TM :: Volume #4

#331: Promotes the support

Although by the spatial squad has not understood that Zhao Xu realized anything, but after hearing his instruction, quickly walks up, cannot attend to the blood stain on corpse, solve, shoulders outside lawn. 虽然逐空小队没明白赵旭意识到了什么,不过听到他的吩咐后,都急忙走上前去,也顾不得尸体上的血污,一具具解下来,扛到外面的草坪上。 Sees this Peter, at this time was also angry saying: „Are you doing, stops a bit faster.” 看到这一幕的彼得,这时也大怒道:“你在干什么,快点停下。” Decides by the spatial squad however does not pay attention to his protest , to continue to carry out own task. 只是逐空小队定然丝毫不理会他的抗议,继续执行着自己的任务。 Mister, what is this is making?” Elliton strange say/way. “先生,这是在做什么?”埃利顿奇怪道。 It‘s nothing, is I understands suddenly, eternal life matter actually regarding the opposite party is not the issue, since he does not hope on that throne, basically became Half-fiend at that time quickly.” Zhao Xu answered, that today's opposite party with own parents as the sacrificial offering, decided however is another request.” “没什么,就是我忽然明白过来,永生这件事其实对于对方已经不是问题了,既然他不愿上那奥法王座,也就基本上在那时就快成为半炼狱生物了。”赵旭解释道,“那今天对方用自己的父母作为祭品,就定然是另一种要求了。” Elliton hears the sacrificial offering two characters, is the whole body shakes, the instantaneous cold sweat emits. 埃利顿听到祭品二字,也是全身一震,瞬间冷汗冒出。 I guess, perhaps he wants to go a step further again, turns into true Demon. Making his family member also turn into Half-fiend.” At this time Zhao Xu is looking all around all around of living room. “我猜,他恐怕是想再进一步,变成真正的恶魔。或者,让他的家人也变成‘半炼狱生物’。”这时赵旭环顾着客厅的四周。 Basically all windows and doors have blocked with the plank, even can also see exorcises with the goods, such as replica Holy Symbol everywhere, a bottles of holy water pile up everywhere is. 基本上所有的门窗都已经用木板封死,甚至还能够看到一些驱邪用的物品,诸如满地的复制品圣徽,还有一瓶瓶的圣水堆放得到处都是。 Priest Brother also said after a sigh, it is estimated that was his parents wants to carry out to drive out the ceremony for him, making him become normal Human, but behind instead was actually killed by him, was too naive, unexpectedly also thinks that can solve this matter by own strength.” 牧师哥达也感叹道,“估计是他的父母想为他执行驱除仪式,让他变为正常的人类,可是后面却被他反杀了,正是太天真了,居然还以为凭借自己的力量就能够解决这种事情。” Right.” Zhao Xu is urging Elliton, sometimes, tries itself to solve a hole, will only make that hole more and more in a big way.” “没错。”赵旭叮嘱着埃利顿,“有时候,试图自己去解决一个窟窿,只会把那个窟窿弄得越来越大而已。” But Elliton is appears to understand but not really understand to nod. 埃利顿则是似懂非懂点了点头。 Cannot think, you can guess correctly this unexpectedly.” At this time was being fettered Peter stretch/open He have been growing the mouth of fang saying that „, regardless of you made anything, could not prevent my main will.” “想不到,你居然能够猜到这点。”这时被束缚着的彼得张合着自己已经长出獠牙的嘴巴说道,“无论你们做出什么,都阻挡不了吾主的意志。” Zhao Xu grasps the fist immediately, sighed on and other secretly this. 赵旭顿时一握拳头,暗叹就等你这句。 Promotes the control.” Zhao Xu shouts toward Priest Brother directly. “提级管控。”赵旭直接朝着牧师哥达喊道。 Peter never knows, he I lord two characters accidentally, exposed the big secret to Zhao Xu, makes Zhao Xu have the big assurance. 彼得永远不知道,他无意中“吾主”两个字,给赵旭暴露了多大的秘密,也让赵旭拥有多大的把握。 By the Abyss Demon king Graz'zt has harassed Zhao Xu, was planning that taking this opportunity, probes the Abyss will. 深渊恶魔君王“格拉兹特”骚扰过的赵旭,正打算借着这次机会,去试探一下深渊的意志。 Even if he merely is level 5 ordinary Mage, however he at this moment, in the mighty current of big time, has the qualifications to kick his stone, making the mighty current slightly such a change. 哪怕他仅仅是一个5级的普通法师,但是此刻的他,在大时代的洪流中,已经有资格踢动他身边的石头,让洪流稍稍这么一变。 What rank?” Priest Brother asked. “什么级别?”牧师哥达问道。 Their this squads, are most preliminary response rank blue color. 他们这支小队,是最低级的响应级别“蓝色”而已。 Also has yellow above this and green and even red rank, as for again above is not he is clear. 在此之上还有“黄色”、“绿色”乃至“红色”级别,至于再之上的就不是他所清楚的了。 Red.” Zhao Xu concludes to say directly, issued in the name of my.” “红色。”赵旭直接断定道,“用我的名义去发布。” This is also the strongest strength that senior supervisor can mobilize, this means the team that then supports, will have can display the Rank 9 Magic Arts/Spell powerhouse at least. 这也是“高级督察员”所能够调动的最强力量,这意味着接下来支援的队伍,会有起码能够施展九环法术的强者。 This rank in Rose Cross based in emergency response , is also very rare. 这种级别在玫瑰十字的常驻应急响应中,也是很稀有的。 After more than ten minutes, the ray of transmission technique flashes before on the lawn of garden together directly, Zhao Xu actually saw own old acquaintance Lei An Mage. 十余分钟后,一道传送术的光芒直接在花园的草地上闪现,赵旭却是看到了自己的老熟人“雷安法师 Your boy day ghost Lone Star?” After Lei An sees Zhao Xu , the ill-humored say/way, makes you hold a concurrent post of a teachership to contact the personnel of other classes, can this you bump into this ceremony?” “你小子天煞孤星吧?”雷安看到赵旭后没好气道,“让你兼任个教职接触一下其他阶层的人员,这你都能碰到这种仪式?” Lei An puts on simple Mage Robe, only has near the robe with nine concentric circles of gold filigree to be sparkling, represents the person Rank 9 Mage status. 雷安穿着一身朴素至极的法袍,唯有袍边用金丝镶嵌的九道同心圆闪闪发光,代表来人九环法师身份。 Deputy general director.” Sees after the members of spatial squad Lei An appears, hurried toward his question mark said. “副总指挥。”逐空小队的成员看到雷安出现后,都急忙朝着他问号道。 At this time Zhao Xu also discovered, the squad that Lei An led behind has become pure Caster to be in the majority, besides Paladin, could not have seen like by spatial squad in Warrior Ranger these. 这时赵旭也发现,雷安身后带领的小队已经变得纯施法者居多,除了还有一位圣武士之外,像逐空小队里的战士巡林客这些都已经看不到了。 But after Zhao Xu hears the squad member's name, the surprise looked at Lei An, was promoted? Lei An Mage?” 赵旭听到小队成员的称呼后,诧异看了看雷安,“升职了?雷安法师?” Lei An then reveals the smug look, is looking at Zhao Xu proudly, „, the father breaks through the legend to near, now the position first matches to me on.” 雷安这才露出得色,骄傲望着赵旭,“呵,老子突破传奇在即,现在位置就先给我搭配上了。” That is I am strangely right, how this time is you comes.” Zhao Xu continues to spit the mortise, when four corpses that previous he runs into Andy companion time, is Lei An that he informs on own initiative. “那是我奇怪才对,怎么这次是你来。”赵旭继续吐槽道,上一次他遇到安迪同伴的四具尸体时,是他主动通知的雷安 However this Lei An comes time, some coincidences. 不过这一次还是雷安来,就有些巧合了。 You think that shouted Rank 9 to come casually, the opposite party will easily coordinate you. Therefore definitely is my acquaintance applies to come on own initiative.” Lei An indicates to say. “你以为随便叫个九环过来,对方会这么轻易配合你呀。所以肯定是我这个熟人主动申请过来啊。”雷安表明说道。 In fact he is also worried that oneself colleague has not clarified the situation, once offended looks in the organization has been on the rise Zhao Xu, instead will eat is unable to speak out about one's grievances much. 实际上他也是担心自己的同僚没有摸清楚情况,一旦得罪了在组织里看着已经呈上升趋势的赵旭,反而会吃不少哑巴亏。 In the eye of Floating City, is unable to display legendary Magic Arts/Spell arrives at Rank 9 Mage, majority are the range chicken earthenware dogs. 浮空城的眼中,无法施展传奇法术的一到九环法师,大多数是土鸡瓦狗。 But these have to become legendary Mage aptitude Mage, will be looked after specially, at least after adventure accidental death , the treatment that resurrects has. 而那些具有成为传奇法师资质的法师,都会受到特殊的照顾,最起码冒险意外死亡后复活的待遇还是有的。 various people who on the scene at this time had overestimated the Zhao Xu influence, sees the deputy general director who kept aloof unexpectedly and at present this SIP not slightly gap, was clear that the reputation of opposite party is really that type. 此时原本就已经高估赵旭势力的在场诸人,看到原本高高在上的副总指挥居然和眼前这位高级督察没有丝毫间隙,一下之就清楚对方的名头是实打实那种。 After all Lei An in Rose Cross, is that becoming famous unyielding role, no matter what which respected family is gold-plated to boil the qualifications, will be taunted by him. 毕竟雷安玫瑰十字里,是那种出了名的铁骨铮铮角色,任哪个大家族的来镀金熬资历,都会被他嘲讽一番。 Elder Brother reaches is rejoiced oneself just deferred to the request action of opposite party, has not walked the flow earnestly and so on. 哥达更是庆幸自己刚刚按照对方的要求行动,没有较真走流程之类。 Was saying Lei An handed over the metal invitation that seals is completely the gold-plating to Zhao Xu, „, remembers that participates in my legend to be promoted the ceremony.” 说着雷安递了封完全是镀金的金属邀请函给赵旭,“嗯,记得来参加我的传奇晋级仪式。” Zhao Xu has almost not clarified the situation, receives at a loss. 赵旭差点没摸清楚情况,略带茫然就接了过来。 He has not thought that Arthur's this sheet metal invitation also does decent, is above has not left behind the date. 他也没想到亚瑟的这种金属薄片邀请函还做得有模有样,就是上面没有留下日期。 „Doesn't your invitation have the time?” Zhao Xu asked. “你这邀请函没时间的?”赵旭反问道。 Your this boy has not experienced. My this is invites you to attend the ceremony, under that time feeling our legend powerhouse in style that was promoted. I also guess that does not permit the Magic Network vibration frequency. In any case in several months, after that right time, you will definitely know. Then enters in this card.” “你这小子没见识。我这是邀请你观礼,在那时感受下我们传奇强者晋级的风范。我也猜不准魔网的波动频率。反正几个月内,那个合适的时间到了之后,你肯定是会知道的。然后凭着这张卡片入内啊。” At that time the short distance watched, after helping you, breaks through the sensibility of legend.” “那时近距离观看,有利于你以后突破传奇的感悟。” Lei An said that „, moreover I was busy breaking through at that time, who has free time to entertain you, arranges who can come in who cannot come. Therefore the distinguished guest card of this short distance you first take.” 雷安道,“而且那时我正忙着突破,谁有空来招待你们,安排谁能进来谁不能进来啊。所以这近距离的贵宾卡片你先拿着。” Actually his heart is also beating a drum, is hoping Zhao Xu can draw Antinoya to come at the appointed time to attend the ceremony together, on opposite party that a series of artifact, said that does not permit to be able, when he is defeated draws his. 其实他心底也是打着鼓,盼望着赵旭到时能拉安缇诺雅一起过来观礼,对方身上的那一系列神器,说不准能在他失败的时候拉他一把。 At this time Zhao Xu also noticed entire by the spatial squad, was admiring watches the invitation card in his hand. 这时赵旭也注意到整个逐空小队,都是艳羡着看着他手中的邀请函卡片。 Elliton also looks equally dull. And even after intelligence normal Peter hears the view of Lei An , can only be silent. 埃利顿也一样呆呆看着。乃至智力正常的彼得听到雷安的说法后,也只能沉默不语。 Everyone this time also understood, the person of which circle Zhao Xu was. 大家这时也明白过来,赵旭是哪个圈子的人了。 After Lei An glances that became Half-fiend Peter one, takes advantage of opportunity to enter in the room. 雷安瞟了那变为半炼狱生物彼得一眼后,就顺势走进房间里。 Several same tall ring Priest and Mage that at this time he brought, have investigated in the living room. 这时他带来的几位同样中高环的牧师法师,早已在客厅里进行调查。 „The opposite party must let own parents and stewards transforms into Half-fiend.” Look serious black offers a sacrifice to robe Priest saying that is verifying in which judgment of Zhao Xu. “对方是要让自己的父母以及管家转变为‘半炼狱生物’。”一位神色严肃的黑色祭袍牧师说道,印证着赵旭的其中一个判断。 Generally puts on this color to offer a sacrifice to Priest of robe in the goddess church, itself represents the role that the judgement is executing punishments. 一般在女神教会中穿这种颜色祭袍的牧师,本身就代表着裁决执刑的角色。 Lei An beckons with the hand immediately, draws that boy to go to Magic Arts/Spell to interrogate and torture, regardless of life and death. No, he really died also drew to me to the temple uses Complete Resurrection Spell resurrecting of Rank 9.” 雷安随即摆摆手,“拉那小子去法术拷问,生死不论。不,他真的死了也给我拉到神殿去用九环完全复生术复活。” In Arthur, undead lifeform and „the different lifeform and element lifeform these lives enull the lifeform that can die, the words that wants to resurrect, must use Rank 7 and even Rank 9 resurrecting class Magic Arts/Spell. 亚瑟里,“不死生物”、“异界生物”、“元素生物”这些生命归零就会死亡的生物,想要复活的话,都得用七环乃至九环的复活类法术 After hearing the Lei An instruction, in the team complexion brings middle-aged Mage of scar of knife wound, reveals yellow tooth to smile directly, immediately walks to tow that Peter to an open area, then releases Rank 5 demon Duncan secret room technique. 听到雷安吩咐后,队伍里一位脸色带着刀疤的中年法师,直接就是露着黄牙一笑,随即走过去把那彼得拖到一处空地,然后释放出五环的“魔邓肯密室术”。 The instantaneous that region condenses the darkness that a piece is unable to completely understand and detect, covers up their sound. 瞬间那个区域就凝聚了一片无法看透与侦测的黑暗,遮掩住他们两人的动静。 This is in these five years, the third discovery becomes Half-fiend case.” Lei An the complexion was somewhat cloudy at this time, looks on that day on the top board just the barbed wire of fixed body. “这已经是这五年里,第三起发现变为‘半炼狱生物’的案例了。”雷安此时脸色有些阴沉,看着那天花板上刚刚固定躯体的带刺铁丝。 First under purification here.” Lei An detested and rejected looked at one bright red of ground, told directly that black robe Priest said. “先净化下这里。”雷安厌弃地看了地上的一摊鲜红,直接吩咐那位黑袍牧师道。 Immediately his drawing Zhao Xu is going out. 随即他就拉着赵旭出去。 So is violent?” Zhao Xu has not thought that Lei An first does not analyze the vein of entire ceremony, but is directly the crude solution. “就这么暴力?”赵旭没想到雷安不是先分析整个仪式的脉络,而是直接粗暴解决。 I being disinclined manage so many, how knows you to be able, you feel them to feel sorry, can display Magic Arts/Spell to rescue their several people?” “我才懒得管这么多,知道你又能怎样,还是你觉得他们可怜,要施展法术把他们几人救回来?” His saying ended, actually detected that Zhao Xu has not asked again, instead were suddenly uncomfortable, yeah, why don't you ask me?” 只是他一说完,却发觉赵旭并没有再反问道,一时间反而自己难受起来,“哎哎,你就不问问我为什么?” Zhao Xu looked at Lei An one at this time strangely, did not have, I was responded that you definitely recognized that ceremony law, naturally did not need to study again, moreover was the rushing to time line destruction ceremony, avoid the opposite party parents as well as that several steward servants transferred Half-fiend.” 赵旭这时才是奇怪看了雷安一眼,“没啊,我是反应过来你肯定认得那个仪式法阵,自然不用再研究了,而且也是赶时间线破坏仪式,省得对方父母以及那几位管家仆人转为半炼狱生物是吧。” Once becomes Half-fiend, means that the price of resurrecting, from Rank 5 Raise Dead Magic Arts/Spell, lifts Rank 9 Complete Resurrection Spell. 一旦成为半炼狱生物,就意味着复活的价格,从“五环死者复活法术,抬到了九环的“完全复生术”。 „, But also ok.” Lei An approached at this time said in a low voice, present Rank 3 Mage, finally some experiences.” “呵,还行啊。”雷安这时凑近了低声说道,“现在三环法师,总算有些见识了。” You had not asked why fortunately I do not hurry to resurrect their several with Rank 5 Magic Arts/Spell.” “还好你没问我干吗不赶紧用五环法术复活他们几个。” At this time Elliton was also cocks the ears, wants to listen to the view of Zhao Xu. 这时埃利顿也是侧耳过来,想听听赵旭的说法。 But Zhao Xu is looks the front processes several people of corpse saying that they do not have reporting, but is the choice solves, did not say that this is not right, but chooses like this must withstand the consequence of correspondence, itself complained on the life and death not.” 赵旭则是看着前方过来处理着尸体的几人说道,“他们没有上报而是选择自行解决,不是说这样不对,而是这样选择就得承受对应的后果,本身就生死莫怨了。” Moreover if I cannot tolerate, that should I resurrect, rather than requests others to resurrect for me.” “而且我如果看不过眼,那就应该我自己去复活,而不是要求别人替我复活。” The previous generation, he is incapable one of the resurrecting family member. 前世,他就是无力复活家人的一员。 He can realize, has resurrecting this hope, brings brutal significance that. 他更能够体会到,存在“复活”这种希望,所带来的的残酷意义。
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