TTHATH :: Volume #15

#1425: Electricity to big fish

Interrogating the captive to Charles is not the difficult matter. 审讯俘虏对查尔斯来说不是什么难事。 That fellow hungry three days, then one bowl of pigs eat to place in front of him the time he incurred, the Charles retarded halo has not opened continually with enough time. 把那个家伙饿了三天,然后一碗猪扒饭放在他面前的时候他就招了,查尔斯连弱智光环都没来得及开。 My name was Mas, was the prime minister Mathot's fifth child third son.” “我叫马斯,是宰相马托第五子的第三个儿子。” My first day wants to incur, but you do not have to interrogate me.” “我第一天就想招了,可是你们没有来审问我。” Charles calmly visits him, does not have any expressed. 查尔斯静静地看着他,没有任何表示。 Mas finished eating the pig to eat at the quickest time, hit a belch, then said slowly: I know that you are possibly suspecting me, this is very normal, I will prove my value with my action.” 马斯以最快的时间吃完了猪扒饭,打了个饱嗝,然后慢悠悠地说道:“我知道你可能在怀疑我,这很正常,我会用我的行动来证明我的价值。” Although I am the grandson of prime minister, but family's resources majority gave the eldest son the eldest grandson, the small part gave the eldest son the times grandson, people like me can frighten the person outside, position majordomo even/including and maid in family long was inferior.” “虽然我是宰相的孙子,但家族的资源大部分都给了长子长孙,小部分给了长子次孙,我这样的人在外面可以吓唬人,在家族里的地位连大管家和女仆长都不如。” My father ranked fifth, is sent the manages village, afterward collected several twins to train to give to the uncle by him, has the opportunity to return to Demon King management several small stores.” “我父亲排第五,原来是被打发去管农庄的,后来靠他搜罗了几对双胞胎调教好了送给大伯,才有机会回魔王城管几家小商铺。” That money that father makes is not one's turn me, spends in my two elder brothers, was on the younger sister, planned that married a good price the younger sister.” “父亲赚的那点钱也轮不到我,都花在我两个哥哥,然后是妹妹身上了,打算把妹妹嫁个好价钱。” Since childhood I depended on studied many things that copied from a book dry/does exactly, with you said that I had a unique skill, two hands can copy two pages of books simultaneously, speed compared with others quick one time, therefore the business were many.” “我还是靠着从小干抄书的活才学了不少东西,和你说啊,我有一项绝活,两只手可以同时抄两页书,速度比别人快一倍,所以生意不少。” Therefore, works to whom to me is the same, can mix to eat to the full to put on to warm on the line.” “所以,对我来说给谁工作都一样,能混个吃饱穿暖就行。” Charles said vacantly: If your performance makes me satisfy, I can recommend you to one compared with your grandfather more powerful person. Can you become his subordinate, what kind of progress later makes, that looked your own.” 查尔斯毫无表情地说道:“如果你的表现让我满意,我可以把你引荐给一个比你爷爷更有权势的人。你能不能成为他的手下,以后取得怎样的成绩,那就看你自己的了。” This person he will not definitely use, but displays the good words to throw Demon King there in south side mainland this fellow is not, now that side female priest and so on position is short of manpower very much. 这个人他肯定是不会用的,但是把这家伙表现好的话扔到南边大陆上的魔王那里也不是不可以,现在那边女祭司之类的职位很缺人。 Mas's eyes immediately one bright, he suppresses the excitement, with and was the same somewhat the intonation to say a moment ago slowly: „Before beginning of winter, you eliminated the Demon King army hundreds of thousands people, causes the Demon King army that the present recruited newly underarmed.” 马斯的双眼顿时一亮,他压制住兴奋的心情,用和刚才一样有些缓慢地语调说道:“入冬前,贵方消灭了魔王军十几万人,导致了现在新招募的魔王军武器不足。” My that when the grandfather of prime minister is responsible for being complete the weapon preparation after the rainy season, therefore lets our brothers and sisters is based to each weapon factory and in the mine, urging them to complete the production task......” “我那当宰相的爷爷负责在雨季后将武器准备齐全,所以就让我们兄弟姐妹到各个兵工厂和矿山里常驻,督促他们完成生产任务……” Mas in the Demon King city a little personal connection, the news is also quite quick, the personnel changes Demon King city and mounted a large-scale attack some news saying after the rainy season. 马斯在魔王城也有点人脉,消息颇为灵通,把魔王城的人事变动和在雨季后大举进攻在内的一些消息给说了出来。 „A matter.” Mas recalls was saying, I have a sweetheart, she is also a dark blade sweetheart, after I leave the Demon King city listened to her saying that dark blade received a long-range mission left, I suspected that duty was to submerge here does the destruction.” “还有一件事。”马斯回忆着说道,“我有个情人,她同时也是一柄‘暗刃’的情人,在我离开魔王城前听她说那个暗刃接到了个长期任务后就离开了,我怀疑那个任务就是潜入这里搞破坏。” Charles is only tranquil nod, then waving makes people bring to get down him, said: Then gives him to order the meat to eat.” 查尔斯只是平静的点了点头,然后挥手让人把他带下去,同时说道:“接下来给他点肉吃。” Mas leaves on the face showed smile slightly. 马斯离开的时候脸上露出了微微的笑容。 Mas does not know, shortly after he left, his cousins and another bowl of pigs set the table are taken into the interrogation chamber together. 只是马斯并不知道,就在他离开后没多久,他的一位表妹和另一碗猪排饭一起被带进了审讯室。 Charles finished eating the pig to eat, then continues to interrogate. 查尔斯吃完了猪扒饭,然后继续审讯。 Over the two days the navy girls attacked many ordnance factories and mines simultaneously, these places discovered in the near future personnel who came from the Demon King city, therefore Mas's several brothers and sisters were grasped. 这两天海军姑娘们同时袭击了多处兵工厂与矿山,这些地方都发现了近期从魔王城来的人员,于是马斯的好几个兄弟姐妹被抓了回来。 Although these people the position in family are not high, but in the face of others is also the person who only may look up. 这些人虽然在家族中的地位不高,但在其他人面前也算是只可仰视的人。 Moreover they help the family manage various things, in addition the long time occupies the Demon King city to be well-informed, after its oral confession verifies mutually, can obtain massive valuable information. 而且他们帮助家族管理各种事情,加上久居魔王城消息灵通,其口供相互印证后可以得到大量有价值的情报。 In the cha office has two organization that is responsible for the information, although the safe two leadership still sell the duck neck in City of Knowledge, but other staff can complete the work as before, reorganizes the information and so on key job does not delay. 猹办里有两个负责情报的机构,虽然安全二处的领导还在知识都市卖鸭脖子,但其他工作人员依旧可以将工作做好,整理情报之类的基本工作一点不耽搁。 As Mas's brothers and sisters grasped are getting more and more, the information about Demon King city is getting more and more detailed. 随着马斯的兄弟姐妹们被抓的越来越多,关于魔王城的情报就越来越详细。 On this day Charles just looked at the latest information, some people reported in the Piran port to present a suspicious person. 这天查尔斯刚看完最新的情报,就有人来汇报皮兰港里出现了一个可疑人物。 The present Piran harbor regulations mold is not big, is the temporary log cabin, the future main city area the south side coast and Morde Tokukawa estuary intersection point that the purple cabbage is constructing a grand palace there according to the blueprint that Charles provides at present. 现在的皮兰港规模还不大,全都是临时的木屋,未来的主要城区在南边海岸与莫德蕾德河入海口交汇处那一带,目前紫白菜正在那里依据查尔斯提供的图纸建设一座宏伟的宫殿。 Charles also thinks that some people sneak that side the palace, who knew just to leave the office district shortly, saw that the person of wear fur/superficial knowledge coat removed the street light with the aid of the roadside high snow there. 查尔斯还以为有人潜入宫殿那边,谁知刚离开办公区没多久,就看到有个穿着皮毛大衣的人借助路边高高的积雪在那里拆路灯。 He understood at a glance the navy girls who why are responsible for the domestic protection have not made an arrest, but is calls itself, this old man's white fur coat understood at a glance that is the high-end goods, the fat face that beams with health with the ball same waist, in addition the golden waistband of waist, how saw how to seem like authorized person who has the potential. 他一看就知道为什么负责内卫的海军姑娘没有抓人而是去叫自己就,这老头身上的白色皮大衣一看就知道是高档货,还有那满面红光的肥脸和球一样的腰身,再加上腰间的金黄色腰带,怎么看怎么像有权有势的人。 This old man's hand was very skillful, found the know-how latter 2-3 spinning the sphere chimney on street light. 这老头的手很巧,找到窍门后2-3就把路灯上的球形灯罩给旋了下来。 He looked at the chimney bottom screwtop, acclaimed, then installed. 他看了看灯罩底部的螺口,赞叹了一下,然后又装了回去。 Then he thought of anything, takes the chimney to run up to by another street light, after the chimney of that street light opens, contrasts, finally the chimney of side street light installing. 接着他又想到了什么,就拿着灯罩跑到另外一盏路灯旁边,把那盏路灯的灯罩拆下来后对比一下,最后把旁边路灯的灯罩给装了上去。 When the chimney studied, this old man started to remove the light bulb. 等灯罩研究完了,这个老头就开始拆灯泡。 Had experience that removes the chimney, the light bulb of thumb size quickly by him from lamp holder top spin. 有了拆灯罩的经验,拇指大小的灯泡很快就被他从灯座上旋了下来。 Charles in the distant place looks that he held up the light bulb carefully to observe toward Sun, then sat in the snow directly studies. 查尔斯就在远处看着他朝着太阳举起灯泡仔细观察了一下,然后就直接坐在积雪上研究起来。 To be honest, this light bulb sparkling looks very attractive. 说实话,这灯泡亮晶晶的看起来挺漂亮。 It is not a thick glass cylinder, in the wall is mounting bright silver cylindrical magic, the bottom is the same silver-white metal foundation, on the foundation has threads. 它是一个不厚的玻璃圆筒,内壁面镶嵌着亮银色的圆柱形魔法阵,底部是同样银白色的金属底座,底座上有一圈圈的螺纹。 If adds on the thin chain in the foundation, bringing, when the ear ornament is also very attractive. 如果在底座加上细链子,拿来当耳饰也挺漂亮。 If adds on a scrap electricity demon crystal again, you are the entire street brightest little girl. 要是再加上一小块电魔晶,你就是整条街最亮的妞。 Therefore this old man studied some little time, looked around everywhere, the light bulb on hand forcing in pocket. 所以这老头研究了好一会,又四处张望了一下,就把手上的灯泡给塞进了口袋。 Then he has not stopped, starts to study the lamp holder. 然后他还没停,开始研究起灯座来。 Charles that just hid put out communication, called to pass the equipment room in a low voice, then said: To street light circular telegram.” 刚刚躲起来的查尔斯拿出通讯器,低声叫通了设备房,然后说道:“给路灯通电。” Although why the equipment room that side does not know must circular telegram in broad daylight, but since is the Charles request, that knife switch closing. 设备房那边虽然不知道为什么要大白天的通电,但既然是查尔斯要求,那就把闸刀给合上呗。 „!” “啊!” Bumps!” “碰!” After a pitiful yell, steals the old man of light bulb to be fallen to the electricity from the snow drift by the electricity element, then fainted. 一声惨叫过后,偷灯泡的老头被电元素给电得从雪堆上掉了下来,然后晕了过去。 Charles sneers, in the past towed to work as the teaching aid this old man for treating magic training class there. 查尔斯冷笑一下,过去把这老头拖去治疗魔法培训班那里当教具。 Grandfather!” “爷爷!” Your majesty!” “陛下!” The several student and teaching assistant of Lole training class saw after the teaching aid is startled, immediately threw. 培训班的几个学员和助教洛莱看到教具后大吃一惊,马上扑了过去。 Charles sees that feels uneasy immediately, was smooth. 查尔斯见状顿时感到不妙,溜了。
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