TSLODB :: Volume #7 龙珠Z

#515: New Dragon Ball

What Android 18 did you pass with Xiaya a moment ago said?” Android 17 asked her elder sister. 18号你刚才过去跟夏亚说了什么?”17号问她的姐姐。 Nothing.” Android 18 not cold did not reply pale, in spoken language light as always, even is somewhat angry. “没什么。”18号不冷不淡地回答,言语中一如既往的平淡,甚至有些气恼。 Android 17 narrows the eye, walked two around Android 18, made an effort to knock under the palm, I knew, that necklace that you have worn was Xiaya gave to you.” 17号眯起眼睛,绕着18号走了两圈,用力敲了下手掌,“我知道了,你一直戴着的那条项链原来是夏亚送给你的。” Android 18 covers the mouth of Android 17 immediately: You give me low voice, if made others hear, do not blame me not being impolite to you.” 18号立刻捂住17号的嘴:“你给我小声点,如果让别人听见了,别怪我对你不客气。” in the end what's the matter, you told that me......” works loose the Android 18 small hand, the Android 17 earnestly Watching elder sister. 到底怎么回事,你跟我说说……”挣脱18号的小手,17号认真地看着自己姐姐。 In childhood, he has saved me, then has delivered my this necklace.” “小时候,他救过我,然后送了我这条项链。” Then includes this time, Xiaya has saved you two, Android 18, I thought that you can only allow...... Android 17 place on the shoulder of Android 18 by the body the hand. “那么包括这一次,夏亚就救了你两次了,18号,我看你只能以身相许了……”17号把手放在18号的肩膀上。 But others forgot this matter.” “可是人家把这件事忘记了。” Android 18 has not refuted, instead melancholily is somewhat pressed the eyebrow. 18号没有反驳,反而有些忧郁地蹙起眉。 Android 17 opened mouth, suddenly discovered own elder sister has to plan that probably really to the person the family belongings concubine's idea, this still he knows natural domineering Android 18? However...... The status like Xiaya, pours can also be joined to oneself elder sister. 17号张了张嘴,突然发现自家姐姐好像真的有打算去给人家当小妾的想法,这还是他认识中潇洒霸道18号吗?不过……像夏亚那样的身份,倒也配得上自家姐姐。 Sighed, Android 17 still could not plan control/tube these annoying matters. 叹了口气,17号还是打算不去管这些烦人的事情了。 Android 18, your still strove for fortunately. 18号,你还是自求多福吧。 After several minutes, Metamoran Fusion Technique Time arrived, Meiling has been divided into Xiling and Myers they, this time Earth also started to have the change. 几分钟之后,美达摩尔星人合体术时间到了,梅绫重新分成了西绫梅尔斯两人,这个时候地球也开始发生了变化。 First is these by the place that battle destroys, restoration slowly under a strength function of magical, person all resurrect that because then Androids and Janemba died. 首先是那些被战斗破坏的地方,在一股神奇的力量作用下慢慢的恢复过来,然后因为人造人邪念波死去的人全都复活了。 Haha, you looked that everybody lived.” Yamcha sees person each and every one resurrect on Earth, smiles loudly. “哈哈,你们看,大家都活过来了。”乐平看到地球上的人一个个复活,大声地笑着。 Lived.” “真的活过来了。” Miracle ah! Satan is excited, the mouth talked over to keep. “神迹啊!撒旦激动不已,嘴里念叨个不停。 At this time, a space distortion, Son Goku put on the consistent orange martial arts to take, together with also had immature Namekian. This Namekian was long very looked like with Piccolo in childhood, is called Dende, was Very has the Dragon Race talent kid. 这时,空间一阵扭曲,孙悟空穿着一贯的橙色武道服回来了,一起跟来的还有一个幼小的娜美克星人。这个娜美克星人长得跟比克小时候很像,叫作丹迪,是一个十分龙族天分的小家伙。 Goku you came back, who is this kid?” Piccolo sees also Namekian that comes back together, walks surprise Watching Dende. 悟空你回来了,这个小家伙是谁?”比克见一同回来的还有一个娜美克星人,走过来诧异地看着丹迪 Hello, I called Dende.” The Dende politeness said. “你好,我叫丹迪。”丹迪礼貌说道。 Nods toward Dende, Piccolo asked that Son Goku said: Said that looks at in the end what's the matter?” 朝着丹迪点头,比克孙悟空道:“说说看到底怎么回事?” Un!” “嗯!” The Son Goku complexion is earnest, said the process of matter slowly. 孙悟空脸色认真,缓缓将事情的经过说了出来。 Originally when Son Goku arrives at new Planet Namek, new Great Elder who receives the Kai notice start has also made the clansman collect Dragon Ball , after seeing Son Goku, has delivered seven big Dragon Ball . 原来在孙悟空来到新娜美克星的时候,接到界王通知的新任大长老穆利也已经着手让族人将龙珠收集起来,见到孙悟空后,穆利将七颗大龙珠送了上来。 New Planet Namek Dragon Ball underwent adjustment, can disposable resurrect many people. 新的娜美克星龙珠经过了调整,可以一次性复活很多人。 Son Goku first Wish repairs destroyed Earth. Second Wish resurrect in the innocent people that Androids and in the Janemba event died, third Wish eliminated negative impact that because the Earth disaster brings to the people. 孙悟空的第一个愿望是修复被破坏的地球。第二个愿望复活了在人造人邪念波事件中死去的无辜民众,第三个愿望则是消除了因为地球灾难给人们带来的负面影响。 All people still remember that Earth has experienced the crisis of destruction, but all negative emotions were wiped to vanish by Dragon Ball . 所有人都还记得地球经历过毁灭的危机,但所有的负面情绪都被龙珠抹消掉了。 Piccolo listened to nod with the people, after experiencing has been disillusioned, all people know adverse effect that negative emotions brought. 比克跟众人听了不由地点头,经历过破灭之后,所有人都知道负面情绪带来的不良影响。 Then this child?” “那么这个孩子呢?” Dende wants the experience one outside World, therefore arrives at Earth voluntarily, Great Elder also agreed. Moreover Dende also has to make Dragon Ball Ability.” Son Goku was saying low voice, but how to see that Dende probably was deceived. But the Son Goku such man of great integrity, should such not do. 丹迪想要见识一下外面的世界,所以自愿来到地球的,穆利大长老也同意了。而且丹迪也具有制造龙珠能力。”孙悟空小声说着,不过怎么看丹迪都好像是被骗过来的。但孙悟空这么正直的人,应该不会这么做吧。 One hear of Dende have to make Dragon Ball Ability positively, the Piccolo complexion one: Popo, you go to bring the Shenron model.” 一听丹迪具备制造龙珠能力,比克脸色一正:“波波,你去将神龙的模型拿来。” Good!” Popo looked at the eye to be long Very similar small Namekian with Piccolo, entered the room to have the coverglass of Shenron model Sheng with. “好的!”波波看了眼跟比克长得十分相似的小娜美克星人,进屋将盛有神龙模型的玻璃罩拿了出来。 „Do they want to do?” Satan and Upa gathering same place. “他们要干什么?”撒旦乌帕凑到一起。 Probably must make Dragon Ball .” “好像是要重新制造龙珠。” In that coverglass is Shenron? Good to be small.” “那个玻璃罩里面就是神龙?好小。” „It looks like.” “看起来是的。” Shortly, all people encircled on The Lookout open plaza, Popo has placed the open plaza center the Shenron model. Because there is an existing Shenron model, has omitted many Time actually, only needed to entrust with the Shenron life on can. 不久后,所有人围到了神殿广场上,波波已经将神龙模型放在广场的中央。因为有现有的神龙模型,倒是省去了很多的时间,只需要重新赋予神龙生命就可以了。 Wait/Etc., Dragon Ball does can after resurrect realize several Wish?” Krillin arrives at side Dende to ask. “等等,复活后的龙珠可以实现几个愿望?”克林走到丹迪身边问道。 Naturally is three!” Some Dende Watching his surprise replies. “当然是三个啦!”丹迪看着他有些诧异地回答。 That was the same with Planet Namek Dragon Ball .” The Krillin shock tunnel, after this Dragon Ball restores, Ability strengthened all of a sudden. “那就是跟娜美克星龙珠一样了。”克林震惊地道,这样子的话龙珠恢复之后,能力一下子就增强了。 Worthily is Planet Namek outstanding Dragon Ball .” He mused. “不愧是娜美克星优秀的龙珠。”他心里暗想。 Piccolo has thought another issue, asked: „Can that make many as before individual resurrect? For example lets satisfy some condition all person resurrect and so on.” 比克想到了另一个问题,问道:“那能像过去一样让多个人复活吗?比如‘让满足某一条件的所有人复活’之类的。” can, but this must in starting to carry on to adjust, but such words only sufficed to realize two Wish.” Dende stretches out two to point, making everybody make the choice. 可以的,不过这就必须在开始的时候进行一下调整,只是这样的话就只够实现两个愿望了。”丹迪伸出两只手指,让大家做选择。 Two Wish are also good.” “两个愿望也好啊。” Before can only realize one, now can many Wish, saw that gained. 以前只能实现一个,现在能够多许一个愿望,怎么看都是赚了。 At this time Dende saw the Shenron model in cover, was surprised the different way: „, Shenron on Earth is this appearance, my this lets its resurrect!” 这时丹迪看到罩子里的神龙模型,诧异道:“哇,原来地球上的神龙是这个样子,我这就让它复活吧!” Then, the Dende double palm places the glass to coat, then meditates the incantation, a strength function of magical coats in the glass, inside Shenron starts becomes lifelike, was smart, then one bunch of light rose from the coverglass, was divided into seven to disperse in the midair. 说完,丹迪双掌放在玻璃罩上,然后默念咒语,一股神奇的力量作用在玻璃罩上,里面的神龙开始变得活灵活现,充满灵气,然后一束光线从玻璃罩上升了起来,在半空中分成七道飞散出去。 At this time Earth Shenron resurrect came, turned into Dragon Ball . 这时地球神龙已经复活过来,重新变成了龙珠 This had finished, I also think that will have startling the heavens to move the place the matter?” Satan rubs the eye to wait, actually the discovery entire item matter such quickly ended. “这就结束了,我还以为会发生惊天动地的事情呢?”撒旦揉着眼睛拭目以待,却发现整件事情这么快就结束了。 Does not stimulate ah! 一点都不刺激啊! You are really outstanding Dragon Race.” Piccolo placed the head of Dende to pat the racket the hand. Should say that has the talent of Dragon Race talent worthily extremely, the whole process looks like very relaxed. “你真是一个优秀的龙族。”比克将手放在丹迪的头上拍了拍。应该说不愧是极有龙族天赋的天才,整个过程看起来非常轻松。 Dende somewhat embarrassed flexure head. The people haha have smiled, Earth Dragon Ball this chapter was promoted, not only can realized two Wish, but also the might also became formidable. 丹迪有些不好意思地挠了挠脑袋。众人都哈哈笑了起来,地球龙珠这回算是升级了,不仅能够实现两个愿望,而且威力也变得更加强大 When everybody dances with joy, Xiaya Watching they said: My recommended you go to collect Dragon Ball , after Dragon Ball this thing, still places good in The Lookout!” 就在大家欢欣鼓舞的时候,夏亚看着他们说道:“我建议你们去将龙珠收集起来,龙珠这种东西以后还是放在神殿里的好!” After Earth, is beset by disasters, thing like Dragon Ball places outside, must use must search, might as well place on The Lookout from the beginning, resembles Planet Hongshan Crystal Dragon Ball to be the same. 地球以后多灾多难得很,像龙珠这样的东西放在外面,要用的时候还要去搜寻,不如一开始就放在神殿上面,就好像红山星水晶龙珠一样。 Mentioned Dragon Ball , Xiaya looked around Android 17 and Android 18. 说起龙珠,夏亚又看了一眼边上的17号18号 Their within the body also remain Dr. Gero to be used to stop the installment of their body function probably, should take with Dragon Ball these installments like original work? 他们的体内好像还残留着盖洛博士用来停止他们身体机能的装置,是不是应该像原著一样用龙珠将那些装置取出来?
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