TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #10

#988: No one can defeat me in my BGM

Star dust dragonet Initiates Pray, can take itself as the price, the style effect of destruction invalid opponent! 【星尘小龙】发起祈愿,能以自身为代价,破坏并无效化对手的招式效果! Darke shoots it, is considered that it has two solution field skills, can in Four-way Elvis Full power when Attack, is its creation output environment. 达克将其射来,便是考虑到它有两个解场技能,能在【四翼猫王】全力攻击时,为其创造输出环境。 Now it by Death exemption mechanism Blocked Six wing Angel Bayonet, when its use brilliance magic spell by Star dust Pray Decodes. 如今它以【死亡豁免机制】挡住了【六翼天使】的枪刺,又在其使用光辉法术时以【星尘的祈愿】来破解。 Once succeeds, Four-way Elvis The full power strikes then can rumble to explode Six wing Angel Head! 一旦成功,【四翼猫王】的全力一击便能轰爆【六翼天使】的头颅! Then, although is unuseful Devourer Absorbs its Certain Kill Skill, but can also by Bites beast of god Absorbs its divine power. 如此一来,虽然不能使用【吞噬者】来吸收它的必杀技,但也能以【噬神之兽】来吸收它的神力 The entire plan then can be back on the right track. 整个计划便能重回正轨。 But the computation of Darke went wrong as before. 达克的计算依旧出现了偏差。 Star dust dragonet Death exemption mechanism Although succeeds the effect, but Star dust Pray Actually cannot play the proper role! 【星尘小龙】的【死亡豁免机制】虽然成功起效,但【星尘的祈愿】却没能发挥出应有的作用! Star dust dragonet Although the ability determination continues Stardust Dragon, Object…… that but it affects is actually a god! 【星尘小龙】的能力判定虽然是延续的【星尘龙】,但它作用的对象……却是神! Six wing Angel The empty shadow, in reigning square at least is gods one grade. 【六翼天使】的虚影,在位格上至少是神明一档。 Places in Magic Fairy, then at least is the sixth steps! 放在魔导精灵之中,便至少是第六阶梯! But Stardust Dragon Nine Stars Magic Fairy, belongs to Third Step. 而【星尘龙】只是九星魔导精灵,属于第三阶梯 Even because used when refining Pride fruit But enables it to have the extra determination, but not possible right Six wing Angel The empty shadow has the effect completely. 就算因为在炼成之时使用了【傲慢果实】而使其拥有额外判定,但也不可能对【六翼天使】的虚影完全起效。 Falling in torrents that therefore when the Pray formation, that brilliance magic spell insignificant weakening, has almost not changed merely finally in Four-way Elvis body! 因此当祈愿成型,那光辉法术也仅仅只有微不足道的削弱,最终几乎没有改变的倾泻在了【四翼猫王】的身上 But in that Holy Light splendor, has the jet black light never to extinguish together! 但在那神圣光辉之中,却有一道漆黑之光始终不灭! Four-way Elvis Full force obligation of being forced Drives light, Exposes that black light, sought for a vitality in the brilliance actually. 【四翼猫王】被迫的全力驱使【驱光者】,将那黑光曝光,硬是在光辉之中寻找到了一丝生机。 Its mana is consuming rapidly, but had not then been killed by the second by the brilliance Devour earliest possible time at the scene. 它的魔力在急速消耗,但并没有在被光辉吞噬的第一时间便被秒杀当场。 Even, its figure also toward Six wing Angel Approaches, sparkles the black light sharp claws as if to the light screen rip open. 甚至于,它的身形还在朝着【六翼天使】逼近,闪耀黑光的利爪似乎要将光幕生生撕开。 this is also Four-way Elvis Has not expected. 这也是【四翼猫王】没有料到的。 It has not thought that present, can hit unexpectedly! 它也没想到现在的自己,竟然这么能打! But it cannot break through the light screen eventually. 但它终究没能冲破光幕。 That Six wing Angel When maintaining the light screen is outputting, held up spear of light again! 那【六翼天使】在保持着光幕输出之时,再一次举起了光之长枪 Four-way Elvis Watches, in heart not startled counter- happy. 【四翼猫王】看在眼里,心中不惊反喜。 It knows that this time, waits for that spear to puncture, oneself not escape by luck the possibility again. 它知道这一次,等那长枪刺出,自己再无幸免可能。 It after Fusion Transform, will welcome the first death! 它将会在融合变身之后,迎来第一次的死亡! However the Darke Dymon strain velocity is above its imagination completely. 然而达克·迪蒙的应变速度完全超乎它的想象。 In Star dust Pray That flash of expiration, Darke then overthrows oneself previous judgment he not to have immediately such as Four-way Elvis Like that clear cognition to Six wing Angel Empty shadow true intensity, but actually judged, if continued to carry out previously planned, Four-way Elvis Even successfully eliminated Six wing Angel Empty shadow , must pay the price that is unbearable! 在【星尘的祈愿】失效的那一刹那,达克便立刻推翻了自己先前的判断他没有如【四翼猫王】那般清晰的认知到了【六翼天使】虚影的真正强度,但却判断出如果继续执行先前计划,【四翼猫王】就算成功的消灭了【六翼天使】的虚影,也必然要付出难以承受的代价! What he actually uses is the economical thought. 他其实采用的是经济思维。 By Six wing Angel In strength that this displays extremely in a short time, will continue the implementation plan only to bring the loss. 以【六翼天使】在这极短时间内表现出的力量,继续执行计划只会带来亏损。 Moreover in this process, must spend the too much time surely , is not possible to achieve to fight a battle to force a quick decision. 而且在这一过程之中,必定要消耗过多的时间,也就是不可能做到速战速决。 Although that Mysterious person Still is seeing a play, but cannot explain that it has looked. 虽然那【神秘人】至今仍在看戏,但并不能说明它会一直看下去。 Darke considers this point, then decided that gives up planning in the midway! 达克考量到这一点,便决定在中途放弃计划! But gives up planning, does not mean that does not go to manages that Six wing Angel Empty shadow. 但放弃计划,并不意味着就不去管那【六翼天使】的虚影。 Because of that Six wing Angel The empty shadow, will belong hostilely! 因为那【六翼天使】的虚影,同样会属于敌对! If there is an opportunity, naturally must grasp, enabling him to leave the stage! 如果有机会,自然要把握住,使其退场! Therefore in Darke in Star dust dragonet After vanishing, is then right immediately Stardust Dragon Sends out to display the order of Certain Kill Skill! 因此在达克在【星尘小龙】消失之后,便立刻对【星尘龙】发出施展必杀技的命令! Roar “吼 The sound of dragon roar resounds instantly. 龙吼之声刹那响起。 Stardust Dragon Raises head to angrily roar. 星尘龙】仰头怒吼。 The sky of this palace then appeared suddenly the billowing dark cloud, the giant meteorite drilled the dark cloud, the whip under. 这处殿堂的上空便骤然浮现出了滚滚乌云,巨大的陨石钻出乌云,急坠而下。 From Stardust Dragon In dragon mouth, sprays instantaneously like the brilliance of meteor sparkle! 从【星尘龙】的龙口之中,瞬间喷射出如流星般闪耀的光辉! When that Draco Meteor has not crashed, Stardust Dragon The meteor that sprays has then hit brilliance that Six wing Angel Empty shadow! 在那流星群还未坠落之际,【星尘龙】喷射出的流星光辉便已命中那【六翼天使】的虚影! Darke tight is staring Six wing Angel Empty shadow. 达克紧紧的盯着【六翼天使】的虚影。 Star dust Pray Invalid, making him right Meteor sound strikes Whether the extra effect can have the effect, had the suspicion. 【星尘的祈愿】的无效,让他对【流星音击】的额外效果能否起效,也产生了怀疑。 …… …… At this moment, Six wing Angel Empty shadow already punctures spear. 此时此刻,【六翼天使】的虚影已经长枪刺出。 But breaks open in that lance point Four-way Elvis Before Defense, the meteor brilliance then came from one side, flash its body completely Devour! 但在那枪尖破开【四翼猫王】的防御之前,流星的光辉便从侧面而来,一瞬之间将其身体完全吞噬 Unexpected matter happened again! 意料之外的事情再次发生了! Meteor sound strikes The extra effect, obtained very complete display unexpectedly! 【流星音击】的额外效果,竟然获得了非常完整的发挥! Darke is unable to analyze difference temporarily, but at this moment, knows it displays smoothly then! 达克暂时无法解析出这其中的差别,但在此时此刻,知道它顺利发挥即可! Because of that Six wing Angel Empty shadow after withstanding meteor brilliance, then the illusory figure suddenly is becoming more unreal. 因为那【六翼天使】的虚影在承受了流星光辉之后,原本便虚幻的身形在突然之间变得更加虚幻。 But spear of that light it punctures, unexpectedly since Four-way Elvis Above body passing through of no hindrance! 而它刺出的那一记光之长枪,竟然从【四翼猫王】的身体之上毫无任何阻碍的穿了过去! That does not pierce his body, but passed directly. 那不是将其身体刺穿,而是直接透了过去。 spear of that light, turned into the penetrating Thoroughly illusory image! 就连那柄光之长枪,也变成了彻头彻尾的幻影! Four-way Elvis Above the face appeared the naked eye obvious astonishment. 【四翼猫王】的脸庞之上浮现出了肉眼可见的惊愕。 That washout did not have in its body brilliance suddenly. 那冲刷在它身上的光辉突然就没了。 Its cat claw ripped to Six wing Angel Empty shadow, but has not actually had any true feelings, 它的猫爪撕向了【六翼天使】的虚影,但却没有产生任何一点实感, That Six wing Angel The empty shadow turn head looks suddenly to Darke, fine such as above the picture face has not revealed slightly the expression, but Darke actually saw „” meaningfully from its look. 那【六翼天使】的虚影突然回头看向达克,精致如画的面庞之上没有显露丝毫表情,但达克却从它的眼神之中看出了“意味深长”。 Then that Six wing Angel The empty shadow, then after that dispersed with the wind! 而后那【六翼天使】的虚影,便在那一眼之后,随风散了! …… …… At that moment. 那一刻。 Not only yes Four-way Elvis, Stands above the stage sees a play Mysterious person Also jumped the foot! 不仅仅是【四翼猫王】,就连站在高台之上看戏的【神秘人】也跳起了脚! That Mysterious person The response is extremely exaggerating, not only jumps three chi (0.33 m) high, but also made an effort to rub own Eye after landing, seemed confirming whether oneself misread. 那【神秘人】的反应极其夸张,不但一蹦三尺高,而且还在落地之后用力揉了揉自己的眼睛,仿佛在确认自己是否看错。 Darke oneself am also slightly obviously accidental/surprised, has not thought completely Meteor sound strikes The effect so will be good. 达克本人也是稍显意外,完全没想到【流星音击】的效果会那么好。 But is careful thinks, Meteor sound strikes That can make Summon thing Summon relieve, making it return to ability of original position, is actually not the function in Summon thing body. 但仔细一想,【流星音击】那能使召唤物的召唤解除,使其返回原处的能力,其实并非是作用在召唤物的身上 Its effective object, actually should be that is filled with innumerable in palace Angel! 它的作用对象,其实应该是那挤满殿堂之内的无数【天使】! With Six wing Angel Compared with empty shadow, these Angel The position standard are also most in the fifth steps, from the start is not god. 与【六翼天使】的虚影相比,那些【天使】的位格也最多是在第五阶梯,压根算不上是“神”。 But above god and under god, obviously is the class that two cannot be spanned. 而“神之上”与“神之下”,显然是两个不可跨越的阶层。 Meteor sound strikes Can be right Angel Summon has the effect, is not strange. 【流星音击】能对【天使】们的召唤起效,并不奇怪。 As Six wing Angel Summon was relieved, innumerable that kneels down to sit Angel Also had the response finally. 而随着【六翼天使】的召唤被解除,那台下跪坐着的无数【天使】也终于有了反应。 As before ingredient that but that response disorder, cannot see many self- will. 但那反应依旧无序,看不出多少自我意志的成分。 Mysterious person Perhaps can also guide their Summon to leave again Six wing Angel Empty shadow, but that absolutely is not now. 【神秘人】或许还能引导它们再次召唤出【六翼天使】的虚影,但那绝对不是现在。 Removes ignorantly these Angel. 排除那些浑浑噩噩的【天使】。 Now still the threat in this palace, became only left over again Mysterious person. 现在仍在这殿堂之中的威胁,再一次变得只剩下【神秘人】一个。 The plan that but previously drew up also ended in failure thoroughly. 但先前拟定的计划也彻底宣告失败。 Four-way Elvis Cannot, since Six wing Angel Above the empty shadow absorbs, even if point divine power. 【四翼猫王】未能从【六翼天使】的虚影之上吸收到哪怕一点的神力 Again facing Mysterious person, Only can brace oneself to continue! 再次面对【神秘人】,只能硬着头皮继续上了! …… …… Time that Darke hesitates slightly, Stardust Dragon already displays Certain Kill Skill Star dust Summon, To consume 1000 mana prices, Star dust dragonet Again Summon. 达克稍微沉吟的功夫,【星尘龙已经施展必杀技【星尘召唤】,以耗费1000魔力的代价,将【星尘小龙】重新召唤了出来。 But at the same time, that Mysterious person Was confirming in every possible way Six wing Angel After empty shadow, finally Wrath gets up. 而与此同时,那【神秘人】在百般确认【六翼天使】的虚影之后,终于暴怒起来。 With the Darke imagination is not same. 达克想象的并不相同。 Wants Summon Six wing Angel Very difficult. 想要召唤【六翼天使】非常之难。 Let alone Mysterious person Summon, is specific Six wing Angel. 更何况【神秘人】召唤的,还是特定的【六翼天使】。 It consumed the considerably large price for this reason, finally success. 它为此耗费了相当大的代价,才终于成功。 However Summon leaves with great difficulty Six wing Angel, Did not have! 然而好不容易召唤出的【六翼天使】,就那么没了! This means that it saves now, the plan that carries out smoothly with great difficulty, ended thoroughly! 这意味着它好不容易积攒到现在,才顺利执行的计划,也彻底完了! At this time even if Human on the scene will grind the meat froth completely, is unable to divulge its anger. 此时就算将在场的人类全部碾成肉沫,也无法宣泄它的愤怒。 True, there is no regresses fight, sounds thoroughly. 真正的,没有任何退步可言的战斗,彻底拉响。 Mysterious person Very clearly Six wing Angel The person who Summon relieves who is. 【神秘人】非常清楚将【六翼天使】的召唤解除的人是谁。 In its eye even lost Four-way Elvis Existence, already will target on thoroughly for the Human youngster on carriage. 它的眼中甚至失去了【四翼猫王】的存在,已经彻底将目标锁定为了马车上的人类少年。 Therefore it lifts both hands suddenly, in uncovering the cry in bottom makes an effort to brandish magic staff. 于是它猛然抬双手,在揭斯底里的叫声之中用力挥舞魔杖 And Two and three…… 一个、两个、三个…… Altogether six flame tornado take shape in its top of the head instantaneously, super revolving. 一共六个火焰龙卷在其头顶瞬间成型,高速旋转。 Wind Element and Fire Element of entire palace were plundered by that six flame tornado. 整个殿堂的风元素火元素都被那六个火焰龙卷搜刮一空。 Mysterious person look fierce waving, six flame tornado then toward Moon God's Carriage Explodes to shoot! 【神秘人】神色狰狞的一挥手,六个火焰龙卷便是朝着【月神之车】爆射而出! Darke look changes. 达克神色微变。 Only is resists flame tornado is so strenuous on already, this entire six flame can tornado, actually how resist? 光是抵挡一个火焰龙卷已经如此吃力,这整整六个火焰龙卷,究竟要如何抵挡? Four-way Elvis Hell rock and roll!” “四翼猫王【地狱摇滚】!” During mentality transformations, Darke to Four-way Elvis Issued the order of compulsion. 思路转换之间,达克对着【四翼猫王】发出了强制的命令。 Because Six wing Angel Empty shadow suddenly vanishes, but hovering in same place Four-way Elvis Immediately quickly grasps the meaning of something to respond. 因为【六翼天使】虚影的突然消失而悬停在原地的【四翼猫王】顿时一个激灵反应过来。 Its innermost feelings repel extremely, but is in front of everyone as before, displayed Hell rock and roll! 它内心极为排斥,但依旧当着所有人的面,施展出了【地狱摇滚】! Hell rock and roll The essence is Summon Type Certain Kill Skill. 【地狱摇滚】的本质是一个召唤类型必杀技 It passes Summon to have the special rock band to come to be Four-way Elvis Increases BUFF. 它通过召唤出特殊的摇滚乐队来为【四翼猫王】添加BUFF。 The concrete effect is unclear, no one knows that actually that inconceivable strength is anything. 只是具体效果不明,谁也不知道那“不可思议的力量”究竟是什么。 But in Four-way Elvis Displaying Hell rock and roll When Summon, Darke actually in whole-heartedly deals with that six flame tornado. 而在【四翼猫王】施展【地狱摇滚】召唤之时,达克却在全力以赴的应对那六个火焰龙卷 Star dust dragonet Can block one. 【星尘小龙】能挡住一个。 Ollie can definitely reduce and solve one. 奥莉肯定能化解一个。 But is left over four as before. 但依旧剩下四个。 At this time most needs to use, yes Aerodactyl! 这时候最需要用到的,是【化石翼龙】! Has 【The ghost of fossil Certain Kill Skill Aerodactyl, Can enter at crucial moments 【The ghost of fossil Condition, by short invincible reduces and solves flame tornado. 拥有【化石之鬼】必杀技的【化石翼龙】,能在关键时刻进入【化石之鬼】状态,以短暂的“无敌”来化解火焰龙卷 Even that two Sword beast, Also has same Certain Kill Skill. 就算是那两只【剑兽】,也有着同样的必杀技 If present Aerodactyl At least can reduce and solve three flame tornado! 若是有【化石翼龙】在,至少能化解三个火焰龙卷 But now Unless Stardust Dragon Offers as Offerings, can Summon of quickest speed leave Aerodactyl. 但现在除非是将【星尘龙】作为祭品献上,才能最快速度的召唤出【化石翼龙】。 Naturally this is not cost-effective. 当然这并不划算。 Darke took a look to Four-way Elvis. 达克瞅向了【四翼猫王】。 From hell Rock band Appears in it behind, the stormy drumbeat resounds in then already that the orchestra appears instantly. 来自地狱的【摇滚乐队】在其身后浮现,密集的鼓声在乐队出现的刹那便已经响起。 Darke completed Summon in that simultaneously. 达克在那同时完成了召唤 But his naturally not possible direct Summon to have Nine Stars Magic Fairy Aerodactyl. 但他当然不可能直接召唤九星魔导精灵化石翼龙】。 With the name of Darke Dymon, Magic Summon Shuckle!” “以达克·迪蒙之名,魔导召唤壶壶】!” Darke comes out in that Summon instantly, is merely Three Stars Magic Fairy Shuckle! 达克在那刹那召唤出来的,是仅仅三星魔导精灵壶壶】! !” “吧呲!” Shuckle Look sharp drilled the head from the carapace. 壶壶】眼神锐利的从甲壳之中钻出了脑袋。 But it just wants to observe all around environment, was lifted by Darke! 但它刚想观察四周环境,便被达克举了起来! „The decision was you, Shuckle!” “就决定是你了,壶壶!” Darke holds up Shuckle, Toward flying six flame tornado, fly to throw suddenly! 达克举起【壶壶】,朝着飞来的六道火焰龙卷,猛然飞掷而出! Shuckle Shrinks the shell instantaneously, from the sky revolved is hitting to frontline flame tornado. 壶壶】瞬间缩壳,在空中旋转着撞向了最前方的火焰龙卷 It Power Split Waits for Certain Kill Skill to cope Mysterious person When is very difficult to play the role, but function from body Solid, Actually can display completely. 它的【力量平分】等必杀技在对付【神秘人】时很难起到作用,但作用在自身上的【结实】,却能完全发挥。 Bang!” “轰隆!” That first flame tornado hit fiercely in Shuckle body. 那第一道火焰龙卷猛地撞在了【壶壶】的身上 Shuckle mana almost empties instantaneously, but Solid Triggering, making it forcefully anti- flame tornado complete prestige energy. 壶壶】的魔力几乎瞬间清空,但【结实】触发,使其硬生生的抗住了火焰龙卷的全部威能。 Then Star dust dragonet Departs, by Death exemption mechanism Resisted second flame tornado, was burnt by the ash fire of flame. 而后【星尘小龙】紧接着飞出,以【死亡豁免机制】抗住了第二道火焰龙卷,然后被火焰的余烬烧死。 But Stardust Dragon Uses Certain Kill Skill after that immediately Star dust radiance. 但【星尘龙】在那之后立刻使用必杀技【星尘光华】。 Just died Star dust dragonet Then came out by Summon again. 刚刚死去的【星尘小龙】便被再次召唤出来。 At this time Darke already were many Maiden with Eyes of Blue. 此时达克的身边已经多了一只【青眼少女】。 After resurrecting Star dust dragonet roaming to third flame tornado, Maiden with Eyes of Blue Displayed Certain Kill Skill Hall of Light! 伴随着复活后的【星尘小龙】游向第三道火焰龙卷,【青眼少女】施展出了必杀技光之灵堂】! After blocking third flame tornado, died Star dust dragonet In Hall of Light In comes back to life, then charged into fourth flame tornado. 挡住了第三道火焰龙卷之后死去的【星尘小龙】在【光之灵堂】之中复生,转而冲向了第四道火焰龙卷 But at this time that remaining three flame tornado already from Moon God's Carriage Extremely nearly. 但此时那剩下的三道火焰龙卷已经距离【月神之车】极近。 Ollie puts out a hand to wield, barrier already of ray gathering kept off in the dead ahead. 奥莉伸手一挥,光芒汇聚的屏障已经挡在了正前方。 Then she lifts up high War Hammer, the both feet treads then departs suddenly, was pounds by War Hammer unexpectedly on own initiative to together flame tornado. 而后她高举战锤,双脚一踏便是骤然飞出,竟是主动以战锤砸向了其中一道火焰龙卷 Also remains last!” “还剩最后一道!” In the Darke heart moves, immediately displays Full Moon Mirror Circulation, As Ollie departs together. 达克心中一动,当即施展【月轮镜转】,随着奥莉一同飞出。 That flame tornado might is really big, separates the distance, can effectively protect Moon God's Carriage Was not affected. 那火焰龙卷的威力甚大,隔开距离,能有效保护【月神之车】不被波及。 …… …… Airborne connects the eruption the flame tornado probably spirited smoke and fire. 空中接连爆发的火焰龙卷像是激昂的烟火。 Draco Meteor bang that continues to crash above ground. 持续坠落的流星群轰在地面之上。 The rock band launched the grand performance. 摇滚乐队展开了盛大的演奏。 Four-way Elvis After this BGM resounds right Mysterious person Launched the attack. 【四翼猫王】在这BGM响起之后对【神秘人】发起了进攻。 Mysterious person Finally stopped to Darke and the others continuation Attack, then to Four-way Elvis. 【神秘人】终于停止了对达克等人的继续攻击,转而面向【四翼猫王】。 But it at this time obvious vitality/angry, body week naturally appeared the vortex of wind. 但它此时明显生气,身周自然而然的浮现出了风的漩涡。 Four-way Elvis The side is close, then felt that on the face the stabbing pain, was cut open a bloodstain by that invisible wind unexpectedly! 【四翼猫王】方一接近,便感到脸上刺痛,竟是被那无形之风割开了一条血痕! …… …… …… …… Good morning, exactly monthly ticket.】 【早上好,恰个月票。】
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