick, immediately must...... Lin Chuan mutter to the destination. “快了,马上就要到目的地了……”林川喃喃道。 ...... …… The Northern Land north, there is a snow-covered plain, here sparsely inhabited, is the Northern Land resident also rarely comes to here. 北地的北方,那里是一片冰雪覆盖的平原,这里人烟稀少,便是北地的居民也很少到这里来。 Here temperature, in 40 degrees below zero, during one year has half of time year to year, is the heavy snow flutters about, making here snow thicker much. 这里的气温,常年在零下四十度,一年当中有一半的时间,都是大雪纷飞,使得这里的积雪厚得离谱。 Some adventurers go down to here, often is walking, will fall into the snow hole suddenly, how whatever to struggle, meets the suction in snow hole to attract, did not have the trace. 一些冒险者深入这里,时常走着走着,就会突然陷入雪窟窿里,任凭如何挣扎,也会雪窟窿里的吸力吸进去,没了踪影。 But, falls into these people in snow hole for a long time, sometimes will appear in another place, became a frozen corpse, as if this thick snowy area is the movement same...... 而在许久之后,陷入雪窟窿里的这些人,有时又会在另一处地方出现,成了一具冻尸,仿佛这厚厚的雪地是移动的一样…… Here, is Extreme Northern Land! 这里,就是极北之地 In the Northern Land people mouth, here also has another fearful name —— Extreme North's Swamp! 北地的人们口中,这里还有另一个可怕的称呼——极北沼泽 The topography of such bad risk, in addition here resources are deficient, and has no precious thing, therefore, gets down all year round, to the Extreme Northern Land adventurer very few...... 这样凶险的地势,再加上这里的资源匮乏,并没有什么珍贵的东西,因此,一年到头下来,到极北之地的冒险者少之又少…… In the deep place of this stretch of snowy area, there has valley land, the wild wind and snow to here, met any invisible barrier unexpectedly, detours, making here unable to see any snow. 在这片雪地的深处,那里有一处谷地,狂暴的风雪到了这里,竟是遇到了什么无形的屏障,绕行而过,使得这里看不到任何积雪。 On the contrary, in the valley land the temperature is very high, in the mountain valley center, has a deep pothole, blazing mist gush out from inside...... 相反,谷地里温度还很高,在山谷中央,有着一个深深的坑洞,一股股炽热的雾气从里面涌出…… In this valley land, cannot see any living creature, the outside wind and snow howl, inside deathly stillness...... 这谷地中,见不到任何一个活物,外面风雪呼啸,里面一片死寂…… At this time —— 此时—— The valley land entrance, lamps and lanterns shine, one line of teams lead the way gradually, is Shi Hulie of head. 谷地入口处,一盏盏灯具亮起,一行队伍缓步前行,为首的正是施湖烈 In it behind, is follows Shi Di, Shi Family elite army...... 在其身后,则是跟着施迪,还有施家的精锐部队…… This team center, has a metal cabinet, the above screen glitters unceasingly, is directing the direction. 这支队伍中央,有着一具金属柜,上面的屏幕不断闪烁,指引着方向。 Ancestor, is this Sealed Territory entrance?” Shi Di looks at the front, that valley land central pothole, has the astonished color. “老祖宗,这就是封域的入口么?”施迪看着前方,那谷地中央的坑洞,有着惊异之色。 The destination of that map marking, is this place, that pothole position. 那份地图标识的目的地,正是这个地方,那个坑洞的位置。 Good. Is there......” “不错。就是那里……” Shi Hulie is staring at that pothole, bountiful at his cultivating vital energy time, reveals an excitement. 施湖烈盯着那个坑洞,饶是以他的养气功夫,也露出一丝激动。 Dozens years ago, he takes a look to arrive at Extreme Northern Land, had not actually found this mountain valley is. 数十年前,他就瞧瞧来到过极北之地,却始终没有找到这个山谷的所在。 Since then, he knows, wants to arrive in the map the destination, needs Earth King Equipment Outer covering as direction. 从那时起,他就知道,想要抵达地图的目的地,就需要有【地王武装】外壳作为指引。
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