TM :: Volume #4

#332: Succubus Priest

Your boy very has the boundary actually, which stranger if casual to want us to resurrect, that Priest Spell Slot anything did not need to do.” Lei An spits the mortise, „can the relatives and friends who looks at the opposite party before the resurrecting time limits, collects the pricetag.” “你小子倒是挺有境界,要是随便哪个陌生人都要我们复活,那牧师法术位什么都不用干了。”雷安吐槽道,“看对方的亲朋好友能不能在复活时间限制前,凑齐价码吧。” Regarding Earth, the death was the disposable not irrecoverable judgement. 对于地球来说,死亡是一次性无法挽回的裁决。 However regarding Arthur, the death was actually only the stopover station of life. Only if even the soul also annihilates together, otherwise always has resurrecting the opportunity. 然而对于亚瑟来说,死亡却只是人生的一个中转站而已。除非连灵魂也一同湮灭,否则就始终存在着复活的机会。 Lei An actually detected that Zhao Xu suggested his eyes, this notices nearby Elliton the eyes to be red. 只是雷安却发觉赵旭暗示了他一眼,这才注意到一旁的埃利顿已经双眼通红。 This boy what background?” Lei An asked. “这小子啥来路?”雷安不由问道。 „When I today goes to civilian post school to hold the post of the teachership a student, wants to let him, when I assistant in school. Originally is to make him follow I to come Peter here family visit, who knows that came across this matter.” Zhao Xu said. “我今天去‘文职学院’担任教职时遇到的一个学员,想让他当我在学校的助手。本来是让他跟着我来‘彼得’这里家访的,谁知道遇到了这种事情。”赵旭说道。 „Is boy, what surnamed?” Lei An is asking to Elliton directly. “小子,姓啥?”雷安直接对着埃利顿问道。 Basically the civilians do not have specially the civilian post school that the opportunity enters creates the official business talent, therefore he asks that the surname can guess 7788 the background. 基本上平民也没机会进专门培养公务人才的文职学院,所以他问问姓氏就能把来路猜得七七八八。 Elliton then notices the inquiry of Lei An, facing powerhouse who this will soon break through the legend, making his whole person cannot help but retrocede one step, having the trembling tone saying: Kohl Elliton.” 埃利顿这才注意到雷安的提问,面对这位即将突破传奇的强者,让他整个人都不由得后退一步,带着颤微的语气说道:“科尔埃利顿。” Lei An hears this saying, immediately knits the brows, has the strange tone: In city North Carolina piece territory's Kohl family?” 雷安听到这话,顿时皱了皱眉,带着奇怪的语气:“城里北卡片域的科尔家族?” Elliton has not thought that Lei An responded immediately, the whole person lowers the head saying: Right.” 埃利顿没想到雷安马上就反应了过来,整个人低着头说道:“没错。” Lei An patted shoulder that pats Zhao Xu, vision is good.” 雷安则是轻拍了拍赵旭的肩膀,“眼光不错。” Immediately he looks to Elliton, matter that you also took revenge back then?” 随即他望向埃利顿,“你还想当年复仇的事情?” Zhao Xu one hear has strange immediately. 赵旭一听顿时心生奇怪。 At this time everyone was waiting for that mysterious Mage to interrogate and torture that Peter, as well as Priest are purifying the house, can only chat here. 这时大家都在等待着那位神秘的法师拷问那“彼得”,以及牧师们在净化着房屋,只能够在这里闲聊着。 Properly speaking, the Elliton family can make Lei An have hearing, perhaps the itself position is not low. 按理说,埃利顿的家族能够让雷安都有耳闻,恐怕本身地位就不低。 Their orphan widowed mothers can live, places the Mistral not grabbed words, natural family property anything retains completely. 他们孤儿寡母能够活下来,身处密斯特拉也不是被劫掠的话,自然家产什么都完整保留。 The Elliton mother completely has the person who enough capital resurrected dead. 埃利顿的母亲完全有足够的资本去复活死去的人。 But resurrecting Magic Arts/Spell had elegantly to the death time. 而复活法术本身对死亡时间是有考究的。 Rank 5 Raise Dead, according to the day calculates. 五环的“死者复活”,是按天来计算。 Caster level many levels can resurrect many days ago person who died. According to the Arthur's normal state, so long as over ten come for 20 days, basically does not need to consider that collects the effect with this Magic Arts/Spell, only if adopted the special method to delay to the corpse at that time. 施法者等级多少级就能复活多少天前死亡的人。按照亚瑟的常态,只要超过十来二十天,基本上就不用考虑用这个法术来凑效,除非当时对尸体采取特殊的手段进行延缓。 However what perhaps in the past that person of using is namely dead Magic Arts/Spell, such Rank 5 Raise Dead it will not collect the effect. 但是恐怕当年那人用的是即死法术,这样五环的“死者复活”本身就不会凑效。 But Rank 7 Resurrection Spell, the resurrecting time span calculates by each Caster level for 10 years, therefore definitely satisfies. 七环的“复生术”,复活时间跨度则是以每施法者等级十年来计算,所以肯定是满足的。 The materials of value 10,000 gold coins, the person many probably must have a headache, but essential 12 individuals, the Kohl family can withstand merely absolutely. 价值一万金币的施法材料,人多或许还要头疼,但是仅仅关键的一两个人,科尔家族是绝对可以承受的。 At this time Zhao Xu looked to Lei An, the look that threw the question, actually saw that he shakes the head slightly, said in the lip language: Has no way to resurrect. 这时赵旭望向了雷安,投去疑问的眼神,却看到他稍稍摇了摇头,用唇语说道:“没法复活”。 Zhao Xu the whole person was immediately silent. 赵旭顿时整个人都沉默了下来。 He had realized that past years's that case, the absolute back involved much, otherwise Lei An was insufficient is so clear. 他已经意识到当年的那个案件,绝对背后牵扯不少,否则雷安不至于这么清楚。 At this moment, that place by the region that „the demon Duncan secret room Magic Arts/Spell covers up, starts to diverge the original dark thick fog, the instantaneous entire field of vision is vast. 就在这时,那处被“魔邓肯密室”法术遮掩住的区域,开始散去原本的黑暗浓雾,瞬间整个视野辽阔起来。 That Peter whole person dispirited is incomparable, falls down, completely lost the appearance of consciousness. 彼得整个人都萎靡无比,倒在地上,完全失去了意识的样子。 But Mage that is responsible for interrogating and torturing is actually the serious appearance walks, at this time he looks at Lei An to start to speak but hesitate. 而那负责拷问的法师却是一脸严肃的模样走过来,这时他看着雷安欲言又止。 Lei An swept the surroundings lightly, said: Without security regulation said that peripheral region already prepare guard ascertainment method.” 雷安轻扫了周围,说道:“没有保密条例的就说呗,更外围区域已经布置好防范探知手段了。” The complexion brings the middle-aged Mage complexion sinister and vicious of scar of knife wound, reveals saying: Is Succubus to the transformed ceremony that boy teaches, gave back to his corresponding ceremony raft.” 脸色带着刀疤的中年法师脸色阴鸷,吐露道:“是一个魅魔向那小子传授的转化仪式,还给了他相应的仪式关键物品。” Heard this saying, the Lei An complexion sank at the scene. 听到这话,雷安脸色当场沉了下来。 Was submerged Mistral to make this matter by Succubus, can say they Rose Cross the face must be hit to be swollen. 被一位魅魔潜入密斯特拉做出这种事情,可以说他们“玫瑰十字”的脸都要被打肿了。 Race transformation ceremony is always one of the Arthur most dangerous one ceremonies. “种族转化仪式”向来是亚瑟最为危险的一种仪式之一。 Many people rather choose safer Magic Arts/Spell to realize, avoids using that ceremony. 很多人宁可选择更为安全的法术去实现,都避免采用那种仪式。 If the ceremony transfers Elf this parallel species good. 如果仪式本身是把人转为精灵这种平行物种的还好。 If transforms into the powerful race, especially that inborn bringing challenges the level appraisal the race, the material of ceremony already the price not poor, let alone complexity. 如果是转变为强力种族,尤其那种天生自带挑战等级评价的种族,仪式的材料就已经代价不菲,更别说本身的复杂性。 But increases the template, such as half Heaven lifeform and Half-fiend these, retained some original characteristics essentially, does not calculate that completely changes the race, the principle and ceremony that but also involves are quite numerous and diverse. 而增加模板,诸如“半天界生物”、“半炼狱生物”这些,本质上还保留了部分原有的特性,不算完全改变种族,但是同样涉及的原理以及仪式都极为繁杂。 Looks spurn Half-fiend, if real letting loose, did not say that close to the effect of eternal life, the light is the attribute and resistant ability that it promotes, will make the innumerable evil people go after like ducks. 看着被人唾弃的“半炼狱生物”,如果真的放开的话,不说那本身就接近永生的效果,光是本身提升的属性以及抗性能力,都会让无数恶徒趋之若鹜。 Succubus?” Zhao Xu is also thinking deeply about the back significance. 魅魔?”赵旭也思索着背后的意义。 Because Succubus its has Transfomation ability, frequently transforms for the appearance of misery young girl, entices male who runs into, through causing the favorable impression of opposite party, then uses can derive the life energy poisonous kiss. 魅魔本身因为其具有“变形”能力,常常幻化为苦难少女的模样,勾引所遇到的男性,通过引起对方的好感靠近后,再使用出能够汲取生命能量的“毒吻”。 Even if therefore Succubus of least significant end challenges level to only have level 7, their fame are still as good challenge the level level 20 Barlow flame demon. 因此哪怕最低端的魅魔挑战等级只有7级,它们本身的名气依旧不亚于挑战等级20级的巴洛炎魔。 Is powerful Succubus that has Priest level, according to opposite party's description, I suspected that the strength has been close to the legend.” The scar of knife wound Mage supplement said. “是一只具有牧师等级的强大魅魔,按照对方的描述,我怀疑本身实力已经接近传奇了。”刀疤法师补充说道。 At this time the entire team as if met the cold air to be common, even if most powerful Lei An, deeply frowned as before. 这时整个队伍仿佛遇到了冷空气一般,哪怕是最为强大的雷安,依旧眉头紧锁。 Mister, what is this?” Elliton at this time quietly to asking. “先生,这是什么意思?”埃利顿这时悄然对着问道。 After Zhao Xu thought next, using the opposite party to understand that the language answered, „a promotion social class of Demon clan, was seeks to become more powerful type Demon frequently, for example Barlow flame demon was most Demon level goals finally. Again bad, they also promote oneself Hit Dice quantity, strengthens itself.” 赵旭思索了下后,用着对方能够理解语言解释道,“恶魔一族的晋升阶级,常常是寻求变为更为强大的种类的恶魔,比如‘巴洛炎魔’就是绝大多数恶魔的终级目标。再不济,它们也是提升自己的生命骰数量,来强化自己。” However also a very rare improvement way, holds concurrent jobs. As long as the monster can obtain Class like our foundation race, will be very thorny. But has Priest level Succubus is so, where because you do not know her details.” “而其中还有一种很罕见的提升途径,就是进行兼职。但凡怪物可以像我们基础种族得到职业,都会很棘手。而一位拥有牧师等级的‘魅魔’就更是如此,因为你不知道她的底细在哪里。” Simultaneously a Demon clan also because of the particularity of its race. Even if really has Priest, that majority will aim at that several Abyss Demon king. To put it bluntly, hit was small, big.” “同时恶魔一族还因为其种族的特殊性。哪怕真的有牧师,那大部分都是会指向那几位深渊恶魔君王。说白了,就是打了小的,还有大的。” Without Elliton of concept also understood slightly at this moment, is perhaps is a hard stubble that this time they face, this also opposite party dares to alert the deep strict place to appear in Mistral this no wonder. 原本没有丝毫概念的埃利顿此刻也明白了过来,也就是这次他们面对的恐怕是一个硬茬子,这也难怪对方胆敢在密斯特拉这戒备深严的地方露头。 At this time Lei An also added that general Demon Lord did not have the qualifications to grant Divine Art(s), can give Divine Art(s) a quantity of palm of the hand. Moreover their Priest scopes will also rarely choose in the Demon ethnic group. This can also two unite, likely indicated that Succubus deeply must care.” 这时雷安也补充道,“一般的恶魔领主是没资格赐予神术的,能够给神术的不出一巴掌的数量。而且它们的牧师范围也很少会在恶魔族群中选择。就这样还能两相合一,就很可能表明那魅魔深得眷顾。” Lei An looked at the eye female on the scene at this time, lowers the sound to say specially: Said that does not permit the opposite party is some Demon Lord Monarch cohabitant, does not hate to let its become other Demon, deadlocked in the Succubus stage. Therefore that only Succubus is very likely Emissary.” 雷安这时瞄了眼在场的女性,特意压低声音说道:“说不准对方就是某位恶魔主君的姘头,不舍得让其变为其他恶魔,就锁死在魅魔阶段了。所以那只魅魔很有可能是‘选民’。” Hears the Lei An words, from chasing the spatial squad, to the squad member who he brings, is looking at him as if by prior agreement. 听到雷安的话,从逐空小队,到他带来的小队成员,都不约而同望着他。 These years, even if Mistral few Goddess of Magic Emissary appears. 这些年,哪怕是密斯特拉都没几个魔法女神选民出现的。 Initial several Emissary, now mostly also become from the candidate of god. 最初的几位选民,现在大多也成为了从神的人选。 That this to.” Scar of knife wound Mage that is responsible for interrogating and torturing said, according to the view of that boy, that Succubus likely hides now in the Sacred Heart Cathedral, tries to tempt the goddess practice Priest, draws in Abyss them.” “那这样就对的上了。”负责拷问的刀疤法师说道,“按照那小子的说法,那位魅魔很可能现在就潜藏在圣心大教堂的附近,试图引诱女神的见习牧师,将他们拖入深渊。” Really is brave.” “还真是胆大。” Even if Lei An merely is liaison officer of concurrent job Mage Association in goddess church, hears this saying unable to bear the fire get up, looks like the opposite party besides having enough Abyss Divine Power shield ascertainment, but also brings 1-2 minor artifact at least.” 哪怕雷安仅仅是兼职法师协会驻女神教会的联络官,听到这话都忍不住火起,“看来对方除了有足够深渊神力屏蔽探知之外,还起码带着1-2次神器了。” Zhao Xu hears this saying, nods. 赵旭听到这话,也是点点头。 Mistral close to the church and Mage Association place, True Seeing is not it can be said that overrated everywhere. 密斯特拉在靠近教会以及法师协会的地方,可以说是遍地“真知术”都不为过。 Also can resist world of mortals Magic Arts/Spell on the Divine Power method. 也就神力手段才能够抵挡住“凡间法术”。 Walks, we go to the church to search the bottom, found that really to gain.” Lei An the reveal tooth said with a smile at this time. “走吧,我们去教会探探底,找到了那就真的赚了。”雷安这时露齿笑道。 Elliton had not understood what is heard at this time, Lei An heard that Succubus possibly to be close to the legend, but also is a little ready in full battle array. 埃利顿这时没听明白,原本雷安听到那魅魔可能接近传奇,还有点严阵以待。 At this time how to hear the opposite party to appear near the church, is so full of enthusiasm? 怎么这时听到对方出现在教堂附近,就这么兴致勃勃? What is more strange, original by the spatial squad, looks at Lei An at this time eagerly. 更奇怪的是,原本的逐空小队,这时也是眼巴巴看着雷安 Make Lei An somewhat embarrassed, he opens the mouth saying: Resulted, elder brother your squad also follows, overcomes the hand in the surrounding.” 雷安都有些不好意思,他才开口道:“得了,哥达你们小队也跟上吧,就在外围打下手啊。” Zhao Xu was also drawing Elliton at this time, knows that the opposite party has not understood this positive result. 赵旭这时也拉着埃利顿,知道对方没明白这个名堂。 Walks, the church internal present is willing to set in three legends, you thought that like this we will arrest that Succubus also to have an accident in the surroundings?” “走吧,教堂内部现在肯定不下于三位传奇的,你觉得这样我们在周围缉捕那魅魔还会出事么?” In fact, they do not need to strive, so long as goes to inform this matter to there by them, then in the testimony surrounded and captured in that Succubus process to lend a hand on the line. 实际上,他们根本不用出力,只要去到那里由他们通知这件事,然后在见证围捕那魅魔的过程中搭把手就行了。 Such merit meets will be divided three points, this then by the reason that the spatial squad eyes were red. 这样功劳见面就会分三分,这便是逐空小队眼红的缘故了。 Therefore, grows in experience.” Zhao Xu said. “所以,去长长见识。”赵旭说道。 He also anticipates, before obtained the god of death godship fragment, has not actually brought in the real world for him changes slightly. Contacts Graz'zt from the beginning actually Divine Power, made in his real world synchronize the attribute. 他也期待起来,之前得到死神的神格碎片,却没有为他在现实世界带来丝毫异动。倒是一开始接触“格拉兹特”的神力,就让他现实世界里同步了属性。 Therefore he is also anticipating, has Abyss Divine Power Succubus to contact with that on. 因此他也期待着,与那身上具有深渊神力魅魔相接触。
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