TSLODB :: Volume #11 多元时空

#859: Cleaning up universe

Does not have, in dim illusory world. 无之界,朦胧虚幻的天地中。 Super Dragon Ball achieved Xiaya wish , to continue to stay in this stretch of world only remaining few universes people, the Universe 1 and other achievement universe of the person natural manners are relaxed, promised to Xiaya saves other universes wish surprisedly, in the heart pondered over the moment, has had some favorable impressions to Xiaya. 超级龙珠已经达成了夏亚愿望,继续留在这片天地中的只剩下寥寥几个宇宙的人,第一宇宙等获胜宇宙的人当然神态轻松,都对夏亚许下拯救其它宇宙的愿望惊讶不已,心中思忖片刻,不由对夏亚生出了一些好感。 Naturally is not all people thinks that Universe 4 God of Destruction Quitela is actually the tooth to crack, two eyeballs have filled the blood threads. 当然不是所有人都是这么想的,第四宇宙破坏神奎特拉却是呲牙欲裂,两只眼球充满了血丝。 Ends...... Had been finished, why the people of these universes also had the means to fortunately survive, we did not have.” Mouse Quitela pulls the cheeks, in eye is being full of the desperate and resentful look, loudly was exclaiming to Xiaya: God of Destruction Xiaya, are you such do intentionally, can make a wish also delivers to us other universes obviously.” “完……完蛋了,为什么那些宇宙的人也有办法幸存下来,偏偏我们没有。”老鼠奎特拉扯着脸颊,眼中充满绝望和愤懑的神色,对着夏亚大吼道:“破坏神夏亚,你这么做是不是故意的,明明可以许愿把我们也送到其它宇宙中去的。” Regarding the interrogation of Quitela, Xiaya shakes the head lightly, just like looked that the clumsy mischief-doer vision sweeps to Quitela. 对于奎特拉的质问,夏亚淡淡地摇头,犹如看跳梁小丑般目光扫向奎特拉 Your can asked that all God of Destruction on the scene, their which is willing to give shelter to your Universe 4?” “你可以问一下在场的所有破坏神,他们哪一个愿意收留你们第四宇宙?” Universe 11 clown Belmod blinks saying: Does not use watching I, our universes withstand Ability to be limited, withstood the Universe 2 person is the limit, is unable to accommodate Universe 4 again.” 十一宇宙小丑贝鲁摩德眨着眼睛道:“不用看着我,我们的宇宙承受能力有限,承受第二宇宙的人已经是极限了,无法再容下第四宇宙。” The meaning that Beerus watching Quitela, snort/hum, must express solemnly is self-evident, Beerus with Quitela itself hostile, is impossible to draw Quitela. 比鲁斯冷峻地看着奎特拉,哼了一声,要表达的意思不言而喻,比鲁斯奎特拉本身敌对,不可能拉奎特拉一把。 Universe 1 is helpless.” Kleine shakes the head. “第一宇宙无能为力。”克莱恩摇着头。 „......” “……” Universe 8 Promones. 八宇宙波蒙勒斯 One round looks, a universe is not willing to receive Universe 4, moreover they want to receive also helplessly, Super Shenron already vanished to disappear. 一轮看下来,没有一个宇宙愿意接收第四宇宙,而且就算他们想要接收也无能为力,超级神龙早已消失不见了。 What is more important, even if Super Shenron, them has not dared to receive easily, because if this matter stirs up Sir Zeno not to be happy, on the contrary gain does not equal the loss. 更重要的是,哪怕超级神龙还在,他们也不敢轻易接收,万一因为这事惹得全王大人不高兴,反倒得不偿失。 Including Xiaya, all God of Destruction believe, can guarantee the next ten universes the life to belong luckily. 包括夏亚在内,所有破坏神都认为,能保下十个宇宙的生命已属于万幸了。 Bastard!!” God of Destruction Quitela two blood red, watching one group of human affairs do not close oneself at present, does not dislike the matter big appearance, hates gnash one's teeth. “混蛋!!”破坏神奎特拉两眼血红,看着眼前一帮人事不关己,不嫌事大的样子,恨得咬牙切齿 At this time Great Priest fluttered, toward Xiaya nodded, seems expressing the appreciation to wish that Xiaya promised, then turned around to say to Zeno: Sir Zeno, you looked that now should clean up the universe that these eliminate.” 此时大神官飘了过来,朝着夏亚点了下头,似乎在对夏亚许下的愿望表示赞赏,然后转身对全王说道:“全王大人,你看现在是不是该将那些淘汰的宇宙清理掉了。” Yes, should clean up these universes, where many people on?” Zeno scene that vanished from Super Dragon Ball recovered at this time full of enthusiasm, detected that the surrounding person has been short of a great-circle probably, pulled the start index, the head started blurry. “是呢,该把那些宇宙清理掉了,诶,好多人都上哪里去了?”全王这时兴致勃勃地从超级龙珠消失的景象中回过神来,发觉周围的人好像少了一大圈,扳着手指数了一下,脑袋又开始迷糊了。 Sir Zeno does not need to care, they left not to have ahead of time.” Great Priest has narrowed under the eye. 全王大人不必在意,他们已经提前离开无之界了。”大神官眯了下眼睛。 What Zeno wants to reduce is the universe quantity, specifically where inside life shifts to goes to him not to care. Because of the beginning, Zeno wants to clean up universe set off because of universe quantity too much. 全王想要减少的是宇宙的数量,里面的生命具体转移到哪里去他并不关心。因为从一开始,全王想要清理宇宙的出发点就是因为宇宙的数量太多了 Zeno is suddenly enlighted saying: Un, then I must clean up them.” 全王恍然大悟道:“嗯,那么我要把它们清理掉了。” Then, Zeno lifted the small arm, the palm place shines the sparkling and translucent radiant ray. 说完,全王抬起小小的手臂,手心处亮起了晶莹璀璨的光芒。 Hateful, not can, since you must make me disappear, then I must draw in you together......”, when the universe soon will be cleaned up by Zeno, mouse God of Destruction Quitela wicked from heart, even if must die he unable to make others merry, suddenly toward the person that side attacks of other universes in the past. “可恶,不可以啊,既然你们都要让我消失掉,那么我要拉上你们一起……”在宇宙即将被全王清理掉的时候,老鼠破坏神奎特拉恶从心头起,就算要死他也不能让别人快活,突然间朝着其它宇宙的人那边袭击过去。 The light purple God of Destruction energy sweeps across, must kill other universes participating contestant shortly. 淡紫色破坏神能量席卷过去,眼看就要将其它宇宙的参赛选手杀死。 At this time, a tall and straight form kept off in front of God of Destruction energy, saw only in the Xiaya vision to reveal wisp of cold glow, the palm whips forward, crushed the God of Destruction energy, then suddenly flashed before, appears in the Quitela front, under his panic-stricken vision, a fist pounded to the Quitela top of the head. 此时,一个挺拔的身影挡在了破坏神能量的前面,只见夏亚目光中流露出一缕冷芒,手掌向前拍打,将破坏神能量击碎,然后忽然闪现,出现在奎特拉的面前,在他惊骇的目光下,一拳砸向奎特拉的头顶。 ! The fierce attack pounds on the head of Quitela, the Quitela both eyes bulge, a blood sword seizes the mouth, the head was almost destroyed. 蓬!猛烈的攻击砸在奎特拉的头颅上,奎特拉双目凸起,一口血剑夺口而出,头颅都几乎被打碎。 Because did not have the limits of various rules, Quitela must die in his eyes the person, therefore this Xiaya gets rid very to be ruthless, strikes takes the strategic point, although is insufficient to strike to kill God of Destruction Quitela one move, however the formidable explosive force has poured into its within the body, the savage strength almost stirs the internal organs of Quitela completely broken. Quitela blowout blood fog, the body cannot help but toward void stretches out to crash. 因为没有了各种条条框框的限制,奎特拉在他眼中又已是必死之人,所以这次夏亚出手十分狠辣,一击直取要害,虽然不至于将破坏神奎特拉一招击杀,但是强大的爆发力已经灌入其体内,凶残力量几乎将奎特拉的内脏全部搅碎。奎特拉“噗”的一下喷出血雾,身体不由自主地朝着虚空伸出坠落出去。 hey hey, gets what one deserves!” God of Destruction Beerus cursed one. 嘿嘿,活该!”破坏神比鲁斯咒骂一声。 Kleine lifts eyes, said lightly: Overreaches oneself.” 克莱恩抬起双眸,平淡道:“不自量力。” Promones: Clumsy mischief-doer.” 波蒙勒斯:“跳梁小丑。” „......” “……” Jiren has not expressed the opinion, almost strangles to death God of Destruction Quitela regarding Xiaya one, they think naturally, but this time, Zeno elimination Ability also started. 吉连并没有发表意见,对于夏亚一记几乎绞杀破坏神奎特拉,他们都认为理所当然,而这个时候,全王的清除能力也发动了。 Sees only wide expanse sparkling and translucent bright flash unable to open the eye according to all people, in very short time, all people of Universe 4 and ninth universe shone the white ray. 只见一大片晶莹剔透的闪光照得所有人都睁不开眼睛,很短的时间内,第四宇宙和第九宇宙的所有人身上都亮起了白色的光芒。 Sorry, I cannot protect you.” The ninth universe God of Destruction Sidra face is guilty. “抱歉,我没能保护好你们。”第九宇宙破坏神西多拉一脸愧疚。 Sir Sidra, farewell/goodbye.” 西多拉大人,再见了。” As a bunch of short radiance becomes irrelevant to shatter, Universe 4 completely all vanishes with the person of ninth universe does not see, God of Destruction Quitela together is destroying, leaves behind in not having only then that fallen just like crystal same attractive powder. 随着一簇短暂的光华变得支离破碎,第四宇宙和第九宇宙的人尽皆消失不见,连带着破坏神奎特拉一起毁灭掉,遗留在无之界中的只有那零落的宛若结晶一样的漂亮粉末。 Meanwhile, situated in not having beside, in the multiverse space other seven universes also sparkle the dazzling bright, then resembles gravity collapsing to be the same, seven huge universes contract gradually, flashes along with the pale ray together for the first time, finally vanishes does not see. After seven universes vanish, in the multiverse space the vacancy left the wide expanse space all of a sudden, the other five universes make a fresh start to sort from this, regarding the center source position, in turn presents the position of five pointed star. 与此同时,位于无之界之外,全宇宙空间中其它七个宇宙也闪耀起刺眼的亮光,然后好像引力坍塌一样,七个庞大的宇宙逐渐收缩成一点,随着一道苍白的光芒乍闪,最终消失不见。在七个宇宙消失之后,全宇宙空间中一下子空缺出了大片空间,剩余的五个宇宙由此重新开始排序,围绕着中心的本源位置,依次呈现五角星的方位。 hey hey, all vanished.” 嘿嘿,全都消失掉了。” The Zeno child sound resounds in void, does not know the matter that he handles endangered the lives of many people. 全王孩童般的声音在虚空中响起,根本不知道他所做的事情危及到了多少人的生命。 Xiaya and other all gods watching Zeno, seems paying silent tribute for the life that these fall from the sky silently, in the heart emerges complex emotions. 夏亚诸神默默地看着全王,似乎在为那些陨灭的生命默哀,心中不由涌现出复杂的情绪 Compared with other Gods, the Zeno willful unseemly behavior is almost natural-born, because wisdom not mature, but possibly makes any unfathomable matter at any time, but is hiding in multiverse in the Zeno small body most formidable strength. That supreme prestige energy, can only make one look up. 跟其他神灵比起来,全王的任性妄为几乎是天生的,因为心智的不成熟而随时可能做出任何不可思议的事情,但是偏偏就在全王小小的躯壳之中隐藏着全宇宙中最强大的力量。那至高无上的威能,只能令人仰望。 Was good, the ruling of Sir Zeno had ended, this time altogether seven universes vanish, is unprecedented, you must be a warning, step up the development of universe, do not let Sir Zeno again mad.” “好了,全王大人的裁决已经结束了,这次总共有七个宇宙消失,算是史无前例的,你们要以此为戒,加紧宇宙的发展,不要再让全王大人生气。” Great Priest taught with skill and patience, be with smile on the face. 大神官循循善诱,面带笑容。 Yes!” “是!” All God of Destruction and in Supreme Kai all heart one cold. 所有的破坏神界王神全都心中一凛。 Although this time has avoided by the destiny of Zeno cleaning up, who knows that also has the next time, therefore these God of Destruction dark under decided that after going back, must promote the universe as soon as possible the strength, at least the high-end strength cannot fall. 这次虽然避开了被全王清理的命运,但是谁知道还有没有下一次啊,于是这些破坏神都暗下决定,回去之后一定要尽快提升宇宙的实力,至少高端战力是不能落下的。 Immediately ninth universe looked at one toward Angel of Universe 4 and that side, Great Priest said: You also go back, because Universe 4 and ninth universe all thoroughly vanished, you do not use the deep sleep, ahead of time returns to the Angel palace, waited for after final time coming, returns to entire again together.” 随即朝着第四宇宙和第九宇宙的天使那边看了一眼,大神官说道:“你们也回去吧,因为第四宇宙和第九宇宙全都彻底消失了,你们不用去沉睡,提前返回天使宫殿,等待最终的时刻到来之后再一起返回全界。” After originally God of Destruction of universe vanishes, will also fall into the deep sleep with Angel that it corresponds, waiting next God of Destruction is born, because at this time the universe thoroughly vanished, therefore in this situation Angel did not use the deep sleep, but returned to the Angel palace to wait, continuously after waiting for Era/Time to finish, with parallel universe other Angel fuses, then returned to entire together. 本来当一个宇宙的破坏神消失之后,与之对应的天使也会陷入沉睡,等待下一任破坏神诞生,但是此时因为宇宙已经彻底消失,所以这种情况下天使就不用沉睡了,而是返回天使的宫殿等待着,一直等时代结束之后,与平行时空的其它天使融合,然后一起返回全界。 However accordingly, before Era/Time had not finished, because these universe vanishes not to have Angel of deep sleep unable to make an appearance again, even cannot tread the Angel palace half step, can said that did not have what difference with the deep sleep. 但是相应的,在时代没有结束之前,这些因为宇宙消失而没有沉睡的天使将不能再露面,甚至不能踏出天使宫殿半步,可以说跟沉睡了没有什么区别。 Yes, Sir Great Priest.” “是,大神官大人。” Respectfully follows the Great Priest decree, Universe 4 Angel Cognac and ninth universe Angel Mojito bows toward Great Priest respectfully, then changes to two rays to go toward void. 谨遵大神官的旨意,第四宇宙天使柯尼克和第九宇宙天使莫吉托恭敬地朝着大神官鞠躬,然后化作两道光芒朝着虚空而去。
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