TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #10

#996: Darke Dymon and Princess Elf/Fairy 4 k

Nine people, eight gold medals! 九个人,八块金牌! Darke since Demon King · Eldridge After the mouth wins the gold medal, then examines carefully. 达克从【魔王·艾尔德里奇】的口中获得金牌之后便仔细查看。 This gold medal carves directly unexpectedly is grasping the trident 【The gods of sea Poseidon! 这枚金牌的正面竟然雕刻着手持三叉戟的【海洋之神】波塞冬! Day later Hera, Sea god Poseidon, Agricultural Goddess Demeter, War and Wisdom Goddess Athena, 【The god of light Apollo, God of Love Aphrodite, Fire god Hephaestus, God's Envoy Hermes.” “【天后】赫拉、【海神】波塞冬、【农业女神德墨忒尔、【战争智慧女神雅典娜、【光明之神】阿波罗、【爱神】阿弗洛狄忒、【火神】赫菲斯托斯、【神使】赫尔墨斯。” Then remaining is Kings of the god Zeus, Goddess of Hunting Artemis, War God Ares and Fire pivot Goddess Hestia…… may also be Bacchus Dionysus?” “那么剩下的就是【众神之王】宙斯、【狩猎女神阿尔忒弥斯、【战神】阿瑞斯和【炉灶女神】赫斯提亚……也有可能是【酒神】狄俄尼索斯?” Before truly wins the gold medal, Darke was unable to confirm Fire pivot Goddess Hestia and Bacchus Dionysus, which is existing Mount Polopos twelve God. 在确实拿到金牌之前,达克还无法确认【炉灶女神】赫斯提亚与【酒神】狄俄尼索斯,到底哪一个是现有的波洛波斯山十二天神 Naturally he favors therefore Fire pivot Goddess Hestia. 当然他更倾向于是【炉灶女神】赫斯提亚。 After all Hestia and Athena, Artemis are regarded as three Goddess together. 毕竟赫斯提亚与雅典娜阿尔忒弥斯一起被视为“三处女神”。 Without Hestia, to be short of a literary reference? 若是没有赫斯提亚,岂不是少了一个典故? Even if stands in the angle of game developer comes up the ponder, Hestia definitely still receives the player to welcome compared with Dionysus. 就算站在游戏开发者的角度上去思考,赫斯提亚肯定也比狄俄尼索斯更受玩家欢迎。 Although the original game plot is also far from involving the gods and that's the end. 虽然原本的游戏剧情还远远没有涉及到神明就是了。 Darke receives 【The gods of sea The gold medal of Poseidon, then looks to approach Demon King · Eldridge Magic Card. 达克收起【海洋之神】波塞冬的金牌,便看向【魔王·艾尔德里奇】的魔导卡 That Monster Angel Although is not the god, but its ability is actually extremely strong. 那【怪物天使】虽然不是神,但它的能力却是极强。 Demon King · Eldridge If can obtain its regeneration ability, can make up for the Magic Fairy biggest flaw. 魔王·艾尔德里奇】若是能获得它的再生能力,就能弥补魔导精灵最大的缺陷。 But pitifully it passes Devourer Obtains, is named Bright divine sword Certain Kill Skill. 但可惜它通过【吞噬者】获得的,是名为【光明神剑】的必杀技 Although named sword, but in fact is it, has released white light beam. 虽然名为“剑”,但实际上就是它之前释放过的白色光束。 In quilt Demon King · Eldridge After grasping, this Certain Kill Skill energy turned into Dark Attribute from Light Attribute, even if changes name as directly Dark divine sword Also yes. 只是在被【魔王·艾尔德里奇】掌握之后,这必杀技的能量从光属性变成了暗属性,就算直接改名为【黑暗神剑】也是可以的。 This Certain Kill Skill almost does not have Cooldown, the Stockpile time must be lower than Burst Stream of Destruction, Moreover there are more might additions. 这个必杀技几乎没有CD,蓄力时间也要低于【毁灭的喷射白光】,而且还有更多的威力加成。 mana that but it consumes, is higher than Burst Stream of Destruction. 但它消耗的魔力,也要高于【毁灭的喷射白光】。 By Demon King · Eldridge Words of release, although was inferior Monster Angel White light beam, but can also play about 60% might. 由【魔王·艾尔德里奇】释放的话,虽然不如【怪物天使】的白色光束,但也能发挥出大约60%的威力。 But thus it can be seen, Demon King · Eldridge With that Monster Angel The hard strength contrast, actually has the considerable difference. 而由此可见,【魔王·艾尔德里奇】与那【怪物天使】的硬实力对比,其实是有相当差距的。 This victory, can only say is the victory on team. 这一次的胜利,只能说是团队上的胜利。 Darke and companions celebrated a while mutually, was discussing leaves here, goes to the ground. 达克与同伴们互相庆祝了一会儿,便是商议着离开这里,前往地面。 Now possibly acquired the information in this Underground City city, the already basic collection, many questions also obtains the explanation, was the time returns to the ground weng! 如今在这座地下城市之中可能收集到的信息,已经基本收集,许多疑问也得到了解答,是时候返回地面了奣! At this time just defeated the archenemy with joint forces, the no matter if it is imposing manner or the atmosphere very good, everyone is thinking while winning the pursuit, found and kill remaining four lifeform. 此时刚刚合力战胜了大敌,无论是气势还是气氛都非常的好,每个人都想着趁胜追击,找到并击杀剩下的四只生物。 Darke does not feel disappointed but actually, direct command Fairy Tale Animal - Little Rabbit Control Moon God's Carriage Returns to the ground. 达克倒也不扫兴,直接指挥【童话动物·小兔子】驾驭【月神之车】返回地面。 Between this Underground City city and ground have incessantly a path, but each path is secret. 这座地下城市与地面之间有不止一条道路,但每一条道路都非常隐秘。 However Pair of child Paladin Traces that Monster Angel Gets down, actually a road understood. 不过【双子圣骑】追踪那【怪物天使】一路下来,倒是对其中一条路非常了解。 Under these two's guidance, Moon God's Carriage Leads the way rapidly, roughly after a half hour, then returns to the ground. 在这两人的引导下,【月神之车】急速前行,约莫半个小时之后便重返地面。 The exit|to speak of that ground hidden in a Serpent bronze statue mouth. 那地面的出口隐藏在一条巨蛇铜像的口中。 When to drills from that snake mouth, Darke then suddenly discovered, sky curtain already above top of the head sinks unexpectedly secretly. 待到从那蛇口之中钻出,达克便忽然发现,头顶之上的天幕竟然已经暗沉下来。 This Heaven The sky sees only the cloud layer, does not see the livelihood, but as if also has the division of day and night. 这【天庭】的天空只见云层,不见日月,但似乎也有昼夜之分。 Darke puts down the window curtains, turns around to say to the people: In the remaining lifeform, can locate to pick Nepali · Burns's position. Although does not know why it gave up tracing before, so long as carves into the will in its brain also, it will certainly stage a comeback. We need to ponder that now, how to find another three lifeform…… also can be said as another three people.” 达克放下窗帘,转身对着众人说道:“剩下的生物之中,有一只能定位采尼·伯恩斯的位置。虽然不知道它在之前为什么放弃了追踪,但只要刻入它脑中的意志还在,它就一定会卷土重来。我们现在需要思考的,是如何找到另外三只生物……也可以说是另外三个人。” Was saying Darke then looked to Fred · Nourse, said: Picks contact methods of nun and Lucia between with another two Elf/Fairy, when the distance is far is unable to have the effect. We had not found their methods temporarily. But the remaining also people are Fred's younger sisters. Un, among you have the special contact method?” 说着达克便看向了弗瑞德·诺斯,说道:“采尼和露西娅与另外两名精灵之间的联系方式,在距离较远的时候无法起效。我们暂时没有找到他们的方法。但剩下还有一个人是弗瑞德的妹妹。嗯,你们之间有特殊的联系方式吗?” Fred · Nourse puts out a hand to wear directly in the earring of left ear takes down, said: „Has. But this not necessarily is easy-to-use.” 弗瑞德·诺斯直接伸手将戴在左耳的耳环取下,说道:“有是有。但这并不一定好用。” Darke looked. 达克看了过去。 Fred · Nourse the earring in hand is a small conch shape accessory. 弗瑞德·诺斯手中的耳环是一枚小海螺形状的饰品。 He looked after the people then urges mana to pour into, that small conch increased unexpectedly suddenly the palm of the hand big conch. 他在众人看过来之后便驱使魔力注入,那小小的海螺竟是忽然变大成了巴掌大的海螺。 Fred · Nourse said: This called to pass on the wind conch, formed a pair right into. So long as sounds a conch, regardless of far and near, can hear the sound from another conch. We have tested in Mountain of the Myriad Gods, the Mountain of the Myriad Gods dense fog is not at least able to prevent its sound transmission.” 弗瑞德·诺斯说道:“这叫传风海螺,成双入对。只要吹响其中一只海螺,无论远近,都能从另一只海螺之中听到声音。我们在众神之山测试过,至少众神之山的迷雾无法阻挡它的声音传播。” The Darke slight nod, said: Passes on wind conch The sound transmission actually has nothing to do with the wind, what dependence is spirit resonating. However this gadget is rare, you can get so far as one pair unexpectedly.” 达克微微点头,说道:“【传风海螺】的声音传播其实与风无关,依靠的是心灵共振。不过这玩意儿非常稀有,你们竟然能弄到一对。” Fred · Nourse said: This is actually my grandfather the spoils of war that seizes from Demon Race there.” 弗瑞德·诺斯说道:“这其实是我爷爷从魔族那里缴获的战利品。” Darke said: That sounds the conch, summoned Quintina. Hopes her person is all right.” 达克说道:“那就吹响海螺,呼唤昆蒂娜。希望她人没事。” Fred · Nourse said: But sounds the conch here, might attract other lifeform.” 弗瑞德·诺斯说道:“但在这里吹响海螺,很可能会吸引来别的生物。” A Darke brow wrinkle, said: Very loud?” 达克眉头一皱,说道:“很响?” Fred · Nourse said: „To pass on, needs to blow louder.” 弗瑞德·诺斯说道:“想要传得更远,就需要吹得更响。” Darke hesitates slightly, said: That waits again.” 达克略微沉吟,说道:“那就再等等。” They and that Monster Angel During the fight consumed massive Magic Card, needs at least one hour of recuperation. 他们在与那【怪物天使】的战斗之中消耗了大量的魔导卡,需要至少一个小时的时间休整。 Now already past a half hour, waits again for a half hour, should be able to restore some. 如今已经过去半个小时,再等半个小时,应该能恢复一些。 Thinks toward the advantage, perhaps they will first find us?” Albert · Grantham saw that Fred is somewhat anxious, then said slowly. “往好处想,或许他们会先找到我们呢?”艾伯特·格兰瑟姆看出弗瑞德有些紧张,便缓缓说道。 Fred · Nourse gets hold of the conch, said: If in view of the lifeform of Quintina is that head Monster Angel Equally powerful…… 弗瑞德·诺斯握紧海螺,说道:“若是针对昆蒂娜的生物都是和那头【怪物天使】一样强大…… That is special.” Lucia · Artemis interrupted suddenly. “那是特殊的。”露西娅·阿特密斯突然插嘴道。 Fred · Nourse purses the lips, puts near the ear to recite the conch carefully listens. 弗瑞德·诺斯抿了抿嘴,将海螺放到耳边仔细吟听。 Even if he does not sound the conch, but if Quintina sounds, he can still hear. 就算他不吹响海螺,但如果昆蒂娜吹响,他也能听到。 However from was rescued starts, he has not heard, even if a sound. 然而从被救出开始,他都没有听到哪怕一丝响动。 Therefore although he not hope believes that but in the innermost feelings thought younger sister already is more unfortunate than fortunate. 因此他虽然不相信,但内心里是觉得妹妹已经凶多吉少。 But things have gotten to this point, how again anxiously still to be even useless. 但事已至此,就算再如何焦虑也没有用。 Darke found a place in the nearby of this Serpent bronze statue, lets Aerodactyl Descends later stay still, successful triggering Quiet as an ancient tomb. 达克在这巨蛇铜像的附近找了一块地方,让【化石翼龙】降落下来之后静止不动,成功的触发【静如古墓】。 Their immediately recuperation, patient waiting. 紧接着,他们便就地休整,耐心等待。 Place already that they are at from that 【The tower of graciousness bottom more/complete old man Near, almost turns the head, is that exceedingly high High Tower. 他们所在的地方已经距离那座【恩底弥翁之塔】非常之近,几乎一转头,就是那座通天高塔 If another three people are also living, should forget this direction to close up. 如果另外三人都还活着,也应该会忘这个方向靠拢。 Considering that Darke and the others delayed in the Underground City city compared with long time, even if some already people mounted 【The tower of graciousness bottom more/complete old man, Also is not implausible. 考虑到达克等人在地下城市耽搁了较长时间,就算已经有人登上【恩底弥翁之塔】,也并非没有可能。 However Elf/Fairy two person group also in observing the hand links on their wrist, but had not responded. 不过精灵双人组也一直在观察她们腕上的手环,但一直没有反应。 This indicated other two Elf Race not in the nearby. 这说明另外的两个精灵族并不在附近。 …… …… A half hour quick in the past. 半个小时很快过去。 They in recuperation also has to dispatch Magic Fairy to search regarding that High Tower, but had not found some people to mount the High Tower trace. 他们在休整的同时也有派遣魔导精灵围绕那座高塔进行搜查,但都没有找到有人登上高塔的痕迹。 After a half hour, Darke is not scruple, makes Fred · Nourse sound the conch directly, but people also completed preparation that responds to massive biological attacks. 到了半个小时之后,达克再不迟疑,直接让弗瑞德·诺斯吹响海螺,而一众人也都做好了应对大量生物袭击的准备。 Fred · Nourse Station above the template, takes up the conch to turn away from High Tower, patted the racket the conch gathering ear, then attains the mouth, gathers the air/Qi suddenly, sounds this biography wind conch! 弗瑞德·诺斯站在车板之上,拿起海螺背对高塔,将海螺凑到耳边拍了拍,便是重新拿到嘴边,猛然聚气,将这传风海螺吹响! Passes on the voice of wind conch to howl just like the storm, the world is getting angry howlingly. 传风海螺的声音宛若暴风呼啸,天地都在怒嚎。 Fred · Nourse does utmost, the sound biography of that conch is then farther, the lifeform that all around paces back and forth was also alarmed. 弗瑞德·诺斯竭尽全力,那海螺的声音便越传越远,四周徘徊的生物被同时惊动。 Has the small and weak lifeform to hide to run away immediately, but bragged that the powerful lifeform actually approached in the direction that the conch sounded simultaneously. 有弱小的生物立刻躲藏逃遁,但自诩强大的生物却都同时朝着海螺吹响的方向靠近了过去。 They or sneak, or dashes about wildly, in a while arrived at Darke and the others the recuperation places. 它们或潜行,或狂奔,没过多久就来到了达克等人的休整地。 Then by Pair of child Paladin Released own Magic Fairy with both Elf Race, lifeform one by one kill that these did not consider resources bite off more than can chew. 而后由【双子圣骑】和两只精灵族都释放出了自己的魔导精灵,将那些自不量力的生物逐一击杀 Demon King · Eldridge Plunders, once there is a lifeform to break through the Magic Fairies encirclement ring, will greet their is Demon King · Eldridge Dark divine sword. 魔王·艾尔德里奇】在阵中掠阵,一旦有生物突破魔导精灵们的包围圈,迎接它们的就将是【魔王·艾尔德里奇】的【黑暗神剑】。 Long-distance Certain Kill Skill that this obtains newly then seemed extremely useful at this time. 这一新获得的远程必杀技在这个时候便显得极为有用。 Basically, the lifeform that all belts the hostility is coming is unable to block Dark divine sword Might. 基本上,所有带着敌意而来的生物都无法挡住【黑暗神剑】的威力。 But periphery the defense line consolidates shortly rapidly, Darke will also re-focus on arriving at Fred · Nourse's body. 而眼看周围防线迅速稳固下来,达克也将注意力转回到了弗瑞德·诺斯的身上 But the sound already such sound of that conch, Fred · Nourse has not gotten any response as before. 但那海螺的声音都已经如此之响,弗瑞德·诺斯却依旧没有得到任何回应。 His complexion gradually becomes ugly/difficult to look at. 他的脸色逐渐变得难看起来。 Under this situation, only has three possibilities generally. 在这种情况之下,一般只有三种可能。 One type is another conch in the position is really far, or is in the environment that some information separates. 一种是另一只海螺所在位置实在是太远,亦或是处在某种信息隔断的环境之中。 Another type, was Quintina · Nourse already tragically dies. 另一种,就是昆蒂娜·诺斯已经不幸遇难。 As long as Quintina · Nourse is also living, is impossible to put the voice of that conch not to manage. 但凡昆蒂娜·诺斯还活着,都不可能放着那海螺的声音不管。 Last a possibility, is another conch already damage. 最后一种可能,就是另一只海螺已经损坏。 In fact three possibilities are big. 事实上三种的可能性都不小。 Cannot, because this determined that completely Quintina · Nourse already encountered difficulty. 并不能因为这样就完全确定昆蒂娜·诺斯已经遇难。 After three minutes . 三分钟后。 Blew Fred of entire three minutes of conch · Nourse to stop finally. 吹了整整三分钟海螺的弗瑞德·诺斯终于停下。 The conch in his some unwilling hand with a sense of urgency, but fact so, is unable to change. 他有些不甘心的抓紧手中的海螺,但事实如此,又无法改变。 From this rested for a half minute, he cannot repress finally, sounded the conch for the second time. 由此歇了半分钟,他终于又按捺不住,第二次吹响了海螺。 …… …… Fred · Nourse sounding conches, the peripheral lifeform was attracted, brings death wave after wave. 弗瑞德·诺斯一次次的吹响海螺,周边生物被吸引过来,一波接着一波来送死。 Darke looks at his expression, will not prevent. 达克看他表情,也不会阻止。 Since maintains the position is not difficult, that continues. 既然维护阵地并不算难,那就继续。 Finally Fred · Nourse's the conch has not attracted Quintina · Nourse, actually one Elf/Fairy of dense/woods Attracted! 结果弗瑞德·诺斯的海螺并未吸引来昆蒂娜·诺斯,却将一只【森之精灵】吸引了过来! That Elf/Fairy of dense/woods Originally hides far, the voice of that conch has not affected him. 那只【森之精灵】本来藏得较远,就连那海螺的声音都没有影响到他。 He only wants to wait for Elf Race High Priest also to enter Heaven, Meets with them again. 他只想等待精灵族大祭司也进入【天庭】,再与她们会合。 But the trend of surrounding lifeform actually brought to his attention. 但周围生物的动向却引起了他的注意。 After he ponders carefully, finally chooses the adventure to try, from the place of hidden goes out. 他仔细思考之后,最终选择冒险一试,从隐藏之地走出。 When his quiet sneaking to Darke and the others the , first then saw with Darke stands picks Nepali · Burns and Lucia · Artemis. 等到他悄无声息的潜入到了达克等人的附近,第一眼便看到了与达克站在一起的采尼·伯恩斯和露西娅·阿特密斯 After confirming that two Elf Race had not been fettered and forced, that Elf/Fairy of dense/woods Finally goes out from the wind. 在确认那两只精灵族并没有被束缚、胁迫之后,那只【森之精灵】终于从风中走出。 He appears in the Lucia · Artemis front, first then the single knee kneels down, such as Knight is saluting to say to Lucia · Artemis generally: Can find you luck here, Princess.” 他出现在露西娅·阿特密斯的面前,第一时间便单膝跪下,如骑士一般对着露西娅·阿特密斯施礼道:“很幸运能在这里找到您,公主殿下。” Isaiah · Lochiel, gets up.” Lucia · Artemis is not easy to detect glanced all around one. “艾赛亚·罗吉尔,起来吧。”露西娅·阿特密斯不易察觉的瞟了四周一眼。 But Pair of child Paladin Regarding this obviously is not accidental/surprised, Darke and Aurora and the others are also only slightly surprised. 但【双子圣骑】对此丝毫不显意外,达克欧若拉等人也都只是略微惊讶。 Lucia · Artemis, she besides is Moon Elf, is the heir of present age Queen Elf/Fairy, is Princess Elf/Fairy! 露西娅·阿特密斯,她除了是月精灵之外,还是当代精灵女王的子嗣,也就是精灵公主! But is also only such that's all. 但也只是这样而已 Darke has seen the princess were too many, not possible because of a little status, but to her how how. 达克见过的公主太多了,不可能因为这么一点身份而对她怎么怎么样。 However Lucia · Artemis and Elf/Fairy of dense/woods After Isaiah · Lochiel recognizes each other, then asked directly: Isaiah, Jonathan? Moreover, do you have to win the gold medal?” 不过露西娅·阿特密斯在与【森之精灵】艾赛亚·罗吉尔相认之后,便直接问道:“艾赛亚,乔纳森呢?另外,你有获得金牌吗?” Isaiah · Lochiel then replied truthfully: Since was transmitted to here, I have not seen Jonathan. As for the gold medal, I truly obtained one.” 艾赛亚·罗吉尔便如实答道:“从被传送到这里以来,我没有见过乔纳森。至于金牌,我确实获得了一枚。” Then, he puts out a hand into the bosom, took out a gold medal. 说完,他就伸手入怀,取出了一枚金牌。 Lucia · Artemis received the gold medal to look at one, then threw to Darke, said: Should real.” 露西娅·阿特密斯接过金牌看了一眼,便抛给了达克,说道:“应该是真的。” Isaiah · Lochiel sees with own eyes so, the pupil shrinks suddenly, represses the impulsion that goes forward to beg directly. 艾赛亚·罗吉尔眼见如此,瞳孔猛然一缩,按捺住直接上前讨要的冲动。 Although he said superficially, but in fact was actually a narrow escape kill that only kept chasing down his monster, the nature settled on as the gold medal of spoils of war to this extremely. 他虽然说得轻描淡写,但实际上却是九死一生才击杀了那只不停追杀他的怪物,自然对这枚作为战利品的金牌极为看中。 Darke roughly detected that his change, but after confirming the genuine and fake of gold medal, was its income the backpack. 达克大致察觉到了他的变化,但在确认了金牌的真假之后,还是将其收入了背包。 The upfront of this gold medal is carving Goddess of Hunting, Also is in Mount Polopos twelve God Moon God Artemis appearance. 这枚金牌的正面雕刻着【狩猎女神】,也就是波洛波斯山十二天神之中的【月神阿尔忒弥斯的模样。 Although the carving on gold medal is only the line. 金牌上的雕刻虽然只是线条。 But Darke actually still discovered that it and Headmaster Arte are somewhat similar. 达克却仍然发现它与阿尔忒校长有几分相似。 relates to Headmaster Arte was Awakening the god is the 00016 89 - 88 4 sage, as if already had what secret to emerge. 联想到阿尔忒校长是一名觉醒了神系@0001689884@的圣人,似乎已经有什么秘密脱颖而出。 Darke following being a go-between of Lucia · Artemis, knew Isaiah · Lochiel mutually, did not contact with it again. 达克顺着露西娅·阿特密斯的牵线,与艾赛亚·罗吉尔互相认识了一下,就再没有与之接触。 Later, as before Fred · Nourse does not lose heart continues to sound the conch, the surroundings gradually piled up more corpses. 之后,弗瑞德·诺斯依旧不死心的继续吹响海螺,周围逐渐堆积起了更多的尸体。 What accidental/surprised is, last Elf/Fairy of dense/woods Actually was also attracted! 令人意外之极的是,最后一名【森之精灵】竟然也被吸引了过来! But when that Elf/Fairy of dense/woods When appears the trail, in the sky suddenly has the dark cloud to float, thunder. 但当那名【森之精灵】显出踪迹之时,天空之中忽然有乌云飘来,电闪雷鸣。 The Quintina · Nourse's appearance, loomed after the cloud layer. 昆蒂娜·诺斯的模样,隐隐出现在了云层之后。 …… …… …… …… Good morning, asks monthly ticket Aaahhhhh!】 【早上好,求月票啊啊啊啊!】
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