TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #13

#1206 Part 1: fairy clever trick, abyss monster 6 k

Secret Ritual Card Cat immortal arrives! 秘仪卡【猫仙降临】! Summon Nine Stars Magic Fairy Offerings, will offer to this shrine sufficiently. Supplements with the sincere prayer again, then can call in the cat the immortal. 将足以召唤九星魔导精灵祭品,向这神龛献上。再辅以诚心祷告,便能召来猫中之仙。 This Secret Ritual Card main limiting condition ; first, Offerings ; second, sincere ; third, the cat clan defined. 这张秘仪卡的主要限制条件,一是祭品,二是诚心,三是猫族限定。 Cat fairy Also is with cat related Race, this can use this Secret Ritual Card. 【猫妖精】也算是与猫相关的种族,这才能使用这张【秘仪卡】。 However the so-called cat immortal is not cat god, but with Garfield same cat fairy! 不过所谓的猫仙并非“猫神”,而是与加菲尔德一样的“猫妖精”! When shrine blasting open, that cat immortal stone carving then resembles from sinks during the dormancy to revive through ancient times general, stretches the slender limbs from splitting in the statue drilled. 待神龛炸裂,那猫仙石雕便似从亘古沉眠之中苏醒过来一般,舒展着修长的肢体从裂开的石像之中钻了出来。 It had a yawn gently, will wear arctic fox mask on face to move to the face side, revealing one fully is the lazy handsome face. 它轻轻打了个哈欠,将原本戴在脸上的白狐面具挪到脸侧,露出一张满是慵懒的英俊脸庞。 This is Nine Stars Magic Fairy Arctic fox cat immortal! 这便是九星魔导精灵【白狐猫仙】! Consumed merely Nine Lives Cat Demon A life takes Offerings, successful its Summon. 仅仅消耗了【九命猫妖】的一条命作为祭品,就成功将其召唤而出。 Garfield sets out to stand up, stretches out the tongue to lick to lick the corners of the mouth. Nine Lives Cat Demon, Arctic fox cat immortal. 加菲尔德起身站起,伸出舌头舔舐嘴角。一只【九命猫妖】,一只【白狐猫仙】。 Has these two Nine Stars Magic Fairy on the scene, he does not know how oneself lose! 有这两只九星魔导精灵在场,他都不知道自己怎么输! ttp://m.biqiudu.com笔趣阁 At this time Nine Lives Cat Demon Dependence resurrecting relieved the abnormal state, Arctic fox cat immortal Is the most flourishing condition, was the time launches the general attack! 此时【九命猫妖】依靠“复活”解除了异常状态,【白狐猫仙】更是全盛状态,是时候发起总攻了! Asked, cat immortal Sir!” “拜托了,猫仙大人!” Garfield shouted in a low voice. 加菲尔德低声喝道。 That Arctic fox cat immortal Then smiles, extracts a long tobacco pipe after the waist, placed the mouth to blow one. 那【白狐猫仙】便抿嘴一笑,从腰后抽出一根长长的烟斗,放在嘴边吹了一口。 Immediately, then has the white clouds fog to flutter from the tobacco pipe, packages in which its body. 立时之间,便有白云似的雾从烟斗之中飘出,将它的身体包裹其中。 Arctic fox cat immortal Is living the white cat ear and fluffy cat tail, what body wear is the clothing of similar kimono, reveals the smooth solid chest. 【白狐猫仙】生着白色的猫耳和蓬松的猫尾,身上穿着的是类似和服的服饰,袒露出平滑结实的胸膛。 It puts out the mist, hidden in fog. 它吐出云烟,隐于雾中。 !” “噗!” The next second, that mist explodes the powder. 下一秒,那云烟爆散。 Same place, already did not have Arctic fox cat immortal Form. In cat the heavy drinker, comes pot liquor.” 原地之中,已经没有了【白狐猫仙】的身影。“猫中酒仙,来一壶酒。” Garfield puts out a hand a move, that In cat heavy drinker Then throws a liquor bottle gourd toward him. 加菲尔德伸手一招,那【猫中酒仙】便朝他扔出一个酒葫芦。 Garfield received the liquor bottle gourd, raises head drinks, the chest ache vanishes immediately, in the heart scalding hot, only thought that under From head to toe has the strength of not being able to cause. 加菲尔德接过酒葫芦,仰头一饮,胸口疼痛顿时消失,心中滚烫炽热,只觉得浑身上下有使不完的力量。 His drinks up, then discards the liquor bottle gourd, raises Iron broken claw Runs out suddenly! 他一口喝干,便扔掉酒葫芦,扬起【铁碎爪】猛然冲出! !” “噗!” Sarah hears suddenly transmits a light sound behind, while turns around suddenly, shifted again 【The coffin of sorrowful cry Behind. 萨拉突然听到身后传来一声轻响,在豁然转身的同时,再次转移到了【恸哭之棺】的身后。 Funeral formality Triggers again! 【丧葬礼节】再次触发! The use class transmits Certain Kill Skill, suddenly appears in Sarah behind Arctic fox cat immortal, First then fell into Funeral formality During control. 使用类传送必杀技,突然出现在萨拉身后的【白狐猫仙】,第一时间便陷入了【丧葬礼节】的控制之中。 But Sarah eyes narrows the eyes, then sees Arctic fox cat immortal Above arctic fox mask, that fox face is reveals to cry unexpectedly, but Arctic fox cat immortal The main body has not actually changed. 萨拉双眼一眯,便看到【白狐猫仙】的白狐面具之上,那张狐脸竟是露出哭相,而【白狐猫仙】本尊却是没有丝毫变化。 She realizes immediately Funeral formality Not right Arctic fox cat immortal The main body has the effect. 她立刻意识到【丧葬礼节】并没有对【白狐猫仙】本尊起效。 „The coffin of sorrowful cry, sorrowful cry!” “恸哭之棺,恸哭!” Hidden in the back, Sarah is right immediately 【The coffin of sorrowful cry The order said. That 【The coffin of sorrowful cry The coffin covers, opens the mouth like the Egyptian pharaoh face immediately, loud sob. 隐于背后,萨拉立刻对【恸哭之棺】命令道。那【恸哭之棺】的棺盖上,如同埃及法老般的脸庞顿时张开口,大声哭泣。 The sound of that sorrowful cry is grating, spreads over field. 那恸哭之声刺耳难听,传遍场地 Merely Three Stars In cat heavy drinker First was affected, covers the ear to show the painful expression. 仅仅三星的【猫中酒仙】第一时间受到影响,捂住耳朵露出痛苦表情。 Just restored soberly Nine Lives Cat Demon Then turns the head suddenly, to 【The coffin of sorrowful cry Glaring angrily. 刚刚恢复清醒的【九命猫妖】则是猛然转头,对着【恸哭之棺】怒目圆睁。 But nearest Arctic fox cat immortal Had not responded as before, only then that arctic fox mask during sob shows a more painful expression. 但距离最近的【白狐猫仙】依旧没有反应,只有那张白狐面具在哭泣的同时露出更加痛苦的表情。 Obviously, in view of Arctic fox cat immortal All abnormal states, by that arctic fox mask absorption. 显然,针对【白狐猫仙】的所有异常状态,都被那白狐面具吸收。 Sarah felt the unusual thorniness immediately. 萨拉顿时感觉到了异乎寻常的棘手。 But she deliberately considered without enough time carefully, that Arctic fox cat immortal Like the ghosts and demons movement, it has treated as the weapon that tobacco pipe, just approached 【The coffin of sorrowful cry Knocks on a tobacco pipe. 但她来不及细细寻思,那【白狐猫仙】已如鬼魅般移动过来,它将那柄烟斗当做武器,刚一靠近【恸哭之棺】就一烟斗敲出。 【The coffin of sorrowful cry Although is Defense specialization Magic Fairy, but only has Three Stars after all, cannot withstand Arctic fox cat immortal Even if strikes at will. 【恸哭之棺】虽然是防御特化的魔导精灵,但毕竟只有三星,根本承受不了【白狐猫仙】的哪怕随意一击。 Its that coffin covers then easily disrupts like the glass, the entire coffin crushes instantaneously. Meanwhile, appeared suddenly magic formation of blood in its under. Drilled iron grey distortion Shadow from formation, charges into fiercely Arctic fox cat immortal. 它那棺盖便如玻璃般轻易碎裂,整个棺材瞬间粉碎。与此同时,在其下方突然浮现出了鲜血的魔法阵。从法阵之中钻出了灰白色的扭曲影子,猛地冲向【白狐猫仙】。 The Sarah complexion is serious, withdraws fast, she behind is God hidden fog, Will draw back one step on hidden to enter in the fog in the future. 萨拉脸色严肃,飞快后撤,她身后就是【神隐之雾】,往后退上一步就隐入雾中。 But Secret Ritual that she supposes beforehand Azban Death Language Has actually triggered passively! 但她事先设下的秘仪阿兹班亡语】却已被动触发! This Secret Ritual Card can when the Magic Fairy death of one's own side, its Soul Devour, used this to give the opponent as the medium again most painful suffering! 这张秘仪卡能在己方的魔导精灵死亡之际,将其灵魂吞噬,再以此为媒介给予对手最痛苦的折磨! Cat that returns from Underworld Will not trigger when the death Azban Death Language 【从冥界归来的猫】在死亡之时不会触发【阿兹班亡语 Azban Death Language Is foreword position extremely high ghost curse, even Nine Stars Magic Fairy is still hard to exempt. 阿兹班亡语】是序位极高的亡魂诅咒,即便是九星魔导精灵也难以豁免。 But that Arctic fox cat immortal Has arctic fox mask that can replace it to withstand exceptionally Attack! 但那只【白狐猫仙】却有着能代替它承受异常攻击的白狐面具! Does not need to look, Sarah knows that Azban Death Language Wasted. 根本不用去看,萨拉就知道那张【阿兹班亡语】是白费了。 She hidden enters God hidden fog After rushes fast Cat that returns from Underworld Direction. 她隐入【神隐之雾】后,就飞快奔向【从冥界归来的猫】的方向。 Then , the iron grey that drills from blood formation twists Shadow, then by that Arctic fox cat immortal Arctic fox mask attracts, drills into fiercely. 而后果然,从鲜血法阵之中钻出的灰白色扭曲影子,便被那【白狐猫仙】的白狐面具所吸引,猛地钻入其中。 Arctic fox mask sobbed in the pain, at this time again Azban Death Language Ghost curse, splits unexpectedly at the scene, crashes. 白狐面具本就在痛苦哭泣,此时再遭【阿兹班亡语】的亡魂诅咒,竟是当场裂开,坠落下来。 Arctic fox cat immortal Resembles has not thought completely own mask will break to pieces, is shocked unexpectedly same place. 【白狐猫仙】似是完全没有想到自己的面具会碎掉,竟在原地愣住了。 Garfield feels exceptionally, shouts out hastily. 加菲尔德感到异常,连忙呼喝。 That Arctic fox cat immortal Moved, but its action condition is obviously not as before. 那【白狐猫仙】才重新动了起来,但它的行动状态明显大不如前。 already eighth resurrecting Cat that returns from Underworld, Then in continually right Nine Lives Cat Demon Initiates Attack. 已经第八次复活的【从冥界归来的猫】,则是在持续对【九命猫妖】发起攻击 [ Nine Lives Cat DemonHas been ordered, to reduce output, then counter- quilt Cat that returns from Underworld Suppression. [九命猫妖】得到命令,减少了出力,便反被【从冥界归来的猫】压制。 Garfield rushes finally. 加菲尔德终于赶至。 He looked at one God hidden fog, Speaks immediately. 他看了一眼【神隐之雾】,立刻发话。 That Nine Lives Cat Demon Seizes the opportunity, a palm shoves open Cat that returns from Underworld, Is then fierce raised the head, opens mouth attracts crazily, unexpectedly that God hidden fog In one breath resorption mouth. 那【九命猫妖】抓住机会,一掌推开【从冥界归来的猫】,然后猛一抬头,张嘴狂吸,竟是将那【神隐之雾】一口气吸回口中。 God hidden fog Suddenly vanished, reveals hid Sarah. 【神隐之雾】突然消失,露出了藏身其中的萨拉 The Sarah exposition body, is attacked by the enemy on all sides, immediately falls into the hopeless situation. 萨拉暴露身位,四面受敌,顿时陷入绝境。 Deep cat!” “冥猫!” She drinks in a low voice lightly. 她低声轻喝。 Nurses!” “哺!” Cat that returns from Underworld Draws back to the front instantaneously, its protection. But it at best only then Eight Stars Magic Fairy Attribute intensity, even if oneself did not fear the death, but it sent in the gap that the tomb resurrected, made Garfield kill Sarah sufficiently repeatedly. 【从冥界归来的猫】瞬间退至面前,将其保护在后。但它充其量只有八星魔导精灵属性强度,即便自身不惧死亡,但它被送入墓地又复活的间隔,却足以让加菲尔德将萨拉杀死多次。 One lack the strength of self-preservation, is biggest disadvantage of Sarah in this Duel. 自身缺乏自保之力,就是萨拉在这场决斗之中的最大劣势。 Meanwhile, is Garfield's biggest advantage. 同时,也是加菲尔德的最大优势。 Garfield has not left behind too the time of ponder to her, after finding her position with Nine Lives Cat Demon Fans out in two groups, kills. Another side Arctic fox cat immortal Then places the mouth the tobacco pipe again, the inspiration aspirates, in that cigarette butt emits the white smoke cloud, after falling to the ground, then changes into two arctic foxes, throws fast. 加菲尔德没有给她留下太多思考的时间,在找到她的位置之后就与【九命猫妖】兵分两路,扑杀过来。另一边的【白狐猫仙】则再次将烟斗放在嘴边,吸气吐气,那烟头之中冒出白色烟云,落地之后便化为两只白狐,飞快扑来。 The corner of the eye of that two arctic fox spread the red makeup, the forehead had three flower petals, had three points of gorgeous unexpectedly. 那两只白狐的眼角涂了红妆,眉心有三片花瓣,竟有三分艳丽。 Sarah hides in the deep cat behind, in heart anxious, but on the face the expression is still self-confident 萨拉躲在冥猫身后,心中焦急,但脸上表情依旧自信 She meditates fast, Magic Fairy of pot shape then has in its side presently. 她飞快默念,一只壶状的魔导精灵便在其身边具现而出。 That is Three Stars Magic Fairy Ancient pot, Has Certain Kill Skill In pot buried treasure. 那是三星魔导精灵【古代壶】,拥有必杀技【壶中宝藏】。 In its pot has the treasure, when for offering sacrifices, can substitute two Three Stars Magic Fairy. 它的壶中藏有珍宝,用于献祭之时,可以替代两只三星魔导精灵 But in the Sarah hand card did not have Six Stars Magic Fairy this is she previously did not have Summon Ancient pot Primary cause. 萨拉的手卡之中并没有六星魔导精灵这是她此前一直没有召唤【古代壶】的主要原因。 But now Summon Ancient pot…… blustered that's all 而现在之所以召唤【古代壶】……只是虚张声势而已 So long as opposite party but therefore has hesitated, lets her successful migration to below first round, this Ancient pot The function plays. 只要对方因此而有所迟疑,让她成功过渡到下一回合,这【古代壶】的作用就起到了。 At this time distance next round already does not remain for several seconds, if not Cat that returns from Underworld Shadow entangles In Cooldown, she will not have offered this bad plan. 此时距离下一个回合已经不剩几秒,若非【从冥界归来的猫】的【影缠】还在CD,她也不会出此下策。 Since the first several rounds have not pulled out to Second Step Magic Fairy, then the next round extracts the Second Step Magic Fairy probability to be obviously bigger 而既然前几个回合都没有抽到第二阶梯魔导精灵,那么下一个回合抽出第二阶梯魔导精灵的概率显然会更大 Sarah estimates, while ordered fast. 萨拉一边估算,一边飞快下令。 That Cat that returns from Underworld Finally released final Certain Kill Skill Shadow tooth! 那【从冥界归来的猫】终于释放出了最后的必杀技【影牙】! Sees only its such as to execute dog huge Body to bend down slightly lowly, jet black Shadow then spreads from his under foot fast, is condensed the huge mouth that becomes by Shadow, then drills from Garfield's under foot suddenly, bites! 只见它那如獘犬般巨大的身躯微微低伏,漆黑的影子便从其脚下飞快蔓延,由影子凝聚而成的巨口,突然之间便从加菲尔德的脚下钻出,一口咬下! But then Garfield spread came already to have the response when Shadow, he jumped fast, evades Shadow tooth, Right hand Iron broken claw Reaches behind the back to grasp, from that Shadow tooth In illusory image a wisp. 但加菲尔德在影子蔓延而来之时便已经有了反应,他飞快跃起,躲过【影牙】,右手【铁碎爪】回手一抓,就从那【影牙】的幻影之中一缕而过。 Bad!” “糟!” Garfield suddenly one startled, then sees truly Shadow tooth From its under drills suddenly, bites its one! 加菲尔德猛然一惊,便看到真正的【影牙】从其正下方豁然钻出,将它一口咬住! Continue!” “继续!” Garfield shouted suddenly, then quilt Shadow tooth Bites the body, melts the light to vanish. 加菲尔德骤然喝道,便被【影牙】咬碎身体,化光消失。 But his Magic Fairy has been ordered, scruple continuation killing, has not actually killed the Sarah front slightly obviously in an instant. 但他的魔导精灵得到命令,却丝毫未显迟疑的继续扑杀,转眼扑杀到了萨拉的面前。 Looks!” Cat that returns from Underworld Reveals the fang toward it. But Nine Lives Cat Demon Disregarded its provocation completely, the four limbs made an effort, has leapt from its above, plunged Sarah directly. “瞄呜!”【从冥界归来的猫】朝着它露出獠牙。但【九命猫妖】根本无视了它的挑衅,四肢用力,就从其上方跃过,径直扑向萨拉 In the ancient times pot!” “古代壶!” Sarah drinks in a low voice lightly, that Ancient pot Then suddenly release ray. Nine Lives Cat Demon By that ray attraction, closely stared at the Sarah vision to twist the revolutions suddenly, stared attractive to that Ancient pot. 萨拉低声轻喝,那【古代壶】便突然释放光芒。【九命猫妖】被那光芒吸引,紧紧盯着萨拉的目光突然拧转,瞪向了那极具吸引力的【古代壶】。 Sarah moves to the flank, spreads out. 萨拉向侧方移动,拉开距离。 Cat that returns from Underworld Turns round to kill, bit Nine Lives Cat Demon Posterior crus. 【从冥界归来的猫】回身扑杀,一口咬中了【九命猫妖】的后脚。 That Nine Lives Cat Demon Was attracted to pay attention, after constrains, immediately loses the balance, from in the air pounds to fall. 那【九命猫妖】被吸引注意,又被从后拖住,顿时失去平衡,从空中砸落。 Another two arctic fox same quilts Ancient pot Suction the attention, toward Ancient pot . 另外两只白狐则同样被【古代壶】吸走注意,朝着【古代壶】扑去。 Substitute!” 替身!” Sarah drinks one lightly, finally heard a round of switch over ticktack sound. That Ancient pot In even by the instance of arctic fox killing, were put forth Certain Kill Skill suddenly, its figure becomes in that flash fuzzy, then the success splits up Substitute, oneself were flickers to transfer to rear area. 萨拉轻喝一声,终于听到了回合切换的嘀嗒声。那【古代壶】在即便被白狐扑杀的瞬间,突然使出必杀技,它的身形在那一瞬间变得模糊,便成功分化替身,自己则是瞬移到了后方。 Bang!” “砰!” Substitute just appeared, was cracked-up by the arctic fox. 替身刚刚出现,就被白狐撞碎。 Later walks Arctic fox cat immortal, Then is continues smoking like a chimney. More smog emit from that cigarette butt, in the in the air more product more, gradually condenses the huge beast shape. 稍后走来的【白狐猫仙】,则是继续“吞云吐雾”。更多的烟雾从那烟头之中冒出,在空中越积越多,逐渐凝聚成庞大的兽形。 Sarah confirmed fast two new Magic Card types, immediately extracts, Sacrificial Summon. 萨拉飞快确认了两张新魔导卡的种类,当即抽出其中一张,献祭召唤 Ancient pot Successfully won the time, the present is it displays the final split vision the time. 【古代壶】成功争取到了时间,现在是它发挥最后余光的时刻。 By Sarah “以萨拉 The name of Swati, Sacrificial Summon Cracken Colossus 斯瓦蒂之名,献祭召唤【克拉肯巨像 ! ! Ancient pot Certain Kill Skill In pot buried treasure Passive triggering, emits a lot of gold and jewelry. 【古代壶】的必杀技【壶中宝藏】被动触发,从中冒出大量的黄金与珠宝。 But later then is only left over an unusual brightness. 但随后便只剩下一片宝光。 It melts the light with the buried treasure together, outlined one huge Sacrificial Summon above the ground. 它与宝藏一起化光而起,在地面之上勾勒出了一个巨大的献祭召唤阵。 Indistinct, has the wind sound/rumor, sound of waves and sea tide sound to spread from that Summon. 隐隐约约,有风声、浪声、海潮之声从那召唤阵中传出。 The sea water seeps out immediately, the dark green full is the giant statue of seaweed, drills from the sea water. 海水随即渗出,墨绿色满是海藻的巨大石像,从海水之中钻出。 That is Colossus of overall square shape, but the crown is carving is actually the appearance of giant octopus, eight antennas stick to Colossus to let fall, the tip turns upwards merely, comes flatly and smoothly 那是整体方形的巨像,但顶部雕刻着的却是巨大章鱼的模样,八条触角紧贴巨像垂落,仅仅尖端翘起,平展开来 After Sarah sticks to Colossus, relaxes slightly. 萨拉紧贴巨像之后,稍稍松了口气。 This Cracken Colossus Although only has Six Stars, but has the full security sense. 这【克拉肯巨像】虽然只有六星,但却有着满满的安全感。 Some of her then leisures look to approach Tomb, Really sees Garfield just since Tomb In goes out. 她这才有余暇看向【墓地】,果然看到加菲尔德正从【墓地】之中走出。 But Duel had not finished. 决斗并未结束。 cat tail that his hidden throughout reveals after the buttocks, now also remains two to turn upwards high. 他那始终隐藏的猫尾从臀后露出,如今还剩两条高高翘起。 Garfield seems very calm, is extracting Magic Card from Duel Disk. Sarah 加菲尔德显得非常冷静,正从决斗盘中抽取魔导卡萨拉 present whirlwind Watty's hard to deal with makes him feel surprised, but in this Duel, he has the overwhelming superiority as before. 斯飚瓦蒂的难缠让他感到惊讶,但这场决斗之中,他依旧占据绝对优势。 With the name of Garfield, Magic Summon Fairy Trick It is not Magic Fairy, but is Magic Spell Card. “以加菲尔德之名,魔导召唤妖精诡计】并非魔导精灵,而是魔咒卡 Garfield walks toward the fight center, while chants in a low voice, that is the unusual song, along with God, because The played melody, is sending out joyfully, but strange aura. 加菲尔德一边朝着战斗中心走来,一边低声咏唱,那是与众不同的歌谣,伴随着【神因】奏响的旋律,散发着愉悦但诡异的气息 In the Sarah heart police trillion side health/life, then notices with Nine Lives Cat Demon Dogfight Cat that returns from Underworld Suddenly stopped the movement, above its forehead appeared the strange trace, turns around unexpectedly, an eye of reveal was rogue. 萨拉心中警兆方生,便注意到正与【九命猫妖】缠斗的【从冥界归来的猫】突然停止了动作,紧接着它的额头之上浮现出了诡异的纹路,竟是转过身来,目露凶恶。 That Fairy Trick, Can let the animal change ownership impressively control spell / curse! 那【妖精诡计】,赫然是能让动物改变归属的控制型魔咒! Sarah is not scruple, right Cracken Colossus The order said: Abyss curse!” 萨拉再不迟疑,对【克拉肯巨像】命令道:“深渊诅咒!” eyes of giant octopus opens, emits the scarlet blood light, since Cracken Colossus The bottom gushes out the black wave, is changed into the jet black abyss by the ground that the tide covers. 巨大章鱼的双眼睁开,冒出猩红血光,从【克拉肯巨像】的底部涌出黑色浪潮,被浪潮覆盖的地面化为漆黑深渊。 Two arctic foxes that first throws, sink to the abyss directly, an air bubble has not emitted, by abyss Devour. 最先扑来的两只白狐,直接沉入深渊,连个气泡都没冒出,就被深渊吞噬 Cracken Colossus In the eye the red light is more abundant, gushes out the black wave that more from its bottom is quicker, Agreement of house and death A chart covered under. 【克拉肯巨像】的眼中红光更盛,从其底部涌出的黑色浪潮更多更快,将【房屋与死亡之契】的阵图都掩盖在了下方。 After feeling the threat, Nine Lives Cat Demon The subconsciousness leaps backward, the back haunches up, to Cracken Colossus Sends out to roar. 感受到威胁之后的【九命猫妖】下意识向后一跃,背脊拱起,对着【克拉肯巨像】发出咆哮。 That roared, although fierce, actually planted inexplicably outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted feeling. But Nine Lives Cat Demon Although retreats, Cat that returns from Underworld Actually without this consciousness. 那咆哮虽然凶恶,却莫名有种“色厉内荏”的感觉。但【九命猫妖】虽然退去,【从冥界归来的猫】却没有这个意识。 Its quilt Fairy Trick The control, regards as the enemy Master, then pounces upon suddenly, foot treads into the abyss, if then steps into the swamp to be the same, to sinking. 它被【妖精诡计】操控,将主人视作敌人,便猛扑上来,一脚踏入深渊,便如踏入沼泽一般,向下沉去。 Moreover, that jet black abyss also sends out the intense attraction, making it lose the resistance consciousness , to continue to sink, finally by Devour completely. 不仅如此,那漆黑深渊还散发出强烈的吸引力,让它失去反抗意识,就那么继续下沉,最终被吞噬殆尽。 Tomb In, a wisp black light emits suddenly. 【墓地】之中,一缕黑光突然冒出。 Cat that returns from Underworld Reactivates unexpectedly again. 【从冥界归来的猫】竟是再次复活。 Garfield turns around suddenly, then sees the deep cat whole body Dark Qi winding of ninth resurrecting, the build just like the fierce tiger, sends out is as good Nine Lives Cat Demon aura. 加菲尔德猛然转身,便看到第九次复活的冥猫浑身黑气缠绕,体型犹如猛虎,散发出不逊于【九命猫妖】的气息 But that Cat that returns from Underworld Above the forehead, is actually retaining as before Fairy Trick Symbol. 但那【从冥界归来的猫】的额头之上,却依旧保留着【妖精诡计】的标志。 it not, because after dying, resurrects, but is separated from the control! At this moment, Garfield has a sudden enlightenment. 它并未因为死后复活而从操控之中脱离!这一刻,加菲尔德有所顿悟。 He is indelib, thinks Cat that returns from Underworld Resurrecting mechanism also and Nine Lives Cat Demon Same, until detects the issue at this moment finally. This lets in his heart wild with joy, grins to smile. 他先入为主,以为【从冥界归来的猫】的复活机制也与【九命猫妖】相同,直到此刻才终于察觉问题。这让他心中狂喜,不由咧嘴而笑。 After resurrecting, Cat that returns from Underworld Really toward its heart in enemy killing passed then, sank to the abyss again! 复活之后的【从冥界归来的猫】果然朝着它心中的“敌人”扑杀过去然后,再次沉入了深渊! Cracken Colossus Release Abyss curse It looks like never the satisfied gluttony, Greed Devour all the lifeform of astraying the abyss. 【克拉肯巨像】释放出的【深渊诅咒】就像是永不满足的饕餮,贪婪吞噬着所有误入深渊的生物。 Has the intense will lifeform to could work loose, but Cat that returns from Underworld Quilt Fairy Trick The control, only knows that charges into Sarah constantly, then only then by a Devour way. 拥有强烈意志的生物或许能够挣脱,但【从冥界归来的猫】被【妖精诡计】操控,只知道一味冲向萨拉,便只有被吞噬一途。 Moreover, even if it becomes because of the Secret Ritual effect powerful, but its essence as before is Three Stars Magic Fairy, does not have the premise of working loose. 而且,即便它因为秘仪效果而变得强大,但其本质依旧是三星魔导精灵,并不具备挣脱的前提。 However Garfield regarding this and does not care, that is only deep the cat, so long as can attract the Sarah attention unceasingly on the line. 不过加菲尔德对此并不在意,那只冥猫只要能不断吸引萨拉的注意力就行。 Abyss while protecting Sarah, limited the movement of Sarah. She was stranded in the abyss center similarly. 深渊在保护萨拉的同时,也限制了萨拉的移动。她同样被困在了深渊中心。 Her already turned into a target! 已经变成了一个靶子! Since likes tying up, that do not blame me.” “既然喜欢自缚,那就别怪我了。” Garfield vision flashes, to Nine Lives Cat Demon Issues the order. Nine Lives Cat Demon Receives the order, immediately displays Certain Kill Skill Life jade! 加菲尔德目光一闪,对着【九命猫妖】发出命令。【九命猫妖】接到命令,立刻施展必杀技【命玉】! Sees only fiercely its exudes one to shout, under From head to toe emits the red light immediately. That red light gathers toward the end, finally condenses above a tail 只见它猛的发出一声嘶吼,浑身上下顿时冒出红光。那红光朝着尾部聚集,最终凝聚在其中一条尾巴之上 When red light as intense as limit, that tail then separates suddenly, changes into the hot jade in the red light, saves the energy unceasingly. 当红光强烈到极限,那条尾巴便突然断开,在红光之中化为火玉,不断积蓄能量。 Since the close combat is not good, then on long-distance! 既然近战不行,那就远程! Nine Lives Cat Demon Long-distance Certain Kill Skill, although must take a life as the price, but Nine Lives Cat Demon Eight lives, by present situation, enough use. 九命猫妖】恰好有一个远程必杀技,虽然要以一条生命为代价,但【九命猫妖】还有八条命,以现状来看,足够使用。 Meanwhile, Arctic fox cat immortal Also the already success released Certain Kill Skill cloud Mao. 与此同时,【白狐猫仙】也已经成功释放出了必杀技【云猫】。 That is gathers by the mist, such as hill huge giant white cat. 那是由云烟汇聚而成的,如小山般庞大的巨大白猫。 Arctic fox cat immortal Lifts the tobacco pipe, forward a finger/refers, that cloud Mao Then foot treads the smoke cloud, from in the air kicks out. 【白狐猫仙】抬起烟斗,向前一指,那只【云猫】便脚踏烟云,从空中扑出。 When it steps into the abyss range, although also has is attracted, but it is in in the air, has not touched the abyss, that attraction and being insufficient make it crash. 当它踏入深渊范围,虽然也有受到吸引,但它身在空中,并未触及深渊,那吸引力并不足以使其坠落。 Cracken!” “克拉肯!” Sarah orders instantly. 萨拉即刻命令。 Cracken Colossus The whole body braves the light, immediately then the octopus tentacle that is covered with the sucker in projects from abyss fast. 【克拉肯巨像】的浑身冒光,顿时便有一条长满吸盘的章鱼触手从“深渊”之中飞快射出。 That octopus tentacle is thick and long, is quite terrifying. 那章鱼触手又粗又长,极为恐怖。 But it just entangled cloud Mao, Was decomposed by the cat claw, changes into the fragment crash abyss. 但它刚刚缠上【云猫】,就被猫爪分解,化为碎块坠落深渊。
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