TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #11

#1004: My Summon my fist assumes Attack to express 4 k

From splitting the brilliance that in the sky releases illuminated entire Mountain of the Myriad Gods 从裂开的天空之中释放出的光辉照亮了整座众神之山 The great shape is common just like the siphon, dense fog resorption within the body that oneself will release year after year. 巨象宛若虹吸一般,将自己积年累月释放出去的迷雾吸回体内。 Innumerable monster on Mountain of the Myriad Gods, thorough exposition, in that flaminged under the bright brilliance. 众神之山上的无数魔物,彻底的暴露在了那炽亮的光辉之下。 Only has that to lead to Heaven High point, as before dense fog numerous, sign that has not eliminated slightly. 唯有那座通往【天庭】的最高峰,依旧迷雾重重,丝毫没有消去的迹象。 That great whale found out half-length, conducted the back cave entrance from the lair replaced the great shape, the turnover the dense fog. 那头巨鲸从巢穴之中探出半身,背上的洞口取代了巨象,吞吐着迷雾。 The cry of cry and great shape of great whale delivers to echo in Mountain of the Myriad Gods. In Mountain of the Myriad Gods, all demon beast besides them, bends down the lower part of the body, no longer dares to make the tiny bit sound. 巨鲸的叫声与巨象的叫声在众神之山上交相呼应。众神之山中,除了它们之外的所有魔兽,都伏下身来,不再敢发出一丝一毫的声音。 The Human team also stops on the road to mountain, is observing accidents above the god discretely. 人类的队伍也在离山的路上停下,谨慎的观察着众神之上的变故。 Allium chinense ceremony must end, must start.” Headmaster Arte raised the head, tone assured saying. “薤仪式要结束了,也要开始了。”阿尔忒校长抬起头,语气笃定的说道。 Then from splitting the brilliance that in the sky releases leaves with them Heaven When the final light that sees, has completely same aura. 那从裂开的天空之中释放出的光辉与他们离开【天庭】之时看到的最后的光,有着完全相同的气息 That back light/only, yes Heaven, Is God, will soon expand and Shintoism/Divine Dao ceremony of the whole world! 那光的背后,是【天庭】,是天神,是即将扩及整个世界的神道仪式! In sky reappearing phenomenon. 天空之中浮现异象。 The prerequisite ceremony successful skid that Hermes carries out the whole world, the Shintoism/Divine Dao ceremony started officially! 赫尔墨斯执行的前置仪式成功的撬动了整个世界,神道仪式正式开启! From starts at this moment, each was integrated law Duelist is the participant of ceremony, every in Duel that under law will open is a ceremony. 从此时此刻开始,每一个被纳入规则决斗者都是仪式的参与者,每一场在规则之下开启的决斗都将是一场仪式。 Witnessed people of this great moment, suddenly then had a specially unusual feeling. 见证了这一伟大时刻的人们,忽然之间便生出了一种特别异常的感觉。 Looks up again. 再抬头去看。 As if the whole sky, changed. 就仿佛整片天空,都变了。 The phenomenon of sky has not continued is too long. 天空的异象并没有持续太久。 As the crack gradually heals, dissipates brilliance, the sky restored jet black 随着裂缝逐渐愈合,光辉随之消逝,天空恢复了漆黑 But the dense fog that on Mountain of the Myriad Gods vanishes, actually did not come back again. Lost dense fog blocking monster completely to expose under everyone's nose 众神之山上消失的迷雾,却再也回不来了。失去了迷雾遮挡的魔物彻底暴露在所有人的眼皮底下 Without them of dense fog, did not have the security sense. 没有了迷雾的它们,也没有了安全感。 The demon beast rebellion is about to begin! 魔兽的暴动在即! Roar “吼 Has ambushed in surrounding monster in groups sends out to roar fiercely. Divergence of dense fog exposed their trail. 早已潜伏在周围的成群魔物猛地发出咆哮。迷雾的散去暴露了它们的踪迹。 Let the sneak attack that they think oneself clever lose the significance. But will therefore not terminate to hunting and killing of Human. As the great shape returned to normal with the cry of great whale. 让它们自以为得计的偷袭失去了意义。但对人类的猎杀并不会因此而终止。随着巨象与巨鲸的叫声恢复了平静。 monster in groups the teams swooped toward Darke and the others. 成群的魔物达克等人的队伍飞扑了过去。 Then was restored the field of vision, restores the sensation Mages Large expanse to explode kills! Without the dense fog, was equal to losing the biggest protective umbrella. 然后被恢复视野,恢复感知的魔导师们成片爆杀!没有了迷雾,就等于失去了最大的保护伞。 When they also think oneself as before are the hunter, the offense and defense has actually transformed! 当它们还以为自己依旧是猎手的时候,攻守却早已转换! The oppression of when Human Mages vented is walking into the mountain to leave behind, unceasing Summon had/left High Star Magic Fairy and high-grade Magic Card, not only there is the roar and an explosive sound resounds, constantly advanced toward the mountain outside. 人类魔导师们发泄着进山时留下的憋闷,不断的召唤高星魔导精灵高等级魔法卡,不但有吼声与爆炸声一路响起,朝着山外不断推进。 The soldiers harvest the material that demon beast is leaving behind methodically, vehicle class Magic Fairy that temporarily Summon has presented the hill of piling in heaps quickly. 战士们有条不紊的收割着魔兽留下的素材,临时召唤出的载具类魔导精灵很快出现了成堆的小山。 Does not need to be worried about the front unknown, does not need to be worried that the successor is incapable. This type made Mages excited comfortably. 不用担心前方未知,也不用担心后继无力。这种舒爽让魔导师们兴奋了起来。 But after a strongest wave erupts, this/should withering must wither. The team re-entered the condition of steady advance. 但当最强的一波爆发之后,该萎的还是要萎。队伍重新进入了平稳前进的状态。 However already had many demon beast to be attracted, pursued the rear area of team to shout unceasingly. 不过已经有更多的魔兽被吸引了过来,追着队伍的后方不断嘶吼。 These demon beast were used to the dense fog weather, after the dense fog diverges still did not adapt, but to them, the field of vision and sensation also obtained the eruption -type growth, after removing is anxious, will be naturally excited. 这些魔兽习惯了迷雾天气,当迷雾散去之后尚不适应,但对它们来说,视野与感知也都得到了爆发式的增长,排除不安之后自然也会兴奋起来。 But originally because of dense fog but enough will not hit in same place demon beast, slaughters after the collision. 而原本因迷雾足够而不会撞在一起的魔兽,也在碰撞之后厮杀起来。 Divergence of dense fog causes the territory expansion that demon beast may occupy. They need to redistribute the territory. 迷雾的散去使得魔兽们可占据的领地扩张。它们需要重新分配领地。 Mountain of the Myriad Gods, everywhere was the music of beast roar and death instrumental ensemble. But that great shape, then moved toward slowly left leeway the high point of dense fog only, then emitted in the surroundings of that mountain peak the dense fog, perched. 众神之山,到处都是兽吼与死亡合奏的乐曲。而那座巨象,则是缓缓走向了唯一留有迷雾的最高峰,然后在那座山峰的周围重新喷吐出迷雾,随之栖息。 Outside the mountain, has sounded the warning stationed in nearby northern regiment. Northern Duke Ted · Nourse arrives at the frontline, sends out the scout to investigate in the mountain unceasingly the situation. 山外,驻扎在附近的北地军团早已拉响警报。北地公爵泰德·诺斯亲临前线,不断的派出探子探查山内情况。 The Mountain of the Myriad Gods mutation news such as the wind spreads to the ears of major influences generally. Waited for Holy Church outside mountain, Elf Race, Duke's Mansion and St. Marian Academy influence also moved in abundance. 众神之山的异变消息如风一般传入各大势力的耳中。等在山外的圣教精灵族公爵府圣玛丽安学院的势力也都纷纷动了起来。 When Darke and the others kill from the demon beast group, army already of all influence waits in the foot gravely. 等到达克等人从魔兽群中杀出之时,各方势力的部队已经在山脚严正以待。 Northern Duke sits above Wyvern high, when saw in the crowd 【The tiger of north wind After · Nourse's form, this relaxing of slightly. 北地公爵高坐飞龙之上,待在人群之中看到了【北风之虎】加文·诺斯的身影之后,这才稍稍的松了口气。 Then he puts on a serious face rapidly, sends people to raise to see him Count · Nourse. 然后他迅速板起脸,派人去将加文·诺斯伯爵提上来见他。 Other all parties influence has not given him the face the duty, the people after arriving at the foot then naturally separate, returns to the camp of respective camp respectively. 其余各方势力则没有给他面子的义务,众人在到山脚之后便自然分开,各自返回各自阵营的营地。 Beira meter · Artemis High Priest before leaving longing held Aurora, Lucia · Artemis, picked Nepali · Burns and Isaiah · Lochiel also waved to say goodbye toward Darke and the others. 贝拉·阿特密斯大祭司在临走前恋恋不舍的抱了抱欧若拉,露西娅·阿特密斯、采尼·伯恩斯和艾赛亚·罗吉尔也都朝着达克等人挥手道别。 Later they will also meet again one time in this foot, but was not tonight. Just had/left Mountain of the Myriad Gods that moment, before piled up the craziness of a long time weary then child to well up altogether. 之后他们还会在这山脚重聚一次,但不是今晚了。刚出众神之山的那一刻,之前积压已久的疲倦便一股脑子的狂涌上来。 Even Headmaster Arte cannot exempt. 就算阿尔忒校长也不能豁免。 She in Heaven In plays chess with Hermes, although superficial serene, but that hidden in the heart deep place anxious, only then faces directly the God person to be able to feel. 她在【天庭】之中与赫尔墨斯对弈,虽然表面风轻云淡,但那隐藏在内心深处的紧张只有直面过天神的人才能感觉得到。 Professor Sylph and Beira meter · Artemis High Priest and Sabrina · Melville Bishop merely is the participation final discussion link, was carved the tremendous pressure that shoulders to wear and tear exhausted on already that time. 希尔芙教授贝拉·阿特密斯大祭司和萨布丽娜·梅尔维尔主教仅仅是参与最后的商谈环节,就已经被那时刻背负的巨大压力磨耗得精疲力尽。 But after has contacted truly, in their hearts to becoming Covet of god, then even more surged upward. 但在真正接触过之后,她们心中对成神的渴望,便越发的高涨了。 Only then stood in the same strip level line, did not need to look up at the gods. Each of them's frame of mind is extremely high, once found the opportunity, is impossible to endure to continue this feeling. 只有站到了同一条水平线上,才不用仰视神明。她们每个人的心气都极高,一旦找到机会,绝不可能忍受继续这种感觉。 St. Marian Academy, is appointing Markus 圣玛丽安学院这边,在指派马库斯 After north Langdon brings the person assists regiment Defense demon beast, fast returned to the camp. 兰登带人协助北地军团防御魔兽之后,也都飞快的返回了营地之中。 Denny 丹妮 Sophie called to grasp rapidly Mutual Sensitivity Technique One of twins, with waits for the person connection of news in Duke's Mansion directly. 索菲迅速的召来了掌握有【灵犀术】的双胞胎之一,直接与在公爵府等候消息的人连线。 Soon, Alvitr and Claire appeared during the projection. At this time already zero point, but Alvitr and Claire also in work condition, two people look serious sits, faced directly the dialogue with here Headmaster Arte and the others. 不久之后,亚尔薇特克莱尔就出现在了投影之中。此时已经过了零点,但亚尔薇特克莱尔都还在办公状态,两人神色严肃的坐下来,与这边的阿尔忒校长等人直面对话。 Although Darke also, but the basic business has the Ollie transmission then. Alvitr after the projection connection, first seeks for the Darke form, continuously after seeing the treasure is safe and sound, this calms down in a flash, asked about the Headmaster Arte situation. 达克虽然也在,但基本事务有奥莉传达即可。亚尔薇特在投影连通之后,第一时间寻找达克的身影,一直在看到宝贝安然无恙之后,这才一瞬间定下神来,询问阿尔忒校长的情况。 Headmaster Arte teased, but Alvitr was saying naturally Headmaster can only certainly arrange after the treasure. 阿尔忒校长对此一阵调侃,但亚尔薇特只是理所当然的说着校长当然只能排在宝贝之后。 Helpless Headmaster Arte shakes the head, then crosses the cause process directly, suddenly the final outcome of this event, said in the way of relatively easy understanding. 阿尔忒校长无奈摇头,然后直接越过起因经过,忽然就将这一次事件的最终结果,以相对容易理解的方式说了出来。 When her voice falls, in Royal Capital Alvitr and the others, then instantaneous silent. 待她话音落下,远在王都亚尔薇特等人,便都瞬间沉默了下来。 Crossed well long time, Alvitr raised the head saying: Said again.” Therefore Headmaster Arte, before real omitting a single word repeated words. 过了好半晌,亚尔薇特才抬头道:“再说一遍。”于是阿尔忒校长,就真的一字不漏的重复了一遍之前的话。 Alvitr covers the head suddenly, a headache. 亚尔薇特猛然捂住脑袋,一阵头疼。 Although Headmaster Arte only said the result, but her instinct realized that this is a matter that is led by it. 阿尔忒校长虽然只说了结果,但她本能的意识到这是一件由其主导的事。 The cause of matter after leaving aside for the moment, the final result definitely satisfies hoping of Headmaster Arte. 事情的起因经过姑且不谈,最后的结果肯定是满足阿尔忒校长的期许的。 With their generation of students words in secret is, this old fogy must badly very! 用她们那一代学生们私下里的话来说就是,这老家伙坏得很! The whole world was chaotic!” “整个世界都要乱了!” This result eventually causes, is thorough shuffle of the world order! “这个结果最终导致的,就是世界秩序的彻底洗牌! Civilian, Aristocrat and Royal Family ; Poor people, rich people and rich and powerful family ; Individual, collective and national…… these original social class orders in front of stepping into Mage of Shintoism/Divine Dao, will lose the significance thoroughly.” 平民贵族王室;穷人、富人、豪门;个人、集体、国家……这些原有的阶级秩序在踏入神道的魔导师面前,都将彻底失去意义。” Disparity between gods and non- gods is too big, is not the position, the gap between rich and poor, the population disparity wait/etc can in comparison.” “神与非神之间的差距实在太大,不是身份地位、贫富差距、人数差距等等能够与之相比的。” Works as some people of to seal/confer God, individual mighty force then thorough steamroll all.” This is also the necessity that the gods recover.” “当有人封神,个人伟力便将彻底碾压一切。”“不过这也是神明复苏的必然。” Only can say that this operation, making Human have the qualifications to stand in the stage of history, rather than can only let the person to prey.” “只能说这一操作,让人类也有资格站在历史的舞台上,而不是只能任人鱼肉。” But the gods are not stupid, Magic Skill is not Human exclusive skill, it is the crystallization of knowledge, is skill that even Demon Race can involve. “但神明也并不愚蠢,魔导技术也并非是人类专属的技术,它本身是知识的结晶,是连魔族都能涉及的技术 In fact to War end, in Demon Race also already has the capable gentleman to start to contact Magic Skill, but the situation is absolute, they cannot study the achievement then to suffer a defeat and flee finally.” “事实上到战争末期,魔族之中也已经有贤能之士开始接触魔导技术,但大势不可违,它们最终没能研究出成果便已败亡。” Now the gods recover, does not remove the gods who has regains consciousness not to restore the strength merely, will step onto this to open up the future path.” “如今神明复苏,绝不排除有仅仅苏醒而并未恢复力量的神明,走上这条正在开创未来的道路。” Moreover big of the world, your my vision also can only touch this mainland, deep sea outside mainland, unknown land outside deep sea, will come under the influence of Shintoism/Divine Dao ceremony.” “而且世界之大,你我的目光也仅能触及这块大陆,在大陆之外的深海,深海之外的未知陆地,也都会受到神道仪式的影响。” Such being the case, your I also this/should whole-heartedly.” “既然如此,你我也该全力以赴了。” Although the Alvitr's complexion is still tranquil, but the vision deep place actually gradually emerges excitedly. 亚尔薇特的脸色虽然依旧平静,但目光深处却逐渐涌现兴奋。 War finished was too long, the Valkyrie spear/gun must rust! 战争结束实在太久了,女武神的枪都要生锈了! But is careful thinks, if left the mountain at this time, was equal to that what to do must stand with her Little Darling above the same stage , more is more excited! 但仔细一想,如果这时候出山,就等于是要和她的小心肝站在同一个舞台之上怎么办,越想越兴奋了! Calm, Alvitr.” “冷静点,亚尔薇特。” Claire fills reluctantly patted the Alvitr's shoulder, said. First listens to look how to cause this result.” 克莱尔充满无奈的拍了拍亚尔薇特的肩膀,说道。“先听听看是怎么导致这一结果的吧。” The Alvitr slight nod, then continues to look to Headmaster Arte. 亚尔薇特微微点头,便继续看向阿尔忒校长 But this time, Headmaster Arte is actually from beginning to end, goes to the Mountain of the Myriad Gods exploration to start to say under the direction of Stars Tower Tower Lord since her. 而这一次,阿尔忒校长却是从头到尾,从她在星辰塔塔主的指引下前往众神之山探索开始讲起。 That is Darke and the others, story detail that also has not known. Naturally, that is unimportant. 那是就连达克等人,也还并不知晓的故事细节。当然,那并不重要。 When said finally to Headmaster Arte, Aurora already and Nyx that was exhausted together by going off. 待到阿尔忒校长终于讲完,疲惫不堪的欧若拉已经妮克丝一起挨着睡去。 Darke enters in their hugging gently the room, then turns around to go to Room own, brings the clothes to go to the bathroom, oneself will soak in the hot water. 达克将她们两人轻轻的抱入房间内,便转身前往自己的,取来换洗衣物前往浴室,将自己浸泡在了热水之中。 He exchanges the block the towel, covers above the forehead, slowly close eyes blows off the thought. 他将毛巾折成方块,盖在额头之上,慢慢闭上眼睛放空思维。 After the moment, the ear heard the lithe sound of footsteps, was under the sound of water, on the shoulder had the soft touch. 片刻后,耳边传来了轻盈的脚步声,然后是下水声,肩上有了柔软的触感。 He has not opened Eye, as before is static is soaking. 他没有睁开眼睛,依旧是静静的泡着。 After the quarter of an hour, Darke bathes to change clothes under the Ollie clothing, enters the bedroom to go off. 一刻钟后,达克奥莉的服饰下沐浴更衣,进入卧室睡去。 After that wakes up again, then already was April 17 high noon. Darke wears the clothes, goes out of the room, Ollie already arranges to wash the tool. Foot situation how?” Darke asked. 此后再次醒来,便已经是四月17日的正午时分。达克穿上衣服,走出房间,奥莉已经备好洗漱工具。“山脚情况怎么样了?”达克问道。 Ollie helps him reorganize carefully is selecting chaotic hair, spoke thoughtlessly saying: „The army of northern place is useful, with the assistance of all influence, already the demon beast suppression of riot. However that is only demon beast of first batch of impact battlelines, following should have the second batch, and even are more.” 奥莉细心的帮他整理着挑乱的发丝,随口说道:“北地的军队还算有用,在各方势力的协助下,已经将暴乱的魔兽镇压。不过那只是第一批冲击阵线的魔兽,接下来应该还有第二批,乃至更多。” Matter that this does not have the means.” Darke said, „the Mountain of the Myriad Gods dense fog is not only the protection also limits. Is familiar with will rarely go out of the dense fog in demon beast that in the dense fog survives on own initiative. To them, inside and outside the dense fog is the complete two world. But now the dense fog is withdrawn forcefully, two world that were separated forcefully no longer have the difference, where that naturally has food to go to where. However when kills several batch again, was honest.” “这也是没办法的事。”达克说道,“众神之山的迷雾既是保护也是限制。习惯在迷雾之中生存的魔兽很少会主动走出迷雾。对它们来说,迷雾内外是完全两个世界。但现在迷雾被强行撤去,原本被强行分隔开的两个世界不再具有差别,那自然是哪里有食物就去哪里。不过等到再杀几批,也就老实了。” The Ollie nod said: We also think that like this, therefore sent the manpower in camp.” 奥莉点头道:“我们也是这样想的,所以将营地里的人手都派了出去。” Darke said with a smile: Such good gains the opportunity of material to be rarely seen. The mansion elder sisters should really need these materials.” 达克笑道:“这么好的获取素材的机会可不多见。府里的姐姐们应该很需要这些素材吧。” Ollie said: „The qualities of these demon beast materials, although cannot compare the monster material that Academy Underground City enters the stage, but takes away to the sisters tries the hand, is appropriate.” 奥莉说道:“这些魔兽素材的质量虽然比不上学院地下城出场的魔物素材,但拿去给姐妹们试手,却正好合适。” Darke does not dare to sigh: Thinks each time, Duelist oneself really can being out pain beat the opponent personally, felt that the time really changed. Does my Summon my fist assume Attack to express? haha.” 达克不敢感叹:“每次想到,决斗者本人真能亲自下场痛殴对手了,就感到时代真的变了。我召唤我的拳头呈攻击表示?哈哈。” Ollie cannot bear the smile say: Actually I anticipated very much.” Darke smiles: Who not?” 奥莉忍不住微笑道:“其实我很期待。”达克不禁一笑:“谁不是呢?” Two people laugh immediately. 两人随即笑成一团。 What is smiling?” Aurora pushes the door to enter. “在笑什么呢?”欧若拉推门而入。 Darke looks at she was hanging behind Nyx, said: I am thinking, your Giant Lineage also had the opportunity finally.” 达克看了一眼她身后吊着的妮克丝,说道:“我在想,你的巨人血统也终于有用武之地了。” Aurora look one embarrassed, wants saying that others are not will hit the barbaric woman of person with the fist, but thinks, possibly really must hit the person with the fist, cannot help but cannot speak. 欧若拉神色一窘,想说人家才不是会用拳头打人的野蛮女人,但一想到之后可能真的要用拳头打人了,就不由得说不出话来。 A Darke topic revolution, said: Has thought that how to transmit this matter with Aunt Suna?” 达克话题一转,说道:“有没有想过,怎么和苏娜阿姨传达这件事?” Aurora thinks, said: Must participate.” Also yes.” The Darke nod said, north wants to depend upon Fred to slice for the turning point, City of Freedom is naturally more entitled. After the time and place when forms an alliance confirmed that also called Aunt Suna.” 欧若拉想了想,说道:“总要参与一下的。”“也是。”达克点头道,“就连北地都想依靠弗瑞德为契机分一杯羹,自由之都自然更有资格。等到结盟的时间与地点确认之后,就把苏娜阿姨也叫来吧。” Aurora is joyful: Good.” 欧若拉欣喜道:“好。” Three people go to Dining Hall to have the lunch immediately. 三人随即前往餐厅共进午餐。 When arrives at Dining Hall to them, other person already wait for in the table. After, the vigor of people obviously good. 待到他们来到餐厅时,其余人都已经在餐桌边等待。一宿过后,众人的精气神明显都好了起来。 At this time also chatted, was quite relaxed. 此时也是说说笑笑,颇为轻松。 When also sits down to Darke, Kris then arrives his behind, whisper: already arranged, temporarily the conference decides at 7 : 00 pm. Queen Elf/Fairy and Pope will catch up.” 待到达克也坐下,克丽丝便走到他的身后,耳语道:“已经定好了,临时会议定在今晚七点。精灵女王和教皇本人都会赶来。” Darke is not surprised: Is also decisive.” 达克并不惊讶:“也算果断。” Because was on intimate terms in the afternoon, therefore renewed sadly late(.】 【因为下午又去相亲了,所以更新晚了(悲。】
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