TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #10

#990: Stick of Darke Dymon and Witch

Darke not right Four-way Elvis Has gotten down Devour Mysterious person Order of Soul. 达克并未对【四翼猫王】下过吞噬【神秘人】灵魂的命令。 Because in his heart kept a point as before, wants, since Mysterious person body gains multi-information thoughts. 因为他心中依旧留了一分,想要从【神秘人】的身上获取更多信息的念头。 But Four-way Elvis Actually does not want to let up this chance of a lifetime. 但【四翼猫王】却并不想放过这一千载难逢的机会。 It in Bites beast of god In stance that Mysterious person Devour, not only can gain Mysterious person Special Certain Kill Skill, moreover can digest to absorb its divine power, obtains the permanent growth! 它在【噬神之兽】的姿态之中将那【神秘人】吞噬,不但能获取到【神秘人】的一个特殊必杀技,而且还能消化吸收它的神力,获得永久性成长! Once successful absorption Mysterious person divine power, it then can go a step further forward, is very likely to shake off the order fetter of Darke Dymon! 一旦成功的吸收【神秘人】的神力,它便能向前更进一步,极有可能挣脱达克·迪蒙的命令束缚! Therefore he braves by the risk that Darke looks through, then to Mysterious person Use Devourer . 因此他冒着被达克看破的风险,便对着【神秘人】使用【吞噬者】。 Devourer With Devour Is complete two Certain Kill Skill, the latter Devour goal will appear in Stomach bag In, it can willfully the control whether its digestion absorption. 吞噬者】与【吞噬】是完全两个必杀技,后者吞噬的目标会出现在【胃袋】之中,它可以任意控制是否将其消化吸收。 But former's Devour, essentially is Finishing Move. 而前者的吞噬,本质上是一个终结技 While massacring opponent its strength Devour. 是在杀掉对手的同时将其力量吞噬 At that time Mysterious person The Soul intensity reduced the limit, happen to remaining can a Devour remaining life. 当时【神秘人】的灵魂强度降低到了极限,正好剩下能一口吞噬的残余生命。 Four-way Elvis Success after its Devour, was in the digestion stage. 【四翼猫王】成功的将其吞噬之后,便进入了消化阶段。 But wants to digest a gods although that Mysterious person Presents because of the unknown reason draws the performance of hip extremely, but it truly is a god, and has the God's Position god! 但想要消化掉一位神明尽管那【神秘人】因为未知原因而呈现出极度拉胯的表现,但它确实是神,而且是拥有神格的神! Now wants to come, its urgent wants to complete that to have Six wing Angel The offering sacrifices ceremony of participation, is mostly related with his conditions. 如今想来,它迫切的想要完成那个有【六翼天使】参与的献祭仪式,多半与其自身状态有关。 It wants in that method probably, comes to restore Soul that remnant cannot withstand broken to at least the healthy condition. 它大概是想要以那种方法,来将自身那残碎不堪的灵魂恢复到至少健康的状态。 Only pitifully, it elected mistakenly the object of offering sacrifices! 只可惜,它选错了献祭的对象! But some are wrong, the important criminal, did not only have had come the opportunity again. 而有的错误,只要犯了,就再也没有了重新来过的机会。 …… …… In the air belongs Mysterious person The manner is dissipating. 空气中属于【神秘人】的神气正在消散。 Innumerable Angel that stage kneels down to sit lost the ruler thoroughly, is maintaining the original stance, ignorant is dull on the spot. 台下跪坐着的无数天使彻底失去了支配者,一个个都保持着原有的姿态,浑浑噩噩的呆在原地。 Why they exist in this's secret, has not untied. 它们为何存在于此的秘密,也还没有解开。 Darke leaves in Summon Fantasy Beast: Heart Goddess Later, making him confirm that repeatedly Mysterious person After disappearance, this is harnessing Moon God's Carriage Arrived above the stage discretely. 达克召唤出【魔幻兽:心眼的女神】之后,令其反复确认了那【神秘人】的消失之后,这才驾着【月神之车】谨慎的来到了高台之上。 Above the stage has the flame to be remaining as before, the combustion continues. 高台之上依旧有火焰残余,燃烧不止。 Four-way Elvis Devour Mysterious person Later then flies the midair, continually digestion. 【四翼猫王】吞噬了【神秘人】之后便飞到半空,持续消化。 But its Summon leaves Hell rock band Still is playing music, actually doesn't know that inconceivable strength the already display? 而它召唤出的【地狱摇滚乐队】依然在奏乐,却不知道那“不可思议的力量”是否已经发挥? Although is not really able to recognize, but there is possibility…… really to display? 虽然实在无法辨识,但有可能……真的发挥过吧? Otherwise Four-way Elvis Murders process that kills the gods, why is in the so strange situation smoothly? 不然【四翼猫王】弑杀神明的过程,为何顺利到如此离奇的地步? In the brain of Darke is tumbling various ideas, to that Four-way Elvis Said: „Can you absorb its memory?” 达克的脑中翻滚着各种想法,对那【四翼猫王】说道:“你能吸收它的记忆吗?” Four-way Elvis Stares slightly, then shakes the head, said: „Very regrettable, cannot.” 【四翼猫王】微微一愣,便是摇了摇头,说道:“很遗憾,不能。” Right?” Darke said, that you digested.” “是吗?”达克说道,“那等你消化。” Four-way Elvis The slight nod, then flew above the carriage, displays extremely cleverly. 【四翼猫王】微微点头,便是飞到了马车之上,表现得极为乖巧。 Child who this type makes mistakes probably same clever, looks that is also quite interesting. 这种像是犯了错的孩子一样的“乖巧”,看着也颇为有趣。 However Darke has not paid attention. 不过达克倒并未注意。 He always faces the reality, since matter already develops the present this, then he will be based on this will ponder in the future. 他一向面对现实,既然事情已经发展到现在这样,那么他就会以此为基础往后思考。 Now since this church already did not have the threat, then many can search some information in this church. 现在既然这教堂之中已经没有了威胁,那么多少能在这教堂之中搜查到一些信息。 But in fact, he also has a lingering fear now, requires some time slowly. 而事实上,他现在也心有余悸,需要一些时间来缓缓。 Four-way Elvis Can so smooth kill Mysterious person, In his opinion is also the ownership at miracle category. 【四翼猫王】能够如此顺利的击杀【神秘人】,在他看来也是归属于“奇迹”的范畴。 Now should enjoy miracle the time of fruit, but he looks at the full house Angel, Actually always disturbed. 现在本该是享受“奇迹”果实的时间,但他看着满堂的【天使】,却总是心绪不宁。 …… …… In the process of waiting, had a small accident/surprise. 在等待的过程,发生了一个小小的意外。 Four-way Elvis The digestion absorbs the divine power time, grew at least ten times. 【四翼猫王】的消化吸收神力的时间,增长了至少十倍。 Therefore although it very urgent, but actually does not dare to display, can only look helplessly Fusion magic The duration arrives, then it that since Four-way Elvis The shape, separated Demon King · Aleister With Demon King · Eldridge! 因此它虽然自身非常的急迫,但却不敢表现出来,只能眼睁睁的看着【融合魔术】的持续时间到点,然后它就那么从【四翼猫王】的形态,重新分离成了【魔王·阿莱斯特】与【魔王·艾尔德里奇】! Fortunately, Demon King · Aleister From Demon King · Eldridge memory that in the brain obtains had not been separated. 所幸的是,【魔王·阿莱斯特】从【魔王·艾尔德里奇】的脑中获得的记忆并未被分离出去。 All that but in addition, it once absorbed, same do not remain was put out completely. 但除此之外,它曾经吸收的所有,都一样不剩的被全部吐出了出来。 It becomes the surface in that flash like the dying embers. 它在那一瞬间变得面如死灰。 But it has been smelly the face, pours cannot see anything. 但它本来就一直臭着脸,倒也看不出什么。 Darke attention, basically centralized in Demon King · Eldridge body. 达克的注意力,也基本上集中在【魔王·艾尔德里奇】的身上 After all Devourer With Devour Said belongs Demon King · Eldridge Certain Kill Skill. 毕竟【吞噬者】与【吞噬】都说属于【魔王·艾尔德里奇】的必杀技 From Fusion magic In separates Demon King · Eldridge Also returned to the Kitten condition, feels at ease. 从【融合魔术】之中分离出来的【魔王·艾尔德里奇】又回到了小猫咪的状态,令人安心。 After Darke rapid inspection, confirmed Fred · Nourse's Body as in it Stomach bag In, then feels relieved finally. 达克迅速检查过后,确认弗瑞德·诺斯的身躯依旧在其【胃袋】之中,便终于放心下来。 As for Mysterious person divine power, having the nature is good , without Darke not to love dearly. 至于【神秘人】的神力,有自然好,没有了达克也不会心疼。 Fortunately Mysterious person divine power complete retention in Demon King · Eldridge within the body Demon King · Aleister Uses up all the tricks, finally actually has achieved nothing. 幸运的是【神秘人】的神力完全的保留在了【魔王·艾尔德里奇】的体内魔王·阿莱斯特】机关算尽,最终却一无所获。 But Demon King · Eldridge What has not done, had all. 而【魔王·艾尔德里奇】什么都没做,却拥有了一切。 Mysterious person divine power had not anticipated is so strong, after it its digestion absorption, permanent promotion obtained, is actually quite limited. 只是【神秘人】的神力也并没有期待中的那么强,待它将其消化吸收之后,所获得的永久性提升,其实相当有限。 Reasons for this include, is mainly because Mysterious person God's Position was digested in the process of absorption suddenly shatter, it looks like together the polyhedron that is pieced together by the glass, after breaking to pieces, anything does not remain. 究其原因,主要是因为【神秘人】的神格在被消化吸收的过程之中突然破碎,它就像是一块由玻璃拼凑起来的多面体,碎掉之后就什么都不剩了。 no matter if it is looks from God's Position or God's Soul, this Mysterious person Does not seem like a normal god. 无论是神格还是神魂上看,这【神秘人】都不像是一个正常的神。 Darke already completely denied it is the possibility in Hermes. 达克已经彻底否定了它是赫尔墨斯的可能。 But from it finally performance, Mysterious person Has very big relevance with Hermes as before. 但从其最后表现来看,【神秘人】与赫尔墨斯依旧有很大的相关性。 In light of the information that attains immediately comes Analytic, Darke to suspect this highly Mysterious person The essence some consciousness of the consciousness of Hermes separating. 结合当下所获的信息来分析,达克高度怀疑这【神秘人】的本质是从赫尔墨斯的意识之中分离出来的部分意识所化。 Even if not Hermes, still mostly some consciousness of the consciousness of other God separating. 就算不是赫尔墨斯,也多半是从其它天神的意识之中分离出的部分意识。 If truly is such, can very good explanation that Mysterious person Soul and God's Position why so frail, as well as why it grasped a little law reason merely. 如果确实是那样的话,就能很好的解释那【神秘人】的灵魂神格为何如此脆弱,以及它为何仅仅掌握了那么一点规则的原因。 Truth to that Mysterious person After conducting the analysis, actually roughly already floats the water surface. 事情的真相在对那【神秘人】进行解析之后,其实大体已经浮上水面。 Darke lowers the head to examine Magic Card. 达克低头查看魔导卡 Mysterious person The permanent promotion that after divine power was absorbed is clean, brings, main centralized in attribute value Attack On. 【神秘人】的神力被吸收干净之后带来的永久性提升,主要集中在三围属性之中的【攻击】上。 Demon King · Eldridge mana, Attack and Defense respectively are 8000, 7500 and 8000 points, after the digestion absorbs divine power, the Attack gap obtained making up, attribute value turned into 8000, 8000 and 8000. 魔王·艾尔德里奇】的魔力攻击防御分别为8000、7500、8000点,在消化吸收完神力之后,攻击的缺口得到了弥补,三围属性变成了8000、8000、8000。 A total of 500 points Attack increases, are truly limited. 总共500点的攻击涨幅,确实非常有限。 But what it grows is basic attack, after even if relieves Summon, retains as before. 但它增长的是基础攻击,而且即便解除召唤之后依旧保留。 This is equal to letting Demon King · Eldridge The Attack strength selected for promotion a level instantaneously. 这等于是让【魔王·艾尔德里奇】的攻击力瞬间拔升了一个层级。 Moreover, because is deficient God's Position, Inherits Mysterious person divinity actually cannot very good retention. 另外,由于缺乏【神格】,继承【神秘人】的神性却并不能很好的保留。 But most sweeping change in addition, naturally on Certain Kill Skill. 而除此之外的最大变化,自然是在必杀技上。 Devourer Special Certain Kill Skill that after using is successful, to gain, because Bites the beast of god The reason, can retain unexpectedly forever! 吞噬者】使用成功之后获取到的特殊必杀技,因为【噬神之兽】的原因,竟然得以永远保留! Certain Kill Skill actually not that however it absorbs cuts open surely wind Attribute Authority, but most starts to use flame magic spell 【The fire of envious hatred! 不过它吸收到的必杀技却并不是那“必定切开”的风属性权柄,而是最开始使用过的火焰法术【嫉恨之火】! 【The fire of envious hatred: The envious hatred flame burns from the spirit deep place, can long jab goal Soul.】 【嫉恨之火:嫉恨的火焰从心灵深处燃烧,能直击目标灵魂。】 What this is accidental/surprised is belongs to Fire Type + Dark Type Certain Kill Skill, the release 【The fire of envious hatred In the normal state is the flame that the black and red have both. 这令人意外的是属于火系+暗系必杀技,释放出的【嫉恨之火】在常态之中是黑色与红色兼具的火焰。 The Dark Attribute black flame burns from the spirit deep place, Fire Type red flame such as ordinary flame generally from external burning. 暗属性的黑色火焰从心灵深处燃烧,火系的红色火焰如普通火焰一般从外部燃烧。 Two from, from outside, although is Certain Kill Skill, has the dual injuries. 两种一个从内,一个从外,虽然是一个必杀技,却拥有双重伤害。 If Demon King · Eldridge Can completely grasp 【The fire of envious hatred, Even can integrate it 【The fire of sins Causes 【The fire of sins Becoming more terrifying. 如果【魔王·艾尔德里奇】能够完全掌握【嫉恨之火】,甚至可以将其融入到【罪业之火】中,使得【罪业之火】变得更加恐怖。 But what is worth mentioning is, in kill Mysterious person Later, Demon King · Eldridge 【The fire of sins Solemn happy in addition one. 而值得一提的是,在击杀了【神秘人】之后,【魔王·艾尔德里奇】的【罪业之火】堂堂喜加一。 …… …… But is waiting for Demon King · Eldridge The digestion absorbs in the divine power process, Darke also that magic staff recycling that crashes in the place. 而在等待【魔王·艾尔德里奇】消化吸收神力的过程之中,达克也将那根坠落在地的魔杖回收。 That magic staff is tall and slender, grows into compared with magic staff that the present era habitually uses merely. 魔杖本身细长,仅仅是比当今时代惯用的魔杖长上一些。 Can the quilt Mysterious person With it belongs to some degree of Artifacts inevitably. 能够被【神秘人】用上,它必然是属于某种程度的神器 Darke happen to lacks magic staff, is quite then attentive. 达克正好缺少一柄魔杖,便对其较为用心。 Finally he its with after the hand, then feels meaning of the turbulent envious hatred immediately! 结果他将其拿在手中之后,便立刻感受到了一股汹涌的嫉恨之意! This magic staff unexpectedly is 【The fire of envious hatred Nature same…… Envy magic staff! 魔杖竟然是与【嫉恨之火】的性质相同的……嫉妒魔杖 【The stick of Witch: Handing down is[ Goddess] Aphrodite grants[ Witch] Eve magic staff, can initiate the envious hatred in innermost feelings, and transforms it as continuous mana. The holders are the beautiful appearance, then can initiate more envious hatred, mana that the transformation becomes even more is then huge. Supplements Certain Kill Skill: The fire of envious hatred.】 魔女之杖:相传是[美神]阿弗洛狄忒赐予[魔女]伊芙魔杖,能引发内心之中的嫉恨,并将其转化为源源不断的魔力。持有者越是美貌,便能引发越多的嫉恨,转化而成的魔力便越发庞大。附带必杀技:嫉恨之火。】 【The fire of envious hatred Belonged 【The stick of Witch Supplementary Certain Kill Skill. 【嫉恨之火】原本是属于【魔女之杖】的附带必杀技 But that Mysterious person Is having 【The stick of Witch After then grasped quickly 【The fire of envious hatred magic spell, this can the quilt Demon King · Eldridge Absorption. 但那【神秘人】在持有【魔女之杖】后,便很快掌握了【嫉恨之火】的法术,这才能被【魔王·艾尔德里奇】吸收。 And this 【The stick of Witch In related legend, Goddess Aphrodite is Envy Witch Eve that is indistinct the dust the beautiful appearance, this bestows intentionally 【The stick of Witch, Attempts to make it be affected by magic staff, becomes because of Envy ugly. 在与这柄【魔女之杖】相关的传说之中,【美神】阿弗洛狄忒是嫉妒魔女伊芙那缥缈出尘的美貌,这才故意赐下【魔女之杖】,企图使其被魔杖影响,因嫉妒而变得丑恶。 But Witch Eve not only has not received 【The stick of Witch The negative impact, uses repeatedly 【The stick of Witch Drew back governed for Demon Dragon of calamity side, left behind the happy legend in the area. 但【魔女伊芙不但没有受到【魔女之杖】的负面影响,反复使用【魔女之杖】退治了为祸一方的魔龙,在当地留下了美好的传说。 Can long jab Soul 【The fire of envious hatred, Truly aims at big dragon dependence scales Defense the sharp weapon of lifeform. 能够直击灵魂的【嫉恨之火】,确实是针对巨龙这种依靠鳞甲防御的生物的利器。 Darke feels 【Envy】 to come, has to 【The stick of Witch Temporarily seals into 【The ball of truth In, receives the backpack. 达克感受到【嫉妒】汹涌而来,不得不将【魔女之杖】暂时封入【真理之球】内,收入背包。 In understanding clearly Witch How before Eve uses this magic staff, can only be regarded as the precious collection it. 在洞悉【魔女伊芙是如何使用这柄魔杖之前,只能将其当做是珍贵的收藏品。 Darke deeply feels regrettable. 达克对此深感遗憾。 …… …… Meow.” “喵呜。” Demon King · Eldridge Makes an effort to sneak in the Darke bosom, then suddenly opens big mouth, puts out a gold medal! 魔王·艾尔德里奇】用力钻进达克的怀里,然后忽然张大嘴,从中吐出一枚金牌! The appearance of this gold medal, making Darke exceptionally astonished. 这枚金牌的出现,让达克异常惊愕。 He suspected at first this possibly was Fred · Nourse kill after his monster gold medal that won, but this gold medal in fact was actually Mysterious person After the strength was absorbed by Devour, appears truly. 他起初怀疑这可能是弗瑞德·诺斯击杀了针对他的怪物之后获得的金牌,但这金牌实际上却是【神秘人】的力量被吞噬吸收之后才真正出现。 This means that Mysterious person Is the owner of gold medal! 这意味着那【神秘人】就是金牌的拥有者! The positive/direct carving of this gold medal wears the flying shoes from the sky to dance Commercial and travel, thieves and raising livestock god of】 Hermes! 这枚金牌的正面雕刻的正是穿着飞鞋在空中跳舞的【商业、旅者、小偷与畜牧之神】赫尔墨斯! Stops, Darke already obtained 【The flame and forging god of】 Hephaestus, War and God of Wisdom Athena, 【The god of agriculture Demeter, Goddess Aphrodite's altogether four gold medals. 到此为止,达克已经获得了【火焰与锻造之神】赫菲斯托斯、【战争智慧之神雅典娜、【农业之神】德墨忒尔、【美神】阿弗洛狄忒的一共四枚金牌。 In addition this Commercial and travel, thieves and raising livestock god of】 The gold medal of Hermes, then collected five. 再加上这枚【商业、旅者、小偷与畜牧之神】赫尔墨斯的金牌,便凑齐了五枚。 Young Master, do you know the use of this gold medal?” 少爷,你知道这金牌的用处吗?” Ollie walks behind from it, is extending the slender fair hand to him, in the palm was actually grasping the sixth gold medal! 奥莉从其身后走来,对着他伸出了纤细白皙的手,掌心之中却正握着第六枚金牌! What the positive/direct carving of this gold medal is sits well above the golden throne Day later Hera! 这枚金牌的正面雕刻的是端坐在黄金宝座之上的【天后】赫拉! Darke received the gold medal from her hand, then said to guess one by one of gold medal use. 达克从她手中接过金牌,便将自己对金牌用处的猜测一一道来。 After that Ollie will also obtain the process of gold medal to say. 在那之后,奥莉也将自身获得金牌的经过说出。 Naturally that is not the strange special experience. 当然那并不是什么离奇特殊的经历。 She also only chases down her lifeform kill that then won that gold medal. 她也只是将那只追杀她的生物击杀,便获得了那枚金牌。 But her spell of good or bad fortune also gave the Darke reminder, Moon God's Carriage In the compartment is also lying down two Paladin! 而她的这一际遇也给了达克提醒,【月神之车】的车厢内还躺着两名圣骑士 Goes to Albert and Emily awakens.” Darke Demon King · Aleister Takes back Magic Card, said. “去把艾伯特和艾米丽唤醒吧。”达克将【魔王·阿莱斯特】收回魔导卡,说道。 Good.” After Ollie should next, then enters the compartment, Pair of child Paladin Awakens one by one. “好。”奥莉应下之后便进入车厢,将【双子圣骑】逐一唤醒。 Wakes up from the deep sleep Pair of child Paladin The complexion is ugly, but faces the savior is not good to complain, can only putting in great inconvenience to swallowing secretly enters in the abdomen. 从沉睡之中醒来的【双子圣骑】面色难看,但面对着救命恩人又不好埋怨,只能将委屈偷偷的吞入腹中。 In these two Albert · Grantham really has to win a gold medal actually. 这两人之中艾伯特·格兰瑟姆倒是确实有获得一枚金牌。 That is the sign is carving directly 【The god of light Apollo's gold medal. 那是牌子正面雕刻着【光明之神】阿波罗的金牌。 Darke that gold medal put in the bag, then to have altogether seven gold medals directly! 达克直接将那枚金牌收入囊中,如此一来便有了一共七枚金牌! Then after the inquiry, he knows to chase down Emily · Grantham quickly, that forces into the hopeless situation them, fresh Angel's Halo, appearance ugly fearsome strange action monster! 而后经过询问,他很快知晓追杀艾米丽·格兰瑟姆的,正是那头将他们逼入绝境的,头生天使光环,模样丑陋可怖的奇行怪物! „Does that only Angel monster, how compare with just now mysterious people and six wing Angel?” Darke inquired Ollie. “那只天使怪物,与方才的神秘人和六翼天使相比如何?”达克询问奥莉 Ollie after the careful thinking, shakes the head saying: „The mortal body intensity of that monster with regenerating ability must above them, but is not as good in the Attack level.” 奥莉在仔细思索之后,摇头道:“那头怪物的肉身强度与再生能力要在它们之上,但在攻击层面稍逊。” Darke knits the brows slightly: „Is that more formidabe?” 达克稍微皱眉道:“那岂不是更难对付?” Ollie said: It also grasps divine power, can purify the abnormal state.” 奥莉说道:“它同样掌握神力,能净化异常状态。” That was thornier.” Darke shakes the head, Demon King · Eldridge Carried from the bosom, said, puts out to come to see Fred · Nourse.” “那就更加棘手了。”达克摇摇头,将【魔王·艾尔德里奇】从怀里拎了出来,说道,“把弗瑞德·诺斯吐出来看看。” …… …… …… …… Good morning, Aaahhhhh!】 【早上好,啊啊啊啊啊!】
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