TWO :: Volume #14

#1339: Places in the fire to roast

Besides the Protectorate candidate, Ouyang Shuo personally has also selected several Chancellor names. 除了都护人选,欧阳朔还亲自点了几位大臣的名。 Original Chuannan Viceroy Zhao Pu, transfers on Southern Asia Protectorate General Chief Official, assisting Phoenix Imprisons Phoenix to handle the Southern Asia business, as the Northern Song founding a country hero, Zhao Pu decides however can be competent the new post. 川南总督赵普,转任南亚都护府长史,协助凤囚凰处理南亚事务,作为北宋开国功臣,赵普定然能胜任新的岗位。 A Chuannan Viceroy duty that Zhao Pu leaves behind, by original County Overseer of Wuzhou, Ouyang Shuo's distantly related Third Uncle Ouyang Huan is promoted. To this time, Ouyang Shuo in a Chuannan personnel composition, revealed the riddle. 赵普留下的川南总督一职,则由原梧州郡守,欧阳朔的远房三叔欧阳桓升任。到了此时,欧阳朔川南的一番人事布局,才算揭开谜团。 Two years ago, Ouyang Shuo is Ouyang permanently promotes Chuannan Viceroy to pave the way. 早在两年前,欧阳朔就在为欧阳恒晋升川南总督铺路。 Although Chuannan Province had not been divided into Zhili Province, is the Capital City site, the strategic location is unusual, gives imperial family member it, Ouyang Shuo can feel relieved truly. 川南行省虽然没被划为直隶行省,到底是都城所在地,战略位置非同一般,将其交给一位皇室成员,欧阳朔才能真正放心。 In addition, County Overseer of Yizhou Lei Fan, is promoted to Gupta Province Viceroy. Lei Fan is the Mountain Barbarian family background, is clear to Mountainous Region, governs Gupta Province focusing on Mountainous Region, is really suitable. 此外,夷州郡守雷梵,升任笈多行省总督雷梵山蛮出身,对山地门儿清,治理以山地为主的笈多行省,实在是再适合不过。 Xiangnan Viceroy Li Shanchang, is transferred to Ashoka Province Viceroy. 湘南总督李善长,调任阿育行省总督 Ashoka Province is a Southern Asia Protectorate area most core province, therefore Ouyang Shuo arranged Li Shanchang this kind of experience rich Chancellor assumes personal command, support to Southern Asia Protectorate area. 阿育行省南亚都护区最核心的一个行省,故而欧阳朔安排李善长这样一位经验丰富的大臣坐镇,也是对南亚都护区的支持。 In addition, Dynasty Court also chooses two outstanding people from place County Overseer, is promoted to a Viceroy duty to Southern Asia. Remaining two Viceroy quotas, then leaves the Tianzhu (India) native. 除此之外,朝廷还从地方郡守中选择两位佼佼者,到南亚升任总督一职。剩下的两个总督名额,则留给天竺本土人士。 Hence, human affairs arranged of Southern Asia Protectorate area has finalized. 至此,南亚都护区的人事安排就已定型。 Has Phoenix Imprisons Phoenix this great ability to assume personal command, takes on the overall situation, has Zhao Pu and Li Shanchang such experience rich Chancellor to take the mainstay, has Lei Fan such old minister Empire, has the rising star of new promotion, native. 凤囚凰这位大才坐镇,统揽全局,有赵普李善长这样经验丰富的大臣作为中流砥柱,有雷梵这样的帝国老臣,有新晋升的新秀,还有本土人士。 Basic complete Huo! 基本齐活! Except for internal affairs plan, after Empire seize Tianzhu (India), the army must make corresponding adjustment. 除了内政规划,帝国拿下天竺之后,军队也要做相应调整 After setting up the Southern Asia Protectorate area, the Southern Asia War Zone defense area by previous Xikang Province, will take advantage of opportunity the shift to the Southern Asia Protectorate area, is responsible for the defense of entire Protectorate area. 设立南亚都护区之后,南亚战区的防区将由此前的西康行省,顺势转移至南亚都护区,负责整个都护区的防务。 Is so justifiable. 如此才名正言顺。 Meanwhile, before this subordinates Southern Asia War Zone Xikang to construct Forces, this time the shift to new command to Western Asia War Zone, was still responsible for the big development of Xikang Province. 于此同时,此前隶属南亚战区西康建设兵团,此番将转隶至西亚战区,仍然负责西康行省的大开发。 The Xikang Province defense, is under the charge to the Western Asia armed forces. 西康行省的防务,则由西亚军负责。 Except for the army, Indian Ocean Fleet General Headquarters from Southern Ocean Lion City, will also shift to Tianzhu (India). 除了陆军,印度洋舰队总部也将从南洋狮城,转移至天竺 East Africa, Tianzhu (India) and Southern Ocean form an iron triangle, the entire Indian Ocean frame, crazy, Indian Ocean that said already has become the Great Xia back garden. 东非天竺南洋形成一个铁三角,将整个印度洋都框了进去,说的狂一点,印度洋已然成了大夏的后花园。 Has this to take advantage, the Indian Ocean command of the sea will control firmly in the Great Xia hand. 有此为依仗,印度洋的制海权将牢牢掌控在大夏手中。 One of advantage may foresee, was Great Xia is equal to holding the throat of Persia bay petroleum foreign shipment. Good, Arab Empire is rich in the petroleum with Persian Empire, but does not have permission of Great Xia, two King Dynasty petroleums can only use for oneself, one gram is unable the external trade, only if walks the land transportation. 可预见的好处之一,就是大夏等于扼守住了波斯湾石油外运的咽喉。不错,阿拉伯帝国波斯帝国是盛产石油,但是没有大夏的允许,两王朝的石油只能自用,一克都无法对外出口,除非走陆运。 Depending on this point, Great Xia had has kept in balance two big King Dynasty chips. 凭此一点,大夏就有了制衡两大王朝的筹码。 It can be said that this time seize Tianzhu (India), to Great Xia is milestone event, symbolizes that Great Xia on establishing Asia hegemony path, takes solid one step. 可以说,此番拿下天竺,对大夏而言是个里程碑事件,标志着大夏在确立亚洲霸权的道路上,迈出坚实一步。 Only if the brain show has teased, otherwise two big King Dynasty will not get angry with Great Xia visibly. 除非脑子秀逗了,否则两大王朝不会跟大夏明着翻脸。 Especially Arab Empire, limited to the King Dynasty internal resources, the extreme dependent foreign trade, from now, feared that wants the supine Great Xia breath to earn a living. 尤其是阿拉伯帝国,受限于王朝内部的资源,极度依赖对外贸易,从此以后,怕是要仰大夏鼻息过活。 ............ ………… Ouyang Shuo's has a premonition a point right. 欧阳朔的预感一点没错。 November, Tianzhu (India) by Great Xia seize, Arab Empire had not been sent out the diplomatic envoy on the 1st completely, acknowledged Great Xia on own initiative in the Asia Overlord status. 十一月一日,天竺还没被大夏完全拿下呢,阿拉伯帝国就派出使节团,主动承认大夏亚洲霸主地位。 Imperceptibly, has promoted Great Xia once more in the prestige of world. 无形中,再次提升了大夏在全球的威望。 The news is Vast Display Monastery Minister Zhang Yi rushes to Emperor's garden to report to Ouyang Shuo personally, at that time Ouyang Shuo is fishing in the lakeside. Recently he fostered to be used to it, once came across the important matter, when needed a person to ponder peacefully, will come the lakeside to fish. 消息是鸿胪寺卿张仪亲自赶到御花园向欧阳朔汇报的,彼时的欧阳朔正在湖边垂钓。最近他都养成习惯了,一旦遇到大事,需要一个人安静思考时,就会来湖边钓鱼。 Probably this, the thoughts can become clear. 好像这样,心思都能变得澄澈起来。 Listened to Zhang Yi saying that on the Ouyang Shuo face not a happy expression, instead the worry said: Fears only feared that their this has ulterior motives, the future is bad.” 张仪说完,欧阳朔脸上并无一丝喜色,反而担心说道:“怕只怕,他们这是醉翁之意不在酒,来者不善啊。” „Is the meaning of Your Majesty?” Zhang Yi does not have for a while entire understands. 陛下的意思是?”张仪一时没整明白。 Ouyang Shuo smiles, beckoned with the hand, first did not say, I now am indefinite.” Depending on the intuition, Ouyang Shuo felt that the matter so is not possibly simple. 欧阳朔就是一笑,摆了摆手,“先不说了,朕现在也不确定。”凭直觉,欧阳朔感觉事情可能没这么简单。 Arab Empire is not the soft egg, should not so run to curry favor with hurriedly, in this likely also has other small thoughts, for example wants Great Xia handful of high, oneself quite shrink in behind, exempts is urged to work as scapegoat, opens up wasteland in Planet Hope for humanity. 阿拉伯帝国不是软蛋,不该这般急急忙忙地跑来献媚,这里面很可能还有其他小心思,比如想将大夏捧的高高的,自个儿好缩在后面,免去被撺掇当“替死鬼”,替人类在希望星球开荒。 The matter that behind has, has as if verified the Ouyang Shuo's judgment. 后面发生的事情,似乎印证了欧阳朔的判断。 Three big King Dynasty of Asia excluding Great Xia, approximately is quite probably ordinary ahead of time, Gaia Year 9 November, Persian Empire formally acknowledged Great Xia on the 3rd in the Overlord status of Asia area. 亚洲大夏之外的三大王朝,好像提前约好一般,盖亚九年十一月三日,波斯帝国正式承认大夏亚洲区的霸主地位。 Next day, Romanov King Dynasty recognized the Great Xia Overlord status neatly. 次日,罗曼诺夫王朝非常干脆利落地承认大夏霸主地位。 Then, Great Xia promotes the Emperor Dynasty second condition, achieves officially. 如此一来,大夏晋升帝朝的第二项条件,正式达成。 The entire item matter passes one not to be unusual, particularly as Region's Overlord Romanov King Dynasty, did not have the reason completely at this time, scurried to recognize the Great Xia Overlord status. 整件事情都透着一丝不寻常,尤其是作为一方霸主罗曼诺夫王朝,完全没理由在这种时候,上赶着来承认大夏霸主地位。 Once acknowledged that in the future two nations encounters in battlefield, may weak plan in the imposing manner. 一旦承认,未来两国在战场交锋,在气势上可就弱了一筹。 Once moreover, Great Xia obtains the Asia Overlord status, can gain really the advantage, the most direct-viewing advantage is, three big King Dynasty financial Market must open to Great Xia unconditionally. 不仅如此,一旦大夏获得亚洲霸主地位,是能获得实打实好处的,最直观的好处就是,三大王朝的金融市场必须对大夏无条件开放。 So, to Great Xia Currency in the promotion of Asia, has the unusual strategic significance. 如此,对大夏币亚洲的推广,有着非同一般的战略意义。 This suffers a loss the act that on own initiative admitted defeat, fully did not conform to the style of fight nationality. 这样主动吃亏服软的行径,完全不符合战斗民族的行事风格。 Stranger matter also in behind. 更诡异的事情还在后面。 The following some time, Bantu King Dynasty of Africa area, Indian Empire as well as Euro Zone of America area Caesar King Dynasty, expressed expressed the approval successively to the Great Xia global position. 接下来的一段时间,非洲区的班图王朝,美洲区的印第安帝国以及欧洲区凯撒王朝,先后表示对大夏的全球地位表示认可。 Great Xia mortal enemy Dark Night Empire, took a stand the approval. 就连大夏的死敌暗夜帝国,都表态认可。 The priority statements of these King Dynasty, were equal to that must Great Xia delivers Global First Emperor Dynasty the throne. 这些王朝的先后表态,等于是要将大夏送上“全球第一帝朝”的宝座。 If this inside does not have what plot, the blind people do not believe. 如果说这里面没有什么阴谋,瞎子都不信。 Although said that the after statements of these King Dynasty have first, seems like disorderly, likely is the spontaneous action, but Ouyang Shuo is actually one sees through, this is Hand of White-Silver catches up in behind with Azure Insignia quietly. 虽然说这些王朝的表态有先有后,看似杂乱,像是自发行为,但是欧阳朔却是一眼看穿,这是白银之手湛蓝徽章在背后悄悄发力呢。 The goal is also very simple, must let Great Xia, making Ouyang Shuo work as this scapegoat. 目的也很简单,就是要让大夏,让欧阳朔当这个替死鬼。 Can want to see, once the Great Xia promotion is Emperor Dynasty, they in the active public opinion offensive, make the show again in secret greatly, then globally, will possibly initiate public opinion raging tide. 可以想见,一旦大夏率先晋升为帝朝,他们再在暗中好动舆论攻势,大造声势,那么很可能会在全球范围,引发一场舆论狂潮。 The people are selfish. 人都是自私的。 Even if global player(s) looks through the plots of two big organizations, feared that also will pretend ignorance, push the boat along makes Great Xia receive this heavy responsibility, bravely steps forward, when Great Hero of chapter of humanity. 全球玩家即便看破两大组织的阴谋,怕也是会装聋作哑,顺水推舟地让大夏接下这个重任,挺身而出,当一回人类的大英雄 Great Xia when at that time, thoroughly supported, does not think raising one's head, must raise one's head, the reason is very simple, Great Xia is Global First, cannot be shirked without dishonor!” 等到那时,被彻底架住的大夏,就是不想“出头”,也必须出头了,理由很简单,“大夏全球第一,义不容辞嘛!” A big storm, sweeps across to Great Xia suddenly. 一场大风暴,突然向大夏席卷而来。
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