TWO :: Volume #14

#1340: If I can not do it , who can

Facing sudden planning, the Great Xia government and people whoop, are unable to agree. As Ouyang Shuo of litigant, is very calm, does not pay attention to troubled of external world. 面对突如其来的算计,大夏朝野议论纷纷,莫衷一是。作为当事人的欧阳朔,却很镇定,丝毫不理会外界的纷扰。 November 15 date, National Capital. 十一月十五日,京师 Battle of Tianzhu was near the end, in a group of people without a leader, cannot see in the hope situation basically, majority of Ashoka King Dynasty main forces chooses the surrender wisely, accepts by the Destroying Nation fact. 天竺之战已经接近尾声,在群龙无首,基本看不到希望的情况下,大部分阿育王朝大军非常明智地选择投降,接受被灭国的事实。 The fragmentary revolt, could not splash any spray. 零星的反抗,已经溅不起什么浪花。 Headed by Phoenix Imprisons Phoenix does the important person, rushed to Tianzhu (India) to proceed to new official post, the coordinate army receives city, stabilizes morale, hoping to let the Southern Asia Protectorate area as soon as possible takes the stock rail. 凤囚凰为首的一干要员,已经赶往天竺赴任,配合军队接收城池,稳定民心,以期尽早让南亚都护区走上正轨。 Imperial Palace. 皇宫 About 10 : 00 am, Cabinet Chief-of-Staff Jiang Shang, handles jointly with Cabinet Council Elder and High Court Pavilion Wielder In-Charge Zhang Liang, two Empire First Grade high-ranking court officials, are unsolicited, has an audience with hand in hand Your Majesty. 上午十时许,内阁首辅姜尚,会同内阁阁老资政阁掌印学士张良,两位帝国一等一的重臣,不请自来,携手觐见陛下 Your Majesty, the recent wind direction, is somewhat disadvantageous to Empire.” Jiang Shang somewhat worried. 陛下,最近的风向,对帝国有些不利啊。”姜尚有些担忧。 Zhang Liang echoes saying: Good, behind this has behind-the-scenes criminal to promote.” 张良附和道:“不错,这背后定有幕后黑手在推动。” Ouyang Shuo hear word, the faint smile asked: Two are really cherished minister, thinks?” That pair of Eyes, like the abyss, the vision is limpidly threatening, as if can penetrate the will of the people. 欧阳朔闻言,似笑非笑地问道:“两位爱卿,真是这么想的?”那一双眼睛,清澈如深渊,眼光逼人,似乎能穿透人心。 This......” “这……” Jiang Shang looks at each other in blank diamay with Zhang Liang, facial expression Ran Ran. 姜尚张良面面相觑,神情冉然。 They are extremely intelligent people, is Smart Human, looked that issue so will not be certainly simple, the above viewpoint is the mainstream viewpoint that the government and people discussed. 他们都是绝顶聪明之人,又都是智人,看问题当然不会这么简单,以上观点不过是朝野议论的主流观点。 They come, wants to search the Your Majesty details, has not thought that was seen through by Your Majesty one, is somewhat awkward. 两人前来,正是想探一探陛下的底细,没想到被陛下一眼看穿,还是有些尴尬的。 Your Majesty understands clearly!” 陛下圣明!” Two are also Old Fox, delivers a flatter respectfully. 两位也算是老狐狸,恭恭敬敬送上一个马屁。 Ouyang Shuo does not beat around the bush, before setting out to arrive at global Map, said leisurely: Empire by most is started, a anything no small mountain village, develops the present breadth ten thousand li (0.5km), subjects trillion world Empire, is far from my merit, but is morale , the morale of troops condensation as well as whole body of ministers merit.” 欧阳朔也不绕弯子,起身来到全球地图之前,悠悠说道:“帝国由最开始,一个什么都没有的小山村,发展到眼下幅员万里,子民亿万的全球帝国,绝非朕一人之功劳,而是民心所向,军心凝聚以及群臣之功。” I rise in the thick patch of grass, can have the achievement of today, all depends on the chance to bestow, it may be said that Winds and Clouds|unstable situation border meeting.” “朕崛起于草莽,能有今日之成就,全赖机缘所赐,可谓风云际会。” , Ouyang Shuo then said: Therefore, no matter how external world operates, how to make noise, this time went to Planet Hope to open up wasteland, I was cannot be shirked without dishonor.” 顿了一下,欧阳朔接着说道:“因此,不管外界如何运作,如何喧嚣,此番前往希望星球开荒,朕都是义不容辞。” This is the time gives my responsibility, is unable to shirk, is not willing to shirk!” “这是时代赋予朕的职责,无法推脱,也不愿推脱!” Ouyang Shuo these words, proceed from the bottom of one's heart completely. Was attacked that moment of extinguishing in Hope City by Ominous Beast, Ouyang Shuo has impulsive, within the body warm-blooded upwells, when had much initially arrived at the Wilderness lofty sentiments. 欧阳朔这番话,完全发自肺腑。在希望城凶兽攻灭的那一刻,欧阳朔就有一股冲动,体内热血上涌,很有当初降临荒野时的豪情壮志。 He wants to look actually, Planet Hope is what kind of dangerous spot. 他倒是想看一看,希望星球到底是怎样一个龙潭虎穴。 Ouyang Shuo is never the person of superficiality, he is too clear, this second time goes to Planet Hope to build the advanced base, to interspace Fleet, and even to human population, means anything. 欧阳朔从不是短视之人,他太清楚,这第二次前往希望星球建立前进基地,对星际舰队,乃至对人类这个种群,到底意味着什么。 In the face of the population life or death, individual success and failure is really nothing. 在种群存亡面前,个人的得失实在算不了什么。 It is not Ouyang Shuo is extremely arrogant, takes a broad view at the world, most suits carries out this Quest, belongs to Ouyang Shuo, if makes other Landgraf go, he has not felt relieved. 不是欧阳朔狂妄,放眼全球,最适合执行这一任务的,非欧阳朔莫属,如果让其他领主前去,他还不放心呢。 Perhaps, this is the fate. 或许,这就是宿命。 Jiang Shang listened with Zhang Liang, facial expression changes countenance, simultaneously bows to salute, Your Majesty is benevolent!” 姜尚张良听了,神情动容,齐齐躬身行礼,“陛下仁慈!” Their viewpoints are consistent, in their opinion, this time goes to Planet Hope to open up wasteland, the Great Xia team is the most appropriate team, should put out if I can not do it , who can the imposing manner. 两人的观点是一致的,在他们看来,此番前往希望星球开荒,大夏团队是最合适的团队,本就该拿出一股舍我其谁的气势来。 Covers up, appears too petty. 遮遮掩掩,显得太小家子气。 Ouyang Shuo beckoned with the hand, making two Chancellor sit down, restrains the mood, said with a smile: Therefore, this time disturbance is not the crisis, but is a golden opportunity. Uses, but also depends on all ministers to supply ideas.” 欧阳朔摆了摆手,让两位大臣坐下,收敛情绪,笑着说道:“所以啊,这次的风波不是危机,而是一个绝佳的机会。怎么利用好,还有赖诸卿出谋划策。” Hand of White-Silver with Azure Insignia, since must work as time behind-the-scenes criminal, Ouyang Shuo naturally is glad to push the boat along, here, at one fell swoop the Great Xia promotion is Emperor Dynasty. 白银之手湛蓝徽章,既然要当一次幕后黑手,欧阳朔自然乐得顺水推舟,借此机会,一举将大夏晋升为帝朝 Before this Ouyang Shuo is still worrying, how to have won Dawson Sovereign Dynasty, obtains the approval of global King Dynasty. 此前欧阳朔还在操心,如何赢过道森皇朝,率先获得全球王朝的认可呢。 Ouyang Shuo must make two big organizations know, anything called lifting a rock only to smash one's own foot. Remembers, morale available, the public opinion may adroitly guide action according to circumstances.” 欧阳朔要让两大组织知晓,什么才叫搬起石头砸自己的脚。“记住一点,民心可用,舆论可因势利导。” Feudal official and others decided does not lose Your Majesty to hold!” Jiang Shang receives orders from the emperor with Zhang Liang. “臣等定不负陛下所托!”姜尚张良领旨。 My manner, temporarily do not publicize outward, insisted that a principle, did not respond, did not deny that did not acknowledge.” The Ouyang Shuo urging said. “朕的态度,暂时不要对外宣扬,坚持一个原则,不回应,不否认,不承认。”欧阳朔叮嘱说道。 small official understands!” 微臣明白!” That first this, Cabinet respectively plans a folding booklet with High Court Pavilion, how to make a decision specifically, next time will reconsider.” Ouyang Shuo has not made two Chancellor scenes pat the head. “那就先这样吧,内阁资政阁各拟一个折子,具体如何决断,下次再议。”欧阳朔没让两位大臣现场拍脑瓜子。 At present Great Xia Dynasty Court decision-making, although depends on Jiang Shang and other Chancellor, however under them, class of Specialty can the government official, support its entire internal affairs system, making the Dynasty Court decision-making more scientific. 眼下大夏朝廷的决策,虽然有赖姜尚大臣,但是在他们之下,还有一班专业的能吏,支持其整个内政体系,使得朝廷决策更科学。 „!” “诺!” Jiang Shang with Zhang Liang two Chancellor, satisfaction said goodbye to depart. 姜尚张良两位大臣,满意告辞离去。 ............ ………… In the afternoon, Ouyang Shuo through the communication compass, the secret summoned Mountains and Seas Guard Command Envoy Shen Buhai and Martial Fortune Division Command Envoy E'lai as well as the Black Snake Guard Command Envoy Black Snake three giants. 下午,欧阳朔通过通讯罗盘,秘密召见山海卫指挥使申不害武运司指挥使恶来以及黑蛇卫指挥使黑蛇三巨头。 The goal only then one, lets three big organizations, these days the secret supervision, looks at inside and outside Empire, which people approve Empire to bravely step forward, which people did not approve. 目的只有一个,就是让三大机构,这段时间秘密监察,看帝国内外,哪些人赞成帝国挺身而出,哪些人不赞成。 Ouyang Shuo is just about taking this opportunity, under finds the details of officials well. 欧阳朔正要借着这个机会,好好摸一摸底下臣子们的底细。 In the future goes to battle with Planet Hope, Ouyang Shuo must bring a team. Therefore, from now on, Ouyang Shuo must start to plan, Great Xia of present, will cut two sets of teams. 未来出征希望星球,欧阳朔必然是要带着一个团队的。因此,从现在起,欧阳朔就要开始谋划,将眼下之大夏,切割出两套班子来。 One set goes on an expedition Planet Hope, one set remains behind the game world. 一套征战希望星球,一套留守游戏世界。 Elects any person to go to Planet Hope, except for the construction need, this observation is essential. 选什么人去希望星球,除了建设需要,这次的观察非常关键。 Then, in situation that in the people have not been able to realize, is established one that to be caught by three big organizations, has covered quietly sky over Empire, is observing all silently. 就这样,在人们还无从察觉的情况下,由三大机构编制的一场落网,已经悄悄罩在帝国上空,默默观察着一切。 Perhaps the destinies of many person, will then change. 很多人的命运,或许将由此而改变。 ............ ………… In the evening, Ouyang Shuo returns to the imperial palace. 晚上,欧阳朔回到寝宫。 When eats a meal, Ouyang Shuo discovered that wife's facial expression some do not suit, after sleeping, cannot bear ask: What thoughts has?” 用膳时,欧阳朔就发现妻子的神情有些不对劲,就寝之后,忍不住问道:“可是有什么心思?” Song Jia lies down, in the husband cherishes, Mingliang (bright light) Eyes gazes at the opposite party, said leisurely: „Have you decided?” 宋佳躺在丈夫怀中,明亮眼睛直直地注视对方,悠悠说道:“你可是已经决定了?” „Did you know?” Ouyang Shuo is not probably accidental. “你都知道了?”欧阳朔好像也不怎么意外。 The couple were too ripe, any concern, is very difficult to conceal the truth each other. 夫妻两人实在太熟了,什么心事,都很难瞒过彼此。 I know your will, knows that my husband is a man of being indomitable spirit, no matter how outside saying that you certainly will go.” The Song Jia sound is low and deep. “我知你心志,也知道,我的丈夫是一位顶天立地的男子汉,不管外面怎么说,你都是一定会去的。”宋佳声音低沉。 Yes.” “是啊。” Ouyang Shuo unexpectedly somewhat is for a while speechless, how should not face the wife. 欧阳朔一时竟有些无言,不该如何面对妻子。 How lofty sentiments that no matter daytime he said that went home, he is a husband, is a pair of children's father, is family's backbone, the object who the family member worries. 不管白天他说的怎么豪情壮志,回到家,他还是一位丈夫,是一双儿女的父亲,是家里的顶梁柱,家人牵挂的对象。 „Does Yu'er with Luo'er, what to do you prepare?” Song Jia asked eventually. 宇儿洛儿,你准备怎么办?”宋佳终究还是问出来。 Ouyang Shuo is silent. 欧阳朔沉默。 The Planet Hope bad risk publicity, even if Ouyang Shuo, does not have the confidence, said that certainly can be better, can base in Planet Hope that advance Fleet does truly. 希望星球的凶险已经是人尽皆知,就算是欧阳朔,也没有信心,说一定能比先遣舰队做的更好,能真正在希望星球立足。 Therefore, pair of children, are not suitable to take away. 所以,一双儿女,是不适合带去的。
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